A Tale of Two Velocidykes

Story by Ausfer on SoFurry

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its freakin' dino porn

This story is my next literary epic: a charming, halcyon, and endearing coming-of-age tale about a tenacious female lead that finds her true self in the face of hardship and-oh whoops! Wrong story!

This is the story where two female dinos have sex with eachother.

Yeah. Sorry about that.

The dinosaurs are raptor-type theropods called Deinonychus (that's pronounced "die-nah-ny-cus"!), which are basically velociraptors, but bigger. Anyway, they get together and have awesome lesbo dino sex. For the lulz.

Velocidyke is an awesome word. Do not argue with this.

PS: I couldn't find anyone to proofread a lesbian story, so I apologize in advance if it's a bit repititious or badly worded in some places.

A Tale of Two Velocidykes

Feathertail stopped in her tracks. The smell was faint, but noticeable. A deinonychus, like herself. Female. In heat. Very surprising, considering how far way she was from the nearest pack.

It had been days since she had seen another of her kind.

Alone and in unclaimed territory, Feathertail's instincts told her to avoid the scent. An unfamiliar raptor usually meant competition. Perhaps even danger. But eleven days' worth of desperation, hunger, and loneliness guided the young female onward. Thoughts of scraps from leftover kills, or even a potential hunting partner filled her mind.

Kindled hope was a difficult fire to put out.

Feathertail was a young deinonychus, a theropod raptor that was born into and raised by a powerful pack. Their alpha, an old male named Chiptooth, had extensive territory in the southern jungle, and had taken great care of the pack since her birth. Not long after reaching sexual maturity, the alpha had chosen her as a mate: a wonderful, exciting proposition. Feathertail expected to be bred until she was with egg and raise a clutch in peace.

But weeks ago, a pair of young rogue males came to challenge her mate's claim to territory. In a battle of two-on-one, the victor was chosen quickly. Seeing her mate's body ripped to shreds at the claws of the two brothers was harsh for Feathertail. However, even worse was knowing she could not protect herself if the rogue brothers found her to be with egg: No alpha male would allow any offspring but their own. Fearing for her own life, Feathertail fled, leaving her family and pack behind. For the first time in her life, she was on her own.

Feathertail had never been in the wetlands before: her old pack's territory did not extend this far. Actually, judging by the lack of marking scents, no pack's territory extended this far. Coming out here had taken several days' worth of travel. The marshy, difficult-to-traverse land was unclaimed space, and for good reason: there was little to hunt out here and little cover as well.

However, the wetlands were an appealing choice for the rogue deinonychus for one reason: protection. There were no larger foes to contend with in this land: no dangerous Tyrannosaurs, no herds of ornery Triceratops that could threaten to charge or trample. Moreover, the tall grass and reeds were large enough to provide some mild shelter. It was better than nothing.

However, the foreign territory offered its own unique challenges.

Hunting was hard with a pack of one. Feathertail would confront and snarl and screech at her prey to startle them, but without the help of her Alpha and sister-mates to surround and corner, her prey would always escape in the dense grass. Moreover, pursuit was often futile: the deinonychus quickly found that it was incredibly difficult to weave through the thick flora. Often Feathertail became stuck in a vine or two in her haste, ensuring her prey's escape. Every failed attempt left the dromeosaur frustrated and hungry. And as the days went by, the pangs of hunger began to weaken both mind and body.

Eight more days had passed before the young raptor found the first signs of hope in this land. This scent that Feathertail caught wind of.... This was that hope.

It was clear this other female carried the distinct, sharp twang of estrus. Feathertail huffed, being instantly reminded of her own body. The young raptor was just coming off her own heat. She had last mated some two weeks ago, just before fleeing her annexed pack. Perhaps, she hoped, in a few more weeks she might find herself with egg from her slain mate. It would certainly be a fitting parting gift from Chiptooth, assuming she could protect the clutch until hatching day....

The source was not hard to track, and it only took a few hours to catch up to the source. Feathertail crept close, cautious, spying the first sign of her own species in over a week.

A deinonychus was sitting amongst the reeds, quietly drinking from the marshy, unclean water. She was several years older at least, and carried the weathered signs of conflict and fighting: A few large scars here and there. A missing tooth and a chipped jaw. A tail that had once been snapped and had healed not-quite-right, bearing a noticeable, gnarled kink about two thirds from the base. But what stood out the most was her left toeclaw: the toe seemed to have been broken a long ago, leaving the claw to hook at an exaggerated angle that left uneven footprints in the soft mud.

Despite the wounds, the female appeared to carry herself well. Moreover, her healthy belly and filled-out theropod frame made it clear that the female was no stranger to surviving on her own.

