The Adventures of Shock and Rock I

Story by Klesk Vadrigaar on SoFurry

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#1 of The Adventures of Shock and Rock

Well it's been eons since I showed my face here, but on the advice of several trusted souls I'm going to start posting my stories here again. See if the added coverage helps me keep up my current renewed enthusiasm to write.

Most seem to have enjoyed my macro superhero epic on FA so here it is again for new readers to have a taste. Going on how this is received I'll start posting more of my kinky (and not so kinky) works for you all. ;)

Hope you enjoy!

The Adventures of Shock and Rock

Here today, Gon tommorrow

_ _

"Okay now, everyone ready and comfy?"

I check around myself, the receivers and linebackers on my arms look to be maintaining their balance, the quarterback leaning against my chest gives the thumbs up that he's fine and the rest of the team gathered around my feet are of course perfectly posed and ready. All in all, we're set.

"Brilliant, now big smiles everyone for the first round!"

The flashes explode everywhere and we all are immortalized, them for the first time, me for the tenth year in a row.

"Alright, now let's have some added ferocity from you all! Show us the true reasons why you guys are called The Bruisers!"

The running backs throw off their helmets and leap into a more traditional feline pose (they're both jaguars) lips pulled away from snarling fangs and claws ready to attack. Against my chest the quarterback assumes a more refined stance, curling one arm around his front to show off the loaded magnums of his arms while also holding up a glimmering set of talons for intimidation.

"Mr. Shock, if you could do likewise."

I glance at the chaps on my arms, all of whom are understandably nervous but duly holding tight to my sleeves. With measured caution, they all cut fearsome snarls as I display my own might. Although my biceps are round enough to constitute a fairly stable seating area, the fact that they expand to almost 20 feet when flexed still leaves for a rather serious fall for the unwary. Also doesn't help that the sight of the buff but oh so tiny athletes rising high into the sky on my massive muscles just tickles me silly. Standing 350 feet tall is indeed problematic for any species, let alone a raccoon such as myself, but dear heavens there are times like this that remind me why I'd never wish to be any smaller.

"That's it, flex for me! You all are unstoppable! You move fast and hit hard! You are lightning, you are thunder!! Especially you, of course, Mr. Shock."

I bite my tongue, trying not to laugh. If I do I'm going to knock the quarter back right off his feet with my rolling abs, and that's not going to sit well for the team's image. It already isn't doing much good that he seems to quite like being pressed against such an impervious wall of muscle but that can't be helped. I bite hard and flex harder, my black and gold costume straining like a second skin over my chiseled might as the flash bulbs go off for a second time.

"Flawless!! Now just one more, and for this one, Mr. Shock, I want you to let loose!"

I nod and lower my arms, letting the players get off me and out of harm's way as a team of arena staff come onto the playing field dragging a thick sheet of plastic. It's not really necessary since I'm well versed with my special talents but hey, these guys are our new hope for victory in the coming superbowl so better safe than sorry.

Once everyone is sufficiently insulated from the earth I raise my arms aloft and the air around me starts to crackle. The photographer may have been speaking metaphorically about the team but he knows I'm quite the real deal. Say what you want about my codename (I swear I'm not the one that picked it) but it's an accurate reflection; I literally am thunder and lightning.

Tilting my head back, tongue lolling out from the delight, I shatter the heavens with a dazzling display of bolts. There's no need for the flash bulbs this time, I provide all the light needed and then add a good crashing soundtrack for the photographers as they get the last of their pictures.

"And that oughta do it. Smashing stuff as always, and kudos for the cute expression too."

I blush and quickly close my mouth. I don't mind being told I'm cute, the fact that I keep my hair long and tufty, wear a baseball cap and add glasses to enhance my already adorable features should be proof enough of that. It's just I know what's going to come on the tail of that comment...

"You really are both Shock and Awwww aren't you?" The photographer chortles. Several of the team do too but I'm relieved to see a good number of eyerolls from them at hearing the already overused pun dragged out for one more go.

"Thanks a lot for the cooperation, and good luck at tonight's game! I need to get back to my patrol now." I allow them to get a few feet away from me before standing up. "Sorry if I raised some fur with the lightning."

A few feel over their frazzled coats, but there are no complaints. Everyone's too chuffed about getting sent onto their first big match of the season by the very same superhero many of them idolized back when they were cubs and hatchlings.

"You care to accompany me?" I ask to the star quarterback, who's still yet to leave his perch. He really seems to be enjoying the feel of not only my ripped stomach against his back but also the hot, cushiony plane that is my package under his butt.

"No, no, I'm going. Just...gotta get off in style you know!" He slams his helmet on and pushes himself off me, using my sheath as a slide. In fairness it's a stunt he'd only be able to perform on me since I'm so massive I touch the ground even when standing up, yet at the same time, it's pretty obvious he's doing it for reasons other than showing off to his teammates.

"Thanks, Shock! We'll make sure to score some touchdowns for you tonight!" The Lightning Bruisers (not their real name but all the fans call them that) salute me and I step out of the stadium. Another successful gig done for the benefit of the city, and one more set of homegrown talent pumped up by me for victory. It's days like these that make the sacrifice I made so long ago totally worth it.

The sign of a call waiting for me flashes across my eyes as I step onto the main highway and let the evening traffic flow around my feet. Seeing as all is running smoothly around me I lean against a nearby building and tap my glasses to respond.

"Shock here, what's the story, Kaiden?"

There's sputtering in my ear and I again try not to laugh as my partner regains his voice.

"Wha....oh come on, Shock. You know it's 'Rock' when we're speaking over the secured lines!"

I roll my eyes and quietly survey the pedestrians navigating their way around me. "Indeed, operative word there being 'secured'. The only other morphs who might be listening in already know both of our identities." I reply, deciding not to repeat the additional part about how most of the population also knows our faces. It's kinda hard not to recognize two giants in a city of otherwise normal sized folk.

"Well still, would it kill you to try taking this a little more seriously sometimes?" My dear partner shoots back, though I can hear amusement in his voice under the feigned irritation. "How'd the photo shoot go?"

"Perfectly...almost to a fault. I wouldn't be surprised if the quarter back is still sporting a hard on when kick off time comes around." I reply, hearing Rock finally give into laughter on his end.

"You do tend to have that effect on morphs. Listen I'm tied up fixing the damage done to the dam so I'm going to be a bit late getting home." Behind Rock there is the sound of water crashing through a fractured barrier. "Ugh damn it! Going to need to summon more stalagmites to hold all this in. It's another dirty night up here."

I'm about to nod, but then I hear the warning sirens echo across the skies and my vision tints red with the flashing message of an emergency call to duty.

"Well it's about to get dirty down here too. I'll have to get back to you later." I sign off on my partner and pick up the new call. "Shock here, go ahead dispatch."

"Yeah we got another big one, Shock. Officers are reporting sightings of a rogue macro rampaging through Krakautook Point."

I grimace as I stretch and start running to the aforementioned location. "What's the damage so far?"

"Destruction of property and casualties have been confirmed. Suspect appears to be...feeding via some manner on the civilians."

My day quickly grows darker along with the sky. "Alright I'm en route. Notify the Micro-Optimum personnel stationed there and get emergency medical on the scene!"

"Already done, Shock, and we've got a path cleared across the highways for you. Downloading now."

The map to my destination appears and I pick up my pace, my scrotum bouncing and smashing heavily against the ground as my feet leave giant craters in their wake. In any other scenario this would seem like a recipe for disaster, a skyscraper sized titan running full speed across a densely populated metropolis, but fortunately this is a fairly common occurrence, and the conglomerate that owns the city makes sure everyone who lives here is well schooled in what to do.

