Never lose hope part 3

Story by Basher on SoFurry

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#3 of Never lose hope story

Hi everyone! Here's chapter 3, rated adult for a frottage scene ;-)

There's a little bit of French again... nothing too serious though.

Comments are always welcome! ^^

Well, enjoy and good read!

I pushed the door to get outside. The sudden heat just overwhelmed me and I sat on the cement stairs waiting for the bell announcing the end of classes. Each Friday afternoon, I was always able to sneak out 10 minutes before the end of my Art class without being caught by the teacher or maybe she just didn't care...

Anyway, I laid my hands behind me and start to watch the few white cumulus getting blown away by the wind. My mind began to wander and soon my thoughts got on my father. It has been four years now since he and Xander had been left for dead in Iraq without finding their corpse. Was he still alive? If so, was he alright and will he come back home?

The bell let all my questions unanswered as I got up and waited for Kyle to show up. I waited for about five more minutes before he got out of the high school and came next to me. We chatted a bit about our upcoming plans for the weekend and waved goodbye to our other friends who were just passing by. We continued to talk together for a minute or two before someone punched me on the shoulder. I turned to see who hit me, knowing pretty much in advance who did it. I rolled my eyes and saw my brother who just kept walking. It was time to go. With a sigh, we parted and I ran to join Louis.

Since the disappearance of dad, Louis changed radically. He became totally asocial, only talking to mom, me and his hockey teammates; and 'talking' was a big word... In fact, I think hockey spared his life. Outside hockey, he was always cloistered in his room, in front of his computer listening to music. He could have play in the USHL, but he wasn't too interested to be far away from home because the nearest team was located in Ohio. So, he just stayed with our high school team, burning the league and became a star in the school but he wasn't caring.

So we walked, as usual, in silence towards his car. Although he was looking sad most of the days, today, he had a grave scowling look on his face and looked tired.

So, after a two minutes trip, we reached and get in his 1995 charcoal Toyota Corolla. And began another boring 35 minutes ride to home...

We FINALLY arrived home and we quickly got out of the car. I thanked him for the lift and we entered the house. Mom was in the living room, reading at some book and didn't hear us walk in. Louis went straight in his room slamming the door behind him. Mom just stopped reading and looked at me while shaking his head with a desperate look.

"Hello Vince." She said on the same breath as her sigh. "Had a good day?" She pursued.

"Yeah, nothing special. And you?"

"Just the usual things at the office..." She answered thoughtfully. "I'm getting worried about Louis." She stated after a brief pause. I nodded sadly. "He's getting more reclusive and don't even eat with us anymore..." She frowned.

"He's gonna be alright mom." I place my hand on his shoulder trying to cheer her up, but I was as worried as she was. She placed his other hand on mine and rubbed it.

"I hope so. I hope so." She repeated, trying to comfort herself.

A brief silence went on between us. Then, I excused myself and went in my room to do my homework. I started to work on my science homework then, on my maths. An hour later, I was still on a math problem that I didn't know how to figure. On the other hand, I wasn't able to fully concentrate on it as my brother was listening to some loud and annoying music. So, I stepped out of my room and went in front of my brother's door. I knocked , but he didn't answer.

"Louis, shut your goddam music!" I knocked harder and yelled, but he still didn't answer or understand, so I decided to enter. "FUCK LOUIS, SHUT YOUR MU-"

My eyes opened wide and gasped for air as I sat on my bed. I was sweating hard and trembling like a leaf. "That fucking nightmare again!" I muttered to myself as I looked to my shaking hand. I stayed sit for a while trying to catch my breath, but it was too hard for me to avoid thinking back of it as I slowly started to sob. I dropped my head back on my pillow and covered my eyes with my hands trying to wipe off my tears. I was now repeating in my head the piece of paper I found next to him that day. I've read it at least a thousand times so I know what was written in it by heart.

When we begin to live, we also slowly begin to die. It comes sooner for some people and later for some others. Events happen all the time, and it's what dictates our life.

The very first second we arrived in Brimfield, I hated it. I would have stayed in Montreal where my real life was, but I twisted my tongue and accepted it, just to please you dad. But I guess you don't care now, cause you're probably dead by now. For the past three years, Vince, you kept me alive as you convinced me that dad was still living, but after a while nothing was interesting enough to make me smile and appreciate life. Why would you enjoy life if everything you like just collapse and make your existence a living hell?

