The Story of Sapphire: Chapter 24 - Loyalty

Story by Aeneas Lopez on SoFurry

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Hello people!  I'm trying to get back into a regular schedule with my stories, so here is the lastest chapter in the series.  I feel like there is a lot of action this time around and it is always fun to write those scenes.  As always, I hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading!  Have a great Christmas!

I wake up completely disoriented after I sense that the lights have been turned on in the room. "What is a cum-soaked bitch doing in my bed?", I hear Emily tease. At first, I panic at the sound of her voice. Quickly coming around, I shake my head violently to shock myself to consciousness: "Sleeping. What time is it?". "It's noon", she checks her watch. "You left me asleep all this time?", I inquire. "You looked so adorable", she teases, "I just wanted to slip in with you". "You still can", I open the sheets facetiously. I hear a buzz in my ear from the small headset phone that I use. "Saved by the phone", Emily murmurs before walking away to lunch smiling.

I answer, "Hello? Who is this?". "It's Amanda. Sapph, I need to talk to you", I hear her voice is strained. I inquire, "What's the problem?". She snaps, "Our brother is the problem! He took a picture of us with his game thingy and posted it on the Internet!".

I pause and wonder, "So...what's the big deal?". "His comment under the picture asked people whether or not they wished that we were naked!", she yells exasperated. I reply, "That could be arranged". "Sapphire!", she whines embarrassed as I laugh.

I get over my laughing fit to ask, "So what do you want me to do? I'm probably not the best role model". "Just talk to him. Tell him it's natural and all that, but more importantly: STOP HIM FROM PICTURING ME NAKED!", she commands. "Alright, alright", I rub my ear to stop the feedback from her screaming, "So, tell him to only imagine ME naked. Thanks, sis". "No problem", she counters my sarcasm, "Meet you at the parking lot of the college".

Walking to a sink, I moisten a towel and clean myself up a little bit better from yesterday's antics. Looking into the bright sky, I feel a strange pulse of power from my locket as I change back to being a human. I shrug after thinking about it and decide to go about my day as I planned.

The first order of business today is to check on the progress of my wedding dress. I hope I'm not rushing her, but with the money readily available, I just want to marry Tony and get it over with. I can't wait too much longer without him.

I walk into the shopping district and slip into the store where I had placed my order. The assistant recognizes me as I walk in to the showroom, "Sapphire?". "That's me", I nod. She beckons for me to follow, "I just finished it this morning. Great timing". Strolling into the workroom, I see a luxurious gown with layers and layers of a silky smooth material. Every part looks amazing, but I start getting emotional after looking at the veil and imagining my face behind it. I inspect it at every angle, finding it extremely well-crafted.

"So how do you like it?", she smiles as I run up to hug her, one leg in the air excitedly. "It's great!", I can hardly think that my dreams might be so close. I let go of her and take out the full payment in cash, "I can't thank you enough. I'm so excited!". She takes the money then looks at me caringly as I carry it out, "My pleasure. By the way, whoever you're marrying is a very lucky guy to have such a nice girl like you". I guess "nice" is a relative term.

Walking around with a dress gets you a lot of attention, but it also makes people leave you alone, so my walk to the parking lot wasn't too eventful. My sister, foot on the pedal, awaits my arrival with bated breath. I climb on her motorcycle and, without speaking; she drives toward the apartment which she shares with her brother (my half- brother).

Hopping off as we reach our destination, she finally speaks, "I can hold onto the dress if you'd like". "That'd be nice", I accept her offer, "Cheer up though". "It's just that I kinda wanted him to stay innocent of all that stuff know", she sighs. I put my hand on her shoulder, "I wanted to stay innocent too, but look what I am now. Sure, he's young, but that's when it starts". "I know", she keeps from crying, "Thanks for coming, Sapph".

"I haven't done anything yet", I answer as I walk inside the apartment and see Edward on a computer off to the side. I take a seat next to him, "Hello". He quickly closes the page, "Oh...umm, hi. You're Sapphire, right?". "Yep", I nod, then transition roughly, "So Amanda told me about what you did...".

