Sollus' Adventures Part 4: Blackstone

Story by SollusDellager on SoFurry

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Woo, sorry this one took so long everyone, it went through a lot of touching up and editing. I hope its made up for by how long it is. I am quite proud of it and always striving to be able to say "this is the best one yet" with each upload. Enjoy, and remember, feedback is always welcome and appreciated!

The Adventures of Sollus Dellager.

Part 4: Blackstone

Sollus dreamed once more. He thought the events with Zaed and the impending dragon slayers would weigh heavily on his mind, but all he dreamed about was Zach, his friend, the man he rapidly began to feel he loved. He saw them together through the years living in happiness. His dream continued to other joyful possibilities. he saw villagers praising him, happy to have a dragon live near them, he saw himself as a protector of the village, an emissary for dragon kind, the dream approached the deepest desires of his heart. He saw them living among humans, his race no longer hunted, content to help the humans in their civilization, to atone for their sin. Not as a punishment, but as a pleasure, thankful for the opportunity. He saw a golden age for all human and dragon kind. His mind craved to see that day, to help the world be free of its ignorance, both on the part of humans, and dragons, and the entire time, Zach was there, by his side.

Sollus awoke well rested. A quick sniff of the air reminded him of the events of the previous evening. Blushing he got up to the mouth of his cave and leapt into the air, flying low and heading for the nearby pond. Arriving at the bank he casually waded into the water and lay for a while, enjoying the feeling of the cool liquid on his body. Scrubbing his claws lightly along his chest and sides, cleaning himself he surveyed his surroundings. Some deer stood a short distance away in the forest before quickly catching the dragons gaze and hopping away. Sollus grumbled, and his stomach imitated him, but he was saving his appetite for lunch with Zach. His heart swelled, remembering last night and the fond memories of the boy. Feeling he was sufficiently clean, Sollus left the pond, casting cloud-shift as he did so, then he leapt into the air and headed for Temaria.

Sollus touched down in the familiar clearing he normally used to enter the town, and quickly changed to his human appearance. Stepping out of the clearing he headed into town. He found Victor selling livestock as usual in the town square, as he passed, Victor shouted to him.

"If you plan to pay me for the boy so well, why don't you just buy his contract from me!?" Sollus smiled to himself, pleased the "gold" coin he had given Zach the previous day had cleansed Victor of any resentment for stealing his worker away. As Sollus walked down the street he overheard some mumbling. Two townsfolk were talking about some sort of gossip, not an uncommon occurrence, till something caught his ear.

"He said his name was Zaed. That there was a dragon in the area and his troupe had been called in to deal with it. I'm thinking of leaving town for a while in case things get messy. The other man, got a mocking look on his face.

"Please, a dragon? Here? It's probably just some stupid kids playing a joke sending off a letter like that, or this Zaed character messing with you. You always were the paranoid sort!" The other man did not appear relieved in the slightest.

"This guy meant business! he had a very fine sword on his back and fine black leather armor too. I think he was the real thing!" The second man just shook his head. Then he caught sight of Sollus as he was walking by.

"Hey if it isn't our resident woodsman! Sollus, talk some sense into my friend here, have you seen any signs of dragons out in the wilds lately...or ever?" Sollus glanced at the two men.

"Don't be ridiculous. No dragons live out in that forest, if they did I should know about it, I know every cave, every clearing, every tree between here and the mountains and I'll tell you I haven't seen a single scale of a dragon." Hoping to have slowed down the rumors at least slightly Sollus lifted his head and continued walking off to find Zach. Still, he wondered, how many people Zaed had talked to, and whether his disappearance would be noticed. He thought not, this was a busy town, people came and went all the time; odds were good nothing would be suspected.

Before he could reach the ranch, he spied Zach walking towards him, probably on his way to town to wait for him. With a quick wave, Zach noticed him and walked over.

"Sollus! Oh it's so good to see you again!" The younger man rushed forward and hugged him tightly, head coming to rest on Sollus' chest. He gave a quick return hug before urging him away gently, hoping to allay suspicions.

"Come on then, I'm so hungry I could eat an entire cow!" Zach cracked an even wider smile at that and walked by his side as they approached the market.

