Wishful Thinking, Chapter 14.
Author's Note: Crapcrapcrap! I totally forgot to upload this, sorry people! I coulda sworn chapter 14 was up when I uploaded chapter 15. Bah, it totally ruined the suspense I was going for with Chapter 14. ;\_; Many apologies! * * * Wishful...
Wishful Thinking, Chapter 15.
Wishful Thinking, Chapter 15 By Mitch Kenzo. Contains: Furries. Oh, and other stuff too. Mmkay, well... I guess the past few chapters have been a little rushed, and that can be attributed to either lack of ideas or too many ideas, both of...
Wishful Thinking, Chapter 9.
Wishful Thinking, Chapter 9 By Mitch Kenzo. Contains: Screw it, I don't wanna put what it contains anymore. \>:O --- Chapter 9: Wish Factor Nine. Perry and Lila returned to the pond after a short walk. Morton spotted them first,...
Wishful Thinking, Chapter 8.
Wishful Thinking, Chapter 8 By Mitch Kenzo. Contains: Screw it, I don't wanna put what it contains anymore. \>:O --- Chapter 8: Wishes of Warcraft? "Perry? You've been stretching in that position for a little while now... What's...
Wishful Thinking, Chapter 7.
Perry is going to meet up with Morton, who introduces his to the footpaw world, and Perry gets to open up and learn a bit more about the anthros. Debating on the macro vixen thing, possibly find the first non-Protector, an anthro otter disguised as a...
Wishful Thinking, Chapter 6.
Wishful Thinking by Mitch Kenzo Characters are copyright Mitch Kenzo, but Emerald is copyright my friend Emerald Wolfe, used with her permission; I have yet to steal anything in literature. If your character comes up exactly somehow, yell at me...
Wishful Thinking, Chapter 5.
Wishful Thinking by Mitch Kenzo Characters are copyright Mitch Kenzo, but Emerald is copyright my friend Emerald Wolfe, used with her permission; I have yet to steal anything in literature. If your character comes up exactly somehow, yell at me...
Wishful Thinking, Chapter 4.
Wishful Thinking by Mitch Kenzo Characters are copyright Mitch Kenzo, but Emerald is copyright my friend Emerald Wolfe, used with her permission; I have yet to steal anything in literature. If your character comes up exactly somehow, yell at me...
Wishful Thinking, Chapter 3.
Wishful Thinking by Mitch Kenzo Characters are copyright Mitch Kenzo; I have yet to steal anything in literature. If your character comes up exactly somehow, yell at me in an e-mail or something. If you actually read this, you get a taco. ...
Wishful Thinking, Chapter 2.
Okay, reposting this. Apparently I C+Ped Chapter one over when I tried to submit. Yeesh, I need to stop coming online when partially drunk. Anywhoo, here's the real chapter 2. I hope. Wishful Thinking by Mitch Kenzo Characters are copyright...
Hungry Like The Wolf.
Right, so I wrote this as my first real story coming into the furry community. It was back in 2005 or 2006, I think the latter. Conn got the first request on a topic I'd posted that I was taking story requests. After a while of talking, we came up with...
Wishful Thinking, Chapter 1.
Wishful Thinking by Mitch Kenzo Characters are copyright Mitch Kenzo; I have yet to steal anything in literature. If your character comes up exactly somehow, yell at me in an e-mail or something. I'm adding more tags up here, and a bit of...