The Same Heartbeats Chapter 2

Story by Unknownreader92 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Same Heartbeats

I forgot to say that if you want to use my characters, please ask me. Enjoy the second chapter

DDR is Konami property.


The following chapter is rated "T" due to looks of homophobia and abuse. Viewer description is advised.

Chapter 2: The New Tiger

Tara was showing the tiger around the highschool building. Tony looked around and Zhane wasn't too far for them

"This is the Art room" says Tara pointing a door who has written _ART ROOM _"You'll find Zhane most of the noon on that place"

The rabbit just giggled after that remark

They keep showing the school until they reach the cafeteria "This is the last spot of our tour: the cafeteria, where well, is like any other cafeteria; we eat lunch and socialize"

The three then go to the kitchen and decide to get their meals and later they sit on a table. During their meal, Tara was looking a neighbor table that was empty

"What's wrong?" questioned the tiger

"Nothing, on that table the Basketball team usually sits unless they've practice"


"It's because his boyfriend is the captain"

"Zhane" says Tara blushed and the rabbit giggled "Well, It's true: At first I thought Chris was like the rest of the jocks, but he was nice and friendly and really loyal. I think you'll be instantly his friend if you go for the try-outs"

"...I'll think about it" sayed the tiger and the rest keep his chat

Meanwhile, at the principal's office...Jennifer was signing some papers when she hears a knock on the door

"Excuse me Jennifer" said Ms. Meier "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure, but make it quick. The accountant will come to discuss the next school year's budget"

"Don't worry,I'll be brief"


The sparrow cleaned her throat and begin to speak "I'm starting to notice something on my class: some students are picking up endlessly to others...especially Zhane Martins"

the eagle sighed and sayed "Don't tell me: Richard Anderson again?"

"Ho-how do you know?"

"Meredith, you're not the only one who has complains about him: since the school year started, he were recieving complains about him: being unrespectful to others, sometimes disrespecting the teachers and even causing mess on the hallways"

"Well, if you guys know, then why aren't you doing something to correct him"

"We're trying everything we can, so far he has been scolded with the teachers and with me, he's going to the school counselor and the psychiatrist and even got detention. Recently, he got out of suspension"

"But I think this is not enough for him"

After a quick pause the principal says "Look, let's do this: after I got my appointment with the accountant, I'll personally pass a report to his father and I'll talk to him...again, so you can come back to your classroom"

"Sure" and then sparrow procceds to leave

"Meredith" says the director and she turns around

"Here on Westwheel High, we have an anti-bullying policy, and we'll try the best to make him reflect on his actions. Trust me that I'll do to make him change his way"

Meier just nodded and leace the office. Cortés keep filling her papers and later sounded the office telephone

"Yes...Principal Cortés here....good, he can come in now" and hanged the phone

On the men's room, Zhane was cleaning his paws when once again founds Rick and his crew

"The hell, Rick" says Zhane surprised and a little horrified

"Your beloved teacher and her pet give me extra homework"

"So, you brought this to yourself"

"It's not about it's my fault or not: it's because I hate homework...more than any queer in this world"

"Whatever" and he tried to leave but the lynx and the ram

"Hey, where are you going" says the lynx: Patrick

"We're not done with you" says the ram: George as both hold them for not escape, but then, Tony entered and saw it all

"OK, leave him alone Rick" and he grabbed the rabbit and he got behind him

"I'm doing the right thing...fags like him don't need to exist, just put them in a desserted island and never let them escape" and later proceeds to punch him, but Tony blocks him saying "Don't touch him"

"Make me"

"Just stop, I don't see any problem being a 'fag',It's not really THAT bad" and later winks to the rabbit, hoping he got the indirect...and he kinda did.

"Don't tell me you're a faggot too, Oh...2 for the price of 1"

"Hey guys" sayed a skunk wearing a janitor uniform "I'm going to clean this bathroom. If you're not gonna use him, go" and the trio walked away, not before Rick menaced them with their fist and later the other boys do.

