A Morning After--Kaze\'s 2nd Commission

Story by TwilitDawnKnown on SoFurry

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#2 of Works In Kaze's Mythos

The morning sun trailed in through the window, faintly playing upon Kaze's face, in many ways like his own hands had trailed over the body of the massive tiger next to him in the satiny-soft bed. He awakened slowly, his eyes adjusting to the light of day from their closed-lidded slumber.

He knew from the bed that he was at Orieon's house. The two of them generally ended up at one of their places or the other on nights when neither of them had to work; it was an arrangement that Kaze enjoyed, because he couldn't get enough of the tiger. Additionally, it helped break up the monotony of nights spent at home intermingled with nights spent at work.

He wasn't entirely sure of why the tiger was still giving him the time of day; less glorious males had come and gone many times in Kaze's life before Orieon, often vainly going after some sex-craving fox or something that somehow also had a great bod. This was not to say that Kaze was unattractive--certainly not--but rather that there were simply many out there with more buffness, and perhaps more inherent rugged masculinity. And, it had seemed, those traits were things that most guys went for.

Yet Orieon had remained an entirely loving and devoted soul ever since that night when he'd returned to the bar where Kaze worked, asked for a white Russian, and left him a combination tip/dinner date invitation. He was one of the kindest people the wolf had ever known, with an attentive and understanding ear for the times when Kaze felt down--not to mention a vast muscular embrace that erased worries like few other things in the world. It didn't hurt that the tiger was an excellent cook, a somewhat talented artist, and an incredible lover.

It had occurred to Kaze slowly over the past several days that the two really had something going. Kaze was settling into their new lifestyle with pleasure, and he was realizing that he wouldn't mind if it were to continue indefinitely. Still, having been burned many times in the past by males unwilling to face the prospect of commitment, he was hesitant to call it anything like that--the absolute last thing he wanted to do was drive the tiger away.

He bent slightly to catch the time on the clock. It was a rather unusual clock, in that it was comprised of a series of lighted squares. These told time in a way different than most, because each square represented a binary bit. A lighted one was a 1, while an extinguished one stood for a 0. Since Kaze wasn't a huge fan of math and encryption and all that, he still couldn't read it at a glance, and it took him a little bit to decipher the matrix of glowing blocks.

9:13, he finally decided it said. For a Saturday, that was a little on the early side, but not glaringly so. He'd awoken a few times in this tiger's home and had to split in a huge rush in order to be places in time, but he had no commitments today--which meant breakfast with the huge tiger, and that was always something to look forward to.

Speaking of whom...behind him Orieon stirred. The tiger stretched, eyes still closed, before reaching forward and grasping Kaze, pulling him close. Kaze knew that Orieon was aware that Kaze loved being against the tiger's wonderful body, and he had a sneaking suspicion that the tiger somehow enjoyed it, too...but he never asked, since that way he could interpret it as being for any reason he wanted.

"Good morning, Kaze," the tiger said, in that liquid bass that Kaze loved so much to hear. It echoed through the tiger's chest and into Kaze through the layers of muscle that separated them, filling Kaze with warm sound.

"Same to you, sexy," said Kaze. He habitually made it no secret to the tiger that he found the massive beast unendingly appealing, because he knew Orieon would never disagree.

The tiger's hands, which were previously arranged by the way the tiger's arms were wrapped around Kaze, now swept downward, to cross over each other at the base of Kaze's abs, still holding the tiger close, but in a more sensuous way. "I see you're still a little crusty from last night."

It was true; the orgasms the tiger provoked in Kaze were never diminutive, and dried semen of Kaze's own production still matted the fur on his torso. He chuckled. "You're right! Look what you did. I'm going to be a permanent cosmic mess if you keep making me cum like that all the time."

The tiger returned a deep bass rumble of a laugh. "Then I'll just have to clean you off and do it again if it gets too bad." He peered at the clock over Kaze's shoulder, deciphering it rapidly from experience. "Looks like we should be thinking about breakfast." He rolled over, taking Kaze with him. He looped his fingers under Kaze's groin to ensure that he lifted him properly as he got out of the bed, carefully placing Kaze back on his feet once he was standing.

The wolf giggled. "It's hard to think about breakfast when you have your hands in my groin."

Orieon grinned with that happy look that always made Kaze's heart do a little flip. "Good point. Let's see if we can get to the kitchen without you pouncing my ass."

