Never lose hope part 4

Story by Basher on SoFurry

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#4 of Never lose hope story

Here's part 4. Feedbacks are always welcome !!

Hope you enjoy and good read ^^

"Uuugggnnn! Holy fuck!" Even opening my eyes was a painful task to do. My lips, tongue and throat were as dry as the desert and my head was hurting so badly, I thought it was about to explode.

I just lay in my bed, spooning Blake, thinking that the head ache will go away after a couple of minutes, then I realized that a hangover don't disappear by snapping your fingers. I finally tried to get up, but Blake's body was too heavy (or I was too weak) to push him away.

"Blake... Blake wake up!" I asked with a sleepy and hoarse voice. I only got a grunt as an answer from the shepherd. Then I felt my growing morning wood pressing against his back. "Come on, wake up lazy ass." My voice was now a little bit more vigorous, but Blake was still deeply dozing and closed the gap between his rump and my hardening member, squeezing his ass tightly around it. 'If it's the only way...' I sighed and slowly began to thrust against his back.

"Fuck me...! Fuck me...!" He said in a distant and low moan.

"For God sake Blake, wake up!" I shook him a bit aggressively, losing patience.

"I said fuck me!" He retorted with a begging tone as he slightly turned his head, his right pleading eye encountering my bored ones.

"So, you were awake the whole time?" I asked harshly. He nodded with a little head bowing movement and a smirk. Rolling my eyes, I tried to push him away, but he was not even moving an inch.

"Do as I want and I might be willing to move afterwards." He added with a naughty grin.

"You're giving me a BJ, or nothing's gonna happen." I said firmly. Blake turned completely and a look of surprise and amusement was easily readable on his face.

"You're the one who's giving orders now?" He giggled as he wrapped his arms around me. Now, I was really imprisoned...

"Anyway, you like my dick too much to refuse such a proposal." A smile finally crossing my face as I gently kissed his cold snout.

"You know me too well!" He said as he returned the favor by giving me a quick lick on the tip of my nose.

With that, Blake didn't wait any longer and quietly started to lower his head down my body. A sudden moan escaped my mouth as he began to suckle my left nipple. My toes and my feet were already squirming and kicking at the sweet sensation. He then continued to go down my chest, dragging his cold and wet nose on my ticklish abs, successfully able to snatch a muffled laugh from me. Finally, he reached the object of his desires and gave it a quick lap. I held myself and tried not to thrust in his eager maw, the delightful sensations already carrying me away. But suddenly, he got back on my nipple; sucking it wildly.

"Stop the teasing!!!" I groaned loudly, pushing his head back to where it was really counting. He giggled at the reaction, but went straight back to his main duty. I decided to remove the covers from over us; not that I don't like blind BJ, but knowing that there was a fucking hot stud between my legs was something I wouldn't miss for whatever reason.

Blake was already playing with the head of my dick when I took off the sheets. With a popping sound, he looked at me with a questioned look, his ears perked up. "What?" He asked while licking his lips already full of my 'flavour'.

"Do you think I was about to close my eyes on such a cute creature who is 'willingly' giving me a blow?" I winked and he blushed.

"I may be able to give you a better view..." He said with his trademarked naughty smile. He then began to walk on all four closer to me and stop as our faces were inches away from the other. He gave me a quick sexy glare before doing a complete 180 degrees, his tail softly hitting my face on the way.

As I opened my eyes, they grew wide to what was in front of my nose. His two big hanging balls were dancing as he was leisurely swaying his muscled ass; his already fully erect canine bone resting on my pecs, his tail was fully lifted in the air, giving me a clear view to his pink pucker. "Better like this huh?" He chuckled. "Well, enjoy the view while IIiiiiAAAHHH-" I cut him straight as I grabbed his hips and dove into his loving hole, licking it wildly. I heard him pant from the excitement, but rapidly went back on his breakfast.

The next few minutes were like a concert of moans and sucking, echoing through the walls and probably the rest of the block as I was now tongue fucking him and stroking his fully hard member, giving few teasing squeezes to his bulged knot. He had taken my whole dick in his muzzle, suckling it like a piece of candy and was also teasing me by lapping my balls once in a while. We quickly reached our climax and our body tensed as the inevitable ending was coming.

Blake pressed on my thighs as I started to thrust in his maw releasing my load into it, swallowing every drop of my hot salty cum. He also had started to thrust on my chest as I was now massaging his knot and soon began to blow his spooge everywhere; on his chest, on mine and even under his chin. We stayed there for a minute trying to catch our breath.

Then Blake turned around and started to clean his own mess, licking all his cum spread on my torso. He stopped to look up at me and saw my satisfied smile as we went for a tender kiss. "You have a little something... Lemme fix it." I said as I got under his chin and suck his thick and sweet shep seeds. A low murr was resonating in his chest all the time I was suckling it. "Well, a shower won't hurt." I giggled as I looked to his dirty sticky fur. "But before, I really need some aspirins!"

Blake slowly got up and stretched all his muscles and waited for me to move also. My only way for getting away now free, I took all my time to collect my thoughts and then, I stood up next to Blake. "Damn, what did we do last night?" I asked rubbing my temples, the head ache oppressing me.

"Well, after our little dry sex session..." He giggled at that. " insisted to continue drinking. So you went in Kyle's room and stole his rum bottle. We drank half of it together and after this I don't remember either." He continued, smiling widely. "But from what I can smell, we had a real fun night!" He finished and gave another kiss on my lips.

