Jungle Queen

Story by Kazufox on SoFurry

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Just a little writing I did.

Jungle Queen

The sun was burning bright and blazing hot, yet the gentle winds made things a nice day. The beautiful white veil flows through the breeze entering the room of the Egyptian palace. At this balcony was a figure gazing out over the land. Statues of felines lined up along the halls as they rest against the walls of hieroglyphics. A woman in a beige garment, endowed in jade stones, gold jewelry, and a crown on her head walks briskly through the large halls. The servants and maids bow their heads out of respect for the great Queen of Egypt.

This was the time of Cleopatra, not the one history tends to refer to that was that of Caesar's time, but this Cleopatra was truly a queen of beauty and intelligence, the real Cleopatra, if you will; the first of the line. She enters the spacious room seeing the woman she was looking for standing there, noticing her gaze towards outside the window. Cleopatra walks up towards her while staying quiet.

"Is there something on your mind?" Cleopatra asks, wrapping her arms around the woman's waist.

The other woman smiles and purrs, "I am merely admiring the beauty of the land."

"Egypt is such a wonderful sight, isn't it?"

"Almost as much as you, my dear Cleopatra." The woman said turning around to warmly embrace Cleopatra while swaying her long tail. This was no ordinary woman either. She was not a human, but that of a cat. A feline with gray fur like silk, emerald green eyes, a long tail, soft curves to her body, and rounded ears. This woman was more of a panther.

Cleopatra smiles slyly, "Shall we continue with more 'private' lessons, Pantherea?"

The pantheress purred, she licks and nuzzles the Queen's neck, her paws rubbing Cleopatra's sides. "It is that time again, isn't it? Let us prepare for another of your lessons. I have a few spells to share, but it may require a bit of time to teach."

"I certainly don't mind, as you are my advisor, I trust completely in what you would recommend." Cleopatra giggled as the two made their way to her private chambers, away from prying eyes under the guise of tutoring sessions in magic.


Sounds of panged moans fill the tunnels of an old temple, the sort as if a mother giving birth. The groaning grew louder until that of a roar, sounding like that of a large feline. In the main service chamber, the room was lit with oils as robed figures stood at the side in silence, waiting, all around a table of a woman giving birth and her lover by her side all while a priestess watches over this ceremonious event.

The growls grew more and more intense as the woman on the table groaned. Then, a baby's loud cry echoes through the stone temple walls, a cry that sounded like a mewling kitten. The onlookers in robes began to comfort the woman as the one that helped deliver the child carefully bundled and cleaned her up.

Yes, a baby girl, one that had wet matted fur all over her tiny body and a small tail. The servant that helped deliver the baby gave the newborn feline to her father, a tall and strong panther creature. He asks to hold the child and the servant meekly nods. This was only the beginning of this feline child, whose name would be known as Pantherea.

She is a gray furred feline with emerald green eyes. A rare breed of temple guardian felines would be what could best describe her. She and her family were guardians to protect a temple hidden away deep in Egypt and was thus trained as a temple warrior. Once becoming six years of age, she and her parents were granted freedom, which they graciously accepted. They move to Cairo, a peaceful city in its time. A young Pantherea takes up arts in magic, the fire elements being her strongest. She lives as much as a normal life she could as a child who is not a human, yet walks like one.

One morning at the age of twelve, Pantherea's father wakes her up with a sense of urgency. Her family hurries over to the Nile River along with the local men, all armed with arrows, swords, and armor. Pantherea's feline eyesight allowed her to see a greater distance than normal humans her age. She spots down the Nile a fleet of strange ships not native to the land. This would be the first battle in her life and one she would never forget, mostly because of the outcome.

The waterway of the Nile was thinning fast for the ships forcing them to go one at a time reducing what may have been a mighty naval fleet to a long slow line of traffic. It became obvious to the soldiers on board that no tactic or strategy was clearly planned out giving the local soldiers the chance to send a barrage of flame arrows, setting at least five of the ships on fire. The foreign soldiers that chose not to stay on board to burn or were killed by the arrows were torn asunder by the crocodiles. The remaining ships turn back making a hasty retreat from such an embarrassing defeat. Not one Egyptian was killed.


The next year, Pantherea was trained in the teaching of alchemy and use of creating potions. Alchemy, even in a simpler form, still requires a great deal of discipline and knowledge. Eventually, an Egyptian alchemist takes the feline under his wing to share his own unique teachings.

