The Sea, She calls to me pt.3 : Growing Pains

Story by Nesetalis on SoFurry

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#3 of The Sea, She calls to me The final part of this story. I may write follow up stories some day, but I think this one is tied off nicely. The story is a bit of an emotional roller coaster at times, but generally I think it turned out alright. Little sex, lots of violence, and many things explained or brought to light.

So, On with the show!

The final part of this story. I may write follow up stories some day, but I think this one is tied off nicely. The story is a bit of an emotional roller coaster at times, but generally I think it turned out alright. Little sex, lots of violence, and many things explained or brought to light. So, On with the show! * * * The Sea, She calls to me: -Growing Pains- * * * Always the same; in to the water with a burst of freedom and joy, forgetting past woes. That freedom would be crushed within minutes as my Master would come upon me. Pain and surrender, a taking of me. He never gave me more than a glance after they were done unless he desired another round. Always the same, always. Today would be different, today I would make it change. My land woes may be forgotten once the sea claims me, but the woes of the sea stayed with me on to land and back again. A week it had been since I had first learned control, and now control was beginning to slip. I was taut as a wire, jumpy even, I had to take a few days off from work for the highest tide as well as the stress. I hadn't seen Charles in all this time either, those strange words he had spoken to me that last night. 'Don't go to him' he had said but I had no choice, the change would claim me and then so would he, my Master. With him he brought the feeling of that first rape to me, to stay this time. I was used, dirty, befouled even; I hated myself for it, and doubly so hated him. As I felt used, so I felt lost, the control was gone along with the safety. This I knew as I sat on the cliff edge, watching the moon rise with the morning sun. A dread accompanying the tug of this primal need. I knew, in a few short minutes I would descend once again in to the ocean, to meet my fate. Tears on my cheeks mingled with dripping sea water. I too felt betrayed, deep down I knew this was to be a joyous time, a wonderful gift, ruined. 'Don't go to him' the words echoed through my thoughts, "Don't go to him." I spoke the words this time, then stood as the tug on my body grew more and more intense. I ran, away from the sea, away from the beach, towards the house on the other side. It wasn't far, but I could feel the yank at my body, the command to change, I wanted to resist. Memory of the river water washed over me, and gave new life to my feet. Faster and faster I sprinted, then tripped. I watched the ground come up at me, tufts of grass and pebbles, choking dust kicked up. My knee bled, and still I rose to run again. I arrived, cool dew stained wood under my fingers and cheek. Twice I banged, three times, the door opened and I fell in to strong arms. "Water." was all I said trembling against him, he took off. The fight with my body and the moon was overwhelming. I choked back the sea water that rose like bile in my throat, I felt it trickling down my thighs. I was so close, the change was upon me, I felt the edge, that release under my mental fingertips, but this time I was pushing away. Hard clay to lip, a mug filled with cool water. I drank, filling my already full stomach further. There was a shock of pain to follow and the wood floor rushing at me, then I knew no more.

    • * The same frantic urgency I had slipped away with, I again surfaced with. It was the warmth of dry softness that stilled me however. I was not awakening on the beach, damp and cold, I was in bed, warm and snug. The room was filled with afternoon light, the same room I had awoken in the last time Charles had taken care of me. He was no where to be seen, the house was quiet, and my only discomfort was a pressure deep in my belly, "So..." I whispered to the silence, "I defeated the sea again." but as soon as I said it, I felt guilty. Mother sea was not at fault, only another of her children. I gathered my wits and went to the bathroom, expecting the same results as before. I was not mistaken, my bladder felt full, but nothing released. I could see the muddy river flowing in to the ocean in the back of my mind and felt thirsty. The water from the tap was rusty and smelled sweet, he was tapped in to the artisan spring across the road. Spring water flowed from many of the cliff faces along the sea, pressurized from deep within the mountain. My own water at home was from an artisan well dug in to the mountain face. A dozen kilometers to the south was a factory which purified and bottled the spring water to sell across the nation. Laughter bubbled up in my throat, "A war between mountain springs and the sea?" I asked the air. It seemed comedic, though on some level it made sense. What was it that changed me I wondered, perhaps something akin to magic, magic with an affinity for the sea. So why should it not be disrupted by the water of the land, maybe there was magic in everything. With those thoughts I bid goodbye to all the religion I had been taught. None of it fit with the facts before me, powers beyond the scope of my limited science. Again I laughed as I threw myself in to the rocking chair. Through the huge patio window I could see the sea, crested with white. Trees were being whipped about, a storm would be coming shortly. Seeing the darkness creeping over the ocean is an awesome sight. The power of nature in its rawest form. Where I sat, sun still beamed through the window, everything was beautiful and golden, warm. But there it was, a darkness as black as night, with silver and golden streaks flashing through it. I walked to the patio door, and stepped out. The wind was harsh and warm against my face. With the warming of the sea, the weather was disrupted, powerful storms would wash the coast for months. I leaned on the deck rail, arms folded under my breasts. It was beautiful, the golden light being eaten by the trembling dark. In the distance lightning cracked in to the sea, a brilliant flash, though so far off it was barely a spark. Moments later the thunder shook me to my bones, thrilling. I loved storms, though I could tell this one would be a big one. Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of Charles walking up towards the house. I ran to the front door to greet him, throwing it open. He was surprised to see me up and active, it was written all over his face. Behind him I noticed gold fur, then with a bark Rusky ran up around him to me. He jumped up on me as usual, but with a few sharp words I had him down, "You brought him? Why?" I asked. "You looked so sick and troubled, I wasn't sure how long you would be like that, so I went over to feed him. When I got there, I could see the storm brewing, so I figured I would take him back, he probably doesn't want to sleep in his little house through this storm when there's a warm room he can rest in." He seemed overly concerned and he also seemed to avoid looking at me. "What is it?" I prompted, idly petting Rusky who had flopped over on his side in the grass. "I was just worried, you nearly gave me a heart attack this morning when you woke me up. And now I find you as cheery as if nothing had happened." He said it, sounding older than I had ever seen him. I stood up to take him in to a hug, to apologize or for comfort, I didn't know. He gave my shoulders a brief pat and pulled away. I looked up wondering what to say, what to ask, but didn't feel comfortable. Instead, I commented on the weather, "We should get inside, that storm looks bad. It should be an interesting night." He hesitated only a moment, staring at me, "So, your staying the night then?" "If you'll let me." I told him, and looked up at the sky, most of the sun was eaten up, and out over the sea I could see the rain slashing down. The sound of thunder was louder, and flashes were quite bright, though the vigor hadn't quite reached us, "I don't think Id like to walk home in this." A short nod and a few steps later, the door was closed and the still house wrapped about us. He made his way in to the bathroom and I sat down in front of the patio once more. Darkness, all that was left beyond the window now broken up only by streaks of searing lightning. I felt a kinship with it, the pressure in my body, the need for the sea, the storm in my heart. He he came in behind me a while later, watching the weather in silence. Rusky seemed well behaved, laying at my feet as still and quiet as stone, only the occasional twitch of his ear with the thunder. At last I turned to Charles, "Do you know what I am?" I asked. He was silent, watching the trees outside bend and sway in the harsh wind. A moment later the rain finally struck us, a hammer blow against the house, windows rattled in their casings. With the rush of sound his eyes met mine, "The same thing my wife is." he stated quietly. "You told me your wife was dead." I prompted with a slight tilt to my head. He smiled, I could see his teeth stark white against the dark, "Legally, yes." he paused only a moment, "You have a good memory." "I did well in school." I told him idly then pressed for more, "Where is she?" His face had gone bleak with a hint of anger around his eyes, though he was looking over my shoulder towards the ocean, "Out there, he has her." "He?" I prompted. His face relaxed some as his eyes found mine, "Some times I feel like Captain Ahab chasing after the great white whale." he reached down, taking one of the two beers from the floor next to his chair, "Want one?" For a moment I thought about it, would it do the same to me as the spring water? Would it matter now? I nodded and took it from him after he popped the cap, "You ever read Moby Dick?" "Of course, I have read most of the classics. So, this He, is your great white whale, there are whale people like me?" I asked, wondering how many more species I would find of similar type. I took a drink, cool and bitter, but not bad, and I felt no magical phenomena. "No, no He is a dolphin man. The year we moved here, he claimed my wife. She never fought, never struggled, just left to the sea every day, then eventually stopped coming back. I have seen them only a few times a year, but I hear them frequently." He paused to take a drink, then let his eyes drift back out to the sea, a crease forming between his white eyebrows, "She chose her path I suppose, though I can never forgive him." He stopped, as if only pausing to drink, but said no more. I was silent, listening to him even after he stopped. My Master, it sounded like him, a thief of hearts and bodies, a beast. I wanted it to end, "Where can I go? I can't go back in to the water with him here. I can't suffer more of it, but I can't leave the sea." "I don't know." He told me simply. "Are there more like me? Like his pod?" I asked, he gave only the same reply, "He has two sons and two wives, I suppose one must be yours. Though you said it was many years ago, he must have had more children since then." I frowned in thought, his sons were each teenagers, he should have younger children as well, "Maybe something is screwed up about the reproductive cycle of my species." I murmured more to myself than to Charles. The storm was growing worse, and I could hear crying on the wind, a dolphin's cry, not one I recognized. Though I wasn't sure I could recognize one voice from another in this shape. After only a moment it faded, perhaps it was there but through the thunder and crash of rain I did not hear it again. "Its the spring water Charles. It stops the change, though it also makes me sick. I can't feel the moon when its in me and I have strange dreams." I told him, rolling the bottle back and forth in my hands, almost empty now. "I had wondered..." he trailed off, obviously thinking of earlier. The world outside quieted for a while, only a light patter of rain and distant rumble of thunder. I felt an acute cramp within, I clenched my fist and took a deep breath, "I don't think I am going to much enjoy this, maybe I'll last through the next moon, but its only been half a day and it hurts." "Maybe you should go inland? Too far from the sea to reach it?" he suggested. I shook my head and sighed, "I could, but when I change, where would I go? Would I survive so far from the ocean? Aside from here at your house I have drank nothing in two weeks... would I be alright so far from the sea? I just don't know, there are too many questions." I paused in my ramblings, then said quietly, "I guess anyone can become like me... some sort of Sexually Transmitted Disease." Again silence as we watched the storm. The peace was gone now, rain hit like meteors against the house, lightning flashed and thunder shook the floor. I felt both exhilarated and frightened, this tempest matching the confusion in my heart. Charles it seemed, had nothing more to say. After he finished his beer, he excused himself and went upstairs to sleep, I sat on the couch, watching. Rusky hopped up next to me to throw his head in my lap, I pet him. Maybe tomorrow I would drive up to town and transform under the pier. Far enough away from the cove that He wouldn't find me-I hoped.
