A Hot Afternoon Well Spent

Story by TwilitDawnKnown on SoFurry

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#2 of The Panch/Ken Romance

An older commission from Panch, never before posted. It's shorter and more, shall we say, to-the-point, but all the same I certainly enjoyed writing it.

Still, there will likely be more works featuring these two hot felines and their inspiring relationship. Keep your eyes peeled.

It was one of those sultry summer evenings where the day itself had been languid, almost as though it were bored with the continuing heat, and which was likely to inspire people to go do things to spice up the day's events once the high temperature began to subside.

Such was indeed the case-though he wasn't aware of it yet-for Kensuke Katayama, a studious male lion with enviable physique and demeanor alike. At 5' 8", he wasn't a towering beastie, but his musculature was extremely well-balanced and fat-free-causing him a considerable deal of unsolicited attention from members of both genders.

While the attention may not have been asked for, he didn't hate it, though he did tend to get embarrassed-partially because he was very much, as they say, "taken." In truth, that word didn't quite fit the situation very well, as he wasn't so much taken by another as having given himself to that other person: a male tiger named Panch, an Aussie by birth and an exuberant free spirit if there ever existed such a thing. He and Ken hadn't been together for that long, but the five years they'd spent in each other's company had been the most fulfilling era of Kensuke's life, and he was eager for it to continue on indefinitely.

Panch had moved from his home in the Land Down Undah to join Kensuke in the Northeast-ish US, and had been enjoying the atmosphere of the mild air-conditioned interiors of Kensuke's pleasant domicile that particular afternoon. However, Ken, having lived in that region for quite a while, was generally rather used to the muggy heat of the summer. Panch, on the other hand, was used to more arid summers: the Outback was not a particularly humid place. He tended to avoid going outdoors whenever possible, and he usually took a while to recover from being out in it.

Panch had returned from the store on foot with milk, cereal, and ice cream pops. By some miracle, all of them were still cold enough by the time he'd finished the short jaunt around the corner and down the block, and he was lounging on the couch enjoying an ice cream-filled popsicle, stripped to the waist to savor the cool air on his chest, when Ken returned from an extra-credit seminar his supervising doctorate had (ahem) "requested" that all his students attend.

Panch's torso was a sight that never failed to please Ken, naturally-who could resist the tiger's chiseled lines?-and he smiled widely as he came across Panch reclining at his leisure. "Hey there, mate. Enjoying the wild indoors?"

The tiger looked up at him, his eyes merry with welcome. "Yup! I'm just savoring my 'prey' here. It wasn't quick enough to escape my carnivorous fangs." He curled back his lips in mock ferocity and chomped a chunk from the end of the frozen treat, smacking his tongue as he crunched it to bits of sweet, creamy ice.

Ken chuckled jovially. The tiger never failed to put a delightful spin on things. It certainly wasn't the -only- reason he kept Panch around, but it was definitely a good one in itself. He began to remove his own tie and dress shirt-the thing was soaked through from the weather; the seminar had been an outdoor event, and the shade canopies had done little to ease the heat-knowing full well that Panch certainly didn't mind being in the company of a shirtless muscular lion any more than Ken minded being in the company of a shirtless Panch.

A hearty murr from the couch confirmed the fact. "Well, you didn't tell me the entertainment had arrived!" said Panch, grinning toothily.

Ken answered with his undershirt, which he aimed with precision to engulf Panch's nose on impact. "How's that for laughs, eh?" the lion asked, a clear tone of humor intentionally preventing the words from being serious in the slightest.

Panch removed it from his face, lightly tossing it back to Ken with a continued grin. "My, what aromatic shirts you have! What, did they hold the event in a sauna?"

Ken grimaced. "Close enough-it was out on the main quad lawn. I mean, I know this guy gets huge government grants for his work every year, but I'm sure we could have put that crowd in the main auditorium." The university Ken attended claimed a rather spacious and accommodating theater amongst its facilities-one with climate control, no less-but it was watched over by the arts department, who tended to find drama practices more pressing than visiting dignitaries, thus often preventing it from being used for non-"artistic" events.

"Oy. That would explain things. I might have to march over there and have a word with those people..." Panch shook his head, frowning slightly as he deposited the tip of the popsicle between his lips and held it there with them, folding his hands behind his head as he relaxed a bit into the couch's arm.

