Castle Bondage: Part Two

Story by Uoikih on SoFurry

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From the outside, Castle Marlowe looks like a forbidding, cold, deserted place. But that's because no one really knows what goes on in there............


The bound vixen swings slowly between the two pillars, reliving the horror of the last few days. Champota has come to her many times, always to whip and mock, to burn and dominate, as though readying her prisoner for something yet to come. The smells of damp moss and rock permeates the she-fox's nostrils. Her stomach growls aloud into the dismal halflight; she has not eaten anything but a few crusts of dried bread and a halfcup of water that her captor pissed in before giving to to her. And that is two days ago. The vixen shivers in the cold air, fluffing up her fur around her skinny body. The weights still dangle from her nipple-rings, but the pain has subsided to a dull ache, like the embers of a dying fire, ready to be stoked up again at a moment's notice.

The familiar screech of the bolts sound overhead, and footpaws slap the stone steps, the sounds echoing loudly around the gloomy cavern. The she-fox looks up, bracing herself for the worst. An strange scent, more stench than fragrance, invades her nose, one of bloodthirst and cruelty. Something snarls out of her line of view, an ugly, Slavering sound, and the vixen hears the scrape of long claws on stone walls.

It isn't Champota; the she-fox knows that bitch by heart! She shrinks back in her bonds as the dominatrix's footsteps come closer, the clanking chains come closer, the slobbering monster comes closer. "Why, hello," the she-wolf's harsh voice croons. "Did you have a nice nap, hon?" Bile rises in the vixen's throat, along with fear. Maybe it is Champota after all. "Yes, Master," she manages to choke out past the hatred rising like a lump in her throat. The single bare bulb clicks on, casting its pathetic stream of light onto Champota and the she-fox. "I've brought someone to meet you." Yes, thinks the vixen. Let her sorry fucktoys come and see me; let her act out whatever horrid fantasies she wants on me! The sooner she does, the sooner she'll be gone. Then, that foul scent wafts under the she-fox's nose again, nearly making her gag. A growl rumbles off to the side, and the drip, drip of liquid is audible throughout the stone chamber. For the first time, the redfurred vixen notices that Champota is holding a chain in her hand, a thick, long, metal chain, which leads into the black shadows outside of the light that the bulb casts and heading straight up in an almost vertical line. The growl turns into a snarl, like the thing out there wants its supper...or something else.

Champota grins wickedly. "C'mon, Jello. Come and meet the nice foxy." The wolf tugs firmly on the chain. Into the light steps a hulking mass of muscle, scales, horns, teeth, claws, folded wings, and mad yellow eyes. The vixen tries to shrink farther back into the shadows. It's a dragon. Her mouth goes dry; her blood runs cold. The beast is, if anything, fully seven feet tall and not even full-grown yet; she can tell by the lack of scars. It is also quite male. Smoke billows from its nostrils; fire blazes in its eyes as its evil gaze comes to rest upon she vixen. The dragon smiles wickedly, displaying is mouthful of jagged, swordlike fangs, and spreads its wings as a thunderous roar rips through the cavern. Champota stands by holding her pet's chain, grinning. Jello, as he is called, lowers his smoking muzzle and sniffs the air in the she-fox's direction. Catching her feminine scent, the young dragon murrs and flicks a long pink tongue out to lick his scaly lips. The spikes along his back bristle as he strains toward the chained fox, and a low rumbling growl bubbles in his throat. Champota grins wickedly. "Jimp and Jick can't come to you right now, Slave, so I brought Jello for you to meet." The vixen looks away. Jimp and Jick are Champota's other two dragons, amd they've used her more than once, breaking her in for the wolf dominatrix when she rebelled in the past. But Jello is new; she's never seen him before, just heard, from the snarling wails and screeches outside that there are more than two of them. And here the third is, licking its lips and straining toward her. The she-wolf touches the side of Jello's massive neck. "It's okay, draccy. You'll get her; don't worry." Jello sniffs the air again, and his nostrils flare with desire. The she-fox shrinks back as Champota loops the young dragon's chain around a nearby pillar, then steps forward and grabs her. Unchaining the vixen, the she-wolf dumps her to the cold stone floor at Jello's feet. The young dragon murrs and instantly dips his head to taste her, but Champota pushes his muzzle out of the way. "Just sec, Jello." Yanking the she-fox to her feet, she shoves her toward another vile contraption. It is simply a wide, flat piece of metal hovering three centimeters above the floor, with snaps, footholds, and shockcords dangling at the ready. Champota forces her Slave onto this, making her kneel on her hands and knees, then snaps all four paws, forcing the she-fox's thighs as far apart as they'll go, into tight holds, fastens a thick shockcollar around the vixen's neck, and slips slim shockcords into her nipple-rings. Flipping a red switch, Champota plays with the joystick until the vixen's rump is level with Jello's hardening cock. The dragon murrs again, dipping his head and running his huge tongue across the she-fox's back, making her shudder in revulsion as globbets of slimy saliva stick to her fur.