    • * Pain is generally something I try to ignore and move on from. However, by morning I was ready to throw myself off a cliff. Charles found me rolling back and forth on the couch, feverish and mildly delirious. This would be the last time I drank the spring water, I was determined. The pain in my abdomen was far beyond a full bladder, it felt like I was being tortured by red hot pokers some where under my ribs. Time meant nothing and by mid day I was sure I had been living in the pits of hell for eons. I am sure I even asked Charles to kill me once or twice though of course he wouldn't oblige me. A while later with the setting moon, the pain began to retreat. Soon I felt strong again and made to leave. Charles was concerned but I wanted to be at home in the familiar. Rusky trotted at my heels, not even chasing after animals in the brush, he kept giving me looks as if to make sure I was still standing. I will admit, the walk took longer than usual and was far from comfortable, but I made it back to my cabin before dark. Still the change wouldn't come, the release out of reach. I fought for it, but there was nothing. Again I slept in my bath, it felt comfortable and safe. I fell asleep listening to Rusky whining, he wanted to be inside to watch over me I was sure.
    • * I woke with the morning tide, again shot through by pain. This time it was different, not intensity but depth. It felt wrong, like something inside was being torn and I could feel it though no pain was attached. I tried the method previously to change, but it too did nothing. I wondered if I had poisoned myself to death. Morbid thoughts followed that train, some one finding me dead in the tub, poisoned by refreshing spring water. I just wanted freedom from that asshole, not to die. At first tears wouldn't rise, though I felt the pressure behind my eyes. I was both dehydrated and bloated at the same time, it was a hard sensation to comprehend. Then there was a release, like the click of a light switch or the popping of a balloon. Tears first, then everything else, I watched a pool of muddy fluid form at the bottom of the tub, the amber color of the spring water, but thicker, like gel. Just looking at it sent a shiver through my body, it was anathema to what I was. Again I reached, and caught hold, my body splashed in to the dolphin shape, and I cried for joy. Never again would I abuse myself I swore, never again. The moon had already begun to set, I changed back with ease. A quick shower followed by a large breakfast. I hadn't eaten almost anything in days, starving myself repeatedly was not a healthy trait. Simple fare, but filling, I almost gorged myself. Minutes after I had begun to wash the dishes, the phone rang. It was work, I hadn't been to the beach in days, "Hello?" I answered. It was Mable, "Anna, I've been worried sick about you, the man who lives above the cove told me you were ill. Whats wrong, is it cancer?" I shook my head, forgetting she wasn't there, "No, nothing like that. I, ah, well it was my fault this time, I poisoned myself... not on purpose mind you." It was close to the truth. "Shit Anna, what is going on with you? You never missed a day of work until just recently, and now I have your schedule request in front of me. Anna, I would have to hire another lifeguard just to cover for you. I can't do that, I just can't, I'm going to have to deny your request." She told me, sounding miserable. I sighed, I knew it was unreasonable. Some times taking the whole day off other times just hours and almost ever day missing a few hours of work, "There's no request Mable, I can't work those times. I wish I could explain it to you." I took a look around my cabin, feeling heavy hearted, "I guess your going to have to replace me. I-I really don't want to lose this job, but I have no choice." There was silence on the line for a moment, then, "I am sorry Anna, we can't afford to pay another full time lifeguard. We offset your wage by supplying you with that cabin. You're.." she was interrupted by a beep, some one else on my line. "Hold on Mable, I have a beep." I told her, knowing how rude it was, especially while she was in the process of firing me. I clicked over, and answered, "hello?" "Anna, have you seen Steve? Hes just up and disappeared. He was in the hospital, then he wasn't. The doctors wont tell me anything! I filed a missing persons with the police, but they seem reluctant to get involved. I-I'm not normally this paranoid, but I honestly think there is a conspiracy going on." It was of course, Steve's mother, Julia. She rambled on so fast I had to strain to figure out what she was saying. "There is something going on Julia." I told her, bits and pieces falling in to place. What would have happened if I had gone to the hospital? What would the doctors have done seeing me transform in to a dolphin? He had sex with me near the peak of my first change, he must have caught it too, "I don't know for sure, and I don't know where Steve is. I am leaving though, I can't keep my lifeguard job here. I'm on the other line with my boss, who is in the process of firing me." She was quiet a moment, digesting what I said, "Oh... I see. I'm sorry to have bothered you." I looked at the tide chart I had tacked to the wall, "Hey, Julia, meet me at the pier diner about nine am the day after tomorrow." two and a half hours before high tide." I was going to show her. "Alright Anna, I'll be there." she said, then I hung up and clicked over. "Mable, you still there?" I asked, though I could hear her breathing. "Anna, why do your requested off times line up perfectly an hour before each high tide?" she asked quite abruptly. I winced and replied, "I told you Mable, I can't tell you... maybe some day we will look back on this and laugh, but for now, it's self preservation." a cheesy line, but it was how I felt. "You know I would never do anything to hurt you Anna, but I wont pressure you." she told me with a wavering voice, obviously quite upset. "I'll bring Rusky by tomorrow morning. He has been a big help, but I can't take him where I'm going." I told her, then wondered, where was I going? I had to decide. "You sure you cant take him?" she asked, I wondered weather she just wanted to get rid of him. Sure he jumped on people, but I had yet to see him act in a less than acceptable manor. Well, aside from growling at anyone he didn't like. "I don't think so, maybe, I'll look in to it." I said, giving her hope, but I had no plan in mind. I would miss the pooch, but I wasn't sure where I would go, and where I would end up, "So then... thats it, right?" I said, feeling self conscious, I liked Mable, and I wished I hadn't had to throw this on her. She said with a hesitant voice, "Yeah, I guess so. You can stay there till we find a replacement for you, but at minimum you have a week to pack and get organized." "Alright. I'll talk to you in a few days then to hand over the keys and what not." I told her, then hung up, it hurt, but I didn't want her to know how much. I had not even been here a year yet, but I fell in love with it. And now going on in to late fall when the swimming season picked up, I was going to have to leave it. All because of some asshole... but I wouldn't have given up my change if some one offered. Again I thought of Steve where ever he was, I wasn't sure I wanted to know. Though I felt no remorse for what he might be suffering, I felt sorry for his mother. I hoped she could understand what was happening to me when I showed her. At least she would know, and I wouldn't have to worry about it anyhow. I had decided, I would go to the sea, far far away from this cove and its mad Master. Another thought struck me, again I picked up the phone to call my mother. It rang a few times, it was still fairly early. I knew I didn't want her fretting like Steve's mom. She picked up, "Hey, mom." I said, unsure of how to broach the subject. "Anna! How are you? You forgot to call me again to keep me updated." She went from excited to hear from me, to scolding in less than five seconds... mothers. "Yeah I know mom, I've been having troubles left and right. I think I'm going to take off for a while, explore the world you know? I was wondering if well, if you would come see me before I left, and take some of my stuff back with you." I tried to make it sound as casual as I could. "Take off? Where are you going to go? Of course I'll come up, when is a good time?" She replied, sounding both worried and delighted to get a chance to see me. "I'll explain it when you get here, how about the day after tomorrow, morning. Take a bus over here, so you can drive my car back. I'll be at the pier in town around 9 am. But I have to run, I'm late for work as is, just wanted to invite you over." I hurried through, noticing the time. I may no longer officially work here, but while I could, I would do my job. "Alright honey, I'll be there." she told me, then hung up. I grabbed my backpack and dashed out the door. A quick moment to water and feed Rusky, then I was on down the road towards the beach.
