Hover racer

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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Hover Racer by Raven Fox: A human male who loves racing illegally ends up on the planet Cronus. The planet populated by anthropomorphic beings hold their own type of racing. This story happens at the same time as the story of: The adventures of Lisa the vixen.

Everett Washington present day, a house in the residential neighborhood.

Tim an eighteen year old male is getting ready for school. He cusses to himself as he puts his books in his pack. The light brown hair human looks at his reflection as he combs his hair looking at his brown eyes. "I would have been settled at a job by now, but Ms. Prinz has gotten me held back in my freshman year. I didn't need to go to summer school, that teacher had in for me because I like to go fast. Sorry Ms. Prinz, I didn't mean to scare your favorite student that one day." Tim laughs to himself thinking of the times he intimidated some students with his motorcycle.

"Tim, breakfast is ready!" Yelled a female voice outside his door.

"Ok mom, be down in a sec." He replied, muttering to himself as he leaves his room. "I can't wait till I get out of school; I am going to get into NASCAR." Tim smiles to himself.

He walks down the stairs to the kitchen, sits at the table to eat his meal. Tammy his mother looks at him with mixed feelings. "Why did you refuse to go to summer school a few years back? You kept the notices to yourself and made sure you that you answered the phone. I hope you learn your lesson." She thought to herself as she watched her small build son eat his breakfast.

Mariner high school later.

Tim got out of his car, looks at the gray colored two story high school. He glares at a couple of students walking in to the building. "Dam narks, telling the police where we race at."

"Tim, come over here." Said a male voice nearby. Tim looks at a blonde hair tall guy.

"Paul, what's happening?" Said Tim, walking over to his friend.

Paul looks at the five foot tall guy walking to him. "Not much dude, we have a race tonight." The almost six foot tall guy with blue eyes grins. "We're holding the race at Paine Field after 9:00 p.m. tonight. Don't worry, the airport closes runway 11-29 at that time. My sources tell me that between 9:30 to 10:00, there are no planes flying at the airfield tonight. So, we have a half hour window to use that runway for drag racing. So Tim, feel like having fun tonight?"

Tim looked at his best friend and grins wickedly. "Count me in; I can't turn down an opportunity like this. Tell me more about this race." As the two friends walk toward the school. Unknown to the two humans a redhead woman is watching them with green eyes with flecks of gold in the green coloring. The shoulder length red hair has dark gray high lights in it. She watches then for a minute, then walks down the street. The woman takes out a cell phone.

"Todd, I saw him real close. He's around our size, so the only adjustment needed is to change the seat in the racer." The woman said in to the cell phone.

"Alice, what's he doing now?" Said Todd from the cell phone.

"He's going to his education center, I just watched him talk to his friend. He jumped at the chance to race on that airport's runway. I am returning to the ship, I can't stand this disguise, it's too tight in the chest area." Said Alice as she walked to a small car and got in. The car drove down the street and vanished from sight.

That evening Paine Field airport, runway 11-29.

Tim looked at the length of the runway. He smiled at the darken length of asphalt, with no lights illuminating it. Paul walked up to him with a woman with red hair with dark gray high lights. Tim looked at the woman with light skin and green eyes. "Tim, this is Alice. She's a talent scout for NASCAR, plus she's the one that gave me the information about the flight times."

Alice held out her hand, Tim shook it and smiled looking at her small build with small breasts. "Pleasure to meet you Alice, I am hoping that when I finish school, that I make a career in the racing circuit."

"Impress me Tim; I'll make sure that after you finish school. I'll have you at a training camp starting this summer." Said Alice looking at Tim. "If you do impress me, you'll be going on a trip in a half hour. I hope my real appearance won't frighten you." Alice thought to herself as Tim got in his car.

The 2000 modified Honda Civic sat at the end of the runway. Tim glanced over to the Toyota Corolla next to him, a gal stood in front of the cars. She whipped a flag down and the two cars raced down the runway. Tim grinned as he felt the surge of power as his body is pressed to his seat. He glanced ahead as he saw the red light that marks the end of the race. Tim glances to his right seeing the front end of the Toyota. "Man this is going to be close; I am only a half of car length a head of him." Tim gives his car more gas and his lead increased.

Alice watched the race near Paul, she looked over to him. "Impressive, he has potential. I am glad you got a hold of me about him."