Champota unloops Jello's chain and leads him to her Slave's front. "C'mere, draccy. Let the foxy show you how much she loves you." She cuffs the she-fox's ear in warning. The vixen opens her eyes and gazes at the massive head of Jello's blue cock. The thing is almost five feet in length; and the dragon is not yet fully hard, or fully grown. She swallows, thinking of how much damage it could do to her insides. Jello snorts a cloud of smoke and presses himself against her lips. She tries to turn her head away, but screams as Champota zaps her. Jello shoves his cock inside her mouth, almost choking the vixen as she feels the slimy tip of it pressing against the back of her throat. He dips his head, shuddering as she gets to work, and licks her head, nibbling on her ear. The vixen slides her tongue along the cock's underbelly, dips lower to nibble on his large balls, moves back up to suck the young dragon again. Jello growls and thrusts his hips toward her mouth slightly, making the she-fox choke as a stready stream of lewdly flavored precum spills into her mouth. She swallows, not wanting to drown on it, and hears Champota moan quietly. The she-wolf stands a few feet away, fingering herself as she watches her dragon receive head from her Slave. The vixen tried to ignore her and make the young dragon orgasm, but Jello holds back, moving his pelvis against her mouth. She can feel his large balls slapping her throat, heavy with their unreleased load, and sucks harder, nibbling on the smooth sides. The dragon begins to pant, drooling more precum into his pleasurer's tormenting mouth. The vixen swipes the crown of him with her tongue, explores the larger-than-usual cockhole in the top, and takes as much as she can into her mouth. Jello growls again; flames spurt out of his nostrils along with the smoke as he nears his climax. Without warning, as the she-fox sucks, he shoots himself off into her mouth, grinding his pelvis against her muzzle, roaring with pleasure as he pumps no less than three gallons of thick, sticky, white cum into her mouth. The vixen's face is splattered with it; her throat and breasts are coated with it, and she is swallowing frantically. Jello murrs, pulling gently free of her mouth, and begins to lick the cum from her front. He is too young to know that Champota wants him to hate this fox; all he knows is that the vixen made him feel good, like a dragoness would, and he wanted to give some pleasure back.

Champota has closed her eyes, and is slipping a vibrator in and out of her dripping pussy as she moans and cries.

The she-fox closes her eyes as Jello slides his long tongue across her scarred breasts, cleaning the cum there and sucking gently upon her nipples, making them harden in his mouth. She bites back a moan, her breath coming in pants as Jello nuzzles her breasts, slipping her head lower under her body, trying to find the source of the wonderful feminine smell coming from her. The vixen stifles a cry as he finds it, and lies her head upon the wide, long, scaled neck as he tongues her clit, savoring her sweet taste. He licks and slithers his tongue up inside of her, pressing his scaled lips to her opening to drink in the musky juices that flow from her. The vixen whimpers as his prehensile tongue finds her clit, her bound hands flexing into wrists at this unknown new pleasure. Jello feels her coming orgasm, and again strokes her clit with his tongue as she sobs with pleasure. The redfurred vixen shudders as she comes, her sweet juices flooding into the dragon's mouth. He drinks them in, cleaning her as she shivers with the aftershock, freeing her luscious pink folds of any pooled cum. Finally done, and with a faintly protesting moan from the she-fox, he pulls his head out from under her body and nuzzles her face. She kisses him on his scaly snout, smiling into his soft sapphire eyes, and whispers her name to him, her real name, suprised that she can even remember it after all these years of bondage and torture. Jello murrs softly, nuzzling her mouth with his own lips in the closest he can come to a kiss, and laps away the tears that flow down the vixen's cheeks. Champota finishes her masturbation with a cry, and opens her eyes. Her face hardens as she sees her dragon and her Slave nuzzling and kissing softly, Jello murring, the vixen weeping softly and whispering to him. "You son of a bitch!" she screams at the young dragon, dropping her now-sticky vibrator and running toward them both.

Jello jerks his head up, startled, as the end of the chain flails across his wide neck. Champota is standing below him, screaming and whipping him with the chain. The young dragon backs away in suprise---Champota has never treated him this way before---and then she whips him one time too many.

The force of the blow enrages Jello, and he springs like a huge cat at his tormentor, pinning her to the floor between his two foreclaws and rearing his head back to rip her throat out. The vixen scrabbles wildly from where she is bound. "Jello! Jello, help me!" The dragon swivels his head back at the sound of the she-fox's voice, keeping Champota between his huge clawed paws, and rips the bonds from the vixen's wrists, neck, and ankles. She falls to the floor, then limps to the young dragon's side, weeping with the sheer joy of being free. Jello nuzzles her breasts, and takes her left nipple-ring between his fangs. Biting down, he shatters it and licks the sore place where it has once been. The vixen strokes his scales lovingly, crying with delight, as Jello crushes the other and lets it fall to the floor. He murrs and gazes into her eyes, happy to see that she is free, and then motions toward Champota, who is watching with a look of thunderous shock on her face. The vixen strokes Jello's cheek. "She's yours. Do what you want with her." The young dragon murrs softly and nuzzles her, then indicates that she is to go upstairs and wait for him. The she-fox smiles, kisses his cheek, glares daggers of hatred at Champota, and limps off, thin and hungry, but eager to see the sunlight and raid the castle.

