Spyro and the Sun God: Chapter 7

Story by AngewomonsLover on SoFurry

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Spyro and the Sun God: Chapter 7

"ELIMINATE INTRUDER." the robot repeated, two missile launchers coming out from either side of the machine, each launching six small missiles at the dragon.

"Is that all?" Spyro taunted, rearing his head back, before launching a fireball at the group of missiles, making a few of them explode, the rest being caught in the explosion.

"RESISTANCE IS FUTILE." said the booming computerized voice, the machine starting to move forward towards Spyro, sparks flying out of exposed wires on it.

"Hold on hold on! I think I know how to beat this guy!" Sparx flew out from behind Spyro's head, looking up at the huge approaching robot.

"Well, how, then?" Spyro asked, looking back and fourth between Sparx and the machine.

"Easy! There's always some design flaw in the professor's robots! I'll just go find it. Hold 'em off, okay?" Sparx asked, before flying off towards the huge machine.

Spyro shrugged, but stood his ground, waiting for the next attack from the robot. It suddenly lashed out it's claws, which were retractable, at Spyro, who just barely dodged the first one, but was struck by the left, knocking him a few feet away. "Heh...finally putting up a fight now, I see?" Spyro taunted, spreading his wings out and taking flight, flying straight at the machine with his horns out. He hit it directly in the chest, but it was made of thicker metal than the smaller droids, and he was unable to penetrate it, only being knocked back, his head aching in pain. "Ggrahh...d-damnit..."

"DESTROY DRAGON." The voice repeated, reaching it's claws down again, grasping the whelpling in both of them, holding him up in the air.

"Lemme go you bastard!" Spyro growled, squirming under the tight grasp of the metal claws. Suddenly a burst of electricity flowed through them, shocking Spyro with high voltages. "AAahhh!!! Would you hurry up, Sparx??"

The dragonfly in question was behind the massive robot, searching through countless buttons, switches and levers. "Ahh...where is it...where is- There it is!!" He exclaimed, spotting a large red button, clearly marked "ON/OFF". "How did I miss that?" he questioned himself, before mashing the button.

"DESTROY DRAGON! DESTRoooyy....ddrrraaaa...." The robot's voice got lower and lower until it fully turned off, the electricity stopping as well, before it fell flat on it's back, now completely shut off. "Whew...thanks." Spyro sighed in relief, breaking free from the now motionless claws, standing on top of the giant metal heap. "How did you know to do that, Sparx?" he asked, looking around for the dragonfly, who flew up through a hole in the machine.

"Ahh it was nothing. Just a little sample of my genius instinct!" he boasted, tapping his head with one finger.

Spyro chuckled, smiling up at Sparx. "Well thanks. For once you actually helped me."

"Hey, I would help you most of the time, but there's...there's uhh...supernatural forces, yeah! That stop me from doing so." The dragonfly lied, rubbing the back of his head. "I can't do anything about it."

"Whatever, Sparx. Anyways let's get going and find Red." Spyro replied, before hopping off the heap of metal, and walking through the door at the end of the room, which lead into a long hall of many doors, all of which were closets, a sign hanging up above the door which read "Closet Room".

There were a few sets of speakers hung on the walls, though, and there was a sound of them turning on. "Very well done, Spyro. I see you were able to defeat the robot. I doubt you'll find me, though!" Came Red's voice through them, Spyro looking up at the nearest speaker.

"Oh I'll get you, Red! You better be prepared for the asskicking of your life!" Spyro retorted, taking off down the hall, checking each door. The first one he looked in held cleaning supplies, the second one had spare robot parts and such.

"Let's see if you can, little whelp." Red replied, before turning off the speaker again. "That's right...come to me..." he thought to himself, watching Spyro in the many video cameras hidden on the ceiling.

The next door Spyro came to was a freezer, with a few empty buckets of ice cream inside it. "Huh...the guy really likes to eat, doesn't he?" Sparx asked, looking inside, seeing that the buckets were completely cleaned of any ice cream.

"Heh, yeah. I guess so. C'mon, Sparx. Only a few more doors." Spyro said, before leaving for the next door. He opened it up, and saw Hunter's old skateboard inside. "Huh...that's odd. What's that doing here?" "Who knows. Maybe he brought it to be fixed or something." Sparx suggested, hovering in the air behind Spyro's head.

"Maybe." Spyro shrugged, heading to the next door, and upon opening it, a huge pile of packing peanuts fell out, completely covering the dragon. "What the hell??"