He turns away from the computer and finally makes eye contact with me. "I thought it was funny, but in all seriousness, you probably shouldn't be imagining how your sister looks naked", I chuckle thinking about it again. He stares at my chest after I finish my statement.

"Hey!", I snap, "Eyes up here, kid". He blushes nervously after being caught, "Uhh...sorry. What about you?". "What do you mean?", I counter. He gets all technical just to spite me, "You said sister, like only one. So can I think about how you look naked?". "Sure. Go ahead", I respond to surprise him. The smirk wipes off his face and I smile at his shock. "Let the thought of me being half werewolf sink in", I mess with him, "I have the best of both worlds here".

After seeing his entrancement, I propose, "Tell you what. I'm only doing this because it bothers your sister. Between you and me, I don't care what you're doing, but instead of pressing the issue on your sister, (who's only upset about it because she cares for your well-being,) just talk to me about that stuff. Comprende?". He nods happily, "I can live with that deal". "Cool, call me when you want to talk or whatever. Good talk", I pat him on the back awkwardly as I walk away. I feel his stare on my butt as I leave; Amanda was right: he is a bit of a pervert.

Just before I walk out the door, Amanda approaches me and hugs me, "Thanks for helping, sis". "I didn't do much", I shrug. She smiles, "That doesn't matter, at least you tried. Well, anyway (she hands me my dress) good luck with your wedding and call me when it's time".

"Amanda, can I ask you something?", I turn away from the door. "Yeah, what's up?", she answers. I look at her nervously, "Do you honestly think I'll be a good wife? I'm such a...", she silences me with a surprising, passionate kiss on the lips, "Sapph, you're a special type of girl. As much as you play the field, the fact that you care about whether you'll be a good wife shows me that you love him. So tie the knot: you've earned it".

We both look into each other's eyes intently and I break the silence as finally regaining the ability to think after losing myself in her beauty, "Did you get mad at Edward for thinking about us because you were thinking about it too? If it helps to know my side of the story, I sure was". She scratches her head and makes sure that Edward is distracted by something, "Sapph, uhh...can I tell you a secret that I've never told anyone else? If you tell, I might have to kill you". "I swear I won't", I put my hand over my heart.

She breathes in deeply and sighs, "Sapphire, I'm not sure about this, but I think...I think that I'm gay". I hug her as she leans against my shoulder: I can tell that she's been keeping it under wraps for a long time. I rub her back after hanging the dress by the door, "I...I'm honored that you'd trust me like that, sis. If there's anything I can do to help you, tell me".

She looks up into my concerned face and asks, "Were you serious about how you thought about me?". I nod and admit, "If you weren't my sister, I probably couldn't stop myself". She wipes away her tears and smiles, "I take it back: you'll never be a good wife when you're such a dirty girl". I shrug, "Not my fault". She laughs and then whispers, "Maybe when Edward isn't around, you can come over and we can pretend that we aren't sisters for a few hours. Or longer".

I blush embarrassed, "Amanda, but we're...I'm...", she interrupts my incoherent ramble and completes my sentence, "A sexy woman who's soaking wet thinking about it? Yeah, I know". I know it's wrong, so why can't I refuse? I just can't say no. "Please, Sapph? Do it for your sister. It's only a fair price for what I told you. You said that you'd do anything to help me...", she begs on her knees. I give up trying to convince her otherwise and give her a hand up, "Fine. We'll see when we can meet up and do that. But for now, I need to prepare for my wedding". She kisses me again, "Oh, Sapph, thanks so much! You're the best big sister ever!". I sure hope I'm doing the right thing here...

As I walk out with my dress in hand, I reorient myself with my location in the city and recognize that I'm only blocks away from Tony's place. Encouraged by this thought, I run toward the familiar, dark garage and large building above it in the distance. When I finally reach the door, I feel the greatest sense of accomplishment in the world. I open the door and walk in just as Tony tries to walk out. I bounce right off of his muscular frame and smile, "Hey Tony!". He notices what is in my hands and his tail begins to wag behind him. It's the first time I've seen him so excited.

