Treatise on Starwalkers
#1 of abyssal space writing up the race write-ups on my universe abyssal space. i don't know if anything will come of this, but i'm posting it. if you care to use the lore, just make sure to credit me.
The Abyss .:A vent poem:.
I am being swallowed, chocking in my minds abyss. i yell for someone to hear, but none the less, i am alone in fear...
Starfox: liberation chapter 8: abyss if you stare too long into the stares back... -anonymous alaric twisted the coupling of wires and sparks flew as the door light flashed from green to red.
Into the Abyss
Really wish there was a mass upload for stories into the abyss characters © me (darthardios/dragonskey/neoguardian200 as applicable by site) pokemon, kyogre, garchomp, flygon, tyranitar, dragonite © nintendo/game freak nicol groaned as he awoke to almost
Into the Abyss
"I appreciate that you're concerned about Carrie, HollyAnn, but if you're coming into my house as her friend, I have to insist that you be In Character, and I'm sure that you don't even want to know what that means." The diminutive Shiba Inu/Husky mix...
Into The Abyss
'Let me hammer him today!' (Pink Floyd, The Trial) Mano's path led her back up out of the water and into a corridor that led her to a rowboat on a canal. Approaching the rowboat to sit down in it and pick up its oars, a chill went down her spine...
I can't help but feel like that abyss has something else i need to do there. i can't know for sure until i go back.
Poetry - Abyss
abyss written by vaalandil _the endless abyss is devouring me,_ _i'm falling to bottom, surrounded by deaf blue,_ _all i see around are shadows of my mistakes,_ _worst fear heats violently my stopping heart._ _scream of pain is fading, when desperately
The beast then sealed it deep within abyss, hiding itself there to bide its time. nexus struggled to regain control form the evil, feeling the time slip by slowly.
Chapter 4: Greif that Burdens
How'd she know to become an abyssal? he didn't know much about life after death, but he guessed any one with enough anger and resentment could become an abyssal when they slept at death's door. he dare not let the hound catch him though.
Endurance Test
#1 of commissions ~the following is a commissioned work for anonymous~ a made in abyss non-canon that involves tickle torture, excitement, light bondage, and even worse. science. hope you enjoy!
Welcome to the Abyss
"welcome to the abyss."