The Corruption

Story by Mauduin on SoFurry

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It's been a while since I've sat down to write something. My last story was written in haste and I didn't put a lot of effort into it's style or technique. This time I was determined to put more effort into proof reading and editing this new story. I might write a sequel, but for now this is a stand alone. For those of you who don't know what an Arremer is, they're a sexy red demon with wings from the Ghost n' Ghouls series. I hope you enjoy

  • * * It had been over three months since people last heard from the village of Sol. The Paladin order sent two recruits to investigate the disappearances, but neither recruit has been heard of since they left. The order decided to send in one of their more seasoned veterans, Jaden Vera, to investigate the village. Jaden's mission was to investigate the reason for the villagers of Sol's disappearance and gather as much reconnaissance on whatever (or whoever) caused Sol's plight. Jaden had been in the order for almost 15 years and had enough experience to know that an entire village doesn't go missing without some kind of demonic presence. The order knew this as well, but was arrogant enough to send a couple recruits to investigate. Jaden had become irritated that he alone now had to clean up the orders mess, and the audacity that the order would not lend him a horse to travel the distance. Jaden was equipped with some light armor and his sword, more than what the order felt necessary to send him with. "A recruit wouldn't know an imp from a troll, let alone handle one. How could they sacrifice two recruits to satisfy their egos? Ever since Monos was defeated, the Paladin order has been far too confident in their own abilities." Jaden said deep in thought. Jaden, however, was more seasoned than most Paladins. He was honored enough to be a part of the campaign against the Arremer Lord Monos. Arremers were the most feared demon in the armies of darkness, more so than the Minotaur or the harpie. The Arremer race contained four classifications, the Arremer, the Arremer Ace, the Arremer Joker, and the Arremer Lord. The Arremer race had scarlet, leathery skin with yellow eyes that seemed to burn straight to your soul when they looked at you. Their head was oval in shape with a sharp ridge at the top of the cranium and a mouth that was slightly elongated muzzle. Their pointy ears were so keen they could hear a cricket over two miles away. The Arremer shared a great resemblance to humans in their form aside from their bony wings and their talon-like feet. Any Arremer could lift a bull with its talons and fly it for miles away before tearing it apart with their razor sharp fangs. Little is known about how Arremers are created, but it's assumed that they are born from the fires of hell. Arremer's can rise through the ranks of the Arremers, but only 2 have been able to achieve the rank of Arremer Lord, Monos and Loki. Loki, the lord of destruction, was slain over one hundred years by the Paladin Grand Master Crillas the Courageous. Monos, the lord of pain, started a one hundred year bloody war with the Paladin order in retaliation of the death of his older brother. Jaden had just graduated from recruit status when he joined the campaign against Monos. Monos was renowned for his lust for sadism. It was better to commit the forbidden act of suicide than to allow Monos to put you through one of his torture techniques. After his victim had perished, the body parts were strewn across the land to instill terror in his enemies. Jaden would still have nightmares over the mangled bodies he would come across during the war. It was during the decisive battle of Ashen fields that Monos fell into a trap that seal the demon into a crystal of light for all eternity. The Paladin order claims that the war was a guaranteed victory, but Jaden knew otherwise. The war had lingered too long and the Paladin army too greatly demoralized that if they had not won the battle of Ashen fields they would have fallen to Monos. As for the crystal that contains Monos' essence, it now resides atop the Grand Master's scepter. Jaden had just begun to feel burdened by his light armor when he finally arrived at to Sol. If Jaden had not known there was life in this village only 3 months ago he would have simply saw this village as a ghost town from ages past. The buildings had started aged rapidly and were in a massive state of disrepair. Sol was now a plague on the land, it's sickness spreading to the crops and plants in the area. Jaden knew that this was a sign that a strong demonic presence had claimed this land. Jaden scoured the village for any sign of what happened to the villagers. Hours past and Jaden did not find any sign of villager or any trace of the recruits. He did find a strange mark painted in blood inside on of the homes. The mark was very similar to the mark