For the past year, I tried really hard to put some positive in my everyday routine, but nothing was able to suppress those strong feelings of emptiness and loneliness. Only you, mom and Vincent, were able to blow away a bit the dark clouds floating over my head.

Vincent, you're the perfect antithesis of me; you're kind, friendly and above all, you're so strong minded. There's no doubt in my mind that you'll be someone important in the life of anybody who's surrounding you.

I'm leaving this world with a bitter taste of what could have been a great life for me, but I'm not strong enough to go through. Not without my hero, not without you dad. I'm joining you, in the other world, which I hope is better than this one and finally be in peace with myself...

Au revoir tout le monde, Louis

_ _

Everytime I was thinking back of that letter, I know I was hurting me badly, but in the same time, it was giving me a little burst of courage. The courage to avoid falling into the same darkness as my brother went through. The courage to get up every morning with a smile on my face and confront everything life would put through the way...

Finding the force to sit back, I looked to my alarm clock. 4:34 am was still early to get up, but I decided to do it anyway. I removed the sheets and sat on the side of the bed and rubbed my still wet eyes. Then they fell on the photo that was next to my alarm and instinctively, my right hand started to caress my left upper arm and feel the relatively fresh tattoo.

When I first showed my tattoo to my friends, they were surprised. In fact, they couldn't believe it. I explained them that getting a tattoo isn't something you decide on a whim, it's something that means a lot to you, that represents you. My tattoo was simple but meaningful. In a black cursive writing, was inscribed the word that was outlining my whole life: Hope.

I glared one last time at my brother's picture and got up. I put some briefs and silently made my way to the living room. I sat on the couch and turned on the TV. Of course, there was nothing interesting to watch, so I just zapped the channels. I wasn't paying attention to the shows; my mind was focused on my brother and my father. I remembered some of the good memories I had with them and it made me smile weakly.

"Hey Vince! Wake Up!" The voice said and gently shook my shoulder. "What were you doing sleeping on the couch?"

"Unhh?!? Umm! I... ehh... I just woke up earlier... and decided to watch TV. That's all." I answered yawning. "What time is it?"

"It's 8:15. You're lucky Blake didn't wake up first, otherwise, to see how you're dress, only God knows what he could have done with you..."

"Yeah... I know. Thanks Kyle."

"No prob' man." He started to walk away, but stopped in his path. "Want something to eat for breakfast, it's my turn today?" He asked without returning and slightly moved his head in my way, so his right ear was facing me.

"Yeah, I'll take bacon & eggs please." With that, Kyle slowly nodded and continued to walk until he disappeared into the kitchen.

I got up and carefully made my way towards the bathroom; looking everywhere if Blake was hide somewhere waiting for me, but he was nowhere to be seen. With a sigh of relief, I closed the bathroom door behind me and locked it. I undressed and turned on the water. I slipped in the tub and adjusted the water temperature. I let the hot stream coast on my nape and started to relax.

It's been three months since I started the university. Getting into a big school as Boston University is not something you're used to do everyday. Needless to say that we were both lost running in every school wings trying to find where our classes were. Kyle and I both choose the Physical Education Major as we were naturally attracted by it. Being a baseball or martial arts coach or just the teacher in a school was something I was really looking forward.

Being far from home, we were kind of obligated to find somewhere to live. So we ended up in a three beds apartment, and fortunately for us, who was right in front of the campus. Blake's father was paying for the rent, so we didn't have to worry about the financial side.

Blake Kaefer is a German shepherd who moved along with the rest of his family in Brimfield two years ago, just before the beginning of our Junior year. He was our next right neighbor, so I met him pretty quickly. I spent the next couple days to show him the main (and few) attractions of the town and we soon became good friends.

The adjustment to his new school went a bit tougher than what he expected. Coming from a huge city full of furs like San Francisco to a more remote region like the Hampden County, he was, with two horse twins, the only furs in all our high school. Because most of people are generally frightened by novelty, most of the students were very reluctant to talk with him; some of them even bullying and insulting. But Kyle and I were there to help and protect him.

