I Dream of Leo

Story by Shepard on SoFurry

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#2 of Nightmare of Lust

Alright, this is the second part of my dream inspired lemon series. This chapter takes place after Leomon saved Jeri from the mouse deva (don't remember its name) but refused to be her partner.

I Dream of Leo

It was nighttime in the Shinjuku ward of Tokyo when Takato Matsuki walked Jeri Katou home. She has had a very rough day and Takato wanted to make sure she was alright.

"Are you sure you're okay Jeri?" asked a concerned Takato.

"I'm just fine, don't worry so much." She smiled slightly.

"Um...alright Jeri, see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, tomorrow."

In the shadows...

"Ahhh...another human girl that hangs out with digimon. I think I'll have a little fun with her as well.

When Jeri got to her bedroom, she changed into her pajamas and lied down on her bed.

"I-I'm not giving up!" she began to converse with herself. "I know Leomon's supposed to be my partner and I'm goon prove it!" she then began to fall asleep.

A dark fog began to form in Jeri's bedroom and a figure stepped out of it. The figure then held out its glowing hand and focused it on Jeri's head.

Jeri's Dream

"Uggh, my head hurts." Jeri groaned as she awoke. She looked around and noticed that she was not in her bedroom anymore. She was sitting on a very large bed in a strange well lit room.

"Jeri...I've been waiting for you." A deep voice echoed through the room.

"Wh-who's there?" All of a sudden Leomon appeared before her. "L-leomon! You came back for me!!" Jeri, ignoring the fact that she just woke up in a strange place, leapt at Leomon and embraced him. "Oh Leomon, I'm so happy you came ba-." She stopped as she started to smell something strange. The smell was strong and was starting to dull her senses. Whatever it was it was urging her to take in more of it. The smell seemed to be coming from Leomon. She started to search his body and discovered that the smell was coming from inside Leomon's pants.

Intoxicated, she all but tore through his pants to get to the source of the smell she craved. When she was done she stared at Leomon's large genitals. His member was barbed and was at least 12 inches long and four inches wide. She immediately grabbed the large, limp shaft and began to rub it across her face. She then stuck her tongue out and ran it across his barbed cock-head. Leomon purred in approval as he spread his legs to give the girl more room to work. She inhaled more of his scent as she worked his shaft to its fully erect, 18 inch form. Jeri continued to lick and nibble at his cock, paying close attention to the sensitive barbs on the head. Leomon growled as he released some pre-cum on Jeri's soft tongue, which greedily lapped up the sweet fluid.

Jeri opened her mouth wide as she slowly engulfed his cock. The taste of it made her feel like swallowing the whole thing right then and there. She took is as much as she could until a good 7 inches was inside her mouth. She could feel the barbed head seep pre-cum down her throat. Leomon(who is LOVING THIS by the way) grabbed the sides of her head and bucked his hips into her face. Both Jeri and Leomon moaned as he slid his cock in and out of her mouth, the tip reaching the back of her throat every time. Jeri reached forward and began to massage the part of his member that wasn't already in her mouth. Leomon roared loudly as he reached his climax. He fired several rounds of warm digiseed directly down Jeri's throat. Jeri pulled back some so that she could taste the sweet orgasmic juices. Leomon finished his orgasm and released Jeri's head, letting the girl finish her cum meal.

___________________Don't bust that nut yet...THIS AINT OVER!!______________________________

Leomon grabbed Jeri with his strong hands and lifted her up to his face. He then started to lick her budding nipples and breasts. Jeri giggled as the rough cat tongue washed over her chest. When he was done he lowered her to his lap and positioned her cunt over his huge shaft. He began to tease her by rubbing his barbed cock head against her young, dripping pussy. She knew that she was going to be penetrated at any moment and the wait was unbearable. Leomon then swiftly thrust 8-inches of his cock into her, causing her to scream in pleasure. She could feel the fleshy barbs scraping her insides as he lifted her up and down on his cock. Every time he pushed her down he fit in a little bit more cock into her. It wasn't long until he was completely hilted inside of her. She could see a large bulge resembling his cock on her stomach. Between Leomon's ferocious thrusting and the dozens of little barbs on his cock, she was quickly rocked into an orgasm. She screeched as she blasted her juices all over his huge shaft. When her orgasm finally stopped she was lifted off by Leomon and laid down on the bed, completely exhausted.

Back in the Real World.

"That was pretty good, but something felt undone. Something's missing...but what?" the figure thought for a second "Eureka! That's a perfect idea!"

Back to Jeri's dream (Bet ya thought it was over, didn't ya?)

Leomon, having not reached his orgasm yet, flipped Jeri over onto her stomach. Then he positioned his large cock at her anal entrance. Jeri whimpered and squirmed as Leomon started to slowly insert his length into her. Leo was grinding his teeth at the sheer tightness of the girl's anus Jeri was breathing heavily as she was painlessly stretched beyond her limits. She had never had anything up her ass and she thought it would be painful, but it wasn't. Leomon kept pushing in until all 18-inches were snugly crammed inside of her. Jeri could tell that he fit it all in when she felt his furry balls rest against her. She reached her hand beneath herself to confirm that the cock-bulge had returned in her belly. Leomon took a minute to get used to the girls tightness (hell, with this guys dick ANY girl would be tight) then started to pull out of her. He pulled out until just the tip remained, then he drove it all back in. He then repeated the process and worked it into a steady pace.

Jeri was enjoying this IMMENSLY. She whimpered when he pulled out and squealed when he filled her up again. She also loved the way his furry ballsac slapped against her pussy every time he thrusted in. Leomon released more pre which allowed him to hump faster. Jeri was reduced to shudders and moans as she was deeply taken doggystyle. Leomon wrapped his hands around the girl's torso to prevent her from falling flat on her face. She then gasped as she was hoisted up as Leomon shifted into a sitting position. She now sat in her lap as he lifted her up and down on his cock. Jeri moaned as she was impaled repeatedly by the lion man. Leomon released even more pre allowing him to go even faster. He began slamming her down on him harder as he got closer to his. After a few more minutes Jeri's legs went completely numb from the pleasurable pounding. The only things she could feel below her waist was the huge throbbing meat she was being repeatedly sat down on and her now orgasming cunt. Jeri thought that the pounding would never end, but then it did. Leomon roared as he came into Jeri's ass nearly three times harder than he did in her mouth. Jeri squirmed uncontrollably as what felt like gallons of cum was pumped deep into her bowels. She swore that she could feel some of it try to come up through her throat. After what seemed like forever Leomon finally stopped cumming The cock-bulge in Jeri's stomach was replaced with a cum-bulge that almost made her look pregnant. Leomon shifted again so that Jeri was lying on her back on the bed. He then slowly began to pull out of her. Jeri faded out of consciousness (or into consciousness) as the large cock left her.

Author notes: I kinda woke up at that point. Let me inform you people that I am now planning an in-depth background story for "the figure". I might have to take down my dream catcher to help get the "sweet dreams" flowing again.

Rika's Long Night

"Renamon was doing just fine before they showed up." She threw her clothes off and changed into her pajamas. "I never asked for his help and I didn't need it! How dare he come barging in on my fight with that pitiful excuse of a Digimon?" her anger...

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