"Wahoo!! Packing peanuts!!" Sparx exclaimed, diving into the large pile, swimming around through them. "I love these things!"

Spyro flapped his wings around, digging himself out of the peanuts, and shaking any off his body. "Yeah, but what would he have these here for? I've never seen him ship anything."

"Who cares!" Sparx replied, seemingly having the time of his life, until bumping into the back of the closet. "Oww...hey, what's this?" He felt a lever on the wall, but it was too big to move; for him that is.

"What is it?" Spyro asked, looking at the ocean of packing peanuts. "Did you find something?"

"Yep, a switch. But it's really big." Sparx replied, flying back out of the foam peanuts. Spyro nodded, hopping into the foam, and moving to the back of the closet, feeling around for the lever, before pulling it. Soon after he did, a loud THUD was heard, seemingly coming from the next door down. "What the?!" Sparx looked over at the next door, which opened slightly from the force of the crash, Spyro coming back out of the closet he was in.

"Did you hear that too, Sparx?" He asked, looking inside the dark closet.

"Well duh! 'Course I did! That was so loud I wouldn't be surprised if it awoke the dead!" Sparx hastily replied, getting a glare from Spyro once again.

"It wasn't that loud...now come on. We've gotta find Red." Spyro said before turning to the closet, and pushing the door open, letting the light inside. Sparx flew in and pulled the light string on the ceiling, which turned on a long string of lights, which lit the closet, revealing it was actually a long hallway.

"Alright! A secret passage!" Sparx exclaimed, taking off down the lighted passage.

"Hey, wait for me!" Spyro called out, chasing after the dragonfly, running down the hall.

Soon they were out of the long hall they had to traverse. They eventually ran into a three-way fork. Spyro was perplexed at this. "Uhh, which way?"

"You asking me?" Sparx grunted, as perplex as his friend. "Makes it a bit harder" Spyro retorted, looking back and forth between the three possible ways to Red. "What..." Spyro narrowed his vision, he looked like he was focusing real hard. He sharpened his senses altogether. He could hear strong winds blowing from the middle. "Wind... wind... a fan?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I think I'm hearing a big fan nearby."

"Which way? I can check it out fast and come back."

"Middle hallway. I think it's wind... wind... I think I remember something about an experiment they said was going to be held here to produce energy from wind. But... I can't remember it all..."

Sparx nodded, he approached the middle, "Stay here. I'll be right back!" he flew off into the depths of the passageway. Spyro obediently sat while waiting.

While that was happening, in the main lab (The Professor's), Red rummaged through every single spot of the station. "Where is it... where is it?" he mumbled, growling as he couldn't find any clues of what he was searching for.

"Where is it... where is it?!" another voice boomed. Fortunately, Red was too busy to take notice of it. Sparx was flying through an air-vent duct, as apparently, the passageway he had taken only led to a group of air vents. "Wind experiment? Duh. He's seen the same amount of hole cracks as me and he can't tell the difference between, oh man" Sparx shut up as he found himself in the end of the tunnel, he stopped in front of the air shaft's-side-exit. He had decided to keep silence after noticing the big red figure that was turning the lab upside down. "Better go back to Spyro!" Spyro was still sitting when his friend arrived. The insect seemed very agitated from his flight. "Hey Sparx. Found anything?"

"There's uhh- there's, big, red,"

The last word was everything Spyro needed. He frowned, but locked his eyes onto the middle pathway. "Gonna get you Red!" Spyro growled, then charged through the dark path.

Sparx sighed, almost coughing up his breath. "Jeez and I thought I'd have a breather!" he hurried to follow Spyro, who had gone so far in he could barely see him. Sparx wondered why Spyro hadn't stopped, after all it was the beginning on the air shaft. He stopped when light that had never been there had come into sight. Sparx widened his eyes at what he saw. There was a hole where Spyro's frame was distinct in shape. "He... charged through this?" he said, the hole was placed just above where the path turned downwards. After flying over to the made-shift exit, he confirmed it: Spyro was hovering down to the floor, apparently harmless in any way. But he had luck, the lab was so big, where his friend had jumped from was very far away from Red's current search-place. "Well," Sparx shoot himself down, pursuing Spyro silently while whispering to himself, "With some luck, we still count with the surprise element!" "RED!" Spyro roared so loud the whole lab shook.

