Chapter 3: The Great Escape

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#3 of Caught Up in the Moment/But not in the Right Way.(INCOMPLETE)

~Stupid disclaimer thingy~ Ya adult content blah blah blah. If you read this and your not old enough. try not to get caught. if you aren't held back by any of those silly laws then your good too. Also... M/M Here, so... Not your bag? Then exit now. Otherwise Enjoy!


Wyler checked the watch he reluctantly put on his wrist the night before. It was a cheap

plastic piece of crap but at least it told the time.

"8:30..." He said aloud with a grimace as he waited by the London Docks with his lonely

backpack jammed with a change of clothes, his cell phone, and an mp3 player. "I'm pretty

sure, this time yesterday, I was telling myself that the next time I wake up at this time would

be the day I kill myself..."

The mutt sighed as the folk around him bustled with life, even at this ungodly hour. Strong-

backed canines in striped shirts loaded barrels and crates over their shoulders, bulging their

biceps and arm muscles as they did so. They occasionally stopped to wipe the sweat off their

brow, but never ceased working for long, because of the starving cargo ship that lay in the


It was huge, almost as big as a cruise ship, but definatly not as luxurious. It held hundreds

of crates on its deck already, as its crew tried loading them in the bowels of the vessel as

fast as they could. Wyler guessed they weren't even close to finishing, seeing as nearly

double the amount of cargo still lay on the shore.

Although this scene was amusing to watch (partly because of the sexiness of some of the

ships crew) Wyler was still anxious for Angela to show up. Seeing as he barely knew her, he

still had a vast cloud of doubt over his mental picture of her, and sporadically second

guessed her actually staying true to her word.

"Maybe I should just mosey on home," Wyler thought as he rested his chin on his palms.

"Hey kid," Came a deep, burly voice from behind him. He turned to see a boar, complete

with wiry facial hair and two tusks that meant business. He wore one of the stripped shirts

that everyone else sported and held his hooves on his hips. "I'm gonna need you to get offa

me crate."

Wyler nodded vigorously and picked his bag up off the ground. He started walking his way

through the mix of sand over grass when he heard the swift "Thank ya kindly." From the

boar. He turned around just as he winked and pulled the crate onto his shoulder, walking the

seemingly heavy box to its home deep down in the cargo ship.

Realizing that he had just experienced another "don't judge a book by its cover" scenario,

he was filled with a smidgen of hope on his new friend Angela. Lucky for him, though, the

market was set right next to the Docks, which gave him somewhere to wander until he felt

the need to come out and check to see if the raccoon had arrived yet.

He opened the squeaky glass doors and was immediately blasted with the intense smell of

cooking meat and curdled cheese. His stomach complained about his absence of care for it

as he came up to the first shop in the line of vendors that sold food. Behind glass lay pieces

of meat under light that made Wyler's chops water.

"Ruffian meat!" Shouted the vendor, a walrus with big thick tusks that were polished to a

shine. "From fraud to murder, we got your meat right here!"

"Ruffian meat?" Wyler asked him as he rested his paws on the sloped glass while he took a

closer look. They steamed his paw prints into them as the vendor answered.

"That's right me lad," He chuckled. "Where did ya wonder the criminals went after the

spent so long in jail?"

Wyler swallowed and looked back into the display. "These were actual criminals, sir?"

"Aye," The walrus winked. "Did ya fancy anythin' this mornin'? Maybe some counterfeit's

balls 'n sheath? It's genuine alligator, ya know?"

He looked down at the scaly, severed package of a once, well endowed alligator and shook

his head without saying a word, trying his best to step backwards into the bustling crowd.

"Come again then, sonny," The walrus saluted and went about advertising his questionable

meat products again, shouting into the floor. "Best meat around, All yee need to do is cook


Wyler, on the other paw, had hightailed it down the lane until something caught his eye,

making him stop dead in his tracks. A closer look revealed a cloaked fur, bargaining with a

little old lady vendor about a bushel of apples and a round of bananas.

"I'll give you a buck for the bushel and 80 cents for the round," He heard the cloak say in

an all too familiar voice as she shook the apple in the vendor's face.

