The Pokémon Within: A tale of an ever changing world: Chapter 1 Training begins.

Story by Jake Shadow Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of The Pokemon Within

A story about two young trainers who've been through hell, or so they think as they learn what hell really is. With that said, watch these two trainers as they learn more and more about their world.

Legalities: First off I and my affiliates DO NOT OWN POKEMON OR ANYTHING RELATED TO THE FRANCHISE!!! Pokémon and all related things are copyrighted to Nintendo. The only things copyrighted to me and those associated with me are our individual characters, our twist on the pokémon world and the creations within said world. With that said this story contains adult content, so if you are under age you shouldn't be reading it, and the authors cannot be held responsible. Some readers may find themes wrong, however if so you chose to read, so don't bitch at me.

Sincerely Jake Shadow Wolf, local author, and company,

Hello there everyone, my name is Jake Wolf, and the guy next to me is Xeroxes Knox, aka Zero. Obviously you can't see me, since you're reading this so let me tell you a bit about me and Zero. I'm five foot eleven, have short dirty blonde hair that I can't fucking make anything other than messy, grey eyes that change color, a lot, and am usually wearing sunglasses, black shirt, blue jeans and sneakers. Zero on the other hand is five foot nine, has short black hair that tends to part down the middle and is usually messy, light brown eyes that sometimes change colors, and is usually wearing a black shirt, black pants or jeans, a black hoodie, and usually black boots or black slip on sneakers.

Zero's a laid back guy, although when it comes to his friends or work he's almost always on time. For some odd reason he forgets to wake up early on important days, which I'll explain more on later. He's very protective of his friends, and will go out of his way to help anyone in need. He's got both a comedic and a dark side depending on when you talk to him, and what's been going on around him. I on the other hand am laid back, very stubborn, aggressive, and protective of my friends. I'm always up for any kind of challenge, and ready to go, I'm also more of a leader than Zero, and I tend to butt heads with people who have dominant personalities. The two of us work for the famous Ash Ketchum, and occasionally for professor's Gary and Samson Oak. The most well-known pokémon professors in the world let alone the Kanto region where we grew up.

With the introductions out of the way I guess it's time to begin our story. It all started about three days before Zero and I actually got our pokémon. We were on Ash's farm working our asses off. Zero was running with the ponyta and rapidash, making sure none of them hurt them, while I worked with Ash's fighting types on learning new moves. We worked for five or six hours then we headed inside. Ash and his mom were sitting at the kitchen table; waiting for the stew Ash's mom had cooked to cool enough to serve. Zero and I got one whiff then rushed into the kitchen and poured ourselves a bowl each. We sat down at the table across from each other and between Ash and his mom.

Ash's mom smiled and got up then pulled some bread out of the oven and started slicing it while Ash asked us how the day had gone. We told him that it seemed to be going well and he finally said "So, when are you guys going to head off on your own pokémon journey? I mean you guys moved in with me when you were ten, so you've spent the last six years learning everything you can about pokémon from the ranch, and you're not getting any younger." Zero glanced at Ash and asked "When did you start again?" He grinned and said "When I was ten, kinda like you guys. I then spent the next fifteen years training to be the best." I grinned at that and said "Alright, then explain how we should become trainers!"

Ash smirked and said "The arrangements have already been made, in three days you and Zero should head to Professor Oak's, and tell Gary you're looking for your pokémon. If you go to Professor Oak he'll act like he doesn't have any then give you yours after a long drawn out detail about how you should be earlier, especially at your age." I snorted and said "The old man hasn't changed in twenty years then?" He shook his head and said "Nope, and he probably never will." I sighed and Zero just laughed then Mrs. Ketchum walked in with the bread and the three of us dove into our food with Gusto after thanking her profusely.

When we finished everyone headed their own way, to wash up before bed. Zero and I headed outside to use the manmade spring, while Ash and his mom luxuriated in the bathrooms. Ash's girl was out of town, so the two of us figured it was safe to use the springs, since last time we'd tried we'd been hit with scrub brushes. The two of us relaxed in the springs as a few of the pokémon joined us and we finished cleaning off. We played around with a few of the water pokémon then headed to our rooms and passed out.

