A Movie Script Ending

Story by cold turkey on SoFurry

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#6 of Highschool Sucked

Part 6: A Movie Script Ending

The end of May was fast approaching and our time as highschool students was drawing to a close. Feeling the end was upon us, we worked hard trying to finish the last meaningful bits of highschool work. Usually this meant preparing for finals and advanced placement tests that were supposed to take place during the end of this week and all next week. Of course all of this preparation was added onto our normal workload, and seeing almost all of the other seniors give into senioritis didn't help too much either.

Through all the stress and complications, there was one comforting constant through it all: Robbie. Whenever I was stuck on something, he was always there to lend a helping paw. If I was ever incredibly stressed about an upcoming exam or something, he was always there to help comfort me, or tell me to lay off the work for a while. Sometimes, it seemed that he knew what was better for me than I did.

Outside of going to school, the majority of Robbie's time was used to prepare for his exams and occasionally helping me with mine. This was tough on him because with so much devotion to his studies, he felt as if he were leaving me behind. He said that he had felt like the only time we spent together was when we were in the car on the ay to an exam... this seemed to wear him down faster than is work.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The last night before exams started, we were lying in my bed, his arms around my stomach and his head on my chest. After a sigh, he apologetically whispered "Shawn, I'm so sorry that I've been spending so much time working..."

Lightly stroking his headfur, he began to murr as I told him "There is nothing for you to be sorry for. I understand that you finishing school strong is important to you... and if it's important to you, it's important to me. Besides, I've had more than my fair share of work too."

He gave my chest a kiss and turned his head to look up at me. Giving him a warm smile, I quickly glanced at the clock and sighed softly, saying "I wish it weren't so late. Seems the only time we ever get together is like this."

His ears drooped slightly as he lay the side of his head on my chest again and took a deep breath. Still stroking his headfur for a few moments, I heard his breathing steady. Putting my other paw behind my head, I decided that after exams were all finished and there was no more work to do, I was going to do something special for him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

All week we did the same routine: wake up, take our exam (or two) and come back home and study for the next one, each exam wearing us down further. We were both becoming more easily exhausted, my mind began wandering more and more as I tried sitting in front of my books. Luckily my exam schedule ended on Thursday, however I woke up early Friday morning and took Robbie to his last exam, in spite of the fact that it started at 8 A.M.

The morning of the exam, the alarm went off a little earlier than it usually would have. Robbie must have set it so he could get some studying in. Yawning slightly, I felt the bed spring up slightly as Robbie gently slipped out of it. Turning with my eyes half open, hoping they would adjust to the still dark room and looking over by the dresser, I saw Robbie slipping a t-shirt on and I spoke softly "Why are you up so early honey? Your exam isn't for another couple hours."

Giving me a sleepy, and overall worn smile he ran his fingers through is headfur before walking back to the bed and placing his fingertips on the side of my muzzle, giving me a kiss "I wanted to get a little more studying in... stay in bed till I come get you ok?"

Nodding, I smiled and gently rubbed the top of his paw, watching as he silently padded out of the room.

It was a silent car ride to the school for the both of us, broken by the occasional page turn from Robbie's notebook. Occasionally, I looked over at him, seeing that he was slowly mouthing words to himself and letting out soft sighs. I could tell that he was exhausted and hoping to be finished with this. Wishing there was something I could say or do to keep him from caving in, I reluctantly kept silent.

Finally arriving, we got out of the car and made our way across the parking lot that we'd gone through hundreds of times before, yet somehow it seemed different today, almost as if we were walking into what was known and comfortable for the last time. I occasionally turned to Robbie, usually catching him yawn. He was exhausted.

Walking him to the door of the exam I took a quick look around and gave him a peck on the cheek. He blushed brightly and covered his face with a paw. Gently pulling the paw away from his face, and held it in my own, giving it a gently squeeze. I looked into his eyes, saying "Relax, it's only a little test, you'll do fine."

Looking back into my eyes a little uneasy he slowly nodded and managed a weak smile, squeezing my paw back. Reluctantly letting go, I wished him good luck before he opened the door and disappeared amongst the row of desks. As the door shut behind him, I took a seat on the ground outside the door and anxiously waited for him to reemerge.

