Pep Talk

Story by husktail on SoFurry

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Alright so this was my attempt at writing another story. It's been a while so take it easy on me. All it is is a little pep talk a coach gives his star player after he's been in a bit of a slump. Enjoy :3

Chase slammed his fist into his locker hard enough to dent it. The massive wusky had just cost his team the fifth game in a row now and he was on the verge of a breakdown. It was already half an hour since the game ended but Chase hadn't moved from his spot on the bench since they entered the locker room. No one said it directly to, people tended not to piss off a muscle bound seven foot two three hundred foot canine, but he heard his teammates muttering under their breath about him being a fuck up. What really bothered Chase though was that they were right. He was the team's quarterback and in the last three games he hadn't made a good pass or gotten it to the right person. He was in a funk.

The twenty year old athlete was in his junior year of college and if he continued playing the way he had been he'd be kicked off the team. If he was kicked off the team he'd lose his scholarship and any chances of going pro. He sighed heavily and looked down at himself, still fully dressed in his uniform and covered in sweat that had dried into his white and grey fur.

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" He asked himself as got up to go take a piss.

"Good fucking question Adams."

Chase jumped when he heard the booming bass voice of his coach. The young man turned sheepishly to face the bear behind him. Chase was big, but Coach Matthews was bigger. The titan of a grizzly bear had been a defensive lineman and had the bulk to show it. He stood an intimidating seven foot six inches and was covered in dark brown fur. His arms and legs looked like tree trunks and his bulging pecs were visible through his shirt. However, after years of coaching from the sidelines the coach had acquired an impressive bear belly that had him tipping the scales at four hundred and fifty pounds.

"S-sir I thought you left with the rest of the team..." Chase said his voice devoid of any confidence.

"Adams you know I'd love to be out with the team celebrating a victory tonight, but I can't. Do you know why that is Adams?" The older bear growled out accusingly.

"Because we lost sir?" Chase answered staring down at his feet, ears folded back weakly.

"You're damn right that's why! Look at me Adams, you were the best god damn player we had the past two years, what the fuck's happening boy?"

Chase couldn't help but let out a slight whine. He hated making that little noise because it made him feel like a helpless pup. The thing was though, he was playing like a useless pup and he didn't know why. His girlfriend had dumped him three months ago but he only started sucking four weeks ago. He had no idea what he was doing wrong and the worse he did the more he second guessed himself causing him to do even worse.

"I really don't know sir... P-please I know I'm doing badly but don't kick me off the team! I can't lose my scholarship, I don't care if I have to sit on the bench or be the water boy I just can't be off the team!" The wusky had tears in his eyes as he pleaded to the older man.

Matthews sighed and shook his head. He didn't know what to do with the boy. He tried working with him during practice but nothing seemed to be helping with the funk the boy was in. He didn't want to kick Chase off the team, hell the kid could even go pro if he started playing like he used to again. But he was worse than their bench players at the moment and he would have to be replaced if things didn't get better. The bear sat down and patted the bench.

"Sit down kid, we need to have a talk." Chase nodded and did as he was told taking a seat next to the bear. "Kid you're good at what you do, I know you are. But if you don't start improvin' well... we're gonna have an issue." The older bear sighed and looked at the young man who was shaking slightly. "Look... Son is there anything I should know about? Is everything okay at home?

Chase shook his head still unable to look his coach in the eyes. "Yes sir. I really don't know why I've been playing like this." He paused for a minute before going on. "I mean my bitch of an ex dumped me a few months ago but it's been a while and I hate her." Chase genuinely did hate his ex, he found her with another guy, twice, and then she broke up with him for being too controlling.

The coach though for a while. "Well, is anything else going on? You're not failing any classes or nothing right? Anything been giving you stress that could cause this?"

Again Chase shook his head. "No sir I'm doing fine in class... Well my grades have dropped a little, but that's because I've been trying to get my game back." Chase wasn't the greatest student but he knew how to get by. His grades hadn't been perfect and now they were a little worse but that's because he was worrying about the game so much.

Matthews closed his eyes and though hard for a moment. He thought about Chase, a twenty year old star football player with no outside stress. What could cause someone like that to suddenly fuck up? And that's when it hit him.

"Adams, when was the last time you got laid?" The older bear asked inquisitively.

Chase's eyes went wide and he blushed as he looked up at his coach. "S-Sir?!"

"Don't be shy boy when was the last time you had fucked a bitch?"

Chase looked down again this time out of embarrassment. "Well uh... My ex and I hadn't really done it for a while before we broke up. And well... Since then I really haven't uh... Done anything." Chase was confused, he really didn't know what this had to do with anything. Sure sex was good, but did it really have anything to do with football?

The bear slapped his forehead and his mouth hung open in disbelief. "There's your fucking problem kid! A big guy like you needs to be getting off!"