I woke up at three the following morning and started my morning chores. I headed down to the fire pokémon's sleeping quarters and started cleaning up their waste from the night before. It was hell, because for some odd reason, a god dang torcoal walked by and let a flame hit my wheelbarrow of highly volatile pokémon crap. It exploded, waking everyone on the ranch up and causing Ash and Zero to come check on me. I was covered in soot, my hair was burned, and my shirt was on fire, but otherwise I was ok. Zero just laughed when he found out, while Ash sent me inside where his mom made me wash up and checked me over for any serious injuries. When she was sure I was fine, she sent me back out to finish up my chores before breakfast. I purposely forgot to go back to the fire pen, and left it's cleaning to zero.

At breakfast, Ash, Zero, Mrs. Ketchum, and I sat at the table eating bacon, eggs, and drinking orange juice. Ash and Zero talked about how bad the wheelbarrow was damaged while I just concentrated on my food and planned on getting through the rest of the day without any more incidents. After about an hour or two everyone finished eating, so Zero and I got back to work while Ash trained with Pikachu and a few of his other pokémon. The next incident of the day happened to Zero, who was nearly drowned by the water types attacking him because he hadn't cleaned up their pond good enough. I dived into the water and finished cleaning it up while he explained to Ash what happened and Mrs. Ketchum helped calm the pokémon down. When the water types were calmed down we went on with the rest of our chores.

I trained with the runner's this time, while Zero sparred with the fighting types. I had trouble keeping up with their pace, and Zero seemed to be getting his ass handed to him, so midway through we switched back to our usual routine. I ended up knocking out a hitmonchan who pissed me off and Zero outran half the herd. Ash just laughed at us and said "Jake, you're fast with your hands, Zero you're fast with your feet. Working with both racing and fighting pokémon should teach you how to shift your speed properly in one or the other, if not, then we'll think up something new, now switch back." I sighed and started running with the ponytas and rapidashes again while Zero went back to sparring. By the time Lunch was ready, Zero was covered in bruises, and I couldn't feel my legs.

We took a two hour lunch break, and when we were done we got right back to work. Zero played chess with the psychic types, while I rode a bike hooked up to a power generator to help the electric types gain a bit of charge, which they then would use on training dummies to perfect their attacks. Zero had perfected beating the psychic's at chess by thinking of food, which pissed them off to no end. I on the other hand, whenever I played with them, tended to think up to seven moves ahead, confusing the crap out of them. Then we both trained diglets and dugrtrios by playing whack a diglet. They kept getting away, and Ash didn't really complain because we were using foam bats with paint to show which ones we hit. Zero had blue, and I had red. I tended to win because my hand eye coordination was faster. However when it came time to chase the flying types, to help them fly, Zero caught more.

After that we worked with everything from steal types to Ghost types until dinner, when we collapsed into our chairs ready to pass out. Ash and his mom were talking and we heard the word dinner in their conversation and jerked awake. Zero asked "Food?" while I questioned, "Dinner? It's already dinner time? The job's over for the day?" Ash and Mrs. Ketchum nodded in response causing Zero and I to be reinvigorated with new life. We ate quickly and had several plates of food before washing up and heading upstairs to pass out in our respective rooms with happy smiles on our faces.

The following day passed just like the previous two, albeit without the explosions, pokémon attacks, and complaints. It was actually an easy day for the two of us, and I was rather surprised. Zero on the other hand just enjoyed himself thinking that the easy day was a sign of things to come. I on the other hand had a feeling Ash was giving us a day off so that we could prepare for the future. Zero and I argued about that all day before he finally agreed when Ash's mom mentioned something about having to be in the woods without food and clean underwear, a lot. Zero and I ate dinner with the two of them then called it a day and went to bed early.

I woke up at the usual three a.m. and cleaned the fire pens; Zero woke up about three hours later, as usual, and started cleaning up the water pokémon's ponds and rivers which he made sure to get it so it was spotless this time. We both did a little bit of training with the fighting, and running pokémon, then we headed inside around noon for food. Ash looked at us and asked "Why haven't you guys gone to see professor Oak, yet?" Zero and I stopped dead in the doorway, and prepared to run to Professor Oak's lab. Suddenly Mrs. Ketchum walked over and handed us packed lunches, since we'd missed breakfast, and we ran off.