He puts his hands on my shoulders, "Sapph, is that what I think it is?". I giggle to myself, "Yep". "And what's that in your pocket?", he notices the massive bulge. "Four thousand dollars, Tony", I answer happily. "Yes! Sapphire, you did it! I won't even ask how. I love you so much, you beautiful girl!", he yells as he takes me into a spine-crushing hug. I hear someone yell back, "Calm down over there!", but even I can't help but be ecstatic.

Tony places me back on solid ground and commands, "Sapph, change back...wait, don't, just get over here!". Eagerly, I let him rub against me and make me feel wanted. The unbreakable love between us sparks my transformation instantly and after a burst of pure white light, I stand in front of Tony happier than ever before.

I give him a crutial choice, "Tony, you decide who you want me to be. Mate with me now if that's what you want from me or wait a while if you want me just as I am: a slut, but your loyal companion for more than simply carrying your line. Either way, I'll love you and I'll still marry you".

He looks at me dearly and strips himself of his pants and I can't tell whether he's serious or not when he answers: "Let's start the first day of your new job then. I'm trying for triplets tonight, my pet. Hopefully, we can try again as soon as this litter comes out". I hope he's just testing me...

I don't really want to be a simple breeding wife, but for the love of my life, I'll give up my own desires. He's more important to me than myself. I sigh and bend over while slipping off my jeans, "Have me as you want, Tony. I'm yours". I close my eyes and await the rapid annihilation of my vagina, but it never comes. After a while, I turn around.

I see him sitting on the couch, and he addresses me, "You'd give up everything you want for me?". "Of course, Tony. If you want kids, then make 'em", I answer unenthusiastically, but loyally. "You'd really degrade yourself and be my reproductive instrument instead of being the cute little girl you are...for me?", he tears up a bit. I reaffirm, "Tony, I'll be who you want me to be. If you want a dumb girl to have sex with as your wife, I'll be that girl".

He pulls me onto his naked lap, but doesn't penetrate me like I expected. "You are the most loyal girlfriend on the face of the Earth if you would be a slave just because I wanted you to be one. Sapph, be who you are. Tell ME who you want me to be", he offers. "Be yourself, Tony", I answer, "If you want me pregnant, then do it, but I'd prefer if you wouldn't keep me like a breeding bitch: it's a sensitive topic for me".

"Oh, I think I'll want you pregnant someday, Sapphire, but today, I'd rather have the sarcastic, loyal, cute, and slutty girl you are", he concludes with a smile, "That's the girl I fell in love with". "That's a decision I can live with", I angle myself so that his cock finally enters my vagina, "I've had a lot of visitors in there, Tony, but you're the only keeper".

He moans as I move up and down slowly and smoothly, "I love you, Sapphire". "I love you too, Anthony", I answer lovingly and immediately after, Tony springs into action, holding my body down on his lap as he enters and fully stretches my pussy. It feels like he occupies the perfect amount of space within me. It's like our bodies were destined to be together forever. Every move he makes is equal to the amount of pleasure I usually feel in an entire night of sex. I fuel his energy and he fuels my pleasure. I could (and would love to) stay like this forever.

"Sapph, tell me that we are going to spend every night like this when we're married", Tony comments. "The nights are too long of a wait", I reply, "I need you every second of the rest of my life". Tony, feeling the need to cum, decides not to have kids yet and instead covers my face. Meanwhile, a constant stream of my own cum rushes after he pulls out, pouring all over his pelvic area. Both of us carry each other's scents and his musk drives me close to sexual insanity.

"I'm not washing this", I tell Tony as his cum drips from my face onto the ground. "I won't either", he dittos. "Round 2?", I propose, seeing that it is only 3 PM. "You bet your perfect little tailhole", he answers jovially, laying me down on all fours. While he gets into position behind me, I pull his hands to my breasts. Getting the message, he rubs them lovingly and declares, "Ready when you are, my love". "You don't need to ask, Tony", I answer back as he firmly grabs my chest, ready to thrust.

