Illusions & Mirrors (Citadel Truths - Eps 5)

Story by Pouchlaw on SoFurry

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#5 of Citadel Truths

"When one is the foremost authority on all things magical, one can still find the time to explore the truths in mystery in which fantasy becomes reality." - Welcome to Citadel Truths.

NOTE: This was written back when my writing skills were still in development.

Therefore you get this as-was. Enjoy the story.

Citadel Truths Episode Five - Illusions & Mirrors By Darrel James Vanwinkle 05/03/2001-06/18/2004

Nikon Procyos fumed silently in her small office cubicle in the National Geographic Explorer building. Once again she had been passed over for a much needed promotion. The one they had promoted this time was a rival who had stolen her last assignment and lied about how he had come up the idea himself. Nikon sighed, still growling a little at the incident.

Nikon's employer, Janet Wyathe, peeked into Nikon's cubicle at this moment. She had heard the minimal growling. "What are you doing, Ms. Procyos?"

Nikon glanced up suddenly! "Um... planning my next assignment, Ms. Wyathe. An informant... er... told me about a new species..." Nikon's mind was racing. Then, she saw the article in an old newspaper about mages. "In... um... the orient..." Nikon then hurriedly darted her eyes around the cubicle for something to call the new species. That's when she saw her little 3-inch tall Miles "Tails" Prower figurine. "Oddly enough... they call it... a kitsune... My informant claims that it has multiple tails. I'm not sure if I believe this, ma'am, but it is worth checking into. If it's a scam, we can help put a stop to it. But if it's real... It's the story of a lifetime, Ms. Wyathe."

Janet hummed. "Sounds like a wild goose chase, but I've been watching you, Ms. Procyos. You often succeed where others fail and you try hard to complete every assignment. Against my better judgement, in this case... I'm going to give you clearance to pursue this story..."

Nikon's heart jumped as she smiled.

Janet continued, "...under the condition that you get yourself a mage to help protect you when you're in the orient."

Nikon blinked her eyes! "A mage? Why?"

Janet grinned. "If kitsune are real, then you'll need a mage's protection. If it's a scam, then no harm done. That's the condition. No mage, no assignment. I'll look forward toward hearing about your progress, Ms. Procyos."

Nikon erf'ed, as Janet Wyathe left the cubicle, returning toward the main offices. Nikon sighed, thinking, (Oh man... what have I done? I could lose my job if I can't get a mage to help me. Who can I get?)

Fortunately, it didn't take Nikon long to figure out who to pay a visit to. There was a mage living quite close to Seattle, though the government was constantly keeping tabs on his activities. He was well known and highly controversial. Though his lifestyle was nearly unknown to the general public, although there were the rumors of strange creatures being associated with his mystic citadel. Nikon was soon arriving in the parking circle in front of the magical estate. Upon getting out of her car, Nikon got a glimpse of creatures in the nearby woods that seemed to uphold the rumors of how unusual this place truly was. "Was that a unicorn?"

Nikon made her way up to the front door and rang the doorbell. She only had to wait a few moments before the door opened to reveal a ratman wearing a dark kimono and purple headband.

The ratman said, "Can I help you?"

Nikon wasn't expecting that, as she stepped back without meaning to. "Um... Is Valerian Mouse here, or are you... him?"

The ratman smiled. "You flatter me. Were I Master Mouse-san, I would not be living here. I am his apprentice, Ryu Shou from San Francisco. I am a wererat learning magic under Master Mouse-san. Please, come in. I will escort you to where Master Mouse-san is studying."

Nikon blinked her eyes, but nodded her head, following Ryu into the citadel.

Ryu led Nikon into the unusual home, and down a hallway, turning to the left into a vast study. Ryu cleared his throat politely, saying, "Valerian? There is someone to see you." Ryu then turned to Nikon, saying, "I need to return to my studies." Ryu departed, leaving Nikon to face the mage alone.

Valerian Mouse merely looked over his study desk at Nikon.

She appears to be about 25 years old, having dark brown shoulder length hair and dark eyes. Her skin is a light tan. Nikon currently wore a khaki colored vest over a white blouse, tight blue jeans, and rugged climbing boots. Around her neck, draped down one shoulder, she carried a complete camera set, as well as video equipment.

"Hello. I am Valerian Mouse. And you are...?"

Nikon replied, "I am Nikon Procyos with the National Geographic Explorer. I need your help in a matter of unusual circumstance. I received a report from an informant in the Orient about a new species of animal that has been seen briefly, but never photographed. And I was assigned to go document it's existence and photograph it. This is not normally cause for someone like me to seek out a mage's assistance, but in this case, the new species is being called a kitsune."

Valerian arched an eye. Of course he was interested, but the Orient was outside his operating sphere of influence. Valerian leveled his gaze on Nikon and replied, "No."

Nikon asked, "What do you mean 'No'? Do you realize what you are passing up?"

Valerian merely gazed at her unanswering.

Nikon was getting frustrated. "Will you at least tell me why you won't help me?"

Valerian tilted his head, while getting up. He walked over to a shelf in the room, picking up an archaic oriental sculpturette. "Do you know what this is?"

Nikon got up, walking over to look closely at the figurine. She examined it closely, then looked at Valerian. "This is ancient. It should be in a museum, not idly sitting on your shelf."

Valerian smirked, placing it back on the shelf. Then he again leveled a gaze at Nikon. "Your ignorance about this real magical relic is the exact reason I won't help you. You are asking me to throw caution to the wind and escort you deep into Chinese and Indian territories, chasing after a, well, legend, at best. Just so you can take the picture of a lifetime. You do not realize what you are dealing with. Give up this silly notion and go home."

Nikon placed her hands on her hips. "I am not one to take 'No' for an answer."

Valerian smiled. "If you were so easily dissuaded, I would be greatly disappointed. However, be that as it may, the answer is still no."

Nikon didn't move.

Valerian, still smiling, walked around her, saying, "You may visit as long as you like, but as far as I am concerned, this meeting is over." He made to leave the study.

Nikon was hot on his heels. "If you think you can ditch Nikon Procyos so easily, you are sadly mistaken. I will dog your steps throughout your citadel until you give in. I will follow you to the ends of the Earth."

Valerian was mentally laughing, but didn't stop walking. "You are free to do as you like."

Nikon followed Valerian closely through the halls of the citadel.

Now, as many of you may remember, the Mystic Citadel was an embassy for the strange, the magical, the mythical, and the supernatural.

Valerian turned left into the grand library. Within, a japanese teenager was sitting at a table, researching several old tomes and studying a map of the night skies.