Sparx mentally cursed. "Me and my big mouth."

Red stopped cold in his spot. "What?!" he turned around, the purple whelpling approaching him slowly, "You?! What about the Guardian?!"

"Your little toy didn't have batteries! Now you'll tell me where Ember is!" Spyro roared again, his eyes glowing as he clenched his fangs together.

"I already told you I don't know who or what that is, or where they are for the matter!" Red exclaimed, then spitefully sighed, "Even if I knew I wouldn't tell you. Hmph."

"Yeah," Sparx flew next to Spyro, "Eeeeeeevil. Remember?" he said with a comical spooky voice, shaking his hands mockingly to Red, who growled menacingly and made Sparx hide behind his dragon friend.

"Then I'll beat you up like last time, and I'll do it until you cough it up!!" Spyro threatened, before launching himself towards the big dragon. However, he got repelled by Red's imposing, and bigger form.

"Hah! Is that all you got?" Red mocked, grinning darkly as he moved his claw to a side, then produced a big fire ball on top of it. "Whelplings, all the same and worthless!" Spyro grunted as he fell some distance away from his foe. He got up and eyed the fireball, he hurried to extinguish it with his water breath. "I'm not so worthless when I know how to defeat you, old man!"

"OLD MAN?!" Red roared, "I'm no Old Man you little twerp!" he shook the place with a big stomp, crushing the fire ball in his claw as he released steam, followed by smoke from his nostrils.

"So it annoys you, huh?" Spyro chuckled, then used the bought time to zap Red with electricity. It just stunned the bigger dragon, however, and irritated him even more!

"Graaaah! You pathetic little creature I'll crush you!" Red growled, then rushed towards Spyro.

"Horn Pierce!" Sparx called out from behind Spyro. This made Spyro react as he remembered, before lowering his head as Red approached. When in correct position, Spyro suddenly launched himself up, using his horns against Red's mid-section. He wasn't able to fully pierce the red dragon's tough hide, but he was able to lift him off with his own strength!

Red seemed astonished, Spyro had evaded him and at the same time scored an attack. "What?!" he called out as he felt himself leaving the ground. "And awaaaaay you go!" Our hero grinned, before arching his head back, moving Red alongside, and finally letting him go. The Red dragon propelled towards one of the container crates nearby and crashed through it.

Sparx raised a fist in victory, "And that's a home-run!"


Sparx hid behind Spyro's head, grabbing onto his horns for support as his friend turned his vision towards the destruction they had caused. Sparx only let his head partly over Spyro's to be able to peek.


Spyro braced himself, but stood in his place. He saw Red rising from the debris of the crates, he greeted him with a defying look.

"You..." Red growled, walking towards slightly, before stopping and smirking to Spyro.

"What's so funny?!" Spyro snarled.

Red merely boasted "You think this is over?"

"What does he mean by that?" Spyro asked Sparx, who only shook his head while shrugging.

"You got me there."

"Look above you!" Red pointed. Spyro first thought of the villains' main plan of idiotically distracting someone with an old trick, but he couldn't fight the curiosity, and besides, there wasn't any moving on with it anyways. That's when Spyro saw a hovering cage, above it all. "My insurance" Red's words echoed as Spyro inspected the contents of the cage far away, he expected the hostage to be Ember. He felt like smiling somehow, he was so sure it would all finish with this fight! However, to his deception, he didn't saw his love captured inside the cage, but another figure. Above, near the ceiling, the captive shook. As it appeared, the hostage had been knocked out until recently and it revealed, with a recognizable grunt, to be one of Spyro's best pals. "Anybody wrote the number of that," the cheetah stood up, walking towards the cage's sealed exit in hopes of exiting but found himself totally captured in. "Woah talking about the cat being caught 'n the bird's cage!"

"HUNTER!" Spyro called out, which alerted the caged-up feline.

"Spyro?" Hunter noticed, "Hey buddy, is that you?!" he responded, before grasping the bars of his prisons, shaking them slightly, "Hate to give you more work, but can you put me down?"

"Sure!" Spyro said, before looking down and in front of himself towards Red. "Just let me defeat this geezer and you'll have your feet fixed to the ground in no time! Just hang in there!"

Hunter absent-mindedly laughed, "Fine fine. Your turn to joke about it huh?"

Spyro grinned as he stepped towards Red, "You're going down!"