He located the best smelling food quickly, the same meat vendor as before. He dropped the copper coins into his hand and grabbed two shanks of meat, handed one to Zach and then made his way over to a small patch of grass under a tree beside the path. Sitting down, Sollus dug in quickly, devouring his meal at a much faster speed than the real human beside him. Once both had eaten their fill, Zach spoke. "I've heard some people talking...The dragon slayers are likely to arrive today, any time now. I'm still not sure who could know about you though, I'm almost certain it's not Victor, he really wouldn't have any reason to turn you in, as he would have to pay the dragon slayers, and you know how much he likes money. That doesn't help though, now we have even less to go on." Sollus sighed.

"Well, it's likely to come out on its own once the slayers arrive, they will want payment, we just need to see who gives it to them..." Sollus looked down at the grass beneath him. "This was supposed to be so simple, revealing myself to one person, I could finally have someone to share my life with, but now, after two years, someone finally knows I'm here, and they called in dragon slayers to take care of me. If only I had told you sooner, we might have had some time together." Zach looked confused.

"What's wrong Sollus? What do you plan to do?" the larger 'human' looked up to the leaves of the tree above him, as they twisted in the wind, their lighter sides catching the sunlight and flashing.

"I can't kill them, Zach. I'll have to leave this place. I'd like if you came with me, but it'd mean leaving everything behind. This happened before, as I told you. I was chased out of every home I've had by dragon slayers, but never this soon. I spent decades at the other locations. There aren't many places to hide anymore it seems..." Zach frowned

"Sollus...You don't have to run, they're the agressors here! I'll... I'll fight with you! We can run them out of town together!" Sollus looked up at the younger being, a smile flashing on his face.

"They're dragon slayers. They are practiced, trained in the art of killing members of my race; I couldn't hope to beat them, even with your help. I have to run, get away from here." Now it was Zach's turn to look down.

"It's not much to ask of me to leave, all I really have here is you - I'll follow you anywhere. But, do we have to leave now? They wont be able to find you as long as you look like a human, can't you stay just a little bit longer?" Sollus smiled wanly at his naïve friend.

"We'll see, we'll see..." Just then, some commotion was heard coming from the gate and guards were gathering, looking down the road. He had a suspicion about what was about to enter town. The captain of the guard, Korel, went over and shooed his guards back to their posts as he awaited the newcomers. He got quickly to his feet and gestured for Zach to stay put. He knew the guard captain, so he was less likely to get shooed away - at least not until after he learned what he needed to. As he walked over towards him, he turned to regard him. He nearly matched Sollus' own gigantic height.

"Sollus." Korel said with a quick nod.

"Korel," Sollus replied, "Whats going on here?" The man quickly adopted a stern expression.

"I'm really not allowed to tell, by order of the mayor, but its impossible for him to keep this quiet and I would rather you hear from me than some street gossiper." Sollus feigned ignorance and raised his eyebrow.

"Mo - errr. Someone thinks that there's a dragon living nearby. I sent a letter out last night bound for the capital. One of them, Zaed, who was staying in a nearby town intercepted the letter and arrived yesterday morning after sending the letter ahead to the rest of his crew." Sollus feigned shock.

"A dragon?! That's ridiculous! I've never seen even one small sign of a dragon in the area around the village, and I know it like the back of my own hand." Korel shrugged, metal parts of his armor making a soft metallic clink as he did.

"It could live higher in the mountains for all you know - I know you don't hike up there that often. Honestly, I'm in the same boat as you; I don't think a dragon lives around here. You find fewer and fewer solitary ones anymore, and most of them have moved way up north to join that bastard Kranoth so they don't get picked off." Sollus started a little bit, a strange look crossing his features.

"Who's Kranoth?" The captain looked at him, seemingly a little puzzled by the question.

"Oh come on, when's the last time you heard the news around town? He's-" Korel was interrupted by the travelers finally reaching the gates, he gave a look to Sollus to step back, and walked forward to meet them. The first man, presumably their leader came into view flanked by three others. He was an average sized man, black-haired, agile and exceptionally strong. A large jagged scar adorned his face, from above his right eye to his collar, curving around the eye as if deliberately avoiding it.

On his back was a decent sized sword covered by a round wood and steel shield. He wore black leather armor with metal shoulder guards, just visible through the shirt of chainmaile he wore atop it. To his right stood another man, taller and more slender, a bow and quiver on his back. By contrast he wore mostly plain clothing with only mild leather padding. The third in the group, a long-haired brunette nearly the same height as the leader had large broadsword slung across her back. She was garbed in the same black leather as her compatriots. It appeared as if she would be too weak to wield the massive weapon she carried, but appearances could be deceptive.