Valerian said, "Hello Kwy-saugi Raeyu. How goes your research?"

Raeyu lifted his head out of the book he held, and replied, "The research is going very well. I would not have thought that a mortal would have such a fine collection of ancient tomes." He looked at Nikon. "And who is your 'shadow'?"

Valerian smiled. "Raeyu, this is Nikon Procyos. She's a photographer for National Geographic Explorer. She's wanting me to make a trip to the Orient to track down a..." He paused for dramatic effect. "...kitsune. So she can photograph it in it's natural environment."

Raeyu smirked. "You have to be kidding? A kitsune would rip you both to shreds before you could get your camera lifted. That is, if the kitsune didn't play with you first. Best to leave that species alone. It's better if you go photograph a unicorn. Safer too."

Nikon again placed her hands on her hips. "I don't back away from an assignment that I've been asked to cover. I have faced grizzly bears, rattlesnakes, cougars, and even rhinos in Africa. I do not back down from a challenge. And this one is getting more interesting as we speak. You both have just verified that kitsune really exist. Now, I really want to go photograph one. And if you won't come with me, I'll go alone. If anything bad happened to me, it will be mostly your fault for not coming along to protect me, Mr. Mouse."

Raeyu looked at Valerian carefully. "Ms. Procyos. From what I have seen, it is usually not a good idea to threaten (nor blackmail) the western hemisphere's most powerful mage."

Valerian laughed! "Thank you for the kind words, Raeyu, but I am not the most powerful mage: only the most famous one. Truly powerful mages never allow themselves to be solicited publicly, but I will cover that another day." He leveled his gaze at Nikon. "I can see you're not going to go away until you've gotten what you want." He glanced straight up through the glass ceiling of the library, then returned his gaze to Nikon. He sighed, saying, "When would you like to make the trip over there?"

Nikon smiled triumphantly! "How does Friday sound? I realize you may have preparations to make for such a trip. I will return on Friday. And you'd better be ready, or I will hunt you down like the elusive mage you are."

Valerian nodded his head. "I will be ready. And so will my travelling companions. Do you think I'd make such a trip alone? We will be ready then."

Nikon Procyos smiled. "I can see myself out." She left the library, heading out of the Citadel. She looked over her shoulder one time as she was getting into her car, again catching the glimpse of the unicorn. Then, she drove back into Seattle.

Friday morning brought two large groups to the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport. Nikon Procyos was waiting next to her camera crew of other men and women, and several pounds of filming equipment. The second group came walking out of the terminal. Valerian Mouse was walking in front, as the second group approached the first. Finally, both groups were gathered.

"Why did you bring so many people?" Nikon annoyingly exclaimed. She looked over the gathered assortment of people one by one.

"I might ask you the same question, Ms. Procyos. Where we're going is dangerous." Valerian too looked over the filming group with a brief scan of his eyes.

Nikon replied, "Did you think I could handle all this equipment myself? My group is a standard filming team. No more, no less. Why did you bring so many?"

Valerian smirked. "If you thought I, Valerian Mouse, could oversee this expedition by myself, you are sorely mistaken. Each of the people in my team are absolutely necessary. Kwy-saugi Raeyu you've met already. He is familiar with the area we're going to." (See F1.) Valerian turned to the rest of his team. "Allow me to introduce the others. This is Mark Jolson, a United States government liaison for keeping track of my activities outside my citadel." (See F2.)"And these two are my friends of long association, Felix Ocean and Andros Fox. This is a, well, vacation for them." (See F3.) He smiled knowingly to the two. They both smiled back. "And the next couple are my friends from San Fransisco, Lou and Kara Foo-Ching. They are martial arts instructors and very good friends of mine. They too know parts of the area we are going to."

Lou Foo-Ching laughed! "I am mainly going to make sure my wife remains loyal to me."

Kara Foo-Ching also laughed! "Stop that! You'll embarrass me, then I will have to hurt you."

Valerian smiled, continuing to introduce the others in his group. "And this is Vard Kingston and Paul Kanuck. They will be lugging a lot of the equipment for the trip." (See F4.)

Vard and Paul were obviously Valerian's bodyguards. They didn't say anything as they smiled.

Nikon looked over the group again, then shook her head, turning to Valerian. "And if I complain and say they can't come, you won't come either?"

This time Valerian smiled triumphantly! "Now you get the idea. Shall we load this plane and get going?"

Nikon said, "Very well, but remember: this is my assignment, so don't even dream of barking orders at me or my crew."

Valerian smiled. "Very well, if anyone dies on your team, it is all your fault."

Nikon was about to ask what he meant, but Valerian was already helping people load the plane for the trip to the Orient. Nikon pondered quietly, (If he thinks he can scare me away, he has never dealt with me before. We'll see who has the last word on this trip.) Nikon, too, began loading her equipment on the plane. The entire loading took about 45 minutes, then both teams boarded the plane, and signaled the pilot to get underway.

The plane started it's engines, then rolled down the runway.

Finally, as they took to the air, the photo expedition was on it's way.

Their first stop was in Peking, China to see the Great Wall, and gather information. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely. It was while Nikon was reloading film in a camera, that she noticed Valerian off to one side chatting away with what seemed to a local chinese woman. Nikon was not able to make out anything the two said, but her curiosity got the better of her and she approached cautiously. She was almost close enough to actually hear the Mandran verbs and odd pronounciations, when both Valerian and the woman looked directly at Nikon.

Nikon spoke up. "Hello. I am Nikon Procyos with National Geographic Explorer. And what is your name?"

The Chinese woman merely looked to Valerian, smiled with a wink, then vanished with a single audible "pop". Nikon blinked her eyes suddenly, looking to Valerian. "Who was that?!"

Valerian said to Nikon, "'That' was my business. Not yours. But you won't stop asking about her, so I'll tell you. She is Mhi-Shin-Sing, the local mage of this region. I had to acquire permission from her to 'be' here. I am in her territory. It is considered a protocol of etiquette. And yes, she can easily mop the ground with my body."

Nikon seemed surprised to learn this magical information. "You mean you 'have' to ask permission from the local mages to be in their home regions?"

Valerian replied, "Absolutely. Otherwise, I am forbidden to use any magic at all. And the other mages have ways of cancelling out my powers. I would be worthless to you if I could not use my magic to save anyone."

Nikon asked, "Did you tell her why we're here?"

Valerian replied, "Yes, I had to. I have to report everything I am doing in this part of the world to the other mages. I can not do anything that would endanger the other mage's positions." Valerian looked directly at Nikon again. "Shall we continue our expedition?"

Valerian walked past Nikon to where the others were, with Nikon following close behind.

