Knight of the Dragon

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#1 of Knights and Dragons

A collab that I did with Moonshade, a lovely little romp with a corrupt knight using magic on a helpless servant elf, and the inevitable backfire that ensues when you get too comfortable with your captures.

Ryonir walked down the dark street on his way home from his menial job. There was not much work for an elf in the city. His feet ached with every step he took, they almost drifted aimlessly in the direction of the poor district of town. His thin figure almost hunched over, his long blonde hair hanging loose over his shoulders with his long pointed ears poking through the sides. The only thing that kept his mind at ease was the chair that sat in front of his fireplace calling his name. Imagining his feet put up on his stool. Leaning back into his chair and finally relaxing before he had to repeat his day all over again...

Just as the young elf was about to fully relax he could hear the sound of a horse coming up to the small shack that was his home, followed by the clink of armor right outside his door. As he looked up the wood shuddered with a loud bang, a gauntleted hand smashing against it with some force. "This is a knight of the kingdom!" A loud, gruff voice said as the door rattled once more. "You are to open this door immediately!"

Ryonir stood up and walked cautiously toward the door. "Is there a problem sir knight?"

The elf opened the door to see a knight clad in full armor. Ryonir was a tall lad, but this human meet up to his chin. "That remains to be seen, virmen..." The knight said as he forced his way into the elf's home. "I am here to inspect for contraband."

"I swear on the crown there is no contraband in my home, Sir Knight..."

"That is for me to decide welp." Sir Kain said with a scoff as he began to turn things over in the small home. As he turned away from the frightened elf a small smile crept across his face, knowing that his rouse had already worked. In the inside of his glove was a vial, which as he moved to the shoddy bookcase he shook out onto the shelf. It was something that he had taken off a mage's body in one of the poor districts, marked 'aphrodisiac' that he couldn't resist. The poor elf was merely a matter of convenience as he turned around with the best glare he could muster as he motioned for him to come forward. "What's this then?"

Ryonir stepped forward to see what the knight found. "What is it, Sir Knight?" In the knight's glove was a small vial with magic runes adorning it. He took a step back. "That is not mine! I do not have need for magic here! There must be a mistake!"

"The only 'mistake' here is that you let yourself get caught with dangerous contraband!" Sir Kain replied as he grabbed the elf by his worn shirt and lifted him slightly off the ground. "You know the rules, know our laws, and yet you flippantly defy them and then try and deny it when you get caught! What are you, a smuggler? An illicit magicrafter? Perhaps just a thief!"

Ryonir tried to struggle out of Sir Kain's iron grip. "Please sir...I have never seen that vial in my life...I don't even know what it does!" He tried to pry the human's fingers off his shirt, "What must I do Sir Knight!? Please let me go!"

The knight let a small glimmer of a smile escape from his face before he turned and grabbed the vial and presented it to him. "Then drink it." He ordered, popping the stopper off of the bottle with his thumb. "Let whatever magic you had decided to dabble in be your proper punishment!"

The knight felt a warm feeling run through his body. Ryonir could only stare in disbelief at Kain, who would force him to drink a potion without knowing what it would do. "Why would you force that? What if it was poison?" The elf looked genuinely concerned for the human, but also afraid of being beheaded by one of the King's knights. "Will you let me go, please?"

"Perhaps, let us see if you survive your own nefarious deeds." The knight replied, putting the mouth of the bottle right up against the elf's lips. "Now will you drink willingly or will I have to force it down your throat?"

Ryonir struggled harder, trying to keep his lips closed as Kain tried to shove the herb concoction down his throat. After a bit of struggle, Kain puts his fingers over the elf's nose and pinched it closed. Ryonir had no choice but to gasp for breath and Kain slammed the rest of the liquid down his throat.

Ryonir coughed and gagged, "Why? What do you want from me?"

"Your body, for starters." Kain said with a laugh as he tossed the meek elf down on the bed. "You elves are always so timid, bowing to one knee at the first sign of authority. Now that you have whatever magic was in that vial coursing your veins, I am very interested in seeing its effects."

"You are mad! What would you want my body for? I am already a servant of Lord Watson! He would be most displeased of you taking me from his services." The naive elf shuddered as he saw the knight smile back at him. "This is not a trivial matter, Sir Knight!"