"Ma'am," She pleaded. "The bushel's five and round is seven. I'm sorry, but that's what I

have to charge to make a profit."

"2 dollars for BOTH then! You can't have a better deal then that!"

"I'm sorry, ma'am," The vendor pulled down the curtains and blocked her view. She then

shouted something in a different language from the other side, which probably amounted

to "Get the fuck away from my shop, you cheap cheap teenager before I send my husband

and his ninja skills after you."

The cloak turned around just before she realized Wyler was standing behind her. She then

let out a gasp and jumped a couple feet in the air.

"You were supposed to meet me at the docks," Wyler said before backing up a couple

paces, giving her some air.

"I was getting provisions," Angela said after she lowered her hood. Her mask almost

glimmered with deviousness in the midmorning light that the windows were supposed to let

in. "We can't make this journey on junk food, ya know?"

"Then you might want to learn how to haggle..." The mutt shot back with a raised

eyebrow. "How much money do you have, anyway?"

"32 something," Angela replied. "You?"

"I have... enough..." Wyler said, trying to hide a smirk as he looked up towards the sky-

view ceiling. He then let out a "bleh" noise as Angela grabbed hold of his fur-collared jacket,

bringing her muzzle not even an inch away from his.

"Your gonna learn quick, mutt," She growled, baring her small, but perfect, raccoon

teeth. "That if you wreck the hair-thin line of trust that I have with you, you're on your own."

"Alright already!" Wyler shouted, almost giggling at her seriousness. A few eyes had been

laid on the two as he moved in on her ear and whispered. "I have a couple grand on me


"WHAT!?" Angela flailed, as if trying to keep her head from coming off. Whatever fur

hadn't been paying attention to them before sure had their eyes on them now. Even that

criminal butcher held his head over his counter to catch a glimpse.

The situation WOULD have been a little awkward if Angela hadn't taken hold of Wyler's

jacket and shot them both out the door before someone had the chance to stop and ask

them what was wrong. They stopped beside a bench that sat under a few trees, just a couple

yards from the docks, where the crew was still loading the barge. With a push, Wyler was on

his ass on the planks of wood before he noticed that the crazy raccoon was clawing at his


"A couple grand?! Like... more than a thousand dollars?!" She screamed, almost foaming at

the mouth. "Where is it?! In this pocket?!"

"No..." Wyler sighed, just accepting the fact that right now, she was more or less and

unstoppable force.

"This one?!!"


"How about THIS one!?!"


"THIS ONE?!!?!?!?!?!"



"Ha... No..."

Finally, the relentless attack between claw and bag had ceased, leaving a disgruntled

raccoon huffing with her headfur looking like a robin's nest.

"What did I JUST tell you about trust, Wyler...?"

"That you should learn to take a joke or two?"


~(I'm gonna stop right there for a second. Just to point out the fact that this was her main

defense throughout this whole friggin' story. Because of which, I probably contracted a touch

of brain damage, therefor please bare with me when I get to those "gray" area patches... My

apologies on those, by the way, but that dumb stupid idiot just had to smack at least three

times a day back then... It made me want to just... push her. Push her off the cliff, the

canyon, the other cliff, the top of the fortress, off the plank, and off the tower. All of which I

would have done if I wasn't the hero of the story...)~

The two companions found themselves breathing the thick, sweaty air of the market as

they sat on a wooden bench on the lane way inside. Angela had been camping out in her tent

of a cloak, taking up most of the bench, while Wyler sat near the edge, eying the smoke-

stained clock that ticked away seconds on the wall.

It had been around eleven when Angela started complaining about a rotting mass of black

that started putrefying the already stale air they huffed. She whined and moaned and

complained and begged for Wyler to shift from his clock stare down, only to reach his paw

into the metal-mesh waste basket, retrieve the molding piece of something, and get rid of it

by any means possible.

"You kidding?" Wyler asked, switching his gazes from Angela's beckoning eyes, which were

having no effect, to the bin that housed the abomination, then back to the eyes.

