Sir Auric and the Medusa

Story by scavola on SoFurry

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The eighth in the 'ridiculously obscene and totally gay' Adventures of Sir Auric.

1) Sir Auric and the Dragon

2) Sir Auric and the Spider Queen

3) Sir Auric and the Giant

4) Sir Auric and the Quest for Mawgawet

5) Sir Auric and the Sea Monster

6) Sir Auric and the Little People

7) Sir Auric and the Flight of the Raven

8) Sir Auric and the Medusa

. . . and more to come!

A large branch had been carved, polished smooth, and mounted to the base of a tree; Hugo, on his knees, sat back on it. His face contorted alternatively in pain, with a grunt, and pleasure, with a sigh. Contentedly bobbing his ass, his giant cock was laid out on the ground before him.

Randy scrambled over the giant cock, straddling it. As he humped away, his ass rising and falling, his tight bud winked. Sir Auric, on his knees, crawled up behind him and buried his cock in that ass; Randy squirmed with delight.

As he casually thrust, Where is Raven? Sir Auric thought. Timid at first, Raven grew comfortable with them all together naked, then aroused, then they all played with each other, and that playing turned into a marathon of fucking. Still, Sir Auric would hate to think that Raven was not being satisfied.

A nudge between his cheeks, on the next thrust, Raven joined him, sliding in deep. Sir Auric sighed, having grown accustomed to that feeling. He stood stock-still, being stroked and battered at opposite ends.

The giant cock of Hugo was under Randy, on his hands and knees, and with Auric and Raven on their knees, through their thighs. They all made an effort to squat on the large cock as they gyrated. Being so thick and warm, it added a new sensation, the rubbing of their crotches and balls. Hugo reached around, grabbing the ass of Raven, pulling them all closer, and slid a thick finger inside.

Everyone humping, fucking and/or being fucked, time stood still. Their heartbeats synced with their thrusts, bump-bump / thrust- thrust, bump-bump / thrust-thrust. Collectively they grew warm; the warmth spread to tension, the tension to tingling, the tingling to gasps, and the gasps to quivering with sighs of release.

While the giant cock of Hugo released onto the ground in puddles, Randy squirted between his belly and the giant cock, and Sir Auric and Raven pumped their respective asses so full that they gushed.


Sir Auric cuddled up next to Raven, who ran his fingers through his damp hair. The man mess that covered it was still fresh, thick and warm. Having spiked his hair to his satisfaction, Raven giggled, licking his fingers.

"I am glad that you like my friends," Sir Auric said quietly.

"Your life is so different from the one I know, so wild with abandon. Are you always naked and playful like this?"

Sir Auric chuckled. "Naked, yes, playful no, it was only with you here that we could share each other equally."

"I see," he said, glancing over Sir Auric, behind him, "and look at them, how sweet."

Hugo had curled about Randy. Twice his size, he had the boy nearly covered in his embrace. Only his head showed, peeking out between strong arms.

Sir Auric slipped his ring on his finger, grew to twice the size as Raven, and curled about him in kind.


Hugo sat in the stream, Randy stood behind him, scrubbing off the dried man mess. Sir Auric, back to his normal size, stood with Raven as they scrubbed each other. It was a clear, sunny, warm day; sunlight sparkled in the water about the four naked men.

"The beauty of nature," Tyrian said, from the shadows of the river bank. He watched as they splashed and frolicked, and came clean.

With strong strides through the water, they headed towards him: Sir Auric, golden from head to toe and tight with muscle, Raven, hair dark as night, skin fair as porcelain, thin but shapely, a work of art, a work of art that Tyrian had created, Randy, an earthy young man, still youthful enough to be cute with his pageboy haircut and big, brown eyes, and Hugo, a giant, thick with muscle, black hair lightened and fair skin darkened from no longer living in the shadows of the forest.

"Well hello there," Sir Auric called.

Tyrian smiled. "Hail fine fellows, and how do I find you on such a lovely day?"

"Clean," Sir Auric replied, chuckling, "after being quite dirty. Had you arrived last night you would have gotten quite a show."

"I do say I would have, but then again I am not here for pleasure but for business." Tyrian crossed his arms, stroking his beard. "I am here because you are strong and courageous, were able to overcome the trickster dragon twice, subdue the Spider Queen, gentle the Giant, rescue Raven from the Sea Monster, and escape the Little People, and because you have a taste for the exotic. I need you to subdue the Medusa."

"The Medusa," Sir Auric exclaimed, eyes wide, "the half-snake / half-human woman with snakes for hair whose gaze turns men to stone?"

"Actually, that one died centuries ago. This one is a male."

Sir Auric smiled. "Then I see why you called upon me." He cleared his throat. ""Is this quest dangerous?" he asked, Tyrian nodded, "with little chance that I will survive?" Tyrian nodded again. "Then why would I want to do it?"

"I was hoping you would do it in return for my having saved Raven."

Sir Auric nodded. "That is only fair."