As time went by, the other students slowly stopped to intimidate him as he was constantly defended by two of the most popular guys in the school. Then, Blake started to follow us everywhere. He began the gym and get in the school baseball team. Even if he was very slim and an inch shorter than me (I'm 6'3), he was naturally fucking strong and had one hell of a gun in his arm (we gently began to call him the Scallion Rifle), so the baseball coach gave him the center field.

He never played baseball before, except hitting some balls here and there, so as the team's left fielder, I showed him the defensive side of the game while Kyle, as one of the starting pitcher, showed him the offensive and how to read the different pitches. He was learning very fast and was already improving greatly. Soon, he became an everyday starter and was becoming a bit popular. More and more girls were interested but he was always repelling them with the back of his paw.

"I don't want to have a girlfriend who drained all my energy, I just want to hang out with my two best friends!" He retorted beaming at me when I asked him why he was so distant with the girls.

Then one day, it happened. I was driving him back of school, it was a sunny Friday and the atmosphere was very silent; it was pretty unusual, because we were talking and joking around all the time.

Blake breathed deeply. "Vin, can I ask you something?" He broke the silence making me jumped out of my numbness.

"Yeah Rifle (I was just calling him Rifle, cause I didn't like the shallot thing anymore), what's on your mind?" I asked not leaving my eyes off the road.

He cleared his throat and twitched in his seat, trying to find a more comfortable position. "D'you think I'm cute?"

"What?!?" I asked and looked at him with a quizzed look before returning it on the road.

"Uuuh, I mean... Do you... I wanna know..." He was tripping in his word and opened the window to get some cold air.

"Woooh, calm down bud! What's the problem?" I looked at the sweaty shep with a concern frown. I placed my hand on his left shoulder and he relaxed a bit. "Go ahead Blake, I'm all ears." I continued, still rubbing his tensed shoulder.

He caught his breath and looked at my hand on his shoulder and smirk lightly. "I wanna know how woud'you describe me? I mean overall..." He said practically whispering the last three words and looked at me with an unsure face.

"Why d'you asking me-"

"Because I wanna know if I can satisfy the guy I love." He said rushing his words.

"What!? You're...? Who...? I know him?" I burst the questions to a now amused dog.

"I thought you had already figured it out!" He said with a toothy grin. "And you might know him." His smile widened.

I turned my gaze away from his to hide my reddening cheeks. 'Fuck! How did he know I'm-' I cut myself and tried to regain my composure. 'Maybe if I play his game... Maybe it's not me!' I tried to reassure myself and turned back to meet two amazing amber eyes locked on me. I locked my emerald green ones in his as we were stopped on a red light. "Alright, I'll give the back of my thoughts concerning you ..." I said smiling warmly and returning my attention on the road as the light turned green.

"Humm, what can I say about Blake Kaefer...? Damm, it's harder than what I thought." I said in a fake thoughtfully tone while scratching my chin. I glanced at him and saw that his ears were perked up and was intensely looking at me, waiting for my answer. I just exploded into laughs while looking at him.

"Aww! Come on, stop teasing me!!" He whined and hit the car's floor with his foot, losing his patience.

"Alright, alright." I said with a chuckle. Then, I paused and cleared my throat. "First of all you're a German shepherd..." I started and looked at Blake with amusement as he just rolled his eyes. "...who's good looking. Your fur colors are simply perfect. Your black, caramel and white spots just matched wonderfully together. You are strong, even if you're slim and you just started the gym. You're also very smart; your learning capacities are surely over the average. Psychologically speaking, you're very excited and immature. You're also impulsive, very impatient and sometimes lunatic..." I continued on a more serious tone. Blake's ears were starting to flatten and his smile was slowly fading.

"But..."His ears perked up again and some kind of hope was readable on his face. "'re also funny, courageous, honest, sensitive and you're a fucking good..." I paused thinking of the right word to use. Blake was waiting impatiently for me to continue. "...friend." I nearly spat and bit my lower lip. Blake looked disappointed with the end. "And I couldn't imagine what my life would be without you... That's what I'm thinking of you." I finished a bit coldly, but I managed to smile faintly to him.