In the next few days, the team treked across most of China. Nikon's "story leads" seemed to vanish without a trace. Within a week, the crew arrived in Shillong, India. They checked into a hotel, then Valerian made to head off by himself, but Nikon was quick to catch him.

"And where do you think you're going?"

Valerian looked at Nikon once again. "I have to go get permission to be in this country, of course. Just like last time. I don't need an escort."

Nikon snagged his arm. "How do I know you're not going off to warn the kitsune that I'm trying to take their picture?"

Valerian blinked his eyes. "I seriously doubt Garanti-Khan is a kitsune, though he might be humored by the reference." He pulled his arm loose from Nikon's grasp. "Garanti-Khan is the local mage of this region. He's what you might call a rakshasa."

It was Nikon's turn to blink her eyes. "A rakshasa? And a mage? I'll be back at the hotel, but don't you even dream of leaving any of us behind. We WILL find a kitsune." Nikon headed back to the hotel, leaving Valerian standing there.

Valerian headed onwards to the mage's complex.

The next morning, both crews treked outward into the Indian jungle terrain. There was ample wildlife, old ruins, and native activities to keep the NGE crew occupied. The trip also proved dangerous, as well. One of the camera crew vanished overnight without a trace. Later, they found his footprints and hat near what appeared to be a track of mud.

"Quicksand." Valerian identified the quagmire properly. "He probably came out here to 'relieve' himself and walked right in it. He panicked and sank before he knew what was happening."

Two days later, another camera man was swallowed whole by a giant boa constrictor. Although they were able to slay the snake, it was far too late to save the camera man. His body was crushed by the shear power of the serpent's coils. Nikon and the others gave him a proper burial, then insisted upon continuing onward.

Another few days passed, as the party emerged into a portion of the jungle dotted with old shrines and ancient ruins.

Valerian and Raeyu studied the ancient hieroglyphs for a short period of time, then turned to the teams.

"These writings are warnings. They depict a warning to all trespassers. It is a clear kitsune clan mark." Raeyu exclaimed. "The writings continue to say that no humans are permitted beyond this point. It is very strict."

Nikon didn't seem impressed. "I am not leaving without a verifiable photograph of a kitsune in its natural environment." She raised her voice. "Do you hear me, kitsune. I am not leaving without the perfect picture that I have come for."

Valerian shook his head, sighing. "Not one for tact, are you?"

Raeyu's eyes darted back and forth. "We are being watched. Perhaps it is kitsune; perhaps something worse."

Valerian said, "I think it is time to show the kitsune what we truly look like. I am sure they know some of us are not what we appear to be."

Raeyu said, "Are you sure about this?"

Valerian replied, "We have to show them that we mean no harm and that we bear no tricks. I think it is the right thing to do."

Raeyu nodded his head. "Very Well. Better step back. I'll need some room."

Everyone moved back, watching as Kwy-saugi Raeyu stretched out his arms and legs, chanting an old oriental mantra. There was a rush of wind around Raeyu's body, as his aura glowed brightly. His eyes bulged with a golden glow, and suddenly, his other aura overlapped his former aura. His human form faded slowly, as his golden dragon body slowly created itself in place of the old. His neck grew long, and his arms and legs become covered in a golden array of scales. His old aura faded from view as he solidified the draconic metamorphosis. His tail was the last to solidify, finally revealing his full length and majestic form. Nikon and the camera crew were too stunned to raise their cameras.

Vard and Paul both smiled. "Nice transformation. I guess its our turn now."

Fortunately, they did not need a lot of space. They just loosened their clothes, and initiated the were-gene within themselves.

Vard moo'ed loudly as large antlers emerged from his forehead, his face lengthened and darkened, becoming covered in dark fur. His feet became hooves, and his arms and legs become large and muscular. His small tail bulged in his pants. As a weremoose, he bellowed approval.

Paul's body filled his clothes as if someone inflated a weather balloon under his clothes. His arms and legs became large and muscular, and his head flattened, his nose and face grew to a muzzle, and he growled fiercely as he became the friendly werebear.

Raeyu smiled. "I thought I smelled lycanthropes nearby, but I did not realize how close they were. My compliments on your ability to carry yourselves so well. My brothers will not believe me when I tell them about this adventure."

Paul also smiled, growling, "You are larger than I expected you to be, considering how skinny and frail your human form was."

Valerian waved a hand down the front of his body. His hiking clothes vanished, and in their place, he was now wearing his magely robes and opera cloak. He then raised his voice to the jungle. "Kitsune clan members. I am Valerian Mouse, a mage from North America. May we have an audience with you under conditions of your own choosing? We have shed our illusions and show ourselves openly to you." Valerian waited for an answer.

The team silently waited as the silence dragged onwards.

Valerian looked to Raeyu, as if to wordlessly ask, "Are they still there?" Raeyu merely arched his neck and head, and sniffed the air. He looked directly into one section of the jungle. Valerian gazed that direction slowly.

Just then, one of Nikon's camera crew stepped forward. He seemed to be entranced by something. His speech was slow, as he walked forward. "Follow... me... to... the... meeting... place..."

Nikon asked, "What's going on?"

Valerian answered her. "Looks like you're getting your wish. They have agreed to meet with us, I think. In any case, we follow the guide they have chosen."

Both teams gathered their equipment and followed the entranced camera man past the warning glyphs, and deeper into the ruins and shrines. After what seemed like a mile of slow walking, both teams followed the entranced man into a dark doorway, and were immediately plunged into a mysterious inky blackness!

Nikon looked around herself slowly. She seemed to be floating a foot off the ground. The surroundings were southern California. (Why am I here?), she wondered to herself. Then, she was shocked as she saw herself getting off a bus, looking through a college planner guidebook.

A voice seemed to ask, (How easy it would be to help that young soul on the path of enlightenment. Tough choices she must make. Why don't you go over to her and help her decide the path that will be easier for her.)

Nikon was very tempted to go over and do just that, but she resisted. (That young soul is my younger self. Sure, it would be easy to send myself down the easy path, but then I would not be here now. Changing the past towards an easy path will not grant me the knowledge of enlightenment that I have acquired to get to where I am now.)

Nikon smiled to herself, as she was surrounded by darkness once again.

The next time Nikon was able to see, each group member seemed to be awakening, as if they too were tested, just as she was. A few seemed angry; others sad. Valerian merely looked nonplussed.

"You have all passed my tests."

Standing within the chamber was a young fox-headed male humanoid with two tails sticking out from his robes. "Welcome to Clan Oki'nathi. I am Gomi Oki'nathi, the Welcomer at the Gates. In order to meet my elders, you must pass their tests. But for now, I ask you all to enjoy the hospitality of my home that the clan has provided for you."