Seeing the Hookclawed raptor's apparent ability to thrive in this harsh land was what had initially drew Feathertail to keeping an eye on the older raptor. She attempted to follow from a distance, weaving silently between the ferns and grasses, her hunger stirring up hope and wishful thoughts of leftover scraps from a fresh kill.

Over the next day, Feathertail eagerly watched the older Deinonychus hunt, fascinated at her tactics. When she caught sight of a small Zephyrosaurus, Hookclaw did not charge and chase down her prey like the younger female was accustomed to doing with the rest of her pack. Instead, she immediately grew quiet and watched. The bipedal herbivore was ignorant of the dromeosaur's presence, busily grazing away. The older raptor waited silently, hiding until the right moment, creeping closer until she was sure the Zephyrosaurus was in pouncing range. She climbed the nearby boulder, hunching over the rock with a calm, veteran focus. Then at the right moment, she struck silently, making a single, large leap from the rocks. There she pinned the lizard under her feet and then quickly went in for the kill with tooth and claw.

So that was how the dromeosaur hunted alone! What a clever girl!

Feathertail waited anxiously, hoping for a scrap. Perhaps some half-chewed giblets or even a few bones to gnaw were better than nothing. After Hookclaw had eaten her fill, by a stroke of luck she did leave part of the meal in the bloodied marsh grass: a chewed length of tail, almost as long as her snout. It was a small snack, but it was also the first source of food Feathertail had seen in days.

After making sure the coast was clear, Feathertail removed herself from hiding. Eagerly, she sprung forward, running straight for the half-eaten Zephyrosaurus tail. The prospect of easy scavenging was impossible to pass up.

But in a flash she was startled by a screech and hiss of aggression as Hookclaw jumped from hiding. The older raptor turned out to be no fool. The food had been left intentionally.

Frightened, Feathertail retreated to the foliage immediately, choosing to stare from beneath the cover of a fern frond. Hookclaw took another step and bellowed out a screech, hoping to scare her off, but the younger Feathertail timidly held her ground, unable to pass up the hope of a snack.

Try as she might, Hookclaw could not get the younger dromeosaur to leave her alone. As scared as she was, Feathertail continued to keep watch from a distance, her eyes set on the Zephyrosaurus carcass. So, after several minutes of a stand off, Hookclaw let out a dismissive huff and kicked the Zephyrosaurus tail into the water. She watched as Feathertail immediately lunged for the snack, and grunted in disapproval.

It was then that Feathertail decided to insert herself into the older raptor's company, a proposition that Hookclaw was loathe to tolerate. After years of living by herself, she found the younger deinonychus annoying and aggravating.

Two days passed of reluctant company for the older raptor. It had turned out that Hookclaw had a nasty temper, and Feathertail tolerated two days of screeching, snapping teeth, and shoving. But hunger eventually won out over anger. It was after their first joint kill: a young Tenontosaurus that had wandered too far from his mother, that Hookclaw finally decided to accept Feathertail's presence. Being able to take down bigger prey was always a big advantage: the freshly killed Tenontosaurus would be enough food for the next day and a half at least, if they guarded the carcass well. And although Hookclaw was reluctant to trust another rogue female in any situation, the younger raptor seemed helpful and non-threatening enough.

The next morning brought the thundering of a torrential downpour. There was no way to save the carcass from the rain: it was too cumbersome to drag. In hearing the coming signs of a storm, both raptors filled their bellies with what they could of the now cold carcass and made way to shelter. There was a nearby overhang, a natural rocky shelter that could fit a pack of ten at least. More than enough room to keep dry. The pair sat, huddled next to each other as the rains began to fall.

Feathertail stared at her companion. Hookclaw appeared distracted, grumpy. Likely miserable. She knew only too well what the older raptor was feeling: the ache, frustration... feeling antsy, on edge, unable to lie still. Feathertail had finally finished suffering through her own not just a few days ago, where she had taken to finding the most attractive looking boulder she could find and grinding against it for relief.

It hadn't brought much satisfaction at the time, but was still better than nothing. None of this had ever been a problem before... but then again, Feathertail had never been a several day-long walk from the nearest male before, either. The younger raptor wondered just how Hookclaw managed herself for as long as she had been living life alone.

In an attempt to be supportive, Feathertail tried to give her new companion an affectionate nudge, but Hookclaw brushed her off with a terse growl and stood up. Unsure of what else to do, the older dromeosaur began to pace. After several minutes, the female raptor let out a huff of frustration and simply stared off into the rain.

With her backside towards her, the smell of Hookclaw's arousal wafted to Feathertail's nose. On reflex, her nostrils flared and she took in a few short sniffs of her companion's scent. It was an odd smell, yet at the same time familiar and altogether comforting in a way, reminding her of her own body. Not altogether unappealing. She tried to ignore it and rest. The torrential downpour was too stifling to do much else.