Kensuke donned a slightly sardonic grin as he whisked about the room, putting away some of the papers he'd been given and otherwise sorting the things he'd brought back. His mate watched him for a bit before closing his eyes and sighing peacefully, the tiger's muscular torso crunching into itself with the release of the air contained within.

The soft vital whoosh caught Ken's ears as he tucked his briefcase into the nearby den, and he gazed over at his mate. The blissful expression on the tiger's face, combined with the relaxed posture and the innocent image evoked by the popsicle jauntily tucked into his mouth, warmed his heart. 5 years-more than 1725 days-of being together with the tiger had bonded the two of them inseparably, and Ken felt glad that he'd never fallen out of love (as the euphemism went) with Panch. The Aussie was so immeasurably sweet and kind, and Ken always felt blessed to be around him.

Ken, however, was no stoic; he loved sentimentality just as much as anyone, and he wasn't afraid to express it-least of all with the love of his life. He padded softly over to the tiger, crouched down next to the couch, and planted a soft kiss on Panch's cheek before leaning his head against the tiger's folded arm. He gazed warmly into Panch's eyes as the tiger opened them in slight surprise. "I love you, bud."

Panch smiled, removing the popsicle from his lips with his other hand. "And I love you too, mate. I can't tell you how happy I am to be here with you."

Kensuke blinked merrily. "I think I might be in the same boat with you there. Words, as they say, just aren't enough." He rubbed his cheek in classic feline fashion against his mate's arm, his smile unceasing.

Panch closed his eyes happily, leaning in to nuzzle noses with Ken, a pleasant murr passing through his chest as he did so. It was a moment that might seem childish to an onlooker, but to the two lovers, it was more real and enjoyable than any ornate and gravity-laden ritual.

Kensuke savored the moment briefly before leaning further in, placing his head upon Panch's lower torso and idly running his pawtips up and down the tiger's corrugated side. Panch, in response, tilted his head back with enjoyment, continuing to murr as he heartily crunched a chunk off of the popsicle.

The sensation of the living flesh below Ken's face-the movement it took with every small action and breath, its heat and its pulse of life-provoked instinct yet again in Kensuke's actions, and he began to rub his cheek against Panch's studded abs. A hearty chuckle rippled through them from Panch at the slightly ticklish sensation it gave him.

The short fur on Panch's muscles ruffled under Ken's head, and the smell of Panch's aroma from the warm day combined with that to allure Ken's feline grooming instinct-and he gave into it willingly, his tongue peeking out of his mouth occasionally to slick and straighten little sprays of the tiger's fur. It was only a short time before Ken was thoroughly licking and nuzzling his mate's torso, occasionally nibbling ever-so-delicately around the edges of the prominent muscles' profiles.

Panch enjoyed the sensations his mate was providing him-the coolness left from the lion's moist licks, the carnivorous teeth sliding along his own outlines, the feel of fur on fur...all of it was quite nice; he'd not expected to be so pleased by something so simple as mock grooming. He murred at first, and finally gave a playful mrrowl as he took Kensuke's free hand in his own, eyeing Kensuke with a rather mischievous countenance.

Ken looked up as he felt his paw taken up in Panch's, and saw the look in Panch's eyes. It was quite clear where Panch was wanting this to go-and Ken knew he wanted it just as much, really, so it was no surprise when he returned a similar look. He leaned himself back up, still kneeling, and caressed the upper portion of Panch's six-pack with his right hand while the other slid to the lower end of it, fingertips venturing just past the waistband of the comfortable jeans Panch was wearing. Panch squirmed a bit under Ken's touch, scooching his hips towards the couch's arm a bit to encouragingly shimmy Ken's fingers further past the garment's boundary. Ken grinned at this, as it was a classic example of Panch's enthusiastic style, and delicately sent them further inside, under the border of the comfortable boxers, and around Panch's velvety package, his touch light but unwavering on the sensitive flesh. It was somewhat firm now, under his fingers, and he could feel his mate's pulse in it, increasing its solidity and dimensions on an active basis. He carefully fondled it, wrapping his palm pads around the engorging cylinder, his fingers ranging down to the solid but shapely orbs suspended below. His mate murred, sighing peacefully as he let the lion go to work.