Chase turned bright red. He wasn't really a fan of talking about his sex life, especially since he didn't have much of one. "Sir uh... I don't think that has anything to do with it."

"Boy, I've been coaching young men longer than you've been alive. When someone your age is pent up for as long as you have it's amazing you're still able to function! Now get your fucking cell phone and call up some bitch that'll jump your bone!" Matthew's smiled. He was glad he had finally gotten to the bottom of this and a stud like Chase shouldn't have a problem finding some slutty sorority girl who'd give anything to get in bed with the star quarterback.

Chase's ears lowered again and he hesitated before talking. "Uh... Sir... It's not really that simple." Chase's voice was trailing off as he spoke but the coach shot him a glare.

"Da fuck do you mean? I've seen girls throwing themselves at you just pick one!"

Chase let out a whimper feeling ashamed. "That was when I was playing well sir... Ever since the losing streak I-I've been the laughing stock of the school." It was true, after losing the second game so badly people had been laughing at him behind his back and said he was just on the team out of pity at this point. Even the guys on the team had basically turned their back on him at this point and refused to hang out with him. And with no girls to call up, and no guys to hang with to help try to find someone Chase was out of luck.

"God damn it son, what am I gonna do with you?" The bear chuckled. "Hehe that might be more of an answer actually..."

Chase looked up confused. That last sentence didn't quite make sense in his head and usually coach made sense to Chase. "Huh?"

"Haha what Adams? Can't understand a little flirtation?" The bear chucked making his large belly wobble but Chase turned bright red and his ears stuck straight up in shock. "S-sir?!" Chase basically yelled in disbelief.

The bear snorted. "It was a joke boy, sheesh, the way you make it sound you've never even heard of two guys getting it on!"

Chase was still dumbstruck. "W-well I have but th-that's creepy."

"What do you mean boy? A fuck's a fuck." Matthews had a couple of kids on the team who were gay over the years and he had always tried to keep those kids safe by discouraging homophobia. It was harder said than done, especially with some of the thick heads these jocks had.

"Well... I guess sir but it's just kinda gross."

The coach chuckled a bit. "Why? Cuz it's between two guys? So are girls grossed out when they have to sleep with you?"

Chase shrugged. "Well, no I mean it's supposed to be between a guy and a girl isn't it sir?" Chase had grown up in a small town and since he was a jock his whole life he had been surrounded by people who shared the idea that love was between a man and a woman, he had never even considered it possible for two dudes to be together.

"Son, don't say that." The older bear said. "Gay people are still people their not that different from you or me."

Chase shook his head. "I don't really get it sir, it just sounds gross to me."

The bear rolled his eyes "Son I guarantee that if I sucked your dick it'd feel just as good as if your bitch of an ex did."

"What the fuck!? ...Uh sir, d-don't say that..." Chase looked around just making sure there was no one in the locker room.

"Don't be such a puss boy!" Matthews grabbed Chase's crotch and laughed. "See, does my paw really feel that different than some bitch's?"

Chase yipped loudly and nearly fell off the bench when the coach place his meaty paw over his crotch. He was glad he was still wearing his jock so the other man's paw wasn't directly on his junk but this was fucking weird.

"S-sir please don't do that I don't like it." The big wusky felt weird about this, he knew he should since it was weird but there was a feeling nagging at him in the back of his mind that he couldn't understand.

The coached had a shit eating grin on his face as he groped the young man beside him. "Haha what's-ah matter boy? You like feeling another man grabbing your crotch?" The older bear had messed around a bit with guys but he was just messing with the big lunk. Then again, Chase was a stud. No wonder the girls liked him, maybe if he was willing.... No the coach couldn't do that to the poor kid. But if the kid was having trouble getting laid, and getting laid was his problem. Maybe that was his solution to all this.

"Uh sir?" Chase asked bringing the older bear back to reality. "Uh... I-I have to uh... Use the bathroom." Chase really did have to go, but he also just wanted to get away from the coach for a minute since this is weird.

"You can hold it boy, I gotta talk to you still." The bear took another deep breath. "Look son, you need to get your rocks off if you wanna start doin well. Only problem is, it seems like you need to be doin well to get your rocks off. So we're stuck. Unless..." The bear's paw moved to Chase's thigh and he started to rub it tenderly. "I'm gonna help ya. Not just so you can get better but so you can learn that a fuck is a fuck, no matter who it's from."

Chase swallowed hard, he was terrified by the prospect of where this was going. Coach was acting like some kind of weird faggot. "S-sir I d-don't-" Chase was stopped by a finger pressed against his lips.

"Quiet boy, this is the only way we can fix your little problem. And cmon" He said with a smirk. "I'll make ya feel better than any dumb bitch could." The bear leaned in and pressed his lips to the young wusky's.