The final member of the group, standing directly behind the leader, was a veritable giant only a hair shorter than himself, with a muscular frame to match. His face was gruff, only made more so by the eye patch crossing his left eye, accompanied by three parallel scars crossing that side of his face. His weapon of choice was an immense crossbow, nearly something that could be used for a siege. As if he needed anything else, he also had a small short sword at his side. Sollus grimly suspected that even his armor plates would have a hard time resisting a shot from that thing, and any other part of him would hardly stand a chance.

The leader regarded Korel with a nod as he approached and turned to face him. His compatriots stood silently beside him, observing impassively all who noticed their approach.

"Greetings. My name is Randar, of the Blackstone Company: The most famous dragon slayers this side of the Shrouded Sea. These are my compatriots, Lanzo" the archer bowed. "Alda," the woman nodded. "and Otto." he nodded back at the giant, who said nothing. "I hear that the fifth of our number has already arrived. Tell me, do you know where we could find him?"

"I'm afraid not, no one has seen him since yesterday morning, he went out into the woods, presumably to search for any signs of the dragon." Lanzo shifted, bow clacking lightly against the quiver.

"That's not like my brother at all..." Sollus felt a twinge of pain and guilt shoot through him. He would be the cause of more heartbreak still it seemed. Randar turned to regard his friend and clapped a hand on his shoulder

"I'm sure we will find him, he's got to be around here somewhere." He turned to face the guard captain again. "Do you know where we could find our contact?" Sollus cursed under his breath. It seemed it would be a bit more difficult to find out who the informant was after all. Korel glanced around.

"Yes, this way please. The mayor will want to see you as well." He turned to head up towards the mayor's manor, giving Sollus a quick glance as he passed. All four of the Blackstone members also looked at him; it was difficult not to notice someone as large as he. Otto in particular stared at him for a while, sizing him up. Sollus turned to go find Zach again, where he still sat under the tree.

"I need to follow them. I couldn't find out who the informant was, but Korel nearly told me before stopping himself. We are looking for someone whose name starts with 'Mo'. Think you could go see what you can find out while I tail them?" Zach cocked his head and regarded him.

"Not much to go on, but sure, I'll get to it." The young man hopped to his feet and ventured a quick kiss, taking advantage of Sollus while he was leaning down. Without a word he hurried off towards the town square. Sollus flushed and took a deep breath, collecting himself before heading off in pursuit of the mercenaries and the guard captain.

Knowing that an obvious pursuit would be noticed right away Sollus instead followed a short distance away through the side streets. They reached the manor and were admitted with a nod to the guards from Korel. He knew he wouldn't be allowed entry without permission, and just went over to the side and clambered over the wall.He made his way to the porch outside the mayor's bedroom and opened the door slowly, peering in. Empty, a perfect entry. He made his way to the balcony over the sitting room,silently thankful he met no housekeepers along the way.

Sollus hated using this spell -it was tiring and demanded much concentration - but he had no choice, he had to hear this meeting. His form faded gradually to nothingness, that effort alone already taking a small toll on him. Korel and the Blackstones were still waiting patiently for the mayor, who was taking his time. Finally he entered, a guard announcing him: "Now entering Lord Horace Pavel, mayor of Temaria!"

The mayor always demanded a degree of ceremony, thinking rather highly of himself despite not being any sort of royalty. He was an older man, hair white as silver, at present draped with robes which were colored an elegant mix of blue and gold. An unusually large number of fine rings adorned his fingers, atestament to Temaria's impressive trade income. All of the attendees bowed deeply as he took his seat.

"So these are the dragon slayers then." His sharp eyes inspected them all one by one till they settled on Randar. "They certainly appear like the capable sort. I want this dragon found and killed as soon as possible, I don't want him coming down and stealing my people in the middle of the night nor do I want him destroying our fair village in his sick games." The guard captain shifted uncomfortably and the mayor picked up on it immediately. "Yes Korel? Something on your mind?"

"My lord, it's just that...I really don't think there is a dragon out there, Sollus assures me he hasn't seen or heard anything and..." Lord Pavel held up his hand.