She just shook her head and smiled. "Why would I be kidding? We can hardly breath


Wyler just scoffed and he shook his head. "I think you can handle it all by yourself, missy."

"Excuse me?" Were the last words heard before the minute hand on the clock reached

11:30, sending the mutt to his feet in a scramble to the front door. He managed to kick the

waste bin, sending the blanket of black flies angrily off their most recent meal. Flying out of

the bin, their first contact was the brown cloak Angela had been sporting ever since they

met, which sent her into the most shrill fit Wyler's eardrums ever had to endure. He

whimpered as he clenched his eyes closed, feeling the wind of the desperate raccoon rush

past him as she yelled for help. Flinging the door open, she tripped on the metal trim that

lined the bottom, and landed with a thud, shuttering the flies hopelessly skyward.

Wyler caught the door just as it was closing and looked back to see everyone, once again,

with their eyes glued to him. He gave a "heh" and threw his bag over his shoulder before

closing the door behind him.

Outside, the sun blinded the canine as he walked outside to his fallen comrade. She lay

face-down and sobbed in the dirt as she clenched her paws.

"You okay?"

She just rose and turned to him. Her eyes glowed red as she bared her teeth.

"If you EVER send insects on me again..." She said before she finished with a *smack*

"Kay..." Wyler grimaced as he rubbed his head. "If you make a habit of that I'm gonna

start smacking you back..."

"Why are we out here again...?" She sighed, ignoring his comment as she looked behind

them both. The cargo freight had engulfed all the cargo that once lined the shore, and now

lay bobbing in the harbor, waiting for the second to set sail.

Wyler's eyes then grew wide with the realization of his motive and began turning on his

heels as he scanned the area. The water sloshed in the harbor, reflecting the sun in a

spectrum of color. The crew of the many ships that waited patiently to shove off, all walked

around greeting one another. The market was now packed to the brim with shoppers and

commotion had seemed to be spreading almost everywhere. But the only thing that had

been missing... was Jasey.

"Well??" Angela arrogantly asked.

"My friend..." Wyler sighed, looking down. "He was supposed to meet us here..."

"Your..." Her face started to turn pink under her fur. "... friend...?" She turned in a tight

circle before she grabbed onto Wyler's collar, almost lifting him off the ground, which was

more then enough to scare the shit out of him. "What do you think this is? A final fantasy

party experience?!"

"I never..."

"Wyler!" She interrupted before he could finish. "It's just you and me now, alright! None of


Before the raccoon could finish, a blueish-gray flash blurred into Angela, taking her to the

side of the Market wall by her cloak. She let out a slight yip before Wyler opened his eyes.

"If you'd excuse me," Jasey growled through his teeth as he dug his claws into Angela's

cloak. "But that's my friend you got ahold of there... Now if you'd please apologize..."

"Jasey!" Wyler couldn't keep his smile down. One minute he'd been debating on heading

back and leaving Angela to fend for herself, then the next, his best friend had the raccoon

rogue against the red brick of the market. He walked over and lowered both of the wolf's

arms, releasing Angela from his death grip, then embraced him and took in his scent, which

almost sent him flying over the edge. He back up and rubbed the back of his neck, blushing

until Jasey flew into a howling fit.

"YOU JUST HUGGED ME!" He shouted as he flew over for another helping. Wyler just

stepped back with his ears glued to his head.

"Kay..." Angela sighed as she adjusted her cloak. She then turned to Wyler with a grin. "If

you just wanted to bring your boyfriend you should have told me..."

"He's not..." Wyler blushed and threw his jacket over his face. "... I mean we're not..." He

spoke through the fabric.

"What he's trying to say is..." Jasey smiled, now bowing to Angela. "That I must apologize

for the episode that just fell through right there. I had no idea you were a friend of his, let

alone a girl..."

Angela looked as if she were about to giggle or blush, but instead there came a *smack*

followed by a swift "hmph" as she crossed her arms.

Jasey just squinted his eyes and scowled as he rubbed the red spot that was beginning to

swell under his fur. Wyler just chuckled for his best friend as he took the coat slowly off his


"So I take it your coming then?" The mutt said as he touched Jasey's arm with his fist.

