Behind the Curtain: Chapter VII

Story by Tyvara_Panther on SoFurry

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#7 of Behind the Curtain

*This story is copyrighted by Tyvara_Panther on February 8th, 2008. Enjoy!*

When dawn approached, Sayrea awoke as Willa shook her gently. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she sat up in bed, and gave a long yawn which displayed her teeth as she raised her paws above her head and stretched. Sayrea shook herself and her fur stood on end for a few moments, until she slipped out of bed. She walked toward her bureau and passed the balcony window; the sun had just crept over the horizon, and the ever lightening sky was dotted with a few scarce stars.

Willa began to undress Sayrea as the vixen gave another yawn. Once she was naked, Willa brushed her fur until it was free of the ruffled look of sleep, then she did the same to Sayrea's hair; once she had finished, she began to braid it into sections and arranged them around her head. When Willa was finished, the vixen's hair had been woven into a tiara of braids; the rest of her hair was left curly and long. As the final touch Willa sprinkled gold dust throughout.

Willa then went to work dressing Sayrea. The dress, was a perfect fit and though a little elaborate for breakfast, it was acceptable for meeting the Emperor. As Sayrea saw herself transform before the mirror, she couldn't help but give a pleased smile. The garment was made of silk so soft she felt practically naked, and which had a pearlescent green hue. Over the dress, went a silver-colored lace skirt, which also glimmered with pearlescence, and caught stray rays of the rising sun. Over that was a black satin waist cincher that was embroidered with silver thread and bits of mother of pearl; the cincher made her breasts and hips stand out as the fabric of the dress puckered under the pull of it as it was tied. The last piece to go on was her necklace.

When she was complete, Sayrea turned and hugged Willa. "Thank you so much. I'm sure this will please the Emperor."

Willa gave Sayrea a gentle pat on the back as she said, "I'm glad that you've decided on the Emperor. You've made a fine choice."

As Sayrea stared at herself one last time she said to Willa, "I'm pretty sure I can take it from here. If you could send breakfast up, that would be perfect."

"Yes milady." Willa said, and turned and left the room.

Sayrea watched Willa leave through the mirror. Her heart began to flutter once she was alone. She took in a deep breath in order to calm herself, though it did nothing. She hadn't felt so nervous in a long time, not since Enerin, and not since Enerin had decided to stop coming to her window. The only difference between then and now was then, her nervousness was due to uncertainty, more specifically uncertainty as to why Enerin had stopped coming to her window. Now she was nervous because of excitement and anticipation. She actually couldn't remember ever having been so nervous, which only made the feeling worse.

It wasn't until the feeling became so overwhelming that she felt she might burst out of her fur did Alirik appear, and the sound of the passageway opening almost did. She felt her entire body bristle, and a quick look in the mirror only verified that she looked like a frightened cat.

"Are you all right?" Alirik asked, his face a picture of concern as he came into the room and the door slid into place behind him. "Have I come at a bad time?"

Sayrea brought a paw to her chest and took in a few breaths to calm herself; she could feel her fur lay back as she did so. She shook her head as she spoke. "No, I'm fine. You just scared the life out of me."

Alirik smiled. "Well I should hope not; I hear that foxes only have one." He said as he walked toward her and took her paws in his.

Sayrea laughed heartily and once it had ebbed, she looked at Alirik who stood with closed eyes. He opened them and looked at her. "I believe that is the first time I have heard you laugh like that."

"Like what?" She asked with a soft giggle, as she cocked her head.

"Like you are truly happy."

Sayrea gave a closed eyed grin before she spoke. "I believe I am."

"That is good. I have wanted that more than anything." Alirik said as he kissed Sayrea's forehead.

Sayrea felt her heart race and her ears flush. It was a sensation she hadn't felt in a very long time, and one that had even faded during her affair with Enerin.

It was at that particular moment that Willa brought breakfast in.