After classes, Tara was waiting outside when he saw Zhane and Tony running to the exit.

"Tara, cover us" says Tony


"We're going on foot to my house, I'm going to help Tony with his classes, don't tell anyone we're we going, we gotta go, Bye" says the rabbit qucikly and both we're running to the left, leaving the red panda confused and later Rick, Patrick and George get near of her.

"Where are they?" asked Rick

Tara looked at both sides and says "You're talking to me"

"Don't act like you are stupid, where the queers go?"

"Um...If I do know, they'll go over there... I think" says the red panda pointing the opposite direction, and the guys without saying anything else, they run.

"Suckers" whispered with a smirk on her face. Later looked around watching once again Jeff with his friends, Jeff was looking her shaking his head on disapproval, but Tara responded quickly flipping the middle finger. Later she looked back to the street when she saw her dad's car, quickly entering on it.

Meanwhile, Zhane and Tony were running through the streets when they decide to go to a corner of a building to catch their breath

"-pant-hey're not-pant--pant-followings us-pant-,aren't they?"

"-pant-I don't think so"

"Hey-pant-thanks for helping in the bathroom-pant-"

"-pant-what are friends for?"

The two decide to take deep breaths to calm themselves

"Do you think you can help me with some subjects, I need serious help to catch up"

"Sure, my house is near here" and the two decide to go.

The two stopped on a spot on the park nearby of the rabbit's house, eating an ice cream.

"Cool, we live near of the same park, they'll be no problem to visit you" says Tony delighted of the sight of the green of the trees of the park.

"That's no big deal, I don't come too often"says Zhane

"Well, I'll do: especially to run, practice basketball and go around on my bicycle"

"I...uh" says Zhane nervious and Tony just laughed, putting around an arm on his shoulder

"Let me guess: you don't like sports too much" says the tiger giggling

"No" and the giggling got Zhane too and after a moment of calm, Zhane blank slate

"Tony...¿can I ask you something?" asked Zhane nerviously


"How do you find out...that you're gay?"

The tiger started to think and tell "Since almost forever, I was kinda attracted to boys since I was young"

"And you didn't have any doubts about it?"

"Please, I don't need to lie to myself about what I am. I have no problems talking to girls: they're fun, but just as friends, but I think that you still has your doubts "

"-sigh-...I don't know, it's just that I don't picture myself kissing a girl"

"And what about kissing a boy?"

After hearing that comment, he got problems to eat the ice cream and he tries to swallow, but later his faced turned tomato red.

"Oh, sorry, I was just saying, trying to help you" the tiger sayed in order to call down his classmate

"No problem" sayed Zhane more nervous "Let's go home" and the two decide to stand up and go to the rabbit's home, being greeted by Paula. The two settled around on the kitchen and Paula has prepared for them sloppy joe's and a glass of iced tea

"Hmmmm, Mom" says Zhane "That looks delicious, thanks"

"It sure does" says Paula "So Tony, there's no problem if you study here, your parents know that you're here"

"They're overseas now" added the tiger "As long as they think I'm with my grandpa and uncle Luke and taking my therapy, everything will be fine"


"Yeah, I'm taking it since 4 years ago"

"Wow, you're so young"

"Yep, pretty much"

"Mom, can we take the plates to my room? I need to help Tony with his studies"

"Sure, just be clean and careful"

"We'll do" and the boys took the plates and the glasses and leave the kitchen "Excuse me" sayed Tony on courtesy. Paula was cleaning some of the dishes when Jeff got near to him

"As gay as a fairy, don'tcha think?" says Jeff

"So what? careful of what you say Jeff" says the mother frustrated "You must be happy that Zhane is making new friends"

"Fine, I'll just wait and see how things turn when my dad finds them 'studying' on his room, if you catch my meaning"

Paula just scoffed at the commentary.

