To Dream of Dragons (Citadel Truths - Eps 4)

Story by Pouchlaw on SoFurry

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#4 of Citadel Truths

"When one is the foremost authority on all things magical, one can still find the time to explore the truths in mystery in which fantasy becomes reality." - Welcome to Citadel Truths.

NOTE: This was written back when my writing skills were still in development.

Therefore you get this as-was. Enjoy the story.

Citadel Truths Episode Four - To Dream of Dragons By Darrel James Vanwinkle 03/26/2001-03/15/2004

The citadel had been seeing some pretty nice weather. Valerian Mouse was standing on the rooftop, at his painting easel, painting the vastly beautiful view of the surrounding forest. There was a strong wind blowing through the area giving ample lift for Mark Jolson's homemade box kite. Andros Fox and Felix Ocean sat in lounge chairs nearby, sipping tea, tails wagging, and watching the box kite rise and shift.

Mark was handling the box kite and string quite well, when suddenly, without warning, a flash of sparkling red shot out of clouds, yelling, "Look out below!!" The long red object collided with the box kite, and immediately got tangled up in the string, as it crashed, hard, into the open estate grounds, with a dull thud.

Everyone dropped what they were doing and rushed forth to the crash site. Raul Wolcott and Ryu Shou came out of the citadel with medical equipment and also ran over to the crash site.

Laying, painfully, on the ground, all tangled up in string and crepe paper, was a young, slender red courier dragon. "Ow. That was not one of my better landings. Can someone get me out of this mess, please?"

Everyone starting cutting the strings and box kite off of the small courier dragon. Valerian slowly waved a hand down the front of his body, instantly changing from his casual clothing into his archmagician clothing. Then, Valerian looked to the dragon and asked, "I am Archmage Valerian Mouse. What brings you to the Mystic Citadel, young dragon?"

The dragon looked up at Valerian with a smile. "It's you! I found you! There really IS a god! I am Courier Dragon, Red Rocket. You can call me Rocket. I am here to deliver a super important message from Lord Kearznothn the Black." He reached a claw into his courier pouch and pulled out a scroll case, handing it to Valerian.

Valerian took the scroll case and magically scanned it for traps, before uncorking the case, and pulling forth the scroll. As Valerian unrolled the artistic vellum scroll, a distinct scent cascaded into the air. Valerian knew it to be Kearznothn's personal signature scent.

Valerian held up the scroll and gazed upon the calligraphic writing therein.

"Most esteemed friend,

A situation of grave importance has been passed to my notice via a known acquaintance. A local clan of dragons, of whom you inadvertantly wrote a novel about years before, is now under fire from an unscrupulous source. Because you inadvertantly made their clan known to the world, they are asking that you personally get involved to restore their animosity by defeating this unscrupulous and malevolent source.

The repercussions for ignoring this plea will be great, my friend. I need not remind you of how deadly serious this situation is. Please repair the problem that you inadvertantly helped to create.

Your business acquaintance,

Kearznothn the Black"

Valerian hummed, then produced a small bag of gold coins, giving the payment to Rocket. "Thank you for making the delivery. Raul and Ryu will see to it that you are not injured for your return flight." Valerian turned to look at Mark, Andros and Felix. "Come, we need to prepare for our trip to Connecticut."

Darian Stargazer greeted everyone within the hour as he entered the citadel's library. "I got your message, Valerian. You only said that I'd probably be interested in helping out in this."

Valerian smiled. "Thank you for coming on such short notice. This is a delicate situation." Valerian handed Darian a copy of the novel.

Darian looked at the book's cover. "Um, I've already read this, Valerian. It's a great book about a fictional dragon clan..." Darian noticed Valerian's very serious gaze. "'s not about a fictional dragon clan... oh boy... They're mad, aren't they?"

Valerian then let Darian read the scroll.

After Darian finished reading the scroll, he exclaimed, "How did you get into such a mess as this?"

Valerian sat down in his office chair and replied, "Right before you invited us to that Summer Camp, I attended a private camping trip with some anachronistic scholars. One of the scholars and I had to share a tent, one night, and we took turns reciting stories... I told him the story about what Edward Brookes had told us months before. The unicorn story. The story he told me in return was so good, that later on, I put it into writing, added some details along the lines of what I thought that would make it more believeable, and sent it in to a local publisher. The next thing I knew, I had a best selling novel in the best seller's top ten list. That novel was this one: To Dream of Dragons. I hadn't realized that the story my friend told me that night was a true story. By the time I was informed of the truth, it was too late. The novel had sold over a million copies. Heck, even Raul Wolcott had a copy of the novel."

Andros said, "So any embarrassment or harrassment that they endure is partly your fault."

Felix added, "And you have to help them whenever they ask because of this novel. Right?"

Valerian nodded his head.

Darian hummed. "Do you still remember the original story before you added all the extras?"

Valerian smiled, and pulled out a folder from his personal filing cabinet. "It's right here. Would you all like to hear it? This is the original story that was recited to me from my scholar friend."

Everyone nodded their heads.

Valerian took a breath and opened the folder. "What I am about to read is the original document. No one else, save my scholarly friend, knows of this document."

Valerian looked at the first page and began reading it aloud.

"Kiana's Weekend by Kwy-saugi Raeyu."

She checked her watch again nervously. 7:42 P.M. The forested valley view from this roadside overlook was as breathtaking as usual. In the past five to six months, this private location was the meeting spot for this British born young lady and the person she eagerly awaited.

Perhaps he would be late; maybe he wouldn't even show up this time, she silently berated herself. He always showed up when he said he would, she told herself.

She was so lost in worry and deep thought, that she didn't even notice when the old vintage Model T Ford quietly pulled up next to her own rented car. The old looking and slender English gentleman with white-streaked light brown hair slowly walked up to the overlook and quietly exclaimed, "The rain may come soon."

Kiana Brookes looked up slowly and replied, "An umbrella may be required. Would you like to share mine?"

The English gentleman turned to Kiana and smiled, and hugging her gently.

"We've got to stop meeting like this." Kiana exclaimed nervously. "There's been some sort of private investigator following me around for the last week or so. I threatened him with a lawsuit if he didn't back off."

The old man stepped back and said, "I am not worried, Kiana. But I feel that you may be in more danger than you might think. An investigator is bad news in any form."

"It is sort of creepy having the feeling that someone is following you around. He followed me all over campus last week. I suspected he tapped my phone, which is why I began calling you from pay phone booths. Now, that I have a few weeks off, I was hoping you could help me with some of your wisdom and advice."

The old man nodded his head. "I agree. But not here. I have decided to bring you back to the estate, for your own safety. It is long overdue. I feel I can trust you." His mind remembered that day about a year ago when Kiana first came into his antique and manuscript store seeking an out of print tome for an essay. His focus returned to the present moment quickly. "You'd better step back. I need some room."