of Monos, but it wasn't. Jaden was fearful that a lost battalion of Monos' had survived and was plotting revenge for their lost master. Jaden surveyed the horizon for any sign of where the villagers might have fled to when he saw an abandoned cart along the border of a nearby forest. Jaden followed a path out of Sol that lead him towards the cart. His nose caught the scent of decay emanating from the broken cart. Inside the cart were the rotting remains of food supplies, clothing, and holy sacraments. The sacraments meant that someone was delivering supplies to a nearby church before something forced him to abandon his cart. Jaden figured that the church would be the first place the villagers would escape to. The forest sent a cold chill down his spine. It seemed to devour all light that attempted to enter its domain. His intuition sensed death would greet him in this forest. Jaden looked back at the setting sun, and against his better judgment, made his way into the forest. He said a prayer as the darkness slowly wrapped around him like a blanket. Jaden trudged his way through the forest with his hand on the grip of his sword. The air around him was deathly still, yet Jaden felt that he was constantly being watched. He knew the demon's lair had to be close by. The stillness around him was broken by the sound of twin howls behind him. Jaden recognized the howling to be that of werewolves, but a full moon was days away from now. A werewolf cannot transform without the power of a full moon unless they were under the command of a powerful demon. This was a cause for concern for the order. Jaden heard the sound of rustling foliage behind him getting closer and closer. Jaden unsheathed his holy blade and followed the path with great haste to find shelter from his pursuers. About a mile ahead he faint light source in the distance. He followed the light to its source, an old gothic church. Jaden prayed that there was some trace of the villagers and the recruits in church. Jaden bashed upon the locked doors, waiting for anyone inside to let him in. Jaden turned to see how close his pursuers had come. He could see their dark red eyes piercing the darkness in the distance. Jaden did not want to confront the werewolves out of fear of being bitten. The lycanthropy curse manifests itself in three days and the closest Paladin base that could lift the curse was more than 4 days away. Once a person goes through his first transformation, only death can free the cursed soul. Jaden put his back to the church door and readied his sword for blood. A voice cried from behind him, "Hurry brave sir, hurry before the werewolves get too close." Jaden fled into the sanctuary of the church. An old, balding monk draped in brown robes welcomed Jaden. Jaden looked around but only found candles as his fellow company. The inside the church had a rich, youthful exuberance compared to the aging exterior. To the left of the altar was a deep set of stairs leading to the depths of the church. It was not unusual for old churches to build into the earth rather than above it. Jaden's attention turned back to he monk clutching a crossbow, armed with a silver-tipped arrow, close to his body. By the way the monk clumsily grasped the crossbow, he didn't have much experience using it. The monk asked Jaden, "Who are you? Only someone very brave or very foolish would dare make their way in here." "I am Jaden Vera of the Paladin order. I have been sent to investigate the missing villagers." Jaden's words calmed the monk's jittery muscles. "Thank heavens!" The monk put his crossbow down, "I thought no one would come to help me. I wanted to warn the order of the demonic presence, but two werewolves have trapped me here. I haven't been able to escape and have depended on the plants in the garden for sustenance." "Did any of the villagers escape here?" Jaden asked. "Only one person made it to the church to tell me what had taken place, but the werewolves had attacked him so badly that he shortly succumbed to his wounds. All he managed to say was evil had come. I wanted to warn the order, but I can't outrun the werewolves. The werewolves don't dare enter the church for fear of the holy weapons I am armed with. But as for any other demons, I have not heard or seen one at all." The Monk made his way over to the altar. "What about two paladin recruits? Did they make their way here?" Jaden asked. "No. You are the first person to make it here since the villager. You must be parched. Let me get you some water brave paladin." The Monk made his way to the altar and started to pour a vase of water into a wooden cup. "Thank you. I am rather parched from running." Jaden replied. There was still no sign of any demons or the recruits. Jaden was convinced that a lost battalion of Monos' had made its way to Sol and attacked it. But this does not explain the werewolves in the forest. Maybe perhaps a greater demon had taken custody