Why You Should (or Should not) Hide Your Porn Better

Story by Michael Deltair on SoFurry

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This story was inspired by a very old one from [Brathor](%5C) I read a few weeks ago while I was bored. I have to say it was a great story, so I decided to take a slightly more modern take on it. Here's the story if anyone is curious to take a look: [Truth or Dare by Brathor](%5C) Now, on to the annoying stuff: Disclaimer: This is a completely fictional story. I do not own the rights to the band Chevelle. Characters that appear in this story are mine and no one elses. This story contains M/M furry sex. If you are under the age of 18, do not continue. If you do not like the idea of furry sex, do not continue. If you do not like M/M sexual situations, do not continue. Otherwise, have fun! ****************************** Why You Should (or Shouldn't) Hide Your Porn Better By: Michael Deltair The day was like any other Saturday in the small suburb. It was a warm fall afternoon and everything was calm and gentle. There were little kids playing on their lawns, and the adults relaxing on their porches. For most this would be a fantastic day, but for two friends, the warm weather was just a temporary annoyance. "Open the freaking door you ass! It's hot out today! We know you're home!" The two teens in front of the door were getting very irritated. They had been standing in the hot sun for nearly half an hour. The two boys were waiting for their other friend to open the door so they could get away from the heat. They heard a lock begin to turn and silently thanked god. The door swung open as a bear stood in its entryway. "Jesus, you two are loud," said the bear. "We have to be, Ben - you could sleep through a rocket if given the chance," said the tiger in front the ursine. "I wasn't sleeping this time," said Ben in a slightly annoyed tone. "This time, he says," laughed the lion. The pair of felines in the doorway were getting a kick out of the joke, but Ben was not. "Get a life, Mark. Now, either have a cup of shut the fuck up, or you can stand outside in the heat for all I care." "Alright, alright. Jeez Ben. Me and Ralph were just messin' around with ya. Right, Ralph?" The tiger next to him nodded, while trying to stop snickering. Ben sighed as he stepped to the side, allowing the two cats entry. He closed the door behind them, only to have Mark turn around once the door was closed. "Now that we're inside, we can laugh all we want! Hahahahahahaha!" Ben stared the two down as they laughed in the cool house. After a few minutes, the laughing finally died down. "You guys finished yet?" asked Ben. The lion wiped a tear from his eye as his laughing fit was done. "Yeah. Oh god, that was funny. What were you really doing anyway? You didn't pass out for real again, right?" asked Mark. He knew his friend liked to sleep a lot on the weekends. He did not sleep in a lot. Mark mostly went and did things. He figured it must be a bear thing. "Dude, I love to sleep, but I hate passing out. Coach makes me pass out, and I still feel like crap when I wake up. Sleep is just amazing because I always feel awesome when I wake up. But no, the answer is I wasn't sleeping." "Then what were you doing?" asked the lion. "Oh, I was listening to that new CD that Ralph wanted me to get him. Guess I had the music on a little too loud." The tiger jumped as soon as he heard the words. "The download is done already?! Oh I gotta hear this!" screamed Ralph. With that, Ralph raced off to Ben's bedroom, where Ben's computer waited. Ben sighed as he watched one of his best friends run to his room. The young tiger had quite a bit of muscle on his still developing body. He was wearing a tight white tee shirt with a pair of baggy, brown shorts. The white tee was doing a poor job of hiding the tiger's large frame. The sweat that drenched the shirt made parts of it almost transparent, since the heat had taken its toll on the teen earlier. Through the wet spots, Ralph's black and orange stripes could be seen. As he ran, his sandals came flying off and tumbled down the stairs. Ben turned to Mark who just sighed and shook his head next to Ben. The lion was even bigger than Ralph. His muscles were huge for his age. They showed off greatly in his tight black pants and football team jacket. His mane was large and grew in the typical brown, which greatly showed off the rest of his golden body. It was no surprise that the lion was the star player on the high school varsity team. He had the performance to play well in any area of the sport he wanted, not to mention he had the personality of a natural born leader. Ben sighed at his envy. The two of them were becoming so well sculpted from being on the team, and being large and tall by nature helped with that. Ben had been on the team since freshmen year with the two cats, but his own body was not going the way the large, brown bear wanted. He was wearing a loose tee shirt and a pair of black nurses pants. One reason was that the clothes were really comfortable. The other reason was that they hide a bit of his weight. Instead of the tight abdomen and pecs he wanted, he only got the same thing that his father had: a huge, brown beer belly. His arms had gotten considerably larger and stronger, but he wanted his gut to be muscled like his friends', and not pregnant looking like his family's. He may have been the best defensive linemen on the team, but sometimes he hated the fact that he was a bear and not a species that wasn't naturally fat. "If he cared half as much about his grades than he does about his music, he wouldn't be failing math and chem," commented Mark. "He