"Ummm..." Jasey ran his paw through his headfur and looked down to the ground. "I

actually just... came to see you off... I can' leave Wyler..."

It took a second for it to hit, but when it did, Wyler just felt his eyes water and wished he'd

just collapsed through the ground right there. His vocal chords had scrunched as he tried to

maintain a normal breathing pattern through the lump in his throat. "I... understand...?"

"Sorry to break up this little reunion..." Angela butted in, having to wave her arms to get

attention. "But our ship is leaving soon, ya know? We gotta get moving, lest we end up

getting caught!"

"Getting caught?" Wyler and Jasey said in unison. "What do you mean getting caught?"

They both gave her a wild look of confusion before she took in the breath to finish.

"Yeah? What did you think we were going on? A cruise?" She looked and seemed to be

waiting for an answer, but started again after a moment of silence. "We're stowing away! On

that freight barge right there!"

Both turned their heads to lay vision on the ship that had been previously loaded all

morning. Sure, it wasn't impossible to sneak on and off, and it wouldn't be hard to hide away

amongst all the cargo. You'd just have to have the cunningness and guile to get yourself

inside... plus grow the balls to even think about pulling off something like that.

"We could just fly there...?" Wyler said as he remembered his cash flow. "I mean, I have

money and all...?"

"We're going to need every cent of it when we get there." Angela sighed as if she had

expected them both to know exactly what it takes to make a trip on foot around the world.

She then perked her ears in her cloak and snapped suddenly to attention. "We need to

leave... now..." She got up and threw a bag Wyler hadn't noticed before over her shoulder.

"Well..." Jasey said as Wyler turned to him. "I guess this is were I say be strong and don't

forget me..."

"Friggin' come with me you ass..." Wyler growled behind closed, tear-welling eyes. "You

can't just expect me to not contemplate jumping overboard with her smacking me and

whining ever waking second can you?"

"You need a reason to come back, Wy," Jasey said, choking up slightly, which he obviously

tried to hide. "And I figure I'm a good enough one to return for..."

"COME ON YOU MUTT!" Angela screamed from somewhere out of view. "WE NEED TO


"SHUT UP! I'M TRYING TO HAVE A MOMENT HERE!!!" Wyler turned and screamed. Angela

had been kneeling her way in the shadow of the barge and started creeping up to the side.

She just turned around, flipped him off, and continued on her hunt.

"Bye, guy," Jasey said, drawing his attention back to the sappy sob-fest that could of

ensued. Wyler ended up curling his lip, balling his paw into a fist, then smacked his best

friend as hard as he could in the chest. The wolf took the blow with a step backwards and let

out the crumpled air that slurped out of him. The mutt sighed, turned on his heal, and only

let one tear fall to the sandy sidewalk before he whimpered "Catch ya later...".

~(To this day, I regret doing that, knowing what he did, was doing, and had planned to do

for me back then. I was just so hurt, ya know? He was my best friend and I held the

expectation of him dropping his whole life for me so high that I shattered when he said "I

can't go with you..."

That walk over to my new friend Angela was as brutal as stepping on glass the whole way.

I bit my tongue to hold the tears in my head while that raccoon snickered and pointed until I

made my way over to her...)~

"Look..." Wyler slammed his paw against the ringing steel hull of the barge. The blow

landed inches away from her head, which seemed to grab her attention well enough. "I don't

know what you're laughing at. I can't describe to you how incredibly let down I am right now,

so unless you want to be the weight that I use to drown myself I suggest you keep your

muzzle shut until we're settled on the rust bucket..."

"So..." The raccoon smirked and narrowed her eyes, looking up to him as she batted her

eyelashes. "This is the true mutt, isn't it?" She ran a claw up the arm that sprouted out of the

boat, sending a surge of electricity down his spine. "I mean I never really figured you were

the nice, backed off type. I knew you had a temper somewhere under there..."

"Shut up..." Wyler growled, looking down. "If I'm to spend "X" amount of time with you

over this trip... Then your going to have to learn to..." And before he could finish he felt a

feminine finger cross his lips. He looked up and noticed Angela pointing upwards to the deck,

where a few crew-mates were checking the last of their stations.