    • * After the storm, the beach was strewn with bits and pieces of everything. There were already cars everywhere and the water was full. I took up my seat and acted as if I had always been there, though thankfully there had been no accidents so no one really noticed. I had no book to read, the library drained after reading just about everything it had. The day itself was beautiful and sunny, not a cloud in the sky. People were laughing, talking, and enjoying themselves, though I strangely felt isolated from it, cut off some how. Perched there above it, I watched and waited, though no one payed me any mind. As the day grew longer, the people were replaced, families going home, others arriving. It was past noon when I saw a dark head poke above the breakers, then a meek cry for help. All eyes turned towards it, the beach went silent. I knew the head, but I knew I had no choice either. I did the normal lifeguard thing, I ran towards it then dived in and swam as fast as I could. The people on the beach and in the water, watching, seeing a hero maybe. I knew what was awaiting me, and I couldn't escape it. I saw him, watched him dive down, trying to 'hide' after getting me out past the shallow water. The same tactic as before, but this time I was aware. And I caught him by the hair, a distance away from where I was supposed to be. With him in tow, I swam back towards the shore as fast as I could, I would NOT let it happen again. Behind me, I could see his father, looking around, then eventually seeing me. It was too late though, I was already on my feet, dragging the boy forth by the ear like a mother with an errant child. He was naked, but I threw a towel around his waist when I got back to the shore. People were confused, gathering around, asking questions. I glared down at the boy, then looked to the crowed, "I'll be talking to his parents later after I go off duty. He tried to play this prank on me once before. It will NOT be happening again." Though I sounded quite strict and angry, really inside I was trembling, my eyes lifted towards the water, wondering where He was. "what.. what are you going to do with me?" he asked in a meek voice. He was the youngest, no more than 13 or 14. "I'm not sure, but I'm not going back to your father. You may love him, but trust me, you don't want to grow up to be like him." I told him, my hand on his shoulder, making sure he stayed put. The beach settled down after a while, and I saw Charles making his way across the pebbles with his metal detector. Maybe something washed ashore in the storm I thought, but more than likely he was curious about the commotion. Eventually he made his way to where I was sitting, "so, who's this?" he asked, smiling down at the boy. "The youngest of His sons" I told Charles, looking at the boy's dark hair and the rather furious look on his face. "Tell me son, what does your mother look like when shes not a dolphin?" he asked, quiet enough so no one could over hear. "I'm nuh tellin yuh nuthin." he said with a rather strange accent. Likely he didn't use English all that often. "Well, judging by your hair, I would guess she had black hair, a slightly upturned nose, and lines around her eyes that lead in to a scar just before her right ear from when she was hit by a rock as a child." as Charles spoke, the boy's mouth opened and he looked more surprised than anything. "How di' yuh know?" he asked, with mild confusion. "I was married to her for a while you see, and still am actually. That would make you my son in law. I miss her, but I know she made her choice going with your father and leaving me. Would you like to stay with me for a few days?" he asked, open and friendly. The boy didn't get a chance to answer, for there was another commotion, people were shouting about the dolphin in the water, joyful and excited. My heart went cold, what was he going to do I wondered. He maybe he just wanted his son back, or maybe he wanted a direct confrontation so he could drag me down and keep me... or just get rid of me if he so chose. I was just about to call everyone out of the water when the cries of delight became shock. A younger boy was struck by the dolphin and dragged under. People came rushing out of the water, while the parents of the boy ran towards it.. I gave Charles one look, then darted off. My fear would not put another person at risk. He wanted a confrontation, he had one. I gave one glance back to Charles behind me and saw him leading the boy up towards the road. I hit the water and moved as quick as I could. I saw the boy, doubled over as the dolphin butted him in the stomach, and pushed him down under the water again. I moved so fast, faster than I should have been able to... it took only a moment to realize my lower half was shaped like a dolphin while my top half was still human. The boy was caught in my arms, and I moved back towards the land, faster and faster... I felt a sharp pain in the side, hard dolphin nose. He was still faster and more agile. Again from above, ramming me down towards the pebble strewn floor. A quick flip over, bringing my belly towards him, I watched him come in and slapped him in the face with my tail. He veered off with only a minor bruising. As close to the shore as I was, I wouldn't be getting any nearer, and getting in to a real fight might endanger the boy I was holding. I tossed him as hard as I could, thrusting myself to the surface of the water. Then lost sight of him as I was struck in the back. Face first in to the water, I let the full change take over. It was just in time for me to catch him in the throat. Now I could hear properly, and he was angry, oh so very angry. Again he came around and tried to ram my side, I barely avoided it but got a slap of his tail on the pass. People in the water, I saw feet and splashing towards the shore, the boy was safe. I however, was not. Another brutal strike to my back and pebbles scraped my stomach and chest. I watched him come again, to pin me against the ground, and changed immediately. He struck pebbles and sand with his beak, I heard him cry out in pain. While distracted I again darted off towards the shore, kicking against the ground as hard as I could until I leaped, naked on to the beach. No one seemed to mind really though, my swim suit lost in the change, a towel replaced it. I was trembling in truth now, body battered and bruised, nerves shot. I was called a hero, I felt like a fool. The boy was okay, though swore he saw me turn in to a dolphin to fight the other dolphin. The adults simply laughed, he was only five years old. It was likely his small size that had saved him from most the damage. Not enough leverage to impact him. He had a few bad bruises, but nothing serious. I on the other hand, was covered in bruises, a gash on my chest was bleeding a little, likely acquired when I hit the sea floor. It was hard to breath, and my right side was throbbing with deep set pain. I hoped with all my will that I hadn't cracked a rib. The water was vacated, the beach was filled with people. Police were called in, though there wasn't much they could do about an assault by a dolphin. I was questioned, and answered as best I could without giving away the full truth. Yes I had fought off the dolphin, no I was sure it wasn't a man pretending to be a dolphin. The most appropriate question though, was asking me if the dolphin had any special markings. I described him well, all his traits and scars. The officer was surprised I had gleaned so much visual in so short a time. It was easy to pass off, saying I had seen the dolphin on multiple occasions. Eventually the beach was emptied, everyone going home. I was too nervous to stay there alone. The sun still up, I made my way back home and locked the door behind me. The answering machine had a dozen messages flashing on it. I listened to them, half were from people I knew having heard about the 'daring rescue' and the other half from the local Television News and paper. It rang again, after I finished listening to them all, but I didn't pick up. However when the machine got it, I heard my boss's voice, I pulled up the receiver, "Hey, I'm here... Screening my calls." I answered. "Anna, you alright? I heard about what happened. Figures you would go out with a bang." Mable said, sounding excited. I shook my head and grimaced, "I'm alive, if thats what you mean. I hurt everywhere, but I'll be fine. I don't think I can take too much more excitement though. If its not being sick, its poisoning myself or being beaten half to death by a sea mammal. The boy is fine though, thats all that matters." "Your right, though we will have to close down the beach I think. That same dolphin has been in these waters for years though hes never attacked anyone before. He doesn't travel with the seasons either, just stays along the coast here." she paused, and I could hear paper being shuffled, "You know, now that we don't need a new lifeguard, I'm sure there is some work we could find for you." Her kindness touched me, but I knew I couldn't stay here, he would either kill me, or I would kill him. The latter quite unlikely, "Thank you Mable... but I can't. I've had too much suffering here over the past few weeks, I think I'm going to take my savings and travel." "I know you couldn't have saved that much. You had to eat, and we don't pay much." she was quiet, rethinking, "Well, I won't try to stop you. Though I will certainly miss you, send me post cards where ever you go." "I will Mable. That's really a good idea too, thanks. You take care, I'll stop by tomorrow with Rusky." I told her, then we said our goodbyes and hung up. The quiet cabin felt lonesome and I wondered how well I would do at sea for months at a time completely alone. I turned on the TV, seeing the news, and wondered how much they would exaggerate or diminish what had happened at the beach. To my amusement they had the boy, Joseph I learned his name was, telling of how I had come in and changed in to a dolphin then beat up the bad dolphin. Everyone was treating it as just simply a cute story through the eyes of a child. After the news, a show of little interest came on. I let it run while I began to pack my things, sorting through clothing and dishes, leaving what came with the cabin, while carefully putting my own things in boxes. Much of it hadn't even left the boxes since I moved in. Night came, the sounds of crickets and frogs cheering up the autumn darkness. I almost felt at peace until I heard Rusky growl, then begin barking. "Never a truly peaceful moment for me." I said exasperated. Then some one banged on the door, "Who is it?" I asked loudly, not unbolting it. It would take an axe to get through that heavy frame. "Where's my son bitch." a male voice growled. I didn't know the voice, but I immediately knew who it was. "He's not here, just leave me the fuck alone. I don't want anything to do with you!" I shouted. He tried the handle, banged again, then began walking around the house. None of the windows were accessible, all up near the top, and far too small to crawl through though he did smash one with a rock. "You're going to tell me where the fuck he is, then your coming back with me, and were having no more of these silly games." He yelled at me through the busted glass. I looked around, then picked up my walking stick, a heavy, metal shod thing and beat it at the window, "I told you, he's not here! And I am NEVER going back with you, got it?" I heard him fall back and land on the ground, he had been climbing the side of the cabin to look in the window, "Now go away or I'm calling the police!" There was no more sound from outside, though I didn't dare look out a window, let alone open the door. With trembling hands, I finished packing, there wasn't really that much stuff to begin with.