Sayrea jerked her head toward the door, but remained with her paws in Alirik's, her face flushed with some embarrassment at being caught in such a position, but she had already been sold to Alirik, they just hadn't gone through a mating ceremony yet. So proper propriety seemed pointless, besides the rules for propriety didn't appear to be the same as what she had been taught, so her flush faded. The only sign that Willa displayed was the soft smile on her face as she laid the food out on the table. She left the room with a curtsy to the Emperor.

Once she had gone, Alirik spoke again. "I never asked you, but how do you like your maidservant?"

"Willa? She's lovely. More attentive than any maid I've ever had."

"I am glad of that. Her family has been in our service for a long time. I had hoped she, like the rest of her relations, would be more than competent."

Sayrea turned to Alirik with a perplexed look plastered across her face. "Was there ever a doubt about her abilities? She's been nothing but a blessing to me."

"Actually yes." Alirik said, as he led Sayrea to her table. "She was Vartouhi's servant for a while. She had served my mother and my first wife before she left. She was my second wife's maid, but she had problems with her so she became Vartouhi's maid."

"Wait, Willa was your mother's servant, then your first wife's, then your second's, then your fifth's?"

Alirik nodded as he seated Sayrea and scooted her chair in before he continued. "My other wives seldom have problems with their maids, but Vartouhi has gone through them like air. When Willa became available, Vartouhi demanded her, as her current maid was too troublesome. Though Willa didn't last long in that position either, but she seems to like Willa's sister. I have not had to replace Vartouhi's maid since.

"Oh?" Sayrea said as Alirik seated himself.

"Though I suspect, her reasoning is that she's mute."

Sayrea's eyes grew wide at that statement. "I had no idea."

"It is usually hard to tell a mute apart from anyone else. It is not as if they look any different."

"I suppose that's true." Sayrea said with an agreeing nod as Alirik uncovered the platters. It was a rather simple fare from what she usually had with the Emperor, but it looked delightful. There was a plate with many layers of naan bread, a jar of honey and another of pomelo marmalade, a dish of butter and another of crumbled walnuts, and a pot of yellow tea.

They ate in relative silence, with the two of them occasionally looking up from their plates to smile or grin at one another.

Sayrea finished first and waited patiently for Alirik, and when he was done, he sat back in his chair and scratched his chest fur as he murmured, "That hit the spot quite nicely." Sayrea smiled and nodded as Alirik continued. "So, what would you like to do today?"

Sayrea shrugged her shoulders and added, "There aren't that many options. I really don't want Vartouhi to see me leave my rooms, especially not with you."

Alirik widened his eyes with slight concern. "You cannot stay in your rooms forever."

"I don't intend to; I just don't feel safe right now. I know she's watching me."

"How do you know that?"

"She's known everything else I've done, up until now. I don't see how after . . . after her threats, that she'd change her ways."

"I suppose I see your point." With a smile Alirik put his paws against the table and scooted himself back slightly as he added, "So what would you like to do today since we seem to be stuck indoors?"

Sayrea shrugged before she spoke, "I couldn't begin to guess, since I really don't know what there is to do around a palace when you can't leave your rooms."

Alirik stood and walked toward Sayrea. He held out a paw to her and she scooted her chair back and stood accepting his paw. Alirik grasped it warmly and took her out to the balcony. Once there he released Sayrea's paw and leaned against the stone edge, on his crossed arms.

The sun had risen a few hours prior, and its warmth could be felt as it slowly climbed its way past the treetops. Alirik turned until his back rested against the balcony wall. He looked at Sayrea who stood with her paws clasped behind her back and he gave her a soft grin. "I suppose our activities are slightly limited, but I promise you that shall change. I will not have you remain in your rooms because you are too afraid of one of my wives. This sort of intimidation frustrates me." He held out his paws to Sayrea; she hesitated for a moment then walked forward and placed her paws in his. Alirik immediately pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her. Sayrea felt herself flush as Alirik held her head to his chest and ran his digits over her platted hair. Sayrea could feel her fur stand on end as waves of embarrassment and excitement ran through her. She began to relax as she heard Alirik's heart beat, in a rhythm that mimicked her own frantic pulse.