Passing my time with little games in my head, a little over an hour later he finally came out of the testing room. Having nodded off slightly a few minutes prior, I looked up sleepily and jumped up from the ground and wrapped my arms around his waist, lifting him off the ground and burying my muzzle in his neck. He pat me on the head and giggled "Did someone miss me?"

Returning him to the tile floors of the school, I laughed "Maybe just a little" and wrapped an arm around his shoulder guiding him back to the parking lot. Glancing to the side, I noticed the look of utter relief and the slight smile on his face. Smiling I turned back to where I was walking and pulled him close "So, how do you think you did?"

He shrugged as he said "It wasn't as hard as I thought." Laughing, I rubbed his shoulder and kissed him on the top of his head. "See? There wasn't so much to worry about."

He shrugged and broke out away from my arm; taking stairs two at a time, getting to the bottom of the staircase long before I was even halfway through. By the time I had made it to the bottom of the staircase, I found him with his arms crossed over his chest and a defiant stare at me, he was lightly tapping his footpaw on the ground. "What took you so long?"

Shrugging, gingerly pushed him into the door and guided him out to the parking lot, I chuckled "I'm lazy. You glad it's finally over?"

He let out a long sigh saying in a long breath "AhGod you have no idea..."

Hopping into the car, I looked over at him to find that he was pawing through his notebook for the last time. He shrugged and tossed the work notebook into the backseat and turned to look at me. Giving him a grin, I asked "Did you want something to eat?"

Shrugging and patting his belly he said "I could stand to eat."

My ears perked up as I heard his stomach growl. Chuckling I suggested that we go to the IHOP. I heard his stomach growl louder and he looked at me blushing slightly. Giggling, I said "I'd take that as a yes then..."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Walking into my house after breakfast, I tossed my keys onto the kitchen table and hopped onto the couch, lying on my side. Robbie ambled up to the couch and gingerly lay himself down next to me, scooting so he was pressed up against me.

I wrapped an arm around his shoulder as he lay his head on a pillow. Picking up the remote from the arm of the couch, I turned on the T.V. trying to find anything that could be on a Friday morning.

After five minutes of idle channel surfing and finding nothing interesting, I turned the T.V. back off and looked down at him and kissed the back of his head. He rolled around onto his other side till he was facing me and after yawning, said "Thank you for breakfast."

Smiling warmly, I said "My pleasure... You tired?"

Laying his head back down, his eyes started to close and he slowly nodded; "Maybe a little." I could feel him let out a long, low sigh. I lightly kissed him on the nose, and he pulled himself closer, his long vulpine muzzle resting on the nape of my neck, just above my shoulder.

Breaking a few moments of silence, he said "Shawn?"

My eyes had just begun to close as I answered. "Hmm?"

He took his muzzle off my neck and said "It's a little uncomfortable lying like this."

Looking at his amber eyes, I said "Did you want to move up to my bed?"

"Yeah..." He rolled off the couch, nimbly landing on his feet. As I try to imitate him, I land flat on my back eliciting a grunt from me and a chuckle from him. Pushing myself up to my footpaws I looked at him and grinned saying "I meant to do that..."

Yawning he shook his head and turned around, ambling his way upstairs. Catching up to him halfway to the top of the stairs, I wrapped my arms around his waist and, with a soft grunt, lifted him off the ground.

Struggling a little bit, he begins to giggle as we make our way down the hallway to my room.

Nudging open the door with my footpaw, I gently lay him on the bed and lay down on my back next to him. Murring softly and stretching, he sat up and took a moment to unbutton his collared shirt and throw it into the laundry hamper by the dresser.

Laying himself back down and turning onto his side, he draped his arm over my chest. Letting out a low groan, he brought his muzzle close to the side of my maw and gave me a kiss.

Shifting further down the bed, he wraps an arm around my stomach and rests his head on my chest, falling asleep as his head slowly rises and falls, following the rhythmic rise and fall of my chest.

Smiling and yawning, not long after I close my eyes and drift off.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I am woken up a few hours later when my mom prodding my shoulder with her thumb, lowly speaking so as to not wake the sleeping fox. "Shawn... dinner will be ready in a few minutes"

Nodding sleepily, I yawn and slowly start stroking Robbie's headfur to awaken him. Letting out a low groan, he buries his muzzle deeper into my chest before finally lifting his head up.

