Brood Father ch.7

Story by Rhysion on SoFurry

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#7 of Brood Father

The 7th chapter, and the results are in! Someone's got some good news they can't wait to share.

Yeah, it's been a while and I know it. Although I haven't abandoned anything yet, I will admit that I didn't actually plan on doing this particular story today. I've got another project that I'm working on with someone else, and just didn't have it in me to do anything with it this afternoon.

So, here's the seventh chapter in Brood Father, as short as it might be. Hopefully it's still enjoyable. Been out of the loop for some time, and it's bothersome in more ways than one...

"Jumping up and down like that isn't going to get the results out any faster, Wrena."

Excitedly bouncing on the back of the doctor's chair with her paws, the almost-nude loboth stared down at Mirie's computer as it processed and displayed a slew of charts, graphs, and numbers. "So, come on, tell me! Did it work!?"

Mirie reached back to swat the annoyance off, smacking one of the other wolf's paws. "Yes," she sighed. "It did. Now quit it, I don't like you shaking my seat." Wrena hopped in the air and cheered in response.

"Oh I'm so happy it did! This whole last week of waiting to take your test has been so hard on me. I've been dying to know the results." Rubbing her paws across and around her belly, Wrena continued to smile and nuzzle her chest. "This was so worth going first for too. I've never had a heat feel so good before."

"Well, that's the estrus drug for you. It still does its job, even after two centuries of being in cryo storage." The doctor spun her chair around to face Wrena and crossed her arms. "Personally I'm not surprised though. As long as everything remains functioning correctly, cryogenic storage is pretty solid. I should know."

"I only know the basics of cryo stuff. How much more is there to it than that?"

"It's not that complicated, actually. The computer does most of the work," Mirie grinned. "Let's just say that I spent a little bit of time studying cryogenics back home, and a few lost rodents are a small price to getting long term storage to work right."

Wrena stuck out her tongue in disgust. "Blegh! I hate rats. They chew stuff up. Don't want any of them near my pups either."

"Speaking of which, you should have a total of five. You'll have to come in for regular checkups to make sure you end up with the same number in eight months too."

"Ooo, you hear that my little wolfies? Rhael gave me five of you!" Wrena wiggled in place, paws still holding her gray, brown, and black tummy. Her tail kept going with a mind of its own even after she stopped dancing as well. "It was just so incredible though. Does mating with a normal heat feel that good too?"

"Probably not. The injection over stimulates your body's receptors to maximize fertility and probably of successful impregnation and reproduction."

"But Rhael was so great though! There had to be more than just the drugs doing that to me, right?" The engineer finally calmed down enough to hop up and sit down on one of the medical bay's beds against the wall. Of course, she couldn't stop kicking her digitigrade legs as she sat, swinging her feet outward towards Mirie and under the table-bed in opposite union to each other. "I mean, he had to be more than 20 cm long! None of my old toys ever felt that good when trying to relieve previous heats back home."

"I'm sure that your own feelings were probably amplified by the burning desire to be filled. That kind of thing is normal when on these drugs. Besides, when I gave Rhael his examination more than a week ago, he only measured in at about 14 cm, and that's fairly normal for loboths."

"Wait, was measuring his length really part of your medical exam," Wrena tilted her head to the side and questioned, puzzled. "I don't think I could see how that would be important at all."

Mirie giggled and blushed a little. "Well, no. It wouldn't be relevant in the least."

"Then what did you do it for?"

"I was curious. It still took a bit of convincing to get him to let me do it too. I don't know why males are so worried about the size of their genitals. It's not as if there's actually much variation in size, at least relative to their overall body size that is."

"Really? You mean that they're all just about the same then? I thought that there were all sorts of different sizes that males had." Wrena ran her paw over her underwear, rubbing her sex with the memory of only a few days ago. "And I could've sworn that it felt like his knot was going to split me apart it seemed so big and filling too."

The doctor laughed, nearly howling at her comments. "No. Somehow the truth gets covered up and hidden, despite being right in front of their faces the whole time. It's quite rare for anyone to be over 18 cm or under 12 cm. The image of having to measure up to such a large size is entirely false. In fact, being that big can make it more difficult to tie."

"Wow, I didn't know that Mirie. I thought there might have been something wrong with me when I had trouble taking the knot on some of my bigger toys."

"Nope, nothing wrong with you at all, besides falling for the bigger is better crap." Wrena grimaced in embarrassment and slid off the table. "Don't feel bad about it. I'm sure that all the other females here probably think the same thing."

"So, what kinds of stuff should I avoid doing for the next couple of months? And what else might happen? I've never had pups before."

Mirie scratched her head in thought for a moment. "Well, I suppose avoid overly strenuous actives, and try to limit your exposure to anything dangerous that might be leaking out of the reactor. I'm not going to pretend that everything's perfect down there, but do be careful Wrena."

"Hey! We're trying!"

"Yeah I know. We all are." Mirie sighed, and then snapped her fingers a few moments later. "Oh, by the way, if you start feeling a little... frisky, don't take it out on Rhael. I know he might be the reason for it, but you're not the only one who's going to want that. I've got some, er, medical helpers here that would be a bit more suitable for that."

"Aww," she teased, getting dressed back up again. "Alright, fine. I won't make him scratch that itch, but there's no guarantee I won't get him to scratch me elsewhere."

The doctor rolled her eyes. "Uh huh. Well, we're just about all done here for today. I've got you scheduled back in a month. Don't hesitate to come by sooner if you've got any other concerns or questions though."

I don't know what or when I'm going to write next. Ideally, more often, but that's a lot easier said than done. How some people can do the kind of writing they do, I don't know. I sort of envy that ability, I'll admit.

This was pretty fun to pick back up for a couple of hours however. I really gotta try and get more out here~

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