"I'm afraid," Red showed a remote he had time to pick up while Spyro was distracted, "It's not going to be that easy, young one." "What's that?" Spyro stopped in his tracks, taken by surprise by Red's actions. The bigger dragon revealed a shiny red button in the remote, which he pushed and held on its spot. Spyro looked at his surroundings, nothing seemed to come for him. "What did you do?!" he demanded to know, before he heard groaning from above. "Hunter?" Spyro gasped, realizing the cage was shaking violently and crackling with high voltage.

"Uaaaaaghh!" Hunter cried out, groaning from the pain. He was being electrocuted mercilessly, his body felt the surge of a thousand volts run through him, hurting and paining him endlessly. "This... ahhhh! It's unbearable! MAKE IT STOP!!" he yelled. Red merely smirked at the cat's plea. Spyro grit his fangs together, growling to the elder.

"Stop that you coward! This is between you and me! Leave Hunter out of this!" the purple dragon ordered, Red chuckling softly. This angered Spyro even more, he took off into a relentless run towards his foe, but something made him stop.

"Spyro" Red said, and surprisingly, the whelpling stopped in the spot, "Near me anymore, and I'll turn hunter into a fuzzy-smoking-fur-ball. You want him to smell like molten catnip?" Spyro growled, his blood starting to boil literally, and Sparx in the meantime was flying around the cage, worried about Hunter. He was trying to find a way to deactivate the lock or the electric trap for the matter, but it was no use. He was forgetting about Spyro, who was actually starting to let his anger take over. "WAAAAAH! AAAAAGHH!!" Hunter groaned, his fur standing up due to the static, his whole body was conducting the electricity and he couldn't do anything but wince from the sharp pain. "I CAN'T TAKE IT!!"

"Let him go!" Spyro snarled, fire starting to crackle through and around his maw as he spoke. Red shook a finger with his unoccupied claw, before augmenting the voltage. Hunter yelped even louder, which made Spyro shut his eyes tightly, trying to ignore the fact one of his closest friends was being fried with himself being unable to help.

"If you want me to let him go. First you'll have to swear an oath... that you will not hinder my plans anymore. And that you will submit to me as my personal servant!" Red claimed, Hunter groaning from above. "Don't do it! I can-uuuaaaaghh! I CAN TAKE IT! GO KICK HIS ASS SPYRO! I'LL ENDURE THIS!!" Hunter growled, Sparx flying higher to the cables on top and finding a small entrance besides the large chain holding the cage in the air.

"Hope I can do something from here" the insect though to himself, before flying higher and inside the passage.



"Huh?" Red was taken back by Spyro's words, but he confidently smiled again, "You will regret that decision, young one. Your foolishness will cost you your dear friend!" he pressed a button once again, then moved a small switch on the remote upwards, and then once again held the red button tightly. The voltage in the cage rose dramatically.

"GYYYAAAAAHHH!!" Hunter cried in agony, his eyes widening as he lost it and fell to the cage's floor, barely able to do anything but twitch.

Spyro's eyes widened like plates. Hunter? Hunter was... No... Hunter didn't... "HUNTER!!!!" Spyro roared, the place shook once more as his eyes totally turned bloody red. Even the elder dragon shook in his legs. The remote fell from the elder's claws, he was so shocked he didn't even notice "Wh-what?" Red questioned, staring at Spyro intently, and stepping back instinctively.

Spyro suddenly growled in pain, he coughed and looked down to the floor, his eye-sight was dropping to poor levels, he couldn't distinguish the floor or anything next to him. Spyro winced and felt his arms and legs shake, then suddenly he felt a powerful tingle that immediately turned into sharp pain. His insides were stretching, he felt his bones tear through the flesh of his body, he couldn't resist crying out in pain. This made Red walk back again as Spyro suddenly jumped and fell onto his hind legs, being able to fully stand on both legs. There was something different though, he wasn't dropping down on all fours again, his legs looked different, almost in the same form of Red's. The claws on his feet had become a lot sharper and bigger, so were the claws on his hands. The purple dragon was gaining muscle and size at the same time, as his body kept rising higher and higher, his biceps, triceps and pecs bulged together at the same pace and inflated, contracted and retracted almost as if he was pumping weights. Veins bulged everywhere in his body, his belly sported admirable six packs, his wings stretched and grew, following the shape of a full adult as his tail stretched and grew longer, sporting spikes all the way up his spine and to his shoulder even. Spyro had stopped yelping in agony, but was now roaring even louder. "Spyro's in trouble... damn!" Sparx thought as he flew through the wire duct, he was able to notice light at the end of it, but he was still far away, "Have to hurry!" he shouted after hearing Spyro's roars, he made his way as fast as he could.

