A Room Mate's Love - Part 1

Story by GreenEyedTiger on SoFurry

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#1 of A Room Mates Love

Warning: Contains M/M actions, so if you are under 18 or do not like this kind of content please do not read.

A Room Mate's Love - Part 1

A black panther lies awake in his bed staring up at his ceiling. Though he had been awake for almost an hour, he chose not to get up, but rather lay there and think. He thought of money troubles, what he was going to do for the day, but one thought kept popping back into his mind over and over, one concerning a beautiful white wolf he knew. He smiled as he closed his eyes and imagined him, his wonderful white fur blowing in a gentle breeze, his gorgeous blue eyes staring into his own yellow ones. He saw him moving closer and closer until there muzzles almost touched but he ended the thought right there. He knew that was something that was never meant to be, for he knew the wolf would never return the same feelings for him. In reality the wolf he adored happened to be his best friend and room mate, something the panther cherished more than anything in the world, and did not want to lose it due to his attraction to the wolf he knew was straight. He sighed as he rose from his bed and stretched, pushing the thought of the wolf to the very back of his mind. He walked to his dresser and grabbed some clothes, a red tee shirt and a pair of blue jeans, before walking out of his room and to the kitchen, where the wolf was already sitting and eating.

"Morning Marc, enjoyed sleeping in?" the white wolf smirked a bit as he watched the panther walk into the room. Marc grinned back at the wolf grabbing a bowl and some cereal, sitting opposite to him.

"Oh you know it Adam" he retorted as he began to eat, staring at his roomie all the while. Many found it weird how the two of them could get along so well, since Marc was a feline and Adam was a canine, but they enjoyed each others company. even if it wasn't in the way Marc wished it could be. Still he was just happy to be able to spend almost everyday with the white wolf, just being his friend was almost better than anything he could have asked for. "So whats the plan for today?"

"Well... I got us dates for this afternoon" the wolf smiled at Marc

"You... what?" the panther stares in disbelief at the wolf. True Adam didn't know he was gay, but he had always told him that he never wanted to be hooked up by anyone else "Why would you get me a date too?"

"Because you need to get out there more man! You haven't been on a date in like a year!" the wolf stood and walked over to his friend and placed a paw on his shoulder "C'mon... shes really cute, I know you'll like her." Adam smiled again showing off his perfect teeth, causing the panther to sigh and cave in to him.

"Alright, alright! I'll go, but don't expect too much you hear?" the panther stands and heads back to his room plopping down on the bed and staring back at the ceiling "Perfect... just perfect..." he thought to himself as he closed his eyes, the thought of him and Adam flooding back into his mind as he did do. This time both he and the wolf were lying in a field both covered only by their boxers. He imagined the white wolf slowly rubbing along his cheek and telling him how much he loved Marc, as the panther sat there in sheer bliss, moving forwards to kiss Adam. Once again he ended his thoughts there not wishing them to continue for they were becoming painful for him to think about. "Why can't I just tell him my feelings?" he thought to himself as he got back up, deciding it would be a good idea to get ready for this date just in case. It was about fifteen minutes later when he heard Adam calling him,

"Yo the girls want to meet up early lets get going!"

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming" he shouted back as he headed out of his room and to the front door where the wolf was waiting. He nodded at him as they walked out the door and began walking to where they were meeting. The entire way, Marc remained absolutely silent as he walked not even looking back at the wolf. Adam noticed his behaviour but said nothing to him, thinking that he might have over stepped the boundary on this one.

"This is good for him..." he thought to himself as he looked at the black panther "He can't just stay at home all the time" Adam smirked as he sped up a bit and placed a hand on his shoulder, then pointed to a small cafe not far from them. "Thats the place Marc, they should already be there" The panther only nodded as he followed Adam into the building, where upon entering two females, one a lynx, another a lioness, began to wave over at them "Told you they were cute" the wolf smiled as he walked over, but Marc only rolled his eyes as he walked over and introduced himself to the two, who in return told them that their names were Ally and Marsha. After some brief discussion about their daily life, such as work troubles and the like, the lioness moved a bit closer to Marc and gave him a coy smile.

"So big boy..." she said as she ran a paw across his bare arm "Maybe you and I should hook up sometime, by ourselves..." Marc blushed deeply and moved his arm away from her, which caused Adam to give him an odd stare.