Yeah I know the previous statement doesn't sound all that reassuring either, but let me explain. Thing is, the height and the superpowers are only part of the overall natural oddity that is me. Though I don't look a day over 21, I'm actually 650 years old. In my previous life I was a member of the Kyakaw, a tribe of natives who've lived in this neck of the woods since time immemorial. Back then we had space aplenty to ourselves, our population thrived and our shamans were top notch with many a mystical power of nature. Best of all we had an actual deity of the land watching over us, a supernatural entity who provided us with security and sanctity in return for us keeping its territory cared for and full of life. It went by many names, but I always knew it as The Thunderbird.

For eons we lived peacefully under the protection of this all powerful avian, but as they say all good things must come to an end, and in our case paradise was quite literally snuffed out underfoot when the Unhcegilia appeared. These guys were giant reptilian monsters, each the same height as me, who seemed to have no other objective than being laws unto themselves. They took what they wanted and destroyed what they pleased, and our little section of the world proved a offer too tempting for them to ignore.

Naturally this didn't sit well with our electric guardian so when they brought their terror to our area it met them in a decisive and devastating battle. Even after all these years I still remember the event, the sky filled with dark clouds and the blinding flashes of lightning, thunder shaking the very earth itself as our patron god slew enemies left and right. I was helping to herd the women and children of our tribe away from the battle, leading them into caves in the mountains where the Unhcegilia couldn't reach us, and the Thunderbird wouldn't accidentally hit us. Finally it seemed we all were out of danger...but then one of the squaws cried that her daughter had wandered off during the evacuation. As one of the best trackers of the tribe I volunteered to head back out to find the missing cub, I knew my way around the forest as well as any of my friends and the Thunderbird was having the good sense to herd its enemies away from our village so I felt I could move about safely. I searched out there for hours before finally finding the poor child hiding in a hollowed out log, and then everything went south. No sooner had I coaxed her out than we were treated to the unfortunate sight of our protector crashing to the ground in front of us, having finally fallen to the superior numbers of the Unhcegilia.

Till the day I die (that is assuming I still can) I will never forget that moment, seeing the crackling, bloody body of the Thunderbird writhing in its death throes, it's head slowly turning to fix me with those glowing, heavenly eyes. Suddenly I could hear it speaking through my thoughts, telling me it wasn't long for this world but it still had a plan to drive off the Unhcegilia, namely by transferring its powers and its essence into me. I would be changed of course, a mortal body is hardly apt for harboring the spirit of a god, but it was the only way we could save my tribe.

Considering I could hear the reptilian monsters closing in on us as this was happening, it wasn't a difficult decision to make.

The transfer was painful at first, but only at first. I felt like I was being consumed by a great fire but then I began to grow, and grow, and grow. It was almost like being born again, there was light, there was hurt, and then there was consciousness. My body was being nurtured not by milk but by electricity, instead of air I cried my first breath of thunder. When the Unhcegilia crashed through the trees they found not the avian but me, the last vision they ever would see before I finished off what remained of their ranks.

All in all it was a pretty good passing of the torch. In addition to the new height and being a living electrical conduit I got the type of physique that'd put a body builder to shame, a mind filled with all the knowledge and wisdom of a god, and some epically fun oversized genitals. As if that wasn't good enough, I was still as cute as when I was mortal, and when my tribe came out of hiding they deemed the Thunderbird had chosen a worthy replacement. For then on I took over as the new protector of the land, working with the shamans to repair the damage wrought by the Unhcegilia and fighting off whatever else threatened our sanctity.

Eventually, however, there came the settlers from across the sea and the gradual realization that the time of gods and supernatural defenders was coming to an end. The shamans, however, believed it was only a temporary lull, and that some day I would be needed again. As such they carved a hideout for me in one of the distant mountains, promising to keep me updated as things changed and that when danger again came to our lands they would call upon me.

And, wouldn't you know it, they did. Through successive generations the shamans kept their knowledge of nature, medicine and alchemy alive, later accruing some business savvy from the settlers and realizing their talents could used to make some serious money. They founded Micro-Optimum, now one of the most prestigious research corporations in the world, bought up all the land so no one could take it from us and built a vast city for the tribe.

And then, like clockwork, the giants reappeared, only now they seem to come from a myriad of different sources. Realizing this was the time to make good on their age old oath, the shaman descendants sought me out and brought me back for round 2. I became Shock, a superhero for the new age, sponsored by various science and military backers and charged with keeping the common morph safe.

In time I was joined by Rock, a giant skunk blessed with the power of the Earth and who's helped me out immensely with a few tricks of his own....however, I've now reached the neighborhood of Krakautook Point and need to stop reminiscing.

Well, actually, I can't reminisce any more because what I'm seeing now has pretty much ground my mind to a halt.

The perpetrator causing all the commotion is an ermine, easily about 500 feet tall and looks to be about maybe 10% stoat, and 90% scrotum. Seriously this guy is sporting balls bigger than the stadium I was posing in earlier, and his sheath looks like it could swallow a sky scraper in one gulp.

'Swallow' being a disturbingly accurate choice of words. That appears to be exactly what he's doing as I approach: swinging that massive sex organ around to hoover up the fleeing civillians like they were Skittles.

"Gonna eat you little ones, yes I will! Eat you up till I've had my fill!" I can hear him singing to himself as I draw near, his voice beautifully deep and disarmingly pleasant to listen to. As I get closer I find there's also something else that's going to severely complicate matters: he is absolutely gorgeous to behold! He has an adorable face with two deep, dark eyes that one could get lost in if they stared them for too long, his muzzle is short and perfectly shaped, and his body (what I can see of it behind his giant scrotum) is buff as hell. I immediately have to duck behind a shopping mall and catch my breath, frantically stamping down on my arousal as I hear him singing that sadistic tune. It's pretty clear he's bad news, but dammit if he isn't one of the most handsome hunks ever.

I calm myself and prime my body voltage. Typically I try to avoid violence when smaller folk are around, but at the same time I gotta accept that things could go anywhere when other giants are concerned. Feeling I've regained control of my hormones, I push up my glasses, adjust my cap, give my hair a quick brush and step out from behind the mall.

"I think you've had enough snacks, sir." I declare, though initially the buff stoat doesn't hear me. He's currently preoccupied with chasing down a rabbit trying to reach the safety of one of the shops. Well, I say 'chasing' but really he's just toying with the poor lapine. His cock is slithering down the road like a serpent moving in on its prey, deliberately keeping back till the rabbit reaches the door of a grocery store, then striking to rip him away from safety. As I watch in open mouth surprise the ermine flexes his magnificent phallus and it rears up to toss the meal in the air, prepping to gulp it down its gaping cum slit.

I waste no time in letting the damn stoat have a few thousand volts up his jacksie. At his height it's no worse than getting tazered but it definitely knocks him off his feet and onto the cushioning mass of his sac, leaving the lapine to drop safely onto thickly furred skin and then roll back down onto the street.

"EEEEEEeeeemmmm....oooh....hey that hurt!" The ermine yells, and immediately I'm concerned because he doesn't sound like he's in any actual pain. Heck as he lifts his head and regards me with those deep, soulful eyes I could swear it's pleasure that's coursing through his body rather than the aftershocks. "Though I'll be honest, in a weird way I did kind of enjoy it." He perches his head on his hands and smiles. "Hello there, stud. What's your name?"

"I'm Shock." I answer bluntly. The ermine seems amused.

"Just 'Shock'? Not something more dramatic, like 'Thundercracker'?"