As Alirik's paw moved from stroking her hair to her maw he lifted her face until their eyes met. "I want you to feel safe here and I'll do whatever I can to make that happen." Sayrea stared wide-eyed at Alirik as he leaned toward her; his paw gently clutched her jaw as he guided her lips to his, and as their lips met the entire world around her went black; she could feel and sense only Alirik as they shared a deep, passionate kiss. As they pulled apart Sayrea's tunnel vision began to fade and she stared up at Alirik who looked down at her with deep adoration as he said, "You are so beautiful." Sayrea looked away and Alirik guided her face back toward his and continued, "You are. There are no words to describe how happy I am with you here with me. If there is ever anything I can do for you, all you need to do is ask."

Sayrea looked away for a moment then returned her gaze as she nibbled her lip, then spoke. "You could kiss me like that again."

Alirik grinned and kissed Sayrea again, this time with more passion than before, and Sayrea melted into his arms. When they finally pulled apart both Sayrea and Alirik's faces were flushed. She gazed up at Alirik who whispered. "I do not want you to feel uncomfortable."

Sayrea held a paw to his lips. "I'm not." She smiled as she moved her paw from Alirik's face to slip behind his head. She kissed him gently before she continued. "I was, but not anymore."

Alirik's muscles softened with her words and he wrapped his arms around her hips and held her to him. "I do not wish to push you into something you are not ready for."

Sayrea rested her head on Alirik's chest. "You aren't pushing. I was nervous . . . about you, and being with you, but you are to be my mate, there should be no need for caution with you."

Alirik gathered Sayrea into his arms, and with her arms around his neck they gazed at each other for a moment, before Alirik led Sayrea's muzzle to him, and they met in another deep kiss. With her clutched to him, he took Sayrea back into her bedroom and laid her gently on the bed; he sat next to her and ran a paw down her frame. She sucked in air as his paw traced around her breasts, and her now erect nipples were revealed through the soft fabric. Sayrea bit her lip as Alirik's paw moved from her breasts to her waist cincher, and he began to pull the ribbons that held it closed.

"You are so beautiful." Alirik said as he returned his paw to her breast and leaned down to kiss her once again. Sayrea wrapped herself around Alirik as their mouths melded, and he pulled himself on top of her. He broke the kiss and pulled the collar and shoulders of Sayrea's dress down until her full breasts were exposed to the morning air. He kissed them tenderly, and he sucked and teased her nipples, as Sayrea let out a series of deep moans.

As Alirik continued, he let a paw slip up Sayrea's skirts, his paw slid slowly up her thigh until it reached her hip, which he grasped firmly for a moment as his thumb trailed against her mound. Sayrea gasped deeply, which stifled a moan and Alirik pressed himself against her until she could feel his hard erection against her slick and wanting sex. As Alirik kept his lips focused with her soft breasts, his paws were busy underneath her dress, and he began to trace and rub her clit with one while the other fiddled with his codpiece, and as the material fell away, his swollen cock pressed against Sayrea's thigh.

Sayrea could barely contain the moan that escaped her as she felt the flesh of Alirik's member rub against her. She held Alirik tightly and moaned into his ear, and as she did, she could feel Alirik guide his dick toward her sex, and with a slow, but exquisite push he drove himself into her moist folds. Sayrea let out a high-pitched gasp as her sex stretched to accommodate the Emperor, and as he filled her with the entirety of his cock, her body spasmed in pre orgasmic bliss. Alirik gripped Sayrea as he withdrew and thrust a second time, which elicited a louder moan from her. He kissed her deeply and thrust again; the power behind his movements intensified and she moaned into his kiss.

As Alirik's motions continued, his thrusts became a steady slamming, which caused his sac to slap against Sayrea's ass. She screamed in pleasure and quickly realized the danger of such a sound and consented to make known her enjoyment through lingered kisses which sent moans that reverberated through their skulls. Alirik pulled from the kiss; his intense thrusts never faltered as he whispered gruffly into her ear, "You are so beautiful . . . so beautiful . . . Sayrea."