realizes that the coach is going to put him on academic probation soon, right?" asked Ben. "Do you think he cares?" laughed Mark. "Nope," Ben chuckled back. Mark looked around the spacious living room for a minute. The entire place looked empty. Usually, Ben's father would be on the couch watching TV or in his shed making a lot of noise. His mother would be in the kitchen, cooking like no tomorrow. Nether of his parents were around. Mark's stomach grumbled a little thinking about all the food the bear's mom had made over the years. "Dude, where are your parents?" asked Mark, although his stomach was asking more than he was. "Your mom promised she'd make me those cookies I like." "Well, you'll have to wait for those, then. She and my dad went to some stupid cabin this weekend. They said they'd be back Monday night," Ben replied. "Then why aren't you throwing a party?" asked the lion. "Because they said if I even thought about it, I'd be at military school faster than you can say 'party'." Mark laughed as he began to climb the stairs. They both ran up to Ben's room to find Mark with the music already blasting. Chevelle was a loud group to begin with; the added 5.1 speakers that Ben had did not help the ringing in Mark's ears. "Dude, turn that shit down! Listen to it at home!" shouted the lion. Ralph rolled his eyes and turned it down to regular levels. Ben shook his head at the two cats. Had he not know them for so long, he would have slugged them both. Mark went and jumped on the large bed in the middle of the room and laid down. The bear had a pretty impressive room. The queen sized bed was great for sleeping, or even just lounging. Besides that, it was the typical room for a high school junior, albeit, it was kept pretty clean. On one end of the room there was a huge entertainment area. It held Ben's powerhouse of a PC and a TV. The large forty inch TV had been set up to serve as the monitor for Ben's PC. Underneath was every current game system, along with a huge library of games. On the other end of the room were just a few places for clothes. Anyone could tell where Ben spent the majority of his time when he was home. The dressers had dust all over them, but the electronics were always on and looked thoroughly used. "I'll be back in a minute. I have to take a shit. Please don't set anything on fire while I'm gone" Ben stared at Ralph as he made his comment. "What?!" Ralph shouted. Ben kept staring and Mark joined him. "It only happened once!" "Twice," said Mark, to which Ralph rolled his eyes and went back on the PC. Ben went and went to the bathroom down the hall. Mark laid back down with his hands behind his head, relaxing on the huge bed. The bear was better off than either of the cats were, so they always hung out at his place. Just about everything was there for them to do, and Ben never minded when he was not busy. Mark wished he could get half the shit Ben got, but he knew Ben worked hard at school, and his parents just rewarded him for that. Mark was just happy he could have a cool friend like Ben who did not bitch about people using all of his stuff. Ralph on the other hand was trying to keep himself occupied. The bear's house was always fun to go to, but that was because Ben was always thinking of something to do. Ralph just wanted to listen to the CD that Ben had downloaded for him, but he knew that Mark would get pissed at him for blasting the music again. The tiger sighed, nothing coming to mind. An idea came to his head as he turned to the relaxing lion. "Mark," called over Ralph. "Wanna see what the bear watches for 'fun'?" Mark sat up and raised an eyebrow at the tiger. "Why? So I can pop a boner and need to jerk off when I get home?" "Well, there isn't anything else to do," said Ralph. "Ben hasn't gotten any games, and he'll be in the john for a while. Besides, he bitches if we touch his systems without him around." Mark weighed the option in his mind, it was true. Ben had not gotten any good games, and the older ones were overplayed. And the bear did get pissy when they touched his stuff without asking first. Mark removed his jacket and tossed it on the ground as he got up, showing the tight, white shirt he wore. "Start looking. Try My Documents first. Look in the hidden files." Ralph chuckled as the lion went with his idea. Boredom was always a powerful factor when it came to Mark. If he thought something would take his boredom away, he would do it. Ralph went and did as the lion suggested. As they looked, they saw nothing out of the ordinary. They saw all of Ben's torrent downloads, they saw the forty gigs of music the audiophile bear possessed, they saw a lot of the pictures the bear had accumulated, they even saw the amazing amount of papers and class assignments that the bear had completed, but no porn. "God damn, does he not jerk off?" asked Mark. His words were abarely heard by Ralph. The tiger had been almost memorized by the sheer amount of music, a lot of which he wanted. He also took note of some of the homework assignments that Ben had done in advance. Mark continued looking through the files until he saw Ralph stick in a flash drive to the PC. The large lion raised his eyebrow at Ralph, giving him a questioning look. "What? I haven't done some of these assignments yet, plus I want some of that music. It's not my fault he has every fucking song on the planet." Mark rolled his eyes at the comment. He waited for the transfer to be done, and they began their search again. Unfortunately, they were coming up with nothing. "I can't think of anything else. Maybe he just doesn't jerk off?" asked Ralph. "Can you go a week without jerking off?" questioned Mark. "Well...no