"I see." I blushed as we started to walk out of my room. Grabbing each other's asses, we reached the bathroom and parted for a short time as Blake turned on the water and got in. I walked in front of the little wardrobe where all our towels, blankets and drugs were and get the aspirin bottle. After taking down three of them, I put back the flacon in the closet and joined Blake in the shower.

"Shit, we have to clean the apartment before Kyle returns." I looked to my cell and realized what time it was. "He'll be here in an hour!" I jumped from the couch, a bit panicked.

"We'll never have the time to clean everything!" Blake also jumped.

"I'm taking the dishes and focus on cleaning all the places Kyle could go." I ordered Blake as we were running all around. I stopped in front of the sink and sighed to the mountain of dirty plates, utensils and casseroles that were freely piled everywhere. As fast as a machine could go, I finished it in about 30 minutes; I was trying to catch my breath, the sweat pearling on my red face.

"Come on Vince! Come and help me. I'm almost done with the living room." I heard Blake calling from the other room. "I cleaned all the bathroom and there's only a few things to clean here." He finished as I joined him in the living. Ten minutes later, everything was perfectly clean. Exhausted, we dropped ourselves on the couch and watched TV. A little two minutes later, we heard the clicking sound of the door lock.

"Hey guys I'm ba-" Kyle stopped immediately; we turned around to look at him with quizzed looks. "Holy fuck, what happened here?" He asked as he clogged his nose and winced.

"The hell you're talking about?" I asked trying to hide the fact that we completely forgot to open the windows to let some fresh air in.

"Don't take me for an idiot Vince... You guys had sex all around the apartment or what?" He asked, still disgusted with the heavy musky odors. He then practically ran to the nearest window and opened it completely, sending chills to my bone as the cool wind hit my half-naked body. Blake had foreseen the whole thing and wrapped his arms around me, giving me his warmth and protecting me from the cold air.

"Close that fucking window!" Blake snarled while tightening his grip on me.

"Sorry. Sorry!" He said with a mock tone and went back to the window, half-closing it. "I didn't know you had a guard dog." He added with a lazy smile. I heard a nearly inaudible growl coming from Blake as he was beginning to be pissed. Nudging on his bulky arm, he drew his attention back to me, his ears flattening instantly as he saw my disapproval glance.

"And well trained! Vince, I'm impressed." He sniggered.

"Bad weekend with mom and dad?" I asked, becoming bored as well.

"Not at all! I was just slowly bringing the point that I'll be obligate to endure your love 'actions' every night." He finished, scratching the back of his head and smiling foolishly.

"It'll pay back for all the girls you banged the last three months." Blake dryly retorted, but giggled as he realized what he had just said.

"I guess so." The three of us bursting into laugh.

"Plus, we bought you something yesterday." I added and winked at Blake who just smiled widely and snuggled even closer to me.

"Why do I have the feeling that this 'gift' is going to be so weird." Kyle sighed and gave us a puzzled look.

"Your gift is on the table." I finished and we looked Kyle walking slowly in the kitchen.

"You gotta be KIDDING ME!" Kyle shouted as he returned with a little bag in his hand.

"We thought that it would be very useful since Vince and I are back together." Blake chortled.

"EARPLUGS?!? Really!? How great..." Kyle said dropping his shoulders and shaking his head as he looked at the two of us guffawing.

A couple of weeks calmly went by; Blake and I renewed love was growing even more stronger than the first time we fell for each other. We were always together, except when I was at school, but as soon as I was back, he wouldn't let me go anywhere without him. Everything was perfect!

Kyle and I came back from the University one day, but Blake wasn't at the apartment. If Kyle didn't mind, I was, on the other hand, a bit more worried. He wasn't answering my texts also. So, I anxiously started to cook the supper, waiting for him to show some signs of life. Soon, the meal was ready and we began to eat in silence.

"I'm back!" I heard Blake yell from the door. "Hey Hun, how was yo-" He stopped as I jumped on him, hugging him tightly.

"Why didn't you answer my calls? I was worried you know!" I said, locking my eyes with his.

"Sorry Vince." He gave me a sorry look and hugged me tighter. "I turned off my phone, because I went to the library today."

I pulled away from the hug. "You? Library? You must be sick!" I said, touching his forehead to see if it wasn't hotter than usual.

"Fuck you!" He barked and gently hit my shoulder. "Since we don't have any computers here, I went there to do some researches." He continued and stuck his tongue as I was still mockingly smiling at him.

"For what?" I asked, intrigued.

"To see if there was a hotter guy than you on the internet. That's why it took so much time... I didn't find anyone at all." He stated and got closer to me, his lips meeting mines.

"I see..."I said after we broke the kiss. "Speaking of heat, we better get back and eat before it gets cold." I suggested and slapped his ass to force him to advance. We walked into the kitchen and sat side by side and began to eat.

"I know what I want to do." Blake announced after a little moment of silence. Kyle and I lifted our head and looked at him.

"What?" We said in unison.

"I mean as a career." He corrected himself. He looked at us and saw that we were waiting for him to continue. "I want to enlist in the army. That's why I was away today; I looked on the internet to find some information about it..."

"Are you serious?!" Kyle asked and Blake nodded. "Well..." He sighed and paused. "'s your life. If you want to do that and you think you'll like it, then don't hesitate." He finished in a disapproval tone.

"And for me?" I asked sadly. "What are we gonna do if we're separate like this?" I looked down.

