Chapter two - A Confused Shaman and His Bodyguard

Story by Scarwing on SoFurry

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#2 of Tales of a Shaman

"I TOLD you! That way is north Dach!" A scruffy, white haired wolf cried, his paw lifted and pointed to his right. The brown dragon on his left simply shook his head and sighed.

"No, I'm telling you, we're already facing north. You couldn't tell a geographic compass from a mathematical compass if you had labels!" The dragon threw his arms into the air. His mate never listened to him, but their arguing wasn't angry and they weren't cross at each other, they just liked to yell to prove their point. "Maybe if you listened to my advice for once, we'd actually GET somewhere?"

Zach shook his head. "Daichi, I swear, I know I'm right."

"But we've been going this way for hours now, what made you change your mind now?" Daichi asked, Dach was his nickname.

"I have a feeling. A shaman can sense these things."

Daichi rolled his eyes. "You aren't technically a shaman yet Zach, you're still an apprentice until you reach the way shrine." He poked the wolf in the nose. Zach responded with a grimace and a snarl.

"Hey, I've spent years in research. Not all of us have natural control of elemental powers. Some of us have to learn to harness natural powers..."

The dragon folded his arms and shook his head. "You're just jealous..."

The wolf drew his staff and used it to smack the dragon in the back of the head with it. "Shut up, you know I'll be way more adept than you when I get my blessings. The powers of natural lightning are much stronger than elemental earth...even if it's mostly resistant to it, overall it's stronger."

Daichi laughed, putting his lover in a tight headlock. He smiled and lashed his tail. "Come on, you'll never be able to beat me in a fight. I just overpower you."

The wolf growled and bit on the dragon's arm. Daichi jumped and went to grab him, but the wolf jumped out of the way and put away his staff. He raised his paws in a stance and licked his lips. The dragon grinned excitedly and unstrapped the giant axe and rucksack from his back, tossing them inside. He removed his loincloth. The wolf took off his robe and tossed it away, unstrapping his own loincloth, tossing on top of the discarded robes. The bandage around his paws and foot paws the only thing remaining. The two males liked to fight nude. Daichi's massive wing span unfurled before the other, before he runs at the wolf, a strong right hook heading for his gut the wolf dodged to the side, grabbing the dragon's arm, and in a fluid movement, flipping him over on his back. The dragon reacted quickly though, and with help of his wings and tail, he rolled quickly to his feet and charged at Zach once more, this time he ducked and tried a shoulder check to his wolf's chest, but the wolf quickly placed his hands on his back and used it to flip over him. But the dragon was ready and blunted him hard with his wings. The wolf fell over and jumped to his feet quickly as the dragon had, but due to agility instead. He tried to regain bearings, but was bowled over by the charging dragon. The rolled for a few feet, before they were pinned, the dragon on top of the wolf, his muzzle inches away from the other's. The wolf grinned. "I see I got pinned..."

Daichi nodded. "Yea...and you know what happens when you get pinned..." He smiled and wrapped his arms around the wolf's neck, pulling him into a firm, deep kiss. Zach shuddered, his tail wagging excitedly. The dragon's stiff, hard erection pressed up against his mate's tail hole. His warm pre drooled from the meat onto it. Both males' muzzle's part, locking together. Daichi's long, slim tongue poked and wrapped around the wolf's wide, flat one, sucking on it gently. The wolf moaned, his own erection becoming firm and bouncing. He was groped and fondled firmly by his horny lover. The dragon pushed fore wards slowly, spreading open the hot passage with his wanting dragonhood. Zach moaned loudly, though muffled through his dragon's maw. He spread his legs wider.

"Ah!!! D..Dachhhhh..." Zack groaned out. The large dragon pushed harder, forcing more and more throbbing meat into the wolf's anal passage. He thrust a bit harder, as more resistance was given as he moved deeper and deeper inside.

"Eh...hehheh...tight as always...ngh. That's a good ass you have always...yeaaaa..." The dragon arched his back, gritting his fangs. He thrust hard, hilting his lover hard. "Ahhh...yea, take it!"

Zach continued to moan, rolling his eyes back in bliss. "Ungh, yeaaa...give it to me hard!" The wolf whined, wanting his dragon to stop teasing and pound his ass. Daichi sensed this, and loved how he got this way. He held his neck tightly, pulling the kiss deep as possible, locking their muzzles tightly together, and pulling out slowly, before thrusting back in hard, out again, and back in harder. He growled down Zach's muzzle, and Zach moaned back into Daichi's. The dragon lifted his tail, starting to pound his mate as hard as he could, wanting to make Zach lose it in pleasure, and he did. The wolf moaned with each violent thrust into his lover's muzzle. His eyes clenched tight, and a tear ran down his right cheek. Daichi flapped his wings, thrusting at a more downward angle. He wondered how much longer he'd last, and wanted to make his wolf take it as long as he could. He picked him up, quickly pushing him hard into a nearby tree. Now that Zach was at this new position, he started to thrust harder, and in this new direction. The tree shook with Daichi's heavy pounding. The wolf cried out and raked his claws down the sleek bark, peeling it. He clenched his fangs, feeling hot cock impale him over and over. Daichi reached around the wolf's waist and around the tree, grinding Zach into the tree, but this was too hot for him to care about the scratching of the rough bark. He grasped his own cock, pawing himself aggressively as he was roughly fucked by his mate. He couldn't take it much longer. But the dragon wasn't finished. Daichi continued his heavy thrusting, wanting to get as much out of his mate before finishing in him. He licked across his neck slowly, breathing hot on his neck. He picked up his pace, thrusting Zach harder, making the tree shake increasingly wild.