Looking at me bleary eyed and a little annoyed, he mumbled "I was having a good dream, you were in it... What is so important that you wake me up?"

Giving him a light flick on the nose, I say "Silly fox, why dream when you can have the real thing?" I saw a devious smile curve onto his lips as he contemplated my offer, but I quickly interject "but... dinner will be ready in a few minutes if you're hungry."

He nodded and turned, sitting on the edge of the bed and rubbing his eyes. Hopping down off the bed, I pull a T-shirt from the drawer and hand it to him. Mumbling a quiet "Thank you" he takes it and pulls it over his head.

Smiling, I offer my paw to him to help him off the bed. Taking it, he pulls himself to his footpaws and stumbles into my chest "A little tired today hun?"

Groaning softly, he buries his muzzle into my chest again before pulling it out and looking up at me "maybe just a little..."

Pecking him on the lips, I pull him into a hug. "Still hungry for dinner?" Nodding slowly, the side of his face rubbing against my chest he mumbles something and pushes himself out of my chest. Letting go of him, I take hold of his paw and slowly lead him downstairs to the kitchen.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Finishing dinner rather slowly and putting the dishes away, it was almost 8:30 when we went down to the basement to watch some Friday night T.V. Of course there was nothing on, but I didn't mind because I was lying on a couch with my arms wrapped around my fox. Occasionally I'd give the top of his head a tiny kiss, making him giggle softly and give my forearm a small squeeze.

After about an hour of settling for short snip-its of shows, Robbie began nodding off. While I was gently rubbing his belly, he rolled onto his other side. Facing me, he looked into my eyes with sleepy ones, smiled and sighed softly, saying "It's been a long week."

I nodded slowly, smiling "Yeah, I'm just glad it's finished.

Slowly, in a tired drawl he said "I think I might go to bed now. Are you going to come up with me?" Gently lying his head back on the pillow, he nuzzled my neck.

Purring softly, I smiled. "Probably not, well, at least not till after '60 Minutes'" I said as I started to scratch at the skin underneath the thin fabric of his shirt and fur.

Murring a bit from the light scritching on his back, he said "Oh... ok, I'll stay down here with you until you go to bed."

Sighing softly, I yawned and glanced at the clock. Losing interest in the show about twenty minutes later, I started to poke Robbie in an attempt to wake him up. Peering at me with one eye half-open, he groans and reluctantly gets up staggering a bit as he slowly ambles towards the stairs. Turning off the T.V, I walk over to him and guide him up the two flights of stairs to my room where he wearily strips off all but his underwear and flops down onto the bed immediately falling back asleep.

After taking off my shirt and pants, I gingerly climb in and lie down next to him. Moving myself closer to him so I can feel him against me, I give him a light kiss on the lips and fall asleep, whispering a small "Goodnight."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Wrenched from my sleep by the incessant beeping of my alarm clock, I thought to myself 'Why is on during the weekend?' and reaching over to my nightstand, I slammed my paw down onto it with a slight grunt, silencing it. Rolling onto my side, I draped my arm over Robbie's shoulder and fell back asleep in a matter of seconds.

Waking up a second time I crane my neck and peered at the clock, reading off 11:23 with a hint of uncertainty.

Mumbling to myself I gently kiss Robbie on the lips, eliciting a soft sigh as he gently pressed against my lips. "Wake up sleepyhead the world's calling..." Looking at his muzzle, I saw a smile slowly take shape, creeping up his lips.

Getting out of bed, I walked towards the door and opened it only to be assaulted by the smell of pancakes cooking on the griddle. Turning back towards the bed, I saw that Robbie was propped up onto an elbow and intently eyeing me with a look of lust.

"You know Shawn, it has been a while since we've..." he looked me up and down before finishing "done anything."

Sauntering back over to him, I kissed him on the nose and gently scratched his belly fur, eliciting a soft murr from him. He slowly raised a paw and rubbed my side as I took a seat on the bed. Leaning forward and pressing my muzzle into his, my lips open and my tongue slipped from them, gently licking his lips, begging for them to part.