Chase's eyes went wide as his coach kissed him. His mind was buzzing but he had no idea what to do. He was having a full on freak out and completely lost it, literally. He whimpered as the piss he had been holding in suddenly started to flood his cup. Chase pulled his head back and tried to get up to run to the bathroom but the larger bear grabbed him by his jersey.

"Hehe somethin' wrong boy? Had an accident?" The bear saw the wetspot growing across the boys tight pants and chuckled. "Maybe I should've let you take that bathroom break. Now come ere'" The bear stood and grabbed Chase by the hips. Again he pressed his mouth against the canines and started to lick at his lips to try and coax the wusky into it. As he did he pushed his hips forward grinding into the warm wetness that covered the boy's crotch.

Chase didn't know what was happening. Just a few minutes ago he had punched his locker hating himself and now.... Well now his coach was kissing him and he had wet himself. And the weirdest part was that Chase kind of liked it. The coach's lips were soft but he had never been kissed so... aggressively. He had never felt like he was the one being taken care of sexually. Since he was the guy, he usually took control but this, this was incredible. He slowly closed his eyes and melted into the kiss. He was slowly kissing his coach, of all people and he loved it. He opened his maw little and he quickly found the ursine's tongue plunged into his mouth. Chase found his own tongue pushing up against his coach's and started to caress it. There was something thrilling about doing something so taboo with his coach.

The older bear was enjoying himself quite a bit as well. He slowly broke the kiss and pulled away smiling. The young man in front of him looked like he was dazed and there was a goofy grin on the boy's face. "Hehe now was that so bad mah boy?" Chase shook his head. "N-no sir." The bear chuckled. "Then let's make it better." The bear grabbed the bottom of Chase's jersey and pulled it up over his head. After that came Chase's pads and Matthew's couldn't help but let out a whistle. He had no idea how this boy had gone without a fuck in so long. He was fucking ripped! The boy could be a model if football didn't work for him. He had a set of eight abdominal muscles that looked like they had been sculpted into him. He also had a massive pair of pecs that rivaled even those of the bear. The kid had arms that looked like they could lift up even the bear's fat ass, something that the coach wasn't opposed to.

"Hehe lookin good there boy." Matthews growled seductively before leaning in and nibbling at Chase's neck. He could taste the dried sweat on the boy's neck and it drove him wild. He smelled like a real man who had been working his ass of and stunk of pure manly musk.

"Um... Sir?" Chase asked getting his courage up. "What about you?" Chase was enjoying himself, quite a lot. He started to feel his cock stirring in his piss soaked sheath. He was feeling attracted to the man in front of him.

The old bear smiled. "What, you want to see your coach in the nude boy? Hehe, well alright but you gotta strip down for me too." The coach winked an pulled his own shirt off so the boy could see his rounded belly. He grabbed one of the boy's paws and placed them on his stomach and Chase started to rub it and murr. "Hehe you like ma fat belly pup?" Chase nodded and this time he was the one to lean in for the kiss. The bear happily obliged and shoved his tongue back into the boy's mouth to explore a little. As he did, the bear undid his belt and pulled down his pants leaving him in just a pair of briefs with a rather large bulge in the front of them.

Chase took note and started to undo the ties on his own pants and pulled them off as well. He only had his jockstrap on now which was stained yellow with piss. The large bear murred as he pulled away again and looked down at the own massive bulge. "Hehe lemme see what those girls have been after this whole time pup." The older bear got down on his knees and took hold of the rim of the boy's jock. In one quick motion he pulled it, and the cup in it off and his jaw dropped. Out from the boys underwear flopped two furry balls each the size of the bear's head. They had a potent smelling mix of piss and sweat dripping off them onto the floor. There wasn't much of a drop though since the damned things hung halfway down to the boy's knees. Naturally, his swollen sheath was just north of his large testicles and was the size of the bear's forearm.

"Holy shit kid! How do you stuff that thing into your pants?!"

Chase blushed a little. He could never shower with the rest of the team or change around them because he was afraid of what they would say.

"I'd love to see the bitch who managed to fit this this thing in her!" The bear reach forward and started stroking along the boys large sheath. He looked up and saw the hybrid whimpering a bit. "What's wrong pup?"

Chase looked around nervously and then finally sighed nervously. "Th-there aren't any..." The bear looked up confused.

"So you mean to tell me... You're still a virgin?"

Chase whimpered more. "E-every girl I've been with said I was too big.... Th-they would give me a handy or something but uh... Y-yeah. P-promise you won't tell the guys on the team?"