"You really mean all those things?!" Blake asked with sparks in his eyes, his tail thumping on the seat.

"Of course. You're one of my closest friends. I like you the way you are; with your faults and mainly, with your qualities." I answered shyly smiling at him.

"Thank you Vince, if the one I love thinks the same way as you, I think I have good chances to conquer his heart." He said with a kind of lust in his voice.

"How poetic!" I retorted and we both started to laugh.

Soon, we arrived home and I parked the car in the driveway. We got off the car as we go for our usual special handshake. "See you la-" I was cut off guard as he hugged me... tightly. I tried to break from his embrace, but his strength made it impossible. In defeat, I just returned the hug. He leaned his wet muzzle on my neck and an unintentional groan escaped my mouth. He then, lifted his snout to my ear level.

"I love you Vin." He whispered.

I was now rinsing my hair, the shampoo slowly running down my back and ending in the drain. "How d'you get in?" I asked a bit angry without returning myself.

"I have my own tricks." Blake answered proudly.

"Well get the fuck outta here, I don't need a goddamn horny dog spying me during my shower." I riposted now a bit pissed.

"If I don't wanna go, what are you going to do?" He asked arrogantly, but with a little tint of amusement.

I bowed my head, trying to stay calm and breathed deeply. Then, I opened the tub's door with the water still flowing and looked to the shep in front of me. "You want it?" I said as I grab my dick and started to spin it around like a helicopter propeller. His eyes widened and locked on my twirling member. As he made a step closer, I violently closed the door back and continued my shower. "If you wanna taste it again, you gonna have to deserve it." I said as a slight satisfied grin hooked on my face. It grew wider when I heard the shepherd whined loudly.

"Ohh, COME ON VINCE, give me another chance to catch things up with you, I promise I'll be a good dog! PLEEEAASE!" He howled and started to whimper.

I sighed in defeat and rolled my eyes. A part of me was telling to let him suffer and that he can go fuck himself, but another one was telling me to let Blake a chance to forgive him for what he did. Obviously, the second part won (again) over the first one as I opened the door again to see a pitiful dog, on his knees, looking at the floor. It hurts me really bad to see him like that, but on the other hand, he got what he deserved.

"Ake..." I spoke softly, his ears twitching in my direction. "Please stand up; I don't like it when you're sad." He managed to stand, but he wasn't able to look at me. I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower only to stop in front of him, carefully watching my steps and avoid slipping on the now wet floor.

"You probably hate me now..." His shoulders dropped, his ears flat against his head and his tail between his legs.

"What the fuck did you just said?" I asked maybe a little too loudly as his shoulders jumped a little and he frowned a bit more.

"I-I said that-"He mumbled.

"I never, NEVER want you to say that again! Understood?" I interrupted and placed my hands on both his shoulders. His ears perked up and looked at me, his ears re-flattening instantly as he saw my hurt expression. "UNDERSTOOD??" I yelled with a tremolo, a tear was rolling down my left cheek.

"Vin-" Was everything he was able to say before I jumped on him in a bone-crushing hug. He returned it almost immediately and we stayed like this for long minutes, sobbing on each other shoulder.

"I've already lost two people close to me..., I don't wanna lose another one!" I managed to say between two sniffles and tightened the hug. "For now, we're maybe not a couple anymore, but we're still best friends and-"

"For now?" He cut me with a questioned mixed with surprised tone. He broke the hug and we glared in each other's eyes for a couple of seconds.

"Yes... For now," I closed my eyes and smiled foolishly. "it's been six months since we've broken and I got time to think about it. We both know that we miss each other and I'm ready to give you a second chance. Not if you weren't giving me signs too." I stated and giggled as I looked down to his hardening crotch.

"Sorry." He glanced at me with a nearly disturbing wishing look and a large smile.

"By the way, why did you come in the bathroom?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"To spy you in your shower." He blushed, and I rolled my eyes as I guessed right.

"I guess you enjoyed the show then?" He nodded shyly. "Now get the fuck outta of the bathroom, I need to prepare for the school, you know, the one you don't go!" I added sarcastically with a wide smile. "And for god sake, stop walking around the apartment naked; put some clothes, or at least, briefs. Kyle is also living with us, remember?" I shook my head, discouraged.