"Tried it, Hasbro threatened legal action." I reply. "Why, is there something wrong with 'Shock'?"

"Not at all, just seems pretty plain for such a handsome hunk." He says, gazing softly at me in a way that quickly has my heart thudding like a jackhammer. Dear heavens this guy is cute!

"What may I call you?" I ask, watching as the stoat looks over himself and shrugs.

"You can call me, Gon."

"Gon?" I ask.

"Yeah, cause I make things...well, gone." I hear shuffling at my feet and look down to see his penis has moved in to nab the lapin again.

"Hey, I said stop that!" I quickly grab the gargantuan shaft and heave it off the ground. There's a moment where I'm caught off guard by how freakin' heavy the organ is but I fight to maintain my grip. My costume creaks as I struggle to lift, and then I feel the familiar tickle of fissures ripping open across my biceps as I reach into the cumslit and pluck the little dripping rabbit out.

"Awww come on, I'm just grabbing a quick bite!" The ermine protests as I place the lapin on a nearby building and gesture for him to run inside.

"Well the morphs that live here are the ones paying the taxes and, by result, my salary so I'd rather you didn't. What's more I've got a lot of fans around these parts that I'd very much like to keep inspiring to do something with themselves, so there's double the reason to stop you."

Gon whimpers sadly, though the act is quickly dropped when I cup the head of his cock and gently touch the drooling cum slit. "How the hell are you able to eat like that anyway?"

"I couldn't tell ya, cutie, the means by which fate bestowed it on me also cost me my memories of most of my life." He murrs softly, his massive body flexing and displaying just how much defined muscle it's packing as I ease two fingers into his slit. I have to swallow at the same time the stoat penis does, literally closing its slit like a mouth to suckle playfully on my digits.

"You have amnesia?" I ask, trying again to not get distracted by the sight of the beautiful ermine. It's a futile effort given he's now hugging himself and burying his muzzle in the cleft between his fat, flexing pecs, and I can feel my costume getting even tighter as I react accordingly.

"Fraid so. All I can remember is waking up about a week ago and feeling mighty hungry. Been eating my way across the countryside ever since and enjoying it all the way." He sighs, looking at me again with his warm gaze. "Could you keep doing that please? It feels really good."

His cock spurts a healthy amount of precum over my paws to show it agrees. The musky scent is positively overpowering, and makes me feel lightheaded. I grit my teeth and turn my thoughts to other things as I push my fingers in deeper, trying to make something of how this giant beast of a male could just show up out of nowhere with the until now unheard of ability to eat with his penis. Carefully I feel along the hardening shaft and then run my paw over the swelling balls but can detect no trace of any of the morphs that were eaten or anything that would indicate they were digested in there. The findings help settle me back into the seriousness of the situations....but is kind of fun watching this stoat enjoy himself.

"Well look, you've got other options here than decimating the common folk." I say, unconsciously leaning in to lap at the delicious stream of pre. "Come with me and I'm sure we can find something a little less morbid to sate your appetiiiighh..." I rear back as something grabs my tongue. Yanking it free I watch as the drooling penis head opens its slit like some sort of mutant worm preparing to chow down on a kill.

"Ah ah ah ahhhhh!" I say, holding a threatening finger to the penis and focusing a bolt of lightning through it. "Better control yourself, Gon, or we're going to have bigger problems."

The ermine looks down at me again, that adorable muzzle breaking into a calm and disturbingly sweet grin. "Well I fear we're at an impasse here, cutie. See I'm very much a predator, and as such I like my prey live, scared and running. A huge but dead slab of food just doesn't give me the same satisfaction."

I groan, of course it was too much to hope that this could be resolved diplomatically. Slowly I let go of the penis, noting it's now reached a sufficient state of arousal to support itself. Calming myself again, I focus on drawing out more of my power, lightning crackling across my body as I raise my paws, ready for anything.

"I see, then I should warn you, if you're not going to budge then you're going to find me a very dangerous adversary." My eyes narrow, sizing this still very pleasant ermine up. He's obviously got the advantage of both height and weight over me, but with that mountain of a scrotum in front of him I can wager that I've got him beat for speed.

I'm quickly proven right on two accounts and wrong on one, and I don't think I need to say which is which. Gon simply folds his arms behind his head, pushes out those amazing pecs and rests his chin on top of them, no doubt thinking my threat over very carefully. Then, with one quick flex and a twist of his hips, he's smashed that gargantuan phallus into me at the speed of light and I'm suddenly flying through the air into a district several hundred feet away.

"I think I can live with that, sweet stuff. Sorry, but I just want something to eat." Gon's voice calls after me as I pull myself out of the crater and regain my senses. The blow was pretty damn hard but I got a lot of muscle to absorb such attacks. Taking inventory I estimate I've got nothing worse than bruises and a few more holes in my costume so I haul ass back to the ermine, alerting him to my return with a well aimed ball of electricity right to his back.

"WOOOOAOooooow....oooh man, how does that both hurt and yet feel so good at the same time?" The ermine ponders as he extracts himself from his balls. I zap him again with even more juice and grit my teeth in frustration as he simply shakes off the voltage and smiles at me again.

"Hmm, so you got some staying power on ya. I like it!" Again that gaping cock comes out of nowhere but I'm able to deflect it this time, not that that does any good since he's able to vaunt over his sac and kick me in the other side while I'm open. I bear the pain of both blow and lay into him on the rebound. Melee attacks seem to have more of an effect than the lightning but I still might as well be trying to smash through a steel wall. It doesn't help that I can't really look where I'm trying to punch otherwise I get distracted again by my opponent's beauty.

"Bet you could keep this up all day, couldn't you?" He says, thrusting his hips forward to bulldoze me over with his towering balls. I still can't imagine how he's able to move so quickly with such an obvious hindrance, but then I really don't have time to dwell on it as no sooner does he have me lying in another crater on the ground than he's somehow lifted those gurgling egg shaped mountains up and plopped them on top of me. My world is instantly reduced to nothing but brown fur and the several thousand metric tons of flesh contained with in. My ears ring from the sound of cum sloshing and boiling above me and my nose burns from the overpowering aroma of thick, manly musk. It's honestly one of the most erotic situations I've been in, and I admit I feel a tad regretful that I gotta bring an end to it since a) I need to stop the one who's balls I'm under, and b) I could do with another breath of actual air.

Focusing again, I electrify my entire body, hoping dear Gon may have sufficient reason to move when he's got the equivalent of a thousand high voltage cables pressed against his sac. The balls jiggle around me, bashing me left and right till finally their owner drags them off. I feel both relieved and yet drained from the heavy use of my powers as I gulp down the renewed supply of air. Fortunately, Gon is courteous enough to let me stand up and regain control of my senses as he pats down the frazzled fur of his sac.

"Guess I was right. You're quite the durable hunk."

"You don't know the half of it." I say, nailing him with another charge then tackling him into a nearby building while he's incapacitated.

"Indeed I don''s puzzling really." The ermine muses as I scramble across his scrotum to find purchase on an actual body part, something that I can pin to the ground. "You're 20 stories high and probably 50 times as strong as all the little folk fleeing from us....yet you fight for them rather than against them."

I sigh as I recognize the opening chords to a song I've heard many times before. "Seems a better option than having them call down the military, the air force and all the other little toys they have against me." I finally grab the stoat's shoulders and lean my weight into them. Unfortunately I then realize that doing this has left my feet propped against his nuts with no means of bracing themselves so he has little problem in simply thrusting and flipping me over his head.