Feathertail attempted to turn her mind to other things, yet she constantly found her eyes wandering back to the space under her companion's tail. It must be the scent of her heat. The distinctly feminine musk told her it should be a scent to ignore. But despite that, the thick, visceral odor of sexual arousal and the powerful pheromones had some odd sort appeal to it that Feathertail couldn't quite put her claw on.

Slowly, she got up from the cool flagstone and approached from behind, getting a better look. Between the wrinkled, pebbly skin under her companion's tail lay a small slit, the entrance to her vent. The area was unusually puffy and swollen with unstated desire. There was even a bit of clear fluid that had collected at her companion's entrance.... All were marks of a desire to breed having gone too long without satisfaction. Feathertail pitied her.

Abruptly, Feathertail ducked her head away, intending to think about something else, but before she even knew it, she found her eyes looking back between Hookclaw's legs once again. She didn't know why, really... some strange sense of curiosity, maybe. She had never really looked at a female's backside this closely before. She briefly wondered... was this what she looked like under her own tail as well? Perhaps, to some eager male, would this be the last thing they see just seconds before mounting her?

The smell of feminine arousal was thick on her nostrils, and the dromeosaur breathed in another breath. Feathertail didn't quite know why the smell was so interesting. Had her companion been an aroused male, the spicy musk would have been enough to send her reeling in a fit of lust. But this scent... she felt that couldn't quite call it arousal, but nonetheless she sensed some sort of odd appeal for it. Perhaps it was because the smell was so like her own. It was comforting, in a way. Indeed, just smelling her companion's wanton desire to mate brought back memories of her own successful affairs, and the pleasure that had ensued...

As she continued to passively breathe in Hookclaw's scent, it wasn't longer before Feathertail had a sudden, strange thought: an odd idea to extend her tongue and taste her companion. She flinched and blinked in confusion; not even knowing where the inkling had come from. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, her instincts were telling her that something was off. That she should not be reacting in such a way to another female. But... this was only curiosity, right? Hookclaw appeared to be deep in distraction from her daydream.... Perhaps she wouldn't mind some meager inquisitiveness, at the very least.

And so, careful but decisive, Feathertail stepped forward, ducked her snout under her companion's tail, and, after pausing to mentally brace herself, closed in to that spot under her companion's tailbase. Feathertail was immediately assaulted with the full strength of the scent of a raptor in heat, causing her head to swim. She paused to take in a deep breath. The musky odor gave her a strange, odd feeling that clouded the deinonychus' mind. Before she even knew what was happening next, her own tongue slipped out of her jaws, and Feathertail found herself giving her companion a quick, experimental lick right across her slit.

Surprised, Hookclaw flinched and let out a sudden squawk. Her tail immediately jerked up, her baser instincts instantly agreeing to the stimulation, but the rest of her companion's body tensed up as the raptor jerked her head back, unsure how to react.

The two stared at each other: Feathertail with a hint of her companion's feminine raptor fluids sharp on her tongue, and Hookclaw with her tail hiked upwards, looking back with an expression of surprise. Briefly, Feathertail wondered of her companion would let her fiery temper flare for the intrusion. But, Hookclaw appeared more confused than angry. So, emboldened by her companion's complacency, she leaned in once again, this time to explore properly.

Taking in another breath of pheromone-laden scent, her tongue lashed out again, tasting the warm fluids her companion had produced. It tasted... surprisingly pleasant, and a tad familiar for reasons unknown. The tongue sent a shiver down her companion's spine and a pleasured hiss was forced from her lips. Immediately, Hookclaw backed up and raised her rump high, her expression still befuddled over the turn of events but eager all the same if it meant some relief from her heat.

The sight of Hookclaw with tail raised in her direction sent a number of odd feelings through Feathertail's mind, and she took a step back in confusion. The raptor's instincts nudged at her, whispering that something isn't adding up, that something about the situation seemed off. Puzzled, she thought hard, eventually coming to a realization.

This... is when a male would mount and mate her! Of course!

Encouraged by her epiphany, Feathertail decided to have her own go at it, feeling a moment of inspiration to take the role of the male. She circled Hookclaw, sizing her up. She began an improvised attempt at parroting how males displayed their interest, trying to mimic how they bobbed their head and flared out their arms in rhythm. She even let out a series of tiny chirps and churrs, making her intent clear. Seeing this, Hookclaw replied in turn, bowing her head and letting out a low hiss, attractively swaying her thick, theropod tail back and forth. On the whole, Feathertail felt positively strange pretending to be a male in such a way, but seeing Hookclaw accept the mating proposition felt flattering nonetheless! The very sight sent an unexpected rush of excitement through the female raptor's body for reasons unknown.

But... her excitement died down as Feathertail's improvised mating dance turned to a stall. She was unsure how to proceed, what to do next. She looked to Hookclaw, but the other female was equally puzzled. Her instincts told her to back off, that she was not the right gender for the situation, but her raptorial brain thought hard, looking to past experiences for clues.