Nikon smiled. "You are a kitsune?"

Gomi smiled back. "I am."

Nikon grabbed her camera and said, "I am Nikon Procyos with National Geographic Explorer. May I photograph you? It is my current mission to photograph kitsune in their natural environment."

Gomi stepped back, unsheathed his Katanas, and took a stance in front of the large clan symbol on the chamber's rear wall.

Nikon smiled, clicking the camera a few times. She then put it away, quite happy, sitting down to talk with Gomi some more.

Valerian sat with his friends to the side, enjoying the comforts and food. "I do not think Nikon will be satisfied with a two-tailed kitsune. This is just a flavoring for her appetite. It will become much more difficult from this point forth. I will not blame anyone for not wanting to go onward. I myself have to proceed, because I am hired to protect Ms. Procyos from harm."

Felix said, "We are with you, Valerian." Andros also nodded his head in agreement. Paul, Vard, Raeyu, Mark, and the Foo-Chings also agreed to continue where ever Valerian led them.

Valerian blushed, humbly saying, "I thank you all for this support."

Mark Jolson said, "I am getting the feeling that this photographer will have to be unwillingly rescued before this journey is over."

Valerian looked over at Nikon and Gomi as they continued talking. He just shook his head, and went to lie down. Before long, the candle's light grew dim and the teams slept.

The next morning, both teams ate breakfast and packed up their gear. Nikon looked pretty excited as she talked to the assembled group. "Who all is up for meeting the elders?"

Valerian just glanced up from his food, saying, "Didn't I tell all of you she'd want to continue onward?"

Nikon glared at Valerian. "What do you mean by that?"

Valerian finished his meal, then said, "I knew a two-tailed kitsune would not be enough for you, Nikon. I prewarned my team that you would not be satisfied."

Gomi, who had been ignoring the group up until now, now spoke up. "Is this true? You plan on seeing the elders?"

Nikon answered promptly, "Absolutely. I would love to meet them, just as I met you, Gomi."

Gomi sort of blanched. "I do not think that is a good idea."

Valerian said, "In other words, you were given orders to present yourself to the visitors, entertain us to the best of your ability, and see us out of the clan area when the morning arose."

Gomi blinked his eyes! "How... how did you know?"

Valerian smiled. "I am a mage. I've been in this sort of situation before." He looked to Nikon. "In short terms, we are not welcome here. They showed us hospitality, within reason, and would prefer we leave. Post haste."

Nikon placed both hands on her hips. "You already know what I think. We go onward. I won't leave without the perfect picture."

Raeyu spoke up at this moment. "Gomi. As an ambassador of the dragons, is it possible for me, alone, to go see and speak to the elders, to explain our situation?"

Gomi thought to himself before replying. "Perhaps it would be alright. But only you. Because you're a dragon. The rest have to stay here until the matter is cleared with the elders."

Raeyu looked to Valerian and Nikon. "This is a delicate matter of both etiquette and protocol. They will listen to me because of my status as a dragon. They may not act upon such a meeting, but they will hear me out. Promise me that neither of you will cause unnecessary problems while I am gone."

Valerian readily made the promise.

Raeyu glared at Nikon.

Nikon said, "Oh, okay. I promise. But I won't leave without that one perfect picture."

Raeyu looked to Gomi. "Lead the way, hon Gomi Oki'nathi."

Gomi and Raeyu headed outside of the shrine building and were gone from sight. Nikon grumbled, reseating herself. Valerian stifled a chuckle and looked for more food.

Most of the day passed and the night was settling in when Gomi and Raeyu returned. Gomi resumed his position without a word, while Raeyu gathered the group together.

"Here's the deal. The elders have agreed to meet with us. Under one condition."

Valerian asked, "What's the condition?"

Raeyu frowned, "No weapons, no surprises, and above all else, no magic."

Valerian cringed at that. "That hurts."

Nikon asked, "What do they mean by 'no surprises'? You 'did' explain why I want to meet with them, didn't you?"

Raeyu said, "I told them why you were here. They are being cautious. And Valerian, they have a special request for you."

Valerian sighed, then said, "This should be rich. What do they require of me?"

Raeyu said, "One of the clan was captured by ruthless poachers. They want you to go rescue him. While you are gone, they will meet with Nikon. Otherwise, they will refuse to meet at all."

Valerian exclaimed, "Oh great. So I am to go save one of their people. Who wants to come with me?"

Raeyu quickly spoke up. "Um, Valerian. They said you have to go alone."

Valerian blinked his eyes! "Alone? That IS an unusual request. Very well. That way my friends will not be in any danger that I would be in. Did they say where these poachers are camped?"

"They said to give you this map." Raeyu handed Valerian a set of folded papers. "The other paper is a description of the captured kitsune. You have three days to return with the kitsune. If you are not back by then, the team will suffer. Those are the conditions."

Valerian and Nikon both blinked their eyes!

Nikon growled, "You mean we are their prisoners until Valerian gets back?"

Raeyu said, "Honored guests for the next three days. Then, we will be tortured trespassers. May I again remind you all: we are not welcome here."

Nikon looked to Valerian. "Can you do it?"

Valerian replied, "I hope so. I don't have much choice."

Valerian shifted his black cloak, pulling his hood over his head. He looked at Nikon. "Duty calls, as usual. Go meet with your subjects. Rescuing people falls under the title of preserving the reputation of the local mages in the country I happen to be visiting." He turned to Raeyu, whispering something, then headed out without another word.

Nikon watched him go, then looked at Raeyu. "What did he say?"

Raeyu replied, "Simple stuff. He asked me to look after the rest of you." Raeyu then gathered everyone, packed up the gear, and everyone followed Gomi deeper into the Clan Oki'nathi village.

Soon, Nikon and the others were standing before the celestial court of the Oki'nathi Elders. Both male and female kitsune, sporting multiple tails, from three to eight tails. Styles of clothing varied according to the number of tails that a kitsune had. Gender alone tended not to dictate better council positions over others of the court, and after a few preliminary introductions, Nikon herself was presented to the eight-tailed council lord elder.

The kitsune lord spoke with a heavy accent, "You are the one who seeks to present proof of our existence to the world?"

Nikon straightened up, replying, "I am Nikon Procyos with the National Geographic Explorer and I was given an assignment to document and photograph kitsunes in their natural environment. I mean no ill-will or harm to your clan and only seek to succeed in my assigned task."

