Extra Credit

Story by Jaffah on SoFurry

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Extra Credit

The bell sounded and echoed off walls and down the hallway signalling the end of lessons, many students in their classes breathing a collective sigh of relief, as recess was next on their agenda.

Of the many classes in the school Mister Weaver's maths class was one of the better ones to have as the teacher, a black tiger, made sure that not only the work he set for his pupils was explained to the smallest detail but the feline barely gave detention, rather working with the problems of his wards than sending them somewhere that didn't help.

Today's lesson was about the joys of algebra and its everyday use, and while the knowledge would help many to come the general use of the word "algebra" was seen as a dark cloud on an otherwise sunny day. So when the bell rang to signal the end of the mental pain some felt after thinking too much, it was seen as a godsend.

"Homework I want to see pages sixty-seven to seventy done please." Mister Weaver spoke up above the murmur of the class as they gathered together and packed away their books. "If anyone needs to ask anything you know where to find me."

First day that Daniel Weaver taught he sat down and pretty much chatted the lesson away, getting to know his students and them him in return, he always stressed that if they needed his advice on something mentioned he would always find time for them after school, this made him a popular figure amongst the masses.

As the teens began to file out the teacher also added.

"And Dusty could you see me for a moment please?"

The young rabbit stopped and winced inwardly, knowing what it was the tiger wanted as she waved to her departing friends, one giving her a look of sympathy as she filed out with the rest, the last one exiting closing the door after them.

"Um, yes Mister Weaver?" She asked looking up at him with her bright green eyes.

Dusty was a grey rabbit femme who peered through the world through round glasses that sat on her nose in a cute way, her short grey hair was done up in pony tails and one of her ears flopped a little. She stood before the teacher in a white blouse and short grey skirt and wore knee high orange socks along with red sneakers; she clutched her bag to her chest and tried to give the tiger an "innocent" look.

"Something has come to my attention and I wondered if there was something you would like to talk about?" Daniel asked as he sat down at his desk and adjusted his own spectacles to look over a few pieces of paper.

"Something Sir?" Was all the bunny could say, her heart sinking a bit. She had recently had some trouble with other girls wanting to bully her and as a result saw the girl get into several scuffles. "Like what?"

"Well," the tiger started glancing up from his seat to look her over. "The last few tests have seen your grades slipping, enough to be noticed I assure you, and while you still appear to be on track to passing this class it does worry me you might find my work, boring."

Dusty blinked and felt a slight weight lift, it wasn't what she had thought but still something the bunny wasn't worried about. The youth was a smart girl but found she could get bored easily, sometimes fantasising about a cute face rather than crunching numbers so she would miss something here and there.

"Oh, well it's not that Sir." She said thinking quickly. "It's just..."

"Just what?" The tiger asked after the girl trailed off, setting aside the bunny's past test papers. "You're a bright young girl Dusty, I've watched you work and you don't seem to have too much trouble."

"You've watched me?" She queried and a tingle ran through her body, her fluffy tail twitching the bunny bit her lip and the corner of her mouth curled into a smile, she set her bag onto a nearby desk as something came to mind.

"I watch all my students Dusty, it's the best way to see if they need help." Mister Weaver replied. "Now about your work?"

"Well Sir." The rabbit smiled and let her hands fall to her sides before fidgeting and tugging the hem of her skirt up and letting it drop, "accidentally" showing off the orange panties she wore. "Sometimes I just can't concentrate, like there's something on my mind that won't go away."

"I see." The teacher commented and set aside the textbook he uses in class, not having looked up to see the sly flashes the bunny was giving. "What sort of "things" have been distracting-"

He stopped as he glanced up and saw the girl showing off her covered mound, her eyes looking down as she fiddled and lifted her garment a little then let it fall back down.

"Well Mister Weaver I get these feelings whenever I see this certain someone, down here." Dusty replied letting her hand slide down over her crotch, her eyes twinkling and her skin flushing as she felt her sex through the thin material of her panties.

"And have you talked to this someone about your feelings?" Daniel asked mesmerised by the girls hand and its slow movement, he had heard talk and rumours about some of the teenagers attending the school and the things they get up to but seeing this in his student was a new thing for him, he felt sure he should say something to stop it but something deep down told him to run with it.

"I would Sir." The cute young femme said as her fingers crept up and unclipped her skirts clasp, the loose fabric easing down with the aide of the bunny's wriggling hips, her orange underwear a shining beacon to the male tiger. "But I am kind of shy and scared of what he might say."

Licking his lips Mister Weaver sat forward a little and watched as his student started to play with her blouse, popping a couple of lower buttons as she continued to show off her underwear to the adult.

"That's unfortunate to hear, you seem like a nice young girl." The tiger swallowed as Dusty's hands ran under her shirt and up over her firm breasts. "Such a nice girl at heart."

"You mean this heart here?" The rabbit asked coyly and lifted up her shirt, her budding chest bare underneath and her pink nipples looking hard.

"Yes." The teacher breathed quietly as he watched, the thought coming to him that perhaps Dusty enjoyed it when he was looking at her, as though she like his attention. "I think the question now is, "How will you make up the grades that have been slipping?"