"I'm sorry but I'm just not looking for anyone right now..." the panther lied as he looked back to Marsha, who was now extremely pissed off.

"What am I not good enough for you ?!"

"N-no it's just I'm not interested..."

"Not interested?! Yeah right!" The lioness stood and threw her drink at Marc who fell from his chair in shock "C'mon Ally! Lets leave these two assholes alone and go find some real men!". The lynx nodded in agreement as she got up and gave the finger to the panther, then Adam as they stormed out of the cafe. Adam walks over and helps Marc up to his feet then gives him a cold stare.

"What the hell was that about Marc?!" the wolf growled a bit at the panther "They were freaking gorgeous and you say you aren't interested? What the hell is wrong with you!"

The panther looked over to him a hurt expression on his face. Adam had never spoken to him like that before... it scared him. "Adam I... no forget it" he says as he walks from the cafe. He stops to stare at the sky for a moment, tears appearing in his eyes, then starts walking back towards their house, no longer caring about anything, not money, not what he was going to do, and certainly not Adam.

Back at the cafe, Adam just stood there and watched as the panther walked away. He cursed himself silently for yelling at his friend, and wished he could re do what had just happened. The wolf then shook his head and left as well, but went off in the other direction, deciding it would be a better idea to let Marc calm down, then to go home and start an argument. He sighed a bit as he walked wondering what the panther was going to say before he stopped, it wasn't like him to keep secrets. Adam stopped and turned heading to the house as well wanting to know, his curiousity too much for him to bear.

Marc finally let the tears fall as he reached home, no longer worried that someone would see him weeping. He let them flow freely as he paced through the kitchen, grabbing a piece of fruit. He ate it in silence as he looked around the house, which suddenly had an uncomfortable feeling to it. He sighed as he dropped the fruit, not feeling hungry anymore as thoughts of Adam came into his mind again, but instead of embracing them like he normally would, he shoved them into the darkest parts of his mind. His trail of thought was broken as he heard the front door click open, and the sound of Adam's footsteps filled the air. The white wolf soon came into view, and he stared at the panther with his sharp blue eyes.

"Marc... I'm sorry for earlier... we still friends?"

Marc grinned a bit then nodded "Of course we are Adam... I'm sorry too."

"hehe... oh umm back at the cafe... what were you going to tell me?" the wolf tilted his head lightly as he looked to his friend. Marc on the other hand froze in place, and was thankful for his dark fur as he blushed an almost crimson red.


"C'mon were buds, you can tell me anything."

"You're right..." Marc breathed in deep the looked up at Adam "The reason I acted so strangely back there... It's because I don't find women attractive..."

"What... you... you mean you're..."

"Yes Adam... I'm gay." the panther felt like a tremendous weight had been lifted off his shoulders, but when he looked back at Adam, he felt a new one take its place. The white wolf stood there, shaking and balling his fists. He looked up from the floor, his blue eyes which had just been gentle and warm, gave off an angered and cold feeling "A-Adam..."

"Shut up!" the wolf yelled, causing Marc to fall back a bit "You... You were gay this entire time... I don't believe it..." he shook his head then turned around and began to walk away, but not before yelling "Fucking fag, I never want to speak to you again!" a loud slam is heard as he walks out the door, leaving Marc sitting on the floor, shivering in fear. He managed to regain his composure and stood staring blankly towards where Adam had been standing. He felt the tears start anew as he stared at the floor, hating himself for everything that was happening in his life. He was rooted there for several minutes before he finally started off towards his room, nothing around him seemed like it was even there. He shut his door and locked it, then strode over to his bed where he fell onto it, and cried hard into one of his pillows. "Adam..." he said between his weeps, crying as such for almost an hour before falling into a deep sleep from his exhaustion and despair. His dreams which were usually of him and the wolf in a tender, loving embrace, was now nothing more than a nightmare where the scene from the kitchen kept replaying over and over, causing him to whimper and squirm as he slept.