"That's why I thought you would like to join in with me." He lifted my head and smiled warmly. I returned it weakly. "What do you think?" He asked not losing his smile.

"I-I don't know... My mother will never let me go there, not after what happened to my dad." I frowned.

"It's your life, not your mother's one!" He growled, which surprised me a bit. "And did you never ask yourself what REALLY happened to your dad?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, destabilized.

"I mean, have you seen his corpse yet?" He asked matter-of-factly. It hit me like a thunder struck.

"Shut the fuck up asshole!!" Kyle interjected. "Who you think you are to say such rude things to someone who lost his father. I don't give a shit that he's your lover; he's also my best friend and you-" He cut straight when he saw my raised hand, asking him to stop. The two of them looked at me, as my head was down, thinking.

"...sorry Vince, I-" Blake mumbled with a low whine, but stopped instantly when I looked up to him with an angry glare. His ears were folded back on his head and had a frighten face. He never liked it when I was mad, I was scaring him.

"You know..." I paused, taking a deep breath. "...I think you're right." They looked very surprised. "There are NICER ways to say it..." I looked at the shep, still pissed, but I managed to relax. I never liked it also when Blake was looking at me, frighten. "...but, you got a point. It's true that I never saw his body and I've always told me that until I see his corpse with my own eyes, I would believe that he's still alive."

"You aren't actually thinking of doing it??" Kyle asked, his mouth agape. "And what about the University, your mother?" He was really overwhelmed.

"Like you said Kyle, it's my life. I can do whatever I want." I said coldly. He tried to add something else, but the words weren't able to get out. "But I haven't decided yet." I turned to Blake. "When will the representatives come near Boston?"

"Tomorrow morning." He said, smiling sheepishly.

"Not so much time to think about it, huh!" I sighed.

"So, have you made your decision?" Blake asked me while taking off his clothes and joining me in the bed.

"I'll follow you." I answered as I tried to sound convince.

"You're serious?!?" He jumped on top of me and looked at me intensely. I couldn't avoid smiling with the way he was glancing at me; he was so adorably cute. I nodded with a giggle. "YAAAY!" He took me in a very tight embrace, licking all my face with his big and rough tongue. I stopped him and guided his muzzle where it should be really licking: mine.

Our tongues were dancing together as we exchanged a very passionate kiss. We settled down after a five minutes tongue wrestling; I was now patting the top of Blake's head as he had lay it on my chest. "Have you thought about the branch you would like to join?" I asked.

"I always dreamed to be in the Airborne. You?"

"My father was regularly talking positively about the Airborne Forces, so I guess it would be a logical choice." I said kissing down his forehead. "Where do we have to go?"

"Right across the street." He joked. "We have to go at the FR Center and we have to bring sport clothes." He finished.

"So, if you tell me that we'll have to pass some physical tests, how about a little work up session?" I asked, scratching under his chin.

He looked up to me, licking his lips. "Anytime!"

"Good morning gentlemen and welcome to the US Military pre-selection tests." The tiger with the booming voice said. "I'm Seth and here's my partner Nate and we'll be supervising the whole process we have for you today. Before we continue, on your left is a pile of sheets. So please, take one and fill all the requested information. When you're done, come to us and we'll take them."

We all silently made our way to the designated spot. While I was waiting in the line to get my sheet, I looked around to see all the people gathered in this huge gymnasium. We were around twenty candidates, all looking between 18 and 21 years old. I was surprised that there were more furs than humans in the place. There were three wolves, a black and two grey ones; there was also a white horse, a husky, a Doberman, a tiger, two bears, a bull and of course Blake. The size of everyone was really mixed up. From tall to small and fat to muscled, we were forming a really heterogeneous group.

Then, I took the sheet and started to answer the different questions. They were all usual ones: name, date of birth, place of birth, actual address, specie, phone number(s), physical or psychological problems, email, height and weight, the branch you're interested to go in, but the last one took me a bit off guard:

If you're a human, which specie would you prefer to be paired with?

_ _

After filling all the blanks, I returned and gave the sheet to Seth. "Hi..." He checked my sheet. "...Vincent." He seemed to double check and then showed the sheet to Nate, pointing him one of my answers. "Are you, haphazardly, Mark Filiatrault's son?" He asked, both of them looking at me.

The direct question stunned me for a moment. "Ehh, yeah! Why?" I finally mumbled.

"The son following dad's footsteps, huh?" Nate joked, but got nudge from Seth who gave him a 'shut the fuck up' face. Nate was about to add something, but I spoke up first.

"I guess so... I'll try not to die though." I said coldly. They both looked surprised and sorry with my reply.

"Sorry Vincent, Nate wasn't meaning exactly what he said. He was trying to say that you want to follow the brilliant career he had." Seth stated.

"I'll try." I managed to smile to them.

"You really look like him you know." Seth added chuckling. "We were working with him and Xander back then, so that's why we know him so much." He smiled.

"And don't be surprised if you get bombarded with that question. Of course, if you are selected, but it shouldn't be a problem." Nate added winking. I nodded and shook their hands before returning to the place I was at the beginning.

"What did you wrote on the last question?" Blake asked me as I returned beside him.

"What do you think?" I retorted with a cocky smile. He giggled and smiled warmly. We focused back on Seth as he was clearing his throat.

"Now that the shitty paperworks are done, we can begin the interesting part!" He said, smiling genuinely.

