
Story by industrystandard on SoFurry

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#2 of freewriting

A fatfur short about way too much vixen occupying a single space at any given point.

"...yes Dave... more pizza, and fried lasagna balls..." there was a ruffling of sheets and a creaking of springs "and more butter stuffed doughnuts..." there was a gurgling growl "What do you mean we're all out?" suddenly there was a loud creaking of springs accompanied with the sound of kicking "No... no dave... I don't... keep those carrot sticks away..." With a snort, the bulging mass beneath the silken sheets convulsed awake. Suddenly the silk sheets were thrown to the floor, revealing a monumental ball of peach and cream coloured fur slowly expanding and shrinking with a repetitive wheezing. Here, laying in a rather modestly decorated bedroom and completely unaware of the fact, was the single most obese fennec fox in all of history.

"Oh... why is it so hot in here..." Felicity groaned aloud, while groping her own greasy sweat soaked love handles, noted a slight distortion to her rich as dark chocolate voice. "What the..." she reached up for her ears and was met with warm, sweaty flesh. opening her eyes the flabulous fox realized she was in a massive mammary canyon. Head sunk between two pillows, Felicity's massive ears were propped forward of her face, and her bulging breasts had managed to nestle neatly into the satellite dishes. "Come one girls... work with me..." she grabbed two handfuls of her supple breast meat, moaning as she got a handful of sensitive nipple, and pushed them off.

Holding back the twins her chubby cheeks bulged back where they belonged, the jiggling masses always looked like they were harboring fugitive doughnuts. The peach toned desert whale continued to sweat, her radiators would take a few minutes to bring her back down to sweltering, in the meantime her tongue hung out and onto the ball of fat that was her second chin. To speed the cooling process the pillows were the next to take a dive, allowing those xxl pizza sized ears to lay in the cool spots. A grin soon invaded those dough ball cheeks as the sensation spread slightly, though this relaxing feeling was soon to be cut short as Felicity's largest aspect voiced its current thoughts. *gurrrgrooowl* a spasm tore through the overblown fennecs stretched and abused digestive tract, kindly indicating its current empty state.

"Oh... I know sweety... but first, we're a big sweaty mess..." The plump pixen wiped her sweaty hands on the red silk sheets and leaned forward to look over her bloated body in all its splendor. Chin and neck rolls bulging and bunchin against her breast, Felicity still had to look up at a great angle at the mountainous peak of a gut looming over her and her foothill breasts. Taking a deep breath, she admired the way it all shifted and swelled so nicely, before she was overpowered by her own musk. "Oh yes... it is time for a shower." she slumped back and stretched out, a massive yawn once more enhancing the appearance of that double chin as the masses of fat making the stretch marks on her arms tried to swallow her head. "But first..."

One of those fat arms reached over to the side table, the fat sausage fingers at the end grabbing a chocolate mallow-fox from the triple decker lazy susan. Felicity looked at the little whip of marshmallow, chocolate drizzled just right giving it the appearance of a brown and white fox. "I wish you were a real fox, that way you could give me a sponge bath while I eat all my meals in bed, then roll me to the living room and eat all my meals in there, then for dinner..." she just sighed and popped the happy looking marshmallow into her jiggly maw and chewed, grabbing some coconut flavored ones, and then pina colada ones piling them all in for "Energy". Swallowing she took a deep breath and slapped four feet of fox lard piled atop her tiny frame.

Tilting her head to the side, the rotund vulpine grabbed for the rope tied to her bed post, and dragged herself to the side, she installed the rope after getting stuck for almost a whole day. Panting from dragging all 480 pounds across her sinking mattress, she rubbed a swollen love handle and smiled. "Now for the hard part..." with a grunt she pushed her swollen mass to the side, then back, then towards the edge again, when suddenly *Crack* Felicity found herself bounced to the floor and rolling into her make up mirror. "What the fuck..." she grabbed at her fat rump cheeks, but the bruised area was beyond her grasp. Looking around she surveyed the damage.