"It seems so dangerous," Raven said, holding him, "however will you do it?"

"However I do it, I will do it alone." They touched, forehead to forehead. "I will not put you at risk again."

Raven sighed.

"You are welcome to stay here with us," Randy offered.

Raven shook his head. "No, it would be best for me to go home for now, to spend some time with my sister. If only it was not such a journey."

"I can transport you there," Tyrian offered.

"And transport him back after?" Sir Auric asked. "Would it not be nice to have a ring that could do that?"

Tyrian scoffed at the ploy. "Fine, I can make you an amulet. Subdue the medusa and it will be done."

As Sir Auric made to thank him, Tyrian waved his wand, enshrouding them in light, and with a 'poof', he and Raven were gone.

"Now, if I only had a horse," Sir Auric said, "Oh, that is right, I am a horse." He slipped the amulet around his finger, dropped to all fours, and his body grew outward, filling the shape of a horse.

"Cow!" Hugo exclaimed. He mounted Sir Auric from the rear, moving aside his tail and summarily shoving his hard cock up his ass.

Sir Auric squealed and stomped, but let Hugo have this simple pleasure.


From the forest east to the crossroads, south past the kingdom to the city by the sea, and then west along the coast, he had been a horse, a goat on the, well, goat trail to the cliff, and then scaled the face of the cliff by hand. Pulling himself over the ledge, Sir Auric saw a cavernous hollow in the rock that tapered to a tunnel. The last refuge, he took time to prepare himself.

His feet, wrapped in cloth, he placed in steel shoes, pinned to the greaves strapped to his calves. Gloves, which he slid over his hands, reached past the elbow. He draped a chainmail half-shirt over his shoulders. Moving about, testing the fit, he felt a breeze. He wrapped a chainmail short-skirt about his naked waist.

He dropped his helm in place with a tap. With sword and shield raised, he entered the lair.

The flicker of fire in the distance, shadows danced over an army of men, naked men, stripped of their clothes or armor. They were not actual stone but scared to death, petrified. It was as if they were simply standing stock-still, holding their breath, waiting to exhale.

One oddity, all of them, in the rigors of death, were rock hard, meaning their cocks. Another oddity, their asses had been abused, cheeks rubbed roughly and holes pried open. This was not just a medusa, but an ass-raping medusa. Sir Auric chuckled; he could handle this.


From the flicker of fire in the distance slithered a man. From his ribcage down, he was a snake, a shiny copper cobra. Its chest was broad, its shoulders hunched, and arms held out to his sides as if in recoil. Sir Auric did not dare a glance at its face.

It slithered about, making its rounds, cruising the men. At some, it stopped and felt them up, in nostalgia if not interest. It tried to get aroused, even humping one or two, but frustrated, moved on.

"What iss thiss?" it asked. "Ssurley I would remember you." He pushed Sir Auric who, solid as stone, did not budge. "Sserioussly, from where did you come?" Its hands were cold as they roamed the body of Sir Auric, over his chest, down his stomach, his fingers brushing the length of his cock. "My memory losss iss my gain, I do not remember you, but I am ssure thiss time will be memorable."

The medusa behind him, Sir Auric felt its clammy hands grope his crack, fingers prodding his hole, forcing it open. The head of a cock fit to it, but two cocks shoved inside.

Almighty! Sir Auric exclaimed in his head. He certainly was not expecting that. Fortunately, they were smaller cocks.

The medusa grabbed him by the shoulders and proceeded to fuck him efficiently, if not effectively.

The poor guy, Sir Auric thought, trying to get his rocks off in stone.

Sir Auric reached up and grabbed the wrists of the medusa as he gripped its cocks in a vise.

"SSubterfuge!" it hissed as it struggled.

Sir Auric leaned forward with his legs spread wide and kicked his hips wildly. Instead of copulation, Sir Auric gripped and tugged, making sure to bounce his ass off its scaly crotch. He kicked like a jackrabbit, his own jutting cock swelling from the ferocity of the fuck.

Having a live one, one that was active and warm instead of sticking it into a loose, cold hole, the medusa swelled inside him.

"Sshit!" it exclaimed, holding back.

Sir Auric knew that the moment was right. Still holding its wrists, he let the cock loose and flipped around, bringing himself and the arms of the medusa behind it.

"Mother-fuck!" it cried, twin streams of man mess shooting into the air.

Sir Auric held it as it discharged, let it catch its breath, and then slipped a hood over its head. The beast, thoroughly sated and exhausted, fell to the ground. He watched as the small penises shriveled back into the slit in its crotch that was its sheath.

Still hard and on fire, Sir Auric turned to the nearest statue and rammed his cock between the stone cold cheeks. Lifting the statue almost off the ground, he exploded inside, not so much a stream as a burst, and a burst, and a burst. He pumped it full of cum, his cock waning, lowering the statue back to the ground with a thud.

He stumbled back to the medusa, saw that it was secured, and then fell to the ground himself.