An idea came to mind, and before she knew it Feathertail had drawn next to Hookclaw, her mind set. Up her hind leg went, and carefully, tentatively, Feathertail swung it over her female companion's tail base. Eager and curious, Hookclaw let out an eager growl and leaned forward, lifting her own tail up even higher. Hookclaw grunted as she felt a scaly, raptorial foot securely panted its self on her hip as Feathertail climbed up; those fearsome toeclaws grasped her harshly. She grunted as Feathertail grabbed her shoulders with her claws and climbed up, mounting her as a male would, and causing both females to feel a rush of excitement in preparation for what was to come.

Feathertail lowered her head to Hookclaw's cheek as she positioned herself, growling show of dominance and nudging the other's cheek with her snout. The whole thing was quite a thrill! Feathertail shifted her body left and right, replanting her feet to situate her hips before finally putting her entire weight on her companion's backside. There, Feathertail felt satisfied. She had done it. She had mounted Hookclaw.

But... Nothing happened.

Feathertail figured something must be wrong, that by now it should be feeling really good. Trying anyway, she dipped her hips down as males would do, humping repeatedly into the older dromeosaur, causing her rump to smack against her companion's tailbase with a thwap. Still nothing. Now confused at the lack of results, Feathertail awkwardly slid off her companion and dismounted, leaving Hookclaw look back with an expression of disappointment and anger. What a tease! A frustrated groan escaped her jaws. She turned to Feathertail and gave the younger raptor an angry, forceful shove with her snout. The ache in her loins only felt worse now.

Feathertail let out a huff, unsure of what to do. Mounting... that didn't work at all! She had no more ideas left, and was set on giving up.

But despite wanting to turn away, the ever-present feminine scent drew Feathertail's attention. Slowly, she circled around the older dromeosaur until her snout came close to her companion's tail once more. Feathertail could not figure out why she was so drawn to the smell.

As she went in for another sniff, Feathertail felt a nudge on her snout. Hookclaw had bumped her slit to the other's nose, smearing her feminine fluids on Feathertail's snout and making her flinch in surprise. She licked the fluid off with a swipe of the tongue.

It was obvious that neither knew what to do. But.... both were beginning to feel that something had to be done regardless! Frustration was mounting for Hookclaw, and Feathertail had felt so close when she had mounted her companion... and now.... And now....

That scent. Hookclaw's heat. It was hard for the raptor to think, hard to concentrate with that scent filling her nostrils. With her nose buried under her tail, Feathertail could smell her so strongly now... it was almost intoxicating. She took in another deep sniff, filling her lungs to the brim on the scent. The younger raptor still could not figure out why she felt so compelled to do so.

As if it had a mind of its own, Feathertail's mouth parted, and her tongue extended once more. It drew across the supple skin across her companion's slit, and when she had finished, the raptor felt oddly compelled to do it again. The taste... it was oddly strange and yet familiar at the same time.

Hookclaw backed up into her nose with a grunt, wishing for more, no longer caring that attached to that tongue was only another female, no longer caring about being mounted. The lick had felt good. Very good. And all that was important now was getting another.

Feathertail heard a low growl coming from beyond the pair of theropod hips that dominated her view. Hookclaw desperately presented her body to her female companion, swaying her hips and jittering her thick, raised tail for Feathertail to see. The swollen slit so delicately placed under her strong tail danced in front of the other raptor's eyes. Her gaze followed the lewd motion of her companion's hips, feeling oddly mesmerized. It was almost as if.... As if...

Almost as if she felt... something.

Yes. Something. The tiniest of tingles spread between her legs, confirming the beginnings of her own arousal. The musk of Hookclaw's heat had taken a strange hold on her brain. She did not understand why she felt so drawn to explore her companion's body.

But then again... perhaps it didn't matter.

Feeling a bit warm between her legs now, Feathertail's tongue extended again, sampling the swollen entrance to her companion's vulva. She smacked her lips, savoring the pleasant, slightly sour twang as her tongue dragged across the soft skin, finding the flesh surprisingly hot. Her companion, beginning to pant, let out a wanton hiss and wriggled her hips, desperate to appeal for more.

And Feathertail, seeing no reason to not continue, took a tentative step forward while letting an affectionate churr rumble through her throat. She had decided. Ignoring instinct, ignoring reason, she would instead listen to arousal. She would lick. She would give pleasure. Intoxicated by the thick scent of sexual desire, the young deinonychus leaned close to the feminine raptor slit once more and began to slowly lap in earnest.

Her tongue danced across the soft, feminine flesh eagerly, lapping up the comforting, familiar flavor of a female raptor in heat. She felt drawn to continue... like some invisible, constant pull was encouraging her every lick and nuzzle, rewarding her with good feelings even as her companion basked in her own pleasure.

