The New Knights Rise

Story by Antarian_Knight on SoFurry

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#3 of The Knights of Juno

Just a short one this time. I got the idea for this one when I was doddling before class. Anyway, I promise we will be getting on with the plot in the next chapter. I just felt like writing this one like this.

As always comments are appreciated.

Continued from 'Dragonbreath'...

"..So, at this point in the metabolic process, the carbohydrates have begun to break down..." The teacher said and Karen returned her gaze to the magic projection that the professor was using to illustrate this review session. This was one of the last classes she needed to take in order to become a knight and she was trying her best to concentrate on it, but her mind kept drifting. Biochemistry was not a subject she cared a whole lot about. The professor was one of the humans that had come to Dragon Mountain, not to become a knight, but to help the dragons in any way they could. All the aspirants now had to have a thorough grounding in science and mathematics as well as magic and combat before they could become knights. Thankfully, both subjects came easily to her. As she sat listening to the professor, her mind began to drift once more and she finally relented, lowering her eyes to the paper that sat before her and she began to doodle, letting her pen drift along the page. But she had trouble concentrating even on that.

Her mind was constantly drifting to the Aerie, where her lover was currently resting up before the aerial combat test they would have that afternoon. She sighed to herself and let her mind wander over the memories they had made recently. It had been little more than three months since that incredible day when they had loved for the first time. Since then they had snuck out together whenever they could to carry on their secret relationship. No one had found out about it, she knew, because each time they chose a different place to hide out. Shaking her head slightly, she tried to return her attention to the lecture, but she found the subject matter too boring to concentrate on. She glanced at the clock on the wall and groaned inwardly. It would be another two hours before she would be free from this classroom in the depths of the mountain.

"Wow Karen, that is amazing." Malcolm whispered from his seat beside her and she jumped slightly. She looked at him with a confused expression before looking down at her doodle. Somehow, without her input, her hand had drawn a picture of Twilight diving through the air. The picture was very detailed and she marveled at what she had done. A moment later, she smiled and tapped the picture, her magic flowing swiftly into the surface, bringing the picture to life. Malcolm grinned at her as the drawing of Twilight went through several aerial maneuvers on the paper before it returned to normal flight. "I still can't understand how you are suddenly so good at magic."

Karen shrugged and returned her attention to the professor to avoid the subject. She of course knew why she was so good at magic. Every time she and Twilight mated, the link between them grew all the stronger and her magic skill got better. They had become so closely linked that at times it was hard to tell where her thoughts ended and his began. Malcolm and their other friends were in awe of her magic skills because she had become as skilled as many of the veteran knights seemingly overnight. But, as time passed, she became more and more worried that someone might find out about her and Twilight's secret, or worse, might catch them in the act. As a result she was drawing more and more into herself, not sharing her feelings with her friends. 'But,' she thought. 'At least she wasn't alone in her boredom in the class.' Malcolm appeared just as bored as she was. He had taken a small ork from his pocket and was currently concentrating his magic to make it come to life. After a few moments, the figure's plastic base vanished and it began to run around the table top, shooting its gun and nicking the table.

Karen watched the ork out of the corner of her eye while the professor went on and on about proteins. She felt herself sinking into a stupor and she mightily resisted the urge to yawn. Then, a few moments later, she only barely managed to restrain herself from jumping as a voice spoke into her mind. 'Hello my love.' It said and she kept her eyes on the projection. 'How is class today?'

'Boring.' She replied. 'And how are you this morning?'

'Hopelessly in love with you.' Twilight replied and she laughed in her head. Their hidden conversations always began this way. Most dragons and their riders only maintained the barest link between each other except when they flew or were in combat, their minds kept apart at all other times. Twilight and Karen maintained a link so strong that they dwelled halfway in each other's minds at all times and thus they could speak at any time to each other, even when they were far apart like this. An image of the pair of them lying together in the forest drifted into her head with Twilight's next words. 'Can we go tonight?'

