A Dragon's Awakening - Chapter 5

Story by Wrathn on SoFurry

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#5 of A Dragon's Journey

Earth. How well suited for our young hero. Throughout history, we have had dragons in myth and legend. How will we react to having a dragon of flesh and blood land in our midst?

He materialised, only to find himself almost immediately surrounded by humans. They were pointing what appeared to be some sort of mechanised weapon at him. One human, the leader by the look of his clothing, waked forward.

"Can you understand us, dragon?"

Shadow looked at the human who was talking to him. He appeared to be at the same height as himself. Turning his head to look at his body, he noticed he had shrunk until he stood just less than six feet. He surmised it was part of the portals magic to make him less threatening to the beings of this world.

"I can. And by the look of your expression, it would appear you can understand me. Be at ease, for I mean you no harm." The human looked at him in surprise. "If that were the case, why do you appear to be wearing armour and carrying a sword strapped to your side?"

Looking again, it was Shadow's turn to be surprised. There, plain as the scales on his body, was the armour that was given to him by Bahamut himself, and the sword made by his village's blacksmith. Looking back at the leader, he explained.

"Fear not, human. If I had wanted to harm anyone here, I would have done so already. Where I come from, we are facing a great evil that cannot be beaten by us alone. We seek help, which is why I am here." The leader thought for a few minutes, and then replied, "I believe you. Men, lower your weapons. This dragon is our guest. May I have the honour of knowing your name?"

Shadow nodded, and replied. "My name is Shadow Lightscale. May I have the privilege of knowing yours?" The human also nodded and said, "My name is Sergeant Major Samuel Tucker, of the United States Marine Corps. But please, call me Sam." Over the course of a few hours, the major explained to Shadow about the history and purpose of the different branches of the military. He also explained why he was so open to the idea of an extra-terrestrial being coming to Earth.

"We have had, in the past, been visited by others, not like yourself mind you, but they have always kept their distance. Many of us have been hoping for an actual visit but were never expecting something from myth and legend to actually appear. Your about to meet the leader of our country. He may be taken aback a bit by seeing an actual dragon before him, but, in the best interests of our country, would never provoke a threatening response." Shadow nodded, knowing he would never do the same were he in his shoes, so to speak. After an exciting tour of the base, which was in a state known as Texas, he soon heard a chop-chop sound. Looking up, he spied, what the major had called, a helicopter. Unlike the others on the base, this one was without any visible weapons. After landing, an unarmed attendant rushed underneath the spinning blades and quickly opened the door in the side of the aircraft. Climbing out of it, was a middle-aged man wearing, what appeared to be, very formal clothing, from Shadow's viewpoint anyways.

"Mr. President, it's an honour to meet you. My name is Sergeant Major Samuel Tucker, and the dragon beside me is Shadow Lightscale. He has a matter of some urgency that was not disclosed over the phone." The President looked at Shadow and replied, "It's an honour to meet you, Shadow. I believe we should make this discussion somewhere a little more secure. Major, if you will?" Nodding, the major quickly escorted them to a secure room in the base and they got right to the matter at hand. After explaining to the President what had happened and what prompted his arrival on this planet, the President replied with, "I'm not sure if what you say is true, but if this evil you speak of is a danger to, not only your realm but ours as well, I'll help anyway I can. Major, execute Presidential Order 666. I want all heads of state brought up to speed on what's happening and if they don't believe you, tell them this code word, Genesis."

Nodding quickly, Sam left the room. Looking back at Shadow, he said, "I'm not sure what is needed but I have a firm belief that whatever is threatening the way of life in your realm, we can help solve it. I have access to certain resources that are not available to most military forces, but I'm sure they will be of great help." Over the course of a few days, certain individuals were called to meet with Shadow and introduced to him. Sam began,

"Now that we are all here, let me reintroduce them to you. Lieutenant Virginia Thatcher, Master Marksman. She will be your best chance at scouting and reconnaissance. Major Tim Brass, Heavy Weapons expert. If you need something either moved or removed, he's your guy. Next is Corporal John Burkes, Heavy Vehicle operator. If it's got wheels, he can drive it. And last, but not least is our Force Commander for your operation, Captain Sara Cross. She may be young, but she has more experience in hostile situations than any of us put together. Although the group may be small, they have volunteered, much to their respective leaders' displeasure, to be your fighting units. Each knows that they may not survive coming back. They have chosen, nonetheless, to go with you. It will take a couple of days, but the resources you need will be shipped here and they will be ready for whatever lies ahead." Shadow stepped forward and closely checked each of them. Not one of them flinched when he was barely an inch from their faces. Smiling, he continued his examination, noting certain physical aspects of both the males and the females. Each of them was very different from one another but, with further information from Sam, they could all work as a cohesive unit.

