The Lovers

Story by Atheos on SoFurry

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Something I wrote for my love, JayEm.

The tall, dark wolf rubbed at his eyes as they adjusted to being awake after a very long sleep. He walked groggily down the hall, swaying a little in tiredness. Alexi wore little more than a pair of black boxer-briefs to cover his slender body. "Afternoon, Lex." He heard from behind him, in the feminine voice he recognized as his younger brother, Taylor. As Alexi turned around to face his brother, he had a bit of a quizzical look on his face.

"It's still morning, isn't it?" Taylor simply shook his head.

"Geez, looks like that bourbon knocked you clean out. I heard you get home at one in the morning, and you've been asleep since." Taylor was a fair bit shorter than his older brother, and his hair was much shorter, the same dark color but cut clean and short, while styled at the front. His body fur color and pattern was also identical to his brother's.

"I only had one can, bro. I was just tired; not drunk." Taylor scoffed and laughed at him.

"Of course you did... Of course you did..."

Through the right side of the young wolf's lip, a small piece of metal with a thorn-shaped tip rested. Taylor wore only his pale-colored pink dressing gown. "Lex, must you really walk around the house in your undies?"

"Well..." Alexi leaned forward, his face now eye-level with Taylor's. "At least I'm wearing underwear..." Alexi grabbed the back of Taylor's dressing gown and lifted it momentarily, flashing the younger wolf's bare bottom.

"Touché..." Taylor stepped back from his brother, slapping his paw gently and pulled the pink fabric tight around his body.

"So is Daniel over?" Alexi questioned his brother as he started walking towards the kitchen.

"No, he's not. If he were, I'd be wearing more than just this..." Taylor followed Alexi into the kitchen.

"What's going on between you two anyway? Are you together or what?" Alexi pulled open the refrigerator scanned through it silently.

"Um... Well, kind of... He asked me out a few days ago and I said yes but I don't know what's going on."

"Invite him over tonight; mom and dad are still out of state at that work convention thing." Alexi pulled two bottles of cold water from the fridge and turned to his brother, who now sat on the bench-top with his legs firmly together.

Alexi threw one of the bottles through the air at his brother, who, with seemingly honed reflexes, snatched it from the air. With a crack Alexi broke the seal on the bottle and raised it to his lips. "So, with you and Jay, what's the status there?" Alexi swallowed his mouthful of water and stepped closer to Taylor.

"Well, that's where we've something in common, Tay. I mean, we've been having sex for three or so months now, but I've never asked him out or anything like that. I don't know if he actually wants a relationship or just sex." Alexi lifted himself onto the counter with his brother.

"What do you want?" Alexi looked into Taylor's soft blue eyes.

"I really like him, and I think about him all the time, not just in a sexual way either. I really want a relationship with him."

"Aw, Lex," Taylor wrapped an arm around his brother's shoulders. "You should bring him over tonight and tell him that. I'm sure he feels the same way. Considering how loud he was this morning..." Alexi laughed and returned the hug his brother offered.

"You know, Tay. For a cub, you're a pretty good listener." Alexi grinned cheekily at his brother who pulled away from him at the last comment.

"I'm sixteen! I'm not a cub!"

Alexi only laughed harder. "You know I'm just messing with you, Tay." Alexi slipped off of the bar and started walking back towards the hallway.

"Wait, Alexi. I heard a rumor from my friend Hal that you have something pierced..." Alexi stopped dead in his tracks, not turning back to face his brother.

"It may or may not be true..."

"Did it hurt?"

"It hurt to get an erection for three weeks."

Alexi continued down the hallway and away from his younger brother. Taylor listened out for the percussive sound of his brother's bedroom door to close before he threw open his robe and looked at his flaccid penis. It hung limply over his testicles, short and uncircumcised. He took it into his paw and lifted it into a standing position. With his free paw he retracted his tight foreskin and grabbed the small veil of flesh holding the tip of his penis to his foreskin that a piercing would go through, squeezing it softly before letting it fall back onto his balls.

In his bedroom; Alexi sat on his bed with his phone to his ear. His mind buzzed and he grew nervous as the phone rang in his ear. Part of him wanted to tell him as fast as he could but another part of him wanted to hang up now. His heart skipped a beat as the ringing stopped was replaced by the slightly distorted voice of Jay.

"Hello?" Alexi swallowed the lump in his throat and opened his mouth.

"Hey, sweetie, it's me."

"Oh, hey Alexi, what's up?"

"I was just... uh... wondering if you were free tonight."

"Um... Yeah, I think I'm free. Why?"

"I just need to talk about something. How about you come over at six?"

"Six is great; I'll see you then, cutie."

"Alright, see you then, bye."

"Bye." With that Alexi heard a beep to signify that Jay had hung up. Alexi threw his phone into his pillow and lay back on his bed; staring at the ceiling.

A few hours later...

"Hey, Lex, do I look okay?" Taylor stepped into the bathroom where Alexi stood in front of the mirror, with a flat iron in his hand. Alexi looked over to the doorway and was utterly shocked by what he saw. Standing in the open doorway was his brother, but not as he had ever seen him.

He wore a tight, feminine black top and a short skirt to match. His legs were covered in translucent black stockings and in his hair was a small pink ribbon. To any stranger, Taylor would appear to be a girl. "Whoa... You look just like a girl, Tay."

"That's actually not the whole package either..." Taylor lifted his skirt and Alexi was even more surprised. Beneath his brother's skirt was a red thong that tightly hugged his modest flaccid boyhood. From the top of his thong, a small patch of black pubic fur was easily seen.

"Tay... Wow... Um..." Alexi watched as Taylor let his skirt fall back in front of his barely-covered crotch. "I don't really know what to say. I knew you were feminine but I didn't think that you'd take it this far."