"Oh but it is, just like your life." Kain replied as he moved to the bed, taking out a small dagger and swiftly slicing the smaller male's shirt right down the middle. "You see, it is because you are a servant of the Lord that I choose you. I have quite a few of you servant elves under my sway, to use your bodies as I see fit with magic that makes you all my thralls. You will make quite an addition to my growing harem, just like the others." His own gauntlets slid off of his hands as he grabbed Ryonir's shirt and pulled it off his body, exposing his thin frame.

"Th-this is wrong! You are a male...and I am a male!" He looked down at his bare chest, his lithe figure showing barely any definition. "You are supposed to mate a female, don't you have gods that teach you these things?"

"I will mate whatever I choose, elf." Kain replied, his dagger moving down and slicing the rope that held his pants on his skinny waist. "Besides, your bodies are so dainty that you may as well be considered females. Even so, if I touch an elf female there's a chance that she'll report, but you males... even without magic you'd be far too ashamed to ever admit it. Plus sometimes I think you enjoy having a thick cock inside you, though soon you will love it no matter what you felt before."

The human pushed the elf down on his back, smiling as he thought of what hid behind the rag Ryonir used as a loincloth. As he pushed it to the side Ryonir blushed in shame, feeling powerless to stop Kain's advances. He heard the human chuckle at his small 3 inch uncut cock. It didn't take long for the aphrodisiac to take effect and Kain felt his own cock begin to grow hard...but it seemed really tight in his underwear, more than normal.

"I can see you're already starting to feel it, little slut." The knight said as he took off his own tabard, the chainmail shirt falling to the ground with a loud clang before his pants quickly followed suit. he could feel the elf already starting to squirm as he pressed a hand against his skin, feeling the silky smooth skin of the hairless body shudder under his touch. When he looked back down at his conquest's groin he swore the bulge looked... bigger somehow. He decided to do away with the unneeded garment as well, his eyebrow rising slightly at the five inches of erect elf flesh pointing straight at him. "Huh, bigger than most of your kind."

"What do you mean?" Ryonir looked down at his groin. 'What is happening to my junk? Is it supposed to do that?" The poor virgin elf's brain began to fill with new thoughts, thoughts of mating humans. The bizarre images only seemed to make things worse as his balls throbbed and grew a little. But the elf was not the only one feeling strange things happening to his body.

"Hah, I'm surprised your kind have lasted this long, probably don't even know what hole to stick what in." Kain replied, though his demeaning tone was slightly lessened as he eyed his prize over hungrily. There was something about this elf that was slightly different than the others, though it would soon make no difference. As he started to rub his own fairly impressive seven inch member his firm, muscular body began to encroach upon the elf's, unaware that the elf's cock had jumped another inch as it began to mutate. "Feeling it yet elf, the need for my cock between your legs?"

Ryonir panted as the new feelings washed over his skinny body. He could feel his heartbeat not only in his chest, but with every throb of his growing cock. "Wh-whats happening to me? These's like a thirst that needs to be quenched."The helpless elf moaned, but a strange smell began to fill the hut. A subtle but growing musk that reminded him of a damp cave.

"It's the need for my cock that you will grow to love." Kain replied, his smile growing wider as he felt the elf grow more and more aroused and open to his advances. They were all the same, he mused as he spread the thin legs around his body, soon all he would have to do was catch his eye and he would be in his quarters wrapping his lips or his ass around his tool whenever he wanted. He was so wrapped up in his own feelings of dominance that he didn't notice when the muscles of those legs pressed against his sides began to quiver, the muscles thickening and expanding. What he did notice was the musky odor that was not his own, strange and unnatural and no doubt caused by the magic given to him, which only made him even more aroused at his newest acquisition.

Ryonir could only moan as he felt himself being lowered over the human's fat cock. His ass tingled in anticipation as he felt Kain's head push against his tight virgin hole, pre leaking from its tip. The elf felt a surge in his loins as his cock grew to six inches hard, the foreskin seeming looser and showing more of the elf's reddening cockhead. "Why is my body feeling so warm, Sir Knight?" He let out a staggered moan, "I'm feeling so strong!"

