Chapter 1: Exodus

Story by GhostDrake on SoFurry

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#1 of Immortalia

Lazok was a bright and brilliant Warrior. Some had said that within him burned the very soul of Klaz'na, God of War. His bronzed reptilian chest was wrapped in thick muscle from his training, and his spear never left his side. Perhaps the only thing that had left his side was his loincloth and only to show off more than his affection for someone.

He had been traveling for a ten day and was exhausted from the constant fleeing of human sight. He never sought out the battles that he fought because they always seem to find him. He found solace in the comfort of how his real god felt about. So many had thought him born of Klaz'na yet his heart didn't truly lie with battles and dead foes, but with the endless love of Kurr, god of sensual desire. The pilgrimage he took to the shrine of Kurr was his first step towards learning the True Love that Kurr could give his believers.

The dusty town of Krete was a stepping stone towards the shrine that was only two days travel away. Merchants littered the streets in their tiny huts, however Lazok noticed something. He could see the scoff marks where children once gathered to play jump rope, yet there were none. The streets were almost empty save for a few stray merchants. Lazok had heard of the mounting tensions between Queen Emerald (The heartless, some added to her title in secrecy.) and Lord Darren of the North. Apparently, the very real possibility of war had smothered this merchant town, Lazok shook his head, "War is such a useless thing."

"Excuse me." Lazok asked as one older merchant passed.

"Eh? Don't have very many of you Arillians around here. You should get your scaly ass out of here, Queen Emerald doesn't take too well to your kind."

"Well, this IS Lord Darren's Province still."

"Haha, Don't you know? War is coming, and this town would be the place to start it." The old man spat. "I reckon they'd kill you on sight."

"They'd have a hard time. Now, enough with your ranting, can you tell me where the nearest inn is?"

The old man curled his lips back to reveal his tobacco stained teeth. "Sure can. Just go down that alley there," He pointed to his left. "Called the Cat's eye, can't miss it."

The Cat's eye was something that Lazok would've hoped to have missed. It's piss-poor condition was nothing compared to the motley group of shadowy individuals that inhabited the area around it. Lazok quickly entered the safety of the old bar, honestly wondering if he'd find a dagger in his back or not.

The Bartender walked up to him. "What'll you have lizard?"

Lazok narrowed his eyes. "Lizard?"

The Bartender returned the stare. "Lizard."

Lazok backed down, knowing that this was the only bar in the town. "I'll have whatever this shack has to offer."

"I give rot gut to your kind." He smiled, as he poured a shot. "Especially to the lippy ones."

Lazok swigged the powerful liquor, and seemed almost oblivious to the effects of it. "I've had better, give me another."

Lazok had drank most of the Bartender's rot gut in an attempt to show off his tolerance. The booze had mellowed him out quite a bit, but the fact that darkness had set in irked him. "I'd like a room." He said quickly.

"Tsk. I don't give rooms to lizards when it gets dark. I like to watch them squirm out there." The Bartender broke out into a cruel laugh.

"I can't see!"

The Bartender gave another crooked smile. "I know."

Lazok stumbled as a blind man would in an unfamiliar place. All of his kinds' eyes were unable to see in the darkness. It was their weakness, a trade off of the incredible strength that they possessed.

"Well, Well," A voice said with such malevolence that made Lazok shudder. "A lizard in the Dark? What are we going to do gents?"

Lazok tried to draw his spear but found that it had been taken from his side. Another voice beside him spoke, "Got his spear, and purse, lets go now Kane."

"Wait, we should mess with this one shouldn't we Kane?" Spoke a third.

Lazok felt a wave of dread rush over him, almost drowning him in terror. He tried to run only to be spiked in the face with a heavy fist.

"No, no lizard. Your life has come to an end."

Lazok screamed as he felt a razor blade cut across his ankle tendon. The muscle bunched up like snapped coils around his knee.

"What's a matter?" Kane asked, "I thought your species were tough."

"Stop." A solitary voice said softly.

"Eh, Who the fuck are you?" Kane asked as he waved the bloody razor blade around.

"Watch it Kane, its that mage, everyone's hootin' about."

"Mage?" Kane snorted contemptuously. "You gonna do something with your hocus pocus?"

Lazok tried to glance at his new ally but found himself unable to see the figure.

"Do you know how many thieves I've killed in my lifetime?"

"No, but I have a feeling you're going to tell me."

The voice responded curtly and as cold as the northern ice. "No, I'm going to add you to that number."

Lazok saw a part of the figure, a single raised clawed hand. Kane's frantic voice followed, "Wha- What are you doing? Aaa! Stop, please."

"Kane! Don't--"

Kane's shrieks tore into Lazok's mind. Warm, thick blood pattered the Earth like red raindrops, some of them landing right on Lazoks arm.

