Sophie and Jon Part 2 [Come together]

Story by Linknspirit on SoFurry

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#2 of Foxtaur stories

Well here is part 2 guys :/ hope this one went a little better. Learn by doing they say though ^_^. So finally Sophie and Jon have met up and began there journey with each other, it is sure to be an interesting one ;) (i hope)

Sophie Part 2

I came to a fork in the road, one path left, one path towards the right. Pausing for a brief moment, I looked down the right passage. There, not to far up the road, I happen to see some vines, wandering down that path a ways, I stopped when I got closer. Suddenly I had a bad feeling, as I began backing up cautiously I realized I did not, for any reason, want to go down that path. These vines in the road, the smell of them, they smelt so familiar for some reason. Aha! thats it! these vines are called the death hoods. They are basically a combination of angel trumpets, and rosary peas. Somehow these poisoness plants had crossbred and formed a hybrid vine with bright purple flowers. They release a pollen that makes a person hallucinate, and they are deadly to touch (death can be instant). something unique happened when these to plants crossed, they also somehow became airborne. Their airborne toxin is less deadly but can still pose serious problems if left untreated to long.

I turned away from them thankful that I did not get to close to them before realizing what they were, that could have turned out far worse, I told myself quietly.

I returned to the fork in the road, looking down the left path I could see no vines or anything. So I started down the left path, all of a sudden I had a sence of urgency, like something, or someone, calling for me. I quickened my pace, looking up i realized it was mid afternoon right now and if i did not get a move on I would be stuck on a dark forest road for the night. I knew i should have packed a portable shelter, smacking myself for not seeing the unexpected.

Wandering further down the path I started feeling the familier specks of rain starting to fall on my head, knowing this was the rainy season, I paused breifly, just long enough to dig out my umbrella from my rucksack, then I continued hoping that it wouldnt rain to bad, Little did I know then that this storm would be one that would change my life forever.

Jon Part 2

Help! I screamed, wondering if anyone could even hear me over the loud sound of rushing water beneath me. Resorting to one hand, I held the rope firmly, letting my other hand rest for a bit. I had started getting exhausted about an hour ago, my screaming coupled with the fear of death, that was the only thing allowing me to stay awake this long.

Great, this is just grrreat, I began to cry for the first time since that tragic day. For the first time in my life I decided I would think over my life, had I lived a fulfilled one? what could I have done differently?

Thoughts of my Ex wife began flashing in my mind. If I had never met her, If I had just realized the problem she was, trying to convince myself that my life would have been infinetly better if I had never met the 'she devil'. These images of her were so vivid, I felt like if I had the energy I could reach out and touch her, not that I'd want to. Looking up into the sky, I was met by a drop of water. Great, just what I needed. Can this get any better, sighing heavly as the rain settled in and started picking up. Water above me and below me, I felt helpless, like a insect in a spiders web.

Just then I thought I heard a rustling noise, and maybe some twigs snapping, bringing me back from the brink of wonderland once again. I summoned up what I figured to be most of what little energy I had left and shouted, Hey! is there someone there? anyone? can you hear me? please help me i seem to have fallen in the stream and i can't get out, could you please throw a rope or something? Silence. My hope slipping once more, I figured what the hell it comes down to all or nothing here. Summoning all my leftover strengh, I prepared for a final shout. Shush, be quiet and save your strength, came a voice. Not wanting to disobey, for fear of being left alone to my fate, I obediently remained quiet and just listened to someone rumaging around up top.


Suddenly a rope came flying in my direction, it spun in the air and landed across the rope I was clinging on to. Look, I appreciate the gesture, there is just thing, I fear I do not have the strengh to hold on much longer, let alone climb another rope, I explained. The rope was pulled back quickly, and once again I heard more noises. The rope came flying back moments later tied into a harness type support. Slip it over your arms quickly! the voice explained. Quickly but carefully I did just that, slipping first one arm through the support, and fitting the rope snug under my arms.

Slowly and steadily I began feeling a tug on the other end of the rope, I couldnt believe it, I was being brought to safety! I was going to live! The thoughts of life giving me strength, I placed my feet on the sides of the bank, and started helping the person on the other end, climbing as much as I could. Keep going your almost there, the voice said. Gasping as I threw an arm over the muddy bank edge, I began grasping, and pulling weeds, and anything else that gave me a grip on things.

Strong arms helped hoist me on over, and rolled me onto my back. There I looked into the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, part silver part blue, they were gorgous. Slowly I became aware of the other features of this 'person'. It was not a person at all I soon realized, but more like a fox with a human looking top half. Realizing that what I was staring at so rudely, was what is known as a foxtaur. I quickly turned away not wanting to stare, I had heard they were beautiful but this was a whole new part to that word, I had never seen anything so beautiful before, in my life. I realized I must have wandered near foxtaur territory without realizing it.

Content that I was in fact safe, plus having such a beautiful vixen standing over me, I let my body go and drifted into uneasy resting state, my body tired from the thrashing it had been given. My final thoughts were, things would be ok, then I passed out.

Sophie Part 3

After helping the human up over the edge of the bank, I watched him fasinated. Our people have told storys of humans before, but I had never personally seen one, not many people dare travel into foxtaur territory. He slowly slipped into a sleep, and I gave him a quick glance over. Dark brown eyes, well built, dark hair, and average height. Hey he was pretty handsome, for a human. Upon closer inspection, I noticed dark rings under his eyes. Must of wandered into a field of death hoods, muttering under my breath. I lay him down softly onto a pillow of grass clumped together, and went to fetch my rucksack.