"Daniel mentioned that he has a thing for cross-dressing and I kind of lost a bet to him." Taylor was blushing lightly and he never re-established eye-contact.

"Well, in that case, you might want to shave your... boy parts..."

The sound of a solid knock on the wood of the front door reverberated throughout the house. "That's probably Daniel, you should go answer it." Taylor looked up at his brother and nodded quickly, an unshakable smile on his face. With a flash and blur of black and gray, Taylor disappeared into the hallway. Alexi shook his head softly as he returned his attention to the flat-iron in his hand.

"They grow up so fast." Alexi laughed to himself in the mirror.

"I heard that!" His brother yelled back down the hall, causing Alexi to nearly burst into tears with laughter. He clicked the power switch on the flat iron and the green light that signified that the instrument was on and ready for use faded. He rested it down on the edge of the basin. Looking at himself in the mirror, his dark hair complemented his vibrant blue eyes nicely. He nodded and raised his right paw, forcing the hair that covered that side of his face behind his ear.

The creak of a door and a deep booming voice caught Alexi's attention. "Alexi! Can you come here, please?" Alexi moved quickly and half-ran down the hall.

"What is it, Tay?" Alexi stopped in his tracks as he saw a slender doe in her mid-forties standing in the doorway, beside her was Taylor and a buck Taylor's size. "Ah, it's lovely to see you again Ms. Somersby." Alexi smiled warmly.

"Please, Lex, call me Evelyn." The woman was of average height, and was wearing a suit. "Now," she turned to the other deer in the room, her son. "Danny, you brought everything didn't you? You are staying for the week. Did you bring a toothbrush?

"Yes mom..." Daniel looked at his feet, blushing brightly.

"And you brought lots of clothes?"

"Yes mom..."

"And you have clean underwear?" "Oh my god mom! You're treating me like a child! Of course I do!"

"Oh, sweetie, you know it's because mommy loves you." Daniel rolled his eyes while his mother laughed heartily. "Oh, teenagers, they sure are troublesome but they are easy to control if you know their pressure points."

"Come on, Danny. I'll show you to your room." Taylor grabbed the blushing deer's arm and walked him towards the hallway.

"My, my how your brother has changed since he was a little boy." Evelyn said to Alexi with a motherly smile.

"Heh, yeah tell me about it." Alexi smiled back, trying to hide the awkwardness that was slowly overcoming the situation.

"Here, this is for taking care of my Danny..." The doe pulled a fifty-dollar bill from her purse and approached Alexi with it.

"No, I don't want your money."

"You're sure?" Her face was quizzical, but Alexi nodded. "Then a hug, for an old family-friend?" Alexi nodded and moved forward with open arms.

Evelyn met his open arms with the equally open set of her own. As she wrapped her arms around the taller wolf, she quickly lowered her hands to his back pocket, gently slipping the fifty into his pants. "Evelyn, I..." She shushed him and squeezed his bottom through the jeans pocket. Alexi's eyes widened with shock and his arms became limp, falling away from Evelyn, who pulled back from him.

"You keep it, pretty boy." She winked at him and blew him a kiss as he turned around and started down the pathway.

The look on Alexi's face was a messy combination of shock and violation. As the older woman strutted down the path, doing her best to show off her bottom to Alexi, her path was blocked by Jay, the panda now fully clothed was quickly approaching Alexi. As Evelyn passed him, she smiled politely and said "Hello." Jay, with a smile returned the sentiment, completely unaware as to whom this woman was.

Continuing down the path, Jay smiled at Alexi, before noticing his odd expression. "Alexi, you look like you've seen a ghost. What's the matter?" Alexi's face melted back into a bare expression.

"That woman grabbed my ass and hit on me. She used to babysit Tay and I..." Jay could barely resist laughing.

"What?" He laughed again, Alexi had started smiling too. "That's just a bit creepy."

"Yeah, it most certainly is." Alexi laughed and beckoned to Jay to come in, the fire-fox accepted Alexi's offer and walked past him and into the familiar living room.

Closing the door behind him, Alexi stepped closer to Jay. "Listen, Jay, there's something I really need to talk about." Placing his hand on the back of Jay's shoulder, he gestured towards the small leather couch. The two walked to the black settee and lowered onto it. Taking a deep breath inwards, Alexi grabbed Jay's paw. "Jay, we've been friends for a little under a year now and since then you've become one of my best friends." Jay smiled and blushed softly. "And we've been having sex for just as long and there's something that's been on my mind for the past month or two." Alexi trailed away as he choked on his own nerves and shyness.

"You want to be on the bottom don't you?" Jay assumed of the proposal he knew Alexi was about to make.

"No that's not it, I-"

"You want to try something crazy in the bed, don't you?" Jay cut him off again, grinning lecherously.

"What? No! I... Jay..." Alexi leaned closer to Jay, who was now quiet. Alexi whispered to him. "Jay, I..."

Alexi inhaled nervously, feeling shaky and light as he averted his gaze from Jay's eyes, he swallowed timidity and forced out a shy mumble. "I want to..." Reconnecting their eye contact; Alexi shoved all his nerves and hesitance back down and steeled himself. Jay caught on to the nervous tone in Alexi's voice and grew a little worried.

"Alexi, what's wrong? You're shaking..."

Alexi held Jay's paw lovingly and exhaled. "Jay, you are really special to me, and I like you a lot..." The shy wolf smiled shakily as a tear formed in his eye. "When we're together, I'm unconditionally happy, and I treasure every moment we spend in each other's embrace. But they're always too short." Jay, catching on to what Alexi was asking, grinned widely, tears of his own welling up behind his glasses. "Jay. What I'm trying to say is that I don't want those moments to end. I want to be with you, I want to hold you... I want to love you..."

Alexi saw that Jay's smile only grew as his words came forth and smiled himself. "Jay, would you be my mate?" Jay smiled and pulled paw softly away from Alexi's grip.