He takes a deep breath and just barely penetrates my tailhole. I yelp afraid, but encourage him, "Take as much as you can, Tony. I wanna still feel sore from this when we get married. Make it count, you naughty wolf". He chuckles, "Ok, Sapph. You asked for it". In one fell swoop, I feel Tony reach futher than any other person who has driven into me. My back arcs and my eyes roll back in bliss. As if this wasn't enough, his hard slams (that feel like he is hammering me into the floor) send a feeling of pure satisfaction throughout my body.

Despite my constant panting and moaning and the loud slam of his sack against my butt, I hear Tony ask me, "Good enough for you?". Eager and willing for more, I tease, "I can't even feel it yet. Did you start?". He smiles, "You bitch!". He lays my body flat against the ground and lays directly on top of me, "Let's see if you can feel it this time".

Already feeling his larger mass crush me, the addition of his vertical pressure in entering my tailhole again makes me feel like I'm being flattened by a compressor. Though it feels really strange, I love it (though I'll admit that I love everything Tony does).

I try to scream as another orgasm hits me, but he covers my muzzle with his hands, "Still don't feel it, huh?". "Mmmmmh!", I yell as I cum. He lets go of my mouth, still pounding excessively into my tailhole, "You're so cute". "I hate...", I begin to say before I feel his large load of warm semen rush deep inside of me, "Oh Tony, I love you!". The end is always my favorite part. "Whore", he jokes as he pulls out of me. Still disoriented and feeling bruised, I turn around to clean him, "True, but I love you for more than just your ability to have sex with me". An aftershock of cum hits my nose as I lick up all the load that wasn't deposited inside of me. "Still, you had no qualms about doing it when Brandon and Leah are in the kitchen...", he looks arounds, "Scratch that. Sapph, they're right here".

I turn around and get up, pulling my sweatshirt so it covers my butt, "Hi there!". The two tigers look at us intrigued. "How long were you watching?", Tony asks Brandon while pulling up his pants. "The whole time", Brandon admits. Leah walks over to me, "That...that was something! You two are really in love, aren't you?". "Yep", I laugh it off, "I'm sorry you had to see that...". "No problem", Brandon addresses us as he leads a curious Leah back into the kitchen, "I think we all enjoyed that". I hear her whisper, "Can we try that?" and I smile.

Tony looks at my face, "Well then! That turned out differently than I expected!". I fake being upset, "Tony, you'd better get our marriage set up this instant in order to make up for this!". He laughs, taking the money that I "earned" from the pocket of my pants (on the floor), "I'm sure that's the only way to make you feel better, so you'd better meet me at the beach at 8 AM tomorrow. Wear your dress!". I wonder if he's just teasing me or if he's really being serious. I hope it is the latter. I kiss him goodbye, almost forgetting to get my pants back on before leaving the house.

The last thing on today's list was to go to this meeting with my dad. As much as this is an obvious trap, I need him not to bother me anymore, so I'll deal with the consequences. As I walk past the city library, a menacing-looking human approaches me from the shadows. His only greeting is "Come".

I cautiously follow, already knowing my fate in this matter. It's pretty obvious: I'm walking down an alley, it's a dark alley, it's a hidden alley, it smells like wolf musk, I'm female, the list goes on and on. At the end of this path, there is a black gated fence that the man unlocks and pushes me inside.

As soon as I walk into this shadow-covered open bar area, I see all eyes pinned on me. The fact that I'm covered in Tony's cum probably doesn't help. The wolf pushes me forth onto the asphalt before my father.

"Uhh...hi", I say getting off the ground quickly, "So, what's this about?". "You", he answers simply. I get a bit irate, "I'm noticing a trend of no one speaking clearly to me. Can I just go?". As I turn, two wolves move to block the exit. I feel my father's hand touch my shoulder from behind, "I'm giving you a great opportunity here, my girl. Join our little group here and I'm sure you'll have tons of fun".

I shake him off, "If by fun then you mean being the only girl in a room full of guys ready to fuck me, I'm good. Anyway, why should I trust you? You abandoned my mom and I still don't have a damn clue who you are!". I feel a hand rub against my swollen tailhole and I twitch to see who it was. A mass of werewolves, both human looking and otherwise surround me. "Uhh...guys? Could we talk this over?", I back up against the two wolves guarding the door. I hear my father advise, "Just let one have you and you're part of the clan, Sapphire. It's easy". For some reason, I feel like it's not going to be that way.