Ken continued to caress Panch's sensitive sheath under the tiger's pants for a few moments, occasionally using a clawtip or two with extreme care to tickle the plentiful nerve endings inside. He was rewarded rather soon as the tip of Panch's shaft began to poke out of the end of its sheath, leaking a fair amount of slick and decadent pre-ejaculate, rendering the member quite lubricated to the touch. With that hurdle cleared, Ken was ready to kick things up another notch, and so he brought his other hand down from Panch's abs and undid the closure on the tiger's jeans. The tiger let out another mrrowl at this, and cooperatively wiggled in the jeans to help Ken shuck them off.

The boxers produced even less resistance to removal, and in no time at all, Panch's package was displayed skyward, its length continuing to extrude from the velveteen sheath. Ken smiled fondly at it, pleasant memories evoked by its distinctive shape, and by its musky aroma now wafting freely into the air between them. Ken climbed up onto the sofa, kneeling still, with his knees between Panch's feet. He leaned his head down to the shaft, which was nearly at full length now, and softly sniffed it, his cool nose faintly touching the vein-enlaced flesh. Panch gave a shiver of delight at the delicate touch, a toothy smile spreading in reflex across his face.

Ken's jaws parted ever so slightly, and his tongue slowly, almost hesitantly, slid out of it, at first merely resting on the blood-filled member below it. Then another lick, this one deeper, encouraged by the taste of the savory pre-ejaculate coating the shaft, followed by another. He leaned his body slightly to place his weight upon one arm as the other reached in to caress the sac and root of Panch's package, continuing to progressively deepen his licks. A soft but bliss-laden moan from the muzzle of the tiger he loved encouraged him on.

Kensuke soon opened his mouth further, placing his tongue upon the upward side of the shaft and closing his jaw slowly around it, his upper teeth coming to rest lightly on the skin of it. Applying a scant amount of suction with his lips, he pulled his head up methodically, the points of his ivory incisors grazing along the nerve-laden tissues under them. A quiver ran through the body of the tiger below him; Panch moaned again, with more need in his tone than the last time: the combination of teeth and tongue was a torture of the most pleasant kind possible.

Ken subjected Panch to a few more repetitions of this, setting the tiger's neural circuits ablaze and rewarding the lion with a few more gobbets of the delectable pre that the tiger's shaft was beginning to more copiously produce. Yet after those few times passed, he pulled his head away from the rod, his tongue lingering sensuously against it as long as it could reach before flowing back into the lion's mouth.

Panch was brought out of his momentary reverie by the sudden drop in stimulation; he blearily opened his eyes and looked up to see his mate eagerly undoing his own pants. His movement caught Ken's eye, and the lion gave Panch a knowing look full of anticipation and promise. After Ken's trousers and underwear were removed, he stretched himself out, moving his entire body forward and suspending his muscular torso over Panch's own with careful placement of his arms. Ken nuzzled the tiger he loved and gave him a gentle kiss on the mouth, inclining his hips downward as he did so. Then, as he released the kiss, he pivoted backwards a tad, his own prominently erect lionhood brushing against the fuzzy sac of his mate. He looked deep into Panch's eyes, his affect now being echoed by the tiger as the larger of the two shuffled his feet along the couch to tilt the angle of his hips upward-placing his rear entrance quite near Ken's tip.

The sheer eroticism of what Ken had been doing to his mate had been, as one might easily imagine, quite arousing to him, and so he not only stood at full staff by then, but also had provided himself with a liberal sample of his own pre-ejaculate. For a moment he leaned on one hand and slicked the fluid down his shaft with the other; after that, he balanced his weight on both hands, leaned his head in to take Panch's mouth into a deep kiss, and pivoted his hips forward to slowly but firmly enter his lover's body. Panch moaned through the kiss at the sensations of being parted and delved into by the lion's rigid member, the sound of his delight vibrating through their kiss to resonate in Ken's ears as well.