"Pfffft, please you're taking everything I'm throwing at you and still coming back for more. There's nothing these tasty little morsels below us have that'd be of any concern to you." He twists again to barrel me aside as I'm trying to knock him sideways. Spitting out concrete, I rise from the second building I've been thrown into and face the ermine again.

"Well be that as it may, I've got a good life here thanks to their ingenuity and hospitality. It's worth it to keep them safe." I reply, my costume fraying as my muscles swell from the combination of adrenaline, electricity and arousal. Even though I've manage to purple Gon up a bit he's still gorgeous to behold. Heck now he looks like a wounded warrior in need of protection, bringing up a deep urge in me to apologize and tend to his bruises.

"And you believe it's thus wrong for me to want the same kind of life?" He asks, peering around his towering erection to give me those big soulful eyes again. I'm literally on the verge of wanting to kiss that cute face, but then I feel the ache in my side and manage to maintain control.

"Given the way you're going about it? Yeah, kinda." I say. The ermine pouts, burying his face in his pecs again as though he's about to cry. Seeing this shatters the last of my restraint and I can feel the pouch holding my own giant scrotum tear open to let the rising cock out.

Mercifully, in a strange way, my hormones are quickly diluted by new pain as something suddenly latches onto my chest and practically crush it with it's grip. Looking down I see the wet, pink head of Gon's penis holding me securely in it's slit. There's no teeth (another mercy) but the thing has quite a hold on me from the vacuum suction alone. Struggling against it, I feel my feet leave the ground, the ermine actually managing to lift me up and carry me away from the site of our battle via his cock alone.

"You're a hypocrite." He chides playfully, shrugging his shoulders as if to say he's glad he's not me.

"Maybe, but you are a definite psycho who seriously needs help." I shoot back, my voice strained from the feeling of my pecs being yanked about, ripping my costume apart so they're left bare to be suckered into bloody pulp. "Look around you Gon...ngghhh...this city is more than capable of supporting...ah..ahhhhk...supporting giant folk like us, without the need to kill the populace for a meal. Heck it supports me and my partner just fine."

Gon does glance around as he carries me downtown, my words seeming to at least make him think.

"Someone has really messed up your head and your body. We can figure out who it was and how it can be fixed. Just let me go and I'll prove it to you." I hammer and wrestle with his penis but the damn thing maintains its killer grip. With both the height and the weight advantage, plus given the electricity doesn't seem to phase him, I'm clearly outmatched on all fronts. Even worse, it appears I just made a serious verbal faux pas as he's now shaking his head.

"Look I know you mean well, but you got the wrong idea here. I LIKE what I am. Seriously, don't tell me being big in all respects doesn't make you feel on top of the world."

If he weren't currently trying to suck my ribcage out through my chest I'd admit he does have a point.

"And also, while I really like you and think you're a damn cute raccoon, it doesn't change the fact that I'm still hungry as hell."

His cock releases me, and I honestly wish it hadn't. The sight of construction equipment briefly passes by my peripheral vision as I fall into some sort of excavated pit.

"So, um, again sorry, but you're kinda getting in the way." Gon calls from up above. I catch sight of his adorable face looking sincerely apologetic and reach up to it before he pushes several buildings over to bury me under their rubble. Again my world is reduced to darkness and dust, and given I'm aching in every possible spot as well as drained from all the electrical attacks I've got little chance of being able to dig myself out. Straining I manage to push my paw through and above the wreckage, but the movement causes everything to collapse further and pin me under so much weight that I can't move any further.

Fortunately, I don't have to do any more to escape. Even though I can't see anything above me I know what's happening. Micro-Optimum looks after its assets, and as such they have operatives stationed all around the city, monitoring everything that's going on. Right now, somewhere in the blocks around me, a morph is on his or her phone to headquarters, telling them I'm in dire need of help and that Haokah needs to be warmed up on the double.

To explain what Haokah is, it's a satellite in geostationary orbit high above, fitted with some manner of technology that can trigger thunderstorms. Micro-Optimum thought it up years ago but held off on actually building it due to humanitarian reasons. Once I re-entered the picture, however, they realized it would serve as a very effective emergency back up should a situation like now arise. Even through the meter thick layer of broken masonry I can hear crackling in the sky, the pitter patter of rain beginning to fall as the natural chemical processes occur and lightning begins to arc from the heavens.

It takes a few tries to get everything targeted properly, but finally one of those glorious bolts strikes the paw I'm holding above the rubble, and oooooh damn does it feel good!

I know getting struck by lightning generally hurts most folk but to me it's like getting that first taste of oxygen after you've nearly drowned. Instantly it's like life is flowing back into me, my body voltage going from dangerously low to dangerously overcharged as bolt after successive bolt hits its mark.

And then, I begin to grow. Yeah another funny tidbit about me, if I absorb more power than I can physically handle, my body gets bigger to hold it all in. It's a damn handy feature when the odds are against me, not to mention just the pick me up I've been needing ever since this farce began.


I cannot describe the relief as the rubble shifts then rolls off my swelling body, the danger of suffocation evaporating as I just grow out of the pile. After that I get the welcome abatement of pain as the next couple of electrical shocks dull the severity of my bruised areas. As more power is fed to my form I tilt my head back and cry in ecstasy, raw mustelid strength pouring into every inch of my striated expanding meat. My costume bursts open completely, shredding into so much black and gold confetti which I happily rip off and cast to the wind. I don't really like wearing the damn thing to begin with, and indeed most of time I find it very advantageous to be nude while working. Not only does it allow for maximum mobility and flexibility but, if I may state a personal opinion, my own body looks far more iconic than any outfit could. When I'm super charged my mask and tail rings glow with this unearthly but very beautiful white aura, and the rest of my pelt gains a shimmering gold tint much like the plumage of the Thunderbird. Add to that my colossal build and really clothes just get in the way. If I had it on my terms I'd just wear the baseball cap and glasses as my outfit (they're the only two things that actually grow with me) but the PR boys were adamant that I have something family friendly so I agreed to a compromise: I don the costume, and they in turn make it out of normal fabrics that rip easily so I still have the option of discarding it whenever I want.

Now satisfactorily devoid of attire I take a look over myself and allow a grin to cross my lips. I must be at least 200 feet taller, and so utterly huge that my chin is resting upon the fields of my flexing pecs while my drooling sheath is competing for which can take up more of my field of view. On either side my shoulders rise like mountains in their own right and my balls are resting on the solid support of my feet. With the thunderstorm now subsiding I get the cool feel of rain caressing my nakedness, washing away all the dust and dirt as a familiar sound beckons me.

"Shock? Shock, come in! Are you okay? Shock!"

It's Laura, one of the brainiacs employed by Micro-Optimum. A sweet if eccentric lass, she acts as my contact at headquarters. Frantically I dig through the rubble and find my glasses and cap. Enlarging them both I put my specs back on and answer the distressed call.

"I'm here, Laura. Situation's back under control thanks to Haokah."

"Oh thank goodness! Thought we'd lost you there for a minute."

"You very nearly did." I grimace, slapping my cap back on and adjusting my hair. "Listen, I need you to do something: run a trace on all reports of possible macro activity across the state for the last week. This Gon character says that's when he woke up, and he can't remember anything before that."

There's silence on the other end, never a good sign.

"I see...that opens up some disturbing possibilities. Shock, I'm afraid we're going to have to ask you to bring Gon in alive. The research team is going to need to run tests on him to confirm if what I'm fearing is true."