Yes... Pleasure. That is what she was feeling. She felt oddly pleasured to lap and lick at this female's slit. Hookclaw groaned, she growled. Her eyes were shut tight in concentration. Finally, satisfaction. Hookclaw rested her chest to the rocky floor and gently rocked her hips into the saurian snout between her legs, trying to lean into the tongue teasing her vent. A few swipes of the tongue danced across the lowest point of her slit and elicited a gasp. That spot... the place held the most sensitive part of her vent: a little fleshy nub. Feathertail knew that place well on her own body, and she quickly zeroed in on it, finding an odd sense of delight in hearing her companion react with guttural groans and growls of pleasure. Hookclaw began to grind her hips on her snout, rubbing her theropod slit lips on the other female's bumpy-skinned nose and relishing the enticing texture.

Hookclaw's taste and smell had now completely overpowered Feathertail's senses. The raptor's self-awareness was gone, her mind too dazed to think about anything else but the somehow enticing feminine slit at her lips. She wanted to lick. She wanted to nibble and nudge. She wanted to do even more than that. Nuzzling affectionately, she drew her snout over the sensitive skin around the swollen, saurian vent, smearing the female's fluids across her face. In her arousal, Hookclaw was getting to fidgety to handle, and the younger dromeosaur took to holding her companion's hips steady with her claws, grasping Hookclaw's haunches firmly as she lathed her tongue across the incredibly soft slit entrance that had become so wonderful and enticing in the younger female raptor's eyes.

Feathertail lapped with a focused rhythm, each pass of her tongue rubbing, curling, the flat of her tongue pressing in between Hookclaw's folds, teasing at slipping in. Gradually, a strange, unfamiliar desire came to the front of her brain: to slip her tongue inside her companion's slit. After another swipe across the sensitive nub, she withdrew her tongue and pointed the tip at the female raptor's entrance and slipped in.

Hookclaw's legs buckled and the raptor let out a squawk as she was penetrated by the other female's thick, saurian tongue. The young raptor slid in easily, aided by the copious lubrication, and Hookclaw delighted as inch after inch of her passage was spread open and stretched. Churring and growling, she rested her head and clawed at the stone floor, her hips flinching and shuddering under the oral assault. She clenched hard around the tongue, savoring the firm resistance deep in her vent. Feathertail seemed delighted to try and worm her tongue deeper with every lick, already being able to taste her companion from several inches in.

Loud squelching noises reverberated off the cave walls as the raptor ate out her partner. And all the while, Hookclaw was enraptured. The older raptor's mating vent clenched around Feathertail's tongue repeatedly, making it hard for the younger female to pull her tongue back out. She let out a terse growl of unhappiness when she found her tongue stuck, but it quickly became clear that Hookclaw enjoyed squeezing the tongue in her vent too much to stop.

Feathertail felt an odd excitement at feeling the female mindlessly rock and bump her haunches into her snout. Her mind was hazy, her own arousal building. She pumped her tongue in and out repeatedly, each thrust spreading the sensitive mating vent wide. Hookclaw seemed to be at the mercy of her tongue. It gave the raptor a rush. Eagerly, she lapped at the inside of her companion's vent, spreading her passage open around her tongue, stroking her soft inner walls, pressing in all sorts of directions. Each little prod and push caused the receiving raptor to shudder or clench around the tongue, a response that Feathertail relished.

She could tell Hookclaw was close to finishing. She was showing the same signs her own body did before climax... the increased rocking, bucking, the growls that got louder and louder. Feathertail thrust her tongue into her companion with rapid speed, lapping across the warm, silken walls with glee. The rhythm was as hard and fast as the raptor could muster, for some reason finding an odd desire to bring her companion to climax as quickly as possible.

Sure enough, the raptor began to feel a series of strange sensations from the muscular passage around her sinuous tongue. The vent began to tense up as Hookclaw groaned and growled. Feathertail's companion threw her head back. The muscles in her legs and arms tensed up. And then, all at once, the other raptor suddenly let out a screech as her body shuddered and thrashed. Shocked at the intensity, Feathertail held on to the theropod hips as best as she could, lapping forcefully and wriggling her tongue in excitement, knowing intimately well what immense pleasure Hookclaw was experiencing at the moment.

Feathertail felt the muscular passage around her tongue spasm and contract in powerful, rhythmic movements. She felt this this sensation in her own body many times before... but never had the raptor experienced it in another female! A wealth of warm, feminine fluids poured out around Feathertail's pulsing tongue, dripping down Hookclaw's legs and landing in the dust with a messy drip as Hookclaw humped mindlessly against the raptorial tongue buried between her legs. Feathertail swallowed as much as she could, the taste of feminine fluids only exciting her further.