At the sound of her name Sayrea squealed and gripped Alirik tightly; she pulled him into a deep kiss as her world exploded in a powerful climax. Her sex gripped Alirik's member tightly as she came; a rush of juices coated the Emperor's thick member and his thrusts came at a more rapid pace as the added slickness spurred Alirik on. Both their breaths came heavy and swift as Sayrea came down from her climax and Alirik gravitated toward one, his thrusts swifter and harder than before, until at last with a few swift thrusts his cock twitched within her and he grunted into her hair as he filled her with his seed. Sayrea moaned into his ear and Alirik gave a muffled yell as his body shuddered and he gripped her until finally he relaxed his seed spent; he held her close as she nuzzled him and they returned from their moment of united bliss.

Sayrea lay comforted in the tender embrace of the Emperor. His paws traced gently over her fur, and his claws brushed delicately against her skin. She murred softly and nuzzled Alirik under his muzzle. Sayrea felt warm, sated and that for once she might have done the right thing. No, this was what she was supposed to do. This had been the plan from the beginning. This is what she was supposed to do--after all, her family's wishes had never steered her wrong before, so this had to be the right answer. It felt like the right one and she was content with that.

After a few moments Alirik rolled off of her and pulled her close into a tender embrace. He whispered a contented sigh into Sayrea's ear and she felt the last of her tension drain from her. He held her like that until Sayrea could feel his grip slack and his breath steady. She snuggled against him and he subconsciously squeezed and pulled her closer, and she lay like that until she too fell asleep.

When Sayrea awoke her bed was bare and she thought for a moment that she had dreamed it all--until she rolled over and saw Alirik, who stood naked and leaned against the far frame of the balcony doors, and the soreness of their exploits crept into her body and she knew she was awake. She smiled at Alirik, who continued to look outside and she swished her tail beneath the covers as she watched him; she let her eyes trail over his form in an attempt to soak up every second of Alirik's presence.

Her movements seemed to catch his eye and he turned to look at her, his calm expression replaced by an elated smile. "So you are awake."

Sayrea gave a slow nod. "How long have you been up?"

"A while," He said as he turned his body toward her, so that his back was against the doorframe. "Are you feeling all right?"

Sayrea grabbed a pillow and bunched it under her head, which elevated herself slightly and said, "Of course I am, I feel better than I have in what feels like a very long time."

Alirik gave another smile, "That is good." He continued to stare at her with a contented grin that heightened his features. The look fell as he adjusted himself against the doorframe. "I have business to attend to tonight, so I must leave you. I'll return for breakfast tomorrow."

Sayrea looked up at Alirik with a wry smile and said, "You made me think for a moment that I wasn't going to see you ever again."

Alirik's grin returned and he added, "You will most certainly see me again." He walked to her bedside and knelt until he was eye level with her, their noses practically touched and their whiskers lightly graced each others and he added, "As often as I can spare it." He ended with a kiss that sent shivers down to her toes and made her fur stand electrified.

He then stood and began to dress; his pace was leisurely but with definite purpose and design to leave. Sayrea lay in the bed and watched, and Alirik would throw her an occasional glance with a smile. When he was finished, he crossed over to Sayrea and kissed her before he made his way to the hidden door, and disappeared behind her bureau. Once the door was locked back in place Sayrea rolled back over and stared at the center of her canopy bed. She traced lines in the bunched fabric of satin and silk taffeta curtains. She sighed and felt herself smile, she wondered how long she actually had been smiling since her cheeks felt stiff. As she stared, she noticed out of the corner of her eye that it was late afternoon and a steady stream of light poured out of the opened balcony windows. She turned her head and watched some of the dust motes dance and shimmer as they trailed from ray to ray. As she continued to stare, she heard Willa's door open and she soon saw her cross the room and lay her lunch on the table.

"It's a late lunch; just in case you're hungry."