I tenderly scrub the rain water into my fur, feeling my arousal return as I rub over my engorged abs and diamond hard obliques. The cleanliness rejuvenates me even further, giving my sheath cause ready itself for action. Beneath me I can almost make out the tiny flashes of cameras all grabbing a picture to be admired for many nights as there comes the familiar little tickle of hundreds of tiny paws reaching to appreciate my body. Damn I feel good right now!

"No problem, Laura. Just gotta get my bearings and find out where....he's..." My voice silences as I look around, noticing first that there's no sign of the rampaging ermine, and second that I'm back in an alarmingly familiar part of the city.

"Oh shit...Laura, what time is it?"

"Just gone six, why?"

"It's kick off time!" I cry, realization hitting me square in the head as I tear off in the direction of the stadium. "Laura, I need you to alert the police and medical teams, Seras Fields needs to be evacuated immediately!"

Silence again as my contact has her breath stolen away.

"Oh, my God. Tonight's game, all those morphs in one place.....sorry, I'm on it Shock!"

"Good, I'm en-route right now." I reply.

"Want me to contact Rock?"

I flex my biceps, watching as the vein etched bulges rise in their own right, electricity curling like snakes around them which causes the splattering rain to sting.

"Yeah, you'd better. Tell him I'm heading for the South Plains...oh, and call off the storm."

The downpour abruptly stops, and I'm clear to head for the bright lights in the distance. The ground first buckles under my bouncing balls, then caves as I pound my enlarged feet into it but I know all is well. Unlike Gon I don't need to worry about accidentally trampling anyone so I simply sprint like hell till I'm at the stadium. As I'd hoped they've closed the roof on account of the sudden storm and thus Gon is preoccupied with forcing it open again in order to get at the people inside. His arms are bulging with the strain and his cock is slamming itself onto the metal cover trying to see if there's a weakspot it can crack, but thus far technology is winning against might. I waste no time in giving it a helping paw, literally by placing my paws on the roof and livening them up with a good healthy charge.

"Eeeeeoowww....ooohh. Well hello again, handsome!" He cheerfully greets while rubbing his singed paws. "Damn, you look sexier every time I see you!"

I focus another jolt and fry the roof's mechanism. With the ermine's chance of forcing it open thus eliminated I step around the stadium and let him get a look at me in my full glory.

"Mmmm, seriously you are gorgeous!" Gon says, wiping drool from his mouth as his cock arches to show its own appreciation.

"Well, thank you. Even though you did just try to kill me, I gotta admit I still find you beautiful as well." I reply, flexing and murring as my muscles battle with each other for domination. By now my traps have risen clear over my head and every time I turn, my chin brushes against my pecs. Even though I'm just trying to distract the ermine till the stadium is evacuated I can't deny I'm really enjoying showing myself off for him.

"But you've had your fun. I'm taking you down now." I grunt, curling my arms into a crab pose. Biceps smack against my chest and sparks fly everywhere as I approach the stoat, my own shaft now out and proudly displaying its full skyscraper sized length, pre flowing freely down to splash over Gon's scrotum which just makes him moan too.

"Sweetheart, there's no one else I'd love to try more than you." He says. This time I catch the super quick hip twist and parry his cock with mine. "Operative word there being 'try' of course."

I force his shaft aside and attempt to use the momentum to trip him up, but the cunning bastard sees the move and slams his elbow into my chest so we end up crashing to the ground together, him on top of me. Automatically I wrap my arms around and immobilize him in a bear hug.

"Is it really that important to you that you rack up as high a body count just to sate your hunger?" I ask, sensing my attention again is slipping as I feel over his barrel chest.

"Why not? You probably killed just as many with that tumble we both took. You can hardly say you're clean of blood now." The ermine calmly retorts, though he does tremble delightfully as I trace my fingers over his chorded might. He is absolutely solid as rock everywhere I touch....ironically reminding me of Rock's chest and how it feels even better by comparison. The thought oddly helps snap me out of my distraction, and I grin.

"That's where you're wrong, Gon." I whisper, nuzzling into the ermine's neck and smelling his rich scent.

"Oh is that so? And how do you figure that?" The ermine queries as he uses the weight of his ball sac to roll us over on top of it.

"Behold." I nod to the crater we've left, out of which several very dazed but still alive morphs can be seen crawling.

"Huh? Wait...that doesn't make any sense!" The ermine cries, bucking himself up and throwing me off him. ""

"Like I said, this city is more than capable of supporting giant folk like us." I reply, nailing the stoat while he's still distracted with a taste of his own medicine.

"Aaaaack. Ugh." Gon groans as my cock sends him flying into another building. Mercifully this one has a great big CONDEMNED sign hanging from it so all he gets is another mouthful of refuse. Extracting himself, he tries to return the favor and we engage in a cock sword fight.

"So how's it done...hmmm? Obviously there's more going....oooh yeah...going on here than it seems." Gon swings and weaves, parrying my shaft at every turn but having to remain on the move to do so. Good, makes it easier for me to lead him away from the civilians and over to where I want him to be.

"Maybe if you'd just calm down....ngh yes!....and stop trying to attack me, I could...aghhh...could explain it to you." I pant raggedly as each meet of our...well...meat sends jolts of pleasure through my body. This beats even the ball smothering for eroticism, and subtly I have to thank Gon for giving it all he's got. He looks sooo hot swinging that beautiful penis around, every muscle rolling and rippling on his body while pre splashes against our surroundings. Watching it just makes me harder and more able to endure his blows. Somewhere in the distance I can hear the chop of helicopter rotors slicing through the air, no doubt the local news channels are already following up on the stadium attack and are now securing record ratings by covering our battle down the highway.

"Never! Agh....this is too much fun!" Gon declares, thrusting that giant head at me and moaning in absolute ecstasty when I manage to grab and then kiss it.

"Well your loss. One way or another, I'm going to put an end to this. En garde!" We cross cocks again and spill over onto the shoreline. I'm having to keep moving my head to avoid getting pre over my face but it's still one of the most enjoyable battles I've ever been in. It especially helps that everything is going to plan, I just need to maneuver him a few more feet....

"No please...don't stop! Never stop!" Gon cries as he moves in for another swing, flesh smacking against flesh and pleasure reverberating through both our beings. "This is the best night of my life!"

I grin, my body glowing like a lighthouse as I charge up for my final attack.

"Well unfortunately, it's over." I say, my cock meeting his for one last parry, and then giving it a massive electric shock. I think we pretty much both break the sound barrier with our orgasmic screaming, a sort of proto-climax gripping our bodies as he goes flying into the depths of the sea and I go crashing into a bunch of warehouses. Gasping for air, I pull myself up again, my legs feeling bandy but still able to run as I tear into the ocean and pounce upon the back of the sputtering ermine.

"Ackpth! Ooooh, oh daaaamn. If you were trying to hurt me with that last shock, you failed miserably. I'm harder than ever for another go and this is nowhere near deep enough for you to drown me." He murmurs, gleefully pointing at how the water only comes two thirds of the way up his balls and shaft. I positively quiver with pleasure.

"I'm not trying to drown you, dumb ass." I lowly reply. Current arcs across my arms, and Gon's smile promptly disappears as he makes the connection of being pinned down by an electric entity in a vast expanse of salt heavy liquid.

"Oh...oh now that is just playing dirty." He whines, then cranes up to kiss me on the cheek. "But points to you for the ingenuity."

I murr and lean down to plant a return kiss. "Surrender?"

"Fuck me." He replies. I rear up again and push him into the surf. "No I'm serious. Fuck me, Shock, please! Make me cum till I'm too tired to stand and I promise I'll surrender!"

I loosen my grip, noting how he's not resisting nor showing any indication of wanting to resume the fight. Seeing as how he's been driving me mad with lust the entire night, it's a very attractive agreement.