'I would love to, but we can't.' She replied, savoring the image. 'I have exams all this week.'

'When then?' Twilight asked, his mental voice filled with disappointment.

'Now Twilight,' Karen began, Twilight's disappointment making her disappointed as well. 'You know that if I could, I would lie in your arms every night.' She felt a surge of affection come across their link and she smiled. 'We can go this weekend.'

'I will wait until then if I must.' Twilight replied, but there was a note of mischief in his next words. 'But maybe I don't...' Karen was totally unprepared for what happened next. A tendril of magic reached across the link they shared and she suddenly felt as if the dragon was standing behind her, his arms around her. She shivered as she felt his warm breath on her neck. His hands caressed her sides, then gently gripped her breasts and gave them an equally gentle squeeze. She looked down at herself, expecting to see the cloth around her chest constricting, but there was nothing. The feeling was totally in her mind. She felt her lover's hands stroke down her abdomen, going lower and lower with each stroke. A moment later, she stopped even pretending to pay attention to the teacher, for she felt Twilight's claws stroking along her thighs, going further and further up. She managed to refrain from making noise as his hand trailed up her privates, but she obligingly spread her legs beneath the table. His hand trailed up her privates once more, then his fingers started to rub at her clit.

Karen was heavily aroused now and she looked around wildly for a moment, trying to see if anyone had noticed, but even Malcolm, who shared her table, was oblivious. She managed to restrain herself from shuddering as Twilight continued his ministrations, now kissing her neck while he massaged between her legs. She could feel her peak building and she was exerting all her effort to not react physically. And then, suddenly, just as she was getting close to climaxing, Twilight stopped what he had been doing. The tendril of magic retracted and she almost cried out in her mind out of frustration. Twilight's voice came back into her head a moment later.

'Come to me as soon as you can my love.' He said, his voice full of mischief and wholly unapologetic.

'You are evil Twilight.' She replied, her heart racing in her chest. He laughed and she looked around the room once more, her gaze finally settling on the girl that shared her quarters and a sudden idea came to her. Her roommate had another review session right after this one. 'Meet me outside my quarters in two hours.'

'Will do.' Twilight replied and their mental link went quiet again. It took Karen a long few minutes to calm herself down to the point where she was vaguely normal, but she was still aroused. The next two hours were an endless torture. The clock seemed not to be moving and she briefly considered reaching out to it with magic to make its hands move. She rejected the idea, because she knew the professor would not believe the change. So she waited in quiet agony, barely able to concentrate. But even that eternity did not last forever. Eventually, the professor concluded his lecture and the students rose from their tables. Karen and Malcolm walked out of the room and walked off together.

"What are you going to be doing for the rest of the morning?" Malcolm asked, looping his backpack over one shoulder.

"I am headed back to my quarters. I want to get some sleep before the test this afternoon." She lied in response. The pair stopped at a corridor intersection and Malcolm looked her over.

"Are you alright? You look...well, you look bothered." He asked and she sighed inwardly. That was putting it mildly.

"I am alright, I just need some sleep." She said and bid her friend goodbye, headed down the corridor to the stairs while he continued on towards his next class. As soon as she was out of sight of Malcolm, she broke into a run, dodging between the passersby's as they walked through the corridors on their own business. No one questioned her quick pace; the aspirants were always hurrying along this time of year. She reached the stairway in the center of the mountain and ran down it at a reckless pace. She passed fewer and fewer people on her way down the stairs and finally, when she reached the level with her quarters on it, she continued to run, her pace increasing even more now that there were fewer people to move around. She passed a few aspirants walking along the corridors, but she spared even the ones she knew only a few words, bypassing them in her haste. She did not want to be delayed, not when she was so close to having the urge satisfied.

