Wishful Thinking, Chapter 8.

Story by MitchKenzo on SoFurry

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#7 of Wishful Thinking

Wishful Thinking, Chapter 8

By Mitch Kenzo.


Screw it, I don't wanna put what it contains anymore. >:O

Chapter 8: Wishes of Warcraft?

"Perry? You've been stretching in that position for a little while now... What's the matter?" Lila's face looked slightly worried as she watched the human stretch out. She tried to sense the source of his anxiety, getting an image of where he was looking. Her fur bristled slightly as she stood as well, seeing the same thing that he had.

"Crap." Emerald probably put it the best, as they realized they'd all been careless enough to be seen in their fur. Her trained canine eyes were able to see the best in the daylight, and she looked at the coming figure. It was a tanned human male, with brown hair that almost blended in to his head. He had only a pair of swimming trunks on and glistened in the light as water droplets fell off of him. However, the biggest thing was his entire body. The guy was huge, and not in the fat way. Every muscle on his body looked like it had been chiseled from stone. If she looked hard as he drew nearer, she could almost see the muscles moving under his skin. Abs and pecs nearly throbbed with power as the man moved towards them. He looked like he was probably in his twenties from the average human age she'd seen.

The air was blowing through his mop, which was a good six inches down his head. She realized her jaw was hanging open and closed it quickly, just in time for the human to cross the last stretch of grass to reach them. He stood directly in front of the group of furs, and they realized that the man was also very tall. He had to be at lest seven feet tall, dwarfing Perry but coming eye to eye with Lila and Emerald.

There was an extremely uncomfortable silence as each side regarded the other, the man moving his arms and placing his hands on his hips. It was an almost statue-like pose, not surprising as the man looked like a statue anyway. They all jumped when he spoke, as he had been completely motionless while watching them, the only movement from his eyes. They were deep eyes, brown as well. They seemed to draw the group in, to look at something deeper.

"What are you doing on my property?" That was an odd question, considering that there were three oddities standing before him as well as Perry. He almost wondered if the man was serious, or maybe setting them up somehow. "We're... Uh..." He looked around for help and an idea. Then, he got it. "We're LARPing. Er, live action roleplaying. I'm the leader of a band of Protectors from Voahr." He knew he was going out on a limb, but maybe he could pull this off. "Sorry if we were using your land. We didn't know who owned it."

The stony figure didn't reply immediately. He was busy looking over the three furs, his eyes digging into them like chisels. "Those are some very complex costumes you have come up with. I like them. May I?" He reached a hand towards Emerald, who slowly stepped forward and outstretched her arm. As he grabbed it, she shivered. It felt like it was in a gentle vicegrip, enough power in each finger to snap her bones without much effort. The meaty hand rubbed over and through the fur, fingers brushing deep into the lovely and thick mass, also running along her warm skin. She didn't mind it in the least, but it felt strange for a human to be so... so thorough in its examination.

"Quite complex indeed... Very skillfully designed." A smile spread across the face. Was that the first time the man's mouth had moved? Perry couldn't tell. He'd been transfixed by the muscle masses all over the walking stone.

"Uh... Well, I guess we better be going then, sorry again for using your land." Perry breathed a silent sigh of relief, thinking the worst to be over. He and the others turned to walk away, when a voice stopped them.

"Wait. I too have a complex costume. But before I show you, I would like to know the lion-woman's name." Perry turned back and looked at the stony face. He felt himself getting lost in those eyes again... What secrets was this man holding?

Well, there was no point in not telling him. He glanced over at Lila, who nodded and spoke. "Me? I'm Lila, the Faline warrior." She shot Perry a smirk as she knew she was playing long perfectly. Perry had to mentally giggle at her accuracy in playing her part.

However, there seemed to be a spark in the deep eyes of the statue man. "Lila... Yes. That's a good name. Now I think I can show you my... costume." He stopped and breathed deeply. His chest expanded, growing larger and larger by the second. It was enormous when it finally stopped. Perry thought he was looking at a muscled balloon, bulging flesh rippling in front of his eyes. As he watched, it cracked down the front. The cracks spread all along the skin's surface, chipping away to reveal something brown underneath. The man was much like a statue... He was crumbling before Perry's eyes!

More and more false hunks of the human facade fell away, though the shape hadn't changed much. The brown was a light color, much like a butterscotch pudding. Fibers were visible... No, wait, not fibers! Fur! Some human this was turning out to be... He could see darker fur visible on the clearing arms and legs, and the lined belly as well. At last, only the head remained. A crack split down the middle and it fell away in two parts, smashing into dust on the ground. Perry now got a true look at what he'd been seeing in the eyes the whole time...