Opening his lips, I slipped my tongue into his maw and gently rub the side of his tongue with mine as my paw slowly creeps down his belly and into the waist of his shorts, scritching his pubic fur.

Slipping his own paw into the waist of my boxers, he gently scritches the small of my back, making me arch my back slightly as I slip my paw deeper into his shorts and cup his sac in my palm, rolling it and gently massaging it, making him moan in delight.

Sitting up, pulls away from our kiss and pulls his paw from my boxers. Hooking his thumbs in his shorts and lifting his rump, he pulled them down to his knees, allowing me more freedom with his sheath and emerging cock.

Smiling, I move down the bed and lean forward, taking the tip of his cock that was peeking from his sheath into my maw and gently suckling on it. Squirming slightly, his sheath grows harder and his cock to slips from it. Purring, I take more of his shaft into my maw, lapping at the underside of it until my nose bumps against his pubic fur.

Arching his back slightly, he bucks into my maw and grinds his fur into my nose, a moan escaping his lips. Bringing my maw back up his shaft, I suck harder on it before coming off his cock completely, looking up at him and licking my lips.

Whimpering softly, he bucks into air as I grasp his shaft with my paw and start pawing him off, lapping greedily at the bead of pre that had formed on his tip. Squirming underneath me, he starts to moan loudly as I take his tip into my maw and suckle on it, my paw moving up and down his shaft at a feverish pace.

Arching his back, he starts to pant softly "I-... I'm gonna cum"

Moving my free paw down to his knot, I take hold of it and give it a light squeeze, driving him over the edge, his strong, musky seed fills my maw. Swallowing as much as I could, I took more of his cock into my maw, squeezing his knot a little harder, causing him to buck into my maw and more of his seed leak from his tip. Taking a quick breath through my nose, I feel some of his seed escape my lips and slide down his shaft slickening my slowing paw.

Moaning softly, his back returns to the bed as I come off his cock and lick my lips. His chest heaving, he manages to say between pants "Ah god... that was so... good" Lightly scratching his belly fur, I climb off the bed, my cock peeking out of the slit in my boxers as I put on a dirty T-shirt.

"What about you?" he asks, eyeing my cock and grinning, still in the throws of afterglow. Making my way back to the bed, I bend over and kiss him on the lips.

"We'll get to me eventually... but for now, let's get some breakfast"

Grunting softly, he reluctantly heaves himself up and pulls on a thin layer of clothes, the whole time giving me little squeezes and gropes as we get dressed.

Eventually meandering down the stairs and walking into the kitchen, we grabbed some plates and put our first helpings on them. Taking our seats across from each other at the table, I squeeze a generous amount of syrup onto my stack and bury my fork in it.

I mercilessly devoured my first plate of pancakes soon followed by Robbie, who had taken a minute to look me over and giggle as I shoved forkful after forkful of food into my maw.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We finished our breakfast right as the clock in the kitchen started to chirp with the 12 o'clock bird (damn barn owl), making my way from the kitchen I wave Robbie towards me and give him a peck on the cheek "Go get your shoes honey, I'm going to go get some shorts on"

Nodding slightly, he smiled "Where are we going?"

Having disappeared up the stairs an instant before, I poked my head back with a slight grin and a single word "Out."

I come back downstairs wearing my pair of khaki shorts and skate shoes to find Robbie sitting on the end of the couch waiting for me. He ambles up to his footpaws and follows beside me as I walk out the garage door and take off running into the woods.

Muttering to himself, Robbie takes off after me, shouting "Shawn!! Whenever we go out are we going to do this?!"

I take a glance back and smile, cutting hard to the left to avoid a tree "Yup!"

Shaking his head, Robbie mutters under his breath and runs hard after me.

Sprinting around my familiar path, I slow down well before my destination and allow Robbie to catch up to me. "Good run hun?"

Gasping breathlessly, he rests his forehead on my shoulder and swallows hard, panting "Don-... don't do that anymore..."

Wrapping my arm around his waist, I give him a kiss and smile, silently leading him along with me, taking in the scenery as we make our way deeper into the woods. Occasionally we'd pass through a break in the tree canopy, the sun shining brightly above as we walk through its warmth breaking through the leaves.