The kitsune lord tilted his head a bit, then said, "You may call me Kwan'ti Oki'nathi. Your request is not unheard of, but on the border of impossibility. If you reveal to the world of our existence, our clan will become endangered by any hunters who read your article. You, yourself, wish us no ill-health, but the after effect of your assignment will cause us great grief. How can you succeed if our own livelyhood is endangered by your being here?"

Nikon replied with a predecided answer, "I can omit the location of where the clan was located. It would not be the truth, but your clan's home location would remain safe."

Kwan'ti leaned forward a bit and whispered. "If you can pass eight more challenges decided by our kind, our clan will grant you your request and allow you to photgraph and document our clan. Should you fail, you and your group will never be seen again. Do you agree to this?"

Nikon blinked at this, glancing over her shoulder at Raeyu. He almost non-existantly nodded his head. Nikon turned to Kwan'ti and replied, "I will take your challenges."

Soon, Nikon and Kwan'ti were standing in a clearing. A large circle of red hot coals were positioned in the middle of the clearing. A five-tailed kitsune was on the other side near a table covered in foods and drinks. Kwan'ti instructed Nikon to remove her shoes and socks.

Nikon did so.

Kwan'ti gave Nikon a large platter, then explained, "You will carry this platter to the other side. The other kitsune will place something on the tray. You then carry it back to me. If it is food, it must remain on the tray. If it is a drink, you cannot spill a drop. Do you understand?"

Nikon nodded her head.

Kwan'ti also nodded his head, and said, "Begin."

Nikon took a deep breath and headed across the coals. It was immediately painful and she felt the heat upon her as it blistered her feet. She got to the other side, where the other kitsune placed an unbroken egg on the platter. Nikon growled silently, but turned carefully, bringing the egg back to Kwan'ti.

He nodded his head, "Again."

Nikon headed back across, and this time, a tall glass of fruit drink was placed on the platter. She turned carefully, and again, cautiously brought it back to Kwan'ti.

He took it, then said, "Again."

Nikon mentally growled, but went back across again. Once across, the lithe kitsune placed herself on the platter. Nikon almost complained, but didn't give any of the kitsune that pleasure. She carefully recrossed the coals again, and let the kitsune off the platter carefully.

Kwan'ti nodded his head. "Good. We are done for today. One of our healers will see to your blistered feet. Tomorrow, you will have another challenge."

The three re-entered the village.

Sometime later, Nikon was lying in bed; her feet wrapped in bandages.

Kara Foo-Ching brought Nikon some food and drink. "Why are you doing this? This assignment cannot be so important that you are willing to risk bodily harm to yourself to succeed."

Nikon sat up and drank some of the fruit drink. "I will not back down from these challenges. Especially, seeing as how the reward is the willing cooperation of the kitsune for my assignment. I must persevere no matter what. Besides, if Valerian gets back in time with the other kitsune, they will most likely become more open to giving me what I desire."

Kara smiled. "Mouse-san is a good man. He will succeed on his end, but he would be greatly disappointed if those he traveled with backed out on an agreed set of challenges. If you are hoping his return will help your bargaining position, you are sadly mistaken. He will readily side with the kitsune and ask that you complete what you agreed to complete."

Nikon sighed. "You know him well, do you?"

Kara said, "My husband and I have known him and his parents for several years. He always does as he says he will do. What he does now is a matter of honor and for the betterment of the mages that he is a member of."

Nikon ate some food, and drank the rest of her drink. "So, I'm stuck with what I agreed to."

Kara replied, "I am afraid so. You gave your word."

Nikon lay back and closed her eyes.

The night passed.

The next morning proved to be a very wet morning. The downpour of rain was torrentual. Fortunately, Nikon's challenge for this day took place inside a dry room of the temple.

Kwan'ti said, "Before you are nine puzzle boxes. They are lined up in the order from very easy to extremely challenging. You must solve each one. When you are finished, you return to this door and pull on this rope. If you have not completed every puzzle when you pull the rope, you lose. Are you prepared?"

Nikon nodded her head, and Kwan'ti had some kitsune lay out a bedroll and blankets. He then said, "We will return when you pull the rope." The kitsune all left the chamber as Nikon began to concentrate on the first puzzle. She turned her head sharply when she saw the stone door being pushed into place, sealing her within the temple room. At first she panicked and almost rushed the door. She was very tempted to pull the rope, but she stopped herself. (That is what they want me to do.) Nikon returned to the first puzzle box and seated herself quietly. She concentrated again on solving the boxes.

Several days passed while Nikon was in the room solving the puzzle boxes. She was very exhausted, working on the last puzzle box.

Outside the temple, Valerian had returned with the kitsune scout. The young kitsune uninjured, while Valerian, having sustained many injuries (one from the kitsune he went to rescue), painfully knelt before the kitsune elders.

The younger kitsune told his story of how the mage came to his rescue and of how he had attacked the mage, mistaking Valerian for one of the poachers.

Kwan'ti walked over to Valerian, kneeling to inspect the arm bitten savagely by the younger kitsune's sharp fangs. Kwan'ti helped Valerian to the healer's home, where Valerian was taken care of.

Valerian was told by Kara of how Nikon had agreed to accept eight other challenges for the reward of gaining her pictures and story. Valerian merely nodded his head, then drifted off to sleep, having succumb to the herbal mixture that the healer had given him.

Kara returned to everyone else, explaining, "Valerian is being treated for his injuries. Bear with me, but I have a suggestion. We do not tell Nikon that Valerian has returned and allow her to keep her word to do these challenges, although we do give her encouragement so she will want to continue. Do we agree on this?"

Raeyu said, "I must agree with this plan of action. Should Nikon learn that Valerian has returned, she would most likely try to weasel herself out of the rest of the challenges. And so long as Nikon continues to do the challenges, we will remain as unmolested guests."

They all agreed to keep quiet, convincing the remaining camera crew to keep quiet as well.

Nikon yawned tiredly as she finally solved the last puzzle. She smiled, triumphantly having beaten the extremely challenging puzzle box. She gazed around the chamber and double checked all of her work. Then, she headed slowly over to the rope, pulling it firmly. A few moments later, the stone door slid open, and Kwan'ti (who by now had been informed of the plan to keep Nikon from knowing that Valerian had returned) entered to examine all of the puzzle boxes.

Nikon followed him around slowly, watching him examine each solved puzzle box.

Kwan'ti looked to Nikon, and said, "Impressive. Every puzzle box is solved. Tomorrow is another day with another challenge. Return to your friends, get cleaned up, have a meal, and get some rest."