Paul glanced over to Alice. "So, what happens now?"

She looks over to Paul and grins. "I'll make a recommendation to some personal, since you discovered him, you will be rewarded. I can't give you cash, but is there a college you want to go to?" Paul grins at Alice and tells her, she nods handing Paul a piece of paper. "Go to this address and the personal will take care of you." Alice walks off smiling to herself. "Now is the time to catch me a human."

Later at Casino road at Everett.

Tim is driving home to his mom's house. He grins at the thought of a chance in a career in racing. Tim stops the car after seeing after seeing a car at the side of the road, he sees Alice looking at the open hood. "I better see what's wrong. A good looking gal like her will get attacked here." He gets out of his car and walks toward her.

Alice grinned when she heard the car pulled over. She looked up at Tim, who's walking toward her. Alice then looked at her car and shrugged. "It just quit running, I think it's a loose connection somewhere."

Tim looked at Alice and grinned. "I'll take a look at it." He bends over the open hood of the car. Tim saw a dark gray cylindrical object laying horizontal with a couple of glowing spheres. "What kind of engine is this?" He falls unconscious to the street. Alice is holding a type of gun.

Unknown room a couple of hours later.

Tim woke up feeling dizzy; he rubbed his eyes and looked around. He's lying on a type of bed. The human saw Alice looking at him sitting at a chair. She's wearing a two piece bikini light blue in color. Alice stands up and walks toward him. Tim studied the light colored skin; he noted that she has a 34 D breast size with hardly a cleavage. "Well Tim, I am glad you're awake, now I can remove this disguise." She pushes a button on a watch she's wearing.

Tim watches as Alice changed before him. She's covered in a blue light, he watched as the bikini top stretched as the breast size increased filling in the cups. She grew fur allover her body. Tim watched as a tail appeared behind her. Alice's face lengthens into a muzzle, and then her hair changed color. Two pointed ears appeared, and then the blue light vanished.

An anthropomorphic fox vixen stood in front of Tim, she smiled at him and cocked her head. "I really don't like wearing that disguise; it's too tight in the chest area." The vixen caresses her 36 DD's. "Yes, I still go by the name of Alice, the reason I have you here is my team needs a good driver for racing. I sure hope you accept our offer, you won't regret it."

Tim looked at the vixen standing near him. She's around his height with a small build on her. He looked at her fur coloring, just like a dark orange fox with the black socks and gloves. Alice has a slight different coloring to her; she has a dark gray coloring to her dark orange. Tim looked at her green colored eyes with flecks of gold. Her head hair is dark red with streaks of dark gray and tan, going pass her shoulders. He looked at Alice, noting her white pattern started at her checks, going under her jaw to the front of her neck down the front of her torso to her inner thighs. Tim looked at the large tuff of hair spreading over her large breasts; he started feeling an erection looking at the bikini clad vixen. "Well, I admit I am a little upset of how I got here. So, what type of racing will I be doing? I hope it's more exciting than auto racing."

Alice grinned showing her teeth. "Tim, the type of racing you'll be doing is fast and dangerous. You know that feeling you get when shooting down the drag strip, knowing that one mistake, you'll crash in to a parked vehicle or light pole." Tim nodded, still with a shocked look on his features. "Well my human friend, picture that feeling at ten fold, and while going over 350 mph."

The human's eyes widen. "There isn't a vehicle that can go that fast, unless its jet powered." Tim said still staring at the vixen.

"Tim, my race is four hundred years ahead of your planet in technology; right now we're passing the planet Pluto. We anthros do love going fast in speed, but some of us can't race, do to some problems. I can't, due to the possibility of tearing some blood vessels in my brain. I've been studying you for the last two days, since your friend Paul got a hold of me. He answered our add, that was asking for rookie racers." Said Alice adjusting her bikini.

Tim is still staring at the vixen with mixed thoughts. One part of him wants to have sexual intercourse with her, due to his fetish of looking at web sites with drawings of nude anthros. The other part of him want to hold the vixen hostage and demand that he is returned to Earth, but his dare devil side got a hold of him. "So Alice, what kind of racing will I be doing?"