"Sir, yes sir!" He retorted energetically.

"Good, now get out." I gently pushed him towards the door, before hardly slapping him on his muscular butt cheek, causing him to yip. "And stop spying on me or I'll need to punish you." I said with a warning tone and a wicked grin.

"Noo, not the punishment, please!" He begged in a playful tone. "I'll be such a GOOD boy, I promise." He winked and disappeared behind the door.

I stayed standing still for a moment realizing that I hugged Blake completely nude, which, somehow, made me chortle. Beaming to myself, I turned to grab a towel and started to completely dry my body and hair. While doing it, a song popped from itself and I just started to hum it.

Baby, I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time, And maybe I'm afraid of the way I love you

Maybe I'm amazed at the way you pulled me out of time, You hung me on the line, Maybe I'm amazed at the way I really need you

Baby I'm a man, Maybe I'm lonely man who's in the middle of something, That he doesn't really understand

Maybe I'm a man, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na Baby, won't you help me understand?

Oh baby, I'm amazed, Oh baby, I'm amazed, Yeah baby I'm amazed, Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, babe, I'm amazed I'm amazed with you

_ _

"Mr. McCartney, breakfast is ready." I heard Kyle chuckle on the other side of the door.

"I'm coming. And fuck you Kyle!" He laughed louder and went away as his laughs slowly faded in the distance. I finished dressing and finally, combed my relatively long curly brown hair (I always hated to have curly hair) and put my white and violet cap.

I left the bathroom and walked in the kitchen where Kyle and Blake had already began to dig in their plate. I was glad to see that the shep had put some underwear. I sat to his right and silently began to eat as well. Soon, I felt something rubbing my left leg. I looked down to see Blake's right foot gently stroking my calf. His soft fur felt so good on my skin and I have to admit, I missed it. I looked up and smiled to him and he returned it, without stopping his motion.

"You guys seem to have reconciled, it's a good thing. I was getting tire to always act like a referee trying to separate two fighters from a brawl..." Kyle stated between two bites.

"Yeah. It's a good thing like you say." Blake agreed and belched loudly as he had already finished his meal.

"Goddammit Blake, eat slower!" Kyle said.

"Sorry mom." Blake stuck his tongue and Kyle retorted by giving him the middle finger. I couldn't stop myself from laughing as the two were arguing about good manners. I looked to my cellphone and realized what time it was.

"Shit Kyle, our Psychomotor Skills Teaching course is starting in fifteen minutes, we have to go! Blake, you can eat the rest of my breakfast if you want and I'll see you tonight." I finished, already rushing to the door, closely followed by Kyle and leaving Blake alone.

It was nearly 7 pm when we left our last class. "Damn! Those Thursdays just suck all my energy, I'm exhausted..." I dropped, dragging my feet lazily, my head down and my hands clamped on my backpack braces.

"Come on Vince, see the bright side of the thing, tomorrow is a day off, so we have a three day weekend... Will I have to remind it for you each and every week?" He asked, a bit bored.

"You're right..." I admitted.

We then silently walked in the direction of our apartment. The sun had already set a long time ago and had been replaced by millions of stars and an unbelievably bright moon. The sky was clear and the wind low.

"So, what are we gonna do?" I asked, taking a deep breath of the fresh and invigorating October air.

"I'm going to my parents for the weekend... remember?" He said with a tint of impatience. "I told you like ten times this week that I won't be there... Seriously, sometimes I think that I'm talking to-"

"Alright, alright, I got the point." I cut him straight, not wanting to start a debate. We walked the rest of the way in an awkward silence, looking away from each other.

"Well, I'll leave you here, all my stuff's already in my car... So see you Sunday night." I nodded with a grunt and we went in our own way.

I entered the lobby and slowly started to climb the stairs to our 4th floor apartment. As I was getting close to the door, I started to look in my pockets for the keys. Realizing that they weren't in my front pockets, I nervously and rapidly searched in every other pocket my keys could've been. 'Fuck, Kyle must've left with them. I hope Blake's there.' I said to myself as I start to knock on the door.