Desperately, I climb up one of the wolves guarding the doorway and use the leverage to hop myself over the high gate. The metal tips of the fence shred my jeans as I land, leaving me to run in my undergarments. When I feel that I've reached a safe distance, I turn into an adjacent alley and take a breath, making sure I'm not cut anywhere or anything else is injured.

Just as I begin to walk away, I feel a furry arm secure me by the hip and bend me over. "Surprise, bitch! Looks like I've got a treasure today", the werewolf howls. "How'd you find me, you jerk?", I inquire. He smiles, "I followed the scent of street whore". "Hey! That's my boyfriend's cum for your information!", I correct him loyally.

"Anyway", he slams my body against a nearby dumpster, "Ready to be the property of the pack?". "Oh, yes! Please, take my tailhole!", I fake beg only so Tony can have the exclusive rights to my vagina for the wedding. It's weird, but it ends up working, "I knew you were a whore", he responds as he folds my undergarments to expose my asshole and enters roughly.

"Oh, man. You're so hot", he compliments me while forcing himself inside of me. He finally finds a way around my resistance, changing my yells for help into yells of pleasure. He decides to talk to me, "So you're the boss' daughter?". "That's what I was told", I answer sarcastically. "Smartass", he complains, "I hope you feel good about getting fucked this".

As my breasts press against the dirty trash dumpster, all I can feel is satisfaction from being used by the wolf. I'm so easy to please. He licks at my neck fur as he pounds my body against the metal container, "I can tell that you've already been used once today and I hate getting stuck with sloppy seconds". "", I moan out as he continues to use my tailhole to the furthest extent possible. Oh, it feels so nice...why do I love doing stuff like this so much?

He spits on the ground in front of me, "Gross! Did you have cum on your fur?!". I smile from the pleasure of both the great feeling in my loins and the thought of him indirectly licking up Tony's cum, "Yeah". "You're one messed up little bitch", he takes revenge by slamming me faster and harder against the dumpster. That weird feeling I had when I woke up comes back as he speeds up.

"Stop!", I yell in feigned protest to the increased aggression. I'm trying to use reverse psychology so I can make this experience last even longer, but it miserably fails. He drags me onto the asphalt ground and lays my body out, "For protesting, you don't get to have a clean finish". He starts jerking his bulging length above me and his cum completely drenches my sweatshirt and panties, "Welcome to the clan. I'm really looking forward to having you to mate with some other day. Just to explain some things, you are now clan property and if you see any member of the clan, I think you know what to do. I guess you could go see the boss anytime you're in the area. Now get out of my territory before I decide to take that cute pussy of yours today".

Half willing to have my vagina abused and to be taken captive by the werewolf clan, I almost decide to await my punishment. That weird burst of energy makes me feel extremely lustful and makes me say things I really don't mean: "That's it, cutie? How about you show me some more?". However, just as he set up to pounce on me, reason finally returns to me and I run away toward downtown. I need to be more careful...

Exiting onto a familiar street, I see The Stallion's Lair down the road and decide to check around for anyone I know. Sure enough, I see Rose and walk over to her after she calls me over. "Sapphire, what did you just do?", the dragoness inspects me after smelling the large quantity of semen that covers my body (and seeing that I had no pants on). "I just got raped...again, but before that, it was my fiancé", I explain. She looks at me quizzically, "Sapph, you always seem to end up in the weirdest situations". I sigh tiredly, "Tell me about it".

She looks in the back of her trunk and hands me a trench coat, handing it to me after demanding that I take off my sweatshirt. She threatens, "If you get cum on that, I swear that I will fill you with just as much". "As if you didn't already want to...", I tease.