"I don't care what that woodsman says, I trust Moreth more than a man who has been living in our forest for only two years." Sollus' eyes opened wide and his invisibility flickered for a moment. Moreth? The mayor's advisor?! When could he have possibly seen me? It was true, Moreth was all but restricted to the manor. The odds of him not being there and also spotting Sollus were minimal at best. The mayor turned back to Randar.

"You will receive payment when the dragon's head is brought to the walls of this city, and not a moment before. How soon can you start?" Randar frowned, used to seeing money up front.

"We plan to find the last member of our group, Zaed, and then set out at first light tomorrow. We'll search the foothills and then work our way towards the mountains. If you will excuse us my lord, we will be off now." The mayor's face reddened, unused to insolence like this, but he waved his hand for them to leave without another word. Before they even hit the door to leave the sitting room Sollus quickly left and repositioned himself just outside the manor where he knew Korel would likely pass by. Right on cue, Korel walked by the opening and immediately spotted him.

"What are you doing here?" The Blackstones passed the guard captain and turned to look at him as well. Sollus glared at Randar, putting a plan into motion.

"There's nothing in that Forest. I know it by heart and I'm telling you there are no dragons out there, so unless you feel like killing some wolves you're wasting your time. You won't find a dragon and you won't get paid." Randar, never once breaking eye contact with Sollus, tilted his head.

"I'm not sure there is either, which is why Zaed was sent to look over the area. He should have a good idea if there's anything worth investigating pretty soon. Besides, do you know how well this business pays? You can afford to chase a few dead ends every once in a while, a kill can support you for a few months and we know this town is loaded. This is an opportunity we can't overlook. Plus, if there's nothing out there why would it matter if look around?"

"Why does it matter?!" Sollus feigned ignorance and anger. "I have a reputation in this town of knowing everything that goes on outside these walls from here to the foot of the mountains! I refuse to be sidestepped like this. I'm telling you there is nothing out there!" The woman, Alda, spoke up before her leader could retort.

"Randar, why don't we ask this man to show us around the forest tomorrow. If his reputation is as good as he says, perhaps things will go better with him assisting us." Randar scowled.

"I intend to have Zaed show us around once we find him. Still, he could prove useful...I'll overlook no potential resource. Should you be interested in assisting us, woodsman, and proving me and the mayor fools, then meet us at the gates to the forest tomorrow morning after sunrise." It was obvious bait, but Sollus bit anyways. It was the outcome he'd wanted all along.

"I'll be there, slayer, and you'll see there isn't a single scale in those woods." The "slayer" smiled at him and gestured for his company to follow as he turned and left. Sollus watched them go until finally Korel spoke.

"You sure know how to make friends, Sollus. I hope accompanying them helps get them out of here faster; I don't like the idea of a highly trained and well armed band of mercenaries being around." He shrugged and walked back off to his post. Sollus stood there for a moment, thinking, before heading off to find Zach again.

The young man met him at the same tree they had eaten lunch at. He placed his hands on the his shoulders and squeezed them lightly in greeting.

"Find out anything my friend?" Zach looked up towards him.

"I didn't find out who the one that saw you was, but I did learn that someone else found that downed tree from earlier; no chance of covering that up now. What did you find out?" He cursed aloud - he had forgotten to do anything about it to assuage suspicion. Remembering himself, he told him everything he had learned from the meeting.

"Moreth? How could he? He's holed up in the manor all day! He only comes down to the market about once a month to buy strange ingredients for some of his alchemy." Sollus nodded.

"I found it strange as well. He would be a hard one to talk to and try to get some information out of. For now, I'm going to plan on accompanying the Blackstone company tomorrow and guiding them around the forest. I'm hoping against the odds that I can persuade them to leave. If not, we'll have to leave tomorrow night." He gazed up towards the setting sun.

"Do you think I could spend the night at your cave, Sollus? Rob's started snoring again, and it's getting a little difficult to sleep - last night was pretty bad. And... If this is to be our last night here, I'd like to spend it with you." The dragon-in-disguise flushed, venturing a guess at where this would lead.

"Certainly, let's get going!" The two left town, back to the same clearing as before. Sollus quickly shifted back into his natural form and helped Zach onto his back. The flight back was quick, and Zach disembarked quickly after they'd arrived at his home.

"Not sure I'll ever get used to flying. It's such a strange thing for a creature never meant to be in the air."