    • * Morning came, my alarm clock going off around seven AM. I crawled out of the tub to tea and a bowl of cereal. Still frightened from the night before, It took an act of courage to make my way out the door. Holding my walking stick like a sword until I made it back to Rusky. He looked rather nervous too, but was happy to see me. I fed and watered him then took him off his chain. The front door locked, I took Rusky to the car. He hesitated, growling at the woods, and looked like he wanted to chase the squirrel that ran up a tree. I coerced him in to the back seat with a treat though. When I got him to the station, Mable, even though she had been reluctant to take him back, seemed happy to see him. Though one look at me and she was concerned as usual, "You still look awfully sick Anna." she told me. "I know Mable, but this is how I look now, really, I can't tan for the life of me anymore. Anyhow, he seems to get along well with Charles, the guy who lives in the old house overlooking the cove. If you need to dump him off on some one again, you might want to ask him." She listened to me, and nodded. "I know him, hes been living there for ages, strange old coot, but nice guy. Oh! By the way, the paper has been calling asking about you, what do you want me to say?" I shrugged in response, "Whatever, it doesn't really matter. Their propagating the story that I turned in to a dolphin, so who cares?" She gave a chuckle at that, "yeah, kids these days. Maybe I should tell them the classified ad specifically asked for dolphin women and you were the first one to show up." I laughed nervously, as it was too close to home, "Now Mable, don't encourage them. We don't the local paper becoming a tabloid. Then where would you get your news?" "I'm going to miss you Anna." she said quietly, completely sidestepping the previous train of thought. "Yeah, me too Mable." I told her, and gave her a tight hug, "I'll send you post cards." The drive back, I a bit down, I had a few friends here, and good memories. But with the way it was, I couldn't stay here, and I felt a calling to the open sea. I could explore where no human had ever been, see things no one had ever seen. I stopped back home to pick up a few things, then drove off again. I would not go to the cove today, instead I drove up to town. Parking at the pier, I went down below. The sea was coming in, but the pull hadn't started. I wondered where He was, that horrid creature. Probably terrorizing some poor innocent. I couldn't stop him, and tomorrow I would leave. Without Rusky though, I did not want to go back home for long. I would pack my stuff in the car after changing back and check in to a hotel. Far away from where he was, then tomorrow I would leave. I would go north first, and follow the coast until it felt too cold, I wanted to know my limits. Sitting there before the sea, I felt lonely again. The long trek, many months, maybe even years without company. Maybe I would eventually find a pod of my own. Natural dolphins or, my species, it didn't matter. I wondered if there were more like me aside from the few on this shore. There had to be. The pull began, and I looked towards the morning sky. Just a sliver of moon shining dully in the sunlight. Under the pier, I undressed and carefully tucked away my things in a nook between the ties and piles. With a soft whimper I dived in to the warm sea and let the change be pulled from me. To describe it now, to feel it, that pull. It was like a lover's touch, when you changed yourself it was pleasurable, but to be pulled in to the change was like being made love to. I cried my delight in to the water, then dived deeply. Back and forth around the piles, schools of fish darting away. I fed though I wasn't hungry. An age, or a minute, I reached the deep sea and dived as far as I could comfortably. It was chilly but refreshing at the same time. Then up, in to the warmer surface water, than even in to the air, I flipped and dived again. usually after the change, I felt such freedom, such joy. I could swim for ever and not care about a thing in the world. Something caught me though, a faint sound. It was a whimper, a sob, but of dolphin nature. There was such sorrow and longing in it, and it felt so far away. I echoed it, and it grew louder, more frantic. Some one was calling to me and I called back. I knew the sound of my 'Master' and his, this wasn't it, this was new... and I head heard it before. Twice I knew, once what felt like an age ago, and had woken up under the pier after following the sound. Then just the other night, in the depths of the storm. How I wondered the voice had carried to me high above the water, but it had. I followed it, under the pier again, then down thirty feet, fifty, further. I felt such pressure, it was a pain for a moment, then passed. I found the source of the sound though. A grate, pumping warm water in to the sea. So deep under ground, I was baffled by it. Again I cried out, speaking in pure emotion. The sound came back, so much closer, but deep inside, wherever it lead to. We spoke of longing, sorrow, fear. We also spoke of freedom, though no words formed, the concepts were easy. For just a moment, I attempted something likely very foolish. I changed so deep under water. There was a strong need for air, but I had been down a while already. The pressure was no problem, I had equalized on the way down. Carefully I inspected the grating, it was old, rusted in places, but solid. Though it was hinged on one side and locked with a rivet on the other. I tried pulling, but it didn't give, I would need a tool to break in. I changed again, and called out a goodbye, then swam towards the surface, towards much needed air. When I broke, I swam back under the pier, the tide had already begun to draw back, I changed again and crawled on to the sand.
    • * The loading of the car had been quick, only a few minutes of effort then back to town. I stopped by my bank, and put most of my money in to some stable financial gain, a 2 year CD and a 5 year CD. I didn't have a clue how long I would be gone. The hotel I chose was a more expensive one, and dropped off my stuff before getting down to buisness. I had spent the rest of the day and evening with a hand drill underwater. The rivet had posed a rather difficult problem, and every few minutes I would have to rush to the surface to breathe anew. However after hours of work I had drilled it out and was rewarded as the door swung open. Exhausted I returned to my hotel room, leaving my equipment in the open gate. When I slept, it was in a bed softer than any I had touched for a long while. I marveled at how used to sleeping in a bath tub I had become. I woke excited, with what I would be sharing, and who I would be seeing. It had been almost a year since I had last seen my mother. I talked with her frequently, sure, but it wasn't the same. I checked out half past eight, practically dancing my way to the car. Then drove across town to the pier. Only a few people had shown up, a few couples going for strolls, some people coming to eat breakfast at the diner. The bus came in to town ten minutes later, and it was a very welcome sight, seeing my mother step off. "Mom!" I shouted and darted across the street to greet her, "How was your trip?" She caught me up in a hug, then pulled back to look at me, "Early and long... my, whats wrong? Your as pale as a ghost who's seen a ghost." I hooked my arm over her shoulders and grabbed her bag with a free hand, "I'll tell you about it when Steve's mom gets here, so I don't have to repeat myself. I'm not sick though, so don't worry, this is just how I am now." She had her hand running over the strange smooth, almost rubbery skin on the back of my wrist. She seemed very confused by it, I just tried to cheer her up with a bright smile, "If you are sure your allright. Steve's mother is coming you say? Why? I thought you and he broke up." "We did, he has gone missing though and its probably because of me. Well, not exactly. I'll explain later, but I couldn't leave her without telling her the truth, or you for that matter. My whole world has changed, nothing is the same." I told her, excited. We made our way down the lot to the pier, then in to the restaurant. Got ourselves a booth and ordered breakfast while waiting for Julia, "Hows life back home been?" I asked casually" "Same ol', same ol'. That old man who lived down the street died last month, carbon monoxide poisoning. Then the couple next door, they just had twins. Life goes on, just keeps cycling through." She told me, chattering away as I knew she would when she got nervous. The food came shortly, waffles for me, cheese sausage and onion omelet for her. Then I saw Julia step in, I waved her over. The waitress buzzed by to give her a menu and offer her something to drink. As she left, I looked to them both, wondering how to start. Then decided to start with the beginning, obvious as it might be. "Hi Julia.. thanks for coming. This is my mother Margarete, Mom, this is Steve's mother Julia." I said while she was staring at me. She had seen me a few times, and again the same reaction, she barely recognized me, "well I guess I'll come right out with it. Bout maybe three weeks ago I was severely sick. This happened after... well." I felt embarrassed and ashamed again, even a little humiliated, "I was raped and the one who did it, infected me with something..." I went in to detail about the whole situation, but didn't let on anything about the dolphins or what not. I was quiet, and we were in a small corner of the diner away from everyone else. I told them about Steve coming back and attacking me, glossing over the details of course, but explaining that he caught it from me, and I hadn't realized until later. I got to the point of my change, and didn't know where to go from there. They were listening, waiting for me to continue, but I didn't know what to say, "Much of this will sound like make believe, but... I have proof, and when were done, I'll show you. So keep that in mind, I have cold hard proof to back up everything I tell you." They nodded, and I wondered what they might be thinking, what kind of strange stories they thought I might spin, "I blacked out, I would have blank spots, no memory, just once in a while vivid dreams, and strange feelings and urges. I was no longer sick, but once a day, I would black out, and wake up some where else... usually on the beach in the nude. Once under the pier here, miles away from my home." I went quiet again as they digested the tidbit I told them, then finally continued, "I changed, physically... like a werewolf maybe. I became a dolphin every time the tide was at its highest and the moon was high in the sky." my mother was laughing, thinking me joking, but that stilled as she saw the look on my face, "When were done here, we will go outside, under the pier, and I'll show you. Its almost high tide now, I can feel the pull." "You've got to be kidding me, maybe you've just suffered too much lately sweetie. No one can transform, were not living in a fairy tale." It was my mother, skeptic to the end, thinking her daughter insane rather than something extra ordinary was in the world. "were done eating. Lets go, I'll pay." I told them, and stood up. I left the money on the table, plus tip, then walked outside and down around the side of the pier. It took them a moment to follow Julia came up first and said, "I heard about you on the news this morning... that boy said you turned in to a dolphin to save his life. So he was telling the truth? And thats what happened to Steve?" I nodded to her, "Yea, I want you to know, I have no respect left for your son, and I'm telling you this so you know the truth, and have peace of mind. I like you, but... he hurt me badly when I needed him most. Whatever is happening to him now, well, I don't know." I didn't continue, really I did not want to upset her further. My mom followed behind, listening but still being the skeptic. Under the pier the water was high, there was only a few feet of sand and pebbles untouched by waves, "alright... Mom, write this down in your note book as the day you stop being a skeptic and start believing in something." Before their eyes, without shame, I stripped, and heard shocked gasps as they saw that pale