We got to professor Oak's lab about five minutes later only to be greeted by Gary who said "Wow, you losers are way late." Zero growled and asked in a very dark tone "What do you mean wow you losers are way late?" I just glared at Gary waiting for his answer. He smirked and said "I didn't think you were coming, so I gave the pokémon I had reserved for you two to some kids that dropped by." I growled softly and he said "Only thing we got left are a pair of cute fluffy Eevees. You think you're good enough to handle them?" I growled softly at that and said "Good enough, good enough? Boy I'm better than anyone you've ever met. I know more about how to take care of pokémon than anyone other than your grandfather, and maybe Ash. Though at this point, I doubt Ash, because he hasn't done as much as Zero and I the last six years." Gary tossed us each a pokeball and a pokedex then said simply "If that's the case, then why don't you become pokémon masters and prove it?"

Zero growled and said "I think we'll do just that." I smirked at him and said "I'm going to come back with another Eevee... and a pokémon that's rare to this area then kick your ass with them. See you around Gary." He smirked and watched as the two of us left then called Ash, which we didn't find out until we were leaving town a year later. The two of us headed back to Ash's and told him about what we said to Gary and he laughed at how we reacted to his rival. He said "Well if you told him that, why don't you guys go ahead into the woods and get yourselves some pokémon." We nodded and headed out back then hopped the fence around the property and headed into the woods around Pallet town.

Ash watched us go and we waved back to him then the two of us headed deeper into the woods and called out our eevees who started cuddling us. Mine instantly jumped away after the quick cuddling, and looked around like, "No one saw that, right?" While Zero's sat there pawing at his pocket where he was keeping some jerky. Zero stared at her and said in a slightly higher voice than normal "No not my jerky...ok I share." My eevee and I just looked at each other and shook our heads deciding those two were the wierdos, while Zero and his eevee stared at us like we were the wierdos because of how in sync we were. I looked at mine and studied her then compared her to Zero's. She had a very dark coat, which was almost black, while in comparison her sister was almost white with how light her coat was.

I named mine Calina, because it already of her coat and I planned on evolving her into an umbreon. He named his Lumina because of how her fur was more luminous and softer than most of the eevees' we'd seen. Calina was slightly more reserved than Lumina who instantly started exploring the area around us. She watched everything warily and seemed to notice the slightest change in her environment. Lumina on the other hand seemed to only notice changes when they were right in front of her, because she was too busy having fun. We could tell they were sisters because of how they treated each other, and how they acted when the other one did something strange.

Lumina had a habit of letting out cute little sighs whenever Calina would swat at a leaf or something as if she expected it to attack her, and Calina would actually face palm, whenever Lumina took forever to notice a change in the area we were walking through. A few times Calina would run off the path then run back in front of us chasing a pidgey, or spearow that Zero and I had barely heard any sound from. Lumina on the other hand would stop beside extravagantly beautiful areas and seem to memorize the vista before her. She'd run and catch up to the rest of us when we got too far ahead of her. After a while the four of us stopped in a large clearing, where Zero and I set up camp, and built a small fire. Calina curled up by the fire, while Lumina ran all over camp exploring the area.

As soon as the tent was set up Zero started exploring with Lumina, while I decided to lie down beside Calina and tried to pass out. The two of us both got slightly irritated when we heard Lumina and Zero get close and cause bushes around us to rustle. About the third time they did it we both hopped up and tackled them. Zero hit his head on a tree and Calina caused Lumina to roll into the base of said tree and lay there with the classic swirly eyes of having fainted. Amazingly Zero had the same look and was mumbling about pretty colors. Suddenly there was a rustling in the bushes to the side, causing Calina and I to turn ready for a fight, we weren't however ready for a scyther to come running out at us yelling its name. We grabbed Zero and Lumina and high-tailed it back to camp where the two of us promptly rolled onto our backs breathing heavily while the scyther cut the bushes where we'd just been at.

Zero and Lumina came to a few minutes later and Zero said "I was right about the pretty colors, they were stars though." I stared at him then looked at Calina and she stared back at me like "Should we?" I nodded and the two of us smacked him and Lumina. I snickered and rubbed her ears with a simple "Good girl, now let's see if they've learned anything from all this." Zero rubbed his face and said "Yeah, that you're a lot less forgiving when you're asleep than Ash or I. That and we need repellant to protect against wild FUCKING SCYTHERS!!!" I chuckled at that and said "True, very true." He nodded and said "I might have been dizzy but I still saw that damn scyther chasing us while you were carrying me away." Lumina nodded in agreement with him with a slightly worried look on her face.