of the forsaken demons. "We should gather some provisions together and escape the forest. Once clear of the forest and the village I shall take you to the order where I'll need you to tell them what has transpired here. With that we'll be able to send more paladins in to clear out the demon presence. "I have plenty of holy water in the basement as well as two quivers of silver arrows. I hope that will suffice." The monk assured Jaden as he handed over the cup of water. Jaden took a drink from the cup as he examined the art in the stain-glass windows. Jaden asked the monk, "It is odd that you are the only monk in such a large church." The monk assured him, "My dear Paladin, who ever said I was a monk." Jaden quickly turned to the monk only to find the face of a Grave Spirit. Grave Spirits were half eagle, half human sorcerers with deep blue skin. They were famous for being the underworld's best sorcerers and alchemists. "What kind of trickery is this?" Jaden said as his head started to spin. Jaden could no longer see straight as the world around him seemed to blend together. "Don't worry sir Paladin, the sleeping potion I gave you is taking affect. Just relax and sleep.....sleep....." the Grave Spirit whispered to Jaden. His voice was so soothing that Jaden couldn't resist the temptation to sleep. Jaden slumped to the floor in quiet slumber. An Arremer suited in black armor came hiding behind the altar hoisted Jaden over his shoulders and took him down to the depths of the church. "Be careful with this specimen. The master will want to play with him," the Grave spirit warned the Arremer. Jaden began to regain consciousness. His mind was starting to become aware of his surroundings. He was in a dark room lit by candlelight. He was chained to the wall at his arms and ankles. All his clothes were gone except his underwear. Before him was a black throne adorned with skulls and bones. He tried to jiggle himself free of his chains when he heard growling. Two werewolves in spiked collars were growling at Jaden to his left and right. Jaden could understand that the werewolves were ordering him to stay put. These werewolves had covered in mangy silver fur and deep red eyes. A black spiked collar with the same marking he saw in the village wrapped around their neck. These must have been the two werewolves chasing him in the forest. "Perhaps the Grave Spirit was now commanding this legion of demons?" Jaden thought to himself. Suddenly a deep voice commanded, "Stand down my pets. He will not escape." Both the werewolves sat down, but their eyes still fixed on Jaden in case he did try to escape. Fear had overwhelmed Jaden. He had heard a voice similar years ago, but Monos could never escape his prison. There was no way he could break free of the light crystal, or could he? He looked up to see a mighty Arremer Lord staring deep into his soul with his bright yellow eyes. This one was not Monos though. Monos had a large spike protruding from both his shoulders and his forearms were littered with smaller spikes. He didn't even resemble Loki either. The Arremer lord in front of him had bullhorns on his head. He was more muscular than the other two lords were. He was clad in a black leather harness and black briefs. This was an Arremer Lord that Jaden had not recognized, that even the order had never ever seen. Beside this mysterious Arremer Lord was the Grave Spirit that drugged him earlier. Jaden noticed that the Grave Spirit too bore the same collar that the werewolves had on. The Arremer Lord approached his captive, "You must be wondering who I am. You fools only believed there to be two Arremer Lords. My name is Asmodeus; I am the youngest Arremer Lord. I have kept my presence a secret for a long time now and for good reason. You can do so much when no one is there to resist you. And in time, there will be no paladins to resist me. For years I have made this church my home. I have been building an army to exact my revenge for the loss of my brothers." Without hesitation, Jaden cried, "You can go ahead and torture me all you want, I won't reveal any secrets of the order." Jaden tried to hide the fear in his heart. He knew all too well what kind of torture Monos was capable of. Jaden did not want to subject to the demons twisted torture. Asmodeus smiled Jaden, "You will. Your two fellow comrades were quite as determined as you to resist me when I brought them here. But they freely gave me their secrets. I didn't need to torture them at all. They were so co-operative, they decided to join my army as my werewolf guards." Jaden was filled with fury, "You liar! They would never freely corrupt themselves with Lycanthropy!" For any Paladin to willingly allow their bodies to be corrupted by any demonic curse was to turn his back on the light. Such an act was the greatest form of blasphemy. "They wanted more than life itself to become my pets. If you still don't believe me, let me