Nikon smiled triumphantly as she emerged from the room, heading back to the guest quarters. She got into the guest room, where everyone gave her encouragement. Then, Nikon headed to the bathing chamber. After taking a long quiet bath, she redressed herself and joined the others for a meal. She told them about the puzzle boxes and the intricate tricks invented to thwart her attempts to solve them. Then, they all attended a kitsune theater.

Nikon finally yawned, heading off to bed. She was asleep very quickly, and slept the rest of the day and night.

Kwan'ti led Nikon to another chamber during the mid-afternoon of the next day. There was a huge pool of deep water here. Another male three-tailed kitsune stood next to the pool with a table with three golden rings upon it. Each ring was a different size. 1/2 inch circle, 2 inch circle, and an 8 inch circle. Each ring had a little weight equalling an amount of ounces equal to their circle size. Kwan'ti nodded to the other kitsune, who respectively bowed back, picking up all three rings and tossing them into separate spots of the pool.

Kwan'ti said, "Today's challenge is simple. Retrieve the rings."

Nikon blinked her eyes. "That's it? What's the catch?"

Kwan'ti said, "You'll get wet." Kwan'ti and the other kitsune left the chamber.

Nikon blinked her eyes again. (This just seems too easy.) She undressed and dove into the pool. She quickly spotted the largest ring, retrieving it. She returned to the surface, placing the ring with her clothes. She dove back in and searched for the next ring. She luckily found the smallest ring next. She brought it back to the surface, placing it with her clothes. She smiled. (That would've been a hard one to find. That kitsune tossed the last one in that direction.) Nikon dove back in a third time, finally locating the last ring. When she grabbed for it, she barely avoided being bitten by a water snake. She quickly grabbed the ring and thrusted herself back to the surface quickly. She was out of the water as fast as possible.

(Geez! So, THAT was the challenge. Well, I guess I was lucky to not get bitten.)

Nikon dried off, redressed, picking up all three rings. She then took them to Kwan'ti.

Kwan'ti accepted the rings. "Well done. Go get some rest. Tomorrow is another day with another challenge."

Nikon returned to her room and lay back on the bed. She thought about the challenges, then fell asleep. Another night passes quietly.

The next morning, after a filling breakfast, Nikon was led up to a nearby mountain top.

Kwan'ti smiled. "You can always refuse to do this."

Nikon placed her hands on her hips. "What is the next challenge?"

Kwan'ti and the three-tailed kitsune from the day before lifted a crude hang-glider and Nikon was strapped into it.

Nikon looked puzzled, but complied.

Kwan'ti said, "Today you fly. Go from here to the other mountain top. Take this pouch to the kitsune that await on that mountain. They will give you a pouch to return. You bring it back here. That is your challenge for today."

Nikon tested the wind and checked the hang-glider. She nodded her head, then leaped off the cliff. It took her a few moments to get the glider to do as she liked, but she eventually made it to the other mountain top. When she arrived, she saw another clan of kitsune gathered there.

Their clan elder, Chaen'fri Johng'li, received the pouch, handing it off to another kitsune elder. Then, he handed Nikon another pouch; this one a bit heavier. Nikon nodded politely, and with a smile, she leapt into the air again. The return trip proved a bit more difficult, as the wind was now against her. But after much fighting, Nikon prevailed against the weather and landed back on the Oki'nathi mountain.

Nikon handed the larger pouch to Kwan'ti and released a sigh of relief.

Kwan'ti opened the pouch, then closed it. He smiled to Nikon. "Well done."

Together, they returned to the village.

Nikon returned to the guest room and collapsed on her bed. "Is it really worth it to do all these things?"

Andros Fox and Mark Jolson were standing in the doorway.

Mark said, "Giving up so soon? You conquered over half the challenges. Only four more to go."

Nikon looked up and smiled a bit. "I have conquered darkness, fire, wisdom, water, and today, air. Only four more to go. What will be next?"

Andros said, "Well, it sounds like their testing you with the known elements. I would assume that you will have to succeed against light, earth, mental strength, and the unknown in order to pass their challenges."

Nikon blinked her eyes. "How would you know that?"

Mark said, "They have not been secret about it. Ask and you shall receive."

Nikon nodded her head again and lay back on her bed.

Andros and Mark headed off to do other things.

Later that night, Nikon joined everyone for a meal, then returned to her room and slept deeply.

After breakfast the next day, Nikon was blindfolded, given a tapping stick and positioned just inside the entrance of a chamber.

Kwan'ti instructed her. "You are in the Intestines of Gaea. You must go from here to the other side of the chamber. You must never remove the blindfold, or you will lose and be punished by being blinded in reality. Understand?"

Nikon nodded her head, as she heard the stone door close behind her. Almost at the same time, she heard another door open on the other side of the 'intestines'. Nikon begins tapping her way around, much like a blind begger on the streets of Cairo. She, however, had a huge advantage to pulling off this challenge. She knew the secret of looking down her nose, and did so to see the earthen ground of the corridors of this testing area. Not only did she see the ground, but she saw the bones of the others who came this way before her. For effect, she continued to tap with her stick as she made her way through the 'intestines'. After encountering many dead ends, Nikon eventually rounded the last corner, exiting the chamber, walking directly into Kwan'ti.

He stopped Nikon and removed her blindfold.

Nikon blinked a few times as the brilliant light of this chamber stung her eyes.

Kwan'ti said, "Find the next exit. That is your challenge."

He released Nikon, and she suddenly was nearly blinded by the brilliant light of the chamber. Nikon stumbled around aimlessly for several hours. Then, she located the other exit, opening the door, sliding through.

Kwan'ti was awaiting her there. He firmly closed the door, then led Nikon back to her room. He helped her to her bed, saying, "Tomorrow is another day with another challenge." He left the room.

Nikon lay there with her eyes closed tight resting her feet and trying to regain enough ability to see properly. After two hours, she awakened and joined the others for another filling meal. Everyone seemed quite impressed with how far Nikon has progressed these past few days.

Another performance of the kitsune theater entertained everyone, then Nikon headed back to bed, once again. She lay down again and fell asleep immediately.

Nikon was awakened suddenly. She was immobile, as if magically held in place, not being able to see, yet her voice was fully functional. "What the?"

A kitsune voice asked, "Name yourself."

Nikon tried to struggle vainly. "What's going on?"

The kitsune voice reasked, "Name yourself."

Nikon thought to herself. (This must be the next challenge.) She answered, "I am Nikon Procyos with the National Geographic Explorer."

The kitsune voice asked, "Your purpose."

Nikon answered, "I was given an assignment to document and photograph kitsunes in their natural environment."

The kitsune voice asked, "Why did you ask the mage to accompany you?"