"Oh I'm sure you'll find you enjoy it eventually." Sollus leaned down and nuzzled the human with his great head, then sat down. "Now, I have something to show you, my friend." Zach looked intently at him as he spoke some quiet words of power under his breath. Slowly his draconic body began to transform. Like his human transformation spell, this one shrank him down quite a bit, all the way down to the height of a regular human. His wings shrank into his back and disappeared entirely. However, unlike his other spell, his skin maintained its scaly texture and appearance, his horns and the armor plates and even his tail stayed in place. He looked for all intents a dragon made human shaped.

"And what is the purpose of this transformation?" Zach eyed him up, making him blush. He was still getting familiar with the form - it was much easier to maintain, as he'd guessed, and he knew he could easily afford the concentration to maintain one more spell...

"How would you feel about looking like this?"

"You can do that!?" Zach's eyes widened. "Oh, I see what you're up to...I think I'd like that very much." He blushed and looked slightly down as Sollus lifted his hands one more time.

"Just think about what you want to look like, the magic will do the rest. Oh and, you might want to remove your garments." Zach quickly complied, disrobed down to his undergarments, and stood still. Slowly the magic took hold, body gradually stretching taller, face subtly, and then much more obviously beginning to reshape itself into something much more obviously draconic. Each and everyone one of his teeth lengthed, sharpening into more intimidating fangs. His legs grew longer, feet feeling more and more awkward until he was forced to stand on nothing but the ball of his foot, the same stance Sollus now held. Pain radiated through his hindend until a tail at last burst through his clothes, once freed lengthining until nearly a foot of itself was lying on the floor of the cave.

Nails receded, quickly replaced by far more deadly and durable claws. His skin began to morph, his whole body itching somewhat as it turned into thick scales, deep red in color. A series of thicker scales slowly grew down his chest, a brighter white in contrast to the rest of him. Finally, two proud white horns burst from his head jutting backwards, a mirror to Sollus' own, completing the transformation. The true dragon lifted his hands one last time and Zach felt himself begin to grow some more, all of his new features increasing in size, until he matched his height. What shreds of clothing survived the transformation tore with a satisfying rip and fell to the ground, revealing nothing more than more white belly scales. Looking out of new eyes, he regarded his friend as he lifted his hands to his face.

"This is... incredible!" Sollus grinned a toothy smile.

"You're not quite a full dragon, but I think you will find this form easier to wield. Now, how about you take a few steps and see how it feels? It can be rather disconcerting." He nodded and took a few steps, quickly stumbling thanks to his unfamiliarity with the new structure of his legs and the weight of his body. Sollus quickly ran forward and caught him in his arms, the new red dragon's head resting on his chest. Zach shook off his embarassment and got back on his feet, walking around until he seemed to get the hang of it.

"This is amazing. I feel so powerful, so...good. What do I look like to you?" Sollus was leaning against the wall of the cave, watching his friend as he moved around getting used to his body.

"You look pretty cute to me." Zach stopped his walk and flushed in pleasure.

"Ah, was this your plan all along? To do this to seduce me?" His muzzle stretched in an awkward grin. "Well, so far it's working..." He approached his friend on the wall and leaned in to rub his red snout against the green one. He was trying for a kiss, but ended up clumsily leaning too far. Sollus grinned and clapped his friend on the shoulders.

"How about I lead. Just do what feels natural, your body will take care of the rest." He leaned forward and pressed his scaly lips against those of his friend, urging them open with his tongue. His snout opened obligingly and soon he felt that warm muscle enter his mouth. He responded as he would to a human and licked gently back, eyes drifting closed as a soft moan escaped into his friend's maw.

The green dragon grinned and slowly broke the kiss, then began working his way down the front of Zach's body, kissing and licking along his neck. Another soft moan left him, hands reaching up almost subconsciously and scratching around the base of Sollus' horns, drawing a soft purr back from him.

The green dragon worked his way gradually lower, nuzzling and teasing each inch of his chest, his tail began to wag back and forth in anticipation and sent a few pebbles skittering to the side of the cave. Zach looked down at his friend, and he felt a sensation that was at once familiar and strange. He blushed quite hard as he became more and more aware of just what it was - his draconic member was just peeking out of his slit, flaring slightly with the beginnings of his arousal. Sollus took note, but did not speed up his descent, taking time to kiss and lick at the scales that moved with his friend's increased breathing.