"So how long ya think we're gonna be on this bucket of scrap?" The first one said to the

second as he tossed what seemed like an apple core over the edge, which would have

knocked right on Wyler's noggin if he hadn't sucked up against the ship.

"Oh..." The second one answered. "Probably a month, is my guess."

"A month?" The first said behind food that was in the process of being chewed. It sounded

like another apple. "That long?"

"Well..." The other answered. "Judging by all the provisions that had been packed before

hand, Id say we'd get off lucky with a short spell like that..."

"We better get some shore leave over there in... what was it called again?"


"That's the one."

"Yeah..." The second, or the first, which ever one, said after a moment of silence. "We

better head below deck. We just have to wait for the new cabin boy to show up, then we

shove off."

"Ah, the planks still down for 'im?" They kept their conversation up whilst they walked

together, which eventually left the mutt and the raccoon together in silence again.

"My apologies," Wyler sighed, looking back to where he had physically assaulted his best

friend. He was gone. "I was just..."

"Hot headed, I know..." Angela took his arm. "I get like that when my dad hits me..." She

looked away and whimpered for a second, then turned and coughed. "So, there's a plank

down somewhere... Thanks to this new cabin boy, we get an easier entrance then what I

have originally planned for."

The two slid around with their backs against the hull until they spotted the gnarled piece of

wood that still lead up to the deck. Nobody was around to see them, which made the

situation uneasy.

"From now on," Angela said quietly. "We don't use words until we're settled. Understand?"

"Got it..."


"What the fuck!"

"SHUT UP!" Angela wrapped her finger's around the mutt's muzzle just as his outburst hit

within earshot of the crew. "I said no more words. Nod if you understand from now on."

And Wyler did. He nodded until Angela released his muzzle, then debated on throwing her

in the canal right then and there, but before he could even get a claw on her she tiptoed to

the plank with extreme caution. He followed as close behind as he could, but could barely

keep up without making noise.

After the second long climb, they were on the bare deck, and could hear voices from down

below. Merry giggles of celebration rang through the deck, which kept their senses

sharpened as the raccoon directed them this way and that, but their destination was blocked.

Everyone was downstairs at this time, and the only place to hide was behind a couple crates

that were covered in cloth.

"Wait!" They both perked their ears at a voice of something that was climbing up on the

deck. "Don't ship off yet!"

"Dive!" Angela shouted quietly as they both took cover in the clothed crates. Luckily, they

had no top, so they fit right in amongst it's contents, which consisted of a goo-like substance

that smelled like lime-juice and toe-jam.

"Great..." Wyler sighed. His biggest dislike on the planet finally realized. "As if I didn't hate

this stuff already..."

"Shut up..." Angela whispered as she looked out of the fabric. "I see the guy... He's kind

of... cute..."

"Let me see," Wyler scoffed as he made his own covered lookout point to view from. Sure

enough, a confused dalmatian was turning round and round with his ears folded. He wore a

confused expression on his face that complimented his stripped vest and baggy pants that

sloped down to his shins.

"Ah! There ya are, lad," A voice called to him, which belonged to a tiger who had his arms

outstretched. He wore the same striped shirt that everyone else had and hugged him

brutally. "I was beginning to think the mutt got ya!" he let out a giant cackle.

"Mutt?" The dalmatian asked, as he held on his cap. "What do you mean mutt?"

" There's been talk of a mutt and a raccoon that had been terrorizin' the market this

mornin'. I was about to come and get ya!"

"Yeah Hudson," Another voice, this time an old sea Shepard with fur laying over his eyes

walked over, bringing a small "Uh oh..." from the cabin boy. He was draped in blue silk

trousers, as well as a matching jacket that went excellently with his captain's cap as he

carried himself in his jet-black boots. "We were supposed to launch 15 minutes ago, boy.

Where were you?"

"Just getting a few things..." Hudson, the dalmatian, said immediately looking to the

wooden floor. He held up a bag filled to the brim with food. "I tend to get hungry a lot when I

leave home..."

