World Champeen: Chapter 1

Story by industrystandard on SoFurry

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#1 of World Champeen

The first chapter in the story of a gainer who inadvertently becomes champion eater of the world... not like I buried it in the title or anything like that.

mature for some "Chicken strangulation" at the end.

if you'd like to see more PLEASE COMMENT!!!

Todrick stood in the mirror, the Vulpine's shirt was off and he was holding his chubby pot belly in his hands. Normally there would be a lot more rubbing, bouncing, slapping, and grinning, but today the Fox held his paunch with a serious expression. "We can do this... We can WIN..." He turned to the side and squeezed at the thick rolls filling out his be-clawed hands. "We don't care about the money, or the trophy... We just want to stuff ourselves and fatten up, and the year supply of donuts won't hurt." The Fox's stern expression switched to a smile as his hands started rubbing large circles around the down covered lard. Todd's fur stood on end as he leaned back, pushing his tubby tummy out as far as he could. "I can't wait to rub that tight ball of donuts... or the ball of fat that they become." Opening one of his drawers he pulled out a red and white check T-shirt and pulled it on, then he retrieved a cotton bib with a chicken on it, his lucky eating bib. walking back to the mirror he pulled it on and straightened it, grinning as the slightest bulge of white fur sagged out from the bottom of the shirt. Todd 's grin widened as he admired how his belly stretched and distorted the red check pattern where his plump belly stretched the garish fabric. He pulled a button down shirt on, allowing his paunch to swell out, before heading down to the street fair.

The fair was abuzz with activity, jugglers, and fire-eaters, and acrobats entertained the masses as they walked to and fro between the rides, games, and food stalls. Speaking of food stalls. "Two deep fried Twinkies please... and an order of fried Oreos... and two fried candy bars..." Todd hit several. "one cheese fry and one gravy fry please, extra cheese and extra gravy on the side." The lure of the potential thousands of calories worth of terrible, batter-fried junk-food was too much to ignore. "Two corn-dogs please, with mustard... I didn't know you could double batter fry them, yes please... and a lemonade." By the time he got to the donut shop at the end of the street Todd was starting to feel full, but he wasn't stuffed, and he wasn't leaving until he got the bellyache he came for. The Fox strolled up to the stage where the contestants were just starting to settle into their positions. Todd smiled at the chubby black cat sitting next to him as he chomped the remainder of his corn dog off of it stick. The cat frowned at the idea of eating right before a competition where you need all the space you can spare in your gut, but he was even more nervous about the fact the Fox was confident enough to do just that.

A rather fat Wolf sat on the other side of Todd and held his stomach unhappily, angry growls emanating from beneath his silvery furred gut. He turned and gave a faltering smile. "Man am I starving, haven't eaten anything in three days just preparing for this."

Todd just licked at remaining batter on his corn-dog stick and smiled confidently. "Well that was rather foolish..." He tossed the cleaned stick into a trashcan at the end of the stage. "It can takes months of training to stretch one's stomach for competition but only a day or two for it to shrink back to it's original unstretched state." The confident glutton paused to lick some grease from his claws. "Then there are things like 'Consumption', which can be lethal, but thats usually after eating a large meal following months of near starving conditions."

The Wolf watched his Vulpine neighbor polish his claws through slightly scared eyes. "How do you know all this?" he asked, turning watch some other contestants take their seats.

The plump Fox smiled at the Wolf. "I'm a gainer..." Todd leaned back and gave his small gut a double handed pat, the wolf looked more than a little confused. "Look, there are all sorts of people in this world. Some people try to get as thin as they can, because apparently that is the worlds ideal nowadays, then you've got those jocks who will do anything including illegal drugs to bulk up with muscle..." once again he pooched out his gut and gingerly rubbed it. "...then there are the people like me. The gluttons of the world who eat not for sustenance, but to grow round and fat and obese." he slowed his rubbing down and let his tongue hang out. "The 'Consumption' thing is from watching too much TV, to break my metabolism I just sit around and eat." He panted watching the crowd gathering through slit eyes, he straightened out his too tight shirt and sat up. "Thats why I'm going to win, because I'm not here for the competition, I'm here to eat too much on purpose."