Sayrea sat up and threw her legs over the side of the bed. "I could eat." After she had returned her clothing to its original state, she left the bed and walked to the table, and uncovered the dish. There was a plate of some sort of dark-brown bread that she was unfamiliar with, a bowl of berries and a small dish of butter. Next to the dish was a pitcher of sumac tea and a glass. She selected a slice of the bread and brought it to her muzzle and gave it a sniff; it smelled slightly sweet and she took a bite. She could tell that right away that it was made with molasses, and the taste was as mild as the smell. She murred softly under her breath with delight and she immediately spread all the slices with butter and gobbled the one she currently had in her paw. She grabbed a pawful of berries and popped a couple into mouth as she poured herself a glass of sumac tea. After she selected another slice of bread, she held it in her mouth and grabbed her glass, before she walked out to the balcony. She leaned against the edge and continued to gobble the bread slice in her mouth. Sayrea rested with her elbows against the balcony ledge, her arms crossed. As soon as she had swallowed the last of the bread she took a sip of sumac tea. She swished her tail as she nuzzled into the air, and her shoulders slumped as the tension fully left her body. The day was still warm and welcoming with only the faintest race of clouds in the far off distance. Sayrea twitched her whiskers as she took in the smells of the forest and popped a couple of berries into her mouth; she savored the tart taste, before a sip of sumac tea followed.

The only thing that could have interrupted her silent reverie stood behind her. Sayrea realized another presence in a violent and sickening flash, and she didn't need to turn to know who it was--though at that moment she vowed that if she survived what Vartouhi had in store for her, she was going to put bells on all the entrances, as this surprise visitor thing was getting old and unnerving. Sayrea still refused to turn around, since she'd mentally resigned herself to whatever fate would deal her.

Vartouhi waited for a few more moments and spoke when it became obvious that Sayrea had no intention of looking at her. "I would ask you if you spent the past few days productively, but I already know the answer."

Sayrea's fur prickled and Vartouhi continued. "The Emperor is just toying with you, you know." Sayrea turned and looked at Vartouhi who leaned against the balcony doors, as she fidgeted and flicked dirt from her claws. "He doesn't really love you. All he wants from you is your body, and trust me, I'm saving you a lot of pain and anguish in the end--the Emperor can be a rough man and you are a frail thing. I guarantee he will break you and toss you aside like a useless rag doll." Vartouhi gave an experimental flex of her claws before she looked at Sayrea. "You think you're the only female he's said those things to? He's got a lot of lines and he's using them all on you." She starred at Sayrea with a blankness that made the vixen shudder.

Vartouhi turned toward Sayrea and put a paw on her seductively cocked hip. "I really wish I could have convinced you with sex. You're not bad for a canine, though I had a sneaking suspicion that you couldn't be persuaded with passion; which is a shame;" She said with a sigh and a sultry tilt to her head. "You could have taken a lover and kept yourself away." She straitened, though remained by the doorway as she continued, "But no, not you--you are far more complicated than that."

In an instant the ocelot was on her, claws deep into each shoulder as her weight pushed Sayrea roughly into the balcony ledge, which forced the stonework to press painfully into her spine, and with a strength so intense she felt she might break in two. Vartouhi's face was so close to hers that she could hear the feline's soft throated growl; like a rumbling whisper that reverberated through her body, and forced Sayrea to remain aware of the claws in her shoulders, as the wounds pulsed around the delicately vibrating claws. She felt blood soak through the paper thin silk of her dress, as her heart flittered and her chest heaved with a desperate need for air.

"Maybe pain will steer you in the right direction." Vartouhi growled as she wiggled her claws within Sayrea, which caused tears to trickle down Sayrea's shock ridden face. "And if this doesn't convince you, I am perfectly willing to use other methods of persuasion."

Sayrea couldn't move, couldn't speak, or even blink. She simply stared into the twisted, psychotic face of the female she had almost thought of as a friend, and after a few moments Vartouhi retracted her claws and kissed Sayrea on her nose, before she pushed herself off of the vixen and floated gracefully back to the doorway. She flicked her paws slightly, to rid herself of the blood that dampened the tips, and as a result sprinkled red droplets on either side of her. Her face had reverted to one of nonchalance and her tail swished around her hips as she rested her back against the doorframe once again. "You take care and think about what I said." Vartouhi purred, then turned and sauntered out the door.

