Quisps road(1 it all started)

Story by cyotielove1 on SoFurry

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it all started in my head. simple thoughts

It was int always this way. I was not always so cruel. Once. long ago, I can barely remember. I seldom want to. When I was kind. generous. I had a few friends. This was freshman year. I was so young then. So naive to what was possible if you dare to believe. This is the tale. The tale of how i changed. Into who I am today the man. The creature. This lunatic. The hunted and sought. I...AM...QUISP. And never again would people mock my name. I slip into the hearts of others. And lurk there. A nightmare. It is the way of people when they fear something, to imagine it many fold worse than it is. i live to break that...but i digress. It is not time to speak of the now. I will tell you of then. Who i was, and why i am no longer. I remember the very day. It was so long ago...so long.

I saw him...here and there. He was beautiful. Sleek, sexy in my mind. Lightly muscled, bushy tail. Yes, i liked proud prey. He was cruel. to me. To others. I wanted to see him at my mercy. To cry. To do anything i wish.

This is how the thoughts began. Coursing through me. My heart which was soft until my freshman year. I tried to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and when i was picked on, i would brush it off. But this was different. This was more than a kind heart can bare.

I entered the locker room one day. I was changing. But I heard whimpers. From where I did not know. I looked about. And found my answer. In the last row of lockers. He was there. And so was Ferric. a friend of mine. At that time we were inseparable.

For his protection I will call him Alec. He was a rat of the cruelest sort.Ii had thus far avoided his wrath. Ferric was not so lucky. I saw my friend beaten. I hid. Then I had not the power to stop him. Not the will to fight. Again and again he blows were struck. The urge to scream rose like fresh vomit in my stomach. But I restrained.Soon enough it was over with. Alec spit upon Ferric and left. Thank god for my small size that I was able to hide.

As soon as he passed I ran to my friend. He had little spirit left in him. He whispered to me

"Thank god he did not see you"

At that moment tears were not enough an expression of sorrow for a friend so loyal that the one thing he said was for me. I got help for him. Ferric died. one of the blows had cracked his skull and he died from the brain hemmeriging. So did I. Thats when my thoughts became dark and my intentions cruel. The rest of my friends drifted away from me as my appearance followed mood. And I planned. And wished and hoped for the chance and power to make Alec lie before me in tears.

About a week later I discovered the power of hate while in the bathroom. My chance for vengeance lie before me. Alec entered. Gruffly toughly. He was strong considering his slender frame. I felt my hate course. I could control myself no longer. I took off a shoe and wedged it under the door. Just in case. it was time. Even if he is stronger than me I must try for vengeance. I waited outside his stall.. he came out and i wasted not a second. Rage powered my hand as i smashed it into his face. The blow angered him.

He swung back in a rage. I did not move. He hit me full on. The pain and the look of shock only added to my enjoyment. I struck him again. His mouth was bleeding.

Again. In the stomach. He fell to his knees.

"You win. what do you want.Please"


I kicked him full on in the stomach. He rose about a foot before falling on his stomach back. He was babbling pathetic apologies. Its funny how much people respect you when you are in control.

It was time. His humiliation would be my vengeance. I lay upon him. And whispered.

"Do you know what a bunny tastes like?"

He whimpered

"Answer me if you want to live. Do you know what a bunny tastes like?"


"Well you are about to learn what quite a few things taste like. Class lasts for another hour and a half. The door is jammed. You are mine..."

I hoped in front of him.

"Now i will teach you what a bunny tastes like. And the funniest thing is, we bunnies, even get education and sex mixed up. So you will learn it the hard way."

I unzipped my shorts. This will be quite educational. And the first thing you will learn is that i am your god. Respect it or pay the consequences.

I removed my shorts.

My underwear must have seemed out of place. Silky panties on a rapist? Well I liked them, the point aside. I pulled them to the side. The control, the anger. I was quite stiff.

"Now now no teeth, or i will remove them."

How I had become so cruel in so short a time was a mystery.

I grabbed his chin, forced his mouth open and slowly inserted myself. Like oiled silk. I had never had a sexual experience in my life. This was wonderful in, out, in, out,


I demanded. He obliged. his tongue was course and my passion building his tears made the occasion all the sweeter..I grasped the back of his head and forced myself all the way in. He whimpered. I kept thrusting. Now you know what a bunny tastes like. I pulled out suddenly. Now you will learn what a bunny feels like. I removed a sock and improvised a gag for him. That would keep him relatively quiet.

I moved to his back again. He was lithe, smooth. His muscles were tight with fear, bunched, in anger, and shame. I slid his pants down. There was his his round tight bum. I reached and squeezed. It was wonderful. I whispered to him

"This will most certainly be unpleasant for you. I hope you have experience in this sort of thing."

I knew he didn't. I did int for that matter. But a teenager and the internet can learn a lot of interesting subjects together. Down went his underwear. I granted myself another squeeze. Then lowered my rod. I could hear his whining and pitiful pleas for mercy. He did not give Ferric any mercy. I pushed. I could feel the pain in his body. Harder. He writhed under my hands. Finally I felt my tip pass his outer ring.


On final push and I was in. I could hear the pain. Feel it, sense it. It was all around me and i basked in it. It was beautiful. I was all the way in now. Every centimeter. I pulled out the tiniest bit. Then back in. Out in out in. I began to move faster. He was stretching, But was still so tight you could squeeze a lemon. In out in out faster. I thrusted as deep as I could mange over and over. I felt myself getting close to the end. inspiration strikes at the oddest times.

"Now you will learn what rat and bunny tastes like"

I announced. I pulled out. Removed the gag and forced myself back into his mouth.Then grabbed the back of his head. Deep i thrusted, he could not stop me. Faster, closer, and it came. I forced myself as deep as possible and twisted his head around. I could feel him gagging with my cum. I slowly removed myself and quickly closed his muzzle before he could spit up my cum.

"Swallow it. I want you to remember that taste for a very long time"

He was mine now. I lifted him to his feet. And pushed him against the wall.

I raised my hand to strike him harder that I ever had before. But something stopped me. I heard a voice. It sounded like Ferric

"Thats enough. Another does not need to die this way."

I dropped him without hesitation.

" Ferric, was that you? FERRIC?"

No answer. But if that truly was Ferric than I was done with this person. nowhere in my mind did i intend to shame Ferric with my vengeance.

"Alec" I said calmly"The next time you decide to attack someone, remember me. And remember the taste of bunny and rat. Then see if you can go through with it."

I dressed and left.

That was the last anyone saw of Alec. People say he ran away, transfered schools because he beat up a teacher. But I knew the truth. I would always know. And he would always remember, the taste of bunny and rat....

-from the author-

Wow. Thats the darkest thing i've ever written. I'm usually a much more lighthearted guy. But I wanted to do something dark. I intend to do a series, but only if people like it enough to read onward. All comments are appreciated, and vote if you can find the time. Thanks, -cyotielove-