Alice looked at Tim with her green eyes, glanced down at the bulge in his pants. "You'll be driving a type of vehicle that hovers a couple of feet off the ground, it's small and fast. My brother Todd can't race anymore due to an accident a month back, so we ran an add at a few newspapers on Earth. Your friend Paul was on the internet a couple days ago and saw our add. Our ship has been orbiting the Earth in the last two days. Tim, the military on Earth can't spot this ship due to the stealth technology on it, so we studied you and scanned you to see if your body can't take the speeds of the racer."

"Ok, count me in, I found my life boring back at home. So Alice, can I be close to you?" Tim asked the vixen.

Alice walks close to Tim, hugs him giving him a kiss. "Let's see what happens Tim, it's a 3 to 1 ratio of females to males, the females out numbering the males. So your chances are good with me."

The human felt relaxed feeling the large breasts on his chest, plus feeling her fur of her arms on his neck. "I am looking forward in getting to know you Alice." As he felt her hand grab his as he is lead out of the room to the passage way of the ship.

One hour later, at a bay.

"What is this vehicle?" Asked Tim looking at the racer. The racer is fifteen feet long and five feet wide at the back. The craft tapered to a five inch point at the front, it has stubby wings at the back and smaller ones near the front. Tim walked around it admiring the sleek construction of the racer. Right now, it's sitting on supports. Tim guest the racer stood four feet tall from the bottom to the top. He walked around back looking at four nozzles sticking out the back.

"This vehicle is a VX5800 racer, powered by four DXG9200 engines. The onboard computer is a Xeon 6700, you need it so you can turn the racer when going over 300 MPH. This type of racer is popular, because it's fast and maneuverable, plus forgiving on rookies." Alice said as she opened the bubble canopy. "Take a seat and I'll explain the controls.

Tim sat in the seat, glancing at the controls. He saw two control sticks, one on each side of the seat, sticking out of the side walls. They looked like motorcycle grips, plus levers on them like the front brake and clutch from his cycle. Tim felt like he's sitting on gelatin. He looked at the panel seeing that it is dark. Alice turned a switch and the panel lit up with orange lettering. The panel is flashing a warning, that the fuel cell is empty. Tim saw that all the readings are reading zero.

Alice cleared her throat. "The sticks are for turning, you pull the left one, while pushing on the right one to make a left turn, you reverse them for a right turn. Twisting the right hand grip is the throttle, the levers are for braking. Squeeze the left one to do a power slide to the left, the right hand one for a slide to the right. You squeeze both to stop the vehicle."

Tim nodded while listening to Alice explaining the racer to him. "How does this racer float two feet off the ground?"

Alice looked at Tim and smiled. "Oh, the repulser coils do that job." She saw Tim's puzzled look, then chuckled. "Did you ever break a small magnet and tried putting the pieces back together?"

"Yes, you can't put them back together, because like charges repel each other." Replied Tim looking at Alice with a smirk.

Alice adjusted a bikini strap on her shoulder. "The coils send out a charge matching a planets gravity field, forcing the craft to float a couple of feet off the ground. You can crawl under the craft and feel nothing."

Tim glanced around the dark gray colored cockpit of the racer. He pulled up and examined one of the straps of the four point racing harness. Alice reached down and shut off the switch and the panel darken. Tim looked down Alice's bikini top as she bend over, his penis stiffen when he saw between her hairy breasts. A hand grabbed his and he felt it go under the bikini top. He felt fine hair and the soft skin of the areola, plus the firm breast tissue.

"I hope that satisfy your curiosity, but I better get rid of that erection Tim." Said Alice as she undone his pants.

Tim felt Alice's muzzle engulfed his penis, he gripped the control sticks of the racer. The human looked at the vixen's head slightly bobbing as she gave him oral sex. Tim tilted his head back as he felt the warm wet muzzle on his organ. He felt the canine teeth rubbing the sides of his penis adding to the thrill. Tim thought of the times he masturbated, noting that this sensation felt a lot better. He thought to himself, feeling the vixen's tongue wrapped around his penis, what sexual intercourse felt like because he never had sex with a female. Tim tensed as he ejaculated into Alice's muzzle. She sucked up every bit of seamen out of his penis, plus sucked on it more till it got soft.

Ten minutes later, while walking down the passageway.

Tim is holding Alice's hand while going down the brightly lit passageway. He studied some writing over the doors. "Alice, what language did your people write and speak?"