white flesh as it faded in to blue-black. The strange almost childish swell of breast and the smooth line of hip. I let them get a good look, especially my mother, who had seen me naked plenty of times. I was no longer the same girl she knew. The moon was almost at its peak, I could feel it, the pull so strong. Water began to flow, dribbling down thighs, pouring from my eyes, nose, lips.. pores opening and flooding as the tide pushed out of me. My vision was blurred and there was a rush in my ears. The pull was stronger still, then a powerful rush, my body cascading in to the sea.. and my other form taking shape. I heard them, shocked gasps and cries of surprise. And quietly I watched, waiting for them to calm down. Half rolled on my side, tail in the water, the rest of me on the beach, my body splayed out almost as if I was reclining. Head tilted just a bit, so I could watch them comfortably. My mom was to me first, on her knees, hands touching my skin. It felt good, so gentle the caress, I let my eyes close, mouth hanging open a little. It was the first time I had been touched gently in this shape, and it felt so exquisite and unique. When the pressure of the moon tailed off, I shifted back to human shape, watching the two of them, "and that, is that." I told them. Both seemed awestruck and confused. My mother of course was the first one to speak up, her skepticism still raging, though she could not refute what she had just seen, "how does it work? It shouldn't be possible, thats not how biology works.. and you say you got this as an STD?" "Yeah mom, an STD from another Were-Dolphin. The same one who attacked the cove yesterday." I motioned towards Julia, "She mentioned it, the boy who I saved... that man has been stalking me and.. preying on me for weeks... thats why I need to leave. Just go anywhere but here. I have to be near the sea though, and I have to keep moving." I didn't mention a lot of things, such as the boy Charles was holding, or the tunnel below our feet... which I was mildly sure lead to where Steve was being held. His dolphin voice had called to me, and it was an almost motherly instinct which required me to go to him. "I'll miss you.." My mother said, and I could see tears forming in her eyes. "Hey, its not like I've not been gone this whole time. We will just talk on the phone less. I will send postcards though." I told her, then looked to Julia, who had been silent most of this time, "I hope you find Steve, maybe the change will have straightened him out, I know it did a number on me." I looked back to the water, and heard her say, "Well, he used to be a good kid, but he started hanging around with some others... bad influence... there wasn't anything I could do." I thought it sounded more like an excuse, but didn't really care. "I should get going-my keys are with my clothes Mom. Car is parked up above." I said, not looking at either of them, feeling self conscious now. Warm arms drew me in to a hug, I returned it, holding my mother close. She kissed my cheek, then told me, "I'll watch the news, maybe find more evidence of your kind, huh?" It would certainly be a change from trying to debunk ideas online and in news articles. For once she would want to find proof of something, not disprove, "Alright, just remember, I am real." I told her, then pulled free, waved to them both, and dived in to the water. I hated long goodbyes, and this one had been beginning to draw out. Not looking back, I dove down below the pier, then to the end and down deeper over the underwater cliff. All the way to the grating, which still hung open. I grabbed the strap of my pack in my beak, hearing the tink of equipment as it jostled. Then in to the dark I swam, feeling slightly claustrophobic in the two yard across pipe. I had investigated a little ways in before, and saw it clear for as far as my click could penetrate. Though the darkness was too dark, and I had to close my eyes. It was a curious feeling, swimming with only sonar to tell me where I was going. Though after a while, a vibration began to make it hard to see. I could feel the deep thrumming in my bones, machinery working some where ahead. The flow of the water was constant, not strong, but enough to make me feel like I was swimming much farther than I truly was. It also grew warmer the deeper I went. Soon I felt the need for breath, but I kept going faster even. My eyes opened shortly, to find a low light from ahead, I shot towards it. There was a small room, with air above the channel I had found myself in. I surfaced and breathed deeply. It wasn't fresh, but it was certainly better than nothing. There were pumps working up ahead and another channel a few feet away from the first. Intake. I wondered where it lead since there had been no other pipes around that I had seen. Out of the water and along a walk way I stepped. Aside from the sound of the pumps and the rush of water, there was silence. So deep underground, this couldn't have been just a normal part of the city. It seemed so very surreal, like some sort of action movie, breaking in to an underground fortress. The depth of the pipes was below the normal diving level, the water was certainly cold enough and the pressure could cause many people trouble. The intake channel had pumps lining it, pushing water in to the wall. Above those was a larger tube, with water spilling from it in to the exit channel and then a single screw pump to send it on its way outside. The spillway was just big enough to crawl in to, though the force of the water running over me was tough to contend with. I nearly lost my grip three times. I was quite thankful for the rubbery skin on my hands, it made gripping the pipe a lot easier. I was met by a grate only a few feet in to the wall, this one welded shut. Through it I could see a dim chamber above water, and underwater just a tank like in an aquarium. No one was in there so I moved on to the next. I checked five before I finally found an occupied one. This one, an old man rocking back and forth in a corner. He hadn't shaved or cut his hair in years it looked like, though he seemed relatively healthy otherwise. I left him to his misery and continued. Another two tanks down, I found Steve. He was naked, looking pathetic, withered, and defeated against a wall. Instead of alerting him, I took out my drill and began to work my way through the bars. It was easier with the leverage of the tight tube and being able to breathe. Though instead of a single rivet, I had an inch of metal on each bar to cut through. As quietly as I could, I drilled my way through. Thankfully it was only ceramic coated steel and the tungsten carbide bit chewed it up easily. Everything in my mind was blanked as I worked my way through. Time meaningless, though my arms grew tired and my body limp. I wedged myself against the grate, and took a nap. It was a short thing, for I awoke to a banging. A hatch in the ceiling a good ten feet above where Steve was sitting had opened. A metal basket on a thin cable was lowered, food. As I watched he crawled to it, snatched the food and retreated to eat in a corner. I was still sustained by my breakfast of waffles, but it made me realize it must have been dinner time. Refreshed from the brief nap, I got back to work. Eight bars done, one whole side, I figured I only needed to cut through three of the four sides, then bend it open if I could.
    • * I felt the pull of the moon half way through the third side. A whole day had passed with brief naps and no food. I was so exhausted I just let myself spill down in to the exit channel, then crawl out and to the other side of the pump. I would have to leave before I finished, I couldn't even imagine bending a toothpick, let alone that grate or even cutting through another bar. I left my tools behind the pump to Steve's tank and let the change overtake me. Still weak and exhausted, but slightly energized from the change, I let the current take me out to the open sea. The sun was shining, great shafts of rippling light shooting down through the murky depths. I swam as fast as I could towards the surface, longing for true sunlight. It was a joy to be free of such a confining space. I rolled my belly to the sky and basked for a moment. Then dived again to gorge myself on fish that darted between the pilings of the pier. Steve could wait, I needed my strength. With a belly full and body refreshed, I drifted along. It was such a strange sensation, like looking at two different worlds at once. It took me a moment to realize, I was asleep and awake at the same time. And as soon as this settled in I fully woke up again. It took a few minutes to relax and let the feeling overtake me again. Dreaming and keeping one eye open, barely aware, though surfacing to breathe every once in a while. It was in this state, I didn't notice the other dolphins. They came up behind me, and the first hint I had was as a beak slammed in to my stomach from below. Dazed, confused, and in agony I whirled about just to be rammed in the side of the face, just below my eye. It was the eldest boy, the two females, and Him. Fully awake I tried to flee, but they came around in front, pushing and ramming me another way. Away from the beach, away from the pier. Straight towards the jagged cliff face north of town. Where the underwater cliff came to the surface, a sheer drop hundreds of feet. Much of it had worn away, leaving a lip in places, but that meant only jagged rocks and breaker waves. I fought, desperate to escape, but every movement was countered and beaten back. I tried to dive, but was struck in the stomach, I went right, I was struck in that side, I went left, again the same. I tried to leap in to the air and over them, I found a larger dolphin already diving over me, and landing on top. I was half drowned at one point, sucking in water, though I spit it out quickly. There was no mercy, just battering and pushing. I cried out, but no one could or would help me here. Then we were in to the rocks. Movement even tighter, I felt myself rammed straight in to a barnacle studded boulder. My side gouged and scraped. Then another brutal hit, and the pain bloomed in my side as a rib cracked. My resistance stopped, the only way I could describe it, I gave up, laying against the rock. I sobbed pitifully as best a dolphin could, but there was nothing else for me to do. Steve would never be freed, my mom would never know what happened to me, but it was alright. I told myself so, it was okay, I had done things in my short time that many people never would. And I had changed the life of at least one little boy. I opened my eyes, head above water, and looked over the coast. The town was only a short distance away, I could see people working and playing. More pain, thrown back against the boulder. I slid upwards on it further and saw a small channel. A path between the rocks that lead back towards the pier. It was so small, too small for a dolphin, and the waves battered it. A tiny, meek glimmer of hope in my heart, I watched and waited. The biggest, the Master, came towards me cutting through the frothy waves. I changed, carefully, making sure my feet landed on the rock edge, parted over where his beak was aimed. With every ounce of effort, I put my feet on the top of his head and jumped. He rammed straight in to the rock, busting up his chin and throat against the barnacles. The jump took me clear over the one boulder blocking the way and in to the shallow water. I swam, in human shape, as fast as I could. The town was before me, growing closer. Heard curses behind me as one of them had turned human to follow. When the channel opened up a bit, I shifted back to dolphin and swam as hard as I could. The pier, and that tiny beach below it. I could feel the sand and pebbles under me. But again, he was faster. As I transformed, I felt him on my back, the boy coming in last. He had gone human again, and grappled me, pinning me to the beach. I was so close, my mind screamed, I cried out, and a hand closed my beak. Only a muffled sound escaped. I changed hoping to off balance him and get to my feet to run. He wouldn't fall for the trick a third time and I found I was far weaker in human shape than dolphin. I was rolled over, and held, one of his wives put a hand over my mouth. I could