"Yes, Alexi. I will!" A smile tore across Alexi's face and he couldn't keep back his tears any longer. Jay threw his body onto Alexi, pushing him down onto the couch as he wrapped his arms around the wolf.

Alexi brought his arms up around Jay and held him close; treasuring the intimacy the two were sharing. Alexi made no effort to stifle the tears that dribbled slowly from his eyes; each bead personifying the indescribable happiness he felt. Jay lifted his head from Alexi's body and looked into his eyes with a smile. Alexi smiled back down at Jay and kissed him softly. "You know, Alexi. I came over with a surprise for you..." Jay said as the quiet, short kiss ended.

"Oh? And what was this surprise?"

"I'm fully healed and ready for action now, babe."

Alexi grinned and kissed Jay again; this time deeply and full of passion. As their tongues intruded in each other's mouths they lovingly sucked on their mate's tongues. As their mouths separated, Alexi panted. "So, how about we give your new weapon a test run, huh?"

Jay giggled, lifting himself up from Alexi's embrace and onto his feet beside the couch. Reaching a paw out to Alexi as the wolf stood to join him. Alexi hesitated not in grabbing Jay's paw. Jay moved first; pulling Alexi by the paw along with him. Alexi walked faster to keep up with Jay's eager pace, finding it more and more difficult to walk with the diminishing space in his tightening underwear.

As they reached Alexi's door, Alexi stopped and let go of Jay's paw. "I'm just going to let Taylor know that I, we, wouldn't like to be disturbed." Alexi winked at Jay as he turned away from him, to the door at the end of the hallway. Silently, Alexi grasped the cold metal of the door knob, twisting it quickly and pulling on it. Alexi opened his mouth to speak but silenced himself at what he saw behind the door; Taylor bent over his bed with his boyfriend on top of him. He snapped his head away and slowly closed the door.

He turned back to Jay who looked slightly worried at Alexi's look of complete shock. "Well, he definitely won't be disturbing us." "Why?" Jay asked as Alexi approached. "Let's just say that he and his friend are a little... preoccupied." For a brief moment Jay's face was marked by a look of confusion but as the final piece fell into place his face was painted over by a look of understanding and he silently mouthed an elongated 'oh'.

Alexi nodded and forced the images from his mind, replacing them with memories of Jay that flooded his mind as blood rushed from one of his heads to the other. He stepped closer still to the panda against his door, their bodies now barely an inch from each other. Alexi reached around Jay's body for the door handle. He gently pushed Jay back with the door, bringing them both into the dimly lit bedroom.

As Alexi kicked the door shut behind him; he moved his face up against Jay's. "Now this is something I've been waiting for a long time." Leaning forward; Alexi closed his eyes and pressed his muzzle against Jay's face, the two sharing their first bought of oral intimacy as a couple. The pair lost themselves in each other's mouths and they slowly moved closer to the bed.

With his back now to the bed, Alexi felt the mattress against the back of his leg and Jay kept pushing him back, unaware of how close they were to the bed. With a muffled 'thud', Alexi was sent falling backwards onto his bed, followed quickly by Jay. The fall tore their mouths apart as Jay fell on top of Alexi. A grunt followed by a light chuckle made its way from Alexi's mouth and into the open air of the dim room.

"Oops." Jay said between giggles. "Now, where were we?" Alexi gasped in surprise as Jay squeezed at his clothed crotch, and as his paw hugged at his concealed member the gasp quickly turned into a moan. Jay massaged and teased at the thickening penis that was straining fruitlessly against the tightening fabric of his underwear. Alexi moaned and shuddered at Jay's touch.

"With that and you to look at, you might want to take it out before I have to find a change of pants..." Jay smiled seductively and, pressing against the bed for a launch, slid his face away from Alexi's, moving down the wolf's clothed body.

As he slid down Alexi, Jay shifted his grip, seizing the front of Alexi's jeans, not bothering with undoing the button, the horny panda tugged at the tightly sealed denim. With a small movement, he pushed his fingers beneath the thin, soft fabric of Alexi's underwear, feeling the short pubic fur that was slightly uncharacteristic of Alexi to have.

Jay's fingers were surrounded by the warmth of Alexi's hardening member as he forced the clothing away from it. Feeling the breath of fresh air and the eager paw of Jay on his member as it was freed; Alexi moaned softly. Grasping the warm, solid flesh, Jay pulled it free completely from Alexi's underwear. The thick member pulsed in his grip; the uncircumcised human-like penis stood at just above seven-and-a-half inches with the foreskin completely retracted, and hidden none-too-subtly beneath head of his straining member was a glint of silvery metal.

Jay inhaled deeply, the scent of Alexi's pre filling his nostrils; making him moan softly as he brought his mouth closer to the scepter of meat in front of him. The aroma of Alexi's masculinity stirred reactions in Jay's waist as it sent shivers through his entire body. Drawing a louder moan from Alexi; Jay ran his soft tongue up the length of Alexi's member.

As Jay teased at Alexi's dick with his tongue, he blindly began tugging at his own pants with one paw. Softly licking at his shaft and kissing at his furry testicles; Jay managed to work his own member free. With his left paw he tenderly massaged Alexi's member and with his right he groped at his own. His paw was attracted to the head of his human-like penis, where he softly stroked on his hard member. In his grasp, he fondled with his penis, and delight filled his mind at the feeling of the warm, bent bar of metal through his urethra.

The wolf gasped and moaned as his mate's tongue ran over the underside of the tip of his penis. With the shudder, two beads of pre escaped his member and rolled down on opposite sides, one down the front and the other onto Jay's tongue.

