Becoming Tundra***Chapter 7

Story by RubberFins on SoFurry

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#5 of Becoming Tundra


Anubis led Tundra to the side of his throne. He sat down like a guard dog. Anubis sat in the stone chair and gently petted the husky's head. Tundra let out a small murr.


"Yes my pet?"

"Will I ever see Bandit again?" Tundra asked timidly as he turned his head.

Anubis took a moment. He seemed to be trying to make a decision. After a minute of contemplating, he turned toward Tundra with a smile.

"I think that I can arrange for that," he gave a small smile.

Tundra's ears perked, and his tail wagged behind him.


The scene switches to Anubis standing on the other side of the street from Bandit's house. It is very dark, so the only thing that can really be noticed is the jackal's glowing red eyes. The last light of the house goes out and he starts to make his way towards the door. He easily walks in and heads upstairs. Anubis slowly opens Bandit's room and walks over to the bed. Bandit is breathing heavily as he sleeps. Anubis reaches down and gives him a small nudge on the shoulder.

"Mmmmnngggaahhh...nnnn..leave me alone. Ask me in the morning," he said as he rolled over and pulled the covers tighter.

Anubis smirked a little and nudged him a little harder.

"Grrr...ok fine...what the he...AAAHH..mmmm!" He started to shriek as he saw the glowing red eyes looking at him, but Anubis put a paw on his muzzle to keep the noise down.

"Shhhh. I'm going to let you go, but don't yell. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to ask you about Tund...I mean Snow," Anubis said gently as he let go of Bandit's muzzle.

The raccoon took a moment to register what was being said to him. He sat up in the bed and looked at the red eyes. Anubis went over and turned on the lights. Bandit gave a small shudder and then realized who it was. The anger started to build up as he realized that it was this creature that took his boyfriend away from him. Anubis could sense this and decided to head it off at the pass.

"Before you freak out, I did not take him from you. You can blame the Doberman for that. All I did was give you both time to be together." He walked back over to the side of the bed. "Today, he asked me if he could ever see you again. That's why I'm here."

Bandit's ears perked, "Of course I want to see him. I love him more than anything."

Anubis gave a small smirk, "Well, I can give you that opportunity, but there are a few strings."

Bandit looked a little curious. His tail flicked in the covers.

"The first thing is that you cannot come back. You have to be absolutely sure that this is what you want. Second, I'm going to have to change you a little bit. This is because of the third part. In order to have the privileges that I will give you, you must take up a position guarding the mines. These changes will be very similar to what Snow experienced just before he left."

Bandit then went into deep thought. He started thinking about how he was going to leave everything behind to be with Snow. Within a few minutes he looked up and Anubis and with a small nod, "Yeah, I want to be with him. It was all I had, and I would like to have that again."

Anubis gave him a smile, "What is going to happen to you will make you pass out. When he went through this, it was the rehab that made it easier for his body to transition to the growth. Yours is going to be much faster." He was about to start and then said, "Oh, and before you see him, I'm just letting you know that his name is not Snow anymore."

Bandit nodded in recognition. Then Anubis reached out and put his hands on the raccoon's shoulder. His eyes were glowing bright red. Within moments, Bandit fell limp on his bed.


Sitting at the side of the throne, Tundra did as commanded and stood watch. He was spending his time trying to think of all that has happened to him within the past month. The flooding of the love and loss was almost overwhelming. He curled up and fell asleep to pass his boredom.

Not too long after Tundra passed out, Anubis came back to the temple. He strolled in alone. He smiled as he saw the husky asleep. He looked very gentle as his body slowly rose up and down with the deep breaths. Anubis slowly bent down and rubbed the pup's head. Tundra's eyes slowly opened and he smiled at his master. His tail wagged a little, and he slowly stood up. He winced at the pain of a little of his fur getting caught in the buckle of his harness. He reached pack and fixed this. Anubis stood as well.

"I think I would like to show you the mines today," the god said. "Please come with me."

He turned towards the temple entrance and Tundra followed. They walked for about fifteen minutes. Down many sets of stairs and through several hallways, they emerged into a large cave. It was dimly lit with torches that were scattered throughout. After going through several of the stone tunnels, Anubis brought Tundra to the main work site. There were many furs. Most of them were picking at the walls. There were a few that seemed to be charged as supervisors. These furs were bigger in build and each carried around a whip. Every now and then there was the sound of a cracking whip in the distance.