but-" "Then there's your answer. No guy can go too long without some release." "Then where do you suggest we look?" Ralph demanded. Mark thought for a minute. It was a pretty good question. The usual places he would hide his porn turned up empty. He started to think of places Ben would put his. Ben was pretty paranoid sometimes, so he would make sure to put it in a place that someone could not access with a normal hard drive search. Hell for all he knew, it was not even on the hard drive. Then it dawned on him. "Check the other hard drives. He has like 4 other ones." "Oh, right." Ralph went into the first hard drive, and all he saw was video files. "Damn, you think he has enough anime?" Mark asked. The first hard drive had about forty different series. The hard drive itself was about a terra, so the lion knew there could be more. "Go to the next one," said Mark. The two cats gave a slightly disappointed look as they looked at the contents of the next location. The next hard drive was bare. Nothing was in it. It was the same problem with the next. When it came to the last, it was also bare. "God damn, maybe he watches it online?" mumbled Ralph. "Wait ..." started Mark, "did you enable view hidden files?" Ralph looked blank for a minute. "Yeah ... about that ..." Ralph blushed from the realization of what he forgot. Mark smacked him over the head. "Owwww!" screamed Ralph. He began to rub his head where the lion's smack had connected. "You're an idiot. Turn it on." "Alright! Jeez ..." Ralph went and turned on the control. They went back to the second hard drive that was seemingly empty. "Jackpot!" said Ralph triumphantly. Mark looked, and there it was, a generic folder that was hidden. They went in, and what they saw left them a little slack jawed. There was porn alright, but not what the cats had expected. A few of the names gave away what they were immediately. "Panda boy gives hung horse head....Huge rhino pounds virgin doberman.... Small-dicked bunny gets pack-raped by hung wolves ... dude ... Ben's gay?" asked Ralph. His voice was a little shaky. Mark could not even talk. Neither of them had any clue that Ben was into guys. They had known Ben since they were all little. This was a shock for the pair, to say the least. "I ... I guess he is ..." stuttered Mark. Mark did not know what to think right now. He was shocked that his best friend was gay. He was trying to figure out if he had changed at all, to maybe signal that he was gay. Nothing came to mind. Ben was always a constant for him. He always stayed the same, and Mark found that comforting about the bear. Mark's mind was racing as he tried to deal with this sudden burst of information. "I really have no clue about what to think right now ..." said Mark. His voice was low, so the words came out almost as a whisper. Ralph was shaken also. He had not known Ben for as long as Mark did, but he thought he knew him well. He almost wanted to smack himself for not realizing that the bear was gay. Then it dawned on him. What if Ben started hitting on him? Would the bear turn him gay also? Ralph started to worry a lot about the questions he asked himself. He did not want to stop being Ben's friend, but the tiger was very confused at the moment. He turned to Mark, to see what he had to say about it, and to see if the lion had the same mental struggle he was going through. "You're not ... gonna stop ... hanging with him ... are you?" Ralph questioned. Mark's eyes bulged in his realization. The lion did not even think of that. Was he still going to hang with Ben? Ben was gay, and Mark was pretty sure he was not. He then thought of all the tough times he had gone through with Ben. He could not just abandon Ben because of this. The bear had been through everything with Mark. Ben was the one Mark went to when he had problems of any sort. He could never replace Ben as a friend. It did not matter if he was gay or not. "Of course not. I'm no homophobe. Ben has been my best friend since grade school. That's not gonna change because of something like this. It's just ... I wish he had told me ..." said Mark. It was true. Mark did not mind at all, but he was still hurt Ben had never said anything to him. He always went to the bear with his problems, or if he just needed to talk to someone. He wanted to yell at Ben for not telling him about this. He had hoped that Ben thought of him in the same way that the lion thought of Ben. Ralph started to relax a bit. If Mark was fine with this, then he could be as well. "Yeah, I feel ya, and - hey wait. Ben's your best friend? What about me?" "Haha, you're a close second." Mark laughed at the tiger's reaction, but just then, he noticed another folder among the videos. "Hey, what's that?" Mark gestured to the computer screen again, seeing a folder and not another video. "What?" "That folder there that says 'Favs'." Ralph opened the folder to see what was in it. Inside were numbered pictures. Ralph clicked on the first, and his jaw dropped. The cats thought they were shocked before, that now they were just dumbfounded. They stared at the picture on the screen. It was a slightly chubby bear, which looked similar to Ben, shoving a lion's and tiger's cock in his mouth. They stared at each other in shook as they both thought the same thing, but did not want to say it. Curiosity got the better of them as they continued though the pictures. Each one sent a few chills down their spines. One was of the same bear deep-throating the lion. Another was of him riding the tiger. Another was of him getting pounded from both ends by the felines. That was when they could not watch anymore. Mark collapsed on the bed, feeling the need to sit. "Do you..." Mark started. "Do you think ... that Ben ... thinks about ... us f.