"Jay, wait. I don't want your cock to feel left out... How about I tend to it while you tend to mine?" Jay smiled and, using the bed as a brace, pulled himself up onto Alexi's bed. The thin strip of natural light pouring in through the blinds reflected sharply off of the brilliant metal ornament on the end of Jay's circumcised six-and-a-half inch penis.

Alexi couldn't help but admire the near-circular silver bar adorned with turquoise metallic balls on either end. Alexi couldn't remove Jay's penis from his focus if he tried, but that thought never once crossed his mind as the penis was centered in his vision. Jay felt Alexi's paw grip his waist and his nose touch the warm metal of his piercing.

As Jay lined his mouth up with Alexi's penis the wolf asked him; "you ready, babe?"


"Just hold on..." Alexi slipped his other paw between Jay's waist and his bed, and with one swift movement and a grunt of exertion, Alexi pulled Jay on top of him. Jay let out a gasp of surprise as he was slapped in the cheek by Alexi's hard member.

Alexi chuckled slightly as he licked softly at Jay's testicles. Jay raised his waist with his legs and Alexi lined up his hard cock with the wolf's eagerly awaiting mouth. Opening his maw and accepting the solid intruder, Alexi moved his paws along Jay's thighs and rested them on his round butt. Jay turned back and watched Alexi raise his head and envelop the panda's hard length while gently massaging his soft rump. Looking forward, Jay moaned as Alexi's tongue twirled around the shaft of meat he was lovingly sucking on.

Wanting to share the feelings welling up inside with the wolf below him, Jay took the tip of Alexi's dick into his mouth, tasting the fresh bead of pre that rolled out as he encased the manhood in his lips.

Knowing that Alexi was fairly close, Jay sucked slowly and never strayed too far from his tip, wanting to truly earn his reward. With a face full panda pubes, the tender ministrations of Jay's tongue and the scent of the horny fire-fox above him, Alexi was in nothing short of bliss, and he intended to make sure Jay felt nothing less.

Alexi softly kneaded at Jay's firm rump with his right paw, his left gently caressing his thigh and between his butt cheeks; teasing softly at Jay's tailhole each time he passes it. Alexi slowly brought his muzzle to Jay's hanging testicles and back down, holding his tongue in place to feel the member sliding along it. The shape of the piercing was unfamiliar to Alexi's tongue as the member slid to the entrance of his mouth and back down along his tongue.

Jay moaned into Alexi's thick member as his rear was caressed. Alexi pried Jay's butt apart, giving his tailhole a taste of the open air. Jay gasped as Alexi's left paw followed its path and reconnected with his tailhole. Alexi forced his finger past the relaxed anal muscles that tried in vain to keep the intrusive finger out. Jay moaned as Alexi's long middle-finger slowly penetrated him.

Alexi moaned around Jay's pulsing member as his own throbbed and let off another bead of pre-cum. Alexi felt the pressure building to a peak and pushed his index finger through Jay's tailhole to better massage the panda's prostate. As Jay gently sucked on Alexi's foreskin, he massaged the base of his thick member and his balls with his paw, drawing Alexi closer and closer to the edge.

As Alexi felt the end quickly approaching, he moaned and probed harder and deeper into Jay's rectum with his long fingers. Jay could feel Alexi's breath quickening on his balls and dropped further onto the wolf's long member, pulling his head up the shaft and letting gravity send it back down. Knowing that the end was very close for Alexi, Jay gently pushed his tongue beneath the tight foreskin, it barely fit with the thick member. Choking back a loud moan on Jay's cock, Alexi thrust up sharply into Jay's maw.

All the pressure deep in Alexi's balls shifted in a matter of seconds, running through his body in rhythmic pulses and waves. In a fraction of a second the seal that held the pressure broke and Alexi moaned loudly into Jay's hovering crotch. With a couple of short, sharp thrusts Alexi's body grew limp as all the pressure erupted from his cock with the thick ropes of semen that painted the inside of Jay's maw.

Almost sub-consciously, Alexi's fingers thrust faster during his orgasm. Cum leaked from around Alexi's member as the powerful load filled Jay's maw with shot after shot of hot seed. Jay was not far behind the wolf below him. Using his free paw, Alexi gently pulled Jay's rear toward him, suggesting for Jay to hump into his muzzle. Jay resisted slightly against Alexi's paw as he felt a familiar tingling in his penis that he had not felt in a month. He almost couldn't help himself as his orgasm crept up on him; he gave in to Alexi's paw and thrust gently into the wolf's welcoming maw.

Orgasm enveloped Jay's senses, as Alexi's maw did his penis. Doing his best to keep all of Alexi's thick seed in his mouth, Jay moaned as his member twitched powerfully inside Alexi's eager muzzle. In waves of electricity, Jay's body quivered in bliss as the first rope of month's worth of built-up cum escaped his hard penis. Moaning as he sucked the last few shots of cum from Alexi's cock, Jay gently rocked his hips back and forth as he emptied his load into the joyful wolf. Alexi felt the warm metal of Jay's Prince Albert against the roof of his mouth as the panda's hard penis spewed rope after rope of cum into him. With his mouth quickly filling with Jay's rich panda seed, Alexi lowered his head away from Jay's warm crotch. He watched the throbbing dick as it spat out the dwindling spurts of Jay's orgasmic fluid.

Holding his mouth open to catch the ropes of cum falling from the hanging panda member, Alexi moaned and the stray shots of cum landed around his mouth and on his neck. With a wet slurp and a slap of limp, wet flesh on flesh, Jay released Alexi's member from his mouth and it fell onto his stomach. Jay pushed up and sat behind Alexi's head, his member dribbling a final drop of cum onto his cheek. Pulling his waist to the edge of the bed and leaning down to meet Alexi's mouth with his, pushing his tongue through the wolf's lips, letting the canine's semen run along his tongue and into the wolf's own muzzle.