"Excusse me," Sir Auric heard. "Hey, misster ssoldier or whoever you are."

Sir Auric woke sore, his butt cheeks and cock raw.

"Even if you will not sspreak to me, you will hear what I have to ssay."

"Or I could just kill you now," Sir Auric grumbled as he sat up.

"Iss that why you are here, to kill me?" Bag over its head, it could not see Sir Auric nod. "Why? I am harmless, sstaying to my cave, only ssubduing thosse who dare intrude."

Sir Auric looked about the cave; the statues did all have a layer of dirt on them, the styles of their grooming, clothing, and armor ancient.

"Why did you come here?" the medusa asked.

"I came to slay, nay, lay the medusa."

"Who ssent you?"

Sir Auric stood, keeping his distance from the long tail. "A wise and powerful wizard," he replied.

The medusa scoffed. "A wisse and powerful wizard? There iss no ssuch thing; all with power become petty and jealouss."

"I have not seen that in this wizard."

"And you did not assk why he wanted me ssubdued?" Bag over its head, it could not see the brow of Sir Auric furrow. "If I know thiss wizard, it iss becausse I refusse to be a pawn in hiss game, ass you are." The medusa sighed. "You do not realize thiss yet, but you will."

Bag over its head, the medusa could not see that Sir Auric held his sword. "Until I verify this, I can not kill you."

"Well, thank goodnesss for that!" The medusa chuckled.

"Well I can." A hand reached out, grabbed his sword, and shoved it into the chest of the medusa, its violent screech died down as its tail thrashed then went still. As the man walked away, Sir Auric saw that his ass dripped with man mess.


"I do not think I can do this," the man said. He stood behind a statue, trying to find a way to get a hold of it. His hands went to the trim waist of the statue, then the shoulders. "I find that I am not prepared for this." The thick, stubby cock of the man was flaccid.

"Think of your wife, think of a goddess, think of any woman."

The man sighed.

"Here, let me help." Sir Auric dropped to his knees. He shoved his face in the crotch of the man, licking and gumming his fat, sweaty balls. Feeling the stirrings, Sir Auric urged the cock to grow with his tongue. With a grunt, the man pulled away and shoved his hard cock up the ass of the statue.


"Sir!" The original freed man snapped to attention, banging his chest with his fist.

"Report," Sir Auric ordered.

"Ye begot me and I begot three. Those three I had begotten are now not besotted, but between us four, we will free some more."

"That is fine," Sir Auric said, waving his finger, "but no man is to leave here without helping one as he was helped."

"Understood, sir!" The man banged his chest with his fist again, and was off. "And if they need help?"

Sir Auric sighed. "Send them to me."


"Next," Sir Auric called.

"Excuse me," a young man said, "I need help."

A Greek by his speech, he was young and thin, his hair dark and curly, his eyes wide with long lashes, almost feminine. The hairless cock of the young man was thickened with excitement, but not hard.

"Fine," Sir Auric said, waving him closer.

Sir Auric fumbled around his sack to find the balls of the young man, grabbing them. He opened wide and took his modest cock to the root. With a few gulps, the young man tensed, spurting man mess down the throat of Sir Auric.

Virgins, Sir Auric thought with a scoff.

"I am sorry; perhaps we can try again later?" As he turned and walked away, Sir Auric watched the alternate flex of his smooth little buttocks.

Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, Sir Auric called, "Next!"


The cave now empty, Sir Auric picked up the body of the medusa and cradled it in his arms. The freed men parted, leading him to the bier they had built. Sir Auric placed the body on the pile of wood, which the original freed man set aflame with a torch. As the fire grew and consumed the medusa, Sir Auric turned to the men.

Some were clad in leather, some in mail, some in plate, and some in tunics. Most were soldiers, rugged from battle, with a few exceptions, like the Greek boy. The clamor of weapons to armor was like a clap of thunder as they snapped to attention.

"Sir! What are your orders," the original freed man, wearing only a red cape, a spear and a large shield in hand, asked.

Almighty, Sir Auric thought, I have an army.

"Maintain position, I will be back shortly." With that, Sir Auric slipped his ring on his finger, squatted, growing small, and then burst forth in black feathers and flew away.

Sir Auric and the Flight of the Raven

When the sister of Raven heard his cries, she stood at attention at his door. When she heard the cries of Sir Auric, damning the sensibility of a lady, she boldly entered. A trail of long, black feathers from the bed, Sir Auric hung out the window,...

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Sir Auric and the Little People

"Almighty!" Sir Auric exclaimed. Before he had time to react, the little people had secured the ropes and pulled him down. He had been kneeling by the young man, bent over to kiss, and now they were pressed chest to chest awkwardly. Sir Auric struggled...

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Sir Auric and the Sea Monster

Sir Auric went to the only place he knew to go, to the only people he had left in the world; people who would not judge him but love him for who he was. Having told Randy and Hugo his tale, Sir Auric sighed; it was good to have friends. "So what will...

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