Finally, we make it to our familiar spot in the middle of the woods. Smiling, I let go of Robbie's paw and sit myself on the ground, patting the earth beside me, urging him to sit next to me.

Lying himself on the ground next to me, he nuzzles my shoulder and plants several kisses leading up my neck as I lean back and let out a throaty purr...

Looking up at the sky through the trees, we noticed our view was getting darker and appeared heavier as the rain clouds rolled in. Not wanting to have to make the trek through the woods in a down pour, we quickly pulled on our clothes, watching Robbie as he slipped his shirt over his thin frame and tugged it down. I slipped over to him, my shirt still lying, unmoved on the ground and wrap an arm around his waist, pulling him into a deep kiss.

Gently running his fingertips through my belly fur, he broke the kiss and smiled broadly, giving me a few more smaller kisses. The first tiny drops of rain fell around us, few and far between as he nuzzled my neck "Honey... you should get your shirt on. We should leave before it starts to pour."

Nodding slowly, I haphazardly yank my t-shirt on and we slowly start our way back to the house, paw-in-paw.

About halfway back to the house, we began to feel the larger droplets of rain and hear the light patter or raindrops falling around us. The feel of forthcoming rain was flooding our senses, the smell of musky earth, the sound of approaching thunder and the occasional drop of rain that made it to a patch of exposed fur. Picking up the pace we hurried home, not wanting to be completely soaked when we got home.

Finally breaking through the barrier of trees into the garden next to my driveway, we saw a new car in the car-port. I didn't recognize the car immediately, but Robbie did. I felt him begin to shake with fear. Looking down at him, I began to understand who it might be as I could see the pain and sorrow coming on his face.

The rain started falling; Monstrous drops began beating against his muzzle, blending with the tears he began to shed as we slowly walk to the cover of the garage. Standing before the door to the house, I looked down at Robbie. Seeing him shake from fear and cold, he took a deep breath, letting it out with a shudder and very slowly nodded to himself, answering a question asked in his own head. Leaning down and kissing him on the side of the muzzle, I grabbed his paw in mine and as I turned the knob to enter my house, I said: "Remember, I will always be here for you."

Slowly, quietly walking in, we could hear three distinct voices, those of my parents and Robbie's mom. Feeling his paw clench mine like a vice, I winced a little bit as we walked past the doorway to the living room where the three adults were sitting.

Slowly walking in, paw-in-paw, we stood before the group, conversation having stopped as soon as the saw us walking into the room.

After an awkward silence, Robbie's mom was the first to speak "Robert, I'm so sorry for how I acted. I know that it shouldn't have happened like that." She got up from her seat on the couch and approached the two of us. I felt Robbie's paw slip from my grip as he slowly walked towards his mom and wrapped his arms around her. She put her arms around his shoulder and kissed the top of his head, tears rolling down the end of her muzzle and into his already wet headfur.

He adjusted his head so it was now resting on her shoulder. She gently began to stroke his headfur as she cried.

Both my parents stood from their seats and stood behind me. Looking up at my mom, I saw that she was smiling.

After some time, Robbie reluctantly lifted his head from his mom's shoulder and looked into her teary eyes with his own.

Looking around for a moment, he turned back to his mom and asked "Mom? Where's dad?"

She lead him over to the couch and when they were both sitting she placed her paw on his knee. Looking at her son with her ears pressed flush against her head, she said "I'm so sorry, I've tried to talk to him but he just won't listen to me..." she bowed her head and after a moment's pause said "He said he never had a son." She was trying to hold back her tears, but failed as she started crying again.

Breaking from my parent's hold, I solemnly walked over to the couch and sat next to Robbie. I placed my paw on his shoulder, showing him that I was still there for him.

He was staring at his paws which were now balled into fists. They began shaking as a tear dropped onto one of them, creating a solitary patch of matted fur.

He looked at his mother and asked "Does he know you're here?" She shook her head from side to side as she choked out a quick "No." and she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"What if he finds out you've come to see me?"

"I don't care what he does, I just wanted to see my baby..." She started to shudder as she was sobbing.

"If he ever hurts you... I swear I'll kill him." His whole body began trembling with rage as he spokes those harsh words.

I leaned over to him and said to him "It won't come to that."