Returning the inverted kiss, Alexi forced his tongue, along with the amalgam of their fluids into the panda's warm mouth. Jay gently sucked the thick semen up into his mouth as their tongues danced with each other. Jay moved his paws to the sides of Alexi's head, holding it in place as the two shared a passionate kiss full of their combined semen.

As Jay pulled away from Alexi's maw, he sucked up as much of the semen that he could and rolled his tongue back and tilted his head upwards, swallowing the indistinguishable mixture of their seed. As he crawled beside Alexi and lay down, he smiled blissfully and giggled. "You have to swallow that." Grinning at his mate, Alexi gladly swallowed every little swimmer that danced on his tongue.

"I wouldn't waste a drop of your cum, babe." Jay smiled and blushed as he kissed the stationary wolf.

Alexi rolled onto his side as he kissed Jay, wrapping an arm around the panda before falling back onto his back. They stopped their kiss and Jay just lay on the wolf, loosely hugging him. "I'm so happy that we're together, babe." Jay whispered as he snuggled up against Alexi. "I've wanted to ask you out for a while too. I just didn't really know how to ask you."

"It wouldn't have mattered, I would have said yes if you'd asked me in the silliest way, the most romantic or any way in between." Alexi smiled as Jay blushed and kissed the wolf.

"You are so sweet. I wish I'd asked you out earlier." Alexi hugged him tighter as the two lay in near silence. "I'd have been yours much earlier..."

A metaphorical light-bulb sprung to life in Alexi's head and a grin spread across his face as a pressure made itself known in his crotch. "Jay, would you mind rolling onto your back for a second?" shooting him a quizzical look, Jay nodded in agreement as he rolled off of Alexi.

"What are you doing, babe?" Jay asked as Alexi pulled himself onto his knees and turned back to face the lying panda. Grinning, Alexi moved forward, his penis held tightly in his grasp.

"Something to remind me that you're mine..." The lewd edge to his voice did not go unheard by Jay, who caught on an instant before it happened.

Alexi pulled back on his penis, forcing his foreskin to recede past the head of his softening penis. With a sigh, Alexi's bladder released, and a warm jet of golden liquid poured forth from his penis, landing on the panda's stomach and running off his fur, leaving a noticeable trail of damp fur in its wake. Alexi closed his eyes and blindly aimed his member at Jay's upper body, ensuring to coat the panda in as much of his urine as he could. Jay moaned very softly in submission as his chest was covered in the hot fluids erupting in a jet from Alexi's penis.

Sighing in sweet release, Alexi forced the muscles in his penis to expel more urine and the stream sprayed onto Jay's chest. Alexi moaned as he marked the panda beneath his as his own, and he felt the stream slowing.

He let out a final sigh as the stream dwindled to a halt. Reopening his eyes with a look of bliss he looked down on Jay and was shocked at what he saw. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed at the sight of Jay's mouth that hung open, a small pool of urine very noticeable inside. Jay grabbed Alexi's shoulder and pulled the wolf down to his eyes, the scent of the musky wolf urine filled his own nostrils. They shared an unwavering stare, and Alexi wasn't sure whether to worry or sigh in relief.

His thought was answered as Jay closed his mouth and with a gulp, swallowed every drop. Their eye contact didn't separate for a second. "Oh Jay..." Alexi pressed his lips against Jay's, pushing his body close to the panda's urine covered fur. Holding his marked mate close, Alexi kissed him deeply, before pulling away abruptly.

"I love you, Alexi." Jay smiled at Alexi, who couldn't help but smile back.

"I love you too, Jay." Smiling widely, Alexi caressed Jay's urine-soaked fur. "Now we should probably get these sheets off." Alexi said in a lower tone, grabbing a handful of the wet sheets.

"Okay." Jay agreed and used his paw to lift himself up, and as he did so he noticed an odd texture in the bed. "Did you put one of those plastic bed sheets on?"

"Heh... Yeah. Just in case we were going to do it here tonight. Looks like it came in handy."

"Then you might want to leave it on... We might just come back to the bed later tonight..." Jay smiled and Alexi chuckled softly and quickly kissed Jay.

Alexi couldn't help but inhale the strong scent of urine that exuded from Jay's fur, marking him as the wolf's own. Noticing the twitch in Alexi's nose as he reveled in the scent of his newly marked mate, Jay breathed in himself, smiling and moaning softly. More than contented to be drenched in his mate's urine; Jay snuggled close to Alexi, wrapped in the wolf's warm embrace.

"I've been waiting a long time to hold you like this, Jay." Alexi said as he leaned down, into a lying position beside Jay; arms still wrapped around him. "And it's worth every second of waiting..."

"You are so sweet, Alexi." Jay smiled as he gently kissed the wolf that held him close. Alexi smiled as he pulled Jay's glasses away from his face, blindly placing them on the end table beside his bed.

Exchanging a few soft kisses between them, they laid in each other's embrace for the hour that felt like mere minutes. Through the slightly ajar blinds, the dying light of the sun dwindled away as the day faded into night. The strong scent of the wolf's urine clinging further to Jay's fur as each minute passed, but not a single complaint or negative thought formed, instead the panda simply held his eyes closed and rested on Alexi's soft, slightly damp chest-fur, a grin of contented bliss across his face.

The quiet out-of-sync breathing of the two lovers was the only thing that kept the room from silence. Not a single word was uttered between the two as they held each other, and none needed saying. Jay could hear the gentle thump of Alexi's relaxed heartbeat against his ear as he felt the wolf's chest rise and fall with each breath. Alexi felt the soft outward breaths from Jay's nose that subtly tickled his chest-fur stop as the panda pulled his head away from him. As Jay stretched his arms, Alexi pulled himself into a sitting position against his headboard and watched his mate turn back to face him.