It was dark outside when Marc finally awoke from his slumber. He sat up panting in a cold sweat as he remembered a chilling moment from his nightmare, where Adam had started to attack him furiously, bringing him closer and closer to death. He brought his knees up to his chest and place his arms and head on top of them, let out small weeps every now and then. Why was his life turning into this... only just that morning the two had been as close as they had always been, but now Marc feared what the wolf was going to do to him. All he could do was sit, unable to find the strength nor will to move from his place on the bed. His ears perked up though, when he heard the sound of the front door opening and closing softly. He heard the sound of Adam's feet as they made their way across the floor, each step getting louder as they neared his room. Marc felt like he was going to have a heart attack as he watched his door knob turn and the door open, revealing Adam looking straight towards him. The panther looked up to him, terrified as he watched the white wolf start moving closer to him, until he stood right in front of him.

"Adam.... I" the panther started to speak but was cut off when Adam suddenly leaned down and hugged him tightly. "huh... Adam?"

"Marc... I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said before... I was just confused... I don't care if you're gay..." the wolf started to cry a little as he held the black panther.

"Adam..." Marc wrapped his own arms tightly around him "shhhh... it's alright..."

"I'm so sorry Marc... I promise I'll never say such things again" the wolf pulled off of Marc and sat next to him. The panther smiled as he looked to his friend, remembering why he had fallen for the wolf in the first place. His body seemed to move on it's own as he got closer to Adam, who turned and looked at him "What is i- mph?!" Adam was cut off as Marc placed his lips against the wolf's. Adam blushed hard enough that his white fur took on a pink look as Marc pulled off realizing what he was doing.

"Adam I'm sorry I shouldn't..." he looked away from the wolf.

"Marc..." the panther looked back to Adam, and was shocked when he leaned over and kissed him. At first Marc didn't know what to think, but he quickly melted into the kiss and pushed deeper into it. They held the kiss for a full minute before they pulled back and stared into each other's eyes.

"Why did you do that?" Marc looked to the wolf curiously

"I... I don't know... when you kissed me the first time... it felt so good"

"You mean that Adam?"

"Y-yeah..." the wolf looked away a bit, but Marc pulled his face back up and kissed him again. The wolf whimpered a little as he started to kiss back, unsure of why he felt this way for the panther, but he knew it was something he was enjoying. He wrapped his arms around Marc and pulled him closer, as he murred into their kiss. The panther smiled and purred as he began to rub his hands along the shirt the wolf was wearing. When they finally broke their kiss, Marc had tears in his eyes.

"Marc? What is it... did... did I do something wrong?"

"No Adam" he shook his head and looked to him smiling "I just feel so happy... I love you Adam as more than just a friend, I have for a long time"

"You...you do?" Adam blinked a few times, then watched as Marc nodded slowly. The wolf didn't know what to think at first as he thought on this... his best friend for such a long time not only came out to him but also had a crush on him? During this thought process something hit him like a sack of bricks, as he looked over his friend and found that he looked incredible... no more than that he was extremely hot in the wolfs eyes. Wait... had he really just thought that about Marc? What Adam said to Marc next surprised not only the panther but himself as well "I...I love you too Marc"

"Adam... you...you aren't joking are you? If you are I'm going to kick..." The panther started up but soon fell silent as Adam leaned in and started to kiss along his neck, causing him to purr lightly. Marc soon laid back on the bed letting the wolf kiss along him, moving a paw over his chest a little bit as he did. Adam was unaware that his actions were causing himself to get hard, but Marc was fully aware as he felt the bulge press up against him. "Ah... Adam... can I see you... without your clothes?"

"Y-y-y-y-y-you want to see me nude?" Adam was a perfect pink as the panther nodded his head again looking to the wolf. Not sure at first, he slowly stood up and gulped a bit as he brought his paws to the base of his shirt and pulled it off exposing his well muscled white furred stomach and chest to Marc. As if on cue the panther stood and pulled of his own shirt letting his black fur be exposed to the wolf. Adam went a little wide eyed as he looked over the panther, almost murring to the sight alone. As he stared at him Marc slowly walked over and placed his paws on the wolfs waist, hooking his thumbs into the jeans he was wearing and slowly lowered them down, casuing Adam to gasp loudly. The tent in his boxers were quite obvious as Marc took a step back admiring his almost fully nude form, before unzipping his own jeans to show off his own tented boxers to Adam. The white wolf began to breathe a bit harder as he looked over his friend again, his eyes mostly focusing on the erection concealed by the fabric. Seeing him looking to the bulge, Marc grabbed the band of his boxers and dropped them to the floor stepping out of them, giving Adam a nice view of his eight inches and his furry balls. The wolf remained motionless as he looked to it, his mouth agape a little... he never thought he would find another mans cock so good looking before. When Marc moved back over he blushed again staring at him as he knelt in front of him, running a paw across the bulge in the cloth.