Kiana stepped back as instructed, knowing what was about to transpire. She had only seen him do "this" once before, back when she accidently stumbled into his horde-vault.

The old man outstretched his arms and spoke ancient Latin words. The air itself began to blow rapidly, encircling around him as the transformation began. The human guise slowly became transparent, as his dragon shape and form super-imposed itself around his inner core. Finally, the human shell vanished from view as the bronze dragon shape solidified around him. All the while, he screamed; the frail human scream was quickly replaced with the bellowing roar of the dragon. He unfolded his wings and stood up slowly. His stone-like face glared at his car as he pointed a clawed finger at it. A magical beam of light rocketed forth engulfing the car, transforming it into a leather-bound shoulder pouch sized for a human passenger.

He then looked to Kiana, grinning... showing his razor sharp fangs, as he toothily rumbled, "Get in." He indicates the pouch when he spoke.

Kiana obediently climbed into the pouch.

He again unfolded his aged leathery wings, and began beating them rapidly, causing almost gale-like winds. Then, he took a short run and leapt off the overlook.

Kiana closed her eyes tightly, then, slowly opened them when the expected impact did not come.

The view was spectacular, as the old bronze dragon carried her away into the distance.

Shortly, an hour later, the bronze dragon slowly came in for a landing on the oversized marble and stone terrace of a massive mansion atop a privately owned section of the forested hills. He had barely landed, when a slender male dragon-like humanoid emerged from the mansion itself.

Kiana climbed out of the pouch and backed away from the bronze dragon against the open archway's wall.

The smaller dragon like being looked up at the large bronze dragon and said, "Ancient urges, eh Lord Auranthryxor?"

"Oh, be quiet and mind your manners." Auranthryxor, the bronze dragon, replied. He, then, almost doubled over and moaned.

"Almost killed yourself again, didn't you? Lay still and I will rub your wing muscles. I guess you forgot just how old you really are."

Kiana watched as the mercury dragon-like male slowly rubbed the larger dragon's back and wings. As this was taking place, Auranthryxor looked to Kiana and spoke. "Kiana Brookes. This is my male servant dracine, Thermosautrus. Everyone calls him Thermo."

Thermo sort of grinned and sarcastically replied, "And everyone calls him "The Vault Dragon". He forgets how easily he overstrains his body everytime he shows off." Thermo happily leered at Kiana, "And this time I can easily see why he was showing off!"

Kiana blushed almost immediately.

Auranthryxor tail-slapped Thermo lightly. "I said, WATCH YOUR MANNERS!!" He moaned again. "Lady Kiana is in need of our help. AND, she's a young lady of quality that I respect and trust."

Thermo just smiled. "The others will be quite surprised to see a human at the estate. They will be even more surprised to learn that YOU brought this one in."

Kiana recovered somewhat, then asked, "Will my presence here cause problems? Auran said that my coming here was long overdue."

Thermo grinned and looked at the bronze dragon again. "Ancient urges indeed!"

Auranthryxor tail slapped Thermo harder this time, knocking the dracine right over. "Get your mind out of the gutter. This is serious."

Thermo just laughed while he lay face down on all fours.

Thermo slowly got up and looked back to Auranthryxor. "Perhaps you should get cleaned up for dinner. I will give your guest a tour of the mansion. Introduce her to some of the others."

The bronze dragon looked to Kiana, then at Thermo. "Very well. That is perhaps the best idea. A bath in aloe and mineral water should do me a world of good. Kiana, go with Thermo. He is a good dracine. Just has a warped sense of humor. He won't hurt you though."

The mercury dracine led Kiana down one of the many halls of the mansion. Thermo opened a door to reveal a billiards room. Within were two male "humans" each holding a cue stick. One was about six feet tall with blonde hair and a Far Eastern complexion, while the other was even taller and more muscular, with red hair, a ruddy complexion, and had a scabbarded sword slung over his back. They both looked up from their game and smiled when they saw Thermo and Kiana.

"She's a bit old for your tastes, isn't she, Thermo?" The red-haired man said with a grin. His muscles rippled slightly under his Scottish clothing and plaid kilt.

Thermo placed his claws on his hips. "I didn't bring her in, Gustosmaughix. She's Auran's guest. I'm just playing tour guide."

Thermo was struck immediately by the end of a cue stick from the blonde-haired Far Easterner. "Where are your manners, Thermosautrus? You know only true dragons have the right to shorten a name for pronunciation. Mayhaps you have forgotten your station..."

Thermo rubbed his head where he was hit. "Forgive me, most gracious elder lord of the rising East. I meant to say that she is Auranthryxor's guest."

Gusto smiled and patted the Far Easterner on the shoulder. "Lighten up, Aughythaesol. Cut Thermo some slack. He's doing his best. It is not easy to please a true dragon."

Aughy returned his gaze to the pool table, and lined up a shot. "Methinks you encourage Thermosautrus, Gustosmaughix. Were he my servant, he would not even chance to challenge the proper authority within a true dragon's domicile." He clicked the cue ball right into the striped nine ball sending it straight into the side pocket. "That's another five points for me."

Gusto laughed, and winked at Thermo. "Methinks he's still adjusting. But have you forgotten there is a lady present? And you call me a barbarian." He grinned.

Aughy glanced up slowly and smiled, "I was merely awaiting the servant dracine to announce her name. So far all I've heard was that she's a guest."

Thermo coughed noticeably. "May I present Lady Kiana Brookes. The prominant guest of my master lord, Auranthryxor, Dragon of the Vault." He dodged the obvious striking swing from Aughy's cue stick. "Nyah nyah!! You missed!!" Thermo ducked behind Kiana, smiling.

Gusto laughed! "Aughy, you will break that cue stick one day. Perhaps you should acquire a better weapon, like my sword." He removed it from the scabbard. The sword seemed to glow with an aura of fiery light. "Hearthfinder is one of the finest blades that I own."

From the hallway, an Irish female's voice challenged, "Hath ye drawn ye blade, Gusto McSmaughix? Merehaps ye would like to taste my metal this night."

In the hallway stood a very tall slender yet agile female. She held a glowing green sword of her own, and wore a simple Irish farmer's clothes. The smile upon her face was disturbing to lay eyes upon, yet seemed to hold great knowledge.

Thermo pulled Kiana out of the other female's way, whispering, "That she-cat is Kaela Celtemeralisle. She and Gusto are feuding, although I am not sure why."

Gusto smiled, and resheathed his sword. "Not this night, Kaela, and not from fear. We have a lady like guest to entertain, on behalf of our governor lord, Auranthryxor."

Kaela glanced at Kiana. "This mere wisp of a human? Why should we bother acting any different than we usually do just because she's here? Remove thy blade again, Gusto, and we will dance the chimes of steel and sparks."

Gusto continued to smile. "And if you killed me this night, your only mission in life shall be ended. And I am curious as to why Master Auranthryxor brought this female into our midst." He glared at Kaela. "Aren't you the least bit curious?"