Jay crawled closer to Alexi, resting on his lap, facing towards him. Now taller than the tall wolf, Jay leaned down and kissed him. Their nude bodies were still glistening with urine that now ran off them and into the sheets below. They held their naked figures close as they shared a deep and passionate kiss, their tongues softly and lovingly moving around each other. As they shared their kiss, Alexi felt something warm and solid press against his crotch. He didn't need to think at all to know exactly what it was. As they separated, Alexi smiled and moved his paws down Jay's back, resting them above his soft rump.

Pulling Jay's rump closer, the panda's circumcised cock pressed against Alexi's stomach and bent up to lay against the wolf's soft fur. Jay moaned softly as Alexi passionately kissed his neck. As Alexi continued to kiss Jay's neck, he pushed forward and gently lowered the panda onto the bed. Now lying on top of him, Alexi refocused his attention on Jay's mouth.

Their mouths joined in an elongated moment of shared passion; Alexi embraced Jay, holding him against his own body, refusing to let the moment slip away. As they lost themselves in each other's mouths, Alexi aimlessly kneaded his cock into Jay's crotch and perineum. Alexi's grip on Jay was firm yet caring as his dick was hard. Remaining bound by muzzle, Jay grasped what little there was to hold of Alexi's butt, gently urging his thrusts. Despite his evident exuberance for his mate, Alexi shyly tongued at Jay's mouth.

The uncircumcised wolf's member slipped along Jay's furred crotch and lined itself aside the slightly shorter, circumcised panda's penis. Alexi pulled his tongue from Jay's mouth; sucking on his bottom lip a final time. He smiled down as he looked into his mate's eyes; his messed black hair falling down around his face. "I could stare into your eyes forever and never regret a moment."

Without breaking eye contact, Alexi grasped his own manhood and pulled it back along Jay's crotch, leaving a glistening trail of pre-cum along his dark fur. Alexi leaned down and gently pulled Jay's head back, bearing his neck and moving his face out of the way of his long hair that fell as he lowered his head. Instead of kissing it as he normally would, he rested his face against the side of Jay's and whispered softly. "I love you," his paw slipped into the panda's bright red headfur, running his hand down his head and neck, holding his head in an upright position. He brought his own head back to meet Jay's beautiful eyes. "Words cannot express it enough... but I think that this just might."

Bringing his face close to the panda, so close that their noses touched, Alexi aligned his penis with the eagerly awaiting tailhole. His eyes watched, unwavering; reading Jay's eyes as he gently and slowly forced himself inside of him. He watched Jay's face change and felt his elevated breath against his face as he spread the tight muscular ring open. Jay moaned softly as Alexi inched his member into him, the rod of flesh damp with pre. As Jay moaned, Alexi echoed with a deeper moan as Jay's insides constricted comfortably around his manhood.

As he continued to bury every inch of his large member, he felt the cold metal ring that ran through the tip of the panda's penis against his stomach, accompanied by the subtle stickiness of pre that had leaked from the circumcised cock. Jay's manhood twitched strongly and let loose more pre as Alexi's member brushed against his prostate. He kept advancing his member through Jay's rectum, and brushed against his true target; Jay's bladder. The fire-cat shook all over, moaning louder this time and then he gave Alexi a look that said 'already?'

Alexi smiled lustily and shook his head; he pushed past his bladder and deeper into the anal canal, moaning as he finally found himself completely hilted in the man beneath him. Jay smiled with a feeling of fullness and the gentle tickle of Alexi's short pubic fur against his perineum. "A perfect fit," Jay said as he raised a paw and pulled Alexi's head down into a deep kiss. As their tongues ran along each other once more, Alexi reeled his hips back slowly, building suspense in Jay's mind.

It felt like the calm before the storm; the wait before the thrust. In a blink, Alexi pulled away from Jay's mouth and forced himself back into his rear. Jay threw his head back in ecstasy and moaned loud enough for all to hear. Before Jay could move his head back to look into Alexi's eyes, the wolf was already thrusting in and out of him steadily. The gentle slapping of Alexi's full testicles against Jay's rear echoed through the room. Alexi found himself moaning with Jay as he probed the deepest recesses of the panda's insides.

Among his deep moans, Alexi kissed Jay's neck and muttered short phrases of loving endearment. Alexi's thrusts were short, keeping as much of his flesh in the warmth that was his lover as much as possible. Jay's moans were near as frequent as Alexi's thrusts. Among his whispers of love and affection, Alexi promised Jay something. "I am going to fuck you until you empty that bladder of yours all over both of us..." As soon as the words fell on Jay's ears, the wolf had pressed his lips against Jay's, both of them still bearing the subtle scent of cum and urine.

They moaned into each other's mouths as Alexi didn't so much as slow his thrusts. There it was again; Alexi had studied the canal he filled enough times to know exactly where to strike. Alexi struck the tenderness of Jay's bladder strongly and made every muscle in the panda's body tighten suddenly and shake in pleasure. Alexi felt that and decided that he might draw this out a little longer...

He returned to thrusting deeply into him, avoiding the bladder altogether. He raised his mouth from Jay's and braced his paws on either side of his head. He reeled out slowly again, and pushed in forcefully, barely missing his target. Jay saw it in Alexi's eyes; he knew exactly what his mate was aiming for. He felt it again, but stronger this time; Alexi plunged himself back in and struck his bladder. Jay could almost feel the urine crawling up his urethra.

Alexi pushed in a final time, cleanly striking the bladder as he let his body fall over Jay's, bringing them face to face once more. This was it, there was no way Jay could stop it, but why would he? The burst of relief was sudden and strong. Jay moaned loudly and Alexi laid his body against the panda's, hoping to catch as much of the golden liquid on his fur as he could. As the levy that held back the urine broke, Jay moaned without a care to keep it quiet.