Dusty's eyes lit up at the question and as her teachers eyes began to roam her hot young body she padded lightly towards him, circling the desk and leaning back on it, her heart beating faster as she recognised the bulge that was building in tiger's trousers.

"Well Mister Weaver, I was thinking of working back after class, maybe earning some extra credit using my skills." She gave him a cute look and ran her pink tongue over her lips.

"And what skills were you thinking of using Dusty?" The big feline felt his lust building the nearer the teen got, the male seeing the girl wanted to play so he chuckled to himself and went along, after all it had been too long for him since his last encounter with a pretty young girl.

"I was thinking I need guidance with my concentration Sir." She chirred in arousal as her hand snaked its way into her panties and found her moist folds. "You see sometimes I lose track of what I am doing and suddenly anything can happen."

To emphasis this she moaned and arched her back, working her fingers against her wet flesh as though the tiger wasn't there and yet loving the feelings flowing through her as she put on a show for her teacher.

"And indeed you need guidance in this matter even if it means taking a hand in the matter myself." Daniel purred as the smell of wet bunny pussy rose from the girl's crotch and he reached out to slowly roll her panties down, Dusty's eyes opening to watch as her body trembled at his touch.

"Oh please Sir." She sighed and lifted her hips to let the tiger slide her garment down her legs, her pumping fingers coming into view as she continued to play with herself. "I really need you, I mean your help."

Hearing the girl's pleading tone made his sheath throb, his length was already straining in the confinement of his pants and now seeing her openly masturbating made him want her all the more, he unzipped his fly and letting his erection spring forth, the hard black meat twitching in the cooler air.

"This could mean some harsh learning Dusty." He said running his hand along her thigh, the rabbit panting softly and suddenly turning to lean over the desk, her rump raised as she presented herself to him, her fingers still wriggling in her snatch.

"Teach me Mister Weaver. Guide me, help me." Her eyes twinkled as she looked over her shoulder to the big male. "Cum in me."

This was all Daniel could take, the cute bunny rump inviting him closer so the tiger surged forward and hunched over the girl, a deep growl coming from his chest as his aching length probed and slid along her slit, Dusty's eyes closing as her body shuddered at both the feel of his cock and the intensity she felt from him.

Another growl and the tiger sunk his shaft into the girls dripping snatch, he pushed it in half way and both gasped, Daniel at how tight she was and Dusty at the sudden intrusion, her walls spreading for his girth.

"Oh god yes." The bunny hissed as strong hands slid under her shirt and groped her breasts, her nipples throbbing as her teacher began to pound her sex from behind, each thrust sending a jolt of bliss into the girls body.

The sounds of wet flesh coming together mixed with grunts and sighs of pleasure, the two lost in the moment of forbidden sex, their lips meeting in a deep passionate kiss.

"Fuck me Mister Weaver, fuck this naughty bunny's cunny." Dusty hissed and groaned as her lover gripped her hips and fucked harder, the sound of the girls dirty talk driving his lusts wild.

"Such a dirty slut." Daniel growled and bit lightly along her neck, his cock throbbing as he felt his balls tingle, the tiger whining softly as his climax neared.

Dusty heard and felt her teacher drawing near, her loins burning as his shaft drove in and out, the girls hips bucking as she was swept along with his passion.

Daniel gritted his teeth to stop himself roaring out as he felt his load explode in the girls clutching passage, his cock jerking and spurting hot cream into her belly, the bunny's eyes snapping open as the male's warmth flooded her, Dusty's back arching as her own orgasm washed through her and mixed with that of her new lovers, the two rocking and groaning as one.

"Damn you're good." The black tiger whispered into Dusty's ear as he gasped and was milked by her still quivering passage, the rabbit's cheeks warming to his words as her body warmed to the feel of his seed spilling inside her, the excess of their juices dripping from her stretched sex.

"How would you grade my performance Sir?" Dusty asked panting for breath.

"Looking at an "A" Dusty." Mister weaver purred and withdrew from her used pussy, fresh cream oozing from her sex. "Although I recommend some extra lessons to grade your oral skills."

A sly smile crossed Dusty's face as the two got dressed, the bunny pulling on her panties last.

"Of course Sir, I must warn you I am an expert at oral presentation." She said with a sly smile and licking her lips.

"Then I look forward to our next "lesson"." He chuckled and sat back and watched the young student make her way to the door, she gave him a wave and wiggled her rear as she exited.

Outside Dusty chirred softly as she felt more of the tigers cum escape her nether lips and took out a notebook, inside there was a list of subjects Dusty attended, several of which were crossed out. She took a pen and crossed out "maths" on the list and checked the next one.

"Science." She mused and thought about the cute teacher she had and the day she "accidentally" dropped a pen under the desk after the class. Dusty could still remember the surprised look of lust on the female teachers face.

Yep, the bunny thought. Nothing better than earning extra credit.

Dusty (C) her player; Daniel Weaver (c) Jaffah; story (c) Jaffah