Sayrea stood still, rooted with her back to the balcony wall; not one hair moved, nor whisker twitched as blood slowly trickled down her arms. After a few moments had passed, her jaw began to shake and her heart began to beat again as a wave of numbing, nausea washed over her body. Then her legs began to wobble and she slowly slumped to the ground, and it was at that moment Willa rushed out onto the balcony.

She flew to Sayrea's side and knelt by her. "I'm so sorry, Vartouhi locked me in my room. I didn't hear any noises, but I didn't know what that feline would do." She paused and inhaled sharply as if just now discovering Sayrea's wounds. "Those need to be cleaned and bandaged." Willa insisted as she stood and held a paw out to Sayrea, who still stared blankly ahead as if she were alone. She automatically threw her paw up and gripped Willa's, then shakily rose to her footpaws. Willa led her to the bathroom, and set her in a cushioned chair as she drew a bath. "I won't leave unless you ask me."

Sayrea nodded as she continued to stare vacantly ahead. Her brain felt as numb as her body, and her quivering jaw now chattered violently from the rush of shock and adrenaline. When the bath was ready, Willa undressed the practically catatonic Sayrea, whose wavy flexibility was almost dollish, and she helped her into the tub. The water was rather warm, but it did nothing for Sayrea's chattering muzzle, and as soon as the water hit her punctured shoulders she began to feel the pain; it stung and burned like hundreds of fiery needles, which made the wounds feel as if they were ripped further open, and they throbbed with her heartbeat and pulsed with each breath. Sayrea's body began to quiver more violently than before as the pain seeped into her, and tears trickled down her face. "I . . . have to . . . tell . . . Alirik . . . don't I?" She chattered monotonously between streams of tears.

"Not unless you plan to do exactly as Vartouhi says." Willa replied as she finished cleaning the bloodied wounds; she then reached into her apron and pulled out a small ivory colored pod. She ripped pieces off with her teeth and placed the bits in each clawed lesion. "Poppy tears will help with the pain."

As Sayrea spoke she began to feel the pain ebb slightly and her jaw ceased to chatter. "I can't do what she asks." She looked up at Willa with tear-filled eyes and continued, "She wants me to go against everything I know, everything I've been raised to do. My life and place is by my husband's side, regardless of how many other wives he may have."

"Then it seems you know the answer already." Willa replied as she picked up a towel and held it open for the vixen.

Sayrea hung her head as she stood and stepped out of the tub, and she silently pondered as she was dried and her shoulders bandaged. She had known deep down, that this would eventually be the result. She couldn't keep up the guise of submitting to Vartouhi's demands while secretly making wedding plans with Alirik. In addition to that, she had already reasoned that if Alirik, not only as a male, but as the Emperor, could not keep his wives under control, then her life in this place was a lost cause and she was willing to uphold that to whatever end that might bring.

With her shoulders snugly bandaged, the pain became a distant ache that prickled the back of her mind, as she was dressed in a dark spring green colored velvet robe and tucked into bed. When Willa seemed satisfied that Sayrea was settled comfortably, she headed toward the door, spoke with a page on the other side, and then returned. "I'll have the cook prepare you a dosage of poppy tea. If you aren't in pain now, you soon will be." Sayrea remained silent and Willa continued, "Is there anything else I can get for you?"

Sayrea shook her head and murmured, "No, just company until the Emperor returns."

"Very well, milady." Willa replied as she took a seat next to the bed.