"Open the door, fucking douchebag." I shouted, 'politely'. I continued to knock, but there was no answer. Without losing any more time, I turned to go back in the stairs and took my cellphone to call Kyle to wait for me.

"Hey, who you're calling a douchebag?" I stopped straight and turn to see Blake standing in the porch. Then, I realized how he was dressed. There was only one piece of cloth on him (at least), and it was somehow really weird. He was wearing a tiny bright red apron that only covered his privates. That only piece of cloth suited him really well as it highlighted perfectly his bulky white chest and abs.

He had become a lot stronger since he's doing absolutely nothing except going at the gym. All, and I clearly say ALL his muscles were so broad and well defined that you could probably had thought that his body got carved by the hands of ancient Greek sculptors. And recently, he also got taller; a late growth spurt I guess. He was now two inches or so taller than me. Standing now at 6'5 and some 230 pounds of pure muscle, he was very far away from the little puppy I met two years ago...

I personally have nothing to complain about on my body though. I'm surely not a 'gym-o-maniac' like Blake, but I do enjoy going at on weekends and some week days. Naturally, Blake wasn't going to miss a chance to go at the gym, so he was always coming along with me, even if he already went earlier in the day. Each time, he was so proud to show me his muscles, posing in front of me in the locker room after the work out. "I saw you Ake, now get the fuck away." I was always saying, rolling my eyes and pushing him away as he was dancing a little bit too close of my face.

"Will you get in or what?" The shep asked crossing his arms.

"The hell you're doing with an apron?" I blinked, still staring at the small cooking cloth.

"You'll see it in a few seconds. Only if you decide to come in!" He said, waiting for me to approach. I slipped my cellphone in my pocket and climbed the few steps I had the time to run down. "Follow me please!" He gently asked, posing his paw on my right shoulder and giving me a quick glance before turning and starting to walk in the opposite direction.

I followed him, not closely though, as we entered our apartment. The amazing scent of cinnamon instantly hit my nostrils as I past the doorframe. I closed my eyes and took a big sniff, feeling already good; a brand new energy entering my body. I opened my eyes and immediately noticed that Blake's tail was fully lifted in the air and was slightly swinging his ass while contracting his butt muscles. A shiver ran down my spine as I looked to the sexy ass in front of me. 'Stay cool, stay cool Vince.' I shook my head rapidly to clear my mind and started to look up to the rest of that handsome mutt.

Even without the muscles, Blake is still a magnificent creature. His entire silky fur is simply a perfect symbiosis of colors. What firstly pops to my eyes is his black fur starting in the bottom of his neck. Following his scapula's lines and mixed with his warm caramel fur, the black rapidly brightens to become perfectly immaculate and stays like this up to the tip of his tail. His hips, legs, arms, shoulders, his head (and yes his crotch) are all coated in a great warm fudge tone. His torso and between his thighs and his butt cheeks are painted with a pure snow-like white fur. And finally, the tips of his ears are black along with his whole muzzle and eyebrows.

I finally met these astonishing amber eyes I felt in love with for the first time a year and a half ago. Blake was looking at me with the corner of his eyes, his head slightly turned to the left and a genuine smile to his lips. A small growl escaped his throat as he probably sensed my excitement. He then, continued to walk stirring his tail from left to right in a slow pace.

We stopped in the kitchen, my mouth opened wide as I looked to our transformed kitchen. All the white bulbs had been replaced by dark red ones which gave the place a nice felted ambiance; a nice cream blanket was covering the table and on top, was a rustic candlestick. Two steaming plates, facing each other were waiting for us; at least I supposed they were for us...

"Please take a seat." Blake gently asked me, confirming my supposition in the same time. I sat on the nearest chair and looked at the meal in front of my eyes. To my surprise, it actually looked pretty good. The last couple of times Blake tried to cook something on his own, well I spared the details, but it didn't ended good...

This time, it even looked delicious. I was wandering if he just bought it already cooked or he got the help of somebody. On a bed of linguine was a boneless chicken breast topped with tomatoes and green pepper sauce. I bend down and smelled the great looking meal. There was a little something I wasn't able to recognize.

"I've added basil in the sauce to spice it a little bit." Blake chuckled as he sat in front of me, a bottle of red wine in his hand already serving both of us. He looked amused with my questioned frown.

