The bar Chap4

Story by devons_Blades on SoFurry

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#4 of THE BAR

Chapter 4

The sound of my voice, screaming in terror, filled the room as I sat up, images of my dream still vivid in my eyes.

"What the hell!?" Serpentess yelped as her head shot up from the arm of the couch.

"Oh, Jesus!" I said as I latched onto her neck, hugging her tightly.

"Again. What the hell?" She asked confused.

"Holy fuck that shit was scary. I thought I lost you. It seemed so real." I said, nearly crying.

Dammit! Don't cry you fucking wus! ... But JESUS that dream was real as fuck I thought to myself, tears starting to fall as she put her tail around my back, comforting me like she usually did when I was younger and scared shitless.

"Shhh, it's alright. Everything's going to be okay." She said gently as I sobbed into my pokemons chest, tears streaming from my eyes.

I made sure my mouth was closed as the doors to the bar opened the scene from before still the first thin I see.

(Well here we go again. Let's see what happens this time around...) I thought as I sat down on a stool)

"Hel--Wait how old are you?" The bartender asked

"I uh... HehHeh... Got any soda?" I said sheepishly, earning a hearty laugh from the bartender as he walked away.

(What the? That was a legit question! Weird dude...) I thought as the bartender returned with a can of mountain dew. (Oh. Okay, awkward.)

"First one's on the house err..."

"Devon." I said as I opened the can and sipped the tasty, fizzy liquid within. (Wait a second...Doesn't mountain dew like reduce your sperm count?...Whatever I don't give a shit.) I thought.

I had downed about three fourths of my soda when suddenly a Stunfisk hopped onto the seat next to me.

(Uhhh... Stunfisk...Oh boy, I hope it's not....Uhhuhuhu.) I thought, shivering at the end.

I sighed in relief as the Stunfisk left.

(That's a relief. I don't know what I would of said of it...Bleh!)

I downed the last of my mountain dew when an Espeon leaped onto the stool to my left, opposite of where the Stunfisk just sat.

"I'll take some crème please." It said, its voice clearly feminine.

"Sure thing." The bartender said.

The placed a bowl with some kind of white liquid in front of the Espeon and asked me,

"Want another can?"

"Sure. Thanks." I replied as he took a can from his pocket.

(Um...That's not something you see every day.) I thought, glancing at the Espeon beside me, her expression agreeing with my thoughts.

I opened my can and turned around, instantly a bunch of eyes looked at me. So I turned around again.

"First day?" The Espeon asked.

"Huh? Oh, no second." I said

"Eh, close enough. Being turned around like you were a second ago? That means you're 'open'."


"Yeah. Open. What, did you just drink the first day you came here? Just look around and you'll see what I mean by open."

"Oh. Oh." I said, understanding what she meant a few seconds after the first 'oh'.

(I suddenly feel dense.)

"So...Are you?"

"Am I what? Open? Yeah, I guess so." I replied as a faint smile spread across the purple cat Pokémon's face.

(Cool. Gonna doink an Espeon.) I thought as a purple tail brushed against my face sensually. I looked over to see the purple cat Pokémon walking away, motioning for me to follow with her twin tail thingy.

I looked at my can and decided to take it with me. No point in wasting it right?

I hopped of the stool and followed the Espeon to a nearby corner where my jeans seemed to fall on their own.

(HUH?? What the hell? Why are my jeans around my ankles?) I thought before I remembered that Espeon are psychic Pokémon. (Cool saves me time, that's for sure.)

I looked at the purple Pokémon curiously as I noticed her eyes were glowing a vibrant blue as my boxers fell as well.

"Ready?" She asked. I nodded and sat down, my back against the wall.

I sipped on my soda casually as the purple feline brought her head down. I closed my eyes and waited, her soft pink tongue flicking along my limp member in seconds. I gasped faintly as her small mouth enveloped my tip, tongue rapidly flicking across it within her mouth.

I looked down when she let my now hard manhood fall from her mouth and positioned herself so her sex was above my tip, her forepaws against my chest for support. We both moaned simultaneously as she lowered herself down, impaling herself on my rod. I could sense the pleasure from her as she was spread farther and farther.

(Small size equals extreme tightness. Is tightness even a word? I don't care either way.) I thought as I was taken as far as I could go, my soda still in my hand. I smiled triumphantly as I remembered something a friend of mine told me before he was arrested for Pokephillia.

"Evevolutions are like seriously tight man." He said into my ear as the police hand cuffed him, dragging him away.

I was glad he told me that. Because if I ever see him I can gloat in his face that I had sex with so many the future that is.

I placed my soda down and moved my hands to her hips, helping her move as she started bouncing up and down on my cock, her tight inner walls hugging my shaft as the sound of her moans hit my ears.

I looked at her face, her eyes were clenched shut, sweat beginning to drip from her forehead, tongue hanging from her muzzle freely.

(Someone's enjoying this.) I thought as her walls suddenly clenched my cock tighter than before, a loud scream/moan escaping her muzzle as I felt a torrent of liquids gush down upon my legs. She sat atop me, panting heavily. I shrugged and sipped more of my soda. I looked at her curiously as she raised her lower half.

I took note and drank my mountain dew peacefully.

"We're not done yet." She said, causing me to give her a puzzled look.

Instead of saying what she meant, she simply turned around, her double-edged tail high in the air, giving me a clear view of her impossibly tight tail hole.

I was unsure exactly what she meant but I had a good idea so I placed my can back down again and sat up on my knees, my tip, poking against her tailhole.

I smirked as she gasped and moaned faintly each time I were to lightly thrust my hips forward, spreading her tailhole gently.

"Brace yourself." I said.

She nodded and I forced my way into her anal hole, a loud yelp escaping the purple vixen in front of me. I said nothing as I started thrusting in and out of her tailhole and a moderate pace, only going about halfway, unable to go any deeper.

I could feel her anal walls contracting around my cock as her tail spasmed, her head hung back, face to the sky, and expression of pure ecstasy.

I could feel the pressure building in my loins, so I sped up my thrusts. I could feel another wave of her juices splash across my legs as she was brought to another orgasm. I groaned into the air as I released my seed into her anus.

I sighed as I came from my orgasm, the Espeon pulling my cock from her tailhole, my white seed spilling out onto the floor.

I shrugged and put my pants back on as she walked away.

"Yep. Evevolutions ARE tight as hell."

The bar chap3

I woke up with a massive headache. _Hangover. Ugh._ I thought as I noticed I was in the bathroom, my face in the toilet. I looked over as the door opened, and Serpentess walked in. "Hey there you." I said weakly._Hangovers suck_ I told myself as I...


The bar chap2

I kicked open the front door of the house, Serpentess unconscious in my arms. _Wow she really tired herself out_ I thought as I used my foot to close the door behind me, walking into her bedroom, kicking the door again. I set her down in her bed,...


The bar

I awoke to the bright light of the morning spring sunshine, groaning as I turned in bed so the sun was hitting the back of my head. "SER!" A voice yelled, causing me to yelp and sit up in bed. "Ah, Darn it Serpentess. It's a Saturday, why'd ya wake...
