The Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 12: Reflections of Passion (part2)

Story by StormTierSkywolf on SoFurry

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#46 of That Gay Goth Dog

I woke up next to cody. i yawned stretching my thin arms out. "morning!" i barked lightly.

"morning hayden!" cody said wagging his tail, doing what most pups do at 14 years old, he was play CoD.

"every get past that level yet?" i walked over and sat next to him turning on the computer.

"nope! but im so.... dang! i died!" he said throwing the controller down pouting.

"meh, you'll get it." i said and noticed a shared video from some band called Never Ending Apocalypse. "hmm." i said clicking on it. when i heard the demo song i fell in love with it.

"gah, who are these guys? dont sound to good." cody said sticking out his tongue.

"well you never did like metal." i said moving my head to the beat of the song.

"well... okay." cody said and started walking out of the room.

i clicked on the bands page and notice a German Shepherd holding some drumsticks, obviously the drummer. but he looked so different than the others. he actually meant his smile and everything he did sounded and looked like its meant to be. 'wonder what he would look like naked.' i murred and rubbed my sheath. i noticed what i said and shook my head. "wah no im not gay." i said and looked over that dog one more time and murred.

-next day-

"HAYDEN! CODY!" my mom yelled from the kitchen. we both ran down with our school cloths on. me with all black, cody with brand clothing on. "get going! your ganna be late." she said hugging us both and pointed to the door. we both ran out, just as the buss stopped. we jumped on the buss and sat together. if you looked at us you could never notice the difference, other than the fact that i wore mostly black, listen to metal and my eyes where a deep purple that i always loved!

"man i cant wait for science!" i said chuckling. "get to work with fire!!!" i barked slightly.

"cool man!" a fox in front of us said.

"sup jame?" i asked the red fox.

"mah yeah know, homework." he said holding up a 3 page packet with half finished.

"good look man!" cody said laughing.

"hey!" a dobi said running up giving the fox a hug.

"hey shanon" me, cody and jame said.

"hey cutie's!" she said licking jame's ears. "what my fave huskies up to?" she asked looking back at us giving us high paws.

"meh, listing to haydens 'music'" cody said rolling his eyes.

"hey! NEA is a great band!" I said and slightly pushed him.

the rest of the ride went buy fast. as soon as i knew it, we were at school.

"have a nice day!" the buss driver said to us as we exited the buss.

"crap! i got to go!" i barked and ran from the group waving at them trying to get to my class. on my way to science i notice a white fox getting bullied. he had some blood on his muzzle and was curled up on the floor. 5 huge wolves around him laughing and calling him a fag. "HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" i yelled pushing one. i moved back farther that he did.

"oh look at this homo." one of the wolves growled punching my gut than though me against a locker.

"guess we gotta teach him a lesson as well!" the other said and pinned me up by my throat. i was to weak to push or fight back, i had no choice, i had to ride this out.

"hey i got a idea.. lets carve this into him!" the biggest wolf said walking over with a knife. he slowly cut my flesh writing Faggot into my skin. i yelled in pain as the blood dripped onto the floor. just as i did a teach ran out and thew the wolf to the ground. Mr. rose was a big buff bear, he could lift anything!

"LEAVE THESE KIDS ALONE, OR I WILL BRING IT UPON MY SELF TO DISAPLIN YOU!" he yelled. the wolves got a look of horror as he yelled. they ran with their tails between their legs.

"oh, you need to get you to the nurse." he said picking me and the artic fox up and over his shoulders, than everything went black.

"hey! Hayden, please hayden wake up!" i heard my brother call out. i opend my eyes and he licked my cheek. "thank god!" he said and hugged me tightly.

"hey bro." i said.

"are you really?" he said. i tilted my head confused.


"are you really.. you know." he said than leaned to my ear whispering "gay?" he backed away and my eyes went wide.

"n..nn." as hard as i tried i couldn't say no. i knew i loved that shepherd. "yes." i sighed and looked at my brother. i always had a crush on him. he was skinny, muscular. and most girls would be all over him. he tried to set me up with one before but i always passed. than i though about it more. i always looked at the guys in the locker room, always getting myself a little hard. "yes, yes i am gay." i said as a tear fell.

"oh thank god." he said hugging me tightly. "i though i was the only one." he said chuckling. "but at least you told me." he said and rubbed my good arm.

"wait, your gay!" i said looking at him confused. he just nodded than the nurse walked in.

"well, you'll be okay. you can go home." she said and walked out.

-that night-

"Hey, cody?" i said blushing slightly.

"yea- WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR FUR!" he barked and looked at me in awe. my fur was now purple and black, instead of White and black.

"you like?" i asked showing him my full body.

"yeah! looks really good." cody said. i notice that he was looking at my sheath a little longer that one should. thats when it dawned on me. something just pulled me into him. i walked up to him and kissed his lips. i pulled him down to the bed and stripped him of his cloths. we rubbed up each others bodies. his muscular one over my thin body. before i knew it, we were covered in cum, knots pounding and muzzles locked together.

-year latter-

"12, 13......" i heard my coach call out. "COME ON HAYDEN! ONE MORE REP... 14! good job" he put the wights back and patted my muscular, sweat covered back. "man you really bulked up." he said and rubbed my head.

"thanks coach!" i said and flexed. i had big biceps, noticeable six pack and stronger legs! i have always wanted this body to defend myself with. now i finly got it!

"YOU HAYDEN!" i heard my brother call out and he ran up to me. "Happy Birthday!" he hugged me tightly than stepped back. "you smell so bad right now! but heres your present." he handed me two tickets to see Never Ending Apocalypse live!

"THANK YOU!" i hugged him tightly.

"shower, than hug me!" he said. i blushed and ran over the the showers. i cam back with a new pair of cloths on and we headed to the concert. little did i knew, that show would change my life forever.