"So, you're telling me that you cooked all this by yourself?" I asked with a sceptical tone. "Let me doubt it." I added grinning.

"I swear I cooked it on my own." He said defensively and pointed me all the used pans and casseroles who were piled in the sink. "I'll make a deal with you; taste it and if it's horrible, then I'll dress from head to toes in the apartment."

"And if it's good?" I asked flatly and scratched the top of my head, already guessing his answer.

"Then, I'll be permitted to walk around nude." He answered beaming.

"I knew it... FFFINE! Deal accepted..." I grabbed my fork and my knife and cut a little piece of chicken which I wrapped with some pastas and sauce. Closing my mouth on the meal, I took my time to chew and taste it. Then I gulped down; Blake intensely watching me the entire time and waited for my verdict. "It's awful..." I lied as I tried to keep a stoic face. Blake's smile just widened even more. "Fuck you." I spit with a shy smile. "Oh and by the way, how d'you get the wine?" I asked already cutting another piece of poultry, not able to hold myself anymore to taste the wonderful plate again.

"My father gave me three the last time I went home." He explained matter-of-factly as he swallowed the entire glass of wine he just served himself seconds ago.

"Easy there, big boy!" I warned him as he was already refilling his cup. "Wine is a lot stronger than beer, take it easy please."

"I already know that, thanks for the advice." He said, not listening to me as he was stalling his second glass. "Aaahhh! Now let's eat." He didn't waste any time and started to eat as well. Small talks were exchanged during the supper, but between each sips and bites, we were looking at each other, smiling and chuckling like two kids having a good time.

"Wow, that food was fantastic Ake!" I honestly congratulated him and finished my glass of wine. "I guess I'll wash the dishes since you cooked tonight." I winked at him and got up and started to clean the table. Then, I made my way to the sink and put the dirty dishes in it. I was about to turn the water on, but a hand stopped me.

"We can do that tomorrow." He smoothly muttered in my right ear as he embraced me from behind, his hot breath hitting my neck. "There are a lot of more interesting things to do..." He said nuzzling my neck with his cold and wet nose.

"Unnh! Like...?" I tensed and moaned at the cold touch.

"Like taking a walk to Fenway Victory Garden, watching TV or..." He said in a now low sensual tone and tightened his grip on me.

"Watching TV's fine for me. Plus, there must be hockey tonight..." I cut him and turned around to return the hug. " I'll show you a trick or two about French!" It was my turn to whisper in his left ear while squeezing his ass, causing him to yip in surprise. "Bring the wine, I'll set the channel for the game." I said, already walking in the living room .

Blake stood there for a moment, realizing what just happened and smiled to himself. "Get your ass over here if you don't wanna miss the beginning of the third period." He heard me yell. He quickly grabbed the second bottle of wine, already half-empty and our two glasses and came next to me. Sitting to my right, he filled the two cups and handed one to me.

The third period between the Canadiens and the Bruins had just begun and the score was 3-2 for Boston. As a child, I always cheered for the Habs as it was my hometown team, but moving near Boston kind of forced me to adopt the Bruins as my new favorite hockey club. And listening the game in French was probably the remaining link that kept me in touch with my former culture.

_ _

"Et nous re-voilà pour le début de la troisième période, alors que Thomas Plekanec vient de remporter..."

_ _

_"_We're not going to listen the whole period in French?" He said whining. "I don't understand a fucking word-"

"Stop crying!" I cut short. "I already told you that I'm going to help you understand what they are saying..." I rolled my eyes, gently patting his back trying to comfort him.

"Alright..." He said, smiling to me."...but before, I think I'll need this." He finished and drank the rest of his wine, before filing his cup and drank it down once again.

"Hey! Let me some!" I snatched the bottle from Blake's grip before stalling the remaining wine. I burped loudly and smiled guiltily to a dazed dog, his paw still open. He quickly glared at his empty paw and at the bottle and finally sighed.

"I guess we'll have to open the last bottle then." He said and lifted himself up, not without difficulty, and started to walk in the kitchen. He stopped as he heard me laughing behind him. "What?" He asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"You're so fucking drunk!" I said between two giggles. "You're lurching." I added with a wide smile. He only stuck his tongue and went back in the kitchen, coming back a minute later with the uncorked bottle in his paw.