It was not as though over five years, Panchi's body was still unused to the sensation of Ken penetrating him; on the contrary, the ease with which he could now accommodate the act was practiced and welcoming. All the same, he remained quite tight to Ken's reckoning, and it was with a bit of effort, and a light grunt that passed between their joined muzzles, that Ken slid entirely inward to hilt himself into the tiger he loved. The moment was not one that was stationary or confined; rather, it was fluid and organic, in some ways like the affection they shared for one another. As such, Ken did not pause for Panch to become accommodated or what have you-he knew full well the tiger was ready for more, from experience-and so he smoothly and slowly began to withdraw in an articulate circling back of the inward movement of his hips. A sigh escaped his lover's nose as their tongues flowed slowly in and out of each other's maws, like the last romantic dance of a couple on a deserted hall floor before the night carries them to the more illicit endeavours that await.

It was not long before Ken had reached nearly the end of the length that he had buried in his mate, and, with a brief pause at its zenith, he reversed his motion yet again and pushed back into Panch. He simultaneously withdrew his mouth from the kiss being shared, tilting his head sideways to encounter it again from a different angle. The kiss reached full closure as he once again hilted himself entirely into his mate, their lips embracing one another much as their bodies did. A slow and sensuous rhythm slid into place, matching the languidness of the moment itself, its tempo dictating the movements of the two entranced felines as they continued to physically celebrate the love they shared.

Each knew the taste of the other's mouth well-it was like a favorite snack, in that it was one that never got old, and was great any time of the day-and their deep, shared kiss allowed them to sample as though partaking of delicate tidbits before the main course of a grand smorgasbord. The fur of their lower torsos interwove with each of Kensuke's motions; Panch's member thudded faintly against his lover with each beat of his heart. Hidden amidst the movements of this marvelous minuet were also the sensations each experienced; the repeated penetration and partial separation sent layer upon layer of their nerve endings into choruses of ecstasy.

This veritable choreography was soon punctuated by brief but heartfelt moans, groans, and grunts from each of the massive felines, the climactic tension beginning to build in their loins. It was undeniable that the foreplay had been somewhat brief, and as such the "surprise" was likely to make this particular encounter shorter than most; all the same, both knew from experience that one quick round was quite likely to mean a longer one to follow. As such, both let the moment ride, unleashing themselves into it with abandon. The tempo of Kensuke's thrusts began to quicken, moving from slow sonata to bold bossa nova to tempestuous tango in perfect time.

Like ripples in a pond that slowly grow to the force of tidal waves, the sensations continued to build even as their rhythm accelerated. The nerves behind Panchi's prostate fed the tiger's mind with pulses of erogenous stimulus that never faltered, and only waxed in intensity. Kensuke could feel the tiger's body respond in kind, the muscles of the tiger's insides applying wildly-varying pressure and friction upon his shaft as it pumped in and out, combined with the contractions of the ring that formed Panch's entrance.

It was a tsunami, then, that swept over the two of them within minutes, unleashing in a few moments a potent climax that united them both. Panch gritted his teeth before belting forth a roar that echoed in the room; the involuntary constriction that swept through his smooth muscle tissues caused his colon to clench around his mate's hard flesh, setting the nerve endings in the lion's sensitive tissues ablaze as he hilted himself into the tiger one last time as his own orgasm issued forth, coating the tiger's insides with his body-warmed essence. Panch's seed pulsed from his own shaft, drizzling the torsos of himself and his mate as though with a pressure-cannon of sweet icing.

It was indeed a potent orgasm, but short; like a tsunami, its force was dissipated in but a few moments, flowing away to return to a state much resembling--in terms of potential--the status prior to such a wave. It was within a few minutes of gasping, stretching, untangling of limbs, and breathless kisses, that the two realized that they'd only begun to scratch the euphemistic itch their seemingly unintentional foreplay had awakened.

"Aghh...Ken, that was great...but I'm not done. How about you, mate? Ready for more?"

The lion's eyes flared with intensity. "You bet, bud. But this couch thing...let's try something else, before any guests start wondering where the odd stains came from."

The tiger grinned carnivorously. "Race you to the bedroom."

With a murrowl, the lion planted a quick smooch upon his mate's muzzle before springing from atop him, dashing off to the bedroom fast enough to seem as though trying, but not so fast that he couldn't peek over his shoulder as he left his mate in the dust.

The tiger flipped himself off the side of the couch, landing on all fours before leaping up into a run as well, timing his pace just fast enough to goad Kensuke into speeding up a tad. It worked, and Kensuke picked up his dash enough to remain ahead of Panch all the way to the bedroom, where he leapt into the air, shouting mischievously "I win!" before landing on the bed with a solid "whumpf" into the cushy surface, face-down.