He finally felt something brush lightly beneath his chin and pulled back to look down. Zach had stiffened up quickly, member already pressed more than halfway out of its slit. Sollus eyed the organ, then looked up at his friend who was having trouble standing. This wont take long Sollus thought to himself. Standing Sollus indicated with a twirl of his hand for Zach to change places with him so he could lean against the cave wall. Zach did so quickly, and Sollus dropped back to his knees in front of his friend whos hardness had since nearly reached its full size. Sollus pushed his thick tongue out and ventured a lick at the organ. Zach's reaction was immediate.

"Nnngh! Ohh, do that again..." Sollus looked up at his friend.

"That and more my friend." Leaning forward he once again licked at the tip before pressing his tongue along the entire base of the shaft and licking up and off of it. He repeated this several times, Zach getting somewhat used to the sensations, but still writhing in pleasure before him. Deciding to take it further Sollus applied his tongue once more, but this time he brought his maw around the head of the member and began to suck hard on it.

" the Gods Sollus..." Zach almost slumped to the ground, but replanted his feet and stood firm, instinctively moving his hands to the back of his friend's head, lightly urging the dragon under him forward. Obliging the slight push Sollus moved his head forward, taking more of the organ into his mouth. By now the knot at the base had appeared and swollen to its full size, he moved his head until he felt his lips touch it. Feeling a pulse as it responded to the touch. Sollus set his tongue and mouth to work on the dragoncock in his mouth, wrapping his thick tongue around it as best he could, while simultaneously sucking on it, shielding it from his teeth with his lips. Zach was nearly a puddle by now, lightly thrusting, all he could manage to do was moan as he lightly pushed his knot against the unyielding lips. Eliciting his own moan, Sollus noticed that he himself had since become aroused, his own shaft having left his slit and now pulsed in the air, begging for some sort of contact.

Oh ill oblige you soon enough Sollus thought to himself. Resolving to finish his poor friend off he pushed his lips forward on a thrust and finally the knot popped into his mouth, as he did so the head of the member reached the entrance to his throat. Inhaling a large breath of air Sollus impaled himself on it, the head passing into his throat as the knot fully entered his mouth. Sollus swallowed around the tip, massaging it with his throat muscles, while his tongue payed loving attention to the shaft and knot of his friend. Zach's eyes shot open, and he grabbed Sollus' horns, thrusting himself what little distance was left into the gulping throat, fully hilted he let out a roar into the cavern, it echoed down the passages and out the entrance. His body slumped forward as he began his release. Sollus continued his efforts as his friend continued to climax directly into his throat. Continuing his swallowing he allowed a little to overflow into his mouth, before gulping the rest of the essence into his stomach. Once it was clear that his release was over, Sollus pulled off of the deflating organ. Zach slid against the cave wall down to the ground, his tail laying to his side, twitching.

"Haaaah...Oh...Sollus, that was...was...what was that?" the green dragon leaned forward, and forced his friend's mouth open, sharing with him his own flavor in a deep kiss. Pulling back he planted another small kiss on his nose.

"That was lovely is what it was. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. But it's not over yet...I need a turn too." Looking down, Zach could see his friend's cock fully erect as it pulsed lightly for attention. He soon lost it from his view however as Sollus leaned forward against him, rubbing his erect member against the deflated one. Despite himself, Zach felt a light pulse from his own. Sollus backed up a good distance, grabbed his friend by the hips and pulled him towards himself so he was laying completely on the ground. Returning to his friend's face he jumped back into the kiss as he grinded their crotches together. Zach's cock began to re inflate in response to the friction, causing a moan into his mouth from the younger being. Sollus pulled back for a moment and looked deep into the green eyes.

"You would be surprised at the stamina dragons possess...hnnn" Zach returned the gaze but could only seem to produce a moan out of his throat. Returning to the kiss Sollus continued the light grind, his cock leaking pre on their bellies at a decent pace. Zach finally returned to nearly his full size, his own pre mixing as it streamed down his tail. Sollus lifted himself off of his friend and moved back a little. He looked once more into his friend's eyes and then admired the body of the red dragon under him.

"hnnn, you look magnificent...I'm going to mate you Zach..." Zach's eyes opened a little his mind at a loss for words.