"A very important thing to learn of alchemy, my student, is to remember that alchemy is like that of cooking. Being able to mix together new ingredients and spices to create something wondrous and tasteful." He continued putting together a set of ingredients and chemicals into a small bowl. Pantherea looks on as the curious feline she is, her tail tip swaying.

"And this, my young student, is how you create," The older man said holding up the small bowl as it began to illuminate the room, "Light."

Pantherea gazes in wonder and amazement, reaching up to see just what her teacher had created. He carefully gives the bowl into her feline paws allowing the young pantheress to see the mix of ingredients together which created a soft illuminating light source. This being a method of alchemy that only this alchemist knew and so easily performed with better results than others who attempted the same thing. The tools used in alchemy were often used by the Egyptians as means of healing and other simple uses, such as the Egyptian alchemist being able to create a source of bright light, and even are the basis of modern medicines today.

In the passing time in her teenage years, the feline continues with learning alchemy and magic. Pantherea learns on different combination and uses of these skills just as she had been taught. The feline would often find ways to improve, and often would come up with alchemic techniques or spells that surpassed that of her teachers. Pantherea's magic and knowledge grew as did her fighting skills. She takes up the sword and bow through the basics in archery and sword training. Pantherea learns a better understanding on how to make effective and durable bows. She also learns from several tricks from watching her mother and father when they would train. All of this would prepare her for lies ahead.

Pantherea is taken prisoner at the age of sixteen to be used as a slave. She was brought before her master who had taken quite a bit of interest in her. Unlike most of his other slaves, he wasn't just interested in the feline's body, but rather the skills she's learned through battle and warfare. Her virginity was kept safe, but she was to be trained and spend the next few years of her life in constant battle in the arena. This includes that of Rome itself. As Pantherea was not a human, she was treated as a special class warrior and even received weapons and armor to fit her body type and race. The next year would be when the battles begin.


The year Pantherea entered the arena, she was far more than a warrior kitten. The feline would often dance for emperors, sultans, and other guests to her master's household. She would take pride in how she retained her virginity unlike the other slaves who were jealous the feline's wasn't taken forcefully like theirs was. Her master did not touch her because he feared it would ruin the pantheress as a warrior in the arena. Pantherea would be known as "Queen of the arena" for her skills in battle and theatrical abilities that would often entertain spectators. From there, her popularity would only grow.

"What do you mean you 'refuse' to put down her name?" One of the attendants questioned, "Is she not one of our finest warriors? One of beauty and grace."

"It is not my decision on this. You know far well that the 'Queen of the arena' is more than deserving of being listed in our history. But if we do such a thing, it may draw some unnecessary attention."

"That's that?"

"Yes, it has been commanded from the higher up that we do not include her name. Now do not pester me with such matters anymore. Do you not need to prepare the next combatants? Now away with you and leave me be."

With that, the attendant withdrew himself from his superior's room. He later visits the prison cells of the gladiators carrying with him a tray of bread and water. "It is time for dinner." He calls out to the prisoner.

The feline behind the bars lets out a yawn and stretches, "Ah, I could use a meal."

The attendant opens the cell door and sets the tray on the floor. He doesn't bother to keep his eyes on the feline like he once did before, having a sense of trust. The prison was heavily guarded so none of the prisoners would be able to escape alive. The man walks out locking the door behind him as Pantherea doesn't pay him any mind while grooming her fur.

"Pantherea, I talked to the record keepers and to my superiors, but the answer is all the same. They do not wish to make any record of your name in the scrolls."

"So that is their answer." Pantherea mused.

"Yes, I am truly sorry I could not do more for you."

The panther sits up stretching out more as she licked her wounds, a few small cuts. "There is no need to worry, it is not something I truly care for if I am forgotten by the thousands that view my battles, as I only desire to be remembered by the one friend I desire to be with once I gain my freedom."

"I understand, my queen. But have you not been treated well since your arrival? Many of the guards have warmed up to you."

Pantherea purrs hearing such words, "You are too kind to this feline. However, I do not wish to keep partaking in these battles. Once I have proven myself the strongest, I will leave from here."

"As you wish. I must go and prepare for the next combatants."