Kaela resheathed her blade. "I am a tad curious and shall stay my blade until after the truth is revealed. But then, our feud must resume. I can not stay my blade for time eternal." She turned and left the billiards room, vanishing down the labyrinthe like corridors.

"Come, Kiana." Thermo said, as he pulled Kiana from the billiards room. "There are other dragons you should meet before this night's dinner."

Kiana smiled to the two billiards playing gentlemen dragons, "It was a pleasure to meet you." She went with Thermo down the hallway, and into a massive observatory. A single Japanese male teenager sat in a high seat peering through a massive telescope, while an internet work station sat to his left-hand side. His hearing sharp, as Thermo and Kiana quietly entered the chamber.

He turned and smiled. "Greetings honorable friend Thermo. Who do you escort?"

Thermo smiled, bringing Kiana forth, "This is Kiana Brookes. A friend to the master. Her presence among us seems to be more like business and less like pleasure." Thermo then said to Kiana, "This is Kwy-saugi Raeyu, our resident Stellar Dragon."

Raeyu smiled again. "Did my ears detect Gusto and Kaela arguing, yet again?"

Thermo slyly smiled, "Do you know of a time when they don't argue?"

Raeyu smirked, "I only wonder when they will finally see that it is love between them, instead of soiled blood..."

Thermo shushed. "Hey! Watch your mouth. It is dangerous enough to live within the line of fire without causing reason of summoning the feud into your presence."

Raeyu went back to looking through the telescope. "Perhaps you should take Kiana to meet Maulken now. He should be in the Circle of Knowledge."

Thermo shuddered. "Maulken the Black... If I must, I must..."

Kiana quizically arched her eye. "Is Maulken... evil?"

Raeyu smirked, "Only in appearance. He's actually the most powerful of the dragons living among us. He is Master Auranthryxor's most trusted advisor. There is nothing that goes on in this household that Maulken doesn't know about."

Thermo shakenly said, "...And he is the only dragon left you haven't met, Kiana."

Kiana smiled, and took Thermo's hand. "I am ready. Take me to Maulken."

Thermo led Kiana from Raeyu's private domain, and led the way upward to the rooftop circle of stone columns, the ominous center of power, the Circle of Knowledge. A paragon sized black dragon sat within the circle itself, speaking to an unseen other in an unknown language, yet aware of all that transpired around him.

As the greater dragon finished his mysterious business, his crystal globe of energy went dark and he turned his massive head toward Thermo and Kiana. Maulken's ruby crystal orbs that were his eyes alit like a pair of crimson search lights. He grinned as he squinted his eyes, exclaiming, "I am Maulkenaurthwysthestsauth. Dragon of the spheres of knowledge. You may call me Maulken, for short. And you are...?"

"I am Kiana Brookes. A meager college student currently on a weekend leave, in need of help from Auranthryxor. He brought me here."

Thermo smiled, as he leaned against a stone column.

Maulken dimmed his brightened eyes, then smiled, "You do us honor by giving forth Auran's full name. And if Auran brought you among us, then he must feel you are worthy of a dragon's aid."

Maulken turned a glare at Thermo. "Are Gusto and Kaela at it again?"

Thermo yeeped, then said, "Unfortunately, yes. They are. Kaela more than Gusto, it seems."

Maulken quietly muttered, "Why don't they tie the knot already?"

Kiana looked around a bit, then to Thermo, "Shouldn't we get back to Auran now?"

Thermo held the seat for Kiana, as she seated herself near the upper end of the dining room table. At the head of the table itself, Auran, again in his elderly human form, sat with a kind smile. Aughy and Gusto arrived next, followed closely by Kaela. They seated themselves down the opposite side of the table from Kiana. Raeyu and Maulken arrived lastly, both in human guise. They seated themselves at the other spots around the table, with Maulken at the opposite end from Auran. Only after the other dragons had seated themselves, did Thermo seat himself between Kiana and Raeyu.

Auran exclaimed, "Kiana Brookes has come among us for our help. In her public life, she is being harassed by a private detective, for seemingly, unknown reasons. I strongly believe there is more to it than the detective, but I am old and not in a position to dish out vengeance to those I deem as unworthy. So I turn this matter over to our family and ask of you all if you will give forth the aid that Kiana Brookes requests."

Both Gusto and Kaela had their hands on their swords, almost simultaneously! They glared at each other and snarled.

Aughy and Thermo both exclaimed, "There they go again..."

Raeyu got up and glared across the table at Gusto and Kaela. "Have you two no shame? Save your quarrel for another day. This is a chance to gain honor in a worthy quest and you two clash like titans of old. It is no wonder humans mistakenly believed us all to be evil in the days of lore and legend. The few knights who knew the truth could not hold back the others who saw us as monsters with wealth to line their treasure rooms."

Gusto and Kaela very timidly released their swords and seemingly cringed in their seats while listening to Raeyu's words.

"And another thing..." Raeyu continued. "Lady Kiana must think we are nothing but barbarians from these minor actions alone."

Gusto, still somewhat shaken by being berated by the young stellar dragon, said, "Apologies. I apologize..."

Kaela, also somewhat stunned and shaken, looked across to Kiana, "Likewise, we do not act this brash in front of guests... I too apologize."

Maulken lifted his voice. "Here is what I suggest: Gusto will go to the university in his human guise and snoop around for any information on the investigator. If he is attacked, then and only then may he defend with that sword of his."

Kaela straightened up suddenly, "Why is it he should get to go forth and use his sword? Am I not good enough? I humbly request to accompany him on his reconnaissance mission. And should he be attacked, I will help defend him. Why should I let a human attempt to kill him if I am not permitted to do so?"

Maulken glared at Kaela for a moment, then said, "You may accompany him. But remember: this excursion is NOT a kill fest. There is a purpose to this outing."

Kaela cringed a little from those crystal eyes of Maulken. "I will remember."

Maulken grinned. "Good. Now, both of you get going. The night isn't getting any younger."

Gusto and Kaela were both up and charging out of the dining room within seconds.

Raeyu sort of grinned too, then exclaimed quietly, "I still think they should tie the knot already. It's long overdue."

Maulken nodded to Raeyu, "I agree, but such words should not be spoken to their faces."

Thermo whispered to Aughy, "See how Maulken and Raeyu act? And you claim I am far worse."

Aughy whispered back, "They are dragons. You are a dracine. Always remember your position."

After having finished his dessert, Auranthryxor tiredly yawned, then motioned to Thermo. When Thermo was close enough, Auran asked, "Thermo? Take Kiana up to the guest chambers and make sure she is both comfortable and secure. No side trips. Understand?"