I shrugged and said "We'll have to get some cash while we're in town then. I mean, we have our paychecks from Ash, but that's not going to cover all the things we're going to need to buy." Zero sighed and nodded in agreement and said "New bags, extra clothes, pokeballs, potions, antidotes, food, water, status healing items, revives, and of course training machines like tm's and hm's. Which all of those are just the bare necessities, that's not counting items you can give your pokémon, or toilet paper, or so many other things... HOW THE HELL DO PEOPLE MANAGE TO FUCKING GO ON A POKEMON JOURNEY WITHOUT THAT STUFF????" I blinked and said "Pokémon centers, stores, hotels, waypoints, and the occasional house of someone they know. That's about it, other than taking the stuff with us." He sighed and nodded then the two of us crawled into the tent and passed out with our eevees lying on top of us.

We woke up the following morning, to the sound of Calina and Lumina, who Zero had taken to calling Lu throughout yesterday, scratching on the tent entrance with a look of "I gotta go, I gotta go, I gotta go." I jumped over and jerked the zipper open, causing them to fall through it, then they ran off behind a bush and we didn't see them for about ten minutes while I made breakfast. When they walked out of the bushes I was halfway through with Zero's omelet, and Zero was off getting water from the stream about five minutes' walk from camp. The girl's walked over and checked to see what I was cooking and I quickly turned from the food to give them each a bowl of specialized pokémon food I'd swiped on my way out of the house. I then turned back around and finished Zero's food before tossing it on his plate.

I started cooking my own food, knowing Zero wouldn't be back for another minute or so, when I heard the sound of something munching on his omelet. I turned around and blinked as I saw Lumina and a growlithe eating Zero's food, while Calina sat there chewing them out in pokéspeak. I could tell she was chewing them out, because the look on her face basically said "You are in so much shit!" I sighed then blinked as a pokeball came out of nowhere and hit the growlithe in the back of the head, sucking it into the ball. Lumina got a worried look on her face, and hid behind her sister. Calina turned around and swatted her away like "Why the hell would I protect you, when I had nothing to do with why you're in trouble?" I just chuckled at that then turned and glanced at Zero who said "Did you see that, that's a growlithe, it's rare to this area, and I caught it. It might not be the happiest pokémon in the world right now, but still." I laughed at that then turned around to check on my food only to see a vulpix stealing it out of the pan and preparing to run off with it.

I grabbed a pokeball out of my pocket and threw it at the vulpix with a simple "Not this time you little bastard!" I watched as the pokeball shook a few times then flew back into my hand and smirked. I glanced at Zero and said "Yeah, well I just got a vulpix, so it looks like you're not the only one with a rare... wait it still has my omelet! GOD DAMNED IT!!!" I sighed and pulled out the last four eggs then started Making Zero and I yet another omelet each, while he chew out Lumina who looked sad. I glanced over to see Lumina miming out that she had been sharing, just not with him, because he wasn't there. Reasonable explanation when you think about it and Zero had to give it to her unusually flawless logic, while Calina just shook her head like "Idiots." However Lumina lost the battle because Zero used the equally flawless argument "You'll need to learn more than Eevee to sway me, and get your point across."

Lumina's ears lowered in sadness, then she looked at him and pointed at him as if to say "Touché, but are you going to teach me or something?" He stopped dead at that and said "Ok, ok, I'll give you this round, but my omelet is mine and mine alone!" I snorted as her ears drooped and he finished with, "Maybe yours to, I know how to share. I may even share with that growlithe." I sighed and finished cooking then tossed out my newly caught vulpix who sat next to me looking quite smug. I stared at it and it stared back then I held out a hand and said "Truce?" It nodded and shook paws with me, making me wonder why the hell pokémon around us seemed so damn smart. I studied Vulpix as the two of us shook hands and blinked as I realized it was pure black, unlike the normal red of a regular vulpix.

Suddenly Vulpix jumped up on my head and said "Vul, vulpix," Which I took to mean "I'm stuffed." Calina glared at her and seemed to be saying "Hey that's my trainer, get off his head!!!!" as she sat on her hind legs shaking her paw at Vulpix with a disgruntled look. I don't know what Vulpix did in reply but it caused Calina to hop up onto my shoulder, then jump onto my head and I guess they started attacking each other, because I felt a lot of movement in my hair. Suddenly vulpix landed in front of me looking pissed then hopped back up and slammed into Calina growling. I sighed and just finished breakfast then handed Zero his. While all of that was going on, Zero had called out his growlithe, which had torn into his arm because he'd interrupted her meal. She still had a hold of him when I handed him his plate and the two of them seemed to be working out some sort of arrangement about the omelet.