"Before you leave, tell me what your name is." Pantherea stands up and walks to the cell bars ignoring her tray of food. "You have been quite kind to me, more so than the others as some still fear me because of my appearance."

"I am Samuel, I am but a mere attendant here. You know how to give a performance to bring in a greater crowd, and I respect your skills as well as your beauty."

Pantherea smiles, "Samuel, you certainly are a kind one. I thank you."

Samuel merely nods and leaves the pantheress to her thoughts. Pantherea sits on the cool stone floor and eats her meal, better than the slop she had when first arrived. Bread may have been a food in most homes, but there it was a delicacy to these prisoners who fight for freedom against one another. To Pantherea, it was just another filling meal as she earned the adoration of not just her master and those she's danced for, but of the crowds and workers at the arenas.

However, this fame meant little to her. She allows her thoughts to drift when she has the time to peacefully relax. Pantherea has another person on her mind, Cleopatra, a dear friend who would often visit and encourage her. This would be what gave the feline the will to keep going in the face of adversity.

" Just one more year, and I will finally be free..." Pantherea said to herself.


Pantherea thrusts her sword only to have it blocked by a heavy shield. The Roman champion growls in anguish feeling his strength draining. This soldier is a giant being of eight feet tall, adorn in heavy plated armor, and able to crush an average man's skull with his bare hands. He swings his mighty blade at the feline who easily avoids it with her cat like agility. She would normally dance around her opponent, make sport, but this time was different for her.

The giant makes another low downward slash with his sword. Pantherea counters leaping up and cuts through the giant's arm. She lands then quickly spins thrusting her blade into her opponent's exposed side, which cuts under his armor. The giant lets out a pained yelled almost drowned out by the cheers of the crowd. The giant merely dropped to one knee glaring angrily at the pantheress. He raises his sword up high, as blood seeps out of his wound, to strike the women with one powerful blow. With one quick thrust of her blade, Pantherea pierces the giant's heart and stopping his final attempt. As her opponent falls over dead, Pantherea looks at her opponent to offer a silent prayer for his warrior soul. She raises her head high and lets out a loud cheer, for she was now the arena Grand Champion.

After the ceremonious event of the pantheress' victory, she was finally released from her bonds of slavery at the age of twenty-one. She had with her a few belongings and bid her former master farewell. With that, she takes her lave back to the deserts of Egypt. She desired for so long to see her friend, Cleopatra, to share the news of her victory and release from enslavement.

Pantherea explores the desert then notices an oasis. She could use a refill on her water, so she decides to explore it. The more she explores, the more she realizes that this is no ordinary oasis at all, but rather a jungle. For some reason, the feline felt quite a at home with the environment, being able to stretch out her claws. The humid air thick with a fragrance appealed to her nose. Her ears perk up, she hears what sounds like voices. Pantherea makes haste to find the source of it finding a small group of humans living to themselves. She saw that they noticed her, and then an odd silence befell the small village as all eyes fell on the pantheress.

"Wh-who are you and what do you want?" Asked one of the village males.

"How did you find us?" Another asks.

"Please, we don't have much." A woman proclaimed, holding a small basket of fruits.

Pantherea simply shakes her head. She looks around the group and smiles, "There is no need to fear, for I mean you all no harm. I have been known as many things such as 'Queen of the arena', but I am simply known as Pantherea. I stumbled upon this jungle thinking it was an oasis." The pantheress notices the villagers speaking amongst themselves. "If you would prefer, I will simply take my leave."

"Wait." Calls out one of the older village men. He hurries over to the feline, "Forgive us for our rude behavior, we are not used to visitors. We remain here in secrecy to life our lives away from general society, but we lack in strength. We need one who is strong and would protect us from intruders." The man falls to his knees. "Please, o Arena Queen, powerful feline warrior, will you consider to stay and help to keep us safe from harm?"

The pantheress smiles not taking much time to think in her decision, "Yes, I will stay. Your heartfelt words has touched me. I shall teach you all what I know and we shall thrive and prosper together."

What occurred next was Pantherea taking residence among these villagers teaching them hunting, trading, alchemy, and in combat. For the next five years, Pantherea would be known as the Jungle Queen. Although she does not rule as a normal queen would, instead she had built up a community where everyone prospers as long as there is unity among the group.

