Trapped and trained chapter 6: Alex's escape

Story by saintkoopa on SoFurry

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#6 of Trapped and Trained

Still ill, getting better. Updates will be slower than normal while I am ill.

Chapter 6

The swirling noise of the teleporter settled down as two figures had just walked through it. The two felines that walked through were both groaning as they were not going to enjoy this visit. They both exited the basement and quickly went to find who they came to see. They found their target lying on the couch sleeping peacefully. The two felines quickly turned to each other and smiled before preparing a way to prank the poor sleeping feline.

They quickly found a lighter that was lying around and moved around to the tail of their target and just lit it on fire. Dan jumped up out of the couch and grabbed his tail as the two felines burst into laughter. Dan quickly ran around trying to put the small fire on his tail out before it burned more of his tail.

"Henry! Tony! This is not funny!" Dan yelled out once he managed to get his tail to stop burning.

"Consider this our punishment for you. The boss and grandpa will be way harsher." Tony said. He was the older of the two. He had the same white fur and white hair with purple trim that his brothers had. Henry was look totally alike except his hair as green with white trim. They both appeared to be in their early twenties and had a little bit of muscle on them.

"Punishment?" Their father asked curiously. He had already been disciplined for the situation with Alex so why would he need to be punished now?

"Yes, What punishment? The boss and I are already administering his punishment" Marcus said approaching the bedroom on the ground floor he was staying in.

"Well the situation with Alex is nothing compared to this" Henry said this time throwing a folder that he was holding at his grandfather. His grandfather started reading through its contents and his faced turned grim as he started to understand things. Before he could confront Dan about the information though the entire house started to shake. Everyone jumped a bit startled by the sound but everyone knew what it was. It was the boss. He rarely ever got this angry, well angry enough that his powers started to radiate off him to such an extent and if he was this angry whoever made him mad was probably going to horribly regret it.

"DAN!" screamed the thundering voice of the boss as he walked from the basement into the living room where everyone was. Dan's tail curled up behind his legs and he started to shiver in fear. He really wondered what he did to make the boss so mad. The boss came into the room and went straight for Dan grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and lifting him off the ground.

"Dan! I cannot believe this! Are you trying to Screw Alex and his squad over? Are you that negligent? I put my trust and faith in you and you have let me down completely." The boss roared at Dan. The poor feline was quaking in fear.

"What d-did I do" Dan managed to stutter out.

"Boss! Hold on let me explain everything!" Henry said grabbing the boss's arm before he did anything drastic.

The dragon grunted a bit but let Dan go and walked away trying to suppress his rage before he attracted the attention of his brother. He already got Marlon, Venom and the two following both of them to come down but luckily his brother was probably still asleep.

"Dad. When you were asked to bare a fourth son you did not let grandpa choose who the mother would be and you refused to use one of the slaves as the host. A few months later you presented us with Alex saying you choose a woman you knew from one of your under cover assignments. You saw Alex being born right?" Henry asked his father.

His father shook his head. He did not see Alex being born. Actually he got Alex about two days after he was born and that was when the woman gave Alex to him properly.

"Well, how did you find out Alex's birthday?"

Dan stopped and thought about it. He was told Alex was born two days prior. "Alex's mother told me"

Henry looked around then sighed. "Dad. Alex was not born on September seventeenth." Dan eyes widen as well as everyone else's. "Alex was born on September seventh. Today. We investigated his mother and found that she gave birth to two boys on the seventh. We checked the spiritual detector records and the readings matched up with where you were and when Alex was born. Dad. This is a HUGE problem for us. We tried to find Alex's twin but his mother was recently killed and he is missing according to the police reports. We think the dark immortals have him."