Nikon answered, "He was referred to me as the best possible protection against anyone or anything pertaining to the supernatural."

The kitsune voice asked, "Did you not create this assignment yourself as a ploy to force your employer to give you authority to document something for which there was no pliable truth to before?"

Nikon gulped. She thought to herself. (How did they know that?) It was true that she had lied to create this assignment and created vague facts that would fool most laymen in the field. Feeling very ashamed suddenly, she answered, "Yes. I made up this assignment so I could gain a promotion, a pay increase, with NGE."

The kitsune voice asked, "How will you atone for the deaths of the two photgraphers who died on this bogus assignment?"

Nikon remembered the two men who were no longer with them. She felt crestfallen and answered, "I will turn myself over to the authorities upon my return to the United States. My actions forced people to accompany us who did not deserve to die. I am solely to blame."

The kitsune voice said, "Return to sleep. When the morning arrives, you will begin your last challenge."

Nikon immediately passed out.

Upon awakening the next morning in a very startled motion, she saw Valerian standing there with Kwan'ti. Kwan'ti showed no emotion at all, but Valerian looked very upset.

"You lied to me." Valerian stated, matter of factly.

Nikon blinked her eyes. "What do you mean?"

Valerian folded his arms over his chest. "Kwan'ti asked me to aid him in that last challenge. My job was to magically immobilize you so you couldn't move, but allowing you to answer questions easily. I heard every word you said. You deliberately used me and my people for your own selfish gains. What do you have to say?"

Nikon blinked her eyes again. "Valerian, I..." She stopped and realized that Valerian had heard everything, and there was no way to cover up anything further. "You are right. I lied and I used you. My apologizing will not heal hurt feelings."

Valerian unfolded his arms, "If Kwan'ti hadn't told me what the final challenge was, I'd kill you myself." He looked to Kwan'ti. "She's all yours. I'll be in my chambers. Call me if you need me to do anything else." Valerian headed off without another word.

Nikon looked up at Kwan'ti. "Why should I bother completing the challenges? You know that the assignment is a false one."

Kwan'ti said, "You may have lied to get here, but after your arrival, you have not lied once. There is one challenge left. If you succeed, you will redeem yourself, not only in your own eyes, but in your heart, as well. If you fail, no one will know what happened to you. You are here, and must enter the last challenge. The challenge of the unknown."

Nikon blinked her eyes! "The unknown?"

Kwan'ti nodded his head. "As Valerian said, if this last challenge wasn't so dangerous, he'd kill you himself. You must enter the challenge. The reward will be what you have asked for. What you do with the reward is your business. But you will be redeemed."

Nikon nodded her head, sighing. "Very well. What must I do?"

Kwan'ti led Nikon to a chamber with an open roof. All around the upper balconies, Nikon saw other kitsune and the people of the groups she had arrived with. In the center of the chamber stood a tall, wide black-surfaced mirror. Nikon was pushed into the chamber and the barred door closed behind her.

Kwan'ti said, "You must defeat the unknown monster you encounter in this arena. If you fail, you will never be seen again. Good luck."

Nikon walked around the arena, then slowly approached the mirror in the center of the chamber. When she approached the mirror, the reflection she sees was not what she expected to see. It was a monstrous beast with a camera in one paw and a Katana in the other paw. The beast appeared to be a tanuki in appearance, but of the worst possible combinations.

As Nikon stared at the reflection, it snarled back at her. "I am Nikon Procyos. I will backstab and intimidate you to get what I want. Let me destroy your culture by taking your picture and smearing it in the faces of the world. Friendship means nothing to me, as long as I come out on top. I am the real Nikon."

In the next instant, Nikon found herself inside the mirror facing the beast. It laughed evilly and swung the Katana at her. Nikon dodged the blow, kicking at the beast's leg. As she connected, it felt as if she has stabbed herself in the leg, right where she had kicked the beast. The beast howled in pleasure. Nikon dropped back holding her leg. She blinked her eyes and thought, (This beast said she was the real me. If I lose, I will be nothing but a faded reflection in a mirror. I know what to do now.)

The beast swung the Katana at Nikon again. This time, Nikon stood in place with her eyes closed and allowed the blade to fully strike her. She heard the dying howl of the beast, and the sound of the mirror shattering.

Nikon opened her eyes, seeing the broken mirror, a Katana, and a camera. She reached over and picked up the Katana. "I do not deserve this assignment." She placed the Katana's blade point to her chest and pushed it in deeply.

About a week later, Nikon awoke on a bed. She looked around at the empty room, listening to the surrounding festive sounds. A seven-tailed kitsune female entered, laying out some kimono robes and sandles. Nikon looked at her and asked, "What is happening?"

The kitsune lady replied, "The clan elders have decided to honor your request."

Nikon sighed. "Why? I am dispicable." She looked herself over. "How come I'm not dead?"

The kitsune lady smiled. "You are not dead because you never died. You've been asleep ever since Gomi gave you the entrance test to enter our village."

Nikon blinked her eyes! "Asleep! Then it was all a dream?"

The kitsune lady again smiled. "The world of kitsune is one of dreams and illusions. Who are we, the shadows of the past, to question what is real and what is not real." She pointed to the kimono, "Put this on. The elders wish to see you and your friends."

Nikon got up, dressing herself in the kimono and sandals. Then, she and the kitsune attended the courtly gathering. It was indeed very festive. Nikon was afraid to ask anyone about the events of the last few weeks. When she saw Valerian conversing with a nine-tailed kitsune mage, she did not interupt. Instead, she enjoyed herself.

Over the next few days, Nikon photographed the kitsune people in their everyday life. She interviewed them using tape recorders and video cameras.

At the end of the week, both groups bid a fond farewell to the Oki'nathi Clan. The groups were escorted back to the edge of the city they had started in. Valerian checked in with the local mage again, dropping off important documents.

Much later, after a few days of sight-seeing in Calcutta, India, both groups were heading home aboard the private jet.

Nikon was very quiet, remembering everything that had happened to her.

Valerian came over and sat next to her, his arm in a sling. "Thousand dollars for your thoughts."

Nikon looked up at Valerian. "I am surprised you are talking to me."

Valerian looked around, then whispered, "Regardless of what you remember, just remember this: the world we just visited is one of dreams and illusions. Don't be surprised if you discover an assignment you didn't think to pursue before." Valerian smiled, indicating his arm. "This injury never happened. If you're smart, you will agree that a lot of this trip never happened."

Nikon blinked her eyes! "If this trip didn't happen, then how did you get injured?"