The next two hours flew by as we made different physical tests. Push-ups, sit-ups, flexibility, balance, endurance, hand-eye coordination, reflexes and we even did the 100 meters dash (outside, of course). When we got back inside, we were all exhausted.

"That concludes our tests section." Seth shouted, drawing the attention of everyone. "Your training will look just like the one you've done today. Your results have been noted and depending on how you perform, we will announce where you have been assigned." He finished and looked at his pad.

"So when your name is called out, please step in front of the group and we'll announce in which division you are." Nate completed.

"Tex Smith, Jake Parker and Carson Vaughn, please come in front." I looked to see the black wolf and two humans advancing. "You'll be in the 1st Armored Division based in Fort Bliss, Texas. Good luck!" Seth announced and shook hands with the three of them.

"Next, Drew Stevenson, Cole Biggs, Matthew and Frank Callahan." Nate shout as a human, the tiger and the two bears stepped in front. "You'll be in the 1st Infantry Division based in Fort Riley, Kansas." They did the same until Blake, me, another human and a grey wolf remained in the line.

"Finally, Brody Clarkson, Noah Wilson, Blake Kaefer and Vince Filiatrault, please come in front." Blake and I exchanged an excited glare, before joining the two others. "You'll be in the 82nd Airborne Division based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Good luck." We shook hands and went back with all the others.

"Well, congratulations to each and every one of you, you gave all your 110% and that's what they'll be expecting from you, the new recruits. You shouldn't wait too long before your base's General get in touch with you; probably by the end of the day. So recruits, you're free to go!" Seth finished with the same genuine smile on his face.

"Hey guys!" The grey wolf came next to Blake and I. "You must be Blake... and you Vince?" He guessed right as we exchanged handshakes.

"And you must be Noah?" Blake asked. The wolf nodded happily.

"You guys already know each other, from what I can see." Noah stated with a cocked eyebrow.

"Yeah! We're together, if you know what I mean." I said, squeezing my shep's ass, making Blake giggling. "Is it bothering you?"

"No! Not at all!" Noah smiled. "I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one interested by the Airborne." He added, but paused. "Weren't we supposed to be 4?" He asked, looking around trying to find the missing person.

"He's over there." Blake pointed to where the human was. He was talking with Seth, and the way he was gesturing, he didn't look so happy. We continued to watch him a bit, but soon he stopped to talk with the tiger and came in our direction.

"What's the problem pal?" Noah asked, concerned.

"Please we're not pal alright!" He started, surprising us with his direct comment. "Plus, it sucks, I didn't want at all to be in the Airborne shit..." He pursued with a disdain look on his face. "And on top of that, I'm stuck with three stupid giants." He looked up at us. He was around 5'6. With the way we were looking at him, he understood pretty quickly that it would be in his interests to change his attitude. "See ya at the base!" He nearly ran out of the gym.

"What an asshole!" Blake snarled, as we were looking at him leaving the place.

"And he's gonna be in our squad..." I sighed.

"We're not giants, huh?" Noah asked, visibly hurt.

"We're totally not!" I laughed and placed my hand on the 6'3 wolf's shoulder in front of me. His ears perked up and he smiled at me, his tail slowly wagging. I smiled back to him and gave him a sympathy glare.

"I'm fucking starving!" Blake suddenly shouted while holding his belly. "Dare for a Subway?" He asked to me and to our new friend. We nodded and slowly made our way towards the exit, waving Seth and Nate on the go.

Blake had already engulfed his first foot long subway and was about to start to eat his other when Noah's cellphone began to ring. "Hello?" The wolf answered. "Umm yeah?!!" He pointed his cell to us, indicating that it was our base's General.

"Already?!" Blake grumbled with a mouth full of food.

"SShhhh!" I cut him, returning my attention to Noah.

", Brody is not with us...okay... That soon?!? Eh, alright...Ok, one moment." He gave me his cell. "He wants to talk to you."

"Yes?" I said as soon as I took the cellphone.

"Good evening Mr. Filiatrault, how's it going?"

"I'm fine thank you."

"Good! So let me introduce myself, I'm General Grant Matters, I was your father's General eight years ago, before he tragically disappeared. I got transferred two years ago here in North Carolina. I'm really excited to have the chance to work with you!"

"Well thank you General!" I said, kind of surprised that everyone seemed to know my father.

"When would you be available to join us here at the base?"

"As soon as possible General!" I answered energetically.

"I already like your attitude son." He chuckled. "There's a plane who will be waiting you and your 3 new partners at 4 p.m., at Logan Airport." He continued. "Would it be too soon?"

"Not at all. I'll inform Blake and we will see each other tonight?" I asked.

"Of course Vince. See you in a couple of hours." And I hung up.

Everything was happening so fast; only yesterday, I was still a full time University student beginning his major in Physical Education, to end up the next day, waiting for a plane, which is going to ship me in another state... Did I make the good choice? I mean, decide to completely change what your life is going to look like only within a night of reflection? It surely sounds stupid and rash, but Blake brought a point that was haunting me for the last eight years; the chance to know what really happened to dad!

There was one last thing I must do before leaving everything behind me, the thing that would soothe my troubled consciousness.

"Hello?" The voice answered. I wasn't able to speak; the words weren't able to come out. "Hello??" It repeated. "Whoever it is, it's not funny!" The voice said, with an authoritarian tone. I frowned, my fist hitting my thigh.

"Hey, mom...It's me!" I said, with a shaky voice.

"Hey Vince! Are you alright?" She noticed my anxious tone.