The boss spread his wings and flapped them a bit to release some of his power into the room. Dan was speechless. He had somehow broken some of the most major guidelines that the dragon set forth. The guidelines for fathering a child were strict. The mother was to be screen properly to ensure she could bear the child properly and then the semen was inserted into her. They were barred from having sexual contact with women for a reason. Their spiritual energy had some really bad effects on a person if they exposed to it constantly. Women were particularly vulnerable and that is why none of the offspring's have the same mother. Offspring also have trouble with their own spiritual energy but it does not present any problems until they turn fifteen years of age. Typically on their fifteenth birthday their powers reach the point where their earthly body cannot handle the spiritual power the come to possess. To prevent them from dying they are gifted with power from their parent that allows them to control their power adequately. If it is done before their fifteenth birthday then their spiritual power would not be awakened enough for them to control it.

Alex's power would now be ready to fully awake and if his previous display of power was anything like the displays of it he showed earlier Alex would probably be the most powerful member of his squad once he started his training. But if his powers erupted at the party he was at then it would not be good.

"Dan, your negligence may cost Alex his life. Marlon, Shadow, Aquas and Atlantic please head out and retrieve Alex before it is too late." The boss said.

"Why? I am already here!" they heard the voice of Alex walking in from the front door. Alex and Rin walked in holding each other's hands dressed in some weird clothes. They had some blue jeans and a t-shirt with an insignia of a fish on it. They also had bag packs that they clearly did not have before and they were quite filled.

The atmosphere in the room became less tense now that Alex was here but Dan was still shaking. The boss glared over at him and signaled to him to get Alex.

Alex and Rin took off their bag packs and stashed them out of the way. They were both rubbing their wrists were their fur was indented and it appeared to be a little bit sore. Alfred could smell the cum on them from where he was in kitchen. He smiled knowing he won the bet with his boyfriend but alas he would be lucky to see Dan again in the next hundred years.

They both even had that love struck look on their faces when they looked at each other. Everyone was watching them with a bit of curiosity. The dragon boss however was staring at Dan in anger before he cleared his throat. Dan jumped quickly and ran over to Alex then grabbed his hand and started dragging him to the teleporter.

"Dad! What is going? Let go of me!" Alex said trying to free himself from his father's grip.

"Now is not the time for you to wine Alex. We are going through the teleporter and getting you ready." Dan responded still dragging him through the hallway.

"Teleporter?! What? I thought you said I was forbidden from going near it until my birthday!" Alex retorted

"Today is YOUR birthday! And we have to hurry. I will explain everything on the way" His said before activating the teleporter in the wall and dragging Alex to the compound.

The swirling sensation was still weird to Alex and he became disoriented when they came through the other side. His father was clearly in hurry but standing in their way were two lions.

The first was an older Lion same age his Marcus he was an all-black lion quite muscular and his mane was a nice shade of grey. The other lion was the one who chased Alex when he broke in.

"Well isn't this a surprise!" The older lion asked while glaring at Dan. "I thought for sure you would be in chains at how angry the boss was when he left. You better hurry and get things going before you cause any more trouble for us. Everything is setup just waiting on Marcus to get there."

Dan nodded to the lion and as he did the teleporter behind them activated again and Marlon and Marcus walked through.

"Well Marcus, Everyone is already waiting shall we go?" The lion while stalking off. Alex turned his head to the side. None of this made sense to him. A few days ago they were literally trying to chain to his house so he would not be discovered. There was this huge fuss about waiting until his birthday which he knew was still ten days away. Why was everyone in such a hurry and such a fluster?

The lion and their grandfather started walking down the hall together. Alex noticed his father seemed off somehow, very nervous and worried. But that younger lion was just staring at him weirdly. It was really creepy. He was not saying anything he was just staring.

"What?" Alex asked the lion before realizing his father had gotten ahead of him. The lion just motioned for Alex to go on so he did. Alex just shrugged his shoulders as he looked back at the lion. 'I wonder what his problem was?' Alex thought to himself.

Alex continued to follow his father, grandfather and the older lion down a few hallways until they arrived at an elevator. It was a different one to the one Alex used to get to the prison level. Everyone was being super quiet and Alex did not really like it. And why was his father looking so flustered? What the hell happened this morning?