Valerian smiled. "Poachers wounded me and you broke the story. You alerted the local authorities to the evil men who were hunting endangered species in the Orient."

Nikon turned her head, watching the ocean pass by as the private jet rocketed back to Seattle. When they arrived, Nikon was surprised to see the two men she thought dead, alive and awaiting the passengers at the airport. Again, she did not question. The two groups then separated.

Before Valerian could get away, Nikon caught up with him and asked, "What will you do next?"

Valerian smiled, "I think I'll go join a carnival for a while."

When Nikon returned to the National Geographic offices, she was surprised to learn that all of the photos and video tapes, contained shots and imagery of the poacher's operations. All the recorded tapes had interviews with public authorities of India and China. Both men who supposedly died swore they had never accompanied the group to the Orient. Nikon was given her promotion and a pay raise. But she did not seem happy to receive it.

Some days later, Nikon received a large brown parcel from India. Within the envelope, there was a small painting of herself and Gomi Oki'nathi standing in front of a swirling pool with three golden rings floating above the waters. The enclosed letter read: "Nikon, thank you for a wonderful time. I hope we can see each other again. Signed, Gomi Oki'nathi"

Nikon smiled as she placed the small painting deep inside her safe. As she was locking the safe, she said to the air itself, "The world of kitsune is one of dreams and illusions. Who are we, the shadows of the past, to question what is real and what is not real."

Back at the Mystic Citadel, Andros was conducting a room to room search.

Raeyu noticed the activity and asked, "What in the world are you doing?"

Andros replied, "I am looking for Valerian, of course. Felix and I are planning something and I wanted to break the news to Valerian. Except I can't find him."

Raeyu nodded his head and patted Andros' shoulder. "Valerian was invited by a traveling carnival to host a Tent of Mystery in Kentucky. He won't be back for a few weeks. He is using the time to allow his injured arm to heal. What were you going to tell him? Perhaps if you told me, I could rate what his reaction to the news might be."

Andros sighed, then looked Raeyu square in the eye and said, "Felix and I are planning on moving out of the Mystic Citadel. We think it's time we found our own way in the world. We were both considering attending college at the University of Florida, where the other furries are being allowed."

Raeyu then frowned. "I see. I can honestly say that if you and your friend simply sneak away while Valerian is gone, he will think that you hate him. You both have been his friends for a very long time. And I highly suggest that you tell him in a reserved manner the next time you are all together. You do remember how he feels about you both, I hope."

Andros nodded his muzzle in reply. "Yes, I do remember. But he seems to like Felix more than me as of late, and because Felix and I are mated, I find that I am easily jealous of Valerian's actions. I know I shouldn't be. But this is how I feel."

Raeyu hummed. "Perhaps your plan is for the best, then. But I know for a fact that Valerian's biggest fear is that you and Felix will decide that you don't like your new furry forms and will want out of it. And if you are both no longer here... getting changed into anything else would be very difficult indeed. But if you truly feel that you must both move onwards with your lives, then perhaps now is the time to make the plans for doing it. You both will be missed, of course."

Andros sighed again. "I just hope what Felix and I are planning is a good idea. I don't want Valerian to be worried sick about us after we are gone."

Raeyu gave the wolf furry a gentle hug. "Stay true to your heart and don't worry so much about Valerian. I will be here for him. As will the others who are in the citadel. And perhaps newer people who have yet to arrive."

Andros then smiled. "I am glad you will be here for him. I know you're a dragon, Raeyu, but perhaps you are one of the few people who I would trust to keep Valerian sane in our absence."

Raeyu grinned at that point. "We are dragons, you know. Or am I simply an illusion?" He winked with a laugh.

San Francisco, California. The China Town district.

Nikon smiled as she walked into the Foo-Ching Martial Arts Studio and looked around. She didn't have her camera with her, for a change, but she wasn't there to take pictures.

Kara Foo-Ching noticed Nikon entering and walked over with a smile of her own. "Nikon. Welcome to China Town. This is pleasant surprise. What brings you to our humble home today?"

Nikon shook Kara's hand, then said, "I would like to take some martial arts lessons... um... Kitsu style, if possible."

Kara nodded her head. "I know what you are implying, Nikon. They impressed you, didn't they?"

Nikon arched an eye. "Valerian told me that a lot of the trip didn't happen. Why are you still acknowledging that it did?"

Kara led Nikon into the Foo-Ching's personal quarters and seated them both at the kitchen table. "In a world of illusions and mirrors, there is a public life and a private life, Nikon. Publicly, you never met any kitsune. You defeated a group of ruthless poachers. Privately, however, you met the clan, took their tests, succeeded, and yes, fell in love with Gomi Oki'nathi. And yes, I could tell that he had turned your eye, Nikon. I am a married woman, you know. I know that look."

At that moment, Lou emerged from the pantry and hugged Kara gently. "And I am glad she does know that look. She keeps me in line, you know." He winked, then turned to work on a meal.

Nikon chuckled. "Yes, Gomi is special. I do love him. He sent me a framed picture of us in front of the golden ring pool. He said that he had a wonderful time. And he wanted to see me again someday."

Kara nodded her head. "And you want to be ready. So you came to me to ask for martial arts lessons. I think we can get you set up. I don't have any current classes to attend to for a good long while and it is always nice to have another female around the studio."

Nikon started to pull out her purse, but Kara stopped her and shook her head with a smile. Nikon then asked, "I can pay for the lessons, Kara. Don't you want it?"

Lou grinned over his shoulder. "You are a friend, Nikon. And we are doing very well, currently. We cannot take your money. We are simply happy knowing that you are a very good friend who cares about a very special kitsune."

Kara giggled. "Lou is right, Nikon. I know we don't look like it, but like Valerian, we are independently wealthy. We choose to live the way we live. It is yet another illusion that we present to the world. The public Foo-Chings and the private Foo-Chings. We all have two sides, Nikon, as you, yourself, have two sides. For Gomi's sake, simply accept what life is giving you and continue with your plans."

Nikon smiled. "Thank you, Kara. I won't forget."

Kara then stood up with a grin. "Now, shall we get you started in those martial arts lessons?"

Nikon also stood up. "Ok, but take it easy on me at first. I don't want to break any mirrors." She winked.

**End of Episode Five - Illusions & Mirrors

Stay tuned for Episode Six - S'taur Gazing**

Footnotes: (F1) Dragon from Episode 4, To Dream of Dragons. (F2) Chess Ambassador from Episode 3, Animals Enforced. (F3) Andros and Felix had yet to take their honeymoon. Episode 3, Animals Enforced. (F4) Were-moose and were-bear, respectively, from Episode 2, Mark of the Moon.