Alice turned her head to Tim and grinned. "We speak the language of vulpis, if you saw our writing without the translator bots. The writing will look like a bunch of line scratches, plus I'll sound like a small dog barking at you. The translator bots are microscopic machines that are now at parts of your brain translating my barks to your language. I used a device in my wrist to talk to you and your friend Paul when I was on Earth. My brother Todd injected you with the translator bots when you first came on board."

"So, how's our rookie driver sis?" Said a male orange anthro fox rolling up to Alice on a type of wheelchair.

"He's doing fine little brother." Said Alice hugging him, then looking at Tim. "Tim this is my brother Todd, don't worry about his injuries. He'll be walking again in a month after one more operation. The medical place has to grow a new spinal cord for him."

"That must cost a lot of money; you guys must have good insurance." Said Tim looking at the high tech chair.

Alice laughed, holding her sides. "Tim, like I said earlier. You humans are primitive compared to us anthros. His bills are nothing; our medical places are run by our government. Our health care system is superior compared to Earth. I know I am putting down your country Tim, the U.S. can learn a lot from us. If we ever wanted to do a first contact with Earth, we'll contact Europe or Canada first."

Tim looked at the two foxes; he knew that they are right. He watched some of Michel Moore's films about health care in other countries. "I would to if I were you guys, but in my opinion Earth isn't ready for a first contact from a space fairing race. Alice, don't get upset, how old are you?" Asked Tim looking at her.

She shrugged and tilted her head. "I am twenty one Earth years, I know you're eighteen. My brother Todd is nineteen; I was originally the main driver for this team till I started getting bad headaches while racing. My brother took over when he turned eighteen, everything seem fine till a month ago." Alice looked at her brother in his wheel chair.

Three days later, the planet Cronus.

Tim sat in the cockpit of the racer. He felt Alice secure his helmet to the seat back with narrow straps. Tim knew that those straps kept his head from whipping around, he knew of a couple of NASCAR drivers who died in crashes from their heads whipping in a crash. The human is suited up in a one piece outfit like what professional racers wear. The canopy closed, he flipped the switches and the panel lit up. Tim heard a faint humming sound.

"Tim, radio check." Said Alice in the headset built into the helmet.

"Loud and clear, testing one two three." Replied Tim, as he looked to his right. He saw Alice and Todd near by. Tim also saw a few other foxes and a couple of wolves.

"All right, we're going start you on the training course. It's got the turns you're going to run in to, we have the racer govern so its max speed is eighty. We do this so you can get the feel of making the turns. The max speed will increase at forty MPH at every two laps, if you don't hit anything, if you do, the speed won't increase. If you want to go faster, you half to make no mistakes." Said Alice in his headset.

Tim smiled as he started the racer, he felt the craft rise as the repulser coils energized. The human felt the craft adjusted itself as the computer leveled it. Tim looked at the course in front of him; it looked like a road at a rural area on Earth. The course according to Alice is an easy course for beginners, it comprised of the turns, terrain and jumps. He started the engines; the cockpit is enveloped of a humming sound of an electric motor. Tim glanced at the panel seeing the readouts at normal parameters. The human twisted the throttle to its stop, the craft stood still. "One thing I got to tell you Tim, at the starting line, a device keeps the racers stopped till the official starts the race. It keeps racers from jumping the gun, a safety measure." Said Alice's voice in his headset.

Tim felt the racer lurch forward as the scenery went by. He grinned as he gained the feeling of the racer. "This is more fun that street racing." He said to himself as he went around the course.

"Wait till you're in a real race Tim, then it gets more exciting. You're going to spend a couple more hours on this course, and then I'll send in a few drones to imitate other racers. You'll get bumped and pushed by other racers; the drones will do that to you so you'll be ready at a real race." Alice said to him as he continued in the course.

The human grinned as he maneuvered the course; a couple of hour's later Alice released a few drones to have him get the feel of racing with others. The drones bumped him and pushed him around the course. Tim managed to keep the racer on the course without serious problems.

Todd watched the training by his sister with a grin. "He's doing good sis, a natural racer. Such a shame he was born a human on Earth."

Alice turned to him and shrugged. "You're right baby brother; I'll say that in a month he'll be ready. We'll start him at the semi-pro to see if he's ready, if he screws up, we'll send him back at the beginner's circuit."