Kaze waited until they got to the hallway before leaping onto the tiger's back. Though it surprised the tiger slightly, he was certainly strong enough to piggyback the tiger, and after quickly regaining his balance, laughing the entire time, he carted Kaze out towards the kitchen.

He dropped Kaze off on the couch in the front room somewhat unceremoniously, knowing the soft cushions would ensure a safe landing, and whisked off into the kitchen. Kaze flipped himself off the couch and followed the tiger, who was already getting ingredients out of the cabinets and refrigerator. The kitchen was designed with an island shape, placing the sink facing away from its back wall on the island and with a counterspace next to the stove and fridge (which were themselves on the back wall). Around the back of the sink was a narrow ledge, which also served as a backsplash, and on the other side of that was a passbar that could be used for a quick meal when setting up the dining room table would have been a nuisance or simply unnecessary.

Evidently omelets were the breakfast du jour; Orieon was getting out eggs, butter, and a variety of other fixings to throw into the eggy concoctions. Kaze knew from experience that few people could make omelets quite like the tiger; the results were light and fluffy (never rubbery), but brought out nuances of flavor that Kaze never knew one could draw out of mere eggs.

The tiger was poetry in motion as he flowed around the kitchen, and Kaze always loved watching him. The cascade of stripes over muscle was an ever-shifting sculpture that was somewhat mesmerizing--and the notion that this living masterpiece was devoted to him was intoxicating to Kaze's mind. Saying that he'd "lucked out" was, to him, the understatement of the century.

Orieon got out the overlarge frying pan from one of the cabinets. Saying that the tiger ate a lot would be a similar (but smaller) understatement; Kaze was familiar with the sheer magnitude of consumption the tiger habitually undertook. Still, the pan was nearly large enough to fry a tire (if fried tires were your cup of tea)--the scale of Orieon's cookware rarely failed to impress.

The tiger noticed that Kaze was intently watching him, and winked. "To make a good omelet--" he took a non-stick spray and spritzed the pan with it--"you still have to break an egg." He took three eggs, cracked them, dropped them into a mixing bowl, and began to scramble them. In a few moments, they were salted, spiked with various savory fixings that Kaze enjoyed, and ready to be fried up, and so the tiger deposited the mixture in the pan. He turned away to drop the eggshells in the in-sink garbage disposal--

And when he returned, there was a particular blue-haired wolf in between him and the stove, smiling cockily. "I think I need an appetizer," said Kaze, "because at the moment I'm not so much hungry for omelets as some other things I could think of."

Orieon hadn't really noticed the wolf's movements--Kaze's deftness with manipulating air and wind made him stealthy and quick when he wanted to be--but he wasn't surprised, per se, to find Kaze there. The wolf had pulled similar maneuvers in the past. And he certainly didn't mind as Kaze brought his hands up to the outlines of the tiger's solid jaw, gently pulling the tiger's head forward into a kiss. It was a light one, punctuated briefly for a moment in which the wolf gazed pleasantly into Orieon's aureate eyes up close; Orieon took the cue and returned another one, which was ever so slightly deeper.

As he did so, he wrapped his arms around Kaze's slim waist, grasping the edges of the egg-filled frypan. He opened his mind to space, channeling the ability to manipulate and produce light (he was best with starlight, but other light could work, too) through his hands. While finely-detailed work was not his forte (thus precluding the ability to produce intricate illusions), he could utilize it for many other purposes--and this time, he was going to produce infrared (the wavelength of light that transmits heat), focused into the pan, in lieu of the flames of the gas burner below it.

This he could control well--confining the heat into the pan, thus preventing Kaze from getting burned or singed so long as he didn't touch the pan himself. At the same time, he'd be able to evenly cook the eggs from all sides, compressing them into an even layer of omelet goodness without having to flip or rotate it. The aroma of meat, veggies, and eggs wafted into the air as the mixture's temperature rose quickly, and the sound of sizzling water on oil faintly played upon their eardrums.

Their kisses deepened a bit as the omelet cooked behind them. While Kaze's hands remained on Orieon's face, he sent faint eddies of wind through the fur on the tiger's lower back, ruffling it slightly as though he were running his fingers through it. Their kisses were somewhat out of form, tongues somewhat awkwardly tasting each other, no doubt in part inspired by the smell of cooking food that filled the air around them. But it didn't matter; kissing the same way all the time would make it boring, and they did occasionally throw curveballs such as this one into their normal routines to keep things fresh.