The warmth of Jay's pee covered them both quickly, a powerful stream that Alexi had been waiting for. Alexi's chest was sodden with Jay's excretion, and as the stream continued, it drew a line of wetness up Jay's torso and onto his neck. Jay, still moaning as he felt his own urine run down his body and onto the sheets. He looked up, to see his ever-flowing golden stream and Alexi on top of him. Winking at the panda below, Alexi pulled his penis out of Jay's tailhole and pulled himself back.

He leaned forward and breathed in the scent of Jay's urine directly from its source. Jay's eyes filled with curiosity and naughty thoughts. As the flow began to falter, Alexi opened his maw and enveloped the tip of Jay's cock, taking the stream into his mouth. With him mouth full of musky panda urine, Alexi removed it from his mouth and let the last of the stream run over his head, soaking his black headfur thoroughly.

With the stream dead, Alexi gulped and swallowed every drop of urine he held in his mouth. Both of them lay there, soaked with urine and with their hearts beating in their throats. Alexi crawled back over Jay, licking his urine-bathed fur as he went, and their eyes met again. If the scent in of urine in the air was strong, the scent of it on Alexi's breath was almost overwhelming. "I've marked you as mine, and now," Alexi ran a finger up his chest and raised it to his eyes, urine dripped off of it. "And now I'm yours." Neither of their penises lost even the slightest bit of arousal as Jay pulled Alexi's lips to his. The taste of urine on Alexi's tongue was strong, and Jay loved it.

As their lips broke apart, Alexi smiled and Jay moved to talk. "Yes... You really are mine," a seductively sinister smile spread across his face as he pulled himself onto his knees and advanced on Alexi, backing him up against the headboard. He pushed Alexi back into the headboard with an unusually forceful thrust and descended on him. He rubbed the tip of his cock against Alexi's chest, feeling the metal inside move as he did so. Alexi's cock stood straight up, gently prodding at his butt as it throbbed. It was exactly where Jay wanted it. Bracing his paws on Alexi's shoulders, he forced himself down and onto the glistening scepter of flesh.

Jay moaned as he was filled again, the feeling of emptiness inside him disappeared. Jay rested his paw on Alexi's chest and held him against the wood. Lifting himself up and falling back onto Alexi's lap, Jay moaned deeply. There was something in how forceful Jay was being that turned Alexi on madly. Moaning softly, Alexi threw his head back slowly, his paws holding Jay's legs with a slack grip. Alexi closed his eyes and continued moaning at the feeling of Jay's tight rear sliding along his length.

The wolf's eyes remained shut as he felt the pressure on his chest slacken. The next thing he felt was Jay's hot breath against his neck. He never missed a thrust onto Alexi's lap as he whispered. "I'm going to drain that thick cock and beautiful balls of yours," his whisper was raw with lust with an edge of dominance that Alexi had never heard from him, but there was no denying that he liked it. Jay's cock slid across Alexi's fur each time he bounced on his lap. The pre-cum that leaked from Jay's member drew lines of viscous liquid down his damp fur.

Jay lustily kissed at Alexi's neck as he caressed the panda's thighs and butt. Bringing his face from Alexi's neck and to his face, their lips met and Jay dropped onto Alexi's crotch. He was incredibly close, and the sensation shivered through him like waves of intense pleasure that ebbed as soon as they presented themselves. Being brought back down from what was going to be a powerful orgasm, Jay moaned softly into Alexi's mouth and they both felt his cock throb against their bodies as it shot a thin rope of slick pre-cum onto Alexi's chest.

Alexi felt Jay's insides squeeze tightly around him as the six-and-a-half inch member pumped out more slippery cum past the bent ring of metal and into their fur. Alexi slowly tore their lips apart, pulling his tongue back into his mouth. Alexi had to crane his neck upwards slightly to look into the panda's eyes, but there were no complaints from him. He could lose himself in the beauty of his blue eyes.

With a moan and a wet pop, Jay pulled himself off Alexi's lap. He crawled back across the crimson sheets and beckoned Alexi to follow. Alexi crawled after him, placing his paws beside Jay's slender belly. But the look on Jay's face stopped him. It was a smile, a lecherous smile and a slight shaking of the head. The lusty fire-fox grabbed the wolf's shoulders and pushed on him gently. By Jay's urging, Alexi fell back onto his flat butt and laid his body down. Conveniently, his head landed perfectly on the pillow behind.

Jay sat on his knees, urging both of Alexi's legs into a straight position with a paw on both of his knees. Jay kissed Alexi's soft, fuzzy balls as he passed them, running a tongue up his hard shaft after that. He stopped as his warm tongue passed the warmer still metal hiding beneath his tip. He kissed the pre-soaked tip, eliciting a jolt from the monolith of arousal.

"Oh..." Alexi moaned as something snapped in his mind. "Wait, Jay." There was a certain lecherous urgency in his voice. "Open the second drawer." Jay gave him a quizzical look and an 'okay' before lifting his head away from Alexi's crotch, but the pleasant scent of it stuck in his nostrils. He grabbed the handle of the drawer and slowly pulled it out. What he saw made his eyes widen slightly.

He reached his paw in and grabbed the drawer's only contents. Before removing his paw, he threw a small tube at Alexi, hitting him in the chest. He pulled another, far larger object forth, closing the drawer behind him. He sat back up, holding the item in his paw. It was a life-like dildo, about eight inches thick and two wide. Alexi blushed and looked up a Jay, then down at his own crotch. Jay giggled and waddled on his knees, over to Alexi's body. Placing one knee on either side of his belly he rested.

He felt Alexi's cock against his tail as he wagged it side-to-side idly. Alexi gladly handed him the small tube of lubricant, emblazoned with the term 'moist' in large font. Jay uncapped the lube and squeezed a generous helping onto the end of the dildo.