I see a slight erection and chuckle just as someone suddenly turns me around, "Hey, Sapph". I focus in on the speaker, "Amanda?". "Yep", she responds, then utters after seeing the always-intimidating Rose, "Woah". I decide that it it a good time for introductions, "Umm...Rose, this is my sister, Amanda". "You have a sister?", Rose doubts rhetorically. Amanda whispers after looking at Rose, "Sapph, does she have a...?". "Yeah", I answer honestly. "Wow", she replies.

"What are you two talking about?", Rose interrupts. "Nothing", I interject quickly. "You", my sister admits, "About your condition". "Amanda!", I scold her as if she was much younger. "Sorry", she looks away. Rose chuckles, "Yeah, I see the similarity between you two. Sapphire was very interested by it too".

Amanda laughs as I blush, "I guess you still are the naughtier sister". "Of course she is, she begged for it!", Rose piles on. "To be fair, I think you wanted to use me more than I wanted you inside of me", I counter. "Really, Sapph? So if I whipped it out right now, what would you do?", she proposes. A flash of crazy thoughts pop into my head, "Ok, fine. I wanted it more than you".

I add, "I still want it more too, but after the wedding, of course". "Oh yeah! That's tomorrow, right?", she asks. "Yep, by the beach at 8", I reply. Rose makes a play at my sister, "And will you be there too, my darling?". Amanda smiles mischievously, "Yes, ma'am".

I look at both of their faces, " realize that I am your (I point to Rose) best friend and your (I point to Amanda) sister, right? I really didn't want to know that my best friend and sister are planning something, especially not at MY OWN wedding. You guys haven't even really met!". My sister teases me, "Aww, poor Sapphire is being left out". Rose chimes in, "Unless, of course, you'd like to leave that new husband of yours for a bit of fun during your celebration?".

I answer, "Both of you know me pretty well, so I'm going to let you guess my answer". Their voices ring out in unison, "She's in". "Alright, I'll leave you two to your own devices. Have fun kids", I wave as I leave the gossip group. I see them whispering and giggling while looking directly at me: I have a feeling that they're sharing stories about me...

At any rate, I decide to make the journey to Tony once again, my hopes high. I know that I keep being unfaithful, but at least I know that he looks past my faults and that he understands my weird version of loyalty. He's just the greatest guy ever and he's so handsome and loving. I could dream about him for days. Every time I'm with Tony, I feel ten times better than otherwise; it's not just the sex. Of course, it doesn't hurt... I stroll into the garage and open the door to the apartment that we all share, seeing a note on the table. I go to pick it up and read:

Dear Sapphire,

I left the house so I didn't feel tempted to take you to bed the night before our marriage. Tomorrow, however, will be a different story. Get cleaned up from whatever you did today and go to sleep; it's our big day tomorrow. Make sure you arrive as a human, because I don't want another fiasco with your mom.

Love you,


P.S. - You're cute.

P.P.S. - Tomorrow's Christmas. What did you get me?

I laugh at his note and I prepare myself mentally for the day ahead. I guess it's the biggest decision of my life. I know he loves me and I certainly can't resist him, so I think we will end up as a good couple. The mention of Christmas at the end makes me feel badly. I basically forgot about the whole season. I do have a cheesy cop-out for not getting him a gift though. The best gift should be me, right? Or I could guarantee him a "White" Christmas (I couldn't help but use that pun). Hell, it's worth a shot.

I'm glad he accepts me for who I am and I love him for being the furry devil that he is. Though the fact that I siphon energy from the pasion of sexual activity pardons my behavior to a certain extent, I still want to show Tony I'm capable of being loyal to him. I hope I can show him that very soon.

I grow tired as the moon grows brighter in the night sky: the ever- present symbol of my new life. I go to the bedroom finding everyone long asleep and I crawl into Tony's bed alone. I think to myself that metaphorically, this will be the last time I'm every truly "alone", but that's just my philosophy speaking.

I can't even sleep when I'm this excited and nervous: I can't wait to get married! Hopefully Amanda and Rose took a break from chatting and told people who know me about it. As my eyes finally succumb to their tiredness, my dreams project the imaginings of my happiness with Tony. If three of those thousands of dreams come true, I think I'll be a very happy bride. Until then, I guess I'll have to manage by myself...