Kaze was surprised when Orieon spontaneously broke the kiss carefully. Though Kaze was momentarily confused by the act, Orieon's visage seemed confident as he brought up his arm. He placed a hand upon Kaze's jawline, echoing the touch Kaze was using on him.

"Kaze, I've been thinking about us..."

The wolf froze, but immediately corrected himself as much as possible. If he tensed up, it would be hugely obvious to the tiger, seeing as he was plastered between the tiger and the fixed stove. Still, a lead-in like that could mean anything. "...yes?" he said, hoping to sound as normal as possible.

"We've been seeing each other for a few months now. I know it doesn't seem very long..." his eyes momentarily gained a distant look, but then returned to focus into Kaze's eyes again. "But..."

Kaze peered into those golden wells, unsure what treasures or terrors might surface from them next.

"...it's been too short for me. My time with you has made me realize things I never knew about myself...things that have proven sometimes unsettling, and sometimes helpful."

If Kaze's arms weren't still wrapped around the tiger's shoulders, he'd likely have been nibbling his nails. This was turning into a rather prolonged cliffhanger. "Okay..."

"What I never knew is that I could become so thoroughly entranced with loving a wolf like you." The sizzling died away slightly as the tiger's focus became softer; the effect was intensified by the fact that the two were so intently focusing upon each other. "I've casually dated many guys, and few of them have been able to keep their hands off me, all the way to the bed and back. But they were so shallow...some of 'em had nice bods and all, but none of them drew me in. They found some other hunk to paw, or I cut things off, because they never went anywhere." A faint hint of a smile played around the tiger's eyes. "I don't know why or how you're different, exactly, but the fact remains: you're very unique, and somehow you can love me for me, and not just my body or skills or possessions. I'm not an easy fellow to get to know or get close to, but somehow you did. Even so, I don't feel like you elbowed your way in or whatever; it's almost like you just appeared there when I met you. So...I guess I want to say thank you, and I hope you're still willing to stay with me. I know someone like you probably gets hit on a lot--heck, you work in a gay bar, after all--" Kaze snorted knowingly--"but even so, I'm glad you're here. Wanna call this 'going steady' now?"

Tension had been seeping out of Kaze's body the minute the tiger had lapsed into an unequivocally positive note from the uncertain ambiguity, and he was now something like Jell-O in the tiger's arms. "Geez, Orieon...how could I not? You're only like the most incredible guy ever--why in the world would I say no?"

The tiger appeared visibly relieved; it was not typical for him to be so openly affected by something. "Thanks. That's reassuring for me. I've known some people who are only slightly like you in the past, and they tend to be pretty commitment-shy. I didn't want to lose you by getting a little serious."

The wolf smirked pleasantly. "Ha--I'm not like that. In fact, I was just thinking this morning how it seemed like we'd tacitly agreed that we were already going steady, but I guess now that it's out on the table, we know it for sure." His smile became more direct. "Now kiss me, you fool. The show must go on!"

The tiger rumbled a genuine laugh that filled Kaze's ears with its warmth, and he again leaned in, sliding his hand back down to the pan to resume cooking the omelet in earnest. They continued to make out for a minute or so before the tiger again broke the kiss--again with care and delicacy--leaving Kaze to wonder if the tiger was perhaps having second thoughts. But no--the tiger was moving his arm up and to the side, and was merely smiling pleasantly. Appearing in the periphery of Kaze's vision as Orieon did so was something shiny; turning his head slightly revealed it to be the frying pan. "Hungry now?" said the tiger with a grin.

Kaze peered inside it. The omelet was perfectly done and faintly steaming, giving off notes of pepper, mushrooms, and sausage. Kaze hungrily wafted a mote of air across its surface and into his nose, overloading his sensitive canine nostrils with the smell of breakfast served hot. He let his jaw hang slack with his tongue hanging out in a classic happy-dog look. "After that appetizer, I'd say so."

The tiger cranked his arm over into an impression of a fancy-waiter pose. "Then breakfast is served, monsieur."

Kaze's look of vacant bliss was replaced by one of confusion. "What about your omelet?"