see the wear in her face as I looked up at her with terrified eyes. There was no life in her, no emotion, only obedience. I saw scars on her body, places he had hurt her, "Your a psychopath." I told him through her fingers. "And your a dead bitch." He growled at me, "But still pleasurable." Since Steve, I had not done anything with anyone in human shape. It felt strange as he forced my legs open. As a human he was nothing spectacular, but his initial thrust still hurt. I knew I had not healed fully, my insides still torn and scarred in places. I gave up struggling, just began to cry as he took me. There was no pleasure, and not really much pain either, mostly numbness. I looked away, out one side of the pier I could see where I had stood only yesterday with my mother. Again those fatalistic thoughts came to me, though I tried to shake them off. There was no point in giving up while I still had breath since there was always a point to living, always a chance, I just had to take it. For the moment, there was nothing. Four people holding me down as it was, I couldn't move. He released and pulled free. I wondered for a moment at his existence. Did all he think about was having more holes to fuck? Was that all he wanted out of life? For the first time, he truly seemed pathetic in my eyes, not even worth thinking about. I looked at him, his sun bleached blond hair, almost white. He looked old, and even simple. He wasn't smart, just brutal and needy. The son took his place, just a boy, maybe fifteen. He seemed just as stupid. No schooling, nothing other than life at sea with a horrible beast of a father and two broken women. The younger boy had seemed more alive, smarter maybe, at least in memory. My thoughts, deep down some where inside the back of my mind, vision locked on a single point. I didn't notice when the son pulled out, the only thing that brought me back was pain. He had kicked me, and was kicking me again. I looked up, no, it was the son who was kicking me. His father was picking up a heavy rock, they were going to kill me now a voice calm and distant in the back of my head told me. The wives had let go, and were going back to the sea. No one was holding me, only the boy kicking. It seemed so simple, like dominoes, one knocking in to the other to topple the whole thing. I reached up and grabbed the boys ankle as he pulled back for another kick. A sharp tug, and he fell backwards, straight in to his father. The rock landed on his own leg as the boy scrambled aside. I was up and running almost immediately. Naked, covered in cuts and bruises, I went for the street. I heard some one behind me, a glance back, it was the Father. He was limping along, cursing at me. I was still faster, and ran up the stone steps, on to the concrete and straight in to the arms of a very surprised police officer. It seemed too perfect, too surreal. My mind drifting and whirling. This was just a fantasy I told myself, he had already killed me, and my dying mind created this to protect itself. He was the same officer from the beach, and recognized me instantly. That was just fitting, I couldn't recall the face of any other police officer anyhow.
    • * This is real. That was all I told myself as I woke in a hospital room. Pain everywhere, an IV in my wrist and a bandage around my chest. Some one was standing over me, though blurred. I blinked a few times before my vision cleared. It was Julia, then down the bed, Mable. "This is real.. right?" I asked, lifting my hand to my face, feeling a bandage over my right ear. "Yes honey, its real." Mable said, "Your in the hospital. I was listed as your emergency contact still so they called me down." I glanced up to Julia who just smiled, "I was there when you came running up from the waterfront. I called the ambulance while they were arresting that man. I'm not going to leave your side, they can't take you like they took my son while I'm here!" she told me, Mable gave her a strange look. I smiled weakly up at her, "thanks... I found Steve I was in the process of getting him out when the tide rose and had to come out. While I was resting... I was attacked by them." I didn't explain who 'them' was, just turned my head and closed my eyes. I hurt too much to think at the moment. They both had questions, but I just grunted in response, which in itself hurt. Eventually a nurse came in and told them they had to leave. Mable just consented and left the room, but Julia of course stood her ground, "I'm not leaving her." she told the nurse firmly. There was a brief argument about hospital policy and so forth, then the nurse ran off to get assistance, "Julia, just go, I will be fine. I have knowledge and that means power. Steve had no clue what was going on." I was quiet a moment, thinking, then added, "Bring me some spring water from the spring over the cove." She looked at me strangely for a long moment, then nodded her head, "alright, if you think you will be fine. I'll be back as quick as I can be with the water." again she hesitated, then left the room. A minute or two later the nurse returned with two security guards, "She left already." I told her, "I don't suppose you could give me any pain killers. I seem to have a multitude of rather painful wounds." I spoke in deadpan, "Nothing to knock me out, I think I have had enough unconsciousness for one lifetime." The guards scurried off while the nurse gave me a warm smile, "sure, of course, sorry about that. But the police asked for a rape kit to be done. You don't mind do you?" she spoke in a friendly but hesitant voice, obviously not sure what the tactful way to put it would be. I grimaced but nodded, "Probably a good idea, give them evidence against him even if I disappear." A moment hesitation, then I added, "It was him and his son, they both.." I couldn't say the word, she just nodded seeing the discomfort in my face. "I'll be right back with some Tylenol. When I'm done the policeman wants to see you, Officer Martinez I think." I nodded at her words, then laid back closing my eyes. She left quickly, and I probably dozed off for a minute or two. I was mildly startled when she returned, feeling the cup of pills against my lips. I opened my mouth and took them, sitting up just enough to swallow the offered water, "Thank you.." I said, then laid back with a whimper. "alright, I'll be as gentle as I can. Then when I'm done I'll clean you up, alright?" She had calmed down visibly and was being very clinical. It didn't do much for my nervousness, but what did I have to fear anyhow. "Okay." I told her, then closed my eyes and laid back. She lifted the bed sheet and drew my legs up in to stirrups. I felt exposed, but I had been to the gynecologist plenty of times in my life. The speculum slid in easily, but beyond a certain point I gasped in pain. She stopped for a moment, then eased it in slower. The opening was worse, especially when a built up fluid gushed out on to the bed. I heard her gasp, then silence and stillness. The soft click of a cap on the swab tube, she was taking samples I guessed, "Your skin, do you have some sort of disorder? It is quite intrigueing." she asked me after a bit. I didn't know what to say, could my change be considered a disorder? It was hard to say, and I wasn't going to tell her the truth, "Yeah, I don't know much about it." it was close to accurate and all I would say on the subject. She whistled, "You've been beat up pretty bad. This wasn't the first time, was it, you have a lot of old scarring and..." she trailed off, then I heard her writing something down. I knew she had noticed my cervix, deep inside, my doctor had said it was further back than average, and now it was completely ruined. She spoke again, "I think your going to need some stitches after I clean you up." I nodded, "I don't know how many times." "I'm so sorry." she said, and I could hear the emotion in her voice, she was heavily disturbed by just the evidence. There was nothing more for me to say, I just laid there quietly, trying to ignore the blanket of pain that smothered me. Every thought was bent towards my situation. It was safe to assume the people who imprisoned Steve would imprison me as soon as they learned the person who raped me, was a Dolphin creature. They had to know about how it was transferred. I went over plans in my head, wondering how I could get out of this situation. Over and over I tried to figure it out. I kept coming back to the fact that I was too hurt to really travel. Though I had to leave the hospital before the next moon rise. It would be very bad if I changed while laying here. I winced as I felt a Novocaine injection, then the spread of chilly numbness through a part of my belly. She was beginning to stitch me up, "careful now, I might want to use that some day." I told her, trying to lighten the mood. "Don't worry. I actually gave some one sutures almost identical to this once. She went on to have two children. Now relax, I'll fix you right up." Her words did soothe me some, though I still felt the tugging of the needle, just no pain. "So... are you a doctor? Or nurse? The things your doing seem almost like a doctor but your dressed like a nurse." I told her, curious. "I'm a specialist." was all she said, which did not answer my question. Instead it made me even more nervous. "Oh?" I asked, "A specialist in what?" She smiled up at me, then went back to stitching, "Many things really..." more evasion, "There, all done." she withdrew the speculum and put my legs down after carefully applying gauze and antiseptic. After I was covered up again, she stood and told me, "I'll send the officer in now, if you feel up to it." I just nodded and watched her leave the room. As soon as she left, I got out of bed. Though I was in pain, There was strength enough in me to stand and walk. I went to the door and opened it a crack. She was standing a few feet away, talking quietly with a doctor. I couldn't hear very well so I gave something else a try, changing myself just enough to enhance my hearing. "...has been very badly abused. Judging by the scarring id say at least ten different times over the last month, and very likely more. But there is no doubt about it, its the same. Due to their prior relationship I would assume she gave it to your previous patient." I over heard her, condemning words. The doctor, obviously not fully in the loop, though he must have been there for Steve's transformation, "What are you going to do?" "Well, she is in no state to be moved today. Perhaps tomorrow morning after I give her another workup I will take her to a special facility capable of handling her type. We must not give her any sign that we know though, this is far from a secure compound. I will have a camera set up to watch the door and planted a listening device in the room just now. A camera would have been too suspicious and hard to plant while she was awake. Also, no one is allowed to bring any fluids to her other than the ones on the list I gave you. Some of them are poison to her, including specific types of water." She gave a smile which failed to reach her eyes, and I shivered, "Also, I planted a tracking device in her, in case you do mess up." He looked some what scared, as far as I could tell from the angle I was at, his voice assured me he was, "Why are you telling me all this? Its not like you people." "Oh doctor, don't be silly. None of this is state secret and since your involved, you will take full responsibility if you mess up. Just covering all the bases. You saw the first, I need insurance, understood? But remember, shes just a scared little girl who needs help badly. This disease is one of the worst STDs the world has ever seen, we need to take care of her and everyone involved." I shut the door hearing enough, I would have to leave tonight before. I ran to the bathroom, and stood over the drain, changing and trying to leave the tracking device behind. Nothing fell even as I changed back. She did know what she was doing, even if she was sloppy in other ways. Back in bed I reached down and felt around inside me, wondering exactly where the tracking device was. Julia wouldn't be allowed to bring me the water, I had to get it out, and escape. I had no plan. A few minutes later the door opened, that un-named woman again along with the officer. I smiled