The elevator dinged and everyone started to exit it. Alex was in awe of the room that he had just entered. The walls in this room were all black with ancient looking markings all over them. The room had no light source and was painted black but somehow there was light in the room. Alex looked around a bit before his grandfather dragged him along to the center of the huge room. This part of the room clearly was important.

There was a circle made of white paint separating the markings in this part of the room from the others. The markings on the floor here were more centralized. There were distinct markings he could make out. He made out a feral cat covered in flames, a feral otter that was curled up, a feral lion with two swords around it and a fox in four circles. It was then Alex finally noticed the furs in the room. Standing on top of their respective symbols. The older lion had walked over to the Lion symbol and was standing there with another lion an all-white one was also standing in the circle he appeared to be the same age as Alex's father.

Alex's chain of thought was interrupted when his grandfather tapped his shoulder and pointed to his father behind him. Alex turned to see his father was stripping out his clothes and handing them to the lion from earlier.

"If you want to keep those threads you should take them off before we begin." His grandfather said then went to take his place on the symbol for the cat. Alex took note and quickly stripped off his new threads which he will tell everyone about once this whole ordeal is over with. He handed his clothes off to the lion who left the room. Dan took his place next to Marcus and now there were two over every symbol. Two silver otters were on the otter symbol and two brown foxes were on the fox symbol.

Alex started over towards his father and grandfather but was stopped. "Alex stand in the center and do not move until this over, And hold your questions until we are finished everything will be explained then." His grandfather said then pointed to the center of the circle where the was a small circle.

"The little kitties really screw up this one huh?" One of the foxes said teasingly. The foxes were standing opposite the otters while the cats were opposite the lions. The otters and lions both burst out laughing causing both Dan and Marcus to blush.

"Can we start already," Marcus said before grunting. "And since you feel so talkative why don't you begin?" Marcus directed his words to the foxes.

"Fine by me, let's do this son!" The fox said to his son standing by his side. The son nodded in compliance and then everyone clapped their hands together and closed their eyes.

"We the Magicians, Have become one with the elements, our power controls those in the realm of the mortal world, we bless this shaman with the power of the mortal spirit. We shall protect the shaman." Both foxes said in unison.

Alex felt a change in the room. The air was lighter and thinner and for some reason his body felt lighter. Some of the markings in the room started to glow as well. The symbol of the fox lit up and sent light through all the markings close to it until it hit the center of the circle where Alex stood. The circle below started to glow and Alex felt himself being lifted off the ground.

'What the hell!' Alex thought to himself before he heard the otters begin their chant.

"We the warriors, have become one with ourselves, our power controls those in the realm of our bodies, we bless this Shaman with the power of the Immortal Body. We shall fight with the shaman"

"We the Soldiers Have become one with our weapons, our power controls the tools of the intelligent, we bless this Shaman with the power of the Mortal Mind. We shall instruct the Shaman." The lions said unison.

When the Lions finished Alex was floating in midair as most of the markings in the room had lighten up and began to glow. From this height Alex could see the room in its entirety and finally noticed the windows where some furs were observing the ceremony. Including the other two of the group he met when he first broke in for some reason they were waving and smiling at him.

Alex was quite curious about this weird feeling he had throughout his body. His body felt lighter more energized it was almost it like was disappearing on him. And this floating in midair did not help ease this feeling at all. 'What are they doing anyway? This is so weird.' Alex thought to himself before his father and grandfather began their chant.

"We the Shamans Have become one with our souls, our power controls the rift between the two worlds, we bless this Shaman with the power of the Immortal soul. We shall guide the shaman as he becomes one of us."

Alex felt his body explode in pain and agony and he screamed out as every cell in his body was exploding with energy. Something was wrong. This was the sensation and pain he felt a few days ago when he was over at Rin's house. But this was thirty times worse than it was back then.

"STOP! IT HURTS!" Alex pleaded with his father but got no response.

"We who have been blessed with the power of the immortals now bestow that power unto this offspring of our own. We bless him with strength needed to carry out his scared duty and protect the mortals who cannot protect themselves. We bless this offspring. We shall protect this offspring. We shall guide this offspring. We give him our power." Everyone said in response. Alex had to close his eyes as the room became so bright he could not see anything at all. The room became encased in light for a few minutes.