He jumped off the couch and turned to face me and shouted "YOU DON'T KNOW MY FATHER SHAWN. He's an asshole... and I'm sure he just wants to make my life as miserable as possible now..." He stormed off towards the stairs, turning back to glare at me.

The room went silent, stunned at Robbie's reaction. Suspended in an awkward silence, I looked around for a moment and just left. Leaving Robbie be, I went to the basement.

Mindlessly flipping through the stations, I turned off the T.V and lie down on the couch, curling into a ball as sobs wracked my body. Lying there for what seemed like an eternity, I began thinking about me and Robbie... 'What's going to happen when I leave for school? Will he wait for me.... Will I wait for him? It's a long way's away... we'll figure something out... I hope'

Even thinking about this made my sobs come quicker and with greater force. Hearing the basement door creak open and the soft footfalls of somebody trying to come down unnoticed brought me out of my stupor.

I heard the soft patter of footpaws coming in contact with cold tile and I looked up at the blurred image slowly approaching, barely able to make out the bushy vulpine tail trailing behind. Turning away and burying my face back into the couch cushions, I felt the couch buckle underneath the weight of another body sitting on it. The blur slowly started to rub my back, hoping to ease my suffering but it was of little consolation... "Shawn?"

Slowly turning my head, Robbie's face eventually came into focus and I could see the streaks of matted fur around his eyes. "I'm sorry Shawn, I shouldn't have yelled at you. You know I could never be angry with you... right?"

I slowly nodded as tears were still streaming down my face and eventually falling to the cushion below. Lowering my head and looking away, I could feel him place his paw underneath my chin, slowly bringing my head back up. My eyes found his again and he managed to make a faint smile as he brought his muzzle closer to mine until our lips met and we shared a kiss.

I sat up, bringing my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. He sat next to me and started rubbing my shoulder... I figured that this would be an opportune time to ask him about our future.

"Robbie, something's been bugging me for a bit now and I guess... well, we should talk about it."

"What is it?"

Taking in a long breath, I let it out with a sigh and asked "What's going to happen when I leave for school?"

"I... I don't know."

"Didn't you say that you were going to be going to local Uni?"

"Well... yeah but... don't worry about it. We'll figure it all out when the time comes. Let's just enjoy the time we have together." Nodding, I leaned over and rested my head on his shoulder.

Sitting there in silence for a few moments, my ears perked up as I heard the basement door open again and my dad's voice called out "Robbie, your mom wants to talk to you."

Walking into the kitchen where my parents and Robbie's mom had moved to and were now drinking tea, Robbie sat next to his mother and I sat at the head of the table. Robbie's mom put down her cup and looked over at Robbie who had been staring at her since he came upstairs and simply said "Rob, I can't convince him otherwise... but your father is going to throw out all your belongings..."

Robbie interjected by shouting "Why the fuck is he going to do-" He was cut off by his mother when she said louder "I don't know, but if you want to keep your things, you should come by the house and pick it up. He isn't going to be home tomorrow so you can do it then."

He looked over at me, clueless and angry. "Robbie... I'll go with you tomorrow and help you. We can use the van"

We spent the next twenty minutes talking about the details of what he could take, and when we would come by to get everything.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After saying our goodbyes to Robbie's mom, we walked back up to my room where Robbie flopped onto the bed and I gingerly climbed in after him. He pulled himself closer to me and nuzzled my chest, quietly whimpering. I started to stroke his headfur. "What's wrong baby?"

He buried his face deeper into my chest and said something but all I could make out was incoherent mumbling. Pulling his head back from my chest, he brought his paw up and wiped a tear from his eye saying "I just don't understand why my dad would be this way... I just don't get it."

I brought his head closer to mine and nuzzled his slightly matted cheek, giving it a soft kiss. He laid his head back on my chest and took a deep breath, letting it out a moment later with a sigh.

"You gonna be alright?"

I could feel him slowly nod and take in another deep breath. Letting it out, he said "I'm just glad you're here for me... I don't know what I would do without you Shawn"

Sorry for the really long delay and everything. I promise it won't take this long to write another one... which will be continued in another series because I think this one has run its course. Anyway, thanks a lot for reading.

Much love