The Adventures of Stevo-Chapter 4-Hill Valley,1955,Part 1

Story by Steven Dalma on SoFurry

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The road glittered by the sun's rays, but was immediately blocked off by a big line of steam that was coming from under the hood of the wrecked Willy jeep. Stevo struggled his head up after hitting his head hard against the now-cracked windshield. He looked at himself at the left view mirror to see his forehead bleeding in a small streak.

"Crap." he thought, "Where's the first aid kit?" He looked back to see it laying beside his suitcase, partly dented up. He grabbed the kit by the handle and opened it to see the contents inside, grabbed what he needed to patch himself up and then poured a capful of peroxide on his cut. Suddenly, he heard a robotic humming coming from the back of a white billboard near the jeep.

"Hm." He began walking towards the board when he noticed the advertisement on it.

"Lyon Estates. Why is that so familiar?" He continued to walk behind it when he saw some light shining from the bushes. He uncovered a few branches when he saw something that widened his eyes.

"Tha-that's the DeLorean! Wait, if this is here, then..." He peeked out from behind the billboard to see the wrecked jeep beside a partly-damaged wall that read, Lyon Estates. He realized something: "It's 1955. Great... Dane!" He covered the DeLorean back up, ran to grab his suitcase from the backseat of the jeep, and began walking towards the town for 2 miles.

After he arrived, he walked across the street and noticed that the malt shop door open, with a businessman walking out. He became curious and walked in to see what was inside. But inside, he saw a few people sitting at the tables; a couple chattering, one reading the newspaper, and one sitting on a stool listening to the jukebox not far from him.

"Hey sir, what's with the fancy suit and suitcase?" A young, dark man wearing a chef's outfit called to him. Stevo looked at himself, seeing that his military clothes were still intact, then looked at him as he swept around the cash register.

"Uh, I happen to be a Captain in the U.S. Army." The man straightened up and saluted him with the broom over his shoulder.

"Goldie! Quit playing around and finish sweeping the floor!" An old man wearing the same outfit yelled at Goldie from behind the kitchen window.

"But Mr. Caruthers, that man's military!" Mr. Caruthers looked at the spiffy customer, then walked out from the kitchen to get a closer look.

"Hm... what rank are you?"

"Captain, U.S. Army."

"Let me see your epaulets." Stevo turned both ways to show him his rank patches.

"You're right, Goldie. He is military." He looked at Goldie, but he continued sweeping the checkered floor. "Tell you what, Captain..."

"Stephen Lambert."

"Stephen, how would you like to have a nice meal free of charge?" He thought quickly about the opportunity.

"Well, I haven't ate all day, but it's fine by me."

"Betty! Get this soldier the best burger, fries, and soda we've got!"

After filling his stomach up with the free dish, Stevo looked out the window to see the clock tower go off. It was 1:00 PM. He turned back down to grab a napkin to wipe his mouth when he saw writing on it. He picked it up and began reading it:

It's me again. Listen, if you're wondering what's your mission is in 1955, it's to prevent Old Biff from giving Younger Biff the 2015 Sports Almanac. As of now, the date is November 11th, so that means you've got time to get what you need to stop that from happening. But be careful not to identify your true self here, there will be consequences if you do. If anyone asks for your birthday, it's May 13th, 1935. Here comes Bif~

The bell from above the door behind him rang. He turned around to see who it was. It was Biff Tannen and his gang.

"Hey Goldie! Get us 4 root beers pronto!" Biff ordered him.

"Yes, sir." Goldie quickly went to the kitchen to serve them up their drinks. As they waited, Biff stood and looked around the cafe, seeing the customers pretty quiet. But when he saw Stevo, Stevo quickly put his head down and pretended that he wasn't seen.

"Hey you there! What are you looking at, butthead?!" He looked up to see Biff and his friends walking towards his table. Biff's hands made a loud thud against it.

"Why were you looking at me? And what's with the street clothes? Going on a date with your mom?" They all laughed at him. Stevo grew furious and stood up from his seat, wearing an angry look on his face.

"Look boy! I happen to be a Captain in the U.S. Army, and you should respect me after protecting the country you live in with my life!" He shouted at them strongly. Silence fell into the room for a few moments until Biff started chuckling.

"That's the biggest piece of bullsh*t I've ever heard of!" Biff and his friends busted out laughing by what they believe to be a lie. Stevo's face grew redder by their disbelief. He then put his head down, seeing a quarter laying in front of his feet, which gave him an idea. He picked it up, cocked the pistol Potter gave him in his pocket, threw the quarter in the air, and fired at it. Everyone but the group hid under the tables, while they just ducked their hands over their heads. It grew silent again after the gunshot, then Biff looked down to see the quarter lying in front of him. He picked it up and looked at it, seeing the bullet hole at the center. He and his friends from behind stared at it, then at Stevo.

"*huffs* No one. *huffs* Picks on a military personnel." Stevo said as his face changed back from his pepper face. He grabbed his suitcase from beside his table and began walking out when he forgot to tip Mr. Caruthers, so he grabbed a $5 bill from his pocket, folded it into a paper airplane, and said to him, "Mr. C, here's a $5 tip.", then threw it in his hat and walked out the door to do some more exploring. Everyone, even Biff was speechless and stunned by the incident that just happened.

Later that evening, after the incident that occurred hours ago, he was walking down the sidewalk, strolling by the light-lit houses and lamp posts in the dark, chilly street, trying to find a place to stay for the night.

"*shivers* Ugh, it's so cold! If only there was at least a bench to sleep on." he said to himself. Suddenly, he heard sounds of yelling and shattering coming from behind him. Then came quick, thumping footsteps, ones that weren't his own.

"'Cuse me!" A boy said (McFLY!), then pushed his suitcase out of the way and continued running, then yelling came from behind.

"We ain't leaving our home, you hear?! And we ain't gonna be terrorized!" A black man wearing long boxers and a white tank came running after with a baseball bat in his hand. Stevo panicked and ran as well, trying to escape from that crazy man. But with his suitcase in his hand, he started to slow down. He saw a car parked under a lamp post not far from him, which gave him an idea. He tried to run faster and hid behind it and sat on his knees and laying his back against the silver rear bumper. He panted as he still held on to his sweat-covered suitcase handle. Suddenly, he heard silence, then some sifting footsteps. He wiped his forehead with his sleeve and looked over to the side to see the black man walking back down to his house, mumbling to himself and still having his hand on the baseball bat. Stevo backed down and wiped his forehead again.

"*phew* What was that all about? Hm?" He looked at a slip of paper that was attached to the keychain. He took the note off and read:

Open the case and change into these clothes. -Figure

Stevo opened it up to see a fresh pair of clothes, just right for the year, all tucked in neatly inside. But he started to see the sun rise over the end of the street, so he quickly changed into the given clothes and began walking to the city to find Older Biff, destroy the sports almanac, and leave for the next mission.