Alex managed to open his eyes and he was just floating in a white space. He could feel no air or pressure and he could not even move. He was just floating there. But he felt weird. The pain that he felt just minutes earlier was gone and in its place was this weird tingling sensation. It was like his body was moving without moving. He could not even focus his mind enough to care right now.

He was floating there in this light that was until it just suddenly disappeared. Slowly but surely Alex managed to get his thoughts back together and realized he was slowly falling back down to the ground now that the room was back to normal. Something was wrong but he could not pinpoint it.

Everyone was not staring at him and smiling. It was likely this ceremony they just put him through was over. Alex's feet finally hit the ground he the haze that his mind was in was finally over. He felt the power of his flames coursing through every inch of his body.

"What... was that?" he asked no one in particular.

"That was your powers awakening fully. You are now an immortal guardian who defends this realm from the dark immortals who want to invade it." The boss dragon Alphaten said to him. The boss was now entering the room with the young black lion and thee fox and otter that chased Alex the first day here.

"Alright we are moving straight into the team ceremony. Jacob, Monroe Alex and Chivez will complete their ceremony now." The dragon said while directing everyone to their respective signs.

Alex sat there and watched as the otter, fox and lion all walked over to their respective signs and stood there waiting for Alex to move to his. Alex did not quite catch on to what he was supposed to do and that got the others annoyed that he was being so slow.

"Hey idiot why don't you hurry up! We are waiting on you!" The lion, Monroe yelled out at Alex.

Alex jumped a bit then ran over and stood on his symbol waiting for something to happen. Alphaten moved over the center of the circle.

"I unite the forces of the four guardians of this realm into one and give the task of defending this realm from those who want to conquer it. I call upon The Shaman, The warrior, the magician and the Solider to unite as one." The dragon recited first.

"I the warrior Herby unite."

"I the Solider herby unite."

"I the Magician Herby unite."

The three others quickly recited after the dragon. Alex had no idea what was going on.

"Alex? Can you at least recite your chant?" Alphaten asked the young feline.

"Um what is it?" Alex responded getting a huge amount of laughs from the other three.

"Oh wow, I guess he is this slow. The felines are really showing how pathetic they are lately haven't they?" The otter, Chivez said while taunting the poor cat.

Monroe grumbled. "Hey, remember those felines' maybe screw ups but I am definitely not one. But whatever. Just say your chant and let's get on with this.

"Yes let's. I got a cute little mousey waiting for me back in my room. So can we please get this over with?" Jacob the fox said staring at Alex.

"Uh, Alex you are the shaman. Just say the chant." The dragon said already growing tired of how quick they had to rush things without explaining everything to Alex.

"I the Shaman.... Herby Unite?" Alex uttered reluctantly. The floor lit up again and the symbols below their feet glowed with great blinding light that died down as quickly as it shined. A piece of cloth appeared in the hands of Monroe, Jacob and Chivez who held onto the tightly. Alex was not paying attention so he did not realize a piece of cloth had also appeared in his hand. The ribbon like headband made of a transparent yellow silk fell to the ground behind Alex.

"Ah! Finally! Can we go now? I don't think team training starts anytime soon. And Alex you dropped your headband." Chivez said while pointing to fallen cloth behind Alex.

"Huh?" Alex muttered before turning around and picking up the cloth. But as he did he felt a searing pain radiate through his entire body. He screamed out in pain and then collapsed. Everyone quickly ran over to check him out but he was unresponsive.

Alex managed to open his eyes but he did not recognize where he was. He just was floating in white space. There was nothing... but yes there was something, someone in fact just floating there in the same space.

"Who are you?" Alex asked the figure. The figure turned around and caused Alex to look on in total shock as the figure before him was a feline that looked exactly like him. The only difference being the hair which was black.

"Welcome my brother!" The figure said before bursting out in a maniacal laugh.