"More or less..."I paused, gathering my courage. "...It'll depend on your reaction."

"What?!" My mother asked, surprised.

I gulped unnaturally and took a long and deep breath. "I dropped school." I nearly murmured.

"You WHAT?!?" She yelled angrily. That was exactly the reaction I did NOT want from her. I could only imagine the following... "WHY? WHAT YOU GOING TO DO?? WHAT WERE..." She was shouting so loud, I think I received some spit through the phone! His mood was slowly getting on my nerves, the steam starting to escape from my ears.

"I'M GOING IN THE ARMY!!!" I yelled back, losing my patience and causing both Blake and Noah to jump from their seat. Then, I felt like one million eyes falling on me as we were in the middle of the airport lobby. Looking up to all the eyes drifted on me, I smiled foolishly and blushed really hard. Then I realized that my mother didn't reply the hole time I was looking to all the strangers around me. "Mom?" I asked, a bit calmer, but still strained.

After another moment of silence, I heard her bury a sob. "Why?" She mumbled, with a really hurt voice.

"Because that's what I want to do." I answered in a now soft tone.

"Alright, then take care of yourself." She said and hung up without saying goodbye.

"Mom? Mom??" I looked to my cell, completely dumbfounded.

"Everything alright Vince?" Blake asked me. Seeing my non-verbal answer, he knew instantly what was going through my head. "C'mere you!" He said as he came next to me and hugged me. With my still blank expression, I rested my forehead on his shoulder, sighing loudly.

"I'll never forgive you..." That phrase was echoing in my head. That's what my mother told Louis and I not long ago after my father's death: "Don't ever enlist in the military! Understood? Otherwise, I'll never forgive you!" She said, between two sniffing.

"Hey! Hey! It's ok big boy!" Blake said to me patting my back. "She'll get used to it, you'll see." He tried to cheer me, but I was absolutely not in mood right now. "We have to go; we just got called for our plane." He said, but I was lost in my thoughts. I didn't even remember getting aboard.

"MOM!! CALL THE AMBULANCE!!" I cried. I heard running steps coming from the hallway and as soon as she got where I was, she screamed. Not a scream you'll do when you watch a horror movie, but a deadly and bloodcurdling scream.

"LOUIS!! LOUIS!! LOUIS!!!" She yelled as she approached me, crying.

"MOM, THE AMBULANCE!!!" I shouted back and pushing her away. She got up and started to run to get the phone.

Louis had fallen from his computer's chair and was in an uneasy position. He was convulsing violently, his eyes were rolled back and a thick creamed liquid was filling his wide open mouth. I dove on him and turned him on his side, like we learned in my FAC. The liquid started to flow on the floor, but soon, it was replaced by vomit as he was continually regurgitating.

Follow the First Aid Course is one thing, but live it in real time is really something else. The sudden burst of adrenaline running in your blood, you're panicked, confused, you already had all forgotten what you've learned; you're running on instincts.

"LOUIS! LOUIS! FUCK LOUIS, WAKE UP!! I was pinching his trapezius, trying to get a wince from him as he was now unconscious. Then, suddenly all his muscles tensed as he was trying to puke again, but nothing was getting out. "SHIT!!" I put him in a sitting position and got behind him as I positioned my hand under his sternum, making upward pressures, trying to force him to spit. But instead of coughing and spit, he started to grumble and choke. "HOLD ON LOUIS!!!" I yelled, putting more pressure on his solar plexus.

His body was becoming heavier, his pulse was weak and with each time I tried to force him to vomit, he was suffocating even more. "NOO LOUIS!!! STAY WITH US! STAY WITH US!!" I was shaking him desperately, in a last attempt to wake him. Then I looked on his face, looking for a glimmer of life. I fell on his eyes... he was... looking at me! They were glassy, but he was looking at me with a deep sorry glare. "EVERYTHING'S GONNA BE OK!! THE AMBULANCE IS ON THE WAY!!" I was crying loudly. A tear started to run down Louis' right eye and with a last choke, he completely stopped moving, his eyes still fixed on me.

"NOOO!! LOUUIIIIIS!! I collapsed on top of him, submerged by all the anger, sadness and failure. Everything happened so fast, why is this happening to us? Why didn't we notice his desperation calls before...?

My mother ran into the room crying and as soon as she saw his inanimate son, she jumped next to me and took Louis in a tight embrace. She was completely in another state of mind. Rocking him tenderly, her face buried in his long brown hair, she was crooning one of the French lullaby she used to sing to us when we were toddlers.

Slowly closing his eyelids, I took his hand and held it as I was crying really hard. Seeing his lifeless face was really painful; he looked like he suffered really badly before leaving us for, I hope, a better world.

Soon, the paramedics arrived and confirmed his death. While they were in the living, trying to talk with my inconsolable mother and waiting for the police to come, I returned in his room, looking for any evidence Louis may had left behind him. My eyes instantly drifted on his desk where his computer was. There was an empty pills flacon and under it was a sheet with something written on it. I took it and started to read, my eyes watering again as I was reading Louis' last words.

After a two endless minutes, I looked to his computer who was in standby mode. Pressing the space bar to reactivate it, I looked to what the screen was showing me. It was iTunes and a song has been paused halfway through it. I looked up to see what the song was and it was indicated: Behind Blue Eyes - The Who. I started it all over and listened to the lyrics.