Thermo nodded his head, and motioned to Kiana, "If you will come with me..." Thermo led Kiana out of the dining room, and through the labyrinthe like hallways of the mansion, finally arriving at the guest bedroom wing of the mansion. He opened the door for her, then followed her in, lighting lamps and dusting the room with a slow preliminary sweep. Kiana merely stood just within the room and watched Thermo work. Then, Kiana cautiously asked, "Thermo? I couldn't help overhear what Aughythaesol whispered to you. What did he mean by, they are dragons, you are a dracine?"

Thermo looked to Kiana. "You have good hearing, Kiana Brookes." He stood there and looked over his mercury shimmery coat of scales and sighed a bit. "Aughy was referring to the difference between true dragons and transformed dracine, like myself. I wasn't always a dracine, as you may have surmised, but human, like you..."

Kiana's eyes seemed to open wide at this statement. "You were once human? Why did you become a dracine? How long have you been here?"

Thermo sighed again, then spoke, "What I am about to tell you is a secret among dragon kind. But I think you can be trusted. Heaven knows why Auranthryxor trusts you, but he does trust you and he is my lord and master, so that trust must be well founded."

Thermo turned to the balcony and continued. "My human name was Keith Miller and I too am from England. My parents were well established flour millers in a small rural area. I was young (and stupid) and easily impressed. One day we had a customer stop in to buy some of our freshly ground flour. I could tell right away that he was more than he seemed, so I did my best to serve him to the utmost of my ability while he was there. When he finished his business, I escorted him back to his car and I told him I could tell he was "special" and wanted to join with him as his apprentice. The elderly gentleman, you, of course, now know as Auranthryxor, looked me over and sort of smiled. He then said to me that he could use a servant back where he was going to. I was of course thrilled. He made arrangements with my parents, then I was made to gather all my belongings and depart with him that day. He was very quiet the entire time we drove back to the airport. He could tell I was excited. I had never been to a city before, let alone, riding in a car, flying in a plane, or much of anything else. When we arrived at the plane, we were greeted by Maulken, who looked me over, then asked Auran what he had gone and done this time. Auran merely replied that I had asked to be his apprentice. Maulken nodded then introduced himself to me. That name... It did a number on my mind and before I knew it, the whole trip back to Connecticut was over with. I seemed to awaken while we were driving through these beautiful forested hills and breathtaking overlooks. Maulken was leaning over me slightly and something about him startled me. I flinched and when I did, I saw my mercury scaled arms and clawed hands. I began to look myself over in shock and major disbelief. That was when Auran began explaining that people working for dragons had to look the part and that is when I learned that I was a dracine. NOT a dragon. I asked if I was a dragon. Maulken explained it to me. True dragons are born as dragons from dragon eggs. All other scaled, lizard-like, humanoids, no matter how much like a dragon they appear, are strictly dracines. Servants to true dragons. And I was transformed into a dracine so I could better serve Lord Auranthryxor, my new master."

Kiana quietly walked up behind Thermo and lay a hand upon his shoulder lightly. "You must have been in a great deal of shock. Then what happened?"

Thermo sort of smiled at Kiana's touch, then continued. "I spent the next few months learning my duties around the mansion. And of course, I had to learn to correctly pronounce each and every dragon's complete name. Auran was lenient with me, but the others were very strict about a dracine using the proper names. The nicest one, in my own humble opinion, is Raeyu. For a stellar dragon, he seemed to sympathize with me the most."

Thermo continued. "Encouraging my efforts when all the other dragons came close to beating me to death for even the slightest slip of mispronouncing their names. After the first year, the heavy and brutal abuse ceased and I sort of became "one of the family". But still a dracine and strictly under watch still. The only times I was allowed to make a trip to town was if one of the other dragons accompanied me. Disguises and illusions were necessary. Although there are a minor few humans who are not fooled by such tricks and see through to the truth that is there before them. As long as they are bright enough to keep their mouths shut about what they see, then nothing "bad" befalls them."

Thermo chuckled at a stray thought. "One time, a man saw through Aughy's illusion and screamed loudly for the minister to come "vanquish the demon". I think that was one of the few times I've ever seen Aughy use his breath weapon in public. It was an involuntary response and done before he realized what he did. The man was killed instantly by the inferno of the cone of flame and Aughy quickly retreated out of the village while I was still in the general store buying supplies. Auran was the one who came and escorted me back to the mansion. Aughy was doing atonement in the mansion's chapel. I was feeling nice, so I went in and showed some rare compassion for him and convinced him that it wasn't his fault. He actually smiled to me. He hasn't done that since. Instead, I've badgered him by calling him Aughy whenever I can get away with it. It's all in good fun and I think he knows it."

Thermo turned to Kiana. His cheeks seemed to be extremely dark. "Forgive me, Kiana. I have talked your ear off. Perhaps it is best that you prepare for bed. Tomorrow is another day."

Kiana started to reply, but Thermo was already out of the room. Did she somehow embarrass Thermo, she wondered to herself? Kiana looked around the chamber once more, then changed out of her day clothes into her undergarments. She turned the bedsheets back and climbed into bed. She turned to the night table and shut the lamp off, then lay back on the soft pillow.

Kiana was awakened the next morning by the sounds of birds chirping on the balcony. She got up slowly, and walked out on the balcony. The morning view was breathtaking. She was able to discern Raeyu and Thermo down on the estate grounds. Thermo appeared to be polishing a motorcycle, while Raeyu was putting on the motorcycle helmet and leather jacket. Kiana placed two fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly to the two. They looked up and spotted her immediately. Both smiled and waved in a friendly manner, then resumed their business. Kiana returned inside and located the bathroom. She went within, refreshing herself, then showering, to make herself presentable. Kiana then redressed herself, and headed down the hallways in search of either someone to talk to, or to find the dining room. She had walked down several corridors, then through a door, before she encountered a dragon. She stopped immediately as she realized that this dragon was not one of the dragons she had met the previous night. "Oh! Excuse me. I didn't know this room was occupied."

The large gray and white dragon tilted his head slightly at Kiana. A slow smile crossed his muzzle. "It is quite alright. I am Stormaelstromus, the Weather Dragon, as Thermo calls me. Everyone calls me Stormdragon or merely Storm." He smiled again. "How can I help you?"

Kiana curtsied properly, then said, "I am Kiana Brookes, Auranthryxor's guest. I was looking for the dining room, but I guess I'm lost."

Storm smiled again. "Ah yes. Breakfast. That does sound like a good idea. I will escort you. Although I think most of the dragons have already eaten something, the "weekenders" will be arriving periodically. So plenty of food will have to be prepared. Come with me."

As they walked along the hallways, Kiana conversed with Storm. "Who are the weekenders?"

Storm replied, "Weekenders are dragons who live away from the protective compound, yet feel the need to return to these grounds to reassociate their ties with the other dragons. I, too, am a weekender. Otherwise, I run a busy tavern, of sorts, called the Dragon's Roost. The locals don't have a clue that a real dragon owns and runs that place." He chuckled at the thought.

