A Cheetah's Race

Story by Tigz Cerberus Spirit on SoFurry

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This is a poem I have done a while ago on FA, if you wish to see more of my poems and story writing. Come check on FA <3 http://www.furaffinity.net/user/darktiggy/

Anyways, this poem is from the idea of someone coming back home. Someone who has been gone from home for so long, the idea of one seeing family even if they are not blood related. Home is where you make it and where you feel safe and happy, to go back to where you feel love and care all the same.

A blur of the rising sun, the wind rushing against his smooth yellow fur.

His breaths quick with each step forward, his heart racing in time with the world.

Each step becomes quicker, each step closer to his spot in the world.

A moment in time, his race only beginning at this radiant world.

Young yet strong, running towards his destiny headstrong.

His life short yet only beginning, his memories holding him strong within the race.

His choice of goals, running against the rising sun of the new day.

His hearts beats strong, his legs staying strong through the race.

The lands seeming to fade from him, the blur becoming thicker with each beat of his heart.

This moment won't be the first, this time he shall finish this race.

His soul carries forward, being the light to guide him through.

His mind strong, focus on the lands before him.

Time passes him, the dawning day slowly becoming the setting dusk.

His strength fading from his grasp, his body losing the fight steadily.

The strong beginning slowly fades to the last painful moments, though the cheetah's soul wanted more.

His heart stayed strong, though his body gave in.

Time stops within its tracks, his eyes seeing the end of his race.

The reason his runs ahead, his family in sight at last.

His soul rages forward, his body gaining the strength once more to run.

The strength to finish, yes this is his reason to move forward.

His race at a end, his whole being reaching his destiny.

To be home once again, his life finally complete once again.

Home at last...the Race of the Cheetah..

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