show you their paladin mark." He glanced over to the Grave Spirit and nodded. The Grave Spirit grabbed a dagger from within his robe and started to cut some of the werewolves fur off around the bicep. The Paladin tattoo on their arms was a slap to Jaden's face. He did not want to believe that they willingly accepted corruption. Asmodeus must have tortured them into submission or had plagued them against their wills. Jaden, so blinded by fury, spit in the face of Asmodeus. Asmodeus barely flinched as the loogie hit his eye. The werewolves took to an attack stance and started to growl while the Grave Spirit grabbed Jaden by the neck. "Say the word master and I'll turn him to a toad. He'll make a nice meal for your pets." Asmodeus merely wiped the spit from his eye, "That will not be necessary, you can release him." The Grave Spirit released his grip of Jaden's neck. Asmodeus' eyes began to explore Jaden's body from toe to head. His eyes met back with Jaden's eyes, "I like your spunk Jaden. You defy me now, but you will submit. They always do." "I am stronger and more seasoned than those recruits. You will never get me to submit to torture." Jaden lied as he told this to Asmodeus. Images of the mangled bodies that Monos had tortured kept flashing in his mind. Asmodeus smiled with confidence, "I know the idea of torture scares you, I can smell your fear. My brother Monos specialized in torture. I believe there are better ways of getting what you want out of others. There's more than one way to get around free will." Jaden asked, "What demonic practice do you specialize in?" Asmodeus laughed, "All in due time my paladin. For now, I have an offer to make you. I shall give you the opportunity to free your friends and even have me leave the village forever." Though liars and cheats, a demon is forbidden from breaking an agreement. However, a demon would usually have the scales tipped into his favor before making any kind of deal. "What do you have in mind?" Jaden asked. There was no harm in hearing the demon out. Perhaps he could even outsmart the demon. "We shall wrestle each other for three rounds. Each round ends when one of us submits to the other. Neither of us will draw blood from the other while we fight. Win one round and one of your associates will be returned to their human form. Win two rounds and both of them can go free. Win all three and I will leave this land forever abandon my campaign against the Paladins." Asmodeus offered. "What's the catch? What do I do if I lose the rounds?" Jaden did not want to accept any deal that ends with him being cursed with lycanthropy. "Very wise of you to ask, but I will require nothing of you if you lose a match. If you lose all three than you can return to the Paladin headquarters unharmed. But I will remain here and my hounds with me." Asmodeus said. This was too good to be true, but too good to pass up. Even if he failed to win any rounds, he could still go back and warn the order of the new Arremer Lord. "So you promise me that I will go unharmed even if I lose all three rounds." Jaden wanted to be sure of the demons proposal. "Of course. I will not defy our agreement." Asmodeus said. Jaden nodded, "Then I shall accept your offer." "Excellent. Grave spirit, send the wolves out on patrol of the forest and then magically seal the doors to make sure our guest decides to leave us earlier than agreed. You are also forbidden from interfering with this fight." "As always master." The Grave Spirit sent the wolves out the door and sealed the door with a red, magic aura. "You've done this before?" Jaden became worried that others had gone through this trial but had not managed to make it out of the demon's lair alive. "I always give my captors the opportunity to best me in physical combat. I am rather fond of wrestling, and especially the male form. And you definitely have a nice form." Asmodeus began to caress Jaden's body with his hands. It didn't surprise him that the demon was a homosexual. Homosexual acts were against his oath to the light. Demons prided themselves on tainting captured Paladins with their demonic seed. Jaden quickly intervened, "Lets get this over with." "Fine then. And to make things fair I will not use my wings for flight. I will beat you on the ground." Asmodeus snapped his fingers and, like magic, Jaden's chains unlocked and released him. "Let us begin mortal." Asmodeus and Jaden both readied themselves. The two opponents start to circle each other, both ready to pounce upon the other at any moment. Jaden figured that Asmodeus since the demon was larger than he was; Jaden would have the advantage of agility. Asmodeus made the first strike and charged Jaden. Jaden instinctively sidestepped around Asmodeus. Jaden took both his hands and power-slammed Asmodeus's back with both his fists clenched together. Asmodeus had lost his balance and fell to his knees. This was Jaden's chance to attain the first