Kiana asked, "Just how many weekenders are there?"

Storm smiled and said, "I think there are well over twenty of them, but I haven't seen most of them in ages. I do hope they're alright."

Just ahead some heavy swearing and cursing was heard followed by deep laughter. As Storm and Kiana walked past the billiards room, they both saw Aughy and another dragon within playing a game. A large bluish bronze dragon has a cigar hanging from his muzzle, and he was taking careful aim at the cue ball. Storm ushered Kiana on past, and as they got further away, they both heard the swearing again, followed by more laughter.

Kiana looked to Storm as if to ask who that was, but Storm was quick to respond.

"That was Valankar, the Geek Dragon. He owns and runs an internet service provider in the mid-west, although I am unsure of where it is exactly."

Kiana and Storm finally arrived in the dining room, where a beautiful female human with amythest eyes and violet hair was sitting at the dining table enjoying a plate of eggs over easy, sliced sausage, fluffy biscuits, and a tall glass of goat's milk.

She looked up as the two approached. "Good morning, Lord Storm."

Storm smiled and bowed slightly, "Top of the morning to you, Lady Pacifica. How goes your florist business in California?"

Pacifica smiled, "Good of you to ask, Storm. It is progressing well. We will be expanding into Northern California in a few weeks. It seems that people do like my flowers."

Pacifica kindly looked at Kiana. "You must be Auran's guest. Ms. Brookes? It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Pacificauflora, the Flower Dragon. Everyone says I have a green claw."

Kiana smiled at the gardening humor. "You may call me Kiana. Ms. Brookes makes me sound so... old... Kiana will do."

Storm seated Kiana, then seated himself. They were served, and the three talked about minor topics, dragon events, and most other simple humor. When the meal was over with, Kiana excused herself, then headed towards the front of the mansion. She opened the front door and walked out unto the front lawn. She took in the wonderfully fresh air, then wandered the estate grounds.

Kiana found herself in the garage looking over all of the vehicles gathered here. As she was looking around, she suddenly recognized her own car parked over in a cleared area. She walked over and looked inside to make sure it was her own car. Once satisfied that it was her car, she opened the driver's door and sat down within. She turned on the ignition and then turned on the car's stereo system. She switched stations to the college news and music station. She was surprised when the car suddenly bounced a little. Kiana looked around, then turned off the stereo and ignition, and stepped out of the car. She looked to the back end of the car, and saw Thermo standing there with a polishing cloth. He stopped when he saw Kiana.

Kiana smiled, "Good morning, Thermo." Kiana again saw Thermo's cheeks darkening. He started to turn away, but Kiana quickly caught him. "Thermo, what is the matter? Have I offended you or something?"

Thermo blushed even deeper. "I made fun of Auran when he brought you here, but it seems I am the fool after all. I am having unwarranted feelings for you, Kiana Brookes. And that is bad for a dracine in my position."

Kiana's eyes opened widely, "You like me? Don't you think that's kind of sudden? You barely know me." She placed a hand on Thermo's shoulder. "Back in England, didn't you have a girlfriend?"

Thermo looked down at his claws, "~Had~ a girlfriend... is a good way to put it..."

Kiana looked directly at Thermo. "Why are dracine not allowed to show feelings for a young lady?"

At that moment, Auranthryxor, who had heard the last part of the conversation, exclaimed, "I will explain it to her. Thermo, Maulken needs your assistance in the Circle of Knowledge." Thermo jumped almost twenty feet, then he rushed off obediently. Auran looked at Kiana. "How long has he felt this way about you?"

Kiana, instead of answering the question, appeared to be annoyed at the interuption. "Why did you send him away? Why is it wrong for a dracine to show feelings for someone?"

Auran simply stood there awaiting an answer to his first question.

Kiana also stood there, obviously not answering the elderly dragon's question.

Auran sighed, seeing that Kiana was as stubborn as most other dragons he'd known. "Thermo is my servant. I did not bring you here to woo him. You are here because you asked for my help. But if you and Thermo cannot keep your minds on the business at claw, then I will have no choice but to ask you to leave. Will you remember your original purpose?"

Kiana finally gave way. "You are right. I apologize, Auranthryxor. I don't know why he is interested in me so strongly. To answer your question, he blushed quite deeply last night when he escorted me to the guest bedroom. But why is he not allowed to show his feelings?"

Auran smiled, "Were he a dragon, no one would have said a word. There is your answer. Now come, Gusto and Kaela are back. It seems they found something out."

Kiana followed Auran quietly, still somewhat upset over the social wall the dragons had erected against non-dragons. The two walked silently without a word back into the mansion and into the dragon's conference chambers. Gusto was finishing the wrapping of a bandage around Kaela's arm, while the she-dragon sat there quite embarrassed by the unwanted attention. Auran took the head seat and motioned for Kiana to sit in a nearby chair. Kiana took a seat, but not near Auran; she sat down near a reading table near the South wall. Auran looked to Gusto, "You may report."

Gusto huffed a bit, then sat down. Once seated, Gusto said, "The private investigator's name is Peter Hanley. He's from Philadelphia and a master of his craft. He's not bad with a gun either. He's been asking the kids and adults all over the university about Kiana and her new boyfriend."

Kiana's eyes opened wide! "My new what?! I'm not dating anyone, currently..."

Auran merely sniffed, then replied, "You may continue, Gusto."

Gusto spoke, "We tracked down Mr. Hanley to a motel down in the river district. We confronted him and told him we were hired by Kiana to put an end to the man stalking her. He wasn't very happy with that. That's when he flashed a badge in our faces and said we were out of our league and pulled his gun." Gusto glanced at Kaela. "That's when she got excited and pulled her sword. It got messy after that."

Kaela piped up at this point. "How was I to know it was a gun? All I saw was the handle. I thought it was a dagger. Besides, I had to protect my stake of the claim. No one gets to kill Gusto but me!"

Gusto continued. "Mr. Hanley freaked out at that point and fired his gun. Kaela was hit in the arm, then... all Hades broke loose..."

Auran covered his eyes with a claw, while continuing to listen.

Kiana asked, "What did Kaela do?"

Kaela didn't say anything, but Gusto was quick to reveal the truth. "She screamed at him in Latin, then unleased her chlorine gas breath weapon on him."

Auran and Kiana simultaneously replied, "Oh God!"

Gusto took a small breath. "I cold cocked Kaela, then rushed Mr. Hanley to the hospital. I told the doctors that he had accidentally shot a gas main and in his attempt to cap the leak, took a full dose of the gas. I then returned and retrieved Kaela and brought her back here."

Kaela muttered, "You should have used your sword on me. Now I have a terrible headache."

Kiana held her forehead in both hands, muttering, "Oh no, no, no." She looked up at Kaela, and shouted, "How could you?! I guess you keep your brains in your panties!"