When she finally reached her quarters, she pushed through the door and looked around. They were empty. Moving quickly, she checked the room and found that the books and the notebook her roommate would need for her next class were indeed missing. She breathed an instant sigh of relief and slipped her boots off, wondering when her love would arrive. And, just as this thought entered her head, she sensed him appear behind her. She turned and found Twilight standing there in all his dark-scaled glory. He walked slowly forward towards her and waved a hand casually to the chamber's doorway. In an instant, the door swung shut, the lock clicking. Twilight's smile set her cheeks flushing, but she made no attempt to hide it. When she had turned away to hide her blush once, after they hade become a secret couple, Twilight had stopped her, saying that he had always felt proud that his smile made her do that.

It was only a moment before the young dragon reached his rider and they embraced, kissing fiercely in their passion. Twilight wasted no time undressing his love, his hands reaching beneath her grey jumpsuit and sliding the cloth from her. The scent of dragon pheromones was already filling the air, but they did not affect Karen as they once had. Having encountered them so many times in the past, she had built a resistance to their effects, but they still acted as a force multiplier for her arousal. Twilight began to maneuver her backward and she went willing, sliding to the surface of her bed when her claves touched it. She scooted up the bed and waited for Twilight to join her. The black dragon did so a moment later, already positioning his erect member at her entrance.

"Wait a moment Twilight." She said, stopping the dragon's push as his equipment touched her crevice. "We shouldn't do that now. We will be needing our strength for this afternoon."

"Well, in that case," He said, rolling over off her and laying himself down. "What did you have in mind?"

"Want to try sixty-nine?" She asked and the dragon made a face that told of his answer. Though he always enjoyed oral, it was not his favorite thing to do. "Hey, this is your fault, so you owe me. Now lay down on your back."

Twilight smiled at her and complied. Though the dragons and their riders were close, dragons did not often accept direct orders from their human companions, no matter their rank. And, out of courtesy, the riders even more rarely tried. In public, the young lovers always did the same, giving the appearance of normality. But when they were alone, Twilight didn't seem to mind submitting to her orders. Karen smiled at him and then straddled her lover upside down. As she settled herself above him, she felt a flicker of mischief in her lover's mind, but it was gone so fast that she couldn't catch it. Shrugging to herself, she took his penis in hand and began to stroke it, making Twilight twitch. Then, she bent forward and began to lick his head, spreading a droplet of pre with her tongue so it covered his exposed flesh. In reply, she felt his tongue flick along her slit, the combination of his light touch and the different angle than normal making her twitch with delight.

As fully aroused as she had been before, she took his head into her mouth and began to suck, playing her tongue over it as she did so. She heard Twilight groan at the sensation and she smiled inwardly. Despite his initial protests, she knew he was enjoying it. And then, a moment later she felt a new sensation within her, one she had never experienced and had not expected. The sudden new motion made her jump forward slightly, causing her to gag as his tip hit the back of her throat suddenly. She stopped her ministrations for a moment to adjust to the change in sensation. She knew a moment later what Twilight had done. His long, dexterous tongue had slipped into her vagina and was currently pushing deeper, going deep enough to touch her cervix. And then, the dragon began to undulate his tongue, making it ripple against her inner walls. Karen gasped and shuddered at the new sensation, totally unprepared for it. A moment later, she peaked, shuddering and moaning, which caused more waves of sensation to flow through her. Twilight's erect cock fell from her mouth, forgotten in the throws of ecstasy the dragon was providing.

A whole series of climaxes washed through her, each one more powerful than the last, leaving her in a haze of pleasure, the sensations taking away all senses. Her muscles quivered heavily and she couldn't hardly move, not that she wanted too. A few moments later, she felt Twilight's dick poke at her lips and she managed to regain enough sense to return to the blowjob she had been giving him. While she sucked at him, barely noticing the taste of her lover's pre, she gently ran her fingers over the ridges at the base of his cock, a motion that Twilight loved. He was soon shuddering as well and, a moment later, she felt a strange, and yet incredibly exciting feeling of Twilight's teeth closing on the edge of her privates as the dragon resisted cuming. And, as yet another orgasm washed through her, Karen took a deep breath of air and relaxed her throat. Twilight shuddered suddenly as Karen moved forward, taking more and more of the Dragon's rod into her mouth, deep-throating him. And, she suddenly felt his penis throb and Twilights seed shot down her throat, flowing down into her stomach. She waited until his member stopped spurting and then withdrew it slowly from her.