Todd turned his head and watched the rebuilt racer go thru the course. "I envy you Tim; I wish it was me at the controls. One rule at Cronus, if you get in a bad accident, you can't race again for the rest of your life." The male fox chuckled to himself.

Two months later, the planet Erous.

Tim sat in the racer as he waited for the race to start. The human is doing well at the race circuit. He flexed his hands and thought of the events in the last month since he started racing. Tim found out that there are two other humans, a twenty one year old male from Russia and a nineteen year old female from France. They do get along when they aren't racing, when on the race course, it's a different story. The male from Russia races for a group of wolves and the female from France races for another team of foxes. "Well, I been in six races, finished all of them. I have been in third place four times, second, once and fourth on my first race." Tim said to himself as he looked at the other racers.

"Tim, don't break any speed records on this course. This is the same course Todd had his accident on, just finish this race." Alice said in his headset.

"Ok, I'll just stay in the middle, maybe shoot for third." Tim responded as he looked ahead, the human from Russia is in front of him.

"I don't care, just mainly finish this race. You have enough points to go to the next circuit, just make sure your belts are snugged for that one hundred fifty foot drop off that waterfall." Alice said as Tim checked the belts.

The race started with no problems. Tim found himself at fourth place, at the advice of Alice, he stayed put. The human stayed one length behind the Russian. He concentrated as he went through the course. The race ended up on a river and now he' getting sprayed with water, a force field kept the water from building on the canopy. Tim watched as the racers in front of him disappeared. "Hang on Tim; you're going down the waterfall!" Alice yelled in his headset.

"OOOOHHHH SSSHHIITT!!!" Tim screamed as his racer went down the waterfall. He felt his stomach go into his chest, his heart go in to his throat. There's a big splash and lurch as the racer hit the water. After everything cleared, Tim found himself in third place.

"Tim, a racer stalled at the waterfall, that's why you're in third place. Stay at your current position, for right now. Get the feel of this course, you have three laps left." Alice gently spoke in his headset. "How did you like that drop?" She asked with a snicker.

"It was fun, I am glad that I'll encounter it three more times." Tim laughed as he continued the race.

The race continued, at the last lap, Tim is still in third place. The human made his move at the river. Tim increased his speed at the river; the speed went to max as he went off the waterfall. The racer flew into first place as he went back on the river. Tim felt a bump and saw the Russian next to him. He did the pointing motion to Marko, the Russian nodded as they did a one on one race to the finish line.

"What are they doing sis?" Asked Todd as the two foxes watched the monitor. The two racers are side by side going down the final stretch.

Alice grinned at her brother. "A drag race, they're having a duel to the finish line. It's what two human males like do to see who's better." The vixen said as she watched the two racers approach the finish line.

"We don't know yet who finished; the judges have to look at a couple of frames to see who won. So stand by till we get the results." The announcer said to the crowd.

Todd chuckled rubbing a brace on his leg. He can walk now, but there's a set of braces aiding his legs so he can walk. "Well Alice, this race turned out to be a good one. I don't care if he ends up in second place."

"Neither do I Todd, like what Tim says. It's not who wins, it's how you race. I am rewarding him tonight." Said Alice looking at her brother.

Todd looked at his older sister. He knows that there are not that many male foxes. Alice doesn't want to be second wife to another vixen. Some vixens go to other species for a mate. Todd nodded at his sister and she hugged him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the results are in. Marko of Earth has won the race by one inch. The races are always exciting at Erous raceway." The announcer said to the crowd, the crowd cheered.

That evening, at Tim's stateroom.

Tim grinned as he got ready for bed. The human chuckled to himself as he pulled back the covers of his bed. "Well, I don't care about the results, that was a fun race. Till next time my Russian friend, I'll be the victor."

There's a knock at the door, he answered it. Alice walked in looking at him. She's wearing a light green bikini. The vixen looked at him and smiled. "Tim, I know we only know each other for a couple of months. I grown real fond of you, I did some serious thinking. Will you come live with me in my stateroom?" Tim nodded as Alice led him out of his stateroom.

Tim followed Alice to her stateroom. The human felt a wave of emotions go thru his body as he followed the vixen. The other anthros looked at the expression on Alice's muzzle as she walked by, then they looked at Tim. They grinned knowing what's going to happen to him.

"Tim, we'll get your stuff later, we're going to make it official." Said Alice as they went into her stateroom.