-f-fucking him?" It was hard for the lion to push the sentence out. "Maybe...." Mark's thoughts were swirling a little. Did Ben like him like that? Did he want himself and Ralph to do those things? Mark found himself thinking about it, and imagining doing some of what he had seen with Ben. Mark shook his hard harshly, but the image of him mounting the bear would not disappear. He could not help but become aroused a bit, and he had no idea why. They stood silent for a few minutes. Ben would be back soon, and they did not know what to do. Ralph broke the silence. "Do you ... wanna ... you know ... do those things ... to Ben?" Mark's eyes went wide as he heard the words. Ralph was clearly having the same thoughts as him. "I ... I don't know ..." replied Mark. "Well, it wouldn't mean we're gay or anything. We would just, you know, be helping Ben ... live out ... his fantasy ..." Ralph's words kept breaking as he kept staring at the final picture on the screen of the lion pounding the bear on his back, the bear cumming hard all over himself. Mark caught himself looking also. He noticed some pressure in his pants. He looked down and he was as hard as a rock. "Yeah ... I guess ... I mean ...we'd just be helping Ben ... We don't want to for ourselves or anything ..." Mark knew he was lying. He did want it now for some reason. He wanted it bad. He wanted to do to Ben what he saw on the monitor. "Well, I kinda want it for myself. I need to get off. I was on a date last night and she left me hanging," said the tiger casually. Mark only rolled his eyes again. "You. Are. Such. A fucking. Dumbass," said Mark, making sure to emphasis each word to the idiot he called a friend. Ralph gave Mark a retarded smile and he realized he had said the worst possible thing. "Well, how are we going to do it, then?" asked Ralph. Mark thought for a second, and a smile crept on his face. "Just follow along with what I do." Mark's head snapped as he heard the bathroom door open. "Shit! Close those windows!" Ralph nodded as he started to panic. Mark laid back down and Ralph pretended to be going though Ben's music again. Ben walked into the room, clearly more relieved than before. "Someone had fun in the john," commented Mark. Ben only started chuckling. "Well, as it was I didn't have to shit. And I think I broke a world record. I had to piss for ten minutes straight," laughed Ben. "Please, that's a lie," said Ralph. "Whatever, kitty," snapped Ben. He was used to Ralph being a dumbass, but that did not mean he liked it. "I have to agree with shit-head. I don't think you can take me on for ten minutes, let alone piss for that long," said Mark. Ralph looked over at the lion. Mark gave him a slight wink which made the tiger smile. "Oh, I can take you, Mark. I'm not the best D on the team for nothing," replied Ben. "Prove it, bear boy. Right here, right now," said Mark. He had a smirk plastered all over his face, as if he knew Ben would never beat him. Ben was getting a little ticked. This was really unlike the lion. It was a lot more like Ralph actually. Ben did not care so much though. If Mark wanted to get his ass kicked, he would be happy to provide the foot. Ben jumped onto the bed. He had intended to jump onto Mark, but the cat was quicker than he looked. He had simply rolled over so Ben landed next to him rather than on top of him. Ben grunted as he hit the bed hard, and then he gasped as a set of brawny, golden arms closed around him, one around his right arm and neck, and the other under his left. The right arm then grabbed the left, making them lock up completely. "Looks like I caught myself a little bear," laughed Mark. Ben kept struggling, trying to get out of the hold the lion had on him, but he was not giving in. Mark only gripped harder, causing Ben to cough from lack of air. "Alright! You made your point, dude! I can't take you! Now lemme go!" yelled Ben. Mark shook his head and smirked at the bear he had in his arms. "Oh no, I think you need a little lesson about honesty first, Ben," said Mark. Ben felt a shiver down his spine. Mark had begun to purr, from deep in his chest. The vibrations were tingling down all over his body from how the lion had him. He struggled a little more, desperate to get out. The purring was turning him on, and the last thing Ben wanted was for his best friend to see him get turned on like this. "What are you talking about, Mark? Lemme go already!" "What I'm talking about is a little rumor I heard about you this week ..." said Mark as he purred louder. The added vibrations made Ben's eyes roll back a little and his cock come out even more. Then, the words slowly registered in Ben's mind. He started to panic a little. The only thoughts in his head were if they knew he was gay. Did the entire school know? How did they find out? What was going on here? Ben's struggling came to a complete stop as he froze up completely. "What ... rumor ...?" asked Ben. He was nervous now. The bear did not know what they had heard, but if Mark was acting like this, it had to be what he was thinking of. "Oh ... I think you have a good idea ... since you seem so scared ..." purred the lion. Ben stood completely still as his eyes went wide. He had no idea what to say to that. Mark was toying with him now. He knew that the lion was toying with him. He was too terrified to say another word, wary to give of giving the lion more ammunition. Mark, on the other hand, knew he had Ben right where he wanted him. He simply purred as much as he could to keep the bear guessing. Ralph continued sitting at the computer. He was smirking at