victory. Jaden rushed towards Asmodeus, hoping to pin him in a headlock. Asmodeus was getting up when Jaden came from behind and locked the demons arms above his head. Jaden squeezed as tight as he could. The demon stood up and started to try and buck the Paladin off his back. Jaden could feel Asmodeus getting hot from trying to break free of Jaden's grip. The demon's skin began to saturate in sweat as the demon continued to struggle. "Do you give up demon?" Jaden boasted as though he had already won the submission. Jaden caught the scent of something odd. It was not powerful enough for him to determine what it was, but it fazed him for a brief moment. The slight pause was all Asmodeus needed to break free. He threw Jaden over his shoulder and across the room. Jaden hit the wall with a hard 'thud'. Jaden quickly regained his composure and got up to face his opponent. Asmodeus and Jaden locked hands together and began to struggle to force the other one to the ground. "You didn't think I would let you win so quickly did you?" Asmodeus taunted. Jaden was too focused on besting his opponent than to comment on Asmodeus's remark. Both opponents were starting to become drenched in sweat, the room heating up with the strain and stress of their muscles. Asmodeus gave Jaden a sinister smile. Jaden could sense that the demon was planning something. Jaden began to buckle under the tidal wave of strength coursing through Asmodeus' arms. The demon kneed Jaden in the stomach, knocking out the air in him. Jaden collapsed to the ground, trying desperately to regain his breath. Asmodeus took no time in getting behind Jaden and putting him in a headlock to mock Jaden's earlier attempt to conquer the demon. However, Jaden's face was smothered tightly in Asmodeus' armpit. "Struggle all you like, you can't escape." Asmodeus taunted Jaden. Jaden could not provide any resistance till he regained his breath. Jaden's gasps for air were stained with the musk coming from Asmodeus's armpit. The odor coming from Asmodeus's armpit was foul, yet fair at the same time. This was the odor he had smelt earlier when he had Asmodeus in his headlock. The musk had become more acrid the more sweat Asmodeus had shed. The musk had a calming effect on Jaden. He felt relaxed nestled in Asmodeus' armpit. Jaden snapped back to his senses. He couldn't relax! He had to break free of Asmodeus' grip. But the more he struggled, the more powerful the stench became, and the more enticed Jaden became by it. "If you wish to submit this round, you need only show me by licking my armpit." Asmodeus wanted to humiliate the Paladin before he would accept his submission. It was impossible to recoup while he was stuck in Asmodeus' armpit. He tried to convince himself that he was submitting so he could save his strength for the next rounds, but something deep inside him was curious to taste the demons armpit. Jaden licked Asmodeus' armpit, his tongue soaking up the demons essence. The sweat tingled his taste buds with pleasure. "There, that wasn't so bad now was it?" Asmodeus said as he released Jaden from his grip. Jaden fell to his knees, letting his lungs soak in the untainted air. "It looks like this will remain my domain. You still have the chance to save your friends." Jaden couldn't get that taste and smell out of his head. It was like nothing he had been introduced to before; so foul, yet so fair. "Don't take too much time. I like my opponents to be sweaty." Asmodeus gloated to the defeated Jaden. Jaden thought, "You have to get a hold of yourself. He wants to humiliate you in any way he can. But I can't get that smell, that taste out of my head. How can a demon charm my senses so?" Asmodeus suggested, "Perhaps you should remove your underwear. It will be one less thing to weigh you down." Jaden pondered the demons words with little thought. "Maybe the demon was correct? Anything that could give him an advantage would be best." Jaden mind was so pre-occupied that he didn't give much thought in opposition to Asmodeus' suggestion. Jaden removed his underwear and tossed it to the side of the room. "I see the light has blessed you with your great endowment. I knew you were special," Asmodeus said. Jaden took no heed to Asmodeus's comment and rose to his feet, "You may have won the first round, but I have learned your tactics. You will not win again." Jaden had called upon every fiber of his being to keep his mind on the battle at hand and away from the Asmodeus' enthralling musk. Jaden figured that if he got the upper hand on Asmodeus with his evasiveness the first round he could do it again. However, Asmodeus wouldn't be so foolish as to try charging at him a second time. If the demon wouldn't charge Jaden, Jaden would have to charge the demon. Jaden stormed towards Asmodeus with great vigor. Jaden was focused on how he would get around the demon when he saw his window of opportunity. Asmodeus' legs were spread far enough