_ _

No one knows what it's like _To be the bad man _ _To be the sad man Behind blue eyes

No one knows what it's like To be hated To be fated To telling only lies

But my dreams They aren't as empty As my conscience seems to be

I have hours, only lonely My love is vengeance That's never free

No one knows what it's like To feel these feelings Like I do And I blame you

No one bites back as hard On their anger None of my pain and woe Can show through..._

It was too much to take; crying uncontrollably, I ran in my room and shut the door violently. I collapsed on top of my bed, head first on my pillow. Life couldn't go worse...

"Vince. Vince! Wake up." Blake smoothly whispered in my ear. As I slowly awake, a tear started to stream on my cheek, but Blake licked it as soon as he saw it. "Hey, it's a new beginning for us, there's no reason for being sad." He hugged me, trying to console me.

"You're right." I managed to smile faintly. "There's no reason to worry."

"Plus, we have arrived, so put that sad face away and just be the person I always see; a nice, charming and smiling boy." He winked and kissed on my cheek.

"How romantic!" I raised my head and looked to the person who just said that. "We're stuck with two fags huh?" Brody sniggered to Noah who was beside him, but shut himself instantly, when he saw the pissed look the wolf was giving him. "Three?" He continued, after a quick pause. This time, Blake got up from his seat as the plane was landed. He then grabbed Brody shirt and lifted him easily from the floor. As they were inches away from each other, fear was clearly readable on his face.

"Listen dwarf..." Blake barked angrily. " better change your attitude, 'cause it'll my deepest pleasure to rip you apart!" He snarled, his right paw already clenching.

"BLAKE, STOP!" I ordered and place my hand on his fist, before he had the time to punch him. His ears flattened and turned his head to me with a questioned look, with Brody still in his left paw.

"But-" He started.

"Don't stoop to his level Blake." I calmly stated. "Put him down please." I asked looking in his eyes. I was able to see that deep inside him, he was hurt. Not to what I said, but with Brody's attitude. He had dropped the little human on the floor and was gone the moment after. Taking his paw in my hand, I closed the gap between us. "We have each other, that's the most important! He don't deserve our attention, we have to show him that his little assaults are not affecting us. We have to stay strong, you understand that?" I asked with a warm smile.

"You're right. I'm so lucky to have someone like you in my life." He returned the smile and took me in a big hug.

"Ready to go guys?" Noah asked with a genuine smile. We nodded and made our way out of the plane.

Then I realized we weren't in a normal plane. In fact, we were the only passengers of the flight. The plane himself didn't look so big. We were seated in cozy leather chairs and all the inside of the plane was looking very swell and expensive. We made our way outside of the plane and go down the few stairs.

It was already dark outside, but it didn't look like a normal airport. A multitude of buildings was surrounding the entire landing runway. Our luggages were already outside waiting for us to get picked. Brody was a couple feet ahead of us with another person. We joined them to see another human with a severe face and a straight posture.

"Welcome to Fort Bragg gentlemen, my name's Craig. Follow me please." We silently started to walk behind him. We soon arrived in a little building where a black and white female husky was waiting for us. "Hey Carla, here are some new recruits." He pointed the four of us.

"Identification please." The husky asked casually. Alternately, we present ourselves to her and she looked to our files. "Please Craig, lead them to the B-House." She ended.

"Yes ma'am!" Craig energetically retorted and started to walk again. We got out of the little shack and continued for another two minutes before stopping in front of what seemed to be a building smaller than the one we've been right before. We entered and stopped in front of a secured door. Craig entered his ID and the door opened. "Here's the elevator, take it. General Matters is waiting for all of you." He pointed where the elevator was and then disappeared.

We advanced slowly, not too sure of us and finally reached the elevator. We entered and pressed the button for going down. The doors closed and we started to descend. Soon, it stopped and the door opened. It was a HUGE room, filled with computers and on the sides were many offices, but there were no life signs in all the place.

"HELLO?!" Blake shouted as we made a couple steps forward. "GENERAL MATTERS, WERE HERE!" He continued.

"HEY KIDS!!" A black Labrador shouted and got out of nowhere, ending up in front of us. We all jumped a few inches in the air, as we all got fucking scared. "How's it going? The flight wasn't too harsh? He rushed the questions with a happy tone, his tail was wagging restlessly.

"We're fine-" Noah started.

"Hey, I forgot to introduce myself." He giggled. "I'm Grant Matters. I'm this base General and I'll be the one helping you getting along with the place." He was nearly jumping all around the place.

"How old are you?" Brody asked coldly, rolling his eyes.

"I'm 47, why?" He answered, not losing his contagious behaviour.

"Nah, nothing." The little human shrugged.

"Alright." General Matters smiled. Then, he looked to all the four of us, like is he was studying us. "You must be Noah right?" He asked pointing the wolf, who gave him a nod. "And you Blake?" The shepherd just smiled. "That left the two humans in last." He chuckled. "You're Brody?" The little human gave him a bored 'yes', before the Lab turned his gaze on me. "You look like him so much, you know that?" He smiled warmly.

In that kind of situation, I wouldn't find that so funny, but the fact that he was so joyful made me chortle which kind of surprised Blake. "You're not the first person who told me that." I smiled back to him. "General Matters can-"

"Please call me Grant, we're off duty!" He interrupted me.

"Alright Grant, can we know what are we doing here?" I asked, a bit more seriously.

"It's simple; I'm here to talk to you about the FHC." He stated not losing his grin.

"The what?" Brody asked incredulously.