Mark. The lion really did know how to toy with people and play on their emotions. He would get exactly what he wanted out of Ben. Ralph began to purr a little himself. Mark's domination of Ben was turning him on a little also. "You know what hurts Ben? It hurts that you couldn't just tell me ... I thought I was your best friend Ben? Why couldn't you just tell me you were gay ...?" said Mark as he smirked. He knew this would at least put more shock on the bear, while at the same time keep him stunned enough so he would not realize there was a huge lion coming on to him. This was exactly what was happening to Ben. Hearing the words struck something deep inside Ben. He suddenly became terrified of a thousand things at once. "I ... I ..." stuttered Ben. "You what Ben? You're sorry you didn't tell me ... or you're sorry that I found out?" asked the lion, trying not to laugh from the interrogation. Ben tried to say something, but at this point, all he could do was blubber nonsense. He did not even notice the large lion cock pressing on his back. "Don't worry about it so much, Ben ... all I know is that you're gonna have to make this up to me and Ralph ... and I have a good idea on how ..." Almost on cue, Ralph appeared in front of the bear's face. Ben was still too preoccupied with Mark to even notice the tiger sitting in front of him. He started to undo his pants, and all the while Mark just purred on top of the terrified bear. Ben was still in shock. There were a million thoughts running through his head, and adding the fact that there was a large cat purring on his back, made sure he was not in a good state. He had no idea what to think about, or even do. A hit in the face jolted him out of his thoughts as he woke up from his thoughts. He looked up to and his mouth flew open. There was Ralph, sitting on his knees, pants nowhere in sight and his rock hard cock, about to hit him square in the cheek again. Ben had no idea Ralph was so hung. The cock had to be at least nine inches long. The long, black shaft had a few veins running along it, which made it look more menacing. Ben was staring openly at the beast of a cock. A few words from Mark took him out of his daze. "Now, why don't you do what Ralph wants ... and in return ... I'll continue to do what you want ... which would be this." Mark dove into Ben's neck and bit down on an area between his neck and shoulder. Ben's eyes shot open and he let out a loud groan. Mark followed up by sucking on the area longingly. Ben went into a fit of moaning and squirming. This was such a foreign thing for Ben that he had no idea what was going on. He only knew two things: one he loved the feeling onf the lion biting down on his neck, and two, he was harder than ever before. Mark removed his head and left the bear panting. He then went down to the bear's ear and whispered something. "Well ... how does that sound?" Ben's response was pushing his head forward and swallowing the black shaft whole. Ben dove in so fast that he choked from his inexperience. Ben tried to calm himself as much as possible to avoid throwing up, which in his state was an easier thing said than done. He spat the cock back out, coughing as he did so. "I see that you like that idea, then ..." purred Mark. He went back in and proceeded to nip all over Ben's neck, at which he received another loud moan from the bear. Ben's moan was stopped a little as he felt something salty press against his tongue. "Come on now, man. You gotta relax if you wanna suck cock. Take a little bit in at a time, and use your tongue a lot more," said the tiger with a large smirk on his face. Ben tried his best to do as Ralph said as he closed his mouth around the cocktip. He worked his tongue around it as best as he could. The moans from the tiger in front of him signaled that he was doing something right. He just continued sucking and working his tongue as he felt more and more of the cock slowly shift into his muzzle. Mark kept working the bear over on his neck. The nips and bites followed with the sensual sucking kept sending his friend into muffled growling and moans. He smirked as he saw the muffling was caused by Ben sucking on the cock presented to him, with quite a bit of vigor. He released the bear from his hold as he started to work the other side of his neck over, causing some more moans that were music to the lion's ears. He then moved up a bit, letting there be space between himself and Ben. Ben moved his body up so he was on his hands and knees, wanting the lion's body as close to him as possible now. Mark smiled on the inside when he saw the bear's desire to be close to him. He slowly moved his hand down the bear's body until he found the waist of the Ben's pants. He slowly grabbed the eleastic of the waist of the pants, as he did not want Ben to notice yet. Each thumb slowly looped inside the stretchy material. If Ben felt anything, he did not let it show in the least. From the way things looked, he was far too lost enjoying the cock in his mouth. Mark just kept on purring and sucking gently on the neck as he eased his thumbs into whatever underwear the bear had on at the moment. He did not care what kind it was in particular, all he knew was that he wanted them off his friend if he was going to get what, to him, seemed like they both wanted. Slowly, the pants and underwear slid off of Ben's body. Mark could smell the bear's scent grow stronger and stronger with each inch he slid off. It was intoxicating to the lion, and it took all the self control he had to not just rip them off fast and have his way with Ben. After a good deal of time, Mark felt his hand go down to the Ben's knees and he knew that the