"How do you like my costume?" A smiling muzzle released the words that flowed smoothly like a clear stream. The buff form was still quite visible though the lines were dulled significantly by the smooth and glossy fur covering the body. The figure had a very smooth tail, however, and quite a long one as well. It was thick, and then tapered at the end. The face was the big telltale as to what species this fur was. The rounded cheeks and the perpetual smile could only be one creature. The tall and wiry fur was an otter, a very buff one at that.

Perry went forward and laid a hand on one of the otter's arms, feeling like he was hanging on a smooth stone. He parted the fur and felt oils cover his skin, thick ones that would keep him pretty dry in the water. "I like it a lot. It's quite 'complex.' as you said earlier." The remark earned another big grin from the otter, and a short, almost testing nuzzle from the nose and soft whiskers. Perry showed he didn't mind by hugging around the arm and leaning into the nuzzle with full relaxation.

The otter was obviously surprised at the easy acceptance, but shrugged it off, not thinking on it too much. He picked Perry up easily, setting him in the crook of his arm like a ragdoll. "Well now, we've got a bunch of Protectors here, do we? How'd you get to be the leader of the band?" He knew Perry was special, but couldn't pinpoint exactly what the human had that made him different.

Perry smiled. "It's like Lila said earlier, I seem to attract furs. More like a collection, it's seeming! Well? Lila, Emerald, Morton... Wait, what's with the look?" The other three furs had welcoming smiles on, but were sniffing as they came closer to the otter. Lila stopped in front of him and took a deep sniff, and then shook her head. "What's the matter Lila?" Perry was confused now.

"He's not a Protector. Am I right?" The lioness put a paw out to touch the thick stomach muscles of the otter, who smiled and gave a short murr at the sensation. He nodded, confirming her suspicion. "Well in that case, what are you doing here?"

"I am not a Protector, no. I'm just a scout from our world that was sent to see if I could locate any Protectors. Looks like I got lucky!" He beamed and hugged himself closer to the feline. Emerald and Morton also crowded around, stroking the smooth otter fur and vocalizing their enjoyments of how it felt.

Perry poked the broad chest, a bit too hard and jammed his finger. After popping it back into usefulness, Perry more carefully touched it. "Hmm... What's your name anyway? Maybe you can fill us all in on what's happened on the other side." Perry was interested to hear what the fur world was like. He really wanted to know...

"Oh yeah. I'm Hetoh, and it's an honor to meet everyone." He closed his eyes and enjoyed a particularly nice scratch along his back by both Emerald and Morton's dull claws. "Mmm... I've actually been over here for ten years now. However, when I left, things were going along very well. We've stabilized the barrier a lot more recently, one of the spell sessions helped to reinforce your seals. In fact, I don't think nearly as many humans have crossed over within the last thousand years as they used to. Only one real significant one, he made it across and back, actually! At least we assume he made it back." Hetoh took a breath and looked at Lila. "He really fit in quite well once he accepted us and our way of life. It seems like Perry's much the same." He grinned and licked the human's hair, getting a laugh from Perry.

"Well, now that you've found us, now what?" Morton was leaning on Hetoh's side, the otter not budging an inch. "Have you found any others?" The mouse was interested in whether or not any of their other Protector friends had been found.

"Yes, I've found others... But not Protectors. The instability of the dimensional barrier was letting a lot of our kind through for a while, though we seem to have integrated into the human world quite easily. With all these magical facades we put in, it's hard to locate the rest of the furs that have come over. That's not to mention all the scouts that have been sent in the past to look for you." Hetoh was thinking, trying to recall who all he'd met so far. "How have you managed to find so many Protectors though, human?"


"Right, Perry. Sorry. But I'm amazed that there are three of them here with you, not to mention myself." Hetoh was about to speak again, but then Perry remembered something he'd been meaning to ask. He held up a hand for a break so he could get his thoughts in order. That was it, yes...

"As far as we've found, I'm some kind of attractant somehow. That brings me to the question I want to ask you... What made you come here today?" This otter's answer could shape how they would go about doing the rest of their planning for the "road trip" he'd be going on. He watched Hetoh think deeply, and then shrug.

"I just felt like something was pulling me here today. Hmm... I feel like I should know something about this, but I can't remember what it was." He shrugged and gave an apologetic expression on his brown face. He sighed, breathing heavily through his nose. "I wish I could be more help."