Tundra was a little intimidated by the scene and was glad that he didn't choose to work here. Anubis led him to a particular section that was the closest to them. There was a large white bull that was keeping guard. He wore a black harness. There was a large gold ring that was trademark of the species. Along the wall, there were a couple furs that looked as if though they were being punished. Each had several tattoos that were obviously gang related.

"This, is what happens when you choose to make life difficult for others. When you die, you are forced into slave labor for the rest of eternity. The guards are those that have been tormented by these furs," Anubis looked over at his pet.

Tundra gave him a weak smile.

"I think that you might want to see this," he grabbed Tundra's leash and lead him towards another work area.

This place was a little different. These furs were pulling carts that were obviously just extremely heavy, but were still able to be pulled. Anubis released the leash, and Tundra continued to survey the scene. It didn't take long for him to notice the Doberman that had killed him. Rage started to build in him. Anubis could sense this and put a hand on the husky's shoulder. Tundra called a little at the touch and to see the Doberman struggling.

"Look to your left," Anubis said to him.

Upon doing so, Tundra found himself filling with emotion. Standing about fifteen feet away, was a very well built raccoon. He was adorned in a leather harness and a black thong. Tundra didn't think that it was him, but just seeing a raccoon made him think of Bandit. His sapphire eyes slowly scanned up the body of the guard. He was looking at the side of the raccoon's face at first because he was monitoring his charges. After getting the feeling that he was being watched, the raccoon turned right. His yellow eyes met those sapphire gems that belonged to the husky. At that moment, time stopped. There was no doubt in either that it was truly the other. With his heart racing, Tundra couldn't help but run forward. It was so fast; barely an eye blink had passed. He tackled Bandit and passionately kissed him deeply. Bandit returned the kiss and began to rub his paws up and down the back of the husky.

Anubis gave a smile and walked over to them, "Tundra, take him back to the temple. I will let you both have it for a while."

Breaking the kiss, Tundra turned his head and smiled at Anubis, "Thank you master. Thank you so much." He jumped off Bandit and gave Anubis a tight hug.

"You deserve it my pet. Now go on and be with your mate," Anubis gently pushed him off.

Tundra then grabbed Bandit's paw and started to lead him back to the temple.

"I can't believe this. This is just too wonderful. I didn't think that...hold did you get here?" Tundra turned towards Bandit as they kept walking.

"Two nights ago, he came to my house and asked if I wanted to be with you. You were all I had, and I decided that I would die anyways, so I agreed to come down here so that I could be with you," Bandit smiled at him warmly.

Tundra's heart beat with even more love as he recognized the sacrifice Bandit made. They made it back to the temple. The alter was raised. Tundra knew that his master had done this for him and knew that it would be important to thank him properly for this. The built raccoon looked at his husky lover and pulled him into a deep kiss. This continued for what seemed like an eternity. Tundra was reunited with his love, and he was going to be happy for eternity. The two of the backed into the alter. Bandit climbed on and smiled at his pup. Tundra knew what he wanted.

"I love you so fucking much," the pup said as he climbed on top of the love of his life.

"I love you too...Tundra," Bandit smiled seeing that this new name fit his pup very well.

Tundra didn't waste his time in mounting Bandit. Within moments, the two of them were fucking wildly. Their moans echoed through the chamber. The husky pumped his thick cock in and out of Bandit the way any other dog would do. Bandit moaned as he squeezed himself tightly. The pup's knot hit against Bandit's hole, begging to be released. Tundra got so rough that he bit down on Bandit's neck. He didn't draw blood, but it did arouse Bandit more, who was now dripping pre into Tundra's fur and his own abs. Bandit grabbed on tight to Tundra's harness as he was the first to release. His moan would almost be considered a scream. His warm cum burst onto both himself and the husky.

Feeling the warm goo, Tundra let out a howl that reached Anubis in the mines as the pup thrust his knot into Bandit and released his seed. It washed over the raccoon and shortly after, they were tied together and panting. Tundra licked Bandit's face as he occasionally humped his knot. Bandit let out little moans and occasionally took Tundra's tongue in his maw.

The knot went back to normal size and Tundra pulled out with a small slurping sound. They both got off the alter and embraced as they kissed deeply again. Bandit's cum matted in both of the fur's now. Shortly after, Anubis came in.

"I hope you both have enjoyed yourselves. Bandit, you are still required to keep watch of your post. I will allow Tundra to visit you occasionally so that you two may spend time together. Tundra, you are still to serve as my pet."

They both nodded at Anubis. They kissed one more time and then Bandit went back to the mines. Anubis sat down in his throne and Tundra too his post next to his master. Anubis gently petted the husky, who started to get drowsy and then quietly fell asleep.