for Jaden to slide through. Asmodeus reached his arms out, trying to capture Jaden in his grasp. Jaden narrowly avoided the demon's grip and managed to slide smoothly underneath the behemoth. Before Asmodeus could turn around Jaden brought Asmodeus tumbling to the ground with a leg sweep. Jaden took no time in wrapping his legs around the demons torso from behind, placing the demon in the Jaden's clutches. As Jaden squeezed with all his might, his arms were trying to lock themselves around the demons chest so that he could lock the demon's arms at their sides. Jaden noticed that Asmodeus was barely resisting Jaden's attempt to trap him in his clutches. Why was the demon not unleashing all his strength? The demon was only resisting enough so that Jaden could not completely dominate him. Jaden's hands were frantically trying to lock his hands together across Asmodeus' chest. The pungent musk began to overwhelm Jaden's nostrils again. While his nose was being over stimulated by Asmodeus' musk, the demons firm chest stimulated Jaden hands. The glossy feel of Asmodeus' skin, trickled in sweat, felt like pure silk to Jaden's fingertips. Jaden's hands began to explore the demons chest further and further. His goal of locking Asmodeus' arms became lost in Jaden's admiration of the demons body. Jaden could not see it, but Asmodeus had made a very sinister grin. The demon did not fight Jaden's fondling, he was more than happy to let Jaden fool around. Jaden's hands become hungry for the feel of Asmodeus' large, firm pecs. His right hand continued to massage the demons pec while the left hand drifted its way south to the abs. The demons abs was as hard as steel and as chiseled as a fine sculpture. Jaden's fingers gently caressed the grooves of Asmodeus' ab muscles. Asmodeus was truly a leviathan, a wonderful example of perfection. Jaden, so captivated by the demons heavenly musk and rugged muscles, failed to notice he was getting sexually excited. Asmodeus could feel Jaden's excitement rising against his back. The demon gave a triumphant grin. He now had the Paladin exactly where he wanted him. Asmodeus seized his opportunity and escaped from between Jaden's legs. Jaden was too docile from his overexcited senses to stop Asmodeus. Asmodeus sat down on Jaden's chest, with his ass in Jaden's face, and secured the paladin's legs by his head. Asmodeus was now face to face with Jaden's ass. There was a fresh well of musk emanating from the demons ass. The musk had now changed his defiance into obedience. Jaden yearned to keep filling his lungs with demons musky odor. "Looks like your trapped again. I think I'll have a bit more fun this time around. I granted you the pleasure of exploring my body, I think it only fair that I get the same privilege." Asmodeus said. Asmodeus clasped Jaden's penis in his hand and began to stroke it. The demons hand had titillated Jaden's sexual arousal. It was forbidden to enter into homosexual acts according to the Paladin doctrine, but Jaden was too excited to resist. Jaden was eager to see how this would play out. "The light truly blessed you with a great penis my paladin friend. Now let me have a taste of that scrumptious ass." Asmodeus explored Jaden's ass by the tip of his tongue. Jaden couldn't help but moan in ecstasy. The Paladin doctrine had refused any sexual encounters, especially that with another male. Asmodeus' foreplay had awoken a lustful thirst within Jaden that could only be quenched by the awesome demon Asmodeus licked his lips, "I like your taste my paladin. If you wish to submit this round to me, all I ask is that you do the same to my ass." Jaden wanted nothing more than to absorb as much of the demon's musk as his body would take. Jaden took his tongue and began to explore the demon's ass, hoping to gratify the dominant demon. His tongue could not soak up the demon's musk fast enough. Asmodeus let out a groan of satisfaction, "Soak up as much as you can my whore. I like nothing more than a human to bask in my glory." Jaden's heart filled with joy as he satisfied the dominant demon. Jaden was now obsessed with achieving approval from Asmodeus. Being dominated by the demon began to feel natural to Jaden. He yearned for the demons dominance. The demon let go of his hold on Jaden returned to his feet, lording over the humiliated Paladin. Jaden was so overcome with sexual stimulation that he could not muster the strength to stand. "Your musk, it is so foul and yet so fair. It is more heavenly than the sweetest of perfumes. Your body has also become fruit to my eyes and hands. How is it that you have captivated me so?" Jaden wanted assurance that he was in love with Asmodeus and not enthralled by a love potion. Asmodeus told Jaden, "I told you that I do not break the laws of free will. I merely secrete a powerful aphrodisiac from my sweat that attracts other males to me. You could have resisted the temptations..." "But I don't