There was only a brief moment that passed before Panch was also there, but this time he was over the top of his mate, and with his joints he playfully pinioned his mate to the bed. It all became clear to Kensuke in that moment--Panch wasn't trying to win the race; he'd deliberately lured Ken into getting onto the bed first to that he could then top the lion at his leisure! Were Ken not versatile in his position preferences (not to mention still madly in love with the tiger), it might have seemed like a dirty trick--but coming from the feline he loved, it was a charming, act of camaraderie. And he knew he was going to enjoy the rump-pounding that was coming to him momentarily as well; Panch's ferocity, while careful not to cause pain, was without question immensely potent.

The tiger licked behind his mate's ear. "I have this dilemma, Ken. There's this really hot lion, tail-up on my bed, and y'know, I'm not sure I can restrain myself in light of the circumstances." He began nibbling gently down the neck of the sculpted lion, muzzle buried in Kensuke's mane.

Ken grinned, even though he knew Panch probably couldn't see it. "Well, I think that lion can probably forgive you--just this once--if you let loose. Come to think of it, I think I can, too." His words carried a playful note, laced with the memories of many past instances where the two of them had let it all out on this bed before. He knew Panch would catch the hint.

A lustful purr buzzed into his skin from his mate's muzzle. "Then I'm going to. See if I don't." Panch, knowing that his turn as top was well-proclaimed by now, clambered slightly upward, moving his arms so that they no longer pinned down those of the lion below him, but placed his strong hands upon the lion's solid shoulder blades. He also moved his legs so that they no longer pinioned Kensuke's, arranging them to nestle alongside those of the lion.

He continued to nuzzle, nibble, and lick various points upon his mate's neck and head as he swiveled his hips forward and backward, sensuously grinding lightly upon his mate's chiseled back. His delicately-furred scrotum traced across its surface, followed by his rod, which was rapidly becoming fully-engorged yet again from the erotic treatment the two felines were sharing.

The foreplay was delightful to Kensuke as he lay there, completely at the mercy of the tiger--and loving every moment of it. Sure, it wasn't half as stimulating as what was to follow in a few minutes, but it was romantic and sensuous, and allowed the tiger a chance to express the affection he felt for his mate, much as Kensuke himself had gotten to do not long before.

A few luscious minutes passed between them, their bodies indulging in contact with one another as the erogenous anticipation built inside of them both. Soon their erections were yet again steel-hard, indicating their readiness for what was to come next. While foreplay was, without question, romantically top-notch, lust was beginning to mix again with their affection, kindling infernos of passion waiting to blaze through the two of them.

The proper moment occurred to them both at the same time; such a feat was not especially uncommon for two lovers, let alone ones who had shared similar times numerous instances in the past. Panch lifted his hips, drawing them back across Kensuke's dorsal side one final time, before dropping them steadily, his rock-solid shaft in tow, placing the tip of it upon the entrance to the body of his leonine mate. He arched his own back, pushing with his legs to penetrate his mate with his pre-dripping cock, applying a considerable amount of force to overcome the inherent tightness of Ken's insides and ring. The two moaned aloud: Panch's with the calculated effort he was utilizing, Ken with the sensation of being delved into so admirably, and both of them with the novae of stimuli that were erupting through their spinal cords to their minds as a result.

Panch paused after he hilted himself entirely into the rippled lion. He wasn't doing so because Ken necessarily needed time to adjust; the lion's talents included an accommodation for Panch that was remarkably capable, while still remaining (to the tiger's understanding) sensationally tight. Rather, he did so because this moment was one that he always enjoyed, for it was pregnant with meaning. With such a sensitive part of him--that which represented his masculinity and tigerhood--embedded inside of the lion he loved, he knew the symbolism was not lacking: it represented the unity of mind, body, and heart the two of them shared. There, too, he could feel the very life movements of his mate; above his shaft was the pulsating member of his mate, beating with the lifeblood of the lion. The tightness waxed and waned slightly with the movements of the lion's organs by the diaphragm muscle, in time with Ken's breathing. And each slight movement of the lion brought on by the waves of pleasure provoked by Panch's sizable rod, too, was transmitted into the sensitive nerve endings of Panch's tigerhood. It was a truly symbiotic moment--the same life flowed through both of them, and the sensation of that fact was rarely ever more potent than at such a moment as right then.