Lazok heard the razor blade drop, followed the slumping of a body and the whimpers of two of the men. Several chants and ensuing blasts silenced the whimpers, then Lazok heard a sigh, "Blood on my new leather Gauntlets, and a blind Arillian to help. This is the type of shit that I get for helping someone."

"But if its worth anything." Lazok said to the silhouette. "Thank you."

"I was just passing by," Lazok felt himself being scooped up into powerful arms. "You should be just fine in a little bit."

"It hurts so bad..." Lazok moaned. "Is there something you can do?"

The mage lowered Lazok to the ground and put his palm to his head, "SLEEP." He commanded and Lazok's eyes closed as if being pulled down.

"Aaah!" Lazok gasped as he awoke from his sleep, whipping his head up from the cold ceder bar.

"Damned Lizard." He heard the bartender mutter. "Fell asleep on my bar. Get your loincloth covered ass in your room." He threw a set of keys at him. "It's free."

Lazok reached down and touched where the knife wound had been and didn't find a single scar, and his hands were clean of Kane's blood. "A dream." He smiled, and the bartender gave him a confused look. "Nothing."

The room was old and smelled of wood-rot, but the bed was clean and that was all that Lazok could hope for in the dirty Inn. He took the wash pan and sat on his bed. The warm washcloth felt wonderful on his dusty bronze skin, he ran it over his arms. His heart stopped when he dunked it again, and saw that the water turned a crimson red.

"So you guessed it already?" A cool voice said.

The wash pan fell to the ground as Lazok stood, brandishing his spear. The figure wore a deep black robe that hung over his head, he withdrew it to reveal almost Arillian-like features, however his black scales clearly marked him as otherwise. "Do you think it's wise to point a spear at me?" His unnaturally piercing green eyes narrowed. "Kane did something similar and you don't want what happen to Kane to happen to such a sweet creature as yourself."

He lowered his spear. "No, I suppose not."

"Good," The male smiled. "You're smarter than him, Lazok, I like that."

"So you know my name, huh?" He picked up the empty pan, and sat back upon his bed. "I didn't catch yours."

"I have many names." The male said casually as he took a chair in the corner almost out of Lazok's view. "Drake is my preferred name." He waved his hand dismissively. "But enough of that, what brings you to my corner of this world?"

"I am a disciple of Kurr." Lazok said, expecting Drake to immediately know the implications of why he was there.

"That means nothing to me. Care to elaborate?"

Lazok was dumbfounded. "Well, uh, I have to make a pilgrimage as do all of Kurr's disciples."

"And what domain does he claim to rule?"

"Sex and..." Lazok turned on the bed, and realized his eyes were sneaking a glimpse at Drake's body. "Sensuous desire."

The old chair creaked as Drake shifted uncomfortably. "Odd for such a male as yourself to take after such a god."

"His words of Wisdom have rung true for me often enough." Lazok wondered to himself if his words had disturbed the mage. "As for 'being a male such as myself', any Male or Female can worship the god or goddess he or she wants to."

"But a god of Love? Surely, a God of war would favor your complexion. Why, look at your muscles! Your skin! It's as bronze as your spear tip."

Lazok's eyes looked to his own body, then smiled. "Why, thank you, however I feel I can enjoy using my body for giving and... receiving pleasure."

Again, Drake shifted. "How has that been working for you?"

"I have met many females on my trip," Lazok smiled as he continued, "and males. Most of them took pleasure in meeting me, others had even closer experiences."

"Like what you've been hinting at with me?" Drake finally said, fed up with dancing around the subject Lazok so clearly wanted to talk about.

"Tell me its not something you want."

"It's- I don't know - I just --" Drake was dumbfounded, so Lazok interrupted his stammering. "Why don't you get on this side of the bed and we can try it out. If you get uncomfortable just tell me and we can stop at anytime." He pat the empty bedside, "C'mon."

"Anytime?" Drake said as he stood, making his way to the bedside.

"Anytime." Lazok reassured.

"Alright," Drake said as he sat next to the eager male. "What's next?"

"We kiss, I'm sure you have some idea what that is."

Drake smiled at the joke about his ignorance. "I'll manage, but I think you'll have to take my robe off first."

Lazok straddled Drake's beefy legs, and started to pull at the buttons that laced his robes. Lazok pressed himself against the meaty sex when their lips locked in a deeply lustful kiss.

"Drake, all this unbuttoning kills a mood," Lazok was surprised when he felt a hand sneak around his loincloth, palming his muscle coated rear. He pulled Drake's body against his, whispering. "I'd rather you'd be in my hole." His deep sinful words echoed in Drake's ears.

Drake snapped his fingers, "Your wish is my command." *Tick* Lazok look down to see that the buttons were undoing themselves. Tick. Tick. Several seconds passed and the buttons were fully unlaced.

Lazok threw away the folds of the robe that still laid over him, he almost gasped. There he saw something that amazed and stunned him at the same time. He cupped his hand around the large, rounded chest muscles, noting the deep ebony skin of his body.