Perry patted one of the lumps on Hetoh's arm. "It's all right Hetoh. I think that was actually quite helpful in and of itself." He looked at the other three furs with a grin on his face. "I think we've got a bit more to go off of now. Let's get back to planning what I'm going to tell my mom. Now I know you can use your magic to duplicate things Lila, or more or less change them at your will." Emerald picked up a pawful of dirt and crushed it, opening her paw to reveal a hot dog. Perry rolled his eyes and revised his statement. "I meant all of you. Sheesh, competitive much? Anyway, with that in mind I don't think food or money will be an issue. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised to find myself on the menu more often than not." The wolf's devilish grin told him he was right, and he even caught Morton licking his lips. "Travel I shouldn't even have to mention... Really, I only have to tell my mom. Huh, not so much planning as I thought."

Lila rolled her eyes and gave Perry a big hug. "At least you're thinking everything through, which is more than I can say for a good percentage of the population of your planet." They all laughed at that one, and Perry had to agree with her. Humans could act incredibly stupid at the worst times.

A rumbling broke the laughter, as Hetoh's belly started growling in hunger. He blushed visibly and set Perry down. "Uh... I skipped lunch today." He rubbed his gut to get it to quiet down, and then was joined by Perry's hand on top of the furred paw. True to his nature, his finger found its way into Hetoh's navel and he rubbed around a bit as the otter watched with a goofy smile. He could tell the fur was in tip-top shape, as he could barely push in on the bellybutton knot. He'd like to see Emerald try and take a bite out of this thing! The lines were fun to rub over, however, and he smiled as he scratched at the lumps with a fingernail. Hetoh even laughed as he withdrew his finger and then licked it, getting his first taste of the oily otter bellybutton. Perry felt Hetoh's paws guide his face to the hole, and he took a deep sniff. It was a clean, but almost nutty scent. Perry couldn't place the nut type, but he liked it!

His tongue was gliding over the inside of the taut umbilicus without any prompting from his mind. He was becoming used to this... No conscience to deal with, not a bit of hesitation. Boy, did he like these furs! He stopped licking and contented himself with sucking on the tasty bellybutton, trying to get it to budge from its hole. He felt his lips being sucked in rather than the button sucked out, and he finally gave up. The otter oil was coating his mouth and tongue as he gave the hole a nuzzle with his nose, finally patting it and straightening back up. "Hmm. To keep that in such good shape, you need to eat some decent meals. Have any interesting eating methods you can show me, Hetoh?"

The otter was laughing now, partially from the tickling sensations in his navel, but also at how willing the human was to even be eaten. Lila and the others had quite obviously introduced him to their ways quite well. "A demonstration, eh? Sure, why not?" Perry stood still, waiting to be grabbed. However, nothing happened. Hetoh was more focused on Morton than he was the human. His tail poked the mouse on the nose, catching Morton's attention.

"Hm? What's up Het-ACK!" The muzzle was cut short on speaking when Hetoh's tailtip opened up and clamped over his mouth. It was like a brown snake as it stretched and wriggled down to the base of his face, an expression of shock in the rodent's eyes. He writhed about as he tried to get away from the appendage, but too late. It was firmly affixed to his face by now. The mouse could only sigh and then giggle as his eyes were plunged into the warm, soft interior of the otter's tail. It was fuzzy at the opening, which tickled against his ears as he entered, but wet juices were dripping onto his nose deeper inside. He sighed and relaxed, deciding that the quicker he let it happen, the sooner it'd be done with. The tail responded accordingly, wrapping around his belly like an anaconda and rubbing his frame up and down, helping him to feel more at ease. Not only that, but it coated him in a convenient layer of slick otter oil. The effect was immediate, as his head and neck quickly disappeared into the thick tail, the outline of the mouse's head showing through only slightly.

The tip widened as it made its way down one shoulder, and then the other. Perry had never even dreamed of seeing such a spectacle as the mouse was eaten just like a snake would do to him. Hetoh was groaning as he held Perry to his stomach, letting the human listen to the gurgles within. Emerald and Lila had come forward as well to listen and pat the firm gut, giggling about how impenetrable it was. Emerald leaned to the navel and gave it a mock bite, her teeth barely able to move the flesh as it was anyway. "Ouch, I broke a tooth!" She giggled and contented herself with giving loud, wet licks into the hole, only adding to the otter's groans as they escalated in volume.