Meanwhile, at Zhane's room. The boys were on a side of the bed checking their notebooks

"I think I already saw the chromosomes and DNA stuff on my other school" says Tony

"That's good, you're on good way on Biology class, and what about algebra?"

"Well, we're seeing diameter and area"

"Well, we already see that and now we're on square roots, here, let me pick the homework"

And the guys keep chatting and helping each other, while Paula decide to check on the boys and she smiled fondly after seeing her son being nice to a new person. She decides to keep her duties while the guys keep studying.

"And it turn out it was 666.6 dollars, I should see the check right before jumping into conclusions" sayed Erick Evans, Tara's father; while his wife Haley was laughing about it. The red panda family was on the dinner room, and while the wife was laughing of the husband's monoluge, Dana and Daisy keep eating while Tara look dumbfolded

"I don't get it"


"I'll get it" sayed Haley while go to the house enterance, later is heard a voice

"oh Hi, Chris, nice to see you"

"Hey Mrs. Evans"

"Hey Tara, he's here" says Dana whispering

"Is your husband" says Daisy at the same tome, and the twins giggled

"Shut up" says Tara kinda embarassed and later her mom and Chris appeared: Chris was a 16-year-old German Sheperd of 1.76 meters, being more taller than Tara that was 1.60. Chris was Tara's boyfriend and captain of the school's basketball team. He now was wearing his favorite black hoodie under his bright green shirt, cargo pants and blue shoes.

"Hey babe" says Chris greeting

"Hi puppy" says Tara hugging his neck and pecking him, but the father interrupted the kiss coughing

"Hey, Mr. Evans" greeted Chris to the father

"Tara, we're really clear about that kisses"

"Dad, don't be jealous"

"So, you're ready to go?"

"Oh yeah" and later she run to her room, picking her coat and her wallet

"Mom, dad. I'll be with Chris on the mall, don't let the girls sleep to late"

"Just be careful, honey; come back home to 9 o' clock"

"OK" and the two exited the house, and later the red panda climbed the german sheperd's red car and drove away.

At the mall, the couple was enjoying themselves strolling around, looking at the stores, the music shop and later decide to watch a movie at the cinema. Later, they stopped on a pizza restaurant for dinner. They're enjoying a pepperoni pizza

"So, I heard that there's a new classmate on Mr. Meier's class"


"I didn't have a chance to see him, how is he?"

"Well: his name is Tony Carson, he is a tiger, the same age as mine, a smart guy, a nice sportsman...and I think that's all"

"No, you're hiding me something else"

"Nope" and she contained her maw, trying to not talk more, but alas; she couldn't

"He wants to try-out for the basketball team"

"Cool, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because one of your flaws is that you can't help yourself of thinking about basketball all the time"

Chris didn't want to argue with her because she was kinda right.

"Yep, that's pretty much my thoughts on a nutshell, but I promised Mom to raise my grades focusing more on my studies"

"I understand, I'm not pressuring you to change and all...I love you just the way you are, basketball thoughts and all" and later she hugged his boyfriend and kissed him to the cheek.

"I love you, Chris"

"I know babe, I love you too" and Chris kissed his girl's forehead.

Later, that evening, they go to the arcade that was filled with people: kids and grown-ups alike

"So, DDR Match?" question Chris to Tara, while hugging her from the back

"Maybe later, I need to digest the pizza" and the couple proceeded to play around a little bit of time. Chris was playing on the hoops while Tara was playing a first-person shooter arcade, when she finished playing (she got a Game Over) she spotted a white mouse on a blue shirt, white pants and blue and yellow sandals, right on the enterance. She got near of the mouse and greeted her.

"Hi Mirtha" says Tara

"Hey Tara" and later air-kissed each other

"What are you doing here? I thought Jeff and you have a date"

"We have...but he told me he was helping his father, I told him if I can help him, but he said no because it was men's work, pfft, men"

"I know the feeling" the two were entering the arcade

"Yesterday, he told you called him a jerk"

Tara sighed and sayed "Yes I did, but the problem is that we don't get along well, It's his 'macho-in-training' attitude that bothers me, I'm just hoping he'll change and maybe I'm start to like him. And you know I'm happy for you two for having something."