Time would pass for the Jungle Queen, as many contacts were established through trade that includes a few nomad groups. During this passing time, there were villagers that moved away and left to take residence elsewhere in far off lands. This did not bother Pantherea as she felt that if they could benefit more by leaving the village, she would not force her will upon them to do otherwise. It was at this time Alexander the Great started his invasion of Egypt to conquer cities, kill men able to fight in battle, and sell women and children into slavery. Queen Pantherea and her people had no need to fear such things as the jungle kept them hidden from the world.

Of course, Pantherea did attend to diplomacy with a neighboring kingdom. The same one ruled by the Egyptian Queen and her long time friend, Cleopatra I. The friendship between these two women bloomed in more ways than one, mostly behind closed doors. The feline, merely two years older then the human queen, began to have a more intimate relationship with each other and no one was ever the wiser.


Life for Pantherea and her people a year later continued to be prosperous and bountiful, but nothing lasts forever, even for the little oasis paradise. The feline returns to her home after another visit with Cleopatra and time trading in the marketplace, discussing more diplomacy and enjoying one another's company. She approaches her homeland then stops. Her ears perk hearing sounds of silence. The smell of blood filled her nostrils.

"No, it couldn't be." She says to herself. The feline hurries through the dense jungle towards the center of the oasis. All she could think about is how she wished it not true, for it to be a dream, that her people had not been discovered. The familiar smell of shed blood growing stronger the closer she was, mixed with burning greenery and flesh, the stench of death filled the air. What she saw next, would jar her to seeing the truth.

"By the gods..." Pantherea's body trembled seeing what became of her people. Men, women, and children were slain and killed where they stood. There were signs of a battle as bodies of soldiers in armor were lying about. Alexander's men somehow managed to find them after all this time. "This...this cannot be!" Pantherea cried out, tears streaming from her eyes wetting the fur on her cheek.

The Queen hurries, checking each home hoping to find a survivor. Hoping someone was still alive. That not all she ruled over were slain. With each residence she visited, she fell more and more into despair and hopelessness. Unable to stand, Pantherea crawls on her hands and knees taking one last look around. She calls out for someone again, but her voice was weak and shaky. Her heart distraught over her great loss, she lets out a loud pained roar that echoes through the land. She curls up crying herself to sleep.

The next day, the feline woke up hoping that all she saw was but a hellish nightmare. She opens her eyes only to see the same scene as she saw the night before. Pantherea realizes she can no longer stay in the land she called home and travels to see her friend. The feline stumbles and treads her way to the palace, people in the streets all staring and murmur about the feline. Some recognized her, but unable to believe that once proud warrior to look so defeated or hurt.

The palace guards took up their spears to halt the approaching figure. Once they realize it is Pantherea, they instantly call out to go inform their queen. Cleopatra hears news of the feline's sudden arrival and hurries outside to greet her. She was shocked to see her close friend looking so miserable and a mess. Her fur wet from tears, her eyes full of sadness, barely able to stand and needed the guards to help her into the palace.

Cleopatra hurries over to her friend and asks, "Pantherea! What has happened?"

The feline merely mewled in sadness, "It's...gone...they're all gone."

"What is gone?"

Pantherea looks into Cleopatra's green eyes with deep sadness, her lips quiver. Beneath her sobs, it took a great deal of strength to finally answer, "Everyone."

"By Ra's might...who did such a thing?"

"It was that damned bastard known as Alexander!" The pantheress hissed, "Because of him...because of him, my people..." Unable to finish her thoughts, Pantherea collapses into Cleopatra's arms, held in a close embrace.

A month passes by and Pantherea has calmed, regaining her composure. She still holds the deep pain of loss of her people. Since she has no home to return to, Cleopatra offered her position as her most trusted advisor and to serve within her ranks as one of her elite warriors. She has come across Alexander's forces more frequently in the following years, yet showing no mercy as she fights to defend her new home to prevent the tragedy of what happened from occurring ever again.


Both Pantherea and Cleopatra had become intimately close even in times of war as the threat of Alexander the Great's forces was always looming over head. Civil wars and chaos was beginning to take way over the lands of Egypt over the disputes about the Greek forces. Yet Egyptian Queen and her feline advisor were often together as what they could describe as the best two years of their lives. They held their relationship in secrecy as Pantherea did teach Cleopatra all she could while in privacy away from prying eyes of other advisors.