Tim looked at the room; it's a little larger then the one he was staying in. He has been in once before. The human lay on the bed after stripping down to his underwear. A hand touched his shoulder. Tim watched as Alice removed her bikini and then she removed his underwear. The human stared at the naked vixen before him. She has nice firm large breasts with two inch areolas. "Uh, Alice, I never done this before." Said Tim with a nervous tone in his voice.

The vixen grinned at Tim, running a finger under his chin. "Don't worry my human mate. I'll show you the ropes; I'll guarantee you'll enjoy this." She runs a finger down his chest. Tim shivered as the blunt canine claw circles one of his nipples. She climbed onto the bed sitting on his legs. Alice got up, grabbed his erect penis and guided it to her vagina. Tim looked down, watched as his penis disappeared into the vixen. He gasped as he just lost his virginity to Alice. She hugged him close to her breasts, the humans face is at the large tuff of hair at her chest. The human smelled a sweet musk odor from her as he inhaled her scent. Tim felt a warm wetness on his penis as Alice did all the work. He felt her rounded ass and fondled her bushy tail. Alice moved his head to one of the pink areolas and had him suck on one. He felt her vaginal walls contract as she orgasm. Alice cradled his head and looked at him with a compassionate look. He looked at her green eyes with fleck of gold on the irises, with the slitted pupils. Tim stroked her back feeling the fine fur on her body. A while later he whimpered as he ejaculated in her, Alice stroked his hair giving him a kiss. Tim lay down as Alice cleaned him, a minute later he fell asleep in her embrace.

Hours later, Alice's stateroom.

Todd opened the door and turned on the light. Tim opened his eyes looking at the fox standing with a worried look on his muzzle. "Alice, a league ship has just attacked Earth. I just found out from a source from the league."

Tim looked over at Alice with a puzzled look. The vixen looked Tim in the eye. "Tim, the outer rim of planets is not part of the league. The league considers us as outlaws because we recruit Earthlings as hover race drivers. I did tell you earlier that we're part of the outer rim worlds, that's another reason we have stealth technology on our ships."

"Todd, what's the damage to Earth?" Tim asked worrying about his home town of Everett.

"So far the capital of the U.S. has been destroyed. The U.S. military is putting up a fight. Another league ship has just pulled up at low Earth orbit." Todd said looking at his sister.

"Well, it looks like the people of Earth know that there's life outside in space." Said Tim with a serious tone in his voice.

Alice put a hand on his shoulder. "Tim, I am sorry, the outer rim worlds are mainly neutral in situations in this."

Tim looked at Alice stroking her long head hair. "I am not mad at you guys; it's the league doing this. We'll just see what happens; maybe I can introduce you to my mother."

Todd looked at the couple and shrugged his shoulders. "I'll keep monitoring these events; plus keep you up to date." He walks out of the stateroom shutting the door. "What's with those guys in the league, attacking a primitive planet, they call us outlaws."

Epilogue, one year later, Everett Washington.

Tammy cleaned her house thinking at the events in the last year. The Air force brought down the large renegade ship that attacked the Earth. She chuckled thinking that life out in space is anthropomorphic beings, not gray skin beings with black slanted eyes. Tammy sighed, looking at a picture of her missing son. "Where are you Tim? For some reason, I got this feeling you're still alive. I know your car was found on Casino road, but no signs of foul play. It's like, you vanished off the face of the Earth." She thought to herself still looking at the photo. There's a knock at the door, she opened it and gasped.

Standing at the porch is her son, standing next to an anthropomorphic fox vixen holding an infant fox. "Hi mom, meet my wife Alice and your grandson Alex."

Tammy stood aside inviting the couple inside the house. "So, where have you been in the last fourteen months? I take it from the race of your wife you been racing around space."

Tim chuckled hugging his mom. "It's a long story. It started when I was racing my car down the runway at Paine field."

Tammy sighed looking at Alice. "Well, where did you meet him?"

Alice grinned at Tammy. "At the race, he's a good driver."

"I bet he is, this son of mine loves going fast." Said Tammy looking at the infant fox in Alice's arms.

The three sat down at the living room and talked. Tim told his story to his mom of where he been. Tammy listens and nodded. "Paul is at a university back east, maybe someday you can get a hold of him." Tim nodded and continued his story to his mom.


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