Mirtha nodded and the two stayed silent

"So... wanna play DDR?"

"Sure" Tara took her paw and drag her to the sheperd

"Hey Chris, look who I found"

On night, things aren't well on the Martins' house.


"Calm down Ernest, he just asked Zhane help to study"

"I PROMISE THAT TOMORROW I'LL TALK TO THE PRINCIPAL TO TAKE HIM OUT OF THE SCHOOL" and he run to Zhane's room, Paula following him trying to calm him down, Zhane was hearing anything and he just sat on his bed, but his father entered again

"Listen to me mister, I don't want that fruity bastard on my house again"



"It's not fair dad" says Zhane "He's my friend, I got rights, ya know?"


"Ernest" Paula once again calming him, but she got slapped by her husband.

"Listen to me: THIS IS MY HOUSE, AND EVERYONE WHO LIVES HER MUST OBEY MY RULES, I don't want to raise fags on my house" and later, he decides to take the belt of his pants.

"Stop it, I'm your son" says Zhane almost at the verge of crying

"Ernest, what are you doing?" says Paula

"Something that I needed to do a long time, you go away"


"I SAID GO AWAY" screamed the father while pushed his wife outside the room and closed the door with lock.

"I'm gonna fix you wether you like it or not, just like my father raised me, with force if it's necesary, you son of a bitch"


"SHUT IT! SHUT IT!...What kind of father would like to have a son like're a disgrace, a disappointment" and using that belt, he begun to whip him; whip him with all his rage.

"" says Zhane muffled with his own arms

"Stop crying!" keep Ernest screaming "Men don't cry, only wusses you" and he continued to whip him

Paula was crying on the bedroom, eyes shutted and covering her ears, containing her tears

"Why?" she thought "Why're you so mean to him, you weren't like that", she just hoped the silenced camed and later she find her husband entering

"Oh come on woman, I didn't smack him that hard" sayed Ernest

"No,don't talk to me" says Paula sobbing

"This is for his own good"

"No, it's not" says shooking her head "Why you can't understand that Zhane is your own son, it's not like Jeff but still is your son, our son; and I'll defend him if it's neccesary"

"Stop being a dramatic, This is for his own good, ya understand?" but later the saffron rabbit took her pillow and some covers and decides to exit the room

"Where are you going?"

"Sleep somewhere else, I can't share the bed with a person like you, don't try to stop me" and she walks away of her husband shutting the door.

She decided to open the door of his son, Zhane was resting and crying on his bed when he saw his mom

"Do you mind If I sleep here tonight"

Zhane quietly shook his head, implying that there is no problem, she got near of the floor and make a little bad with the covers, the mother kissed her son on the forehead and give him a big hug, assuring that no matter what, she'll defend him.


Sorry If these look kinda violent, this is part of the story; and trust me, I'll make Ernest pay for his crimes sooner or later.

Oh, and another thing is that yes...Zhane and Tony will be a couple, just give him some time before the rabbit can settle his feelings and at best, expect next chapter can have their first kiss...unless Rick and Co. ruin everything once again...

And I think I spoke again "Smoke Bomb!" *Poof*

See ya later, alligators.

The Same Heartbeats Chapter 3

_Warning: The following chapter is rated "T" due to looks of homophobia and abuse._ _Viewer description is adivsed._ **Chapter 3: Broken Bodies and Broken Drawings** The school gym was mildly filled, Tara and Zhane were near the first rows of the...

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The Same Heartbeats Chapter 1

_Warning:_ _The following chapter is rated "T" due to looks of homophobia and abuse. Viewer description is advised. _ * * * **Chapter 1: Zhane's Daily Life** Zhane Martins.... Looks like a simple blue-eyed white rabbit of Reno, Nevada Looks...

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