"The FHC, the Fur-Human Connection. Your father had probably talked to you about it Vince?" I nodded sadly, thinking back of him and Xander. "Well, let me explain all this." He turned to the three others who were already carefully listening to him. It even surprised me that Brody looked interested.

"It all started during the Viet-Nam War in the late 60's. Tactical attacks were organised against the enemy and teams were regularly formed. These teams were formed at the discretion of the soldiers. They were often ending with an equally numbers of furs and humans. They didn't know why back then, but most of those missions successfully ended when they were an equal number of humans and furs. Some of them were even pretending being able to communicate between them without talking, but with only one person in particular; a fur and a human, not two humans or two furs. They didn't believe it a single second and forgot everything.

In 1987, the atmosphere was getting very tensed between the US and Iraq. Secret missions were failing, mostly because of misunderstandings and confusion. One of the oldest General, back in time, my father Edward, remembered stories about how successful some missions went when furs and humans were equally distributed. They found the old documents and studied them carefully. They were really interested and decided to give it a try.

At the beginning, humans and furs were randomly paired, which didn't give great results. The goal of this experience was to get perfectly matched teams that are able to communicate between them very well. Some of them were nearly killing each other when the situation was getting too stressful. Others were just quitting the army, not able to take more. But a tiny number of them were getting along together very well, so we asked them why they understood each other. They were mainly answering the same thing: 'We complete one another, in all points.'

All points meaning the personality, their taste for everything, what they like, what they don't and so on. So we invented a 150 questions program where everyone has to answer. So comparing the results with others, we were able to analyse which one could be good teammates and which not. The results were already improving, but there were some pieces of the puzzle still missing. It was becoming very complicated to match a whole team together so we started to put only two persons per team.

By that time, the Golf War was occurring and they decided to test the results they got in the laboratories. Missions were more highly succeeded and there were very less losses in term of lives.

But one day, we discovered that some of the soldiers were lying to the questions only to be with their fur/human friend. It can make sense for somebody; when your friends, it means you have some points of interest in common. But from the beginning, what they were asking, is to have perfect matched partners, friend or not. So they started to use the polygraph.

In 1996, they discovered that humans and furs have a natural connection between all of them, but humans have the innate instinct to have more affinities with one of the five species which are the canines/lupines, the felines, the equines, the bovines and the ursines. That's why we included the question you had filled earlier today in the little test. That question really helped the scientists to match the right fur and the right human.

So, the story brought all of us here today. Did I tell you that this FHC is 95% accurate?" We shook our head. "Well now, you know!" He laughed. "And along with Canada, we're the only ones in the whole world who discovered that connection." He announced proudly. "But there's one major negative point with that test..." His face darkened, after he had paused. "You may not be able to find your partner right away..."

"What do you mean?" I asked as we were all suspended at his lips.

"I mean, it could take days, weeks or years before the system finds your perfect partner..." Grant said with a bored tone.

"Is that your case?" Noah asked, unsure.

"Of course not!" He laughed. "My partner is the base General in Fort Campbell. We just don't see each other often, but we talk together every day." He beamed. "Here's another thing, more time you spend in the army and higher grades you'll get. Your partner have to follow you in every upgrade, otherwise, you have to stay to the same level." He finished. "Well that's about it, do you have any questions?"

"Yeah!" Brody started. "What about the females, do they enter in this FHC?"

"Of course they do! If you're more compatible with a female than a male, then the system will pair you with one." He calmly explained. "Other questions?" He looked to the four of us. Seeing that nobody was moving he started to walk in the other direction. "Very well then, follow me gentlemen." He said without returning. We followed him, crossing a couple highly secured doors than stopped in one of the room. There was only a big table and a couple of chairs. "Well, time is for you to complete the 150 questions. There's a door at the back of the room and two guys will be waiting for you. So Vince, you're up first. Good luck and see you later." He smiled.

Slowly, I started to advance towards the back of the room. I easily found the door, which was to my right, and entered.

"Welcome Mr. Filiatrault, please have a seat." The bull greeted me. "Let's not losing any time, we have a couple of other peoples to pass. So as General Matters told you, we will link you to a polygraph and will ask you 150 short questions. After that, we'll be able to identify your future partner. Ready?" I nodded. A human came next to me and stuck me a wire in my neck and another one around my left index. "Let's get started." The bull announced.

"Ok, first question; favorite colour?" ... "Blue."

"Alright, doing any drugs?" ... "No."

"Alcohol?" ... "Yes."

"Did you have a happy childhood?" ... "No."

"Favorite music style?" ... "Rock."

"Favorite movie?" ... "I'll say... Forrest Gump. What are these ques-"

"Please Mr. Filiatrault, only answer the questions!" The human cut me. I sighed. "Please Oli, continue." The bull nodded.

"Politic affiliation?" ... "I don't care!" ... "PLEASE!!" ... "Alright... Democrat."

"Biggest fear?" ... "Huuhh... I'll say loneliness."

"Sexual orientation?" ... "WHAT?!" The bull gave me a bored look. "*Sigh* Homosexual..."


"And last question, the place you would mostly like to go on vacation?" ... "Interesting question... I'll say Montpellier, France."

"Alright thank you Mr. Filiatrault, the software will now analyse all your answers and we'll announce in which room you're going to be." The human said.

"Room?" I asked.

"Yeah, you will only share your room with your partner." Oli explained. I nodded.