"Just remember where you are. You try anything and we shall have to see how much electricity you can actually stand." I let go of the ermine and kneel behind him.

"Deal." Gon replies, lifting his great tail and letting me get a good look at his ass. It's as fine as the rest of him, and I feel the incentive to explore. Roughly I grab the pliable cheeks, feeling the tightness under their cushion of fur as I pry them open and drag my tongue across the pink pucker between them. Yep, he's clean as can be back there, though amusingly that's the first part about this mustelid freak that actually makes sense. Assuming he uses his penis to eat everything he most likely bypasses the normal process of digestion, thus removing the need for calls of nature.

With a bit of force I ease two of my fingers in, feeling the ermine quake like the San Andreas fault in reaction. He's noticeably rather sensitive in his more nether regions, leading me to wonder how he's been able to find enjoyment in getting zapped by me all night. The psychological implications return the disturbing air of this whole scenario, but I push it aside for now. I'm not a therapist nor a scientist, and he's playing by my rules now. I've more than earned the right to pass any subsequent problems off to someone else.

Tenderly I kiss the budding tail hole, feeling it ease open bit by bit until finally it's ready to accept me. I still encounter some resistance as I begin to push myself in, but with a howl and a moan, Gon eases himself backwards and the head of my penis pops nicely inside.

"Been a while since you've done this hasn't it?" I ask.

"Waaaaay too long of a while." Gon replies quietly. His body is lain prone across his titanic scrotum, using it as a soft and surprisingly efficient bed which makes it easier for me to grab him and start thrusting. I take care to ease myself in further and further with each thrust, letting him get used to my length while I get used to his depths. He so warm and tight on the inside I almost worry I'm going to hurt him, yet as I feed each additional foot I notice he seems to be stretching quite nicely, seemingly able to adapt to the thicker parts of my shaft. I have to muffle my breathing for a moment as I realise what this means, feeling a rather sinister edge take root in me. As the ermine expands and bloats I add a little more force to my fucking, then a little more, and a little more. Each time he just moans louder and begs harder for me to keep going, not showing any sign that he's uncomfortable or in any pain. Apparently it hasn't crossed his mind that this basically gives me the green light to go on in and let him feel me at my full might.

With a vicious snarl I plunge myself in to the hilt, my lover practically getting catapulted up into my waiting arms from the sudden outward swelling of his tummy. It extends grossly and reforms, briefly taking on the shape of a penis before ballooning out with the resulting eruption of pre. If the ermine were to cry, or plead or do anything to show I'm being too rough, I might have considered letting up a bit. But he doesn't so I just grab him around the chest again and proceed to ride him like a fine steed...although to be honest I doubt an actual horse would feel as good.

"Fuck.....ngh....fuuuuuuuck....Shock please.....kiss me again!" The ermine growls, eyes streaming and teeth clenched from the invasion into his body. I lean my head back a bit to give him some room, my paw reaching up to grab his hair as he turns and hold him still as our lips meet.

It probably doesn't need to be said at this point, but yeah, he even kisses like a dream. His tongue is instantly in my mouth, licking across all my sharp, pearly teeth before moving to let me taste him back. Like two eels going at it we joust into each other's jaws, fanning our tongues with contained screams of ecstasy. I have to really pound myself mentally to keep a firm grip on the stoat, any slip now and I'm going to be too enthralled to resist if he tries to escape. When I can at last stand it no longer I pull him away from me by his hair, my breath seeming to only heighten his arousal as he licks his lips and cries anew.

"That's it....more...gaaaaah.....don't you dare take it easy on me!"

I dig my claws into his chest and keep up the pace, my drive to perform now getting a second boost by the arrival of the news helicopters. Shining their spot lights to let me see what I'm doing, I lower Gon and myself back onto his balls, permitting them to circle around us and get their live feeds of our wild romp. You'd think it'd ruin the mood having your sex life being videotaped and aired across the nation but really I can't get enough of this. Being a mythical deity reborn and a noble defender of the populace to boot are great in their own rights, but on most days what really gets me hyped is how much everyone loves me for who I am. Ask anyone on the street, they'll tell you they'd never be able to imagine not having two or more giants dominating their skyline. Query about the complications I bring to the flow of the city and you'll hear few if any complaints. The little folk adore having such massively muscular titans looking out for them, and I in turn adore them for their appreciation.

As I hear the indistinct chatter of reporters giving their opinions on the proceedings, the fire in me rockets up the alarm scale. I'm positively burning with the need for release and Gon sounds like he's getting pretty close too. Still got a bit of a ways to go though so I draw out and drive back in. The water around us is turning thick from the gallons of pre being released, which can only mean we'll be seeing another bumper crop of exceptionally huge fish being caught and photographed once spring rolls around. I certainly hope such will be the case as the next part of my plan is going to deplete the reserves for quite a while.

With a throaty grunt I lower myself on top of the stoat, not in order to keep him pinned down (though it certainly will help) but in order to let us feel one another on an additional level. His back is so broad and so rippling with power it's like having a massage vest pressed against my front. In turn I can also tell Gon's really liking the feel of my immense front rubbing and flexing against his back. We both are in nothing short of heaven right now, fully at the will of our carnal urges and ready to let them carry us to the highest plane.

With another earth shattering scream I feel Gon slip over into orgasm, full on this time and relentless as he almost crushes my cock in reaction. He'd never be able to actually do so of course, but I appreciate the effect as it drags me down with him to be pummeled merciless with wave after wave of intense pleasure. My cock goes off like a volcano times ten and I let the force first full Gon then push me out of him and into the white salty surf. The water is now thick and cream with the overflow of hot ermine cum, the flavor actually serving to dilute the saltiness of the water. I drink deeply of the delicious cocktail, remembering the taste of a similar milky drink I used to love back when I was mortal.

I know I can't rest, however, as Gon is now incapcitated and I've finally got the chance to get him secured way. Rising from the waves, I approach the ermine again. He's lying limply on his scrotum, breaths raggedly bobbing him up and down on his delating scrotum. He doesn't look like he'll be going anywhere any time soon, but I still wish to be definitely sure of that.

"Good enough for you?" I ask, feeling my heart grow hot when he turns to regard me with tired but still so soulful eyes.

"Definitely. I'd welcome doing it again." He says, and the heat within me begins to build.

"Really? Well...." I stoop to lick at some of the pre oozing out of his butt, marveling at how I can still taste it in full due to how clean his anal passage is. "Okay then!"

"Huh? What diiiiooooohh...." The ermine moans anew as my cock finds its way back inside. This time I don't start to thrust though, I use it as an assist to help lift the giant mustelid out of the water.

"Woah! Wai...mmmm...just, where are you....nghhh...where are you talking me?"

"Somewhere where you can't cause any more trouble and we'll both get what we want out of the night." I gather him up, scrotum and all and make way for the surrounding hills. He's fucking heavy but with my additional height I can still keep him aloft, and the fact that my strides make him bounce up and down on my cock just makes the journey that much more fun.

"Well....gahhh...hope it's not too close. Mmmmm....gah this feels so gooooooood!" He yells, his own shaft now up and throbbing again, spitting huge streams of pre onto the ground as we leave the bay for the countryside. Since I'm able to cover at least a mile in two strides I take a long route to our destination, pounding the pavement across neighborhoods, then farms, then open countryside. My arms ache from having to hold the mustelid but the pleasure of his tail hole and the scintillating feel of his balls against my paws give me reason to endure. I know neither of us emptied even half of our tanks with that first climax so we've got plenty to run on, and really, there's something rather endearing about getting to cradle such a cute stoat in my arms. It's not as strong a feeling as before though, which brings a sense of relief. Getting to actually fuck this guy has helped clear my head of the haze and I'm now seeing my feelings for him in a very different light.

