A Room Mate's Love - Part 1

Warning: Contains M/M actions, so if you are under 18 or do not like this kind of content please do not read. A Room Mate's Love - Part 1 A black panther lies awake in his bed staring up at his ceiling. Though he had been awake for almost an...

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Family Discount

Hey there folks been a long time coming but I've finally got another story for you! I've brought you brother on brother, father on son, and now with my biggest story yet (Nearly 10000 words holy hell!) I bring you some uncle on nephew fun! Per usual if...

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Sex On The Beach

Hey guys, this little short story I got inspired to write after seeing the amazing detail put into the picture that I added along with it! I hope you enjoy it =3 * * * _It was starting to get late in the day as Saul stared out over the ocean from his...

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No Words

Yay for random inspiration from nowhere! This story is done in first person, which is a first for me to actually attempt. There's nothing much to it aside from sex so keep that in mind XP If you aren't 18+ then this story is not, and I repeat **NOT**...

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He's A Deep Sleeper

So after quite the long, long, LONG absence from writing I finally managed to get a story fully completed. As per the usual warning if you are under 18 then do NOT read this story as it involves gay relations between a father and son. Hope you...

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Pool Duty

WARNING!!! Contains acts portraying two males in sexual acts. If you are under 18/21 do not view this story, if you do not like gay sex do not view this story, if your fine with it all then go right ahead! Pool Duty By: Rob The Green Eyed Wind...

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Identical Troubles

Identical Troubles Three sets of eyes watched as a blue sedan slowly pulled from the driveway, easing its way into the street, before finally speeding off down it. Once the car had turned the corner making it disappear from sight the three...

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Brotherly Bonding

_It had just hit the middle of the summer season with August rolling in with it's wonderful weather. Having found time to get off work, Rob and his brother Brox had decided to make sure of a weekend to get away from things together and just enjoy some...

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