The tiger blinked. "Oh...right. It'll just be a minute then."

Kaze replaced his look again--this time with one of childish expectation. "More appetizers?"

Orieon chuckled. "Give me a moment to pour my omelet, you hungry little doggie."

5 minutes of additional making out later, Orieon's omelet was fresh off the pan and ready to eat. They sat at the passbar, occasionally passing pieces of their omelets to each other--from mouth to mouth, naturally, often taking the opportunity to sneak in a few kisses here and there alongside. It was romantic while practical; they didn't postpone their physical needs just because their erotic ones were also playing at the edges of their awareness.

After they finished the breakfast, which was (of course) delectable, Kaze cleaned up the ingredients and so forth, while Orieon did the dishes. While there weren't many of them, a tire-sized frying pan takes a bit of a while to clean. Kaze, of course, was finished before the tiger, but only in the sense of cleaning up--he was still hungry, in a manner of speaking, and there was this very tasty-looking tiger right there in the kitchen with him.

There was a bottle of olive oil next to the stove that was designed to deliver spurts of the oil when shaken a particular way, for use in saut‚ing foods and so forth. For quick meals like omelets, non-stick spray was more than enough, but when flavor and preparation were paramount, the oil was ideal.

It also made Kaze's idea a bit more cunning. He shook the bottle lightly over his right index and middle fingers, twice for good measure, coating the fur liberally and making it slick and shiny. Then, taking advantage of the fact that the two of them had never bothered to get dressed (they were already wearing fur coats, after all), he approached the tiger's backside, starting out by zipping the side of his index finger along the crevice which contained the tiger's rear entrance.

Orieon was momentarily startled by the sensation; while Kaze had been known to pull things like that, Orieon certainly wasn't expecting to be jostled out of mindless dish-scrubbing by the feel of an oiled finger whistling across his butt. Still, he was a cool cat, to say the least; he recovered his composure rapidly and continued scrubbing, glancing over his shoulder with a meaningful purr.

Kaze noted it and grinned devilishly. He began to carefully work his right hand around the borders of the tiger's muscle-bound ring, teasing it expertly with his slicked fingers, while using his left to knead the tiger's gluteals and his lower back in a sensual massage. His motions were light but precise, as he knew that the area was sensitive--applying too much pressure, too much speed, or pushing in the wrong places could become uncomfortable, and since his goal was to pleasure the tiger rather than kanchou him into oblivion, he knew that his care was important.

One of Orieon's slight fetishes, as the tiger had learned over time, was erotic actions in places and settings not usually considered erogenous. Kaze didn't know this outright, as far as Orieon could tell, but he was glad the wolf liked to "keep things fresh," because that meant that such actions were more likely to come his way. To heighten the effect of this attraction, he did his best to continue washing the dishes while the wolf pleasured his backside, even though part of him wanted to just stop and savor the experience. Heavens knew the frypan was going to take some elbow grease, anyway.

Kaze brought his muzzle close to the tiger's sculpted hindquarters, inhaling the aroma of the tiger's loins. It was musky but sweet, and never ceased to be intoxicating to the wolf. A hint of drool came to his mouth, and he sensuously extended his tongue, liberally dousing the region he was ministering to with his saliva. The oil already present created an emulsive effect on contact, making the surface even more slippery in consistency. The slickness was pleasing even to Kaze's fingers, but he imagined (correctly, as it turned out) that Orieon would enjoy it even more.

He sensed from the purrs from the tiger that it was a suitable moment to move further, and so he carefully slipped his index finger into the tiger, exercising expert caution to avoid harming the tiger's insides with the pawnail at its tip. While the tiger was certainly tight, the lubrication made the insertion fairly facile.

Orieon emitted a pleased sigh tinged with his bass voice, eyes closing momentarily with pleasure as he paused his soapy scrubbing. The combination of the unique lubricating medium with the fur on Kaze's finger and his expert skill at what he was doing was remarkably enticing. A finger, after all, possessed a lot more lithe flexibility and articulation than most other things that ended up in that area.

Kaze wiggled the finger as he knew best to do, running it in and out, carefully extending the lubrication smeared upon it as liberally as he could manage. He pressed deftly upon the linings of Orieon's inside, causing the tiger to squirm slightly with the sensation. At this point, Kaze knew it would feel more like a slightly erotic tickle than a passionate penetration, but the sensation would still be delightful--he also knew it was working, from the tiger's reactions.