"Sollus...please..." Not needing any further persuasion Sollus moved his hips back, searching for his friends' entrance. Probing with his member he finally found the indentation and positioned himself. With one paw he smeared the mixed pre around, rubbing it all over his pulsing cock. Moving his hand forward he also applied it liberally to the area.

"Relax Zach, and this will be much easier and more fun" Zach seemed to oblige, his breathing appearing more controlled as his stomach raised and fell at a regular pace. Placing his tip at the entrance Sollus eased himself forward. The muscles flexed, not wishing to yield to him, but he would not be denied. Applying more pressure his tip slowly went in, stretching the ring until finally it popped inside. Sollus stayed there for a moment observing his friend. Nothing but moans came from that direction. After a short time Sollus began to ease more of himself in, stretching the tailhole even more. Zach released a small gasp, flashing his eyes open for but a second before closing them again. Reveling in the feelings. Idly his tail moved from his side and wrapped itself as best it could around Sollus' midsection, lightly twitching against his chest. Taking the tail as a good sign, Sollus continued to enter the pulsing hole. Finally he found his knot pushing against the entrance. Knowing that Zach was not ready for it yet he slowly pulled back out before pushing back in. Eventually Sollus developed a rhythm of thrusting, stretching the hole in preparation to join them together. He returned his gaze to his friend's face.

"Im going to tie us now, it will hurt a small amount, but you will enjoy it eventually. Trust me." Zach nodded, and moaned yet again as Sollus pushed back in on a return stroke. Pulling back Sollus firmly grabbed the red dragon's hips. Then with great speed and force he pushed forwards, the knot met the hole and was slowly forced in as it stretched the reluctant muscle. Zach let out a sharp cry at the sudden expansion, dropping his head to the side. Finally with a pop Sollus was fully into his friend, the knot coming to rest a short distance inside. Sollus stayed there for a moment, enjoying the feeling of his shaft and knot surrounded by rippling muscles. Lifting a paw he moved it towards the now fully erect cock of his friend. Slowly he wrapped it around the shaft, pumping lightly. Zach moaned against the touch, ready to release once more. Instinctively Sollus begins to rapidly push forward and back moving the knot the short distance he could while simultaneously giving his friend the attention he deserved. Finally unable to withstand any more Sollus throws his head upward toward the cave ceiling and releases his own roar, grasping the red hips in one paw he hilts himself as deep as he can and feels his internal testicles pulse as he begins to fill his friend with the warm release. Zach feeling the increase in pace moans once more, his own cock unable to resist anymore seemingly at the same time he begins to release as well, another roar ripping through the cavern, his seed splashing along his belly and all over Sollus' clawed hand. At last, both dragons finish their climax. Sollus falls forward, landing softly on his friend's chest. still tied to the younger "dragon." Lightly he nuzzles against the red neck.

"That seals it Zach, we are mated for life now...I will never abandon you..." Zach returns the nuzzle, licking idly at the armor plates atop Sollus' head.

"I cant think of anyone else I would rather be with..." For a time they lay there basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Finally Sollus felt he had shrunk enough and pulled out of his friend, the knot escaping with a slurp, followed by the rest of his member. moving himself down he licked Zach's release off of his chest and cock, feeling yet another light pulse from the organ as it continued to recede into the slit. Finding no more release anywhere on his red friend he leaned back. Zach responded by leaning forward to clean off Sollus' member, till not a bit of dragoncum was left on it either. Finally he rolled over to the side and nuzzled once more with his friend. He looked deep into Sollus' crimson eyes and felt nothing but love and contentment. They lay there for a few hours, lightly nuzzling each other. Sollus looked into his, his mate's green eyes and felt at peace.

Suddenly, Sollus' half lidded eyes shot wide open as he scrambled to his feet, he was clearly looking past him at something beyond. Zach rolled himself over and stood as well. He squinted his eyes and saw standing at the cave entrance a robed figure. Not quite sure who it was in the silhouette of the moonlight his answer was soon given to him as with a snap the man created a small ball of flame in his right hand illuminating his features, a smile across his lips. Both Sollus and Zach quietly gasped the name. "Moreth..."


Whats this?! A Cliffhanger?! Say it ain't so Sollus! Oh but it is dear readers. Sorry about the length of this chapter and lack of action if that bothered you, but I had a lot of info I wanted to convey. This storyline is on its way to great things, and I promise the next chapter will have more action in it than you can shake an armored tail at. Stay tuned!