Her make was in complete disarray, lipstick, eye shadow, and claw polish everywhere, but for the most part the legs on the make-up stand survived the impact. next she observed the cause of the bruising on her tremendous rump. "Shit..." she had thought the leg on the bed had broken, like last time, but instead, it decided to nail itself through the hard wood floor." Oh Felicity, thou art getting to be such a fat pig..." Pushing herself up with the bench from the vanity, she managed to get her feet on the floor, which was the easy half, now she was hunched over her fat dough ball belly and breasts, both of which were heaped enormously onto the floor.

Taking another moment to catch her breath, still trying to rub at the tender spot on her ass cheek, squeezing and rubbing the bulging buttocks with both hands. Felicity's ass was tremendous, she smiled at the thought of all the horses and mules who would kill for a chance encounter with it. The two great domes of flesh almost perfectly round, ballooning out beneath her silken tail and sagging hugely atop her thunder thighs. Her porcine thighs were forever pushed together, pressing her legs out to such an extreme angle, she once dislocated her hip. The rest of the vixens legs appeared as though someone had sectioned them off with elastic bands, her massive calves were so full of lard they had dimples, which also made an appearance on her kneecaps. sticking out of this her ankle led down the narrow length of foot to her paws, the whole setup looking like the porker vixen was balanced precariously on top of tow awkward, extremely fragile stilts.

Sticking out of her the peach goliaths shoulders, were a pair of fat arms, which also bore the phantom rubber bands present on her legs. When held out straight to the sides, the masses of fat porking out around her biceps settled neatly onto the burgeoning love handles wrapping around the vixens equatorial belt line. Reaching down to lift herself into a standing position, Felicity's fat forearms pressed firmly into whatever she happened to be grabbing, in this case her massive belly. Combined with her massive breasts, the bloated belly and chest of the vixen made up wholly HALF of her body weight, So swollen with adipose flesh it actually settled softly on the ground when she was standing straight up.

Felicity clenched her teeth, taking a deep breath, she braced her swollen legs wide and pulled. "And LIIIIIIFT..." She thought some of her teeth were going to break as that bloated sack of flesh move skyward, the majority of it lifting off, while the fat bulges beneath her bellybutton remained planted. Finding her balance the lard soaked vixen watched herself in the mirror. 480 pounds was morbidly obese by anyone's standards, but when you're standing at 3 foot 4 inches tall, Felicity quickly realised she had a growing problem. Heaving a sigh tears welled up."How are we supposed to find someone to love us like this..." she moved to heft her belly in emphasis, but only managed to pull the thick rolls in her grip up a bit.

A sudden sob escaped as she cursed her deranged fetish, before wiping her eyes and fantasizing about it. Every ounce of her clinically obese frame was her own fault, relishing the feeling of food filling her cavernous gut, but even as she became full she wasn't horny. It wasn't until that bellyache started in that she felt a tinge of wetness, and it wasn't till she thought she had to call emergency services from the pain that she came to full arousal. Panting she dried her tears, the thought of such gluttony once more bringing a growl to her gut and a tingle to her loins.

Knight time snack or "I'm going in after her!"

\*Word of warning... though I usually despise such stories this isn't going to end well for the Fox. the manner in which he will be dispatched is the only reason I'm writing this in the first place.\* The bunnies quickly ran up the path to their...

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World Champeen: Chapter 1

Todrick stood in the mirror, the Vulpine's shirt was off and he was holding his chubby pot belly in his hands. Normally there would be a lot more rubbing, bouncing, slapping, and grinning, but today the Fox held his paunch with a serious expression....

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Randal thought back to what the woman at the fair had said, he had just snatched the the last custard filled doughnut from the doughnut tent before she could get it, and she pointed at him with an intense glare. "PEEGFOX..." the old buzzard brushed...

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