up at him, the same one, "Thank you." I told him, and he dismissed the woman thinking her nothing more than a nurse. Alone, my expression changed to one of sever concern, "He's in jail? Right? Hes not going to escape?" I acted as if I was completely frantic and afraid of him. "Yes, he is safely locked away. You were lucky, two people leaving the diner heard you cry out then nothing more. The looked down there and saw you being assaulted. Pity we only caught the one. I can't imagine where the other's got off to, people were all over there, the only way up was the way you came, and we searched along the cliffs for an hour. There was no where they could have swam to." he seemed mildly concerned about this, then shrugged, "So, how is our hero doing?" I visibly calmed from his words, "I suppose I could be worse. They could have succeeded in killing me." I sat up, keeping the sheet wrapped around me. I had pulled the IV out earlier, there was a dribble on the table where I had set the needles. I found the valve and turned it off, "Would you like my to draw you pictures of the other three?" I asked him, wanting to get a hold of a piece of paper. "Oh, sure, I take it your a good artist?" He asked, and pulled a form from his folder, turning it over as scratch paper. "I'm pretty good." I lied, really I couldn't draw a stick man right. With a pencil in hand, I began writing, he looked confused for a moment, until he read it "Just keep talking normal, room is bugged." He nodded, "So, what were you doing in town and the events that lead up to where I found you." "Well," I told him, then wrote a word, "I couldn't do the lifeguard thing anymore after the incident with the dolphin. I was meeting my mother yesterday, and gave her a bunch of my stuff. I was planning to start traveling with my savings you know?" on the paper I wrote between each pause, "The nurse who took you in here, actually works for the government. The organization she works with is the one who is holding my ex boyfriend, Steve Jacobson." The look on his face, he didn't believe it in the least, I sighed quietly, "Any way, I like the sea, and was sitting down under the pier, I do that a lot, its peaceful there." while I told him that, I wrote while pausing frequently in my speech, "I can show you something that will make you believe me. Aside from my coloring and skin texture. But you have to promise, after you see this proof you will believe everything else I tell you.." in speech I asked, "Promise me I wont get in trouble for this?" then in a quiet voice, "I was masturbating." He paused a moment, staring at me, "I promise, I will.. I mean I wont tell anyone. So I take it they saw you, and..." he paused, phrasing carefully what he said, "wanted to indulge themselves?" "yes Sir." I told him, putting down the paper and sliding my legs over the edge of the bed, "Help me up would you? I need to go to the bathroom." "Of course." he took my arm, and looked away from my nude form. Though I could support myself easily enough, I needed an excuse. I grabbed the paper, taking it with. The water on, I wrote down, "hold your breath, and don't make a sound of surprise or anything." he nodded. I left the paper on the back of the toilet and stepped in to the shower again, over the drain. This time I only changed my lower half to that of a dolphin, hanging on to the hand rails. My eyes on his, I watched them go as wide as saucers but he did as I suggested. He didn't make a single sound but stared at me for at least a minute. I changed back quickly and made as if washing my hands. As soon as they were dry, I wrote down, "that I was changed this way, and so was my boyfriend. He went to the hospital when he got sick during his change, I stayed at home. Now they figured out that I am one too, and they intend to imprison me as well. I hope you will help me." He nodded his head while reading, then touched my shoulder lightly and gave me a thumbs up, "You done in there?" he asked. "Yeah, just give me a second, trying to wrap a towel around my waist. Wonder why they didn't give me a gown." I said, sticking my head behind the door so it would sound muffled. He moved out of the way, and helped me back in to bed. He took the paper as well and wrote down, "so what are you going to do? Your barely well enough to move." I took it back, while continuing to tell him some fabrication about what happened, "I just need you to find and remove that tracking device. She stitched a wound in me, I'm pretty sure its there. I'm still mostly numb from the Novocaine." when he made a questioning gesture, I pointed between my legs. He winced and nodded. Continuing to tell him about the situation, and making up bits and pieces that were irrelevant he slid his fingers in to me. I was laying down again, hips lifted just slightly. I couldn't feel more than slight pressure, but he nodded slightly after a moment. There was a sharp pain, and a tug. I winced though made no sound, then he drew a small plastic disk with bloodied threads hanging from it. The look on his face was priceless for sure, he was both appalled, fascinated, and embarrassed. I felt for him, I did, it wasn't every day you ripped the stitches out of a woman's crotch. I took it from him and tucked it under my pillow, "there." I wrote, "now they wont be able to keep track of me. I need to leave immediately." He nodded then gave a sigh, "I'm afraid these drawings wont be good enough, maybe I'll have a professional come in. I should let you get some rest, god knows, the news will be sniffing at this smelling blood." He stood up again and pushed the chair to the side. The papers he took from me and tucked in his folder, then walked towards the door. "Thank you Sir." I told him, and he motioned towards the window. I nodded. We were on the first floor, and the window could be opened easily enough. He flashed a smile at me, "We will get the rest of them, don't you worry, and the one we have won't be getting away any time soon." He left then, and a moment later the fake nurse came back, too soon for me to even get out of bed. I asked her, "Could I get some clothes or something? I feel rather naked here." "Oh of course dear, let me fetch you some real quick." she replied and stepped out again. I didn't know if it would be enough time, so I just laid there waiting. Maybe when she left again for me to rest, I would take the opportunity. She returned quickly, and I was glad I hadn't tried to leave then. She held what looked like nurses pants and shirt, "Thanks." I told her and tried to crawl out of bed. She helped me get out and dress, then I got back in and made as if that little movement had left me completely exhausted. "A couple of your friends stopped by, but visiting hours are over. I'll check in on you again in an hour, but you should get your rest, you have nothing to be afraid of here. I'll station a guard outside your door for your protection, alright?" she said, sounding so sweet and helpful. I wanted to hit her. "Thanks." I mumbled again, head turned to the side, towards the window. A storm was rolling in, I could see the dark clouds off over the ocean. I thanked whatever gods of the sea there might be.
    • * I did in truth sleep though I hadn't wanted to. I woke again when the door opened, and she came in to check my vitals. Blood pressure, heart rate, and what I could only assume was my blood sugar. When she left, I waited five minutes or so, then climbed out of bed. The rain was streaking over the window now, it would be a wet escape. A look out the door showed me a nearly empty hallway, and a guard in a chair sitting next to the door, "Excuse me?" I asked, he looked up and smiled, it was one of the security guards, though I couldn't be sure he wasn't just wearing that uniform, "I was wanting to check my list of allowed fluids. I'm thirsty and craving orange juice." He frowned a moment, "well, I'm not sure if orange juice is on it or not. But its sitting right over here, let me grab it for you." I gave him a warm smile and watched him. It seemed the doctor just left it in the paper slot next to my door, along with a few others, "Hum, orange juice isnt on the list, so you can have some." I reached up and took the paper from him, just to look it over. Most of the things were strange, certain elemental compounds, and even one made me laugh, "crude oil? Who in the world would drink crude oil? Isn't it poison to everyone anyhow?" "I don't have any idea, the chemical formulas instead of names for some of them for instance. As if I'm going to do a chemical analysis of every drink brought up here." He replied sounding as amused as me. "Well, I was pretty good in chemistry, and I recognize one of these as a cleaning agent. My question is how they determined which of these were poisonous to me, or better yet, why bother? Did they force feed some one crude oil and cleaning fluids?" I shuddered, thinking of the underground facility Steve was being held in. "Who knows. But anyhow, you can punch the room service button on your phone. I'll be sure to run my pocket spectral analyzer on the juice when they bring it up! No crude oil will get past me." He saluted, and I handed the paper back to him. Interestingly the paper had said ground water was unsafe for drinking all around. Though purified water, or even treated water was safe, no matter its source. It begged the question, what was it about the water that disrupted my body? I shut the door and went to the window. Very quietly I unlatched it and began to slide it open. Water splashed in,feeling good on my face though weighing down my bandages and clothes. The sound was louder, but not enough to alert the guard. I breathed a sigh of relief and began to crawl my way out. As soon as I was on the ledge, I shut the window behind me and looked down. First floor, yeah, but still a good six feet up. Getting down was awkward, I scraped my knee on the ledge, then nearly fell as there were no foot holds below it. But hanging from it, my feet were only a short distance from the ground, I dropped. The landing was painful, and I sprawled back on my rear. Too many wounds jarred by it, I was limp for a good minute or two, just trembling in pain. Free though, and behind the bushes for cover. It was still day, but it was dark due to the storm. Visibility was down quite a bit. By the officer's gestures I assumed he was waiting for me out there some where, but I couldn't see. Instead I made my way to the road, looking about for cars. There was nothing. I didn't know where to go really, I wasn't well enough to travel and nor did I wish to endanger any of my friends by hiding with them. I was almost scared of the sea at the moment, the others were still out there. I went to the one place I knew I could trust. The police station. It was quiet, just a receptionist up front, "Hi, I'm looking for Officer Martinez?" I told her. "Oh, is this involving that sea side assault case?" She asked with a smile, I nodded, "Well I'm sorry but that case has been closed and Officer Martinez has been reassigned. I think the chief sent him out to check on some domestic violence report." "I see... okay... thank you." I told her, then turned away. "Your that girl from the news, the one who fought off the dolphin, arnt you?" I looked back and nodded, "Yeah." "You look a bit more beat up than you did on the news, though they only got a fleeting glimpse of you, so I suppose it could have been from your better side." she told me. I felt angry and betrayed all at once, "The way I look now is from being nearly killed under the pier this morning. But the case is closed and most of them are still free. Tell Officer Martinez thank you, and that I'm leaving" As I spoke, her face turned red, and she looked utterly appalled, when I was done she nodded quickly, "I'm so sorry... some government lady came in and pulled the plug then took the suspect away in a white van. All I heard was something about tying up loose ends." I sighed, feeling miserable now, "Don't worry about it, the government thinks it can crush every one of us, but its in over its head. Like I said, I'm leaving. Maybe you will see me on the news again some day." And with that confusing statement, I left the building, back in to the storm and walked towards the sea. I would free Steve and make him help me north.