bear was exposed to him. He could feel his contained member brushing painfully against his jeans, which were the only things standing in his way of the furry rump underneath him. Ralph was moaning quite loudly as Ben managed to take his black cock all the way down to the root. The bear was doing well for what was clearly his first time ever doing something with another guy. He sucked on the cock in front of him long and hard, making sure that his tongue circled the sensitive head. Ralph's purrs went straight into growls of lust. He closed his eyes in bliss as he began to thrust gently into the willing mouth. Ben was enjoying himself quite a bit, also. He had dreamed of sucking off the well built boys for so long. He felt Mark purring on top of him, the vibrations making his eyes glaze over from pleasure. The lion's nibbles helped a lot with that, also. He moaned as best he could from Mark's advances, but it was hard to moan, as Ralph slowly started to thrust into his mouth. The only things he focused on were the tiger in his mouth, and the lion whose mouth he was in. Ben was completely lost in his lust for the two teens. He had completely forgotten anything that might have been happening beforehand. All that mattered was that one of his biggest fantasies was coming true. Mark heard the tiger's moans and growls become louder and louder. Mark knew the Ralph was close, and he smirked down at Ben, deciding to seduce him some more, not that it was needed of course. At this point, he knew that the bear would do just about anything sexually that was asked of him. He had stopped thinking with one head long ago and the head in his pants has taken complete control. Mark stopped biting and put his mouth back to Ben's ear. "Yeah, that's it Ben ..." said Mark in a very sultry voice. "Keep sucking down that dick. Your reward is coming soon. You can hear Ralph. He's gonna shoot soon ... and you know you want that mouthful. You want that cum in your gut, don't you ... you naughty little bear ..." Mark paused for a second as he nibbled on the bear's ear a little. He looked down at Ben's face and saw only a look of bliss from all the treatment. His eyes were shut completely as he sucked harder, spurred on by Mark's words. "Oh jeez!" shouted Ralph. "I'm gonna ... I'm gonna!" The tiger never finished the sentence as he threw his head back and let out a roar. He began to shoot load after load into the hungry maw his cock. Ben started swallowing as much as he could, but he started to choke on the high volume. Just then, he felt a pair of big hands roam under his shirt and begin to rub his stomach in large circles. He then felt Mark stop biting on his ear and begin to whisper into it again. "That's it Ben: drink it all down ... Milk that dick for every drop you can get ... You want it, don't you ... ? You want all that cum in this big belly ... Come on, my naughty little bear ... Drink it all down like a good boy ..." whispered Mark. Ben suddenly regained his composure from the lion's encouragement. He went and guzzled down the rest of the load. Ralph felt himself getting milked by the hungry bear, his mind dazed from the sucking as Ben made him have an extremely strong orgasm. He wobbled a little, before falling on his rump. His legs opened as he sat at the headboard of the bed, which allowed Ben to continue draining any cum that might have been left behind. Mark smiled at Ben as he saw that the bear wanted more from the drained tiger. He decided that it was his turn for some fun of his own. He moved his hands up to Ben's chest, which caused the bear's shirt to ride up. He then started to whisper to Ben again. "I think you got it all. Why don't you stop and let him rest a little? In the mean time ..." Mark went and started pinching Ben's nipples, causing the brown bear to groan out into the tiger's crotch. " ... we can have some fun." Mark eased the bear up on his knees as he started biting Ben on the neck again. Ralph, who was right in front of the pair, stared at the almost nude bear in front of him. His stomach hung out over where his pants would normally be. Right underneath was a sight for the young tiger. Ben was rock hard and dipping a lot of pre. His cock stood at a decent six inches, but that was not what surprised him. It was the thickness of the dick that was unbelievable. Ben had a cock as thick as Ralph's own wrist. Ralph just closed his eyes and leaned back, trying to recuperate from the intense blowjob he had just received. Mark was clearly going to give him the time he needed for that. Mark stopped torturing the aroused bear long enough to ease his shirt off. As it was coming off, Ben realized that his pants were around his knees. He did not care much, though. He wanted the lion to have his way with him. His arousal was already high from having his best friend seduce him. That, coupled with all of Mark's dirty talk made one very horny bear. Mark backed away as he got the shirt off, hearing a whimper from Ben. The bear turned around to see the lion standing at the foot of the bed with his hands at his hips. "Now, since you're already undressed, why don't you come over here and help me out?" smirked Mark. Ben crawled over to the lion. He was nose to crotch with him. He kicked off the rest of his clothes and leaned back on his knees. His paws moved to the lion's belt. Carefully, he started to undo the belt. He then went to work unbuttoning the jeans and unzipping them. Mark looked down at his friend as he struggled with the pants. The bear was so turned on that he could barely undo the button. He smirked again as Ben started to pull the pants and underwear down, reveling exactly what the bear wanted. Ben