After a bit of this pleasing treatment, he felt the tiger's tight ring relax slightly, and knew it was time for phase two. He'd slicked up his middle finger for a reason; now he withdrew his index finger almost completely, and applied sideways pressure upon the sphincter in order to make it easier to slide the middle finger in alongside it. It worked fairly well; though there was some resistance, he knew it would feel great to the tiger as he overcame it, sliding both fingers back inside until they ran out of length and his metacarpal knuckles caught on Orieon's entrance.

With more than double the original foreign volume now inside him, the magnitude of the sensations Orieon was experiencing had increased dramatically. He was dimly aware that his decreased focus was slowing down his pace of washing the dishes, which in turn meant that he was wasting water, but he considered that a small price to pay for the experience he was receiving at the moment.

Kaze twisted and turned the fingers, experimenting at different lengths of penetration. It was with this iterative process that he happened across what he was looking for; a sensitive nerve bundle located somewhat near the tiger's prostate, which caused the tiger to give a merry murr upon being probed. It wasn't the tiger's G-spot, which would take something on a slightly larger scale to hit, but it was associated with those nerves, and so the stimulation would still be on the same note--just somewhat less powerful in magnitude. He knew this from experience as well; try as he might, fingering the tiger never managed to hit that spot. But that was alright--saving the best for later wasn't a bad thing, and Kaze definitely had plans for the direction of this encounter.

He massaged and prodded, occasionally stretching the lining of Orieon's insides across the sensitive bundle, so as to vary the ways it would become stimulated. The tiger's purr was somewhat more constant at this point, though Kaze noticed the breakfast dishes--which weren't exactly prolific in number to begin with--were nearly complete. He'd likely have to move things along a little quicker in order to remain in control of the way things were going.

To his delight, the tiger's erection began to present itself, which gave him a means to keep things in hand (no pun intended). He stopped the caressing and massaging that he'd been performing upon the tiger's back with his left hand, moving it instead to the base of the tiger's shaft, fondling it lightly. The tiger's tail flicked outward to full extension as he did so, showing the tiger's pleased surprise at the action. Kaze smirked, knowing that with the tiger's hips effectively pinned from either side, he had the tiger right where he wanted him.

He now let his brain run wild with erotic memories and imaginings so that his own erection would spring into gear. It made his fingering efforts slightly less coordinated, and his touch upon the tiger's member a bit more grabby, but he was pretty sure Orieon wouldn't mind at this point. Between the intent upon dishwashing and the simple fact of being erotically stimulated, the tiger would be lucky if he could pay attention to much else.

Had he been able to peer into Orieon's mind, Kaze would have likely realized he was pretty much spot-on with his assumption. Orieon was, contrary to what most people would have likely expected from a tiger of his build and apparent mindset, versatile in his tendencies. Though he was, of course, extremely capable as a top (and most people had generally wanted him to act as such, for semi-obvious reasons), he also enjoyed being on the receiving end--and since Kaze was fairly well-endowed himself, it was an experience worth savoring. Additionally, a little variety was always good in life, and the concept of being essentially totally taken care of by the shorter wolf was one that still appealed to him. It was nice, he supposed, that sometimes sex didn't have to be a workout. Even though such "exercise" was always well within his capabilities, being able to focus more upon enjoying the stimulation and less upon, say, keeping a partner suspended in mid-air, was often nice.

Kaze's member was now nearly at full extension, which was convenient for him, since his embedded fingers were getting a bit tired (what with the slightly awkward angles involved and all). He slid his left hand further up Orieon's rod as he began to slowly withdraw his fingers from inside the tiger, pulling something of a bait-and-switch on the tiger. As he commenced his handjob on the tiger, his fingers slid out of the tiger's rear entrance with a bit of assistance from the contracting muscles of its perimeter. He was fairly sure this wasn't quite as pleasant to the tiger, but he had something else in store, which he prepared by angling his hips just right. His own cock, which had a certain flop to it due to its length and the slight curve built into its structure, required careful aim (and sometimes a certain amount of manual assistance) in order to be inserted into select orifices. Still, this was an effect with which he was (ahem) intimately familiar, and so he compensated for it with a practiced twist of his hips, landing the tip of his member right into the cleft between the twin boulder-like gluteals of the sculpted tiger in front of him.