Wyler snickered a bit, taking advantage of the view Hudson's vest allowed, which pretty

much made it look like the dalmatian was lying through his teeth. Heh. It's weird how

metabolism works, isn't it? A dalmatian walks aboard a vessel with a bag full of food, and

you'd think he had a spare tire for a gut, but nooooo. He's sporting peck-deck pecks and a


"Be sure it doesn't happen again," The captain said sternly before turning and folding his

muscular arms behind him. "Next time, we're leaving you behind, understand?"

"Yes captain," Hudson bowed with his tail between his legs. The tiger who had been

standing by laughed took him under his arm.

"Come on, kid," He said. "Let's go fill that belly of yours before the launch. That way we

can watch all the pretty girls waving us goodbye and good luck."

"I'd rather eat the food," Hudson said as he slumped off with his crew mate. Silence then

filled the air as the crated mutt started wagging his tail.

"Ya gonna stop staring yet?" Angela said as she elbowed Wyler in the ribs. He jumped to

attention and landed with a slop back in the gel.

"What was that for?!" He shouted as he tried to let the goop to run out of his saturated

fur. "Now I'm completely covered..."

"Yeah," Angela giggled and then perked her ears. "Shhh!"

"What was in these boxes again?" Came a voice from inside. The cloth above them started

to rise which let light into the crate, making them both hold their breath.

"Hey!" Came another, then a slapping noise. The cloth then fell into darkness

again "Captains orders not to look in! We could be brigged for that!"

"Aw come on Nathan," Came the first voice again. "Aren't ya curious?"

"Just smell it and you'll know..."

"Smells like garbage..."

"Well there ya go!"

The two in the crate felt themselves rise off the ground with a groan.

"Then I guess this can go down, then?"

"Right!" Came the strained voice. "Down with all the other junk that we're taking to...

Where was it again?"


"That's the one."

~(At that point, my adventure had already started, and I had barely begun to realize it. My

mind was far from what I had just caused my parents, probably because I figured they'd find

the note I'd left, pretended to care, then moved on with their lives.

I was sadly mistaken though, seeing as they found the note at about the time Angela was

clawing at my backpack, howled into a chaotic mess, and did everything they could to find

out where I had gone.

I forgot to mention previously that my father kept a diary ever since he ha got married.

Upon my return I found it amongst the clattered mess that once was the old locksmith shop

on Piccadilly Street. I remember it going a little something like...)~

"The sun rose today with my worst fear being realized. I had walked inside my loft above

my shop to find my wife collapsed on the floor. Her tears stained an already crumpled piece

of paper as she hugged it to her chest. Immediately I came to her side and asked what was

wrong and had to hug her for what seemed like forever before she could muster up the

breath to form words.

All she could was "He's gone..." before she collapsed onto my lap. He tears stained my

bluejeans like blood as I tried reaching for the piece of paper. It was curious how I didn't

wonder where my son was at that moment, then realized it as I read his extremely short and

blunt letter.

"Mom, Dad, Living here is like living under a rock. I can't breathe and you make me want

to kill myself. So I'm on my way to somewhere called Abertanst. Don't bother looked it up

on Google Maps. It's not there.


At that moment I heard my heart break. I knew we were hard on him, and I knew we

could have done better... But not this. Anything but this..."

~(It goes on for a while like that, so I'm sure you can cut and paste your own ending for it. I

know it was a terrible thing to do, but hey, I was seventeen. What did I care? Now where

were we? Oh yeah. Under a crowded deck in an ionic gel crate, hearing a bunch of horny

boys talk about women. Lovely...)~


(8)Throw it away, forget yesterday, We'll make the Great Escape.

We won't hear a word, they say. They don't know us anyway.

Watch it burn, Let it die...

Cause we are finally free, tonight.(8)

"The Great Escape."

-Boys Like Girls.


That's part 3, friends. I have come to the realization that i haven't written yiff for you guys in a really really really long time, so ive decided im gonna epper it all throughout this story ^^. But I hope you guys are diggn' this one and I shall see you guys, hopefully, next Sunday for part 4!