saw the glory that was Mark's dick. He thought he was impressed with Ralph's dick, but Mark's dwarfed the tiger's cock. Mark had to be a foot long, and he was almost as thick as the bear himself. Hanging heavily below it was a large, heavy set of balls, the same color as his shaft. Ben salivated at the sight of it. He immediately reached out with his mouth, ready to take it in, but the lion pulled back the gold dick, preventing him from doing so. Ben looked up at the lion with very hungry eyes, the look saying more than the bear's mouth ever could. "I've got other plans than that," grinned Mark. With that, Mark grabbed the bear's head and pushed him gently into the crotch. Ben had not expected this. He took a breath, but all he could inhale was the thick, lion musk. His head spun from the scent. It was so overpowering and it revealed exactly what the lion intended to do. Mark began to rub his cock all over Ben's face. Ben embraced this, and moaned as the dick rubbed all over his furred face, leaving a trail a pre wherever it went. "Mmmmm," Mark stared to say. "You want this, don't you Ben? You want me to use this on you ... You want me to fuck your ass with this dick, don't you?" Ben could only nod against the dick. He was too lost in the musk of the lion to speak, and he did not want to. He wanted the lion to dominate him, like in his pictures. He wanted Mark to use him like that, and nothing else mattered. Ben felt Mark's paw gently caress his cheek and he looked up at the lion. "Now, why don't you see if sucking on some nuts can make a tiger wake up?" Ben nodded and turned back around to Ralph, who had stopped panting. He felt a hand on the back of his head as he stared at the tiger. Slowly, the hand pushed Ben down to the tiger's crotch, past the limp cock. He stared at the large set of white balls at his nose. He opened his mouth and began to lap at them. Ralph opened his eyes and moaned. He looked down to see Ben lapping at his nuts with Mark holding him down. He could already feel his erection returning as he felt the orbs fall into the bear's mouth, sucking gently on them. He placed his hand on Ben's head, urging him to continue. Mark moved his hand and went to the seemingly unused dresser. He opened the bottom drawer to find exactly what he was looking for. He pulled out a bottle that was in there and went behind the bent over bear. Mark looked at the ass and licked his lips. The cheeks were both rounded, and the bear's stubby tail was raised above them. Between the cheeks, Mark saw what he wanted. The small puckered hole was hidden behind the ample ass, just barely visible. Mark began to lick his chops is anticipation as he slowly walked over to the bear's ass propped up in the air, ripe for the taking. Ben was not getting any pleasure from sucking on the tiger's balls, but he was still enjoying it greatly for some reason. He kept rolling his tongue over the flesh in his mouth, loving the sound of Ralph's moans. He was so lost in his teasing that his eyes went wide as, out of the blue, he felt a finger slide in his ass. He gasped from the sudden intrusion, letting Ralph's nuts fall from their moist prison. Ben tried to turn around to see what was going on, but the tiger interrupted him as he shoved his dick into the bear's mouth once more. Ben felt his head move up and down on the cock as Ralph moved it for him. All he could do was moan as more fingers slipped in his ass while Ralph had his way with Ben's other end. Mark smirked as he slid another finger into the moaning bear. He felt thrilled hearing how much Ben was enjoying his fingers. Mark knew he could not keep this up for long as he was being overcome with lust. He did not know how much longer he could tease the bear, and also himself. After a minute or so of fingering the bear, Mark could not hold himself back any longer. He pulled his fingers out of the stretched and well lubed tailhole. The lion then got on his knees and positioned his impressive cock at the hole, the head just about to slip in. Ben found this more torturous than the teasing Mark had been doing before. He wanted the dick inside him badly. The shaft being so close to him without penetrating drove the bear into fits of moaning and whining. This was all muffled by the cock that was threatening to choke him. "You want it, don't you Ben? Show me how bad you want it," taunted Mark. Ben heard the words and they just drove him even wilder. He kept his eyes closed and the sensation was just as intense. He felt the head spreading his hole open slightly. In his blind lust, Ben took the feline dick out of his mouth and shoved himself back, causing the entire shaft of the other dick to go deep in his wanting hole. Ben's eyes flew open as the shaft spread him open. He left out a loud groan at he felt the lion's hips flat against his ass. He felt pain from the sudden thrust in, but that was blown away by the hormones that the teasing had brought about. All he felt was the indescribable warm, filling sensation from the cock that was now impaled into his eager hole. Ralph let out a low whimper as Ben released his cock. The bear's muzzle felt so wonderful, he longed for it once it was taken away from him. He saw Ben in front of him, his eyes wide open, moaning like crazy with his mouth agape. He grabbed the bear's head and shoved it right back where it was, pushing his face into the white pubic hair at the base. Ben went right back to work and the tiger moaned happily. Mark was growling from the abrupt stab. Ben was insanely tight, and the lion was overly horny from the teasing he had put Ben through. Somewhere in his mind, he was laughing at the irony, but his first thought