The dragon whispers into his mate's ear. "You like that, bitch?" He growled playfully. All the wolf could do to respond was moan and whimper. Zach was lost in his frantic pawing off, thick precum dribbling onto the ground. He didn't know how much longer he'd last, but he didn't care. The dragon felt a heavy tingling in his balls as they raised slightly. He knew his edge was near, and wanted to make Zach lose it as hard as he could. He yanked the wolf down and pinned him to the ground. Zach's chest pushed into the ground, and his ass raised high. Daichi rolled his hips and began to fuck his mate as hard as he could rock his hips. Zach gritted his teeth and clawed the ground with his left paw, the right paw never stopped pumping his own length desperately for release. He arched his back, grunting at each overbearing blow the dragon gave to his now abused tail hole. Daichi roared loudly and continued rocking his mate's body with violent thrusts, feeling the tingling feeling growing further and further. Zach whined and cried out.

"Yes! Oh Daichi YES! Don't stop! Empty all of it in me!" He cringes and tightens his jaws as hard as he could. He lost it then. The wolf began to orgasm all over the dusty ground. Each hot burst spilled and pooled into a steamy puddle. Zach howled in ecstasy. Daichi roared louder, loving his mate's anal contractions around his pulsing spear. Zach trembled and gasped for air, each breath raspy and forced. The contractions off all his pelvic muscled make them ache, and he could barely take it. The dragon would make it only worse. He lowered his body and arched his downward further, starting to pound the wolf once more as hard as he could. He felt it come then. His muscles all tightened up, and he let out the loudest roar his lungs could imagine. He clenched his fangs, emptying his full balls hotly into his mate. Zach cried out louder in pleasure, feeling his smooth bowels fill and swell with thick cum. He haded and coughed, trembling wild at the sensations. As did Daichi. The dragon reeled his head and spread out his wings wide. He felt the creamy seed continue to spill into the tight anal passage of Zach. The wolf howled again. The dragon thrust a few more times, causing his mate's ass to milk his cock of as just cum as it could pull from him. Daichi collapsed over his mate, they both blushed, and the dragon began affectionately licking at Zach's muzzle.

"Mmm...that was good Zach..."


"Hell yes it is," Daichi smiled and held his lover close, and Zach replied with loud murrs. But then suddenly Zach's ears twitched. He heard something, and he tried to push himself up. Daichi pulled out of his wolf and stood, the two both now upright. Zach looked over to where their clothes and bags had been thrown, and a coyote wearing a torn and dirty excuse for clothing was upon them, rummaging excitedly though their things. Zach growled, and went to attack, but his burly mate had the thief pinned to the ground with his jaws around his neck. Zach stood in front of the pinned thief, smiling down at him.

"Well well, thought you'd get an easy score?" The wolf smiled, balls dangling in front of the coyote's eyes, cum staining his chest. It was quite a confusing sight. The nude, burly dragon, now sitting on him, was awkward as well. As his balls were sitting on his back and a thick stream of precum and cum residue streaming onto his back made it even worse.


Daichi smacked him in the back of his head. "Stop stammering and fucking and tell me why I shouldn't kill you."

The coyote jumped and his fur stood up on end. "P..please don't kill me, I...I'm just so hungry...I thought I could...maybe take a few things to eat and I'd leave. I..I wasn't going to take anything else."

The dragon growled, but the wolf shook his head and spoke. "Ok, I understand hunger, but that's no reason to steal," Zach reached in the bag, setting a slab of raw steak on the coyote's muzzle. He gestured for the dragon to get off him, and he did. The coyote stood up, grabbing the meat and greedily eating it down, tears streamed down his cheeks. He obviously hadn't eaten in days. He panted lightly as he scarfed down the entire chunk of meat, licking what juice he could off his face. Zach laughed and flicked him on the muzzle tip. "Now get lost, and don't let us catch you trying to steal from us ever again, or we may have to remove your lung..."

The coyote jumped and nodded frantically. He turned and ran off, spooked by the statement he was told.

Daichi grumbled. "We shoulda killed him, and now we're one steak short. We don't have many supplies left either. And let me remind you we are completely lost..." His loincloth was being tied back on. His axe strap thrown around his shoulder and his rucksack over the other. He tossed the wolf's things on top of his head. The wolf chuckled and clothed himself, then slipped his staff into the loop on the back of the robe, and flipped on his own bag.

"Heh, you're always quick to anger when someone eats your food love. I like killing just as much as you do, but ya gotta let some of them go. I mean, we can't get arrested too much...."

The dragon rubbed the back of his neck. "You're right. I just eat a lot and...well I get mad when I have to ration food." He rubbed his stomach. "I really should try to control my appetite." He mumbled. The wolf threw an arm around his dragon's waist, kissing his chest gently. Daichi laughed gently and nodded. "You're right Zach, we should have let him go."

Zach nodded. "I'm always right." He had said with a devilish grin. "And..." He pointed to his right. "THAT way is north!" As they started walking the direction the dragon said to go again. Daichi just sighed and rubbed the back of his head, and the two started off once more.