want to!" Jaden interrupted the demon. "I want to feel your skin against my fingers, to feel the power of your muscles in my hands, to quench my thirst with your sweat and sustain my lungs with your musk." Asmodeus stretched out his hand towards Jaden. "I will give you everything you ask for, we need only finish our third match." Jaden took hold of the demons arm and was hoisted up to his feet. The demon put some distance between him and the Paladin. The third round had begun Jaden was blinded by lust. He rushed towards the demon with no intention of pinning the demon. He wanted to satisfy his hunger for Asmodeus' musk. His face planted itself into the demons chest, hands groping the demons pecs. Asmodeus clutched Jaden's head and smothered it into the demon's other armpit. Jaden felt right at home nuzzled in the demons armpit, bathing himself in the demon's odor. "I have marked you as my bitch Paladin. Now be a good bitch and lick the feet of your superior." Jaden got down on his hands and knees and began to worship the demons talons with his tongue. Asmodeus gloated over Jaden, "Good bitch. You take orders well. If only the Paladin order could see you now. One of their own so obedient to an Arremer Lord. Lie on your back and prepare to submit to me." Jaden lay flat on his back awaiting the Arrmer to force him into submission. Asmodeus sat on Jaden's chest facing towards Jaden and pinned his arms underneath the demon's powerful legs. Asmodeus flexed his arms and let out a demonic shriek in triumph. The stench of Asmodeus' musk coming from his crotch was more powerful than anyplace on his body so far. As his nostrils soaked up the musk, his hands began to worship the demons mighty biceps. Jaden felt pure power trapped within the demons biceps. Asmodeus was toying with Jaden the entire time. The demon could have beaten Jaden in a moment's time with such monstrous vigor. Asmodeus was no ordinary demon; he was a god. Asmodeus took Jaden's head in his left hand and smothered it into his crotch. "Breath in my dominance. You'd like nothing more than to taste my cock wouldn't you bitch?" "Yes Lord Asmodeus. Let me taste the pure essence of your manliness." Jaden begged. Jaden knew that he was committing a sin in the eyes of the light, but he cared not anymore. His heart was no longer filled with joy from the warmth of the light, but by the title of bitch from Asmodeus. Asmodeus put Jaden's head down and lowered his speedo to reveal his demonic genetalia. His penis was befitting of such a powerful demon. Jaden had never seen another mortal with such thickness and magnitude. "Submit to me. Suck my cock my bitch." Asmodeus ordered Jaden. Jaden, utter putty in the demons hands, put Asmodeus' penis in his mouth. Jaden adored Asmodeus' giant muscle in his mouth. It was the feeling of total submission. Jaden wanted nothing more than to please this leviathan, to worship him in any way he could. "Mmm, you suck my cock as if you were a professional. I am pleased." The demon started to play with Jaden's genitals. The excitement of having Asmodeus play with his genitalia was only second to the delight he got from pleasing the demon. "Prepare yourself, I want you to swallow everything I give you." Asmodeus warned his bitch. He began to let out a huge moan as his penis erupted with his demonic seed. Asmodeus' seed tasted like pure bliss in liquid form. Jaden swallowed all of the demon's ambrosia. Everything that had excited his senses before was nothing compared to the succulent taste of the demon's semen. "I win, bitch." Asmodeus boasted over his humiliated enemy. He rose from Jaden's chest and proceeded to rest upon his mighty throne. "I am true to my word paladin, you can leave here if you wish. Remove the barrier Grave Spirit." The Grave Spirit muttered a few words and the red aura disappeared from the door. "Asmodeus, I wish to stay here with you." Jaden replied "You wish to pledge yourself as my bitch?" Asmodeus asked. "I would forsake my oath to merely lick your talons for an instant. My life has become meaningless without your dominance. My life longs to be in your service." Asmodeus smiled, "Very good bitch, I warned you would eventually submit to me." "I long for nothing more than to call you Master." Jaden pleaded to the Arremer Lord "If you wish to call me master, you need only place my collar around your neck." With a gesture of his hand, Asmodeus beckoned his Grave Spirit over to Jaden. The Grave Spirit brought with him a spiked black collar. The collar was the same as the collars around the werewolves and the Grave Spirit's neck. "While I create some of my minions in the fires of hades, I prefer to corrupt humans through sex and transform them into what I desire. My Grave Spirit here used to be a petty mage, until he vowed loyalty to me. I imbued upon him power and magic beyond his wildest dreams. If you vowed loyalty to me, you too would be defiled in the face of