Kaela didn't say anything.

Auran stood up. "Kiana, that's enough. Kaela knows she did wrong and shouting now is pointless. What's done is done."

Kiana turned on Auran. "What's done is done?! I thought you had more feelings than this!" Kiana stormed out of the conference chambers.

Kiana found herself at the far back side of the estate orchards, sobbing. She slowly wiped the tears from her eyes. "I can't believe they calmly throw aside feelings for others." Kiana wiped some more tears away.

Suddenly, a voice from high in the apple tree called out, "Watch out below!"

Kiana quickly moved out of the way, as a bunch of apples rained down out the tree followed closely by a male human teenager. As he crashed into the pile of apples, and groaned, Kiana rushed back over and knelt to his side. "Are you okay?"

The boy rubbed his rump a little, and answered, "Mostly my pride, but I think I'll live."

Kiana quickly replied, "You won't live long if the owners of this estate catch you out here."

The boy looked into Kiana's serious looking face, then smiled. "Oh. You mean the dragons. Naw, they won't hurt me. Well, not much. I'll most likely get another speech about why I shouldn't steal apples, then they'll send me home. Again."

Kiana blinked her eyes a bit. "You know about the dragons?"

The boy slowly stood up. "Yeah, I've known about them for a while now. They're the only ones who can grow good apples in this area." He now looked Kiana over carefully. "Wow! You're very pretty. You must be a princess. But don't worry; I'll protect you from the ~evil~ dragons." He laughed.

Kiana stepped back from the boy. "Are you a dragon?"

The boy eyes went wide! "Who, me?" He laughed again. "That's a good one. Heck no, I'm as human as you are." He chuckled again. "Me, a dragon. That's a good one."

Kiana smiled, "Very well then, noble knight. I am Princess Kiana Brookes. And who art thou?"

The boy laughed, then made an effort to deepen his voice, "Prithee Princess Kiana. I am Sir Kyle Bishop. Let us make haste and flee forth ere the dragons catch us." He busted up laughing.

Kiana laughed too. "That was pretty good. So, your name is Kyle Bishop. I am pleased to meet you."

Kyle smiled, "I'll bet you're from England. You got that beautiful accent that most women from England have. What brings you here?"

Kiana stopped laughing, then grew quiet. She looked very sad now. "I came for special aid from the dragons, but they went out and botched it all up. They returned and made light of hurting someone. I cannot abide by their calmness and strict rules."

Kyle became very serious. "What did you expect from dragons? Politeness? Order? They are dragons. And thus, keep their own rules and laws. They conduct themselves in a fashion that dragons are infamous for. Oh sure, they frown upon their ancestral acts of chaos and violence, but they have their moments when they "slip" back into their beastly personas. Always remember that they are dragons. First and foremostly dragons. Give it some time, and remember: always be more forgiving than they can ever be. Dragons have a problem understanding 'feelings'."

Kiana sort of smiled at the last part. "Oh yes... I have already seen how they handle feelings. And you are right, they don't have a clue on how to properly handle such feelings."

At that moment, a small purple and turquoise fairie dragon flew up to Kyle very rapidly. "Kyle! We have to get you away from here. I saw Maulken heading this way. Hurry!"

Kyle replied, "Okay, Dreemala." He shook Kiana's hand. "See you later, Kiana Brookes. Remember what I said." Kyle took off running with Dreemala closely flying beside him. They were both quickly out of sight. Kiana stood there quietly, until Maulken arrived, laying a clawed hand upon her shoulder. His touch was very warm and calming at the same time.

Maulken quietly said, "Everyone is worried about you."

Kiana replied, "Worry. That would be a human feeling that you dragons are clueless to fathom. Perhaps they are more concerned that I left or became injured?"

Maulken shook his head. "Thermo is more worried about you than the others are."

Kiana silently turned to Maulken. "But that isn't allowed because he's a dracine. Am I wrong?"

Maulken sighed, "You have seen much in a single weekend and learned more than dragons would have guessed." Maulken lifted his eyes to look directly into Kiana's eyes. "Do you love Thermo?"

Kiana also sighed, "I... care about him. I may love him, but I'm not sure. It's been awhile since I've spoken to another English born person. He... interested me, though I am not sure why..."

Maulken placed his other claw on Kiana's other shoulder. "Thermo cares a lot about you. But he's in servitude as a dracine. He can't be with you like he wants to. He told me that you deserve better than he. He is very distraught over how ~you~ feel right now."

Kiana looked at Maulken, "Thermo loves me, doesn't he?" She looked away. "It wouldn't work out right now. I am still attending the university and later, who knows what life would throw at me. It wouldn't be fair to Thermo to make a promise to be his if I could not keep such a contract." She looked back to Maulken. "I hope he understands that I am inaccessible just now."

Maulken took a step back and nodded his scaly head. "I understand. You are obviously more dragon than Auran thought you'd be. I can't speak for the other dragons, but I am pleased that you know your path. Thermo will be devastated, but such pain is an important part of his development, as a dracine. Someday, when he looks back, he will see that it was all for the best."

Maulken smiled, "Now, come on back to the mansion. Dinner is about ready. Looks like we're going to have a full house tonight."

Kiana and Maulken slowly walked back to the mansion.

Maulken seated Kiana at the seat near the head of the table, nearest to Auran, then he took the seat at the opposite end of the dining table. Kiana realized that this dining table was far larger than the one that usually sat here, and there were far more dragons and dracines present. Kiana also saw that Kaela was not at her usual seat, but no one seemed to be concerned.

Eventually, Kaela and Thermo arrived. Kaela took her usual seat, and Thermo went and stood on the other side of Auran. Once all the dragons had seated themselves, the dracines took their seats along side their masters.

Auran then raised his crystal goblet and said, "Greetings one and all. My fellow dragons. I thank all of you for attending tonight's gathering. And greetings to your dracines, as well. To my right is my guest, Kiana Brookes, from the university. Be respectful to her. Raeyu is not with us this evening. He had previously made plans for a camping trip with human friends he met over the Internet. May we pray that his evening is mainly uneventful and he return to us intact. Now, I propose a toast to our lucky extended life. May we continue to enjoy the eternal lifespans that we have been blessed with."

Every dragon drank deeply from their goblets. While the goblets were raised, Kiana glanced at Thermo and noticed that he was indeed looking her way, as well. When the goblets began to descend, Kiana resumed her normal position, looking up and down the table. She then noticed that Maulken was not drinking. He had seen everything that has transpired.

The rest of the dinner was uneventful.

Kiana, obviously not able to consume as much as the dragons, excused herself, and adjourned to the observatory, where Raeyu would normally sit. As she was admiring the collected pieces of art, she heard the tell-tale sound of dragon's footclaws trying to walk quietly, entering the observatory. Kiana took a small breath, then said, "Weren't you hungry either?"

Kiana was surprised when she heard a familiar voice respond.