Feathertail felt the contractions around her tongue began to die down as her companion's orgasm subsided. When the last one had passed, she decided to finally slip her tongue out with a squelch, leaving the other raptor feeling disappointingly empty inside.

Hookclaw looked back; too weak to get up from her bent-over position, and instead collapsed on the ground where she rolled to her side, breathing hard. Feathertail looked on with mild curiosity. Hookclaw's tongue pulsed with hot blood as the raptor panted wildly, trying to catch her breath after the intensity of the climax. Feathertail approached and stood over her, licking her chops of the oddly enticing taste of her companion's fluids. The raptor let out a satisfied grunt, amused and pleased to find her companion reduced to such a state. The whole thing was... quite an experience, to say the least!

She bent down to nuzzle her companion affectionately, but a clawed, theropod hand pushed her snout away. The older raptor needed a moment to gather her wits, and had no desire for snout in her face. Confused, the younger raptor stepped back, and, with nothing else to do, decided to sit and rest her legs.

The air was thick with the smell of sex now, and the younger raptor's thoughts turned to the recent events. Feathertail felt oddly satisfied to bring the other female to orgasm, but her own body had become rather aroused in the process. She wished for a male, but there were none here still, no mate to fight over or vie attention for. There was just Hookclaw...

A nudge under her tail brought the younger raptor to the present. She yanked her head around in surprise to see older raptor giving her tail base a strong push with her snout. Feathertail let out a yelp of surprise and made to get up, but a strong foot on her back prevented her from moving. The leg kicked, roughly shoving her body on its side. Feathertail let out a snarl as she rolled onto a sharp stone. Hookclaw paused in mild concern, but only briefly, before going back to the focus of her attention. Feathertail quickly wiggled out from under the stone and watched, excited but cautious, as her companion began to sniff and prod at her own vent. Her heart began to race already at the thought of receiving the same kind of attention she had given just moments prior.

The older raptor let out a growl as she stood over the younger Feathertail. With her foot still holding onto Feathertail's thigh, Hookclaw dipped her head under the other dromeosaur's tail and took an experimental sniff.

Feathertail tensed up as she felt the raptor's snout brush across her slit. She felt the scaly lips press in, Hookclaw's hot breath washing over her tail. She waited, eyes wide with anticipation, as Hookclaw explored. Like Feathertail, she too seemed to find the scent oddly agreeable, and, with knowledge of what a raptor's mouth was capable of fresh in her mind, it wasn't long before the older raptor snaked her tongue out and danced across the entrance to the raptorial vent, feeling both curious and enticed to explore another female's body as her companion had just done to her.

Feathertail let out a squawk of delight and immediately hiked her hind legs up to her chest to allow more access. This felt good. This felt really good! The tongue across her vent felt simply luxurious. She gasped and grunted as each swipe across her saurian slit sent a twinge of delight up in between her legs.

It didn't take long for Hookclaw to get more eager. The older raptor didn't quite know if the tongue job meant that the younger female was now her mate, but regardless, she felt this odd pull to reciprocate. She quickly found a strange pleasure in slipping her tongue into that warm, raptor vent pressed against her lips, making any reason to back off merely a trivial thought. The taste... she found an odd, comforting familiarity in it.

Feathertail rolled onto her back, eager and excited to give Hookclaw better access. She brought her foreclaws to her chest, splayed her hind legs out, and basked in the feeling of the female's tongue exploring the entrance to her vent. The raptor's limber tongue was longer and far more surprising than any male that had mounted her. Every lick wormed a little bit further until there were several inches inside of her, wriggling and flexing, pressing in all sorts of wonderful spots. Feathertail curled her toes in reflex and squeezed hard around the tongue in delight, causing a grunt of surprise in Hookclaw's throat as she quickly found her tongue became stuck. Being more stubborn than Feathertail, she eventually managed to remove the tongue with a wet pop and raised her head to stretch her jaws. Tonguework was taxing on the muscles!

Quickly, the younger raptor called out with a squawk and spread her legs wide, eager for more. She looked up at Hookclaw with excited eyes, waiting in anticipation.

Hookclaw paused, staring down at the other dromeosaur between her feet. Seeing her on the ground and under her feet kindled a streak of dominant aggressiveness in the older raptor. Coupled with the high arousal in the air, seeing another female act so sexually receptive to her caused Hookclaw to reel with strange feelings. An odd idea floated around her mind.... no, not an idea, an urge. An urge to mount her, like a male would. To take this female as a mate. The only problem was... that had already been proven futile earlier.

But, in seeing Feathertail on her back as such, with her swollen vent presented plainly to her, the raptor became stricken with sudden inspiration. Perhaps before, they had just gone about it the wrong way.