was only of fucking the bear in which he was. He pulled out until only the head was left, only to completely shove himself right back in. He did that a few times, enjoying the muffled moans he got. After that, he started to thrust, still growling loudly from the tightness. Ralph was in heaven. Mark's fucking made Ben suck harder and harder on his own cock. This was overwhelming for the tiger. He let out a roar of his own as he shot off again, his cum guzzled by the greedy bear. He kept cumming for a little longer than he did at first, but Ben only kept drinking it in. Ralph began to sway as he sat. His orgasm completely drained him of all energy. His eyes closed and he fell off the bed onto the floor, passed out. Mark increased his assault as he had Ben all to himself at this point. Now free of his flesh-gag, Ben moaned madly as he was pounded over and over again. The moans only spurred Mark on. He reached his hand around, taking a firm hold onto the bear's dripping cock as he began stroking him off. This resulted in more moans reaching the lion's ears. He leaned over the bent form he was pounding, placing his mouth at the bear's ear once more. "Now you're all mine, Ben. You're my naughty bear, aren't you?" Mark gave a particularly hard thrust to emphasis his point. "Yes!" screamed Ben. He felt so close from the cock pounding him and the hand jerking him off. "Yeah ... all mine ... So tell me, my little bear ... what do you want right now?" "Oh God, fuck me! Fuck me hard and cum in my ass! Please!" Mark heard the words and began fucking Ben even harder. After another minute of hearing Ben's moans and begging, Mark let out a loud roar. He began cumming hard into Ben. Ben's eyes shut closed as he moaned. He felt his insides bloated with hot seed as Mark continued fucking. Ben arched his back as he began to cum also from Mark's pawing. As their orgasms raged on, they moaned and groaned. Soon, Ben felt a lot of his energy leave him. He collapsed onto the bed, into his own cum, bringing Mark down with him. The pair were panting and gasping for air. Mark was still deep inside Ben, only now the lion's shirt was in his own cum, that coming out of the well-fucked hole. Ben was basking in the purring coming from Mark. It made him feel so warm inside. That, added with his afterglow, made the bear feel wonderful, if not a little tired. Mark was in a similar state, but he was nowhere as bad as Ben was. "That ..." panted Ben, "... was ... amazing ..." "Yeah, it was ..." said Mark. The lion slowly got up, pulling his still hard dick out of Ben, causing the bear to moan and the massive amount of cum to start gushing out. Mark stood up and looked at the wreck of a bear. He smiled as he saw the grin plastered on Ben's face. He balled his fist and punched the bear hard on the arm. "OWWW!!" screamed Ben. He got up a bit, turning on his back and rubbing his arm to relieve the pain. "A few things," began the lion. "One, that was for not telling me. You're my best friend, Ben. I could care less if you were gay or not. I don't care if you were scared or not, you should have trusted me. We've been through too much together for me to stop being your friend because of stupid shit like that." Ben was speechless as he rubbed the pain away. He did not think Mark would be so upset. He slowly nodded as he started to speak a little. "I'm ... I'm sorry ..." "Damn right you're sorry! Now, number two. There was no rumor. I made it up to see how you would take it." Ben looked at the lion with a lot of confusion all over his face. "But, then - If there was no rumor, how did you-?" Mark cut the bear off right there. "Which brings me to my third point." Mark walked over to Ben's PC, pulling off his cum stained shirt as he did so. He went into a few folders and pulled up a picture. It was the picture of the bear on his back, cumming solely from being fucked by a lion. "Hide your porn better." Ben blushed hard from embarrassment as Mark showed him exactly how he and Ralph had found out. "Is Ralph ...?" began Ben. Mark again cut him off. He looked over to the side of the bed, where Ralph was lightly snoring. He was definitely going to be out for a while. "No. He was just really horny. I guess he didn't have a chance to jerk off." Mark looked over back at Ben. He saw the bear on his back, and he still got a good look at his leaking hole. Mark licked his lips as he began to move back to Ben. "Now, spread those legs. I'm still horny and I wanna see if I can make you cum like that lion in the picture." Mark walked over to Ben and spread his legs and he raised them up, exposing the bear's cumdrenched hole. Ben whimpered a little as he felt the shaft poke him once more. "But ... Are you ...?" Ben began. Mark only smiled at the obvious question. The lion did not even need to hear the rest of the sentence to know what the bear was about to say. He bent down into Ben until they were nose to nose. "Well, we'll just have to find out, won't we? No matter how long it takes." The lion dove in and gave the bear a passionate kiss. Ben moaned into the kiss. He felt the lion's tongue slide in and he began to wrestle with it as best he could. Ben raised his hands and ran them through Mark's thick mane as they kissed. After a few minutes, Mark broke the kiss and leaned towards Ben's ear. "I'm sorry I couldn't be the first in your mouth also," whispered the lion. "But I'll settle with being the first to fuck you till you pass out like that shit-head over there." Ben moaned as he felt the hard shaft enter him again. For the first time, Ben was actually looking forward to passing out. Edited by DarkBear

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