He blindly reached the dildo behind him, hoping to hit Alexi's tailhole. He accidentally rubbed the lubed tip against Alexi's balls and taint, and then his tail, but eventually he found the hole he was looking for. He gently pushed against the tight tailhole, but the lube helped it give way quickly. Alexi moaned loudly as he slid it into him.

"Ah!" Alexi groaned as Jay kept pushing it into him. "That's far enough." That's all that Jay needed to hear; he lifted himself up and moved back. Jay tossed the tube aside and slid down so his tailhole kissed the tip of Alexi's cock. The wolf's manhood pulsed and smacked the panda's tailhole. Jay moaned as he slipped down Alexi's thick seven-and-a-half inch cock. The feeling of Alexi's thin pubic fur against his balls was more than welcome.

Alexi groped and massaged Jay's upper thighs as he sat. Jay slowly began bouncing in his lap. His movements were fast and short. He moaned as his balls slapped against Alexi's pubis. Alexi's paws continued their lusty ascent up Jay's legs, finding their way to his soft bubble butt. Holding the supple rear firmly, Alexi guided Jay along his shaft. His hips rose to meet Jay's falls. Alexi pulled Jay's body down to slam against his lap, the slaps of his butt against Alexi's thighs echoed through the dark room.

An electric tingling and a pressure built behind the base of Alexi's penis as he felt the muscles of Jay's anus hug his cock tightly with each stroke. He took his right paw off Jay's butt and brought to his inner thigh. With a lecherous gaze Alexi watched the circumcised panda cock bouncing in front of him; drops of pre flicking from its tip as the rod of male meat flailed.

Jay felt Alexi's paw close around his cock and that all too familiar sensation building up in his crotch. The thick scepter of meat he descended on filled him completely, brushing past his prostate; causing a vigorous throb from his cock, and past his empty bladder. The closed wolf paw ran along his shaft erratically, brushing past the piercing on his tip with each stroke. Jay felt it deep inside him, a warmth spreading through his body, emanating from the tip of his rock-hard cock.

Each throb his penis made in Alexi's grip was stronger and fiercer than the last and beads of pre flicked across the canine's body below. He moaned louder and louder each time Alexi's closed paw slipped past his circumcision scar and over the pierced tip of his manhood. His moans took form of Alexi's name as well as the indistinguishable 'ooh's and 'ah's. The intense feeling from his penis seized his body and sent tingles through the shaft of meat.

Every muscle in Jay's body tensed in perfect synchronization. Alexi slackened his grip of the hot saber of blood and heat and watched it throw itself up in powerful throbs. A final vociferous cry for Alexi and it overtook Jay completely. Suddenly, all the tension loosed in his body and his moans slowed. His cock throbbed stronger than ever, and with each throb Jay let fly a long rope of rich panda cum. Alexi's thrusts up into Jay's rump threw the ropes in all directions. The first laid itself across the wolf's face and in his hair, the second across his chin and the remainder painted his chest and stomach.

With each throb of his cock, Jay's insides pulsed too. The muscles of his tight rear tightened on Alexi's ascents in a successful attempt to milk the semen from the long, thick penis. Just as Jay's moans softened, Alexi's peaked. Like Jay's, Alexi's moans took form of his lover's name. The wolf's breathing was ragged and the smell of cum clung to him. "Oh," Alexi's voice was straining and almost hoarse as he thrust faster into Jay. "Jay..." Alexi called out as the walls gripped him strongly; bring all the pressure of the world to the tip of his uncircumcised penis.

"Jay!!" Alexi called out as Jay leaned back, to take the fullness of Alexi's member into him. With waves and waves of searing pleasure running through every nerve in his body, Alexi moaned loudly. With that the pressure was released and his cock throbbed so powerfully that it almost took Jay with it. Jay could feel the entirety of Alexi's cock throbbing dynamically against the walls of his tight passage. Wet warmth spread through Jay's insides, building and spread further with each formidable throb. Alexi's breathing slowed as he emptied his seed deep into Jay, grinning contently as he watched Jay being filled.

Alexi rose to Jay's face, his cock still throbbing inside him. "I love you." They said, almost simultaneously. Their eyes closed and their lips met, the scents of cum, sweat, urine and each other filled their nostrils as they joined by the mouth. Leaning back, Alexi pulled Jay down with him, until he was lying on top of him, the panda's cum rubbing into both of their torsos. Alexi's dick began to soften inside Jay, slicked with his own fluids. Their mouths slipped apart and contented smiles never left their maws. Alexi held Jay's shoulders firmly and rolled him onto his side.

For several minutes they lie there, in each other's embrace, reeking of passion, urine and sex. "Maybe we should hit the shower..." Alexi suggested as he looked into Jay's opening eyes.

"Let's just lie here a while..." Jay whispered, kissing Alexi softly. They held each other tight and close, covered in their own and each other's fluids and more than content. They laid in each other's arms for another hour yet; the moon peeked through the slightly ajar drapes and watched the couple nestled in one-another's grip. Jay had even drifted off to sleep half-an-hour later, only to be woken by Alexi and made to share a shower with him. The couple shared a shower. Their first shared shower as a couple.

The Sleepover - Thomas' Story

The feint light of the lamp danced across the contours of the bed sheets and the two who lie beneath, on the queen-sized mattress. Thomas, a male red fox, of forty-two years sat against the headboard, thin glasses resting upon the ridge of his nose as...

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Royal Service

Seated atop a large, ornate throne of gold and stone was a rather large fur. A lavishly dressed lion man sat on the exuberant throne. His robes emphasized his royal stature; the royal tailors had spared no expense in adorning their king with only the...

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Sex in the Predawn Gloom

_This story will contain sexual acts between two male characters of legal age. By continuing past this disclaimer, you waive any and all rights to be offended by the content of this fictional work._ Thin beams of light from between the blinds were all...

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