With this revelation both the wolf and the cat started whispering to the competitors down the table, all stopping to look at Todd, who merely polished his claws in response. The owner of "Ding Dong Dhole Donuts" stepped out with a microphone to greet the crowd and the competitors.

"Greetings ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the 3rd annual Ding Dong Dhole Donut eating COMPETITION!!!" The crowd responded with the typical jubilation that precedes watching a bunch of fatties gorge themselves on round ring shaped gobs of fat. "The rules are simple... You all get 1 hour to eat as many donuts as you can. Everyone gets a pitcher of milk. You'll each get a dozen donuts at a time, starting with plain cake donuts, then chocolate glazed cake donuts, then French cream, then Boston cream, then jelly filled, then cream filled, then custard filled, then if you survive all that... Chocolate éclairs."

"What if everyone eats all of those?!" Todrick half shouted, the crowd laughed, though the rest of the contests looked at the fox with exasperated disbelief.

"Well... we'll cross that bridge if we get there, I suppose... if we get there..." The red canine straitened his bow-tie and cleared his throat, gesturing towards the lovely ladies standing next to the bakers cooling racks heavily loaded with greasy, sugary gobs of dough. " ladies if you wouldn't mind setting our contestants up with their first box please." While most of the other contestants had their eyes on the lovely ladies carrying the the boxes, Todd was watching the beauties in the box, 12 sumptuous fried rings of the sweetest dough, all for him. He almost disqualified himself by jumping the starting line, but he held himself before he touched the box, though the Dhole with the microphone did catch it.

"Bit overeager there aren't we..." he looked down at the contestant sheet. "...Todd?" The Vulpine grinned and gripped just below the collar on his open shirt, a sly grin of subversion spread over his slightly chubby cheeks. "Well you have to wait till..." the old dog grinned and thrust an air horn towards the crowd allowing an ear shattering blast, and all the contestants started eating. Todd slowly leaned forward and ripped the front off his box, and speared his index finger through the first three in the first row. while the feline and wolf where double fisting their first two, the Fox between them force three crispy, chewy rings into his maw, and gently chewed them, washing them down with just a sip of milk. By the time the others were on their fifth donuts, Todd was swallowing seven eight and nine down and picking up the last three in his box, which he shoved unceremoniously off the edge of the table.

"Uh... miss..." He waved the last three donuts in the air, right before he shoved them into his mouth. Everyone stared, several donuts frozen in awestruck mouths. The scantily clad tabby brought over his second box, and the moment it hit the table all the others went it overdrive. All the others were struggling, but it was all for not, this wasn't the first time the overfed Vulpine had done this. The lucky chicken bib seemed to be helping him along as usual, but it was wasn't helping the shirt which running out of luck in terms of covering that swelling gut. Even with all his speed Todd was savoring the smooth chocolate icing, more of it slathering his tongue as the next mouthful came in. it was about this time Todd realized it wasn't just the audience watching, as he chewed he looked left to the wolf, who was looking right and slightly down, Todd followed his gaze, leading right to a fat swell pushing out from under his check shirt. The Fox shoved another load of dough into his greedy mawed and leaned back, as he chewed he pulled on his belt, letting his donut fed waistline roll out.

The Wolf squeaked as he watched and struggled to swallow his 15th, The Fox closing in on the end of his third box rubbed his tight tummy with both hands, stopping to take another drink of milk. Todrick smiled at the only box of Boston creams on the table, a sort of reward for getting so far so fast, meanwhile a mouse at the tables end took the liberty to vomit into the bushes, followed swiftly by some mixed-blood bird no doubt set off by the rodents audible purging. The crowd watched in awe as the numbers behind the vulpine and the gut in front of him continued to grow. Into donut nine of box number three, something terrible dawned on Todd, he was full. Not terribly full but the fox knew he was coming to capacity, he looked around, and the second box of French creams was only just now reaching the table. "Damn... I actually wanted some éclairs too..." Todd looked back at the wolf, who was laying back in his chair with a grimace of pain across his face, the bull beyond him not looking much better. After shoving another donut in his maw the greedy fox looked right, seeing the black cat was pushed away from the table and looking really ill, then he looked at the audience.