Let's see hear, water, food, blanket, Aha! here it is, bringing forth a small vial out of the bag I wandered back over to the sleeping human. Bending down I popped the cork on the tiny bottle, quickly swishing the liquid in my mouth, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his, letting the liquid pass from my mouth unto his. It is potent stuff so I have to delute it with my saliva first. Satisfied as the dark rings under his eyes eased up and began to dissappear, good looks like I got it to him just in time. I giggled, Wonder what he would think if he had woke up during that, probably that I was trying to make a move on him or something, humans are silly that way.

I began preparing for the storm that was quickly aproaching. Snapping branches, leaning them together in a tepee shape, gathering and throwing leaves over the holes in between the branches to cover them up, and bracing the bottom of the structure with rocks and packed mud, I made sort of a make shift tent. It is not pretty, but it will serve it's purpose, I annouced satisfied, quickly I went to fetch the human and drag him inside, out of the on-coming storm.

Figuring he would be hungry, I made a small fire just outside the entrance of the tent, putting on a blend of herbs and vegetables from my bag into my pot I had brung, I managed to make a herbal soup that would give him some of his strength back. As I stirred the soup, silently I watched the sky and thought to myself, I wonder what is a human was doing this far out in the woods?

Hearing a stirring noise I returned to the tent and saw he had opened his eyes finally, I hope you are hungry, I made soup.

Yes, quite,

he said in a raspy voice. Can I get some water please?

Sure be right back, walking to my bag I dug in it till I found my water, and handed it over.

Thanks, he said and took a swig.

If you do not mind me asking, what is a human doing this far out in the woods?

He laid back and sighed heavily. It is a long story, that one.

Well you can tell me all about it over a bowl of soup, if you do not mind that is.

Not at all, he said. I went to fetch some bowls from my bag and dip out the soup, as he began his story.

It began with a woman,

He explained. She was the one, I thought at least she was, her name was Jackie. The cruel reality is she used me to get what she wanted. We had a good start, just like every relationship we had bumps in the road, nothing to bad though.

I_ was a carpenter and made a decent wage, but alas no matter how much I made I was constantly in debt for some reason. So I began looking in to it, apparently she had been taking my money and buying things for herself, like purses and jewelry,_ he took a breath and went on. It was January of 2007 when she told me she was pregnant. I thought things would get better for sure then, but of course you would be right if you think they did not. Once she had our baby girl she spent everything on her, money i did not have to be spent. Suffering from major debt, and my business going under, I panicked. I pleaded with her to stop spending so much, but she just laughed in my face and said she wanted to get a divorce.

I was shocked! I had given everything to her, things i did not have to give even. Tired and defeated, I did not argue. Maybe it would be better if I did not have her to worry about. She took me to court in 2012 over our daughter know just turning 5. It was her having a job and a place, versus me, no job, and not able to pay bills. Needless to say she won custody of our little girl. But the worse part is what happened after all that, he paused and choked back some tears, then continued. After the custody hearing, out in the main part of the courthouse, I was to say good bye to my little girl. That is when my little girl came up and kicked me in the shin and spat at me, I looked at Jackie and saw her smug look, her look telling me I was nothing, telling me she had won, and that she had control over our daughter. The last thing that she had told me was, I better find a job to pay her child support She then grabbed her little girls hand and stormed off. Feeling utterly defeated, I left everything behind in the city and decided I would come out here and live off the land. Free from society and people like Jackie. What I did not count on was falling into a river and being swept away. So that is what has brought me out here, he finished and looked over at me.

You mean she turned your own child against you, I growled. That is horrible! how could she live with herself after that?

Believe me it would be easy for a thing like her, he said, then quickly added, Soups good.

Thanks, it is just something I threw together last minute. Looking at him sadly I asked, So...did you come out here to die or something?

_ Well not that I had originally planned, I sorta just felt something saying to go this direction, I stopped for some water and fell in the river,_ he explained.

Hm, well then. Your welcome to come with me, did you bring any stuff?

Yea, he said. About 2 miles north, i had a pack of food, water, and other supplies. I lost it however when I fell in the river, frowning he layed back down.

Well we can back track to get it if you want to tomorrow. But think it over, you are welcome to travel along side me. Laying down next to him, I watched him think it over.

I would like that, he finally said. So what are you doing out here?

Oh me? I thought a moment then, I am searching for something. I do not know what, but I have a feeling a may have found it. Looking puzzled he asked, What? I giggled and explained how my villagers went on a soul searching trip once they felt the time was right. They went to look for answers, to find where they belong, and even to find there soulmates sometimes if they where lucky.

Night had fallen and the storm had picked up, safe in our little shelter with each others company, we smiled, talked, laughed, and we both enjoyed having someone to talk to. We came to learn each others names, and even about where we came from a little.

Sophie and Jon

Brr, Jon shivered. It is chilly with all that rain coming down, he said and rubbed his arms trying to hold in some body heat. I looked at him questionly, before I realized of course he had no fur like me. Laying down next to him I laid my tail out over him like a blanket. Oh your really warm, he said as he snuggled into my fur.

I giggled watching him, I had this sudden strange urge that made me want to kiss him. I blushed but luckily my fur hid it, leaning over I quickly licked his cheek, and watched his reaction. He just looked at me, turned a bright red before returning my kiss, with the human version of a kiss on my lips. It was awkward with our mismatched mouths, but we made it work. Feeling a hunger deep down brewing we looked into each others eyes, embracing each other, hugging, kissing and beginning to explore each others bodys. Both of us happy, and knowing that this was not an, awkward but a beautiful thing.

We both fell together in our shelter under the rain, and for our first time, we made love. Our own moans smothering out the sounds of rain.