Growling softly, Hookclaw stepped over her companion. Seeing the older raptor crouch over her sent a twinge of instinctual fear through Feathertail. But as she began to struggle, a pair of claws pressed against her chest and a threatening growl stifled the raptor quickly. Hookclaw had ideas. Assertively, she lowered her body down on the supine Feathertail, taking time to situate her hips. She fumbled a bit, finding difficulty with each other's pubic boot getting in the way, but a slight angling of her hips and a few grunts later and Hookclaw found herself resting her vent on top of the female's own. Feathertail watched her in surprise, not quite sure where this was headed but excited all the same. She apprehensively rested her hind feet on the older raptor's belly, clawed toes pressing in anxiously.

Hookclaw felt the younger raptor's vent on her own; felt the heat of her skin, her wetness. Definitely an agreeable spot for her own slit. She felt Feathertail trembling with a mixture of uncertainty and anticipation. Holding onto the younger raptor with sharp claws, Hookclaw dipped her tail and began to grind her hips, aggressively growling deep in her throat. Yes. Yes, this felt good.

Feathertail squawked at the sudden stimulation, tensing up in pleasure. This.... This was...

... well, it was not quite penetration; there was nothing to slip inside of her and make her feel good. But the raptor cared little at the moment: Hookclaw's feminine slit mashed against her clitoris, and the wet, sensitive female flesh stroked and pressed against her nub with ferocious intensity, driving the raptor to hissing in satisfaction. The slippery fluids of both females quickly began to mix and mingle, wetting each other's tailbases with a slick sheen. Feathertail shuddered. There was a great contentment in having another pair of hips against her own this time, another body to push against her and rut her as a male would.

Feathertail looked up into Hookclaw's face, seeing her sharp teeth inches from her own. The older dromeosaur was panting, staring into her eyes with a licentious gaze. Her hot breath washed over Feathertail's face. The younger raptor was mesmerized by seeing her so focused, so eager and willful. She had never been mated on her back before, and quickly became enthralled by it all, learning to relax and let the other female hold her against the dusty ground as the pair rocked against each other.

Hookclaw shifted her hips, lining up their slits and pressing left and right, spreading their slit lips slightly open and exposing the clitoral flesh. Growling, she shifted her theropod hips back and forth, feeling her erect nub flick and grind across the other's, sending a bolt of pleasure through both raptors' loins. Yes. That was a good spot. A very good spot. Hookclaw focused on it, dipping her tail and rutting hard into the other raptor's wet slit, creating a noisy, rapid schlicking noise. Each grind of her hips sent the raptor between her legs rocking against the ground, looking to be utterly delighted.

The sharp claws on Feathertail's hands wantonly grasped and pawed along her chest as she succumbed to the steady rubbing against her nub. She felt her insides tightening up, tingling with electric pleasure. She hissed as her hind legs weakly pressed against the raptor on top of her, sharp claws raking along the older dromeosaur's flanks as her entire body seemed to come alive with sensation.

Hookclaw let out an eager growl as she saw this female give into her orgasm. Being able to get this young raptor to climax sent a thrilling rush through down the dromeosaur's spine. She felt her body speeding up, grinding against that feminine slit even harder in excitement. Her claws tightened their grip on Feathertail's shoulders. Her own orgasm was approaching once more. Lost in the thrill of taking this female as a male would, Hookclaw lowered her head and, with a snarl, bit down on Feathertail's neck as she rutted the female, claiming her once and for all.

Feeling the teeth bite down on her skin sent a chill down Feathertail's spine, setting off an intense spike of pleasure. She snarled and hissed, squirming helplessly under the female that had taken her, pressing back against the claws holding her down, her egg-laying vent clenching and tightening around nothing at all as her body was rocked roughly against the ground.

Hookclaw squeezed her eyes tight and gave into a second climax as she felt the trembling female between her legs. She bit down on Feathertail's neck harder, growling deeply as the quick, rhythmic rubbing of her clitoris against Feathertail's slit cause her vent to tighten up and squeeze out their feminine fluids. With nowhere to go, the slick liquid quickly mixed with the other female's own, wetting their saurian skin thoroughly.

The two raptors rutted and humped mindlessly as they rode out their orgasms. Growls and snarls echoed off the stone alcove and reverberated in the air.

It was Feathertail who came to her senses first. She held the raptor above her as the older dromeosaur gave her last few humps. The two came to a stop as Hookclaw opened her eyes for the first time in a while. Both raptors panted hard. Hookclaw had just realized how close she was to the other raptor: Feathertail's snout was inches from her own.

Hookclaw felt a pair of raptorial hands grasping her chest. A snout nudge on her chin brought her to the present. She blinked and looked around, becoming aware of aching muscles in her legs. Hookclaw suddenly felt odd to be sitting on top of another raptor in such a strange position. She lifted her body slightly and let out a gruff grunt. The older raptor rose up on shaky, weak feet and stretched. Her toe claws clicked on the rocky ground as she turned away, leaving Feathertail to look up and call out with an inquisitive squawk.