The knight gave a slight pause at the elf's words, though he assumed it was only from the sheer adrenaline that he felt from being fucked for the first time. As his shaft continued to disappear into the elf's tight hole he felt something shift underneath him, something press against his taut abs as he let out a small groan. "Stop squirming welp, it'll be easier on you." Kain said as he gave the smaller male a few seconds to adjust to his cock inside him, pressing his body against him in an unusual need to feel more of his warm skin against his.

Ryonir shuddered as he felt the thick cock push deeper into his ass. He squeezed it, feeling his anal cavity grow wider. Neither him or Kain saw Ryonir's cock slide up further against the human's chest, leaking musky pre. The tip began to grow more pointed with each push of Kain's cock, the foreskin slowly moving its way down to the base while the shaft's color grew more and more red; more feral. "Ohh...this feeling! I should not be feeling this way for another male!"

"And yet you do, just like I am." Kain said, his smile growing even wider as Ryonir was starting to succumb to his level, feeling his desires... but as he began to push in and out of the body below him it began to feel more and more off. There was something that throbbed between them, growing up his abs as the elf's cock continued to twist and grow beneath him. It wasn't the only thing that was changing either, as his hands grabbed Ryonir's sides he could feel more muscle growing on the otherwise lanky frame. "What... what in the blazes?"

"Am I not pleasing you, Sir Knight?" the elf said as he squeezed himself harder against his cock. "Is this not what you wanted of me?" Ryonir's pecs began to push out and inflate, his abs growing more defined underneath the baffled knight. This had to be a side effect of the aphrodisiac that he found, he thought to himself. Suddenly, something clicked in the knight's mind. In training, he learned of how to read basic magic runes. The vial that he pilfered said sex.., but also had a dragon rune etched into the glass! He looked down to see the huge member between them and gasped, the alien appendage almost a foot in length as he tried to get off the elf's changing body before it was too late.

"You were right, Sir Knight! This feels wonderful!" With a sudden burst of energy the growing elf flipped the human over on his back and began to bounce up and down on Kain's cock, his growing weight holding him down.

"No! Get off me!" Kain shouted, his struggles growing more and more futile as he was pressed deeper into the mattress as the transforming elf rode his cock. Despite his fear he couldn't help but moan, Ryonir's hole clamping down on his member like a silken vice as his pale skin began to grow cracked and shiny in certain areas. The elf was now as big as him, muscle that had taken him years of training and discipline to achieve sculpting itself on the elf's body until his chest was hard and chiseled. As his eyes watched the elf change he failed to notice that his own body had begun to shift as well, all the body hair on his chest and groin beginning to fall off and disintegrate as the potent potion rubbed from the elf's musky sweat onto his own body.

The elf groaned, but instead of a sultry tone it began to grow lower and more grovely. His soft and supple skin continued to dry and crack on his bulging arms, light hues of green getting deeper and deeper until they shone like brilliant emeralds. His chest and belly began to harden, but instead of scales, creamy white plates began to form. "My gods! I have never felt so powerful! So virile!" A crack signaled his spine had detached from his lower back and began to push out into a nub, the beginnings of a powerful tail! He let out a long hiss as his balls filled with draconic seed and began to push themselves up into Ryonir's body. The musk in the small hut wason the verge of overpowering.

As the draconic elf's transforming body continued to squeeze and slide on his cock the knight felt himself on the edge. The rich musk had only caused his lusts to increase, and little did he know that his own cock had begun a similar transformation as it was buried deeply in Ryonir's ass. All he could see was the sensitive flesh as it began to redden just like the former elf's, though as he saw that thick green tail continue to snake its way from just above where his cock was the pleasure began to overwhelm his other senses. His hands gripped the scaly flesh of the other male as he began to thrust hard and deep, getting in a few final pushes before his cock exploded inside Ryonir and caused the knight's body to shake in an orgasm that he had never come close to feeling before.

Ryonir yelled out in pleasure as he felt the knight's warm seed push into his growing ass. The cum only seemed to make the changes go faster as the tail suddenly shot out behind him and whipped around. The bed creaked underneath them and with a loud "CRACK" the bed frame broke and fell to the dirty floor. "Such a big male...I have been looking for a mate for a long time..." the newly forged dragon said with an almost sneering tone. Tears welled up in the changing elf's eyes as the last of the innocence was pushed out of his mind, which turned to far more draconic processes in a single blink as his thoughts became far more...dominant. "I think I finally found my bitch!"