As his tip slid from her, she gasped, taking in a deep breath once more. She waited a few more moments and then got off of him, her muscles weak from clenching and unclenching so much. The pair lay together in the bed as their bodies calmed down, their arms around each other.

"That was amazing..." Karen finally said, feeling her body calming down at last. "How did you come up with that?"

"It just came to me." Twilight said and smiled at her. "Happy I made you roused now?"

"Uh huh." Karen said tiredly, laying her head on her lover's scaled shoulder. And then, gradually, she recovered her strength enough to get up. "Well, I think we both need a shower after that."

"Yes, lets." The black dragon stated and followed her into the bathroom. After showering off, the pair opened the window set into the wall, allowing the cooling breeze to flow into the room, the spicy mix of scents from their loving fleeing the mountain. Karen changed into a fresh uniform, slipped her feet into her boots and was standing up when the door to the corridor opened up and her roommate came in.

"Oh, hello Twilight." She said, nodding to the dragon. He returned her nod and the girl dropped her backpack onto her bed. "Not interrupting am I?"

"No, we were just about to head up to the Aerie to warm up before our test." Karen said, keeping her voice under control. Her roomie nodded and Twilight led the way out. The pair walked at a normal pace towards the stair leading up, side by side once more. Once they reached the top of the mountain, Twilight transformed and they took off together once more...


Almost a week later, the pair stood in the Aerie once more. Twilight was in his true form, lying on his belly so that his paws bracketed where Karen stood, his head lowered so it was beside her. Malcolm and Turquoise stood beside them in a similar position. They made up the middle of the middle of four dragon and rider pairs. Two more lines were behind them, making up their graduating class. Each rider's grey jumpsuit was gone, replaced with a jumpsuit in the colors and pattern of their mount. Each also bore a sword bound at their side, each made in the style that each rider preferred. Karen's blade was shaped like a Katana, and made of the same dark steel that the sword of the hero, Daelin Darkblade, had carried. For most riders, the jumpsuits were a sign of having completed training, but to Karen, it was an outward sign that she was a part of Twilight.

"You twelve have each been tested, tried and found worthy." Mikael, the lord of the knighthood began, standing before them with Argil. The massive dragon lord was scanning the assembled pairs with intractable and emotionless eyes like two chips of ice. "Each of you has proved yourselves equal to the task appointed to the knighthood. And now, today, you pass out of the ranks of the aspirants, and into the ranks of the knights. I extend the hand of congratulation to each of you, for I am proud to fight beside you. Welcome to the Knighthood." At his words, the knights bowed low, showing their appreciation for his words.

"I too have words for all of you." Argil stated and the knights straightened, looking at him with their mounts. "The bond you have forged during your training will be tested and tried in the coming months as you take on your duties as knights. For some, the bond is already stronger than most, and as you grow older and find mates, it will grow stronger still." As the great dragon said this, Karen could have sworn that his icy gaze flicked in their direction, be decided that it had been her imagination. "The greatest weapon that we have against those that fight against us is each other. Each rider or dragon's strengths stem from the bond between them. Trust each other, and you cannot be defeated." With that, the new knights were dismissed for a few days of blessed relaxation after the strenuous exams they had faced in the week before. Most would be celebrating with each other, toasting each other with drinks. But Karen and Twilight had a wholly different idea in mind to celebrate their changing fortunes, but they wouldn't go off and do it yet. First, Twilight was going to help Karen move her stuff into her new quarters.

It took hours, but at last, they stood in her new solo quarters together, and then reached out with magic in unison, shutting the door leading into the hall. And then, in that quiet sanctum, they lay down together, wrapped in each other's embrace and fell asleep, cuddled up as they once had when they were children. Neither could imagine what the next days would bring, but they felt ready for it none the less...