His hands clasped the large erect cock. He could feel the blood rushing through it, pumping it up. Thoughts of fucking him gave him a rush beyond anything else, and he could feel himself hardening. Lazok knelt down at the base of Drake's legs, and lowered his head to lick the rim of the head. He felt a hand placed on the back of his head.

"Now you get to suck my spear tip."

Lazok felt an "encouraging" push downward. He licked the soft supple surface, it had a surprisingly warm and sweet taste. He wrapped his hand around the large sack that dangled between the hot male's legs. He threw off the loincloth, ripping it from his waist in heated passion. He pressed his cock against Drake's, allowing his own sack to rest upon his lover's. Drake's eyes widen when he saw the young lithe male bend and take both their cocks into his open mouth. The touch of warm wet cock against his own was a magical ecstasy all its own.

A deep kiss came again from Lazok, and Drake could taste their cocks in his mouth. Lazok turned to show his deep bronze ass, he felt Drake's hands wrap around his waist slowly pulling him down towards the monstrous cock that he had between his legs. Lazok closed his eye as he found the warm moist head, pushing its way inside him. He purred when he found himself taking it deeper and deeper. A moan escaped his lips revealing his pleasure of Drake's body. His wide hole finally found the base of the massive cock. The warm stimulating sack rubbed around his hole, he tightened his grip around the cock causing Drake to gasp in surprise.

"Your under my control mage." He squeezed again, and the mage groaned.

"I want to be."

Using his knees Lazok slid up the round shaft of his strange lover. His could feel the massive cock and imagined the load it was going to drop. He hammered back down on to the sack. Again he lifted, "I find big males cum hard." He looked back watching Drake. Drake purred in response when he saw his shaft inside the curved, bronzed ass cheeks. Suddenly, the purred stopped at a choke as another ram hit his thighs.

Drake placed his large hands on Lazok side, and lifted him up with inhuman strength. "I have a habit of taking control." The mage smiled, and Lazok gasped as he felt the cock being rammed deeper into his ass than any toy or male had been. Sensations of the warm smooth shaft electrified his ass. Drake's cum ran along his shaft and dribbled on the sheets. Lazok started to speed up his thrusts with the help of Drake's long hands. Drake squeezed the bronze cheek as the sensation of cum started to tickle his sex. He grunted as he tried to hold it in.

"Just let--" Lazok started pumping the huge cock faster. "Go."

Drake groaned and grunted as his white juice poured into the youthful ass of Lazok. His lips curled back into a carnal smile of spent lust, as he watched Lazok milk his cock for every last drop.

Lazok slid off of the warm cummy cock, and stood beside the bed. He patted the edge, "Love a good bedfuck."

Drake smiled and slid off his bed on the other side. "I like it hard."

As Drake turned to lean over the bed, Lazok gave a playful shove. "I'll fuck you so hard you won't be able to sit."

Lazok rubbed his cock head against the tight little hole that was being thrusted in his direction. He jammed it in, not even giving him time to adjust. Drake groaned sharply at the pain that poured from his hole into his body. "Keep going."

Lazok thrusted again, feeling the heated region of Drake's ass. He pressed his body against the smooth flawless skin, his teeth dug into Drake as he pumped him again. Drake's soft velvety insides, tickled Lazok's cock like a soft down feather. He pumped releasing his jaws from Drake's tender skin. Every inch felt so warm and inviting, with the taste of hot reptilian cock in his mouth. Drake groaned as he felt the cock in his ass starting to ripple inside him. The warm juices exploded into Drake's deep ass.

Drake turned to him. Lazok's lips seemed so sweet to him, that his arms laced around the younger male, and his mouth was swept up into the youthful lips that he had so longed for. That kiss held for an eternity, it seemed before they both retracted.

"Drake." Lazok whispered, still held in Drake's arms.


"This Pilgrimage gets lonely from time to time, and I was hoping--"

Drake interrupted. "Yes, but I'm a little tired, and I know you are."

"I've walked several miles, and managed to fuck you." Lazok chuckled " Yeah, I'm a bit tired."

"Tomorrow, we leave." Drake released his tight grip on the bronze and motioned to the bed. "You first..."

Chapter 2: A Fragile Alliance

The Captain of the Rockridge Garrison stood at the very spot where the wall had failed under the merciless assault. His pale red eyes shimmered as they agonized over the red snow that marked the graves of the men serving under him. The few...

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Chapter 2: The First Cycle

Safe, in hell, was apparently a relative term. Yeah, sure, Nick was safe from the shadow bastards but.. he wasn't safe from occupants. The leader of the small clan out of Warehouse #3 on the docks, was a mean motherfucker named Jask,...

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Chapter 2: Under Someone's Shadow

Lt. Kain Hasslan was your average guy, with a not so average Dad. When your dad is famous for some selfless act that helped bind an entire inter-galactic alliance together, you'd be a little pissed about it, too. Truth be known, his father was a...

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