"What?" he said through a half chewed mouthful, it was then it dawned on him he was the only one still eating, everyone intently watching his excess gluttony. His ear twitched as he swallowed, hitting something on top of his head. In his distracted glutting, a crown had been placed on his head, he pulled it off to look at it while picking up the last Boston cream donut. "I won?" the crowd laughed as he pushed the last donut in his eager mouth, though swallowing it was a bit more difficult now that he was stuffed. The ladies brought over the next dozen, sweet raspberry jelly filled, covered in lovely snowdrifts of powdered sugar. Everyone watched in anticipation, theres no way he was going to eat anymore, theres no one in the city so gluttonous. Belly pooched out almost to his knees, shirt riding up just above his belly button, he picked up the first one. He chewed more slowly now, after all his belly would be fighting him with every swallow he attempted, so he forced a second donut in on top of the first. His system for excessive greediness had led him to victory without him even knowing it.

Soon Todd was receiving a check for a thousand dollars, a card for a year supply of donuts, and getting his picture taken with the donut shop owner and all the lovely donut girls. Afterwards he let a few people rub his belly while posing for pictures with his new fans. He started back towards home. "A double batter fried corn dog with mustard and a lemonade please." Of course he was still full from the donuts. "Fries with gravy and cheese please..." But he didn't yet have the belly-ache he so desired from the days agenda. " three deep-fried candy-bars, two orders of fried Oreos, and four fried Twinkies..." The several thousands of calories worth of fried snack cakes and candy somehow survived the trip to the den of the greedy Fox. Wobbling slightly, the over fed Vulpine made his way to the bedroom, setting the grease soaked box of treats on the bed. Gently placing his lucky bib on the bed before stripping nude, he then put the bib back on and climbed into bed with his package of cholesterol.

He sprawled out spread eagle in the middle of the mattress, then clapping both hands on his gut began rubbing and squeezing. He squirmed and writhed. "Oh look at you... Been raiding the hen house again haven't you?" He rolled onto his side and stuffed a fried Twinkie in his maw. "Riff rour not cawefull..." He swallowed and slapped his tummy. "You'll waddle out of the hen-house and into the pig-pen." He stuffed a handful of Oreos in his maw. " But that's just what you want isn't it?" He practically swallowed the crispy shell filled with molten chocolate goo that used to be a candy-bar "To eat and grow fatter than any hog or cow on the farm" Another Twinkie, another hand-full of fried Oreos, and his heart was racing. He was panting, swollen erection raging beneath his swollen gut. He rolled over and shoved his muzzle into the gooey cardboard, giving a few hearty oinks as he rubbed his gut and nipples and binged on the remaining scraps in the card paper trough. "Your belly ache yet? *pant* Piggy? *pant* or do you still want more?" He flopped on his back and slapped his gut abusively. "Now that I've caught you my little... *pant* Or should I say big bellied chicken thief... *pant* I'm gonna turn you into a blimp." His rubbing moved lower, towards his stiff erection.

"Looks like you've got another chicken to choke..." He gripped his joystick and squealed like a Fox in a trap. "Now finish up you fat fuck, you've got a meal coming up..." he writhed as he struggled around his aching gut, blowing his load onto his flabby chest and stuffed belly before passing out in a calorie fueled stupor.


Randal thought back to what the woman at the fair had said, he had just snatched the the last custard filled doughnut from the doughnut tent before she could get it, and she pointed at him with an intense glare. "PEEGFOX..." the old buzzard brushed...

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