"Ahhh..." Adam closed his eyes and moaned lightly, murring a bit as he felt the black panthers paws trace up to the waistband on his boxers and slowly pulled them off, letting them fall to the floor, Adam kicking them away. Marc smiled as he looked over the wolfs impressive length, guessing it to be about nine inches or just a bit bigger. Reaching down with his paw, the panther grasped his cock gently, causing him to moan out louder than he had before. Adam had to sit on the ground feeling his legs somewhat give out from the touch, but this only caused Marc to smile as he laid in front of Marc and reached out again, slowly starting to paw him off this time. At first he watched with a smile murring and moaning every little bit from the pleasure, but gasped and closed his eyes tightly when he felt the rough tongue of the feline move up from the base of his length to the tip, licking up the pre that had leaked out. The wolf laid on his back panting and moaning as Marc licked along his cock, but arched his back in pleasure when he felt his warm maw slip over the entire thing. Hearing the moaning wolf, Marc started to suck lightly on him, keeping his tongue moving slowly over the base of his cock, making him nice and slick. He kept sucking along his cock for a few more minutes before pulling off and moving up on the wolf. Adam looked up and blinked as he watched the panther sit on his stomach, wondering what he was planning until he saw him rise up a little a grip his cock.

"Marc... what are you..."

"Don't worry Adam... you'll like this..." The black panther smirked as he lined Adams cock up to his tailhole and slow started to descend on it, causing the wolf to moan out as the tight walls of the panther surrounded his cock. Marc closed his eyes and purred loudly as he felt more and more of Adam slip into him, letting out a deep moan as the rest made its way in and he sat on the wolfs lap.

"Ahhhh gods Marc... you feel so tight and warm..." Adam was panting softly as he looked to the panther smiling. Marc smiled back at him then began to slowly pull up off of the wolf until only the head of his cock was in him, the pushed back down on it, causing them both to moan in unison. The black panther began to do this movement at a slow rate, making the white wolf arch his back a bit and begin thrusting up into him gently. Soon Marc began to pick up his pace pushing down harder each time, as Adam thrust in each time he pushed back on, the knot on the wolfs cock starting to swell. Each time he went back down, Marc could feel the knot slip in but wasn't large enough to tie them just yet. Adam was howling softly coupled with his moans as he reached up and gripped the panthers cock, getting bot a loud gasp and deep moan from him. The ever swelling knot finally pushed in and didn't come back out as it tied the two furs together, making Marc bounce up and down on Adams cock in short yet powerful movements, throwing his head back in pleasure and lust.

"ohhh... ohhh Adam... I''m....gonna...." He never even finished his sentence as he clenched his eyes and roared loudly as he sprayed his seed all over the white wolf, it blending perfectly with his fur. Some landed near Adams mouth and he took a lick of it... It tasted great to him, and he ran his paw over himself collecting it and licking it off. Doing this combined with Marc still riding his cock hard, caused him to let out a long deep winded howl, as he thrust in again shooting his wolven seed deep into the panther. This went on for a few moments before the wolf laid his head back and turned his head panting hard.

"huff...huff... ahh Marc...that was...incredible..." He managed to say between his breaths, sitting up slightly once he had.

"That it was Adam..." He was breathing hard himself as he remained on Adams cock waiting for the knot to decrease in size, "I'm glad you enjoyed it... hun"

"Hun?" Adam blinked again then realized what Marc had meant and smiled widely up at him, sitting up with him still in his lap "Of course I did hun... you're very sexy you know" He blushed lightly saying this, but the panther said nothing more as he leaned in and gave him a long deep passionate kiss. Marc closed his eyes and purred as Adam closed his letting out a deep murr, wrapping his arms tightly around the panther. Marc was in heaven in that moment... he didn't care about money, he didn't care about what he was going to do tomorrow, but he knew that it would be spent with his best friend and his new mate, a beautiful white wolf named Adam.

=All Comments welcome ^^=

Copyright of the GreenEyedTiger