Meanwhile Lumina had swiped a bit using her claws to cut it off and was munching on it contently with a big smile. Both Growlithe and Zero turned and glared at her, but she was so busy enjoying my cooking, she completely ignored them. When she finished the piece she was eating she noticed them glaring at her, and hid behind me, which wasn't too smart because suddenly Calina slammed into her from above. I turned and glanced at them as I heard a loud "Vul, vulpix vul, vul vulpix!" which must have been a taunt, because as I blinked and looked at Calina she hopped to her feet and raced up my back, clawing the shit out of me in the process and started fighting with Vulpix again. My eye started twitching and I mumbled, "One more time. If this happens one more time, I'm finishing this fight myself."

The two of them fought on my head a while longer while I ate my omelet watching Zero and his new growlithe chase Lumina around the fire pit, since she'd swiped the entire plate from Zero's hands while he and Growlithe were arguing. If it weren't for the pokémon fighting on my head, I'd have found it rather amusing. Well I should say I'd have found it more amusing, because I was laughing my ass off at it despite the two of them. I was starting to think that Lumina was way too much like her trainer, just with a bit of a rebellious streak. Suddenly Calina landed on my plate destroying what was left of my omelet, and breaking the dish. That was the last straw I jerked Vulpix off my head and picked up Calina by her scruff and said softly "That's enough." They were snarling at each other until they heard me say that's enough, then they stopped and gave me two sets of puppy eyes. Though in this case it was more fox eyes.

I glared at the two of them and said "We're a team now, so you're going to have to settle your differences and start acting like one. Do you really want those three to show us up?" I nodded at Zero to prove my point as he and growlithe fought with Lumina for his omelet. Calina and vulpix slowly shook their heads no and I said "Ok then, so you're going to settle this the old fashioned way. You're going to play rock, paper, and scissors. Winner of two rounds gets to ride on my hat, loser rides my shoulder. No one has to be in their pokeball, unless they want to." They both shook their heads at that and I set them down. They started slowly moving their paws as I said "1. 2. 3. Shoot." On shoot they both moved their paws and showed what they'd picked. Vulpix chose rock, and Calina chose scissors. Round one went to vulpix.

During the second round I took the time to study vulpix. She was, as I said before, black, had the usual six tails, had silver eyes, which was rare for pokémon, and already had red tips to her tails, which I'd never heard of happening to a vulpix before. She also had a single red star on her forehead. I thought about naming her star as I gave the second round to Calina, and then shook my head at the clichéness of it. I sighed and mumbled "Flaria doesn't sound right, her name isn't star, and Flama doesn't work. Maybe I'll just call her kitsune, or kit for short since it means fox spirit." I glanced up just in time to see vulpix use flamethrower on Calina who threw paper. I stared as the flames ended up hitting me in the face as well, singing it just a little, and said "Ok so it looks like Kit wins." As Calina waved her paw and ran around trying to put out the flames.

She shoved her hand into a bucket of water and glared at Kit like "Cheater!!!" I chuckled and said "Sorry Calina, I didn't exactly say you guys couldn't use abilities, so this one was technically my fault." Calina glared at me like "You're an idiot for not thinking of her possibly using her abilities." I sighed and tossed her the rest of my omelet which she ate with a slight smile that said "All is forgiven." I looked at Kit and said "You ok Kit?" She nodded and hopped onto my head then I turned and studied Zero's group, who seemed to finally have the omelet situation under control. Growlithe and Zero had managed to steal a third of the omelet, each, from Lumina who was smirking. I studied growlithe and noticed that it was a strange pairing of colors. Instead of orange with black stripes it was, purple with crimson flames that went in the pattern the stripes would go on a normal growlithe.

Zero looked at me and said "You like the look of Arcana? She's magical looking." I stared at him and face-palmed while Arcana stared at him like "What?" Meanwhile Lumina nodded in agreement with Zero's thoughts finding her strange new friend to definitely be looking rather magical. He turned and explained what he meant to her while Kit, Calina, and I all just shook our heads. Kit yawned and curled up on my head with a contented yawn while Calina hopped up on my shoulder and watched as I started packing up camp while Lumina hopped on Zero's shoulder and we started back toward the house, which was a good seven hour's walk away. The two of us started back to town then were suddenly stopped as Calina and Lumina ran off into the bushes.