Rolling to her feet and shaking the dust and dirt off her back, the younger raptor approached Hookclaw. Both stared at the other for a moment, unsure of what to do next.

With her mind no longer dominated by arousal, the logical part of Feathertail's brain had taken hold once more. She found herself puzzled by what had just happened. Did she really just get mated by another female? Her instincts told her that such a thing wasn't possible, but what had just happened had awfully seemed real enough....

At once, the older dromeosaur nuzzled her snout, letting out an effusive, affectionate churr. Feathertail at first jumped at the unexpected action, but she slowly let the other female into her personal space and awkwardly stared as the older dromeosaur took to nuzzling her chest.

It was the first real affection Hookclaw had given in longer than the older dromeosaur could remember. She had spent too much time in the forest alone to recall whenever the last time was, and for the first time she found herself pleased to have a companion at her side.

Feathertail studied the older dromeosaur, puzzled by the events. She had been claimed by her much like a male would.... And what a thrill that had been! The position had been rather unorthodox, yes, and it had lacked penetration, yet here the raptor was acting strange, showing affection and giddy afterglow, showing the kind of affection one usually reserved for a mate...

The older raptor leaned in and gave an effusive lick on Feathertail's snout. She felt flattered. Thankful, even. The affection made Feathertail feel strange.

Hookclaw was no male. That part was clear. But perhaps... maybe that wasn't as important for mating as her instincts had told her. Another lick across her snout brought the younger raptor to her senses. Feathertail felt warm inside. She found an affectionate churr welling up in her throat, and decided to let it out. Before she even knew what was happening, the younger dromeosaur found herself returning the affectionate licks, feeling an odd sense of kinship with this raptor she had just met a few days prior.

Feathertail had lost her pack. She had lost her mate, her sisters and brothers. Her territory was gone, along with her safety. She was lost, far away from the nearest pack, stuck in unfamiliar territory without the safety of marked territory and a male to guide and protect her.

But at the very least, she was no longer alone. And perhaps, a pack of two....

Maybe that could be enough.



~Deinonychus are theropod raptors, which basically means they look just velociraptors, but they're bigger. Why not just go with Velociraptors, then? Because contrary to what Jurassic Park told you, velociraptors are TINY, like the size of a chicken. And I don't care what anyone says, chicken porn isn't sexy. Even lesbian chicken porn..... Velicoraptors still have a kickass name, though. I'll give them that.

~Also: "Dromeosauridae" is a family of dinosaurs that include many species of raptors. When I use the term "dromeosaur", think of it as me using "canine" to describe a husky.

~This story was inspired by a random drawing I saw of 2 lesbian carnosaurs by the artist hologram. Though the original seem to be larger carnosaurs, I decided on the smaller dienonychus just cause their size would be easier to visualize. I used it for the thumbnail; the original is here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8337688/ Hologram has nice arts. Go check 'em out!

~Don't ask me why I chose to write it. I can't control inspiration. All of the sudden I was looking at this image, and then the next minute had this weird urge to write a story about it. When I started, I figured I should just make it a quick fap story to get it out of my system. I know how unpopular lesbian porn tends to be, which makes me reluctant to devote time to such stories.

~The Jurassic Park "clever girl" reference was put in only at the insistence of a friend. I didn't want to do it.... It was too obvious, lol.

~I love how I originally set out to make this a short, "no frills" smut story, and then I end with about 4 pages of plot and backstory, and about 7,000 words in total. Lol. Why do I do this to myself? I always put WAY TOO MUCH effort into like everything I write. The sad thing is this is probably the shortest submission I've written in like a year. Haha.

~+1 for cheesy, contrived, and stereotypical semi-romantic endings! I hate them because they're so bad. Why put it in if it's so bad? Because I don't give a fuck. That's why :D

~Deinonychus isn't a velociraptor, but they are closely related, and both belong to the Velociraptorinae sub-family, making any deinonychus an honorary "Velocidykes". Or, if you prefer, "Dykloraptors".

~PS.... Girl on girl action is hot. >_>

A Dragon in Suburbia

_This is a story about a dude gettin' it on with a dragon. Which dragon? Why, the one just above this text, by jove!_ _If you like it when warm meat burritos are shoved into savory fish tacos, you're either Mexican, or you love porn. __In either case,...

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The Persistent Dragon Rides the Trail

_Okay, so this is a story where a dude ends up screwing a female dragon. _ _\>\_\> Yeah, its that kind of story. _ _There. Now that the obvious is out of the way.... This chapter is a direct continuation of the previous one, so you might wanna read...

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The Persistent Dragon Comes Clean

The Persistent Dragon Comes Clean _No, the title of the story is not meant to be taken in a perverted way. Who do you think you are, you sick bastard? What kind of story do you expect this to be?_ _Wait, crap.... this IS that kind of...

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