Morton's shoulders were engulfed now, and the rest of him was going down inches at a time. He was nearly asleep inside from the mix of pleasant massaging vibrations around him from the powerful tissue he was rubbing up against and the humid air. It was like being in a sauna, only less overbearingly hot. He felt his small chest getting sucked through the opening, and the tail expanding once again about his midsection, sliding over it like a tight sock. He really liked how it felt, especially the otter fur tickling along his back and in his navel. It reminded him of how Perry liked to mess with his bellybutton so much. The tail gave a light squeeze around his gut, making him exhale sharply and giggle as he tried to roll about a little, stimulating nerves inside the thick tail. He could feel himself moving down the curve that had been holding him so nicely before. Hetoh must not have noticed that he was holding the position by now.

The rodent's hips and legs were on their way in now, gravity doing a little of the work of pulling a warm meal into the otter. He could feel his head enter a larger area, and realized he was nearing the end of the tail. There was a tiny hole on it, but it wouldn't open to let him in. As his feet passed through, and the tip of his tail was drawn in, he felt the opening close behind him, encasing him in warmth and darkness. He shivered as he knew what was next, actually anticipating rather than avoiding it now. Warmth slowly poured down his back and over his head, moving all along and over his body. The tail squeezed and pulled on his frame, letting it relax more and tenderize. The feeling finished moving over him, and he realized that he could feel the flesh better than before. He touched his nose to his shoulder and discovered that there was no fur on it. This was new...

The mouse felt the warmth again, but a different kind. It was a little hot this time, making it feel like there were tiny pinpricks all over his body, and somehow it felt much wetter than before. He couldn't feel his fingertips, but he could feel the rest of his body easily. The difference from before was that his body felt really fibrous, like he was being held together by cords. He knew his skin was completely gone by now, just his muscles left. It was a strange feeling... He could feel, but not feel. Every move he made was very real, a feeling inside of him, but missing the nerves of his skin. Morton laid his head on the soft floor of the tail, and waited to finish being devoured.

Hetoh stopped his groans and murrs, poking Perry and having him move back along with the girls. He smiled broadly. "Watch this." He closed his eyes and gave a grunt. As he did so, the bulge in his tail shrank to nearly nothing, and at the same time his muscles all grew even larger. The lines between squeezed together, becoming even more taut and rigid. He motioned for them to come back, and Perry placed a hand on his chest. He couldn't get any give whatsoever from it. The sheer wall of muscle pulsed with pure power, occasionally pushing his hand away from the fur.

On the inside, Morton started feeling snapping and small pains, like acupuncture in his muscles. They grew faster and faster, and he realized he was slowly losing control of his body. He was unable to breathe, and eventually, he even felt his heart stopping as it was pulled apart and through the walls of the tail. He felt everything growing dimmer, down to the dark depths of death as his mind was starved of the oxygen he needed. His last thought was that he hoped he had been putting on a good show for everyone. As his body shut down, liquid filled the otter's tail that nearly instantly melted his frame. Bones, ligaments, tendons all became a soupy mix in a matter of seconds, and were sucked out through the tiny hole at the tail base.

Hetoh sat on a nearby fallen log and sighed as he curled his tail about the small group now. "Mmm... Quite satisfying." He rubbed his fingers along the brown appendage and smiled as Perry, Emerald, and Lila followed suit. Paws, pads, and hands alike rubbed over its sensitive surface, making him coil it harder around them, until they were gasping for air.

"Hetoh... Let... Up..."

"Whoops, sorry!" The smiling face blushed as the tail relaxed and they all gasped for air. Perry stepped back and stretched, having been laying against the wonderful belly for a while now. He looked at his watch and nodded to Lila and Emerald.

"I think I better go tell my mom about the trip. You guys stay put if you want. I'll probably be back soon." Lila got up, and floated to Perry's shoulder, becoming her usual tiny feline self again. They both walked back towards the house talking about the experience.

"You're definitely right about me being an attractant then, Lila. I wonder how this'll work out... Hmm." Perry was still trying to think up better excuses for having the money to go places with. It was then that he had a flash of inspiration. "I've got it! I didn't really think of where I'd get the money, but I have an idea. I might need your help though Lila." By now they had reached the road. Down the way there was a little gas station. Perry occasionally went in and bought scratch cards and lottery tickets for the heck of it, but today he had a great idea. He explained how the system worked to the lioness, and he could almost hear her catching on to the idea immediately. "So you want me to see if I can find tickets that will make you win big?" He nodded, hoping he wasn't going too far out of line by using her like this. To his surprise, she snickered evilly. "Why not? I think this is fun. Plus, I always love a chance to use my talents to help someone." She went completely invisible as they walked through the door to the gas station.