"Shadow, would it be rude to ask you a personal question?" Shadow looked up from his meal; something called a cheeseburger, which he found to be appetizing, and nodded. "What is it, Captain Sara Cross?" Blushing, she sat down in a chair next to him. They were in one of the mess halls, but since the majority of the bases inhabitants were serving there country elsewhere, they were alone.

"Please, call me Sara. For the majority of my life, I had been told that dragons didn't exist, that they were myth. But I find all those legends to be false in the fact that a living, breathing dragon was here in front of me. You may find this obtrusive or even downright disgusting, and I hope you don't think any less of me for it, but are you a male or female?" Shadow laughed. Here, a female was asking him, of all creatures, what sex he was. Lessening his laughing fit, he replied, "I am male, Sara. The females of my kind are slimmer overall and have no obvious sex traits like us males do. If you'd like, I can show you how you can tell at a glance. If you'd look between my hind legs you will find a bulge, with a scale pattern that parts in the middle. Unlike a human, we keep our genitals internally, unless we either need to relieve ourselves or find a potential mate. From what your kind have explained to me since my time here, showing off your nude bodies are a taboo but in our world, it is not uncommon for dragons to proudly display themselves. Each dragon is unique in their own way. It all depends on personality and certain character traits that determine who a female chooses. The extra bits come as a bonus."

Sara seemed to get redder and redder as he explained. Looking closely, Shadow surmised she was embarrassed about something. "You seem to be flustered. Did someone put you up to this?" Sara quickly shook her head. "No, it's not that. I have always fantasized what it would be like to finally see a dragon, but to actually have that fantasy come true; it was a shock to me. As for the rest, it kinda came out as a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing. I apologize if it made you feel uncomfortable." Shadow quickly surmised that there was more to it than that, almost if she had fantasized about having sexual relations with a creature like him. He quickly thought of an idea to determine whether or not he was right.

"Well I need to spread my wings for a bit. If you would like, you could join me. I am stronger than I look." Sara was even more amazed. "I-I would like that."

After finishing his meal, and calming Sara's obvious embarrassment, he asked the major if there were any mountainous regions in the area. They were to the west, about an hour's flight. Most of it wasn't inhabited so the odds of someone seeing him were very remote. After getting approval for a flight, he offered to carry Sara on his back. He quickly explained to Sam that the extra weight would help strengthen his flight muscles, since he had barely used them since he was there. After getting approval for Sara's leave of the base, Shadow lowered himself to allow her to climb on his back.

"There are hand holds in the armour plate. Just hang on tight. If you do fall, I'll catch you before you leave my side." Nodding nervously, she climbed on. Spreading his wings, he elected for a vertical takeoff instead of his usual running start. Once he was in the air, he muttered a few spells, surprised they still worked, and took off, vanishing as he did so. "So Sara, did you ever expect to fly on dragons back before now?" Sara shook her head vigorously. Smiling to himself, he banked to the west and power stroked to the dark smudge in the distance. After a heavy headwind, they had made it to an area left untouched by the inhabitants of this world. It was very remote, completely surrounded by high peaks all round with natural caves and crevasses dotted randomly around the area. Picking a spot, he sped for it. After carefully landing, he spotted what appeared to be a small lake or very large pond nearby. Walking over to it, he dipped his head in for a few gulps of water. As he did so, Sara took this opportunity to climb off of his back and stretch her arms high and behind her. The almost tight-fitting uniform clung to her body, so the outline of her tight stomach and decently sized breasts were very pronounced. Since it was the height of summer, it was very warm in the area, so she elected to go swimming for a bit.

"I hope you don't mind, Shadow. I don't know if you have seen us humans nude before, but since I don't have any spare clothes, would it bother you if I swam naked?" Shadow shook his head. "It won't bother me in the least, Sara. We dragons were born naked so it would matter little if others did the same." Sara smiled as she stripped. Although he was a dragon, and she human, he was a little curious to find out if either she was doing this because of the lack of freedom in the military or, she did at one point, fantasize about dragons. Either way, she was pleasing to look at, for a human. Her decently sized breasts were perfect for her body. The muscles under her skin were taut but also relaxed. What really caught him off guard, and sent a small twitch to his sheathe, was the smoothly shaven treasure between her legs. Turning around, Sara quickly dove into the water. After a few moments, she emerged at the surface.

"Shadow, come and join me. The waters great." Shadow nodded and willed his armour and sword away. And vanish it did. After careful manoeuvring, he slid into the water. The feeling of it was indeed great. Opening his eyes, he noticed the water was as clear as glass. Looking at Sara, he noticed she was kicking slowly to keep afloat. After coming up for air, they both began splashing each other with water, Shadow of course being careful not to drown her. All the while, his body sent small shivers to his sheathe, sending waves of pleasure through his body to his brain. After a few hours, he emerged from the water, cascades of the refreshing liquid running off of his back. Suddenly he heard Sara gasp. Looking around for danger, he soon noticed she wasn't looking around but at him. Following her eye line, he quickly found what she was looking at. There he was, proudly showing himself to a human. Blushing deeply, he turned and sat on his haunches and covered himself with his wings. No matter how hard he tried, he could not make himself soften.