the light. However, you too would be more powerful than the light could ever make you." "Then you would have me as a werewolf as with the other recruits?" Jaden asked. While at first he loathed the idea of transforming into a feral beast, if it meant that he would please his hopeful master he would do it in a heartbeat. Asmodeus assured the eager Paladin, "Not for someone of your caliber. Those recruits were merely pups in the order, so I made them into my pups. Seasoned Paladins, such as yourself, are highly trained in the art of combating demons. If I am to defeat them, what better to fight them than with an elite demon with the same training? If you swear loyalty to me, then I shall have you as one of my Arremers." Jaden was overcome with joy at the thought of sharing the same form as this god among demons. "Now, what say you?" Asmodeus asked. Jaden gave no thoughts of the order and his vows to the light. He didn't care for these anymore; he now wanted a new master. He wanted to bow down to a master who was truly greater than the light could ever be. Jaden placed the collar around his neck and knelt before Asmodeus, "Praise be to Master Asmodeus. Lord of corruption." Jaden kissed the benevolent feet of his new master. All the while Jaden took no notice that the collar had melded with his skin. The collar was now as much a part of his neck as his fingers was part of his hand. With a snap of Asmodeus's fingers he conjured a golden goblet. He used one of his claws to slice through his left hand. He let a small amount of blood drip into the goblet. "Now, drink of my blood and let the fires of hades complete your defilement." Jaden put the goblet to his lips. He took no time in tasting his master's blood, swallowing the blood in one gulp. As he felt the blood settle in his stomach his insides erupted into an inferno. He fell to the ground and into a fetal position. The fires inside him were scorching him to his very soul. The longer the flames burned inside him, the more the pain subsided and turned to power. The inferno began to feed his soul with the sensation of raw power and pure pleasure. Jaden felt the transformations taking place across his body. His muscles began to grow larger; his skin could barely contain his immense muscles. Changes began happening faster and faster. His fingernails became claws, his ears started to become pointy, his teeth sharpening into fangs, and the bones in his feet breaking and re-adjusting into talon-like feet. His skull stretched out into an oval shape with a sharp ridge at the top of his head. His mouth stretched out to become more muzzle like. The skin on his back could no longer contain the wings growing from his spine. The fires in his soul began to spread outwards to his skin. His entire exterior was now engulfed in the fires of darkness growing inside him. The fire burned away all his hair and singed away his white skin to reveal his new red, leathery skin beneath. His rebirth was now complete; he was now an Arremer. "Your unholy baptism is complete. You are now a child of darkness." Jaden returned to his knee and bowed before his Master. Jaden looked over to his arm and noticed that the fires had not destroyed his tattoo. "Master, my tattoo remains. Do you wish me to cut it off?" "No. I want you to keep it as well as your name. It will be a testament to all who see you. That I have defiled a paladin and bent him to my will." "As you wish master." Jaden said "I have a mission for you. I need you to infiltrate the order so you can bring more humans to me to be corrupted. When you return, tell your superiors that a band of trolls had massacred the village and the recruits to steal their cattle. You killed the trolls but found no survivors." "Forgive me Master, but the Paladins will kill me on sight if they see an Arremer approach the gates." Jaden said. "I have already accounted for this. This ring I give you will make you appear as your former self. That way you will be undetected by the order. Be warned though, now that you are a demon anything blessed by the light will harm you." Asmodeus presented Jaden with a golden ring with demonic runes engraved on the inside. "You may defile anyone with your sexual appetite, but any Paladins are to be defiled by me alone. It is only a matter of time before I have the Grand Master begging to lick my feet and call me his master." Jaden bowed his head, "Glory be to the Master." Asmodeus relaxed back in his throne, bearing a smile of great triumph. "You will return to the order at daybreak. But for now, you Master wishes you to suck his cock." The End.

Embrace of the Serpent Men

My name is Cargan, and I am a human soldier in the army of Algerion. Our country has been at war for almost a year now with what we have called the "Serpent Men". My convoy, which was delivering weapons from the west, was ambushed by the Serpent Men...

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