"Hey Perry, come to plunk some more money into the register today, eh?" The register attendant gave a good-natured chuckle and pointed to a display of about thirty different types of scratch cards and instant win things. Perry leaned on the counter so Lila could get a good look from his shoulder. Her first answer shocked him. There was a hundred dollar prize three tickets down in one roll.

"Gimme three of the Golddigger's Mine ones, I'm feeling lucky today. Oh, and you can just scan them off to see if I won anything." The attendant ripped three off. The first one was a winner as well, ending up paying for the cost of all three tickets. The second won nothing, but the third made the attendant's eyes widen.

"Hey, you're right! It is your lucky day Perry! Whaddya know, a hundred bucks. You gonna keep going?" The man's voice was a challenge, but it was all going perfectly. Lila had been scanning deep into the piles, and found what she was looking for. An $500 ticket was hidden about twenty deep in a pile. Perry bought a few dummy ones so the man wouldn't get suspicious, and then pretended to get gutsy.

"Aw hell with it, gimme twenty-five of Border Runner's Challenge. That oughtta be enough for today." He saw the attendant's face beam with the promise of good sales figures for the day, and began scanning them one by one. A few were small winners, though a winning of $20 made Perry smile. The $500 ticket was approaching steadily. A series of seven losses in a row made him mad. "Freaking fixed piece of crap!" That only made the attendant laugh harder, until he stopped mid laugh as he scanned the $500 ticket.

"Hot damn! We got a winner here! Congrats Perry, five hundred for taking a gamble! You by chance going to do any more?" He was hopeful, but his smile dulled a bit when Perry shook his head. It was better to quit now while the man didn't have any inkling of what was going on. He collected the money he'd gotten in total, about $473 of actual winnings. Combined with his bank account, he had more than enough for a decent trip around the US. However, he had bigger plans.

He opened the door to his house and walked to the living room, where his mom was watching TV after getting home from work. "Well, this is it Lila. Thanks for the help there, too!" A slight feeling of cold on his neck let him know Lila was only too happy to help. He sat down on the couch and grinned cockily at his mom.

She looked back at him, and half-smiled. "What's with that grin?"

"You know how you always told me that gambling would never pay off?"


"Well, I had my lucky day today."

Her eyebrows rose. "Really? How lucky were you?"

"About $500 lucky."

"Perry, that's wonderful! Now be good and save it, and don't gamble again." She laughed and shook her head. "Just in time for your summer trip too. How long were you planning on being gone again?"

"At least the whole summer. Maybe a bit longer, depends on how long the money holds out really."

"Well, all right. I just hope you're safe in whatever you do and wherever you go."

"Thanks mom. Any advice for me?"

"Not really... Don't feed wild animals if you stop by any parks. We don't need any rabies scares."

Pfft. Animal bites were the least of his worries anymore. A nibble on his neck reinforced that, and he wanted to poke the lioness for her humor. "All right then. I guess I better get to making sure I have everything ready now. I can't believe that tomorrow is the big day!"

"Neither can I. Just please be extra careful for your dear old mother. I don't think I could take losing you forever."

No, that'd already happened in the forest. "Okay mom, I will." With that, he got up and walked to his room. He did pack a suitcase with some clothes and stuff, but nothing much. He doubted he'd be needing anything else with the lioness and the other furs in tow.

Lila was busy going through his sketchpad and laughed at some of the art in it. Perry had sometimes drawn some interesting things happening to her beautiful bellybutton, and he could tell when she came across them. Mainly, because every time was a murring sound, and Lila telling Perry that a lot of them looked like fun. "Ooh! I really like this one. You got me perfectly..." She turned the sketchbook to show him a page with Lila's eyes closed in peace, her back arched with a crocodile chomping on her bellybutton, the bulging flesh squishing between its teeth and tearing it away from her belly. The look in her eyes told Perry that she REALLY wanted to be a part of that one!

He finished packing and sat down next to her. "Heh. I had fun drawing that too. I almost wish I could be that croc... But right now, I'm happy with reality the way it is!" He finished by poking her square in her big bellybutton, earning a laugh from the lioness. It was good to be alive... He was thinking that Morton was probably thinking the same thing right now, as he wondered if he'd come back yet. It didn't matter though, he knew the mouse was safe.

Perry opened his window and hopped down with Lila, and together they walked back to the clearing to meet with the others to collect Emerald and Morton. They'd all need a good sleep for the trip they were going to take tomorrow. Well, the others would. Perry had plans for Lila tonight!

So, yeah. I'm finally adding more to this series. Yay vore!