The two would often discuss about how Alexander was compensating with his large army for something not so 'Great' and the stories that have been told of the fate on Alexander's own soldiers and servant girls that knew the drunkard's shortcomings and how he would waste his time with whores and wine. They knew how Alexander was by no means a military 'genius' in any regards, just some dumb fool with a great deal of power to make up for his size, thus properly dubbing him "Alexander the Tiny."

However, the relationship the two women had did not last for long. Alexander's forces was swift, conquering land after land, kingdom after kingdom, and it was only a matter of time before Egypt was to face a full frontal assault instead of the small sparse attacks that have been taking place. Word of such a vast force attacking frightened many of the men and they were given the opportunity to fight or take flight. Those that decided to leave packed up their belongings quickly, while the others prepared to fight to the bitter end. Pantherea decides to stay and fight on the front lines, ready to lead her people to victory or fall trying. The day soon arrived of that great battle.

The former gladiator was marching at the front lines with other strong warriors against the vast army of Alexander. Pantherea raises her sword into the air with a mighty roar as she and the Egyptians charged into battle, and thus the battle began. Pantherea easily tore into Alexander's front lines with ease. She showed her enemies just why she was known as the arena queen. From hacking and slashing, incinerating the enemy troops using her magic, or shooting several off their horses with quick use of her bow, Pantherea was fierce.

Greek reinforcements arrived by the dozens through ships as the Egyptians do their best to destroy as many boats as possible to reduce the numbers using their arrows. This only seemed to slow Alexander's troops only momentarily as they arrived and swiftly started overtaking the battle. The Egyptians were already outnumbered from the start, but had fewer forces as many had fled.

Spears were hurled through the air as if Zeus himself was throwing thunderbolts. One by one did the remaining Egyptian soldiers fall to the airborne weapon, those who were unfortunate to be stabbed through their body. The numbers began to dwindle down more and more as Alexander's mighty forces had surrounded what remained.

With a quick ferocious stab, Pantherea cuts through a Greek soldier. All of her training, her battles, and her use of magic are being put to the ultimate test. She quickly chants a spell causing her hands to radiate a green flame. She throws this flame at a group of Alexander's elite warriors who were charging at her and incinerates them in a spectacular flare.

The battle rages on with the shouts of men, clanging of swords, and agony of the fallen soldiers. Egyptian spell casters setting Greek soldiers ablaze, Greek soldiers impaling Egyptian soldiers with their spears, Pantherea using her bow to snipe a commanding officer on his horse. The Greek soldiers regrouped with the larger numbers as they continued to rush in a barrage wave after wave of men. They hurl more spears into the air, all the while the Egyptians were being impaled or injured by the thrown weapons. Their numbers became more and more sparse in comparison. Pantherea continued fighting with all of her power.

Another spear thrown mightily through the air; Pantherea was quickly preparing for another powerful spell. Only to be stopped, letting out a loud pained yell as she felt a throbbing numbing pain through her body. One of those thunderous spears had hit her as if a lightning rod, causing her body in shock from the pain. The spear had pierced through her midsection and anchored her to the ground.

Alexander's forces continued to overrun the battlefield slaying one Egyptian soldier after another without mercy. Screams and howls of agony filled the air, the golden sand stained with the blood of its inhabitants. The pantheress could feel her consciousness fading, her vision blurring as her eyes filled with tears seeing the fall of her home. She grasps the spear pinning her down and pulls herself back to her feet, uttering in a low voice growing weaker and weaker into a whisper the spell. Several of the elite soldiers charge at her with swords raised, screaming out in a murderous rage, closing in to finish her. With her last dying breath, she completed the spell creating an explosive burst of flames to engulf and consume many of the Greek soldiers, most of them being Alexander's very best.

It was on that day when Egypt fall to Alexander the Great as he continued his swift conquest of the known world. The Jungle Queen had been lost through the sands of time, as she had no one to record her life's story, but she was a brave, strong, and noble leader that was loved by her people. As for what happened after the battle, the rest is history. Cleopatra's forces were defeated, Alexander continued in his conquest until his death in 323 B.C., and then Ptolemy V Epiphanes married Cleopatra to take control of Egypt in Alexander's place. Cleopatra I was a very beautiful queen with a love for felines. History does not tell why, but the secret as to why lies with her and the Jungle Queen known as Pantherea.

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