He smiled at the tiger, eyes sweetly half-closed, even though he knew Orieon couldn't see it. "You know what comes next, right, tiger?"

Orieon, feeling the heavy cock-head upon his rear, knew quite well. There was only a single plate or two in the sink now, and so he decided he'd just leave them there for now. He closed his eyes and nodded once, chuckling very quietly in his chest. "Of course. The real question is whether you can do it good enough." He knew Kaze had something of an adequacy complex, and by saying this, he'd goad the wolf into wild and vigorous performance, which was the way Orieon liked it. He knew the wolf liked to be cuddled when he was bottoming, and Orieon always obliged--but when the roles were reversed, as they were now, he liked to have things his way. It was an odd duality, having the bottom (often considered a submissive role) getting to call most of the shots, but the two were used to it. Orieon, who was chivalrous to a fault, supposed that it was perhaps the courteous thing to do for the person who was allowing you to do as you pleased with his body.

The wolf quirked an eyebrow. He was familiar with the tiger's tactics, to a certain extent, and even though he knew what Orieon was trying to do with his comment, he found himself unable to resist--not that he particularly wanted to, as kitchen sex generally wasn't given to an immense amount of that touchy-feely stuff. Too many hard countertops and other such surfaces were around, after all. He inclined his hips downward and pressed inward, forcing his shaft into the tiger's insides. He could feel Orieon's muscular ring resist slightly, but since it had been loosened up somewhat by Kaze's fingering, it still allowed him entry with no major difficulty; the loosening had simply been with objects of somewhat smaller diameter.

Orieon drew in breath as Kaze pushed into him. The sensation of being filled in with the textured, warm meat that belonged to his lover was wonderful. The length of Kaze's rod was also an asset of its own; as Kaze neared balls-deep penetration, Orieon could feel it tickle his G-spot ever so lightly, sending a trill of stimulus up his spinal cord. Almost like flirtatious foreplay, it was a harbinger of what was to come; it was quite arousing, even though it was (when compared to what would come next) somewhat light in intensity. He could still feel Kaze's fingers wrapped around his own shaft, as well, and while they were scarcely moving at this instant, he could feel the texture of his own pre-ejaculate beginning to slick them up: an indicator of his own enjoyment of the moment, along with the fact that his erection was now to full length and definite turgor.

Kaze paused for a moment once firmly implanted into the tiger's passages. He was himself a rather copious "leaker," and he wanted to give the tiger a bit of a boon in that area, as while some residual lubrication remained inside the tiger from the oil and saliva, Kaze's shaft itself had only the pre-ejaculate to slick its own surface. However, while the moment was satisfying, neither he nor Orieon wanted to linger their long: it was time to scale things up.

So Kaze began swinging his hips forward and backward in the familiar rhythm of intercourse, delving into and sliding out of the tiger with his sizable wolfhood, using the hand he had previously used to finger the tiger for leverage on the tiger's hips, while continuing to manually stimulate the tiger's erection with the other hand. The vein-marbled, pre-slathered flesh felt marvelous under his fingertips, as did the warm, enclosing insides of the massive tiger in front of him. It was sometimes an odd thing to Kaze that the tiger let him top occasionally--most males of Orieon's stature were excessively dominating--but he wasn't going to object, because he loved it.

The tiger purred quietly, deep in his chest, as their contact was beginning in earnest. It was strange but stimulating to be going at it in the kitchen like this, which added new flavor to the smorgasbord that was their sex. Feeling the wolf's groin thud up against his rear, driving Kaze's ample rod in and out of him, would definitely get him going in and of itself, but this added diminutive fetish made it even better.

Kaze's rhythm was steady at outset, but as he became more and more engulfed in the throes of passion, fed by the stimulation he was both giving and receiving thanks to the tiger he always loved to be around, he became more haphazard, varying the force and angle of his thrustings with a rather random bent. The natural angle to his shaft caused it to corkscrew slightly during some of the penetrations, which, while being a sensation he had experienced in the past, was always a wonderful (ahem) twist. He could feel the steely rigidity of Orieon's member under his fingertips, never once waning as he continued to stimulate the tiger from both sides. Once or twice he brought that hand to his mouth to draw away some of the tiger's pre-ejaculate, which to him was always as decadent as ambrosia, and even more appealing still due to the fact that it was uniquely Orieon's.