Jello looks back at Champota, who gulps at the hard fire in his eyes. "P-Please don't hurt me, Jello!" The young dragon rears up and roars, sending a fireball bursting against the far wall, charring the stones. Picking the dominatrix up by her clothing, he drops her on the floor, on all fours, and rips her apparel off. Champota screeches as Jello rips the earrings and necklaces from her body, causing blood to flow, and then knocks her to the floor and stares at her. The dragon's member is now ready for action, fully hard and leaking precum. He is intensely aroused. He has absolutely no sympathy for his intended victim; Champota had been a thorn in his side for years now. He knows he can get away with being as brutal as he wanted to be today; it is a freedom he is going to take full advantage of. He runs his foreclaws over the thick tip of his cock, rubbing the precum off of it to insure a good, dry, and painful entry. He smears the precum over Champota's muzzle as the she-wolf struggles to break free. Champota's thighs strain against the invisible straps that hold her in place as she desperately tries to close her legs and protect her tailhole. Her movements become more erratic once she feels the thick tip of the dragoncock slip under her tail and press against her opening. She fight valiantly to break free, to no avail.

With a triumphant growling bellow, the young drgaon pushes forward with his thickly muscled thighs. His mighty cock shoves forward, violently forcing open the tight pucker ahead of it. The she-wolf's scream is like nothing ever heard before. It is partly a mournful wail, as she feels mutilated and violated, feels hurt rage and the sting of pride, and above all, the most intense pain she has ever felt.

The dragon shoves about eight inches of his thigh-thick cock into she-fox and stops. He knows if he rams his entire length in, he would do a lot of damage. It isn't that he wants the bitch to survive this; he just doesn't want her to bleed to death and end her suffering too soon. He holds back for a moment to let Champota think he is going to let him get used to it first, then pushes slowly forward with an evil grin. The dragon feeds inch after inch of his maleness slowly into the still-screaming she-wolf. He can feel his member curving slightly along the lupine's insides as he goes deep, opening up the wolf's innards to accommodate his thickness.

For fifteen minutes the long penetration, and Champota's scream, goes on. Champota begins to cry in relief when she finally feels the dragon's warm thighs and ample balls pressing against her exposed rump. Finally, this is as deep as the dragon will get. But, the worst is not over yet. Now, Jello begins the long process of pulling his cock out. He removes only an inch or two at the most before pushing back in. The dragon slowly increases the length of his strokes, ever so slowly opening Champota up for a more vigorous thrusting later.

Jello is now moving six inches in and out at a time; soon he is up to ten. Champota grunts at each inward thrust, her shoulders smacking against her restraints. She is ashamed that her cunt is throbbing and dripping juice as the dragon pounds her insides. Another few minutes, and fifteen inches of solid, male meat are rapidly pistoning into her. She has given up struggling, her body slumped into place to endure the long buggering. At least the initial agony has faded and only the burning pain around her anus remains.

Not long after, Champota is opened up wider than any harem slut and fully taking the dragon's sixty inches. She can tell her punisher is going to cum soon; at least she hopes he will. The dragon's thighs slap hard against her ass, stinging and adding to her pain. The dragon's heavy balls also smack against her own reddened, swollen clit. She cries out, and her body spasms. She is unsure whether it is in pain or pleasure from the external and internal stimulation. Despite herself, Champota comes. Her muscles clamp down as an unwilling orgasm rips through her. The dragon roars at this new tightness and pounds harder into the clenched ass, ripping it open even wider. This is followed by another scream from Champota as her blood lubricates the way. The powerful dragon finally comes now, his balls releasing and filling the wolf with a massive load of cum that he has long been denied releasing.

The young dragon holds himself inside Champota till he can catch his breath again before slowly pulling his spent cock out. It is covered in blood and cum, the same as is now leaking from Champota and running down her thighs. The dragon wipes his member against Champota's leg to smear it clean before stepping back to admire his handiwork. He is satisfied. He has fucked Champota for over an hour and can see the wolf is now broken.

Leaving the she-wolf naked, exhausted, and almost mortally wounded, Jello leaves the room, locking the door behind him. He swoops down the long stone halls and finds the vixen scarfing down food. He lands and nuzzles her neck as she offers him some; and then she climbs onto his back, clinging to her new love as he hurls himself from the window and soars into the sky. She feels the winds whipping past her face, across her barefurred body, and sits up. Letting go, she puts her hands into the air and laughs with joy as Jello murrs beneath her, his mighty wings flapping steadily up and down on either side of her. She closes her eyes and inhales the wind. . .

She is home.


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