Don't get me wrong, he's still one of the most gorgeous hunks I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, but the pull I felt towards him isn't as strong now. I'm starting to realize something very reassuring about myself and the combination of that and the clenching from the ermine hitting his second climax makes me scream double time as I collapse to the ground. Weighed down by the assault of pleasure, I place the ermine in a nearby body of water and ease myself out, letting him get to bathe in my cum this time as he thrashes and turns to get completely covered.

"Ohhhh....heavens. Oh I needed that so badly, Shock." He sighs, leaning up to lick sperm from his pecs then reaching for my penis so he can get it nice and clean.

"Me too. For all the problems you've caused, I'm glad to have met you." I reply, watching in delight as he enjoys my flesh before leaning in to kiss him. "But sadly our time together must end. Right now actually." I look up and notice several imposing shadows floating through the sky towards us. Quickly I get to my feet and step back as they surround the ermine and fall, completely enclosing him in a makeshift cage of craggy rock plates.

"What the...hey, what is this?" He demands, punching at the stone barriers and finding them to be impervious to even his great strength.

"Insurance that you'll stay put till the research team gets here. Courtesy of the one whom I owe more to than anyone else in the world." I turn and grin as another behemoth joins the fray. Standing at just over 350 feet tall he's an absolutely massive skunk, decked out in a skin tight body suit patterned in black under a forest green robe covered in curling vine motifs.

"Gon, meet Rock." I say, the fawn in my voice becoming evident as he steps up. It's noticeable that he's as muscular as me, despite being considerably shorter, and just as ridiculously endowed. His face is pitch black save for two white circles over his eyes and a luxurious mane of pure white hair. He is also insanely cute.

"Greetings. Sorry about having to trap you like this, but Shock was most insistent that you be contained and, well I must do what I can to help out." Rock smiles, raising his paws to raise an army of vines and anchor the plates to the ground. Gon blinks then chuckles, clearly as smitten as I am.

"He keeps good company then." The ermine muses, squealing in glee when I confirm this to be the case in every way by leaning over to kiss my skunk in greeting. "Yow...oh this night just got even better!"

My smile falters, surprisingly. While I am eager to just close the case on this insane mustelid and go home for some much needed rest, there's still a pang of regret at having to call an end to the fun.

"And it's going to get better still if you do as we say and behave. The morphs who run this town are going to want to find out what's wrong with you, mentally as well as physically, and then see what can be mended. If you co-operate, you'll get to recover whatever was taken from you. Sound good?"

Gon chews the offer over, and for a second I fear he's going to actually have the gaul to turn it down.

"Don't bother trying to fix me physically. I'd appreciate getting my memory back but my body stays the way it is. Fair deal?" He says. Rock is highly amused.

"Well then, that's even more reason to keep on my good side. Without me you stand no chance of being able to survive in society as a macro." The skunk softly intones.

Gon cocks an eyebrow. "Oh?"

I nod. "You asked how I was able to take a tumble onto a crowd of morphs and leave every one of them alive? Well, I present to you the one who makes it possible." I gesture to my partner like a masterful work of art (which if I were to be fair, he is) and the skunk duly ignites both his paws with brilliant green flames.

"It's pretty simple, really. The spirits of the earth want to preserve life, thus I, as their avatar, have enacted a few binding spells on myself and my partner. The only way we can ever extinguish a life form is by deliberate intention." Rock approaches the cage, the flames on his paws coalescing into one burning ball of energy. "I can do the same for you. Allow you to walk freely amongst the little folk without ever having to worry about accidentally squishing anyone."

Gon grabs for the ball through a gap in the plates, but Rock lowers it out of his reach. "But only if you agree to abide by our rules."

The ermine whimpers as if hurt but nevertheless keeps his paw out. "Alright fine then, you got a deal. But can we still keep in touch while I'm being studied? Maybe have dinner together at some point? You two are way too adorable to keep away from." We both shake paws with him and Gon winces. "Speaking of which, you sure there aren't like a few homeless morphs around? Anyone no one would miss? I'm still hungry as hell."

I facepalm. "Oh for the sake of the spirits, look where you are!"

Gon checks his surroundings, suddenly noticing there's a rather large building that's been walled in with him.

"South Plains Fish Farm?" He says, reading the sign on the roof before looking down and noticing that the lake he's in is positively swarming with trout and salmon.

"They're live, they're scared and they'll run. Only difference is they're supposed to be eaten." I state bluntly, shaking my head as Gon finally sees the logic.

"Oooh, well that works for me." His penis casts itself into the water, surfacing with a huge wad of fish clutched in its greedy slit which it throws in the air and then swallows whole. "Mmmm, scrumptious!"

Seeing that the ermine is finally sated and secured I tap my glasses and call headquarters. "[2] Shock to Laura, Gon is contained and very much alive. The South Plains Fish Farm is going to be out on this season's crop but you're clear to go in and test him to your heart's content."

"Good job, Shock. Research team and the police have been notified, we'll make sure the company is compensated for their loss. Now go home and relax, we've got the rest covered." The voice on the other clucks maternally.

"Roger that, this is Shock and Rock, signing off for the night." I close the channel and drape an arm around my skunk. "Impeccable timing as always."

"You know I'm always there when you call." He warmly replies. "Besides, I had some spare pieces left over after fixing the dam so it's good that I got to use them."

We stand watch as the police cruisers turn up, followed by the arrival of military helicopters that drop forcefield generators around the rock cage so truly nothing stands a chance of getting out. With the matter now well in hand we head off to our little abode, me choosing to pick my partner up and carry him because hey, I'm still big enough to do so, and he deserves the special treatment. Now that my hormones have cooled off I'm realizing there's a very big difference between how Gon made me feel and how Rock makes me feel. Specifically the latter doesn't want to screw or get kinky, he's happy just being in the arms of such a sweet hulking raccoon, which makes him the better option.

"He certainly gave you a work out tonight I can see." Rock observes, feeling the tender areas where my otherwise firm pecs were nearly suckered into mush. I wince slightly at his touch, but the pain is receding right along with the night's problems.

"Well he's learned his lesson now, and if he decides he wants another go, we know that no giant stands a chance against the combined might of both Shock and Rock!"

"None at all." My skunk concurs, giggling as I lean in to kiss him again then nuzzle into his own muscular chest. Unlike other males he doesn't smell at all musky, instead his scent is like that of freshly cut grass. It's a real treat to breathe in and never fails to help calm me down. With a second tick to why that makes him better than Gon, we reach the cave we both call home and step inside. Despite it's rocky exterior it's quite a nice place. Micro-Optimum fitted it out with plenty of macro-sized amenities and Rock keeps it both looking pretty and smelling wonderful with lots of flowers and foliage.

Kneeling to carry my sweetheart over the threshold, I let him get down to the ground and close the doors behind us, the sound of wheels slowly moving steel into place to shut out the world confirming that the night's hassles are indeed over.

"Phew, I am dying for a bath." I say, scrubbing over my matted, cum soaked fur. "Also need to shrink down a bit."

"Alright, I'll be waiting for you in the Den....Isaac." Rock replies, laughing as I react with feigned annoyance.

"Oh so now we're okay with real names again? No, "It's Rock, not Kaiden!" malarkey?"

Kaiden sheds his robe and hangs it up. "We're home now, sweetie. No one's listening here."

I groan in aggravation.