We stopped and waited for them to come back then were blindsided as they brought two more eevees with them. I stared at them as one followed Calina over to me and the other followed Lumina over to Zero then sat down. I stared at the two of them and noticed the one in front of me had its fur slicked back and had a slight blue tint to it, while the other was extremely spikey and had yellow tips on its fur, almost like someone had already tried to evolve them using stones, but stopped midway through. I shook my head figuring it was just a coincidence. Although I started chalking up the coincidence's that we'd been going through and silently decided to evolve my new eevee into a Vaporeon. Zero seemed to read my mind and said "Looks like I'm turning you into a Jolteon."

The two of us nodded at each other then continued on our way to Ash's place with our two new Eevees by our sides. I silently thought of what to name my eevee, I finally settled on Undine, goddess of the sea when I realized she was a female. Zero named his Mica Flash, because of the markings on her making him think of lightning. The two of us got back to Ash's nine at night, waking everyone up, and causing a good amount of chaos as several of the guard pokémon prepared to attack us until they realized who we were. As soon as they realized who we were they barked the all clear and everyone except Ash and Mrs. Ketchum went back to bed. Ash asked us how the trip went, we told him, and then the four of us went and crashed in our own rooms with our pokémon in tow.

I woke up the following morning with Calina, Undine, and Kit lying on my chest snoozing peacefully. I sighed and made them wake up with soft nudge each then the four of us headed downstairs where Zero, Arcana, Mica, and Lumina were already eating and getting ready to fight. Ash glanced up as I came in and asked me "You guys ready to start training?" I stared at him then shivered remembering his definition of training as he told it to his pokémon. I sighed and sat down then started eating, what I figured would be my last meal. I realized that the thought of training was why Zero and his pokémon were eating so much. I let my guys eat as much as they wanted then closed my eyes and relaxed as I ate slowly. When I opened them my food was gone and everyone else was waiting for me to get up and get ready to go.

I sighed and got to my feet then motioned for everyone to lead on. Ash led us outside to the small homemade stadium he had and said "Alright guys, let's get started." I stared at him and he said "Jake which of your pokémon you want to train first?" I shrugged and said "Probably Calina. The others seem pretty tough already." He nodded and Zero said "I'll use Lumina." He nodded again then pointed us at a pair of training dummies and said "Let's see what your pokémon can do." I pointed my pokedex at Calina, and Zero did the same with Lumina only to hear two different sets of moves. Calina already knew bite, tackle, sand attack, and shadow ball. Lumina already knew, Psychic, Helping Hand, Quick attack, and Confuse Ray. I had Calina use Shadow Ball, while Zero had Lumina show him psychic. We were both stunned to see his little Eevee throw the training dummy through a tree, across the field.

We were all knocked back by the explosion of Shadow ball hitting Calina's training dummy. Ash grinned and said "Looks like I don't have to go easy on you guys." After that he made all of us, humans and pokémon, do laps, lift weights, and in the pokémon's cases practice their moves a thousand times in a row. When all that was done we finally got lunch, then he made us battle each other, before battling his team that made him a pokémon master. They kicked our asses, but Ash had us heal up then fight him about twenty more times. By the end of the day both our pokémon and us, were so tired we could barely move. We crawled to the baths and relaxed then crawled back to our rooms and passed out, only to have our workload be doubled the second day.

By the end of the week our workload had increased by a hundred fold, and both our pokémon and we were afraid to get out of bed. So Ash had his Machamp, Onyx, and Hitmonchan drag us out of bed, then attack us and make us do laps for not getting up when Ash said. After which they battled us and kicked our asses, again. We actually managed to knock out Hitmonchan and nearly beat Onyx before the battle was through, although that was after both Lumina and Calina had their asses kicked as well as Arcana and Kit. It was only when Mica used double kick on Hitmonchan, who was ready to pass out, and Undine used hydro pump on Onyx that we made any headway. However Machamp seismic tossed them both into the sky, and knocked them out with one hit.

After that we were forced to do ten times as much of everything by the end of that week as punishment. By the end of the month we were nothing but muscle, and fucking Zero's pokémon were outrunning anything on the ranch, while mine were out fighting anythin on the ranch except Ash's team. He told us "If you want to beat me, you'll have to train harder than I ever did." Zero asked him why we were training so hard and he said "You never know what you'll face on the road," and made us do double the work for lipping off to him. Ash's mom felt sorry for us, and started to worry about our health so Ash started giving us the first week of every month off. By the end of the year, he said we were more than ready for anything the world could throw at us.