The bear growled lustfully. "Hehe boy, by the next time I see the guys on the team you won't be a virgin anymore." The bear started to lap at the boys balls and murred at the taste. Chase shuddered and instinctively grabbed his coach's head and pushed it against his sac. As his coach continued to lick his musky balls the tip of Chase's pointed red cock poked out of his sheath. The bear pulled away for a second before licking his lips at the sight of the kids red rocket. He then plunged his head down around the head of his cock and started suckling it hungrily. As he did Chase's cock began to grow into the older bear's maw. As the bear suckled and slurped along his growing length, Chase's legs began to shake. He had to sit down and he found himself staring at his coach's bulge and started to wonder what he was hiding.

"Um... Sir. Could I uh." He shuddered a bit as the bear gave him a hard suck. "C-could I uh see yours?"

The bear smiled and stood before pulling off his undies to show off his hard foot long cock. The thing was thicker than a beer can and a bulging vein ran along the underside. However, Chase's cock was already sixteen inches long, and still it wasn't fully erect. Chase whimpered a bit from the lack of attention being paid to his dick but didn't know if he wanted to be the one getting sucked off or maybe have a taste himself...

The coach smiled more and pushed the boy down onto his back. He then climbed over the boy and wagged his cock right in front of the pup's maw before shoving it into his gaping mouth. The bear started fucking the pup's face and murred as the kid started sucking.

"Good boy, you've got the hang of this!" Matthews then grabbed the wusky's cock and placed his maw back over it. He started to bob his head along that red canine cock and murred as he tasted pre start to dribble into his mouth. After a few seconds Chase was moaning around his coach's thick cock and started to buck his hips into the older man's face. The bear sputtered a bit not able to take anymore.

"Hehe so kid, you ready to punch in that V-card?"

Chase nodded and sat up expecting his coach to bend over or something. What he wasn't expecting though was for the older bear to grab his legs and place them on his broad shoulders. "Hehe what'sa matter pup? Did you think you would be on top?" The bear chuckled again. "Tell me if I go too fast okay?" Chase nodded as he felt the mushroom shaped head press against his virgin asshole. The wusky whimpered as his coach pushed into him deeper. His ass clenched tightly around the bears's cock making it hard for him to get any further. Despite the pain he was feeling, Chase's cock was throbbing wildly and pre poured from his tip. It looked like someone hadn't fully turned off a faucet and Chase's cock was well lubed up with his own pre.

"Damn boy! You're tight as fuck!" The bear growled through gritted teeth. He'd never had his cock squeezed like this; it felt like the kid's ass was trying to keep his cock. "Ya gotta relax kid!"

Chase whimpered and tried his hardest to relax a bit. Since he never really used the muscles in his ass it took him a minute to be able to actually loosen himself up. As he did, his coach started to push in further until Chase felt a warm pair of balls pressed against his ass.

"Hehe good boy, see? Not so bad is it? Now, this next part's gonna feel even better." The older man leaned down and kissed his star athlete lovingly as he started slowly pulling his hips back before pushing back in. He began humping the boy at a nice slow pace to get him used to it. As he went he kept trying to find the boys prostate to really set him over the edge. After a few experimental thrusts he finally felt the boy tense up and yip as he hit a spot. The bear growled happily and began picking up speed, hitting his boy's button with each forceful buck of his hips.

Chase moaned and his cock began spurting out jets of pre wildly. He was lying on a bench in the middle of the locker room getting his ass pounded by his big burly coach. He was doing something that was driving his nuts and Chase realized he was reaching the end of his rope. The bear was also humping wildly so he thought maybe soon his coach would finish too.

"S-sir I-I don't think I can..." Chase yipped and his cock throbbed wildly actually slapping in between his abs and his coach's belly. "F-FUCK I-I'M GONNA!"

"I'M RIGHT HERE WITH YA BOY!" The bear roared and under him Chase started to howl loudly. The bear's cock started shooting ropes of cum into his boy's ass filling him with his hot seed. Chase on the other hand was spraying like an open fire hydrant. His cum splattered over both of them and some even got into his own mouth. Their orgasms lasted a combined three minutes and left them absolutely covered in cum. There was even a puddle under them. Chase was panting as his coach started to lick the cum off the boy's face and smiled kindly.

"Hehe, come on kid. Let's hit the showers. After this I'm sure you'll be good to go." They stood up together and walked to the shower room. Naturally they couldn't keep their hands off each other the whole time and ended up making a mess a few more times, Chase had never felt better as he staggered out of the locker room. From behind him, his coach came up and gave him a hard smack on the ass.

"I'll see you at practice tomorrow kid." The bear winked and they parted ways for the night

Three Months Later

The entire team came running into the locker room carrying Chase on their shoulders. They were all hollering excitedly and congratulating him. He had just lead them to their eighth consecutive win and were on their way to playoffs.

"Dude! You kicked ass today! Again! What has coach been teaching you in those private sessions you've been having.

Chase smiled coyly. "Well, maybe if you guys ask him you guys could come!"

The entire team cheered and carried Chase over to the coached office to see if they could all celebrate... as a team.