the start of a new book

Story by Nexus Light on SoFurry

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read and find out

An anthro wolf sits at the fireplace reading a book, whilst looking at the fire, blankness about him, as he looks into the depths of crackling spitting flames. He blinks as a crow outside his window caws; this makes him look away from the fire. "Oh hello there, I'm sorry about that, well it seems you have come to me today to hear a story, well let me tell you, the ending is not always a happy one, especially in this story, so shall we get started". The wolf ancient in voice, but young in appearance, opens the book that he has in his lap and starts to read aloud

Was on a stormy night, where the owls did not hoot, the wolves not howl, there was but a lone creature wondering through the darkness of the night, not having a home of his own, now he has many friends, but he has had to move from them, due to his power and his history, but my friends that is a story for another night. As he wanders the darkness he comes across lots of souls who have lost their way, many who are about to enter the darkness and many to deep to pull out, but this does not stop the creature he sees them all, and instead of ignoring them he stop wandering and looks up from his place and yells out "NO!" the creatures of the dark look to him, seeing a small faint light appear on his chest, the creature moves to each of them, giving them his light, they look at themselves then starts to moves towards the light. One after another each moving towards the light of the brighter future, but not the creature. He stays in the darkness, looking for those who cannot look for themselves.

He stops as he finds a person, so enveloped in darkness it shocks him, but this does not stop the creature, he goes over to it and gives it some of his light, on the first attempt this does not work, so he divides his light into both his hand, and with one might swoop and another and yet another the shell of darkness breaks and out rises this anthro fox with 3 tails and one wing, he gives it a hand out of the dark shell that it was once in beforehand and helps it towards the light. The fox finds the light, and breaths in its warmth, the creature smiles and then sleeps for once in its long long life.

The creature wakes up and then continues its journey down the darkness helping the others escape its darkness. He finds yet another, a hybrid in the same position as the fox with 3 tails and a wing, he reaches over and touches the hybrid head softly, seeing that the hybrid had been heavily hurt, he had cut marks on his arms, from obvious self-harm, his tail had also been torn off and re-attached in a crude manner. The creature opens his arms and lets the creature come into his own light, he heals the hybrid then brings the creature on over to the light. The creature looks over the dark side, seeing that it grows more and more each day, he does not know what he can do, he is out matched, he himself feels alone, but he does not let this stop him, he continues on his efforts as to stop the darkness spread everywhere. He does not want the ones he has saved, and the ones who have their own light, to be dragged on into the darkness of this world.

It takes the creature a long time before he can see himself in his own light, but day by day his light grows, his power as long with it, as each da the ones he has saved pray for his safety in his travels, and thank him for saving them form the darkness that envelopes their lives.

After many years the darkness has slowly gone back. By the will of one, and the power of many, the creature smiles, then steps out and into the light, it is a grey black and white wolf, he looks to those he has saved and says "thanks you, I head your voices in the night, and it has kept me going, you gave me the power to save the many others that are in the darkness". He then looks towards those who did not need saving and says "well done for not losing your way, but do not forget, the darkness is always there, but even in the darkest of night, or the darkest of days that time my hold, that there is one light that may always hold out above all". He stops and looks at them all and points to a child and beckons the child forward, he then lifts the child up. "This child is one of such I was speaking about, the way you keep in the light, is by staying on the light and following the ideals that you have about the world, and pass them on, generation after generation, you see even after the day is over the night may start, but this is not an old ending this is but a new start for us all". He looks apon the crowed as he sets the child down and smiles to them softly then looks towards the darkness and shouts out "you of the darkness, you who can hear this voice, break out of the black binding that you have found your selves in and let your selves out. And follow the sound of my voice" as he says this old friends of those he has saved walk out of the darkness, their fur broken, their eyes bloody, their hearts broken, as they walk into the light, the look at their body's, as they heal, they look at their friends and start to run over to them. The wolf smiles softly and goes and walks the crowed divides for him, he walks on over towards an old willow tree, on top of a hill, he lies down next to it, and shuts his eyes and falls asleep, for what seems to be many years, but the people pass on his legend, saying that the willow tree is of ancient ground that no one must go on, there is even a shrine built to the wolf who does not seem to wake up. Slowly a shell of stone forms around his body as he lies there in his sleep

It has been nearly one hundred years, and the wolf opens his eyes slowly and the statue breaks open, he finds himself in the middle of a battle field, he sneaks to one of the sides and asks what is going on. A soldier tells him that there has been a war going on for the last thousand years, and that is a fight against herbivores and carnivores.

The wolf closes the book. "now my friends, that was an happy ending with a bit of a twist, now if you would please let this wolf gain some sleep". The wolf says as he reaches for a cup of tea, his fur matching that of the one in the book. "believe me, I have many a story to tell, and each of my characters will have theirs story told"

kitsune nexus information

Name- Nexus Light Age- 18000, appears 18 Height- 6 ft Weight- 150 lbs. Body type- lean, tall, flexible, low amount of muscle and almost no fat. Eyes- Red, more vulpine than human Hair- none Fur colour- Dark grey for the most part, white...

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"Nexus Light, known to few as the abyssal wolf. He has been around for over a thousand years and has seen much of what this world has done. He hails from a far off planet whose name has long been lost to the sands of time. Long ago, intruders...

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Chapter two: A New Team

_ **Chapter two: A New Team** _ Star is a helper for the Grim Reaper. Star has beautiful blond hair, that stops at about half down her back, brown eyes and is about 5ft 7inches. She is also the same age as Josh. She can be a bit obnoxious. But over...

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