Thermo replied, "Kiana. I love you."

Kiana turned around sharply, and looked directly at Thermo. "Thermo. I..."

Thermo cut her off. "Wait. Before you say anything, please consider what I am saying. I know I'll never be upper class like the dragons, but be that as it may, I still need some minor outside hope to look for. And I want you to be that hope."

Kiana sighed and turned away before replying. "It wouldn't work out right now. I am still attending the university and later, who knows what life would throw at me. It wouldn't be fair to you to make a promise to be yours if I could not keep such a contract." Tears were already streaming down her cheek. "Please understand. I am inaccessible right now."

Thermo quietly sighed, "I see."

It grew quiet behind Kiana, remaining so for a very long time. It was only when the side door to the observatory opened and Aughy entered, that Kiana looked around. Thermo was no longer present.

Aughy noticed Kiana's movement. "What are you looking for?"

Kiana answered, "Where is Thermo?"

Aughy scratched his brow with a claw, "With Auran, I assume. Best you leave him alone. He has to make a good appearance at these weekend gatherings by being close to Auran's side. Why were you looking for him?"

Kiana sighed, "I came to the observatory to digest what dinner I ate and Thermo came in here. I told him I wasn't accessible for him. And I guess he left while I wasn't looking."

Aughy didn't smile. Instead he sighed, too.

Kiana looked at Aughy. "Why are you sighing? I thought you'd be relieved. Isn't this what every dragon throughout the mansion wants? Thermo to be miserable?"

Aughy looked up at Kiana. "Don't tell any dragons I said this, but I think Thermo needs you. In all the time he's been Auran's servant, I'd never seen him be so civil as he was when you were present. You are good for him. And now... you've tossed him aside."

Kiana cried a little. "What life can I give him? I'm attending the university."

Aughy exclaimed, "Will you always be attending the university? What about later? Thermo needs you. Please do not throw away a rare opportunity."

Kiana sighed again, then said, "Thermo told me he loves me and said that he'll never be upper class like the dragons. He said he was looking for an outside hope and wanted me as that hope. How can I give him such a hope? My visa ends after I complete my university classes. Then, I have to return to England. And if I am in England and Thermo is here... It just won't work."

Aughy said, "Your visa... Oh. I didn't realize that you would have to return to England. And I'll bet Auran doesn't know that either. You have to tell him. Maybe we can find a way to help you stay in the United States."

Kiana nodded her head and slowly left the observatory. But she didn't go in search of Auran. Instead, she headed up to the Circle of Knowledge on the roof. There, she saw Maulken. Likewise, Maulken immediately smelled Kiana's scent. "Are you lost again?"

Kiana shook her head. "No, I meant to come here this time." She sighed. "Just when I think I'm understanding dragons, you have to throw a monkey wrench into everything."

Maulken turned his massive head to Kiana. "What do you mean?"

Kiana replied, "You knew that I would've been a great influence on Thermo's behavior, yet in the orchard, you never once let on that you dragons thought I was necessary for Thermo. Instead, you had me believe that I shouldn't be with Thermo. What's wrong with you dragons? Is this some sick game to you all?"

Maulken smiled, "We have to be sure you and he are meant for each other. Thermo is like a child to us. Our child. We just couldn't let him fall for the first human female he met. We had to test you both. Make sure that it wasn't just an accident. After Thermo first met you, he revealed to the rest of us that he had a minor interest in you. We had to make certain his interest was a true one, or just a passing fancy. In the orchard, you yourself said, without any urgence from me, that you thought that you and Thermo wouldn't work out because of your university life."

Kiana raised her voice a bit. "It's not just that."

Maulken said, "I know all about your expiring visa."

Kiana became quiet again. "You knew...?"

Maulken smiled again, "Of course. There is nothing in this household that EVER escapes my attention. I am not called the Dragon of the Spheres of Knowledge for nothing, you know."

Kiana lifted her head and said, "What can I do?"

Maulken smiled, "Now you are asking. This is good. Merely be yourself and be Thermo's outside hope. Even if nothing comes of it, he will have this weekend to look back on. Dragons normally ask for a fee for lending aid in a worthwhile cause. You are not wealthy, but you have a kind heart. What can you give in return for the aid rendered to you?"

Kiana realized what Maulken was saying right away. "I can be Thermo's friend. If something more comes of it, we go from there. I will be his outside hope. Even if I am trapped back in England, my home country, with no way to return to see him." Kiana smiled a bit.

Maulken exclaimed, "Now, you realize that you weren't brought here to woo Thermo, but to befriend him instead. And you won't be trapped in England. As we speak, your resume is being considered at top financial businesses in Hartford."

Kiana arched her eye, almost dragon style. "My resume? How did these people get my resume? Unless..."

Maulken smiled.

Kiana said, "The financial owners are dragons, aren't they? You dragons are certainly resourceful. But how will that solve my visa problems?"

Maulken replied, "Your dragon boss(es) can help you apply for citizenship and actually pull the right strings to help you succeed in passing the citizenship exams. Dragons are good for many things. We are not totally without feelings. What others see on the outside is merely a facade of our true intentions. We dragons are good at this. Been doing it for centuries. It's how we deterred knights of old when they thought they had slain us. If they thought we were dead, then they ride away smug in the knowledge that they had vanquished us from the land. We dragons are. We are. We..."

Kiana was startled awake as the old English gentleman lay his hand on her shoulder. She looked around and noticed that she was back at the overview, sitting on the bench. She checked her watch. 8:17 P.M. She realized she must have fallen asleep.

The English gentleman opened his umbrella, and held it over them both. A light rain had started. "The rain may come soon."

Kiana smiled and said, "An umbrella may be required. Would you like to share mine?"

The English gentleman said, "This is a poor night to be sleeping on a roadside bench. Perhaps we should head back into town, say to Rosemary's Diner? I'll buy us some dinner."

Kiana smiled, "After you, uncle."

The English gentleman smiled and slowly headed back to his car. Kiana also smiled, and looked out over the overview. "We are," she said quietly. "We are dragons. Goodbye Thermo." Kiana walked back to her car and followed her uncle back into town.

Valerian stopped reading at that point and looked to his friends.

Darian hummed. "You're right. That is far more different than what I read in the novel."

Valerian nodded his head. "I know... I even included a note in the prologue that explained that the story and characters were fictional. But evidently, someone saw past that warning and is now harassing the dragons."

Felix asked, "So, how do we handle this?"

Valerian replied, "We officially go to Connecticut and defeat the person causing the problem."

Andros hummed. "Will the dragons allow us to come there? It seems to me that they don't particularly like non-dragons."

Valerian replied, "They'll let us come or they can handle their problem by themselves. Besides, we have an in."

Darian said, "Huh? We do? What do we have?"

A young Japanese voice spoke from behind the bookcases. "Valerian is referring to me." He stepped out from where he had been reading an ancient tome. "I am Kwy-saugi Raeyu."

