Part 2 A warning for Dragoune
#2 of The Land of Marnex: Evil Regins Again
Hey guys I know I said that I will slow down but I can not stop typing. I guess old habits die hard, as for old habits I think this one is short sorry but I could not really make it any longer. Sorry again and I think the third will be the same but I can tell you that the fourth will be alot better. If you under 18 go away if not stay and enjoy
Part 2 A warning for Dragoune
Saneira woke up feeling that nothing as really changed within her. But at the same time she felt that something was a little different.
'I hope we get two' she thought with a smile. Dragonesses here can have two eggs at a time but it is mostly only one. Saneira felt Dragoune start move a lot and knew that he was having his nightmare again. She frowned because she wanted to help him but couldn't. After a full week of these nightmares she tried everything to wake him up: cold water, loud noises, etc. But whatever she did he would sleep on until the nightmare was over. This one was starting to be the longest and when Saneira started to get real worried he bolted up opening his maw and shooting a bit of fire but it dissipated before it hit anything. Saneira flung her arms around him tightly and nuzzling him so he calmed down. When his breathing slowed she asked him.
"What happened this time?"
'Should I tell the truth?' He thought deciding not to, he said.
"The usual." But Saneira knew that he was lying.
"Tell me the truth, I know you well enough that you are fibbing." She said getting closer to him and squeezing him tighter.
"I can never keep anything hidden from you can I? ....The thing... actually... showed itself to me, it looked like a dragon but it also did not seem alive like a ghost but it was black, and then it told me the same thing it said last time. Then it went after me and was going to attack but something blocked it and that is when I awoke but just before I did the ghost dragon said that I have not seen last of him." After he had said this fear washed over him and he saw that Saneira was shaking to and he regretted of actually telling that to her. He wrapped a wing around her close and said.
"I will not let this thing come near us or our eggs." He kissed her and she nuzzled him back.
"Well I told you already that we still have three days to wait but I truly think that it worked." She said smiling, making Dragoune smile as well.
"You know what though, right about now we should see Siss or Traisa coming out of the hole right about now." As soon as she said that both Siss and Traisa came out of the hole looking quite happy with themselves.
"Hey Siss and Traisa, where is Crosain?" Dragoune asked. They both looked at each other and blushed a little bit.
"He is still sleeping; you could say that we 'overworked' him last night." Siss said Dragoune and Saneira getting the idea.
"So when do you find out?" Saneira asked
"We find out actually tomorrow, and if it did then two months give or take a week. How about you?" Traisa said.
"Not until three days and like you two months." Saneira said then both Siss's and Traisa's faces went serious and Traisa asked.
"We heard a lot of ruckus going on here is everything okay?"
"My nightmare again." Dragoune only had said that and Siss and Traisa knew what he was talking about.
"I just wish that I knew what it really means and then maybe I could find a solution for it." Just as Dragoune had said this Crosain came in yawning.
"I have been looking for you two when I woke up and did not see you." Crosain said
"Well we wanted to visit Dragoune and Saneira and tell them the good news." Siss said coming to him and wrapping around him nuzzling him.
"And we did not to wait for you to get up." Traisa said doing the same thing as Siss.
"Well I guess I can not argue with that." Crosain said returning the favor.
"I have to talk to Volaxone for a while, will you be okay?" Dragoune asked and Saneira nodded her head and he kissed her.
Dragoune was heading for the study first still thinking about the last nightmare.
'That one felt so real and what it was about to do to me if the other thing did not stop it?' Dragoune thought, he was about to turn the knob but never did because just then he collapsed unconscious.
When Dragoune opened his eyes he was not at the castle. He was in a room surrounded by fire, at first that he was going to be burned alive, but when he actually felt the fire it only gave courage to stand up.
"Welcome young dragon." A voice said in the room, the voice was like the fire it gave him more courage and he found his voice.
"Where am I? and who are you?"
"I am Firen the fire being and this is only a vision that I am sending you." Just as the voice had said this all the fire gathered into one spot and was morphed into a big four legged dragon.
"There are six of us all in different elements but I have come with a warning about a black shadow and it goes by the name of Kaous." Firen said, Dragoune thought about his nightmares.
"Is Kaous the one who is giving me the nightmares, because if it is then your warning is a little to late." Dragoune growled at the fire being.
"Have you wondered what was that thing that protected you on your last vision?" Firen asked
"How did you know that it protected me and I thought they were nightmares?" Dragoune asked
"Because it was me and the reason I had to is because it had your farther as well." Firen said
"Then why didn't you protect him as well!?" Dragoune asked getting angrier
"Because we did not think that Kaous was that strong yet." But Dragoune was already lost in his rage and went after the fire being. When he got close the flames separated went behind him and came together again behind Dragoune. He turned around and was about to blow his fire, but nothing came out.
"Your rage is controlling you now, the reason I can see that is that you are trying to use fire when I can control it. I will leave you for now and will come with the other elements by then you will know the true strength of Kaous." Dragoune again just fell on the ground unconscious.
Dragoune woke up seeing Saneira over him rubbing his chest. When she saw him awake she grabbed him and started crying.
"O-oh Dragoune y-you had us s-so worried and do n-not scare m-me like that again." She stammered
"I am okay." Dragoune said he saw that Volaxone was in the room too and guessed that he found him.
"How long was I out?" he asked
"Oh, pretty much the whole day... are you sure you are okay?" Volaxone asked. Dragoune decided to tell them what had happened while he was out.
"I know that name, but I can not understand why. Volaxone go done the study and try to find anything related to this. I know it is late but try to find it as soon as you can ask Crosain if he knows anything and can help you as well." Dragoune said and Volaxone left without a word.
"Dragoune what' going to happen?" Saneira asked shivering I fear and went closer to him.
"I do not know but I have a bad feeling about it." Dragoune said putting a wing over her and trying to comfort her until they were fast asleep.
Now can you see that I need those names!?! It took me hours just to get 'Firen' and 'Kaous' I still need water earth electric light and dark.I could really use a hand....or a paw. You may be thinking that the dark element is with Kaous well you will have to find that out later on.
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