"I just don't understand why that's such a big deal to you. I mean neither one of us wears a mask, and we're the only two recognizable giants in the city. What difference does it make if we call each other by our second identities?" I sit on my haunches, using my balls as a bean bag couch since it's impossible for me to stand in the cave at my present height. Kaiden simply smiles as he peels off the rest of his costume.

"A true professional never allows his personal life to mix with his work. While we're on duty we should respect that by acknowledging our titles as well as our uniforms." My skunk turns to me and I instantly lose the desire to argue with him. Now completely naked he's revealed his fur turns back to pure white on his chest and scrotum, and that his body is not only ripped as hell but also perfectly balanced. His shoulders rise as high as mine and his pecs jut outward just as far. His biceps are as massive as his triceps, and I can't even see his legs on account of the monstrous maleness hiding them from view. How he manages such perfect harmony I don't know, nor do I really care for that matter. He's beautiful to look at and that's enough for me.

"And you're the one with the hippie background." I retort, my defeat completed by another kiss from my skunk.

"Just go get clean, ya big lug." He orders.

"Yes, sir." I mutter, hobbling down the hall to our private reservoir while Kaiden's laughter echoes all around me. Tossing my hat and glasses aside I wade into the geothermal water and lie back, thankful that the lake is big enough and deep enough to hold me even with the added height (we originally designed it so both Kaiden and I could use it at the same time). My fur's going to need time to soak so I let myself sink beneath the tides, watching flowers float across the water's surface as I contemplate the night's happenings. All in all I'm now glad to be rid of Gon, he was a sweet guy but really screwed in the head. Maybe after the brainiacs have worked on him for a while he might improve but nevertheless it's a relief being home with the one who really matters to me. What I felt for the ermine was lust, nothing more. He got me in the heat of the moment, and now that that moment has passed I'm counting my blessings that it didn't go beyond a brief soiree. I feel guilty enough that it went that far at all, but at least it served to prevent him from consuming more morphs so my moment of weakness was to everyone's benefit.

I lose track of time as I lie submerged in the warm, cleansing water. A giant after all can hold a ton of air in their lungs so trying to drown or suffocate one is nigh on impossible unless you catch them offguard. More is the advantage because this proves an excellent means of mental discipline for myself. Naturally I'd cause some serious havoc and do myself a lot of injury if I let loose with my electric powers in here, so I need to focus and keep my body under control. It's inherently a means of clearing my mind, remaining calm and thus being able to hold back the surging current within me. I close my eyes, focus inside and imagine making a grip on a writhing live wire. It fights like the devil against my grasp but I tighten my paws in response and hold it still. The end result is the water doesn't become electrified, and I happily relax without getting cooked by my own powers.

Finally, after what must be many hours of this, I rise and reach for a sponge. The cum caked all over me has softened sufficiently and I have an easy time scrubbing it off. With one issue thus now dealt with I shampoo myself, add conditioner and make a mess of bubbles which I happily dive back into. Once satisfactorily clean, I grab towels and exit the reservoir, heading further into the cave to where our power generator is located. This baby is a miracle of fusion research that can put out enough juice to power the entire city. As there hasn't been such a need for it to do so just yet (we have had a few blackouts, but on every occasion I stepped in to provide the power instead.) Micro-Optimum gave it to us for our home and added a much needed second feature: it can switch over to an alternate source of juice and run on that till its been depleted.

With this handy add on I thus have the perfect receptacle to vent any extra voltage I may be carrying, and can vent till I begin to shrink back down to my normal height. It takes a lot of shocks, but the machine's built for punishment so I let rip till I'm able to stand again without hitting my head on the ceiling again. I'm still as buff as I was before but that just makes things better. Kaiden loves me when I'm supercharged and I still feel like a million bucks.

Finally now clean and only reasonably giant, I exit the generator room and head for the den, entering it to find Kaiden lying before our massive TV (really an oversized plasma screen Micro-Optimum designed to try and reignite interest in drive-in movies). My heart starts to jackhammer in my chest when I see he's watching the news report on my exploits with Gon, complete with high definition footage of our aggressive sex session in the ocean.

"Good to see you sticking to your usual take down techniques." Kaiden muses playfully as I meekly step onto the soft carpet of moss covering our floors (he hates synthetic rugs). "Did you enjoy your time with him?"

I swallow, trying not to stare at the mosaic that is my skunk's back, stretching out above his gentle swaying tail. "He was unbelievable. A damn good fuck and a damn cute guy in all respects. That, however, doesn't change the fact that he's still a homicidal nutbag."

Kaiden giggles as they replay the footage of me and Gon lying across the ermine's gigantic scrotum. "Nutbag is right." My skunk rolls over and I momentarily forget to breathe. He's been lying on the veritable bed that is his penis, fully erect and hungry for love, while he reposes next to it like a perfect naked statue of muscle, regarding me with those warm, affectionate eyes. Man, oh MAN is he cute! "Can't help noticing you spit that out with a considerable amount of venom though."

I clench my fists and try to regain my senses. It noticeably comes easier this time because I know just what I want to say.

"I wanted him, badly at times, yet when I finally got him I realized it was only a flight of fancy."

Kaiden smiles wider as he gets up and slowly approaches me, his cock bobbing and flowing with pre while his huge pectorals bounce with each step.

"I know I've lusted after many, but the only one I could ever love is you. And I don't just say that because you aren't affected by my lightning attacks, I truly love you and no one else." My heart warms as I speak the truth of the matter. My skunk has the same sense of humor as me, the same taste in many things, he thinks about life the same way I do...really guys like Gon will come and go, but I know full well when I've got someone I want to give my heart and soul to. When I feel the soft brushing of that great striped tail and then an equally soft head pressed into my chest, it only further confirms I've chosen the right mate for me.

"Good, cause I love you just much, Isaac. True you are a complete goofball who nitpicks everything to death, but you're my goofball and I'd have it no other way." He murrs so sweetly as I hug him, stroking over the rippling hills of his back. Even though Gon was just as muscular, there is a noticeable difference to how he and my skunk feel. In addition to the differences in endowment size and height, Kaiden has a more downy texture to his pelt and his body is warmer to the touch. The heat penetrates deep into my being as his muscles flex and massage mine, relishing my presence but not forcing anything further. When he then leans up to take me in a deep kiss there's plenty of passion but no aggression. Kaiden's not out for any carnal gratification, he just wants to be with me and it's yet another welcome fact that I know my mate well enough to make such differentiations. A lot of other morphs may find themselves in my arms (be it for better or for worse) but I will always know when it's my skunk. There can be no one else that'll ever come close to the guy I love.

"You think you'll ever take Gon up on the dinner offer? I mean I can see he's a dangerous threat, but as you said, he was still a pretty nice guy."

I shrug. "Maybe, if you come with me. The more I think about it, I'd actually like to see how he holds up against both of us simultaneously."

Kaiden snickers, exhaling a low moan as I turn to kiss and then mouth his juicy cock. "Sounds like fun. I certainly wouldn't mind getting my own prime time round with him." He says, turning to the TV and licking his lips at the HD replay of the stoat and I going at it like there's no tomorrow. I smile mischievously.

"I'd be open to helping you practice for such an occasion if you want. Say you assume my role, I'll assume Gon's and let's see how well we can follow the action." I'm promptly pounced onto the mess of pillows we have piled atop the moss, my gorgeous mephit's tongue again in my mouth as he rubs his penis against my chiseled front.

"That would be most appreciated." He finally says, hunger raging with gratitude in his eyes as he rolls me over and dives for my ass.

And across the lands, there are the sounds of thunder.