    • * The water was troubled, big waves crashing against the shore. It was easy to cut through them once I changed, though awkward to swim with the clothing in my mouth. I dived, hurting everywhere, I could rest in the airy part of the tunnel though. It was tiring, and I was growing short of breath before I even saw the light, but still I strained onwards. Eventually I broke free, and collapsed on to the walk way between channels. I transformed to human shape, and rested for a few minutes, breathing heavily and shaking with pain. It was a while before I had the strength to grab my tools and crawl back up in to the spillway. My work was waiting for me, just as I had left it. Steve was in another corner, snoring quietly. I so wanted to call out to him, but I wouldn't betray my presence until I had the grate open and I felt the moon rising. He wouldn't yet be able to control his change most likely so he could only go through the tunnel when the moon forced him. Weaker than before, It took even longer to cut through each bar. Plus with repeated catnaps, and twinges of sheer agony from the broken ribs, I was close to giving up. I had all of the third side done though, by the time breakfast arrived for him. I didn't know how long I had left, but the moon would peak around noon. I cut faster. More and more drowsy, but I refused to nap. The bars were too stiff to bend with all eight holding, so I cut one from each side, then two from each side. It gave a little at a push from my feet, but not enough, I was too weak and the moon was already upon me. I heard Steve whimper loudly and look towards the sky. It was now or never I thought, and called to him. "If you intend to escape, help me open these bars." I told him. He shot up like a lightning bolt and stared across the pool. He could see the grating, though from the expression on his face, he didn't see me. I gave the grate a shake, and he ran towards the water. His swimming was good, he had grown up by the sea after all. Once he got to me, he whispered, "Anna... what are you doing here? You can't see this, leave, please." "Oh shut up you fool and grab the grate, I'm too weak to bend it down myself." I snapped at him angrily, still pushing at it, with my shoulder this time. He did as told, shutting up, and dug his fingers in to it. He was much stronger, and as I felt the tug of the moon, the gate gave way with a great splash. I dropped down, and he followed seconds later behind me. On to the middle aisle, then in to the channel, and I said sharply, "Let the change take you, and follow me out, be sure to take a deep breath, its a long swim.." I watched him hold his breath and laughed, "In dolphin form you dolt." He changed before me, having less control, I resisted until he was fully shaped and ready. I grabbed my bag of tools, with my clothes in it, and fed the strap to his beak, "Carry these." I told him, then dived in and started off, changing quickly and rushing down the tunnel as fast as I could. We were nearly out when I heard the distant siren, they had found his escape. I knew they would, they had to have some system in place to watch, even if they didn't expect anyone to get out. I was out the tunnel like a bullet, aching everywhere, then upwards towards the sky. The storm had cleared, which I was sorry for. Deep breaths, feeling overly tired as the sun baked down on my body. Wounds burned where I had been cut and scraped the day before. The bandages had been lost when I first changed, including the wrap around my chest. I hoped my rib would heal well without it. A sound made me look up, helicopters. I cursed, and swam north as fast as I could, just under the surface. They were towards the south of the coast though, looking for me in familiar territory most likely. I went towards the rocks that had nearly killed me before. Then swam along them, careful to avoid jagged edges, but trusting the breakers to hide our silhouettes. Some time later, I found a water hollowed cave, with a small beach under ground. It was the best chance. I could barely stay conscious and the pain was too much. Still he was following me, though made almost no sounds, not a click, not a squeal, just the swish of his tail when ever it broke the surface. I transformed then and crawled on to the dry pebbles. It was high tide this room was nearly full, there was a single spout up towards the sky, letting in minimal light, but it would give us cover. He too changed and collapsed on the ground, panting. I laid there, eyes slowly closing, hearing his breath, then hearing his questions but I was too far gone. A minute later, maybe a second later, I was asleep.
    • * I woke to water tickling my feet, the tide was coming in again. I sat up, aching head to toe, but most of the sharp pains were dulled now. It was night, and the cave was pitch black. I could hear him snoring quietly a few feet away. My stomach growled and I slipped in to the water. Outside I could see boats going back and forth along the coast. I wondered if they had equipment to detect the click of echolocation, I didn't dare tempt fate. Instead I dived, hunting near blind for a fish or two. It was past the tide by the time my belly was full, and my way in to the cave was so shallow I had to change and walk it. Steve was awake, and startled when he heard me enter again, "You hungry? I brought a fish back for you." "You went to the store?" he asked. I stifled a laugh and sat down, tossing the still flopping thing in to his lap, "Were dolphin's you goof, I ate my fill and caught one for you." "Were-what?" he asked, bewildered. It struck me, he didn't know anything. I didn't begin to really learn until I had learned to control my change, but he truly knew nothing. "Let me tell you a story." I said quietly, then added, "while you eat." I could hear his grunt of disgust. "It's still moving." he said. "Then bash it against a rock and eat, raw fish is about the only thing your going to get to eat for the next few months, get used to it." I snapped, my temper very short due to the constant pain, "Now eat and let me talk." I said in a softer voice. "Sorry, go ahead." He mumbled, then began to pick at the fish, trying to figure out how to eat it that made him least squeamish. I told him everything from the start. Not a detail held back that I could remember, and took some sort of satisfaction when I saw him looking akin to a beaten dog when I came to the part where he was involved. I was glad he had enough decency to feel shame for what he had done. I even wondered how I could forgive him, but I felt little animosity towards him now, only a mild lack of patience. Eventually he ate the meat off his fish, claiming it really wasn't that bad either. I told him about his mother, and what she now knew. I told him of the government and their nasty policy, as well as of the others of our kind. When I was done, he was silent, and just sat with his back to the stone. "I'm going north until the water is too cold for comfort, then I'm going west, across the sea. Your welcome to go whatever direction you want, though I would appreciate the company." I said. The sun was beginning to rise and the room was lightening, "we might have to stay here for a few days though until the search gets called off. I need to rest any how and you need to learn how to control your change." He was silent still, for a long while, staring at the pools of water as the light increased. Finally he said, "I am sorry for everything I have done. I will make it up to you-I'll come."
    • * Epilogue * * * "Margarete, may I call you that? We know you are in touch with your daughter. We have recordings between you and Julia Jacobson in which you state you have heard from them." The woman said, with a sweet smile that didn't reach her eyes. The cup of coffee in her hands, untasted, slowly rotating back and forth. I pointed to the fridge, covered in postcards, "I told you what I know, thats where they have been, thats all I know. And for the last time, no, you cannot take the postcards. What little information they will give, is far less important than the sentimental value to me. The last one was from Australia, see?" I pushed it across the table, showing some famous building I didn't know the name of, "And here on the back, it says they are doing fine, their two kids are swimming strong again and are now watching what they eat. Why don't you just give up and leave me alone. As much as I enjoy our little chats over coffee, your poor company." "So then, with this time line, they went from japan to china, down to the Philippines and to Australia, stopping every so often along. Where are they headed now?" She asked, for the fiftieth time this morning. I slapped the table, "We are done, go plant your bugs and stick cameras in my toilet or whatever else you sickos do, I have to go to the store. Be gone by the time I get back." She tried to object, I simply grabbed my purse and walked to the front door, "Oh and lock the door on your way out would you? The government can harass little old ladies like me but cant keep the streets safe, I don't feel like coming back to a ransacked home... oh, right, too late!" the door slammed behind me. Ten years of this, every few months another visit, bugs replaced. I was used to it and so was the woman. I never did learn her name, nor did I really care anymore. The anger was mostly for show, it is amazing some times the kind of stuff you can grow accustomed to. Years before I had stopped caring, once the news had gotten out. Few believed it, but it was public knowledge now, there were dolphin men and women. Mostly stuff in the tabloids, the government tried to suppress all the hard evidence, but it was known now. Turned out there were many of them, tucked away in little groups all around the world. But my daughter, the first one to break the silence, even if it wasn't believed. Special effects and subterfuge was the common explanation. It was japan after all that the broadcast had come from.