They continued this way for about twenty minutes or so, building up climactic arousal, throwing caution to the winds, their pleasured noises becoming more and more common as the passion they shared intensified the sensations of the moment. Orieon had scarcely ever felt his erection become quite as rigid as it was, as blood flow was usually diverted from it to the muscles he needed to thrust into his partner, or lift him, or what-not, during most encounters. Now all he needed to do was stand in place, which was made even easier by his grip on the countertop. Combined with the stimulation he was receiving, it was a recipe for an iron-hard rod that was at peak receptivity to stimulation. He savored it as it lasted, feeling Kaze's sac occasionally contact his own with the fervor of the lusty thrusts.

Kaze was also enjoying it to the fullest. He had an up-close-and-personal view of the tiger's back, which was an artistic composition of muscle contours and contrasting orange and black that was eye-catching in a prodigious degree. The tiger's musk, a dead giveaway of his enjoyment, teased at his nostrils with its familiar and enticing aroma. Under his fingers he could feel the tiger's arousal evident as an erection harder than nearly any toy, each prominence and curve magnified by the texture of the pre-slicked shaft. The tiger's insides, lined with smooth muscle, contracted and curved around Kaze's own motions, responding to the stimulation he was bestowing upon the tiger. It was a classic display of feedback, and it was unequivocally telling him that Orieon was loving it--which was just the way Kaze wanted it.

Still, most good things on this earth come to an end related mostly to the time they took to arrive, and time was running out for this particular encounter. The abandon with which they took to it caused them to be less than concerned about holding off orgasm so as to prolong their plateau of arousal; climax was the principal thing their bodies craved, and neither of them perceived any need to keep it waiting. Kaze began to grunt and growl as he began to feel his limit approach, thrusting madly to make the last bit of it as intense as possible. Orieon, too, found his purr rising, occasionally also punctuated by small growls as particularly stimulating thrusts found his G-spot and hammered it.

Finally Kaze could keep it away no longer, and he pounded one last thrust into the tiger before giving a teeth-clenched growl at a high pitch and volume, his orgasm taking control of him. His scrotum contracted and his shaft pulsed as he began to unload his seed into the tiger's bowels, waves of climactic pleasure coursing through it with each contraction. Orieon, who by this time was also virtually at orgasm, felt the wolf's climax and was swept along with it, unleashing a roar that he did his best to keep at more indoor volumes (didn't want to wake the neighbors, after all), but still full of the passion of the moment. His black cock, still gripped firmly by Kaze's fingers, throbbed as ropes of his essence spewed from its tip, coating the sink, countertop, and cabinetry along its outward side with liberal helpings of his spunk. He had to remind himself to be careful, too, as he didn't want to break the countertop's edge with his mighty grip, intensified by the myotony that accompanies orgasm.

In a moment it passed, and the heated sounds the two gave off died away in heavy breaths, their bodies striving to recover a normal balance from the hormone and nerve-stimulus-laden moment of orgasm. Kaze felt his erection soften somewhat as his heart rate returned to a more normal pace, and he took it as a cue to slowly remove it from the tiger's insides, twisting it slightly to give one last pulse of stimulus to the tiger's sensitive internal nerves before its exit. The tiger, whose stamina never failed to amaze Kaze, still seemed to be quite hard under Kaze's semen-coated fingers, but he knew that its nerve endings would be hypersensitized for a bit, and so he moved his hands inward, softly caressing the surfaces of the tiger's groin as he drew in to embrace the tiger from behind.

They shared a languid moment in that embrace, Orieon bringing a hand to rest atop one of Kaze's arms as he continued to stabilize his somewhat-inclined position with the other. It was a beautiful moment in an ordinary place--a testament to the fact that love can blossom in the most unusual places, so long as it has been given the opportunity to grow. It would have perhaps been an ordinary Saturday otherwise, but Kaze was glad that this particular day would be one to remember as the day in which their relationship was defined as more than a casual fling or a string of dates--not to mention as one with an exciting encounter in the kitchen.

Kaze\'s Commission 1: Night of Fortune

Apologies if the formatting turns out unpleasant. One of two (so far; more likely to come) stories commissioned by Kazewolf, a dear friend of mine. Enjoy it? Don't enjoy it? Say so. * * * It was the...

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