"I don't want to be the only one who's drunk." He handed me the full bottle. "Drink." He ordered me with a devious smile as I started to swallow the red liquid without questions. "Now my turn." He grabbed the bottle and started to drink down the wine too. We exchanged the bottle until it was empty. We completely drank it down in three minutes...

"You and your fuck-*hip*! Fucking drinking games! *HIP*! And now the- *hip* the FUCKING hiccup!" I yelled, angry to myself. Blake was uncontrollably laughing.

"I-I guess that- I guess we are drunk now heh!" Blake chuckled, slowly closing the gap between us, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. I didn't resist as I leaned my head on his broad shoulder and started to scratch his soft spot; an inch below his left ear. Doing small circle movements on his spot, he started to moan lightly and his tail started to thump on the couch.

Then, suddenly, his arm unwrapped my waist and he started to look for something a little bit further than where I was. When I realized what it was, it was already too late; he had grabbed the remote and immediately changed the channel.

"Heeyyy! Give me THAT! A-*hip* asshole!" I shouted with a tint of tiredness in my voice as I tried to take the remote back, but Blake just put his other paw with the controller in it out of reach and blocked me with his other.

"Come and ge-" He didn't had the time to finish that I was already jumping on him, making both of us falling on the floor. I ended up getting on top of him, wriggling all around, trying to get the remote. But with the alcohol, doing precise attacks were as easy as to hold water in your hands without spilling it.

We continued to roll all over, exchanging the topping position and soon I noticed that Blake was becoming excited by our wrestling duel. Only wearing an apron wasn't helping to hide himself, but he looked like he was enjoying it. I have to admit that I was really turned on too and my body was agreeing with me. So, I decided to take the advantage of the situation.

"Give me that remote." I asked with a treacly growl. He looked surprised for a second, but then shook his head with a smirk as he continued to hide the controller. "Very well then!" An archly smile crossed my face as I kept him underneath me and pinned his shoulders to the floor. He tried to pull me off of him, but my sudden strength let all his efforts in vain. Being weaker than me seemed to arouse him even more as his dick was now halfway out of his sheath.

I looked down to his pleading member and I knew my plan was working just fine. Then, I lay on top of him, pretending to reach the remote, but then I squeezed my legs around his shaft making him groan in surprise and excitement. I continued to rub his sensitive flesh with my calves and slowly began to crawl on him to reach the remote in his paw. But, I stopped just a few inches away from it as my now hard dick was caressing his powerful chest. I gave it a couple of sensual thrusts as my legs were still clamped on his fully erected member. The down side of the thing was that I was still completely clothed, so I couldn't really feel all his muscles flexing under me.

He was now panting as his muzzle was buried in my t-shirt, his hot breath hitting my already sweating body. Lost in his lust, I easily grabbed the remote from his paw and sat back on his groin and gently squirmed my ass on his thick shep meat making him moan loudly.

"Hey horn dog!" He opened his eyes and looked to what was dangling in front of him and realized that the controller wasn't in his paw anymore.

"What?!?" He blinked, still panting, his package firmly held between my cheeks. "Was all that a set-up?" He whined; glancing at me with sad puppy eyes and with his ears flat against his head.

"Yes." I answered coldly, before taking off my shirt and throwing the remote and the shirt away. Blake had closed his eyes again, hurt. "But..." He opened his eyes again and saw my nude chest. "...I want you... right fucking now!" He didn't even had the time to react, that I was already sucking his mouth, waiting the authorization for my tongue to get in. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and fiercely returned the kiss as our tongue danced together for a good minute. Our hands were exploring each other parts passionately and we were both moaning at the caring and loving touch of the other.

We broke the kiss and looked in each other's eyes with the desire of being close again, but my crotch was hurting me really badly as my pants had become way too tight. "I think I'll show only one thing in French finally." I chuckled as I unbuttoned my pants. "Je t'aime Blake!" I said sensually.

"What does it mean?" He asked looking at my now free member, a drop of saliva escaping his snout. Placing my index under his chin, I lifted his head until his eyes met mines.

"It means: I love you!"

To be continued...