"Shadow? Are you ok?" Sara asked as she herself emerged from the water.

"I apologize, Sara. This sometimes happen to us young dragons that have recently come into adulthood. It will take time to go away." The one question he was half expecting, but not hoping for, was, "May I see it?"

Shadow was at a loss. Here, a human female, had just asked him to see his love tool, and, without hesitation, opened his wings and was allowing such a thing to happen. She was impressed, from her expression anyways. "It's beautiful. I had no idea it would be such a different form than other reptiles I had seen. But this is definitely better." Eyes half-lidded, he replied, "Sara, have you ever thought about having sex with a dragon before?" He couldn't believe he just asked that question.

"Yes I have. Ever since I can remember, I imagined I was taken by such a creature over and over again. Call me perverted but I must do something." Before he could ask what, she had put her mouth over the tip of his shaft. Any control he had managed disappeared at that precise moment. Letting instinct take over, he pulled Sara away and laid on his back. Getting the point, she climbed on top of his belly and resumed her ministrations. Gently spreading her legs, Shadow bent his head towards her shaven pussy and nuzzled her outer folds. Sticking his tongue out, he began undulating it in amongst her outer and inner folds, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body, causing her to moan, and vibrating him, making the cycle continue. A sudden spike of pleasure caused him to fully insert his tongue.

"Oh my god. Keep going, please. Oh please, don't let this end."

The sudden feeling of his intrusion forced her to arch her back in pleasure. Reaching as deep as he could, he quickly encountered a muscular barrier. Knowing instinctively it was her cervix; he began to wriggle his tongue in random directions. It didn't take long for her to experience her orgasm. The sudden rush of fluids tasted like the sweetest fruit he ever had. Eventually, she came off her high, and, gently rested herself, spread legged, on the ground. Knowing what she wanted most, he rolled over and, effortlessly, slid most of the way in. "Oh, Shadow. You feel amazing." Shadow smiled. Although he was mated, dragons mate for other purposes. Most of them simply for recreational reasons. From what he had been taught, a dragon could not possibly conceive with a human unless she was given a certain potion from an alchemist, made from the seed of a dragon. Sara began writhing underneath him with ecstasy.

"Shadow, I feel so full. This is like a dream come true. Keep going, dragon. Give me everything."

Shadow complied. Knowing full well she wouldn't be able to take his knot, he spared her the full force of his mating. Thrusting gently, he could feel her tunnel milking his length, begging to be filled. Her pleasure soon reached an all time high as she cried out his name as she climaxed heavily. The sudden clamping also set him off as he shot his load deep in her, coating her walls with thick seed. The feeling of his hot spunk deep in her was a dream come true. Shadow panted heavily as he came down from his own orgasm. He hesitated to remove himself from her for a few moments. His ridges had engorged themselves and were pressing themselves, quite painfully, against her inner walls. His knot has also engorged and his barbs were hard as nails, but since he did not force it inside her, they were simply hanging outside of her outer folds. About an hour later, after washing themselves off, Sara redressed and they soon took off in the air and headed back to base. Shadow noticed she was smiling to herself, and understandably, happy.

"Thank you, Shadow."

"Your welcome."

"Ah good, your back. There's been something here asking for you, Shadow." Sam said after Shadow touched down at the base. He looked at Sam with inquisitive eyes. "What is it?" he asked. "That's the thing, we don't know. It appeared about 10 minutes ago. From the very spot you appeared, I might add." Shadow was intrigued. What could it be? After a few minutes of travel inside the base, they came to his entry point. There, standing plain as day, was a floating ethereal head of Bahamut himself.

"Bahamut! What are you doing here?" The head turned to him and said, "I've come with a message. The source of the control has been found. It seems to be in a realm much like this one but much more advanced. I need you to head there as soon as you can, with whatever allies you have obtained. Also, I've also sent word to the others of our group. They are also headed there as soon as they can, but it will take them some more time to garner allies. A word of caution though. This realm I've mentioned has technology and magic that I have never heard of before. Use the utmost caution. Take care. I'll try to keep in touch as best as I can, but no promises." With that said, the head disappeared. Turning around, he noticed that the team he had been assigned was ready and fully outfitted with weapons and ammunition for their weapons. Looking behind them, he also saw the President was watching him. "Shadow, I may have only known you for a few days, but it has been both an honour and a privilege to have known you. Godspeed on your journey." Nodding, he turned back and noticed a differently coloured portal was waiting for them. Willing his armour and weapons back, he took a deep breath and walked through it. As he vanished, a couple of questions burned in his mind. What manner of realm was it? What was he to expect? Only one blessed with such knowledge could say.

And knowledge is power. Hide it well.