Red had fallen on his butt, he was witnessing the fiercest, most incredible transformation ever. He couldn't believe what was going on in front of him; nobody had told him Spyro was capable of such abilities. This would ruin his plan!

The dragon, almost finished with his morphing, showed the finally changes in his face. Bigger, sharper fangs. A longer, more draconic muzzle. Steaming, flaming nostrils. Strong-looking, perfectly curved horns. And finally his red eyes, imposing, defying, and threatening... Red was scared.

Beast Spyro took a step forward, his claws dug the concrete as small quakes shook the lab. Red gasped, but stood up at his best. "Grrrrrooooaaaaar!" Spyro roared, he suddenly was in front of Red, in the time the elder had taken to blink his eyes.

"WHAT THE?!" Red tried to step away, however Spyro swung his massive arm over to him and hit with such a force Red was sent down to the floor and his body crashed through the hard concrete, the evil dragon could barely feel his back now. "G-gah!" he coughed up some blood. Spyro didn't let him groan anymore, he used one claw to grasp Red's neck and squeeze it into a tight grip, Spyro's free claw hovering above Red's face. "N-no! No!! You are not like this! You are not a murderer!" Red whimpered, trying to get Spyro off himself, but only managing to weakly grasp the powerful bulging arm that was extrangulating him. "Ghhh-gghh! GAK!" "Grrrrrr... GRRRR!! GRRRAAAAH!!" the beast was about to strike, he opened his claw ready for a clean and quick kill, eyes fixed onto the scared face of Red, who shut his eyes tightly, prepared for the end.

"Spyro, stop!" a voice called, the beast calmed and left the big red dragon, cowering in fear, on the floor. Beast Spyro turned around, trying to find the surge of the voice. Next to a pile of containers was the big cage, now empty, and a wounded feline was walking out of it. "Spyro... pal..." Hunter coughed, "Wh-what... what are you doing...?" he asked. The beast roared and suddenly pounced Hunter. "GAAH!" Hunter yelped, but kept his eyes fixed onto the red orbs the beast possessed.

"Spyro!" Sparx came flying down. He had been successful in deactivating the trap and the cage from its control room, but was now totally frightened at the sight. The beast turned his face towards the tiny insect, "You have to control yourself! Remember what the Professor said!"

"Grrr... grrrr... grrraaah!" Beast Spyro roared, he turned to Hunter back again. The feline was really hurt, badly damaged. There was no way he could pose a threat to him, and he would be an easy prey to dispose of, but something was keeping him from destroying the cheetah. "Buddy... you're not... an assassin... don't do something you will regret later on..." Hunter barely made out, before starting to cough again. "I... don't know what happened to you... but you can't let it take over!!" he finally shouted.

"Spyro! Wake up buddy!" Sparx cheered, flying around the giant purple dragon, in some way, the imposing sight of a full muscle-bound gigantic threatening beast wasn't scaring him, now. "You got to fight it! C'mon, wake up!"

The beast jumped back, holding by his head and thrashing left and right. "GRRRRAAAAAAAAHHH!!" the whole place shook, almost as if it had been struck by a huge explosion. Spyro kept trashing like mad, Hunter had no strength to keep up and see, and finally, he blacked out.

To be continued...

Spyro and the Sun God: Chapter 8

Credits: The usual. Spyro and the Sun God: Chapter 8 At Balgaar's Base... "Ooohh yeah...good girl..." The young dragon softly murred, pulling his spent shaft from Ember's sex, dripping with seed and juices. Ember only whimpered, tears streaming down...

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Spyro and the Sun God: Chapter 6

Credits: Idea - DragonMasterX Writer - Angewomons_Lover Editor / Proofreader - DragonMasterX Spyro and the Sun God: Chapter 6 Spyro and Sparx ventured into the depths of the technological city, trying to look for any evidence that Red had been...

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Spyro and the Sun God: Chapter 5

Credits: Idea - DragonMasterX Writer - Angewomons_Lover Editor / Proofreader - DragonMasterX Spyro and the Sun God: Chapter 5 Spyro arrived in the land of Avalar, outside the castle of Winter Tundra. "Could it be any colder here?!" Sparx asked,...

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