Kain's mouth dropped as he heard the huge dragon as those cold eyes looked down at him, admiring his body like a piece of meat in a manner similar to what he had done to the former elf a short time ago. "Now... now see here..." the knight stammered, trying to get a handle on the situation despite being completely naked and his arousal quickly coming back in full force. As much as he hated to admit it, there was something... very alluring about the huge dragon male on top of him. "I am still a knight of this realm, and you are still a servant of the Lord! You... you will obey my orders!"

"I think that time has come and gone HUMAN!" Ryonir grunted as he felt his back crack and snap, his shoulders widening and gaining more draconic mass. He arched his back as he felt two bumps form and push out, growing outward and beginning to form his new wings. "It only seems fair that I let you have your way with me, that I should get the same in return..." His cute, still-elven head cocked to the side as he saw Kain's skin begin to dry and crack. Ryonir let out a loud laugh, "Looks like I will get a handsome stud after all!"

"No!" Kain shouted as his struggles were once more renewed, hearing the implications of the dragon's words. He also knew that something else was happening with his own body, feeling his skin heat up the same way the elf had mentioned, his skin becoming thicker as even more muscle began to grow underneath it. But even with his added strength he was no match for the dragon's superior musculature, which left him effectively trapped. "Gods no... I'll find a cure, I'll change you back, I promise!"

"Why would I want that? You have given me a gift! It is only fitting that I return the favor..." Ryonir leaned in and licked Kain's forehead. " taste divine!" The elf licked his lips, his tongue was longer and split at the end. The knight could also see that the elf's pretty blue eyes had begun to shift as well, the color bleeding out into the whites as they became slitted reptilian ones.

"But... I can't..." Kain tried to say, finding the last of his countenance crumbling as the nearly completely transformed elf teased his body, finally resorting to something that he had heard dozens of times from the elves he had dominated over the years but never imagined would come out of his own mouth. "Please good... good dragon, I beg you. There must be others out there that would sate your needs better than I, if you'll just let me go I can find someone..."

Ryonir growled, "Tempting offer, but I found my MATE!" He nearly roared as shoved Kain off the the bed and used his fully formed tail to push him onto all fours. "I want your ass...I want you to be my slutty bitch boy!"

The elf groaned as he spine grew and gained more muscle. He could feel it as back snapped and his legs cracked as his stance changed from biped to quadruped. The changes spread down his legs to his feet, which lengthened while his toes melded into three large digits that sprouted deadly black talons that dug deep furrows into the dirt. Bobbing beneath was a still growing foot and a half dragon cock, begging for release as his draconic body lumbered over the prone knight.

For a second Kain thought he may have a chance to escape after his naked body was pushed onto the dirt. He didn't care about the shame of running out naked, it would be a small price to pay to escape his fate. Unfortunately the nearly complete dragon was far faster than him, feeling those hard scales press against his back before he could even get to one knee. Once more his chest was pressed down into the dirt, leaving his thickening ass up in the air. He let out a small cry as he could feel the huge cock press between his cheeks, his body not only quivering from the impending intrusion but also as the muscles under his skin continued to shift and build. The potion had already begun to transfer to his body, he realized with chagrin, the skin on his hands beginning to turn a deep red that spread up his arms like a rash.

"You were going to miss the best part, "Sir Knight"!" Ryonir let out a chuckle, "Especially since you are the guest of honor!"

The changing dragon let his thick cock rub all around Kain's ass, his pre smearing all over the firm muscle. Without much warning, Ryonir pushed his hot piece of dragon flesh into the former knight's tight asshole. The pain and pleasure send confusing signals to Kain's brain. The pre alone began to widen and thicken as he pushed deeper, not even halfway in. "Mmmmph, so tight..." Ryonir pulled out a bit before send more back in, "We need to get you into shape my sexy slut..."