As Sayrea lay against the cozy cushions, she felt herself relax; though her shoulders still throbbed slightly, and as time passed, the pain began to seep back into her. Thankfully this was well timed to the arrival of the poppy tea. Sayrea had never had poppy tea, but one of her brothers had when he had broken his arm. He had related the experience to her and she felt confident that her pain would soon be a thing of the past. With the first sip it tasted of bitterness and the acetic tang of grapefruit and lemon. The harsh bite hit her with a rush, and she felt an almost instantaneous calm, and she settled deeper into the pillows as she took another sip. By the third her body thrilled and she felt herself smile. She handed the tea to Willa and gave a fully opened mouthed yawn.

"The Emperor won't be returning until later this evening. You are safe to rest. I swear that I won't leave your side."

The suggestion was good enough for Sayrea and she quickly felt herself drift off to sleep, and it wasn't until the sun had set and a cool evening breeze whisked through the room that Sayrea woke; her entire body felt crossed between shaky nervousness and numbing nausea. She turned her head to the side and saw that Willa still sat beside her; their eyes met and they exchanged smiles.

"How are you feeling?"

Sayrea brought a paw up to her head and groaned, "Weird."

"How are your shoulders?"

She gave an experimental shrug and winced slightly and added, "Stiff."

"Well that's better than pain. The tea should last you through the night. As soon as you feel pain let me know and I'll have a dosage sent up." Sayrea nodded and Willa continued, "The Emperor will be here in a couple of hours. You're welcome to stay in bed if you're not up to moving around. Though I still recommend that you speak with the Emperor, he needs to know what happened."

Sayrea nodded in agreement. "I can't keep playing these games. I need to know for certain wether I can count on my safety or not." She said and sat up straighter and snuggled against the pillows. "And it serves no purpose for me to get out of bed and into some fancy regalia when I feel like I might tip over if I tried to stand surely."

"Very well, mistress. I'll let you know when the Emperor arrives."

The couple of hours Sayrea waited blurred into what felt like a few moments and soon she heard the familiar sound of stone grinding against stone, and Alirik's secret entrance slid open. She didn't need to have Willa's soft paw shake as a reminder, but she appreciated it nonetheless.

Once Alirik had returned the door to it's hidden state, he turned his full attention to Sayrea--and his face fell. He rushed to her side. "You look ill, what happened?" His eye was then caught by Sayrea's bandaged shoulders and they flitted quickly between her wounds, as his face twisted in shock and anger. "I had not been informed that you had been injured."

"I wanted to tell you in person; I had to tell you in person." Sayrea explained, then paused as she took in a deep breath and continued, "Vartouhi did this to me--as a threat. She wants me to leave you alone." She paused again and looked painfully into Alirik's eyes. "I'm afraid she might kill me--no, I know she will kill me."

"She will not " Alirik exclaimed with a growly bark as he squeezed her paw. "My wives are not allowed to run around making threats, let alone killing one another. I was willing to put up with this charade for your sake, but this is not acceptable."

"What will you do? Vartouhi's crazy."

"She will be punished accordingly. It is not her decision who I marry and it certainly is not within her power to punish anyone beyond her maidservants." By this point he seemed calmer; his voice once again soft and smooth as he continued. "I could set you up in a new room if you would like, select a few new guards, new servants, anything you want I will give it to you."

Sayrea paused and looked around the room, then back at Alirik and said. "Can you guarantee me a room that doesn't have any passageways Vartouhi would know about, or have access to?"

Alirik smiled and added, "I have a few. You are welcome to any one you wish." Sayrea nodded her compliance and Alirik continued. "I'll send you a selection of new guards when you're better."

"Excuse me my lord." Willa said with her head downward and a paw on Alirik's side. "I could help her with the selection. I know we would all sleep more sound when we know my mistress is safe."

Alirik turned his head toward Willa and gave a swift nod. "Very well, I shall begin making arrangements immediately."

Alirik turned back to Sayrea and she stared warmly into his eyes and mouthed. "Thank you."

*Comments are welcomed. Please comment. I love comments, comments make me want to post more often and work harder toward completing stories. Anything is welcome, questions, comments, critiques, all these things help me become a better writer so please, let me know what you think--and even if you all hate me, then I'll know whether writing is even something I could pursue publicly -- Thanks ^ ^ *