"Ok. Here we are... Vincent Filiatrault... Room 6-C." The human said. "Take that door, Rory is waiting for you." He finished and pointed the door. I thanked them and my made my way to the door. On the other side was a room fully illuminated, with a ton of military uniforms and training clothes, boots, blankets and towels.

"Hey, what's up?" The little lynx asked me enthusiastically. His attitude surprised me a little bit.

"Hello!" I waved my hand in return.

"So you're Mark Filiatrault's son huh?" I nodded, already getting accustomed with the remark. "He was a cool guy, I met him only once when he came here before his departure, it's really sad what happened to him and his partner..." He paused. "But let's talk about you, what do you think of the base so far?"

"I don't know, I didn't really had the time to visit all the buildings, but it looked very interesting." I shrugged.

"Alright." He giggled. "Well I'm here to give you your starting outfits and guiding you to your dorm. Maybe your partner will be there, maybe not. If not, don't be despaired, there's still like twenty other persons I have to look for until the end of the day..." He sighed. "To see how you're built, large clothing will suit you very finely, size of your shoes?"

"11 and half." I answered as Rory was already in the back store looking for my size's clothing. He soon came back with a pile of different things.

"Since you already have your hands full of things..." He looked to my luggage. "... I'll carry your new things. There's everything you'll need to start tomorrow. Follow me." I followed him and got out of the room. We stepped outside and crossed the little street. I was surprised that there was anybody outside except the two of us. "Don't worry with that, when you're off duty, you have a lot of free time. Tonight, the temperature's not so great, that's why there's nobody outside." He finished before I had any time to reply. "Here we are." We stopped in front of a big edifice which was five floors high.

"Here, on the first floor, there is the cafeteria and the gym..." Rory started to explain. 'Blake will be happy!' I thought and chuckled. "Then the next four floors are dorms and the basement is a whole floor dedicated to entertainment. You'll able to find out by yourself." He winked. "Which room are you in?"

"I'm in the 6-C."

"Alright, so you're room is on the fourth floor, you'll be able to find your door easily. Welcome aboard Vince." The lynx shook my hand. "Oh, I was about to forget..." He handed me a key. "It'll be useful, I think" He gave me my new things on the go. "Sorry, I have to go, see you around the base!" He shouted as he past the door leaving me alone.

I clumsily grabbed all my things and started to climb the stairs. As my hands were full, I wasn't mounting very fast and I was getting frustrated.

"Hey let me help you!" A voice came from behind as I reached the first floor. I turned to see a blonde haired human coming my way.

"It won't hurt, thanks!" I said as he grabbed two of my bags.

"You're new too huh? Name's Dalton Benson and you?" He smiled to me as we continued to climb the stairs.

"I'm Vincent Filiatrault. And yes I'm new. Please to meet you!" I returned the smile. He nodded, not losing his grin.

"Well, where are we heading?" He asked as we past the second floor.

"To the fourth."

"Cool, I'm on the same floor as you!" He stated with some kind of excitement. "Which room?"

"The 6th."

"Awesome, we are room neighbours." He laughed. "I'm in the 5th." We then continued to climb, exchanging from our former lives and soon we got to the fourth floor. It really looked like a hotel corridor. We walked in straight line and stopped as Dalton dropped my bags in front of the door where a '6' was indicated. "Here we are, so if you need, I'm just in front." He said as he turned to his own door. "Otherwise, see you tomorrow and be ready for 7!" I thanked him and entered in my room.

To my surprise and deception, I was all by myself in the room. Two tiny single beds were filling the little room, there were also a 32 inches TV, a desk and two drawers. A little bathroom was completing the room. I put all my things on the bed that was nearest to me and started to settle all my things. Soon, all my stuff was properly installed. I got bored pretty quickly to be alone and decided to go to sleep.

'Huuhh... What a day... I hope Blake's gonna be my partner." I set my cellphone alarm to 6 a.m. and closed my eyes, rapidly drifting in a peaceful sleep.

************************Change of view*****************************

"Mr. Kaefer, we have your results." Oli waved him to come.

'About time! I waited two fucking hours to get the results..." He thought angrily to himself as he got up. '12 other people had the time to pass before I got these damn results!'

"Sorry for the delay Mr. Kaefer, our system-"

"I don't care for your bad excuses, just write where I'm supposed to go and leave me alone. I had a tough day and I need to rest!" He retorted, pissed, but managed to control himself. The bull and the human didn't add anything and gave him the piece of paper Blake was waiting for and the shepherd got out of the room. Exchanging small talks with Rory, the lynx showed him the way of the dorms. "Thanks!" Blake muttered to Rory and didn't waste any time to start to climb the stairs.

"*Sigh* Finally, I'm there!" He looked on his paper. "Room 6, that's the one." He tried to open the door, but it was locked. 'Oh someone's already in there!" His tail started to wag as he unlocked the door and entered.

To be continued...

Never lose hope part 5

I woke up to the chirping of the few birds that were perched near my closed window. My eyes still shut, I stretched my drowsy toes; bones cracking was the reward I got. Taking a deep satisfied breath, I started to stretch my legs, but my left one was...

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Never lose hope part 3

I pushed the door to get outside. The sudden heat just overwhelmed me and I sat on the cement stairs waiting for the bell announcing the end of classes. Each Friday afternoon, I was always able to sneak out 10 minutes before the end of my Art class...

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Never lose hope part 2

"It all started five months ago when we arrived in Brimfield. I went to the base for my first day as a US soldier and believe me Vince, your father was really nervous. After identifying myself and asking directions, I made my way to a place name the...

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