"Gods..." Kain groaned, trying to get out a 'no' as well but the strange pleasure flooding his body causing him pause. He had never let anyone else inside him before, even though he took delight in deflowering the rears of the male elves he never had considered someone doing the same to him. But as that thick spire continued its relentless advance into his hole he couldn't help but let out a loud moan as it rubbed his sensitive insides. It was like nothing else he had ever felt before, and he began to wonder if he had been missing out with just putting his own cock into other males. His corrupted mind slowly began to accept what the dragon was doing to him, especially as he felt his hips pop and his thighs thicken which allowed Ryonir to push deeper inside him. "So good..." He gasped, thickening fingernails digging into the dirt as they turned black.

The emerald dragon continued to pound the humans growing ass, growling and snarling in pleasure, the elf that he once was now but a distant memory. His face began to push out into a muzzle, teeth sharpening and his hair falling out. His pointed ears remained and were covered with his magnificent emerald scales. His neck began to lengthen and soon pushed his new head against the ceiling. His cock grew wider and longer as he continued to grow. His hands digging deep into the dirt, he felt his wingspan widen and push against the frail walls.

Kain could feel the dragon growing on top of him, and more importantly inside him as the walls around him began to crack and splinter. His own body had started to accelerate in its changes, a light gold color appearing on his chest as the scales thickened there, his frame growing past seven feet as he could feel his spine begin to lengthen, as though someone had begun to stretch it out as his own tail began to form. A jolt of lustful pleasure shot through his body as his already mutated cock grew even more, just below a foot in length as the flesh around it wrapped around the thick tool into a sheath. Even with his body changing all he could focus on was the dragons... his mate's cock as it pounded into his increasingly eager tailhole. "If only I had known... I would have had the other elves do this to me instead." He panted as he felt his humanity slipping away...

Ryonir pushed harder and harder into the changing human bellow, his orgasm coming closer and closer. He felt another growth spurt and pushed up more into the ceiling, cracking the poor materials it was made of. With another thrust, the roof came down around them, Ryonir's wings protecting Kain below. "I want you to beg, slut...beg for my cum..." He pulled out all the way and slammed it all back in at once, teasing Kain's tailhole.

Kain moaned as he heard the dragon's dominating words sank into his mind as his tailhole was throughly pounded. A quickly disappearing part of his mind still wanted to resist, to say that he didn't enjoy it. Unfortunately for him he was losing that battle to the incredible pleasure that continued to thrum through his transforming body, his changes progressing faster with each thrust. "Please..." he said meekly, his lengthening tail writhing in the air in anticipation. "Please cum in me..."

"With pleasure, my little slut..." WIth a loud roar the shook the walls of the former hut, Ryonir let loose a river of cum. His cock was still larger than his tailhole and created a seal as load after load of hot dragon cum was pushed into the former knight. Kain's resistance to his new master was stamped out as his belly began to bulge with the dragon's seed. The dragon's frame cracked and groaned as he grew for the last time, tearing down the walls of his home, his emerald scales shining under the moonlight. His already huge cock swelled larger inside Kain's tailhole as jet after jet of hot fluid was pumped into his insides.

Kain felt the last of his will slip away with the thick torrent of seed that filled his body. All his mind could think of was Ryonir's thick dragon cock inside him and how he could further pleasure his new mate's desires. His toes scraped into the ground as they thickened, his bones cracking as they began to morph into a more digigrade configuration while his stomach swelled with the larger dragon's essence. The deep red began to creep up his neck, the muscles thickening as the changes started to spread up to his head...

The now fully grown dragon panted and his tail swayed back and forth. He looked down on the still smaller male underneath him. His new dominant mind suddenly had an idea. "You said there are other elves in need of service, my pet?" Ryonir slowly pulled out his huge cock, feeling his warm seed drain out around it and forming a huge puddle under them. "Perhaps they would be of use to me, as they were to you before I gave you your gift..."

"Yesss..." Kain hissed, although his contentment was turned to disappointment as he felt his changes begin to stop. His body had still grown to far greater proportions, as he was able to stand back up he looked over his thick muscles that would have never been possible with normal training. His tail was stunted and his wings hadn't even grown in yet, but as he looked into his mate's... his master's eyes he realized his plans. He could still just hardly fit into his armor, especially with his huge cock that was still fully erect. "I will get them for you master..."