Andros smiled. "You're the Stellar Dragon. Um... how long have you been listening back there?"

Raeyu smiled. "Long enough to know that you intend to help my clan, but you worry about dragon protocol and draconic attitudes. You aren't sure if you'll be welcome there, even if you are there to help them."

Felix grinned. "But you're our 'in', aren't you?"

Raeyu nodded his head. "Indeed. Valerian was wise to ask me to come here today. I can get you all into the compound without the enemy noticing our arrival. I am pleased that you all wish to help us. Gather whatever you need. We will depart whenever you are ready."

The six arrived via teleportation within Raeyu's massive observatory. Raeyu frowned when he saw the broken artwork and ruined tomes. "How... how could... he...?"

Valerian was starting to get angry.

Andros was silently growling through his lupine muzzle.

Felix's tail began to flit with agitation.

Mark began to quickly examine the damage. His CHESS training kicking in.

Darian patted Raeyu's shoulder and said, "We'll punish the guy who did this. Where are Kaela and Gusto at? It's a mite quiet if they are around someplace."

Raeyu smiled weakly at Darian. "They are fighters. Where ever they are, there is sure to be a fight going on. Let's try to find the battle ground."

Raeyu led his friends through the mansion's labyrinth like passageways.

In a side room, they came across Kiana Brookes caring for an injured and bloodied Thermosautrus. Kiana noticed Raeyu and the others through the open doorway. "Thermo took a dagger meant for Aughy. The fight is currently in the western apple orchard. Please hurry."

Thermo moaned, "I... I... saved... Aughy..."

Kiana smiled. "Yes, you did... now please be still while I patch you up."

Andros and Felix both said, at the same time, "We'll stay here and help patch up Thermo."

Valerian nodded his head. "Okay guys. Let's go, Raeyu. Darian. Mark."

Raeyu led Valerian, Darian and Mark through the mansion and out into western apple orchard. As soon as they cleared the mansion, the sounds of the battle became all too real.

Dragons. And boy, were they ever in dragon and semi draconic forms.

And they were fighting against... the military? No, that's only how the intruders were dressed. They had guns and swords, but what got Valerian's attention the most was their devil tails.

Valerian growled, "Not devils... Okay, I know how to handle this. Darian, they aren't human. You don't have to play nice. Mark, use your special training. Raeyu, you and I will be using our magical powers."

Their timely arrival turned the tide of the battle in the apple orchard. Many trees were destroyed in the attack. Though the battle came to a quick ending when Darian managed to entrap the devil leader by tackling the devil from almost behind and wrapping the devil's own tail around the devil's neck and commanding the devil to halt the battle.

That was all it took. The battle ended.

Gusto and Kaela wanted to kill the devils, but Valerian said, "You gave up that right when you sent word for me to get involved. We handle these devils my way."

Auran gave Gusto and Kaela a very hard and serious glare. The two immediately backed off.

Darian and Aughy spoke together on the side about Darian's winning attack against the devil leader.

Valerian stood at the ready as Mark flashed his badge to the devil, then asked questions, at length. At the end of the interview, Mark turned to Valerian and Auran and exclaimed, "He says that a man came to them in their dimensional home and hired them, like bounty hunters, to track down and kill Kiana Brookes. But they had no visual knowledge of who Kiana Brookes was. They came here and Kaela accidentally called herself Kiana, which led to their attack on the dragons. It seems that the man who hired these people wore a New Haven University jacket and was built like a football player. The devils are willing to end the contract in return for a price of equal value, as if they had succeeded in their goal."

Valerian hummed. "In that case, I think I know what I can give them. And I believe that they will agree that the object is more than worth the price."

And that was that.

Valerian and his friends were soon back at the Mystic Citadel. Valerian smiled and shook Darian's hand. "Thank you for coming to help us. You did very well. But how come you didn't ask to become a dragon?"

Darian grinned. "Don't get me wrong, Valerian... I _DO_ want to be a dragon. But not by Auran's method. I do not want to be humiliated by being changed into a dracine. That isn't a dragon. I can wait. Or perhaps, I am a dragon already, in my own right. Aughy commented that he'd love to team up with me in the coming weeks or months."

Raeyu grinned as he read his tome in silence.

Darian then asked, "What was it that you gave the devil leader? He really seemed happy afterwards. Their oath and promise to help you in the future was pretty impressive."

Valerian smiled, as he glanced to the now empty pedastal. "I had already copied all the spells out of the demon's spell tome and I figured that a devil would love to get their claws on such an arcane tome. That is what I gave them. The original spell tome."

Andros smiled and said, "If there is one thing you can count on, Darian, and that is that you will always be able to dream of dragons."

Darian smiled, then grabbed his coat and said, "This was a lot of fun, guys, but I need to return to Alabama. I have a job interview in Mississippi in a few days and I can't afford to miss that."

Valerian nodded his head. "Very well, Darian. And remember... you're welcome here anytime. Safe journey to you."

Darian headed out the door of the citadel and was mildly surprised to see a man of six feet in height with blonde hair, having a Far Eastern complexion. "Can I help you?"

The man grinned then chuckled. "No, but perhaps I can help you, Darian. I forget often that my human form is so much different from my dragon form." He winked.

Darian laughed at that point. "Aughythaesol!"

Aughy laughed, too. "You don't have to call me that, you know. You can call me Aughy. Anyway, do you need a lift back to Alabama? I would like to continue our discussion that we started in Connecticut."

Darian chuckled. "Of course, Aughy. Will we be flying commercial airlines or by way of the dragon express?"

Aughy laughed out loud! "Oh that was a good one! But I will provide the transportation this time. I want to treat you to a dragon flight. If you ever do become a dragon, you will need some experience with flying. Stand back so I can change."

Darian then stepped away as Aughy assumed a pose and spoke a Latin spell.

The air itself began to blow rapidly, encircling around Aughy as the transformation began. The human guise slowly became transparent, as his dragon shape and form super-imposed itself around his inner core. Finally, the human shell vanished from view as the Eastern dragon shape solidified around him. All the while, he moaned; the strong human moan was quickly replaced with the bellowing roar of the dragon. He unfolded his wings and stood up slowly.

Aughy grinned at Darian, as he pulled a shoulder saddle out of his pouch and tied it around his neck. "Climb on, Darian."

Darian smiled with excitement as he climbed up Aughy's body and sat in the saddle with his feet in the stirrups, and held on to the pommel with one hand. Aughy fastened a saddle belt around Darian's waist, then began to flap his wings, as he took a run and leaped up into the sky, sailing easily into the clouds beyond.

**End of Episode Four - To Dream of Dragons

Stay tuned for Episode Five - Illusions & Mirrors**

Animals Enforced (Citadel Truths - Eps 3)

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Mark of the Moon (Citadel Truths - Eps 2)

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