There was also the fact that, once they got started, he wouldn't be feeling much of what it felt like to simply be hilted into the lion in a stationary fashion, which was itself a unique sensuous experience in itself. But that was a bit smaller of a reason.

He planted another slow kiss upon his mate's neck as he savored that moment. Still, he knew that keeping his lion waiting would be somewhat unseemly; he slowly withdrew his member nearly all the way, stopping as the border of its tip caught upon the tight ring that constituted the lion's rear entrance. His pre had primarily lubricated the shaft's entry into his mate; the insides were still relatively unslicked, and it was again somewhat slow going as he delved back into the lion. A rumble of a purr floated to the tiger's ears; his mate was clearly enjoying the treatment.

A few more slow pistonings, each one coming to rest with a soundless but firm hilting of Panch's rod within Ken, gave him time to exude more of his pre-ejaculate into his mate's passages, and as the journey became more effortless, he knew he could pick up the pace without worrying for the comfort of his mate. Still, the angle was a bit awkward for high-speed work; while he did increase his rate of thrusting, along with the force thereof, the overall tempo was still slower than such encounters as, say, the one they'd just shared on the couch. However, Panch knew from experience that the very thing that mandated the speed limit on his actions was also what made this part wonderful for his mate: it would place more pressure upon the sensitive erogenous nerves that constituted the lion's "G-spot," placing upon the lion pleasure by the truckload. Panch himself also knew full well that this position granted him a very nice degree of stimulation for his own loins--especially with the force he was now using.

Small mrrowls grew from the lion's maw into pleasure-laden gasps and moans. Panch could tell that his plan was working; he wanted the lion to be absolutely on cloud nine by the end of this, ensuring a climax to remember, and so starting strong would ensure that a high plateau of arousal would be present throughout the encounter. Slick sounds of shaft-on-bowels emanated into the room with each stroke of Panch's powerful hips, grunts escaping the tiger's lips on occasion with the sheer might he poured into each one. Their pheromonal musk, which had been building up in the room since they'd entered, set the mood as this treatment continued for several minutes.

The downside to this position was that it could get somewhat straining upon the spine of the "catching" partner, and Panch knew that too. After he decided that Ken was suitably pleasured to move on, he slowed his motions to a slow, short-distance pulsing as he reached under Ken's chest, pulling up on it obligingly. Ken got the hint and propped himself on his palms and knees, allowing the taller tiger to enter him as though "doggie style." It had a twist, however; Panch now eased himself up onto the balls of his feet, his palms still upon Ken's shoulders, and his torso arching over the tiger's right-angled torso-and-legs like a circumscribing curve. Ken was now able to stabilize and brace himself with more muscle groups, alleviating any strain that might be caused by such things as the romantic advances of a hormonally-charged, muscle-clad tiger. Panch benefited as well; while the degree of stimulation afforded by this position was somewhat less, he was afforded a greater range of motion from which to enter his mate, and more freedom to swing his hips as he pleased.

And swing his hips he did indeed. His torso clenched and his legs rippled as he picked up where he'd left off in terms of force and speed, increasing both rather quickly until he was at about the most he knew he could keep up for a long period of time. His breathing was punctuated with the continued grunts that conveyed the amount of force he was using. Indeed, even though Ken was an extremely strong tiger, he was rocked fervently by each pounding of the tiger's groin against his own buttocks--and the task wasn't made any easier by the extreme amount of pleasure blasted rhythmically into his insides by the slicked machinations of Panch's vein-enlaced rod.

It is a matter of fact about sex that--when of suitable caliber--it is always much better in person than in memory or even imagination. Thus, it was not for no reason that Ken was believing at the moment that he had scarcely (if ever) experienced mating this wonderful, even though the act itself was not an uncommon thing for he and his mate to do. Maintaining the presence of mind to keep himself upright under the unceasing pounding of his mate's loins was something he wished he didn't have to do; it would have been nice to somehow prop himself up and let it wash over him in the fullest force possible. Still, this way he was sure to hang onto awareness in a greater degree, enabling him to perhaps savor each moment of it to the utmost--in a way that a deluded bliss might not be able to enjoy.

So he resorted instead to panting moans, occasionally squeezing out euphoria-quieted calls of his mate's name, or "Harder...", in an attempt to convey to the tiger how wonderful the experience was--and to ensure that Panch continued to pour into it ever-increasing amounts of force and passion.

Panch was glad to oblige--anything for the lion he loved. He had been intending to finish up their encounter in this position, but the passion his mate wanted from him was giving him even more primeval ideas and vigor, and when his muscles began to ache somewhat from the same repeated motion with the immense amount of force he'd been using, he decided to mix things up again. He shimmied his feet forward, continuing to piston in and out of Kensuke as best he could manage while doing so, until they were nearly astride Ken's hips. He moved his hands forward slightly to hook over Ken's massive shoulders to better brace himself; his angle of entry now was nearly vertical.

Ken's muscle control nearly gave out repeatedly as Panch's onslaught took this new turn. The tiger's speed was reduced notably, but with gravity on his side, the tiger's force of thrusting was now incredibly high--and this, combined with the angle of penetration that ground all that force upon the sensitive nerves of Kensuke's insides each and every time. It was almost more than he could handle, and he began giving loud moans that positively dripped with his craving for the sensation to continue. His own shaft, as well, was dripping copiously, due to his prostate being continuously pounded with such force.

Panch was still, even in light of his control-eroding passion, conscious of his mission--that is, to ensure that Kensuke had the most powerful climax he could. He turned his torso slightly, placing one of his paws in between Ken's shoulder blades as he reached below the lion with the other, his fingers closing around the dripping, wagging member. He was rewarded by a mangled gasp from the lion in the middle of one of the lion's voluminous moans. He pumped it furiously, his arm capable of more speed than even the assistance of gravity gave to his thrusts.

A side effect of the angle was an even greater degree of stimulation afforded to Panch's own member. Because his orgasm on the couch had been even less than Kensuke's, since his own shaft was scarcely affected by the whole encounter, he had even more sexual tension building up, and it was compounded by this powerful stimulation he was now receiving even as he gave it. He knew his own climax would not be far off.

The sensation of Panch's pre-drenched fingers clasped around his member, jacking him off fervently, was threatening to overload Kensuke's mind. He did his best to hold off orgasm, as the level of pleasure he was now receiving was beyond comprehension, but he knew his efforts would never last long in the face of Panch's delectable treatment. He clenched his teeth, growling with a mixture of determination and sexual energy, holding back the inevitable as long as he could.

It was scarcely a few minutes later (though it felt like an eternity to the grateful Kensuke) that his determination was overwhelmed; when he knew he could hold back no longer, he then turned his mental efforts towards intensifying it as much as possible. His growl erupted into a roar of Panch's name as his body spasmed into orgasmic myotony; his essence lashed forth from his shaft, catching stray bits on Panch's fingers as the tiger continued to pump it powerfully.

His autonomic clenching seized around Panch's member as well; the smooth muscle made the passage Panch pistoned in and out of immeasurably tighter, refusing to let the shaft exit entirely. Panch could only manage two or three more mini-thrusts before his own orgasm wrenched control of his body and mind, and his roar joined Ken's, tearing the air with coital resonance and the sounds of Ken's name. His testicles willingly obliged, jetting his tiger-seed into the inner passages of the lion he loved--a place where he was always glad to leave it as a token of his love.

Their roars slowly died away to heavy breathing. Ken let himself down, and Panch followed, his member still firmly inside the lion he loved. As their breathing and heart rates slowed, they reclined on their sides, Panch's arms wrapped around Ken's chiseled torso, and Ken's hands atop them.

With a happy but tired sigh, Panch spoke into Ken's ear. "Did you like that, mate?"

Ken smiled, his eyes closing pleasantly. "Yeah, bud...it was absolutely great."

Panch nuzzled behind the lion's ear. "Then it's OK that I let loose on that unsuspecting lion on my bed?"

Ken nodded ever so slightly, squeezing Panch's hands lightly